tomorrow is friday if we don't do it tonight then it's likely we won't until sunday
I know ... Sorry Thursdays are the ideal night for me to be our late with friends because we're all downtown for school. Out late even. I should have left earlier because I'm going to have to walk home from the subway station instead of being able to catch a bus. That's mostly why I'm going to be so late getting home.
Honestly there's a non-zero chance I'm going to miss the last train of the second one I need to catch to get home easily. I'll let y'all know if that happens.
Okay I'm catching the last train, am not missing it. I'm still like 30-40 minutes from home though ;_; Do you two want to watch anything while I'm getting in? I wouldn't mind.
>>696125 That would be good, we need more people. I was afraid it was going to die due to lack of people once ika left.
i want to point out that this is kannagi's "ugh im awake i dunno what i wanna do" hour we need to recruit her into the anime fold the time lines up sec let me get mayo
I need to check back in with Ika but from the sound of it he wants to come back. Anime seems to be a bit much for him in the immediate though.
>>696162 no i ended up putting on livestreams of super mario maker for that instead and just muted it >>696163 at least we'll have something that's good
;_; Thank youuuu I can't promise I won't be out late again next Thursday but I'll almost certainly leave earlier so I don't miss the last bus.
I'm willing to pop in for some anime. Although I'll be part way into something but I've watched enough anime to figure plot out I guess!
hi kannagi! that's okay; having you along for the ride is still good we'll only be doing one episode though we'll usually start about two hours ago, and watch four or five, ending about now
>>696171 carole and tuesday, episode 9 by [PAS] try to get it quick and orange up with us when you do! that'll be our ready signal, and when rika closes her post we all start
Got it
Premise is humans have colonized Mars, two girls on Mars want to make music.
The artstyle is cute. Colonized mars looks pretty low tech too
Oh yeah Moon did you want to try out Beelzebub-jou? I know you wanted a fuller anime night and Rika's already seen it. Sounds like Kannagi hasn't watched it either and I think she might find it cute too.
Oh, lemme download it.
You can just grab the first few episodes, I don't think we'll be doing more than one or two.
kannagi what did you think of carole and tuesday there were some other episodes of this talent segment i was thinking of showing you some clips but if you were going to watch from the start, that would be a better experience >>696218 as a group we watch almost everything for the first week of the season, then drop about 1/3 to 1/2 the stuff and keep it at about, i dunno, 20 shows a week? as a goal we tend to watch four episodes a night sunday - thursday (monday morning - friday morning for me and you)
tilde might have a full list i'm watching this season's precure on my own because nobody else wants to
kimetsu no yaiba is probably AOTS i like mayonaka a lot, a sort of supernatural mystery i can't really think of ones that need special mentioning
>>696217 I liked it, I might watch it from the beginning, yeah. What are you all watching this season?
>>696217 Oh I'll watch precure with you! I've been a sporadic fan of precure. Wow thanks for all the information. I think I should be able to join in! >>696220 Thanks!
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Carole & Tuesday Ace of Diamond Dororo Fairy Gone Fruits Basket Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kenja no Mago Kimetsu no Yaiba Kono Oto Tomare! Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin One-Punch Man RobiHachi Sarazanmai Senryuu Shoujo Sewayaki Kitsuno no Senko-san Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
I did not in fact have a full list hah hah.
Oh and Black Clover. That doesn't show up on the place I get my anime information from anymore.
>>696219 yeah ive always been a precure fan star twinkle started last season and it's still running this season i can't really say much about it, this shows been running for two decades plus so it is what it is i kind of expected rika to be interested but i guess not
Fruits Basket bears praise I believe. It's an adaptation of course but it's faithful to the original manga and really carries that same wholesome, heartfelt feeling the series had.
Sarazanmai is an original series from Ikuhara, the director of Penguindrum, Utena, Yuri Kuma Arashi. It's been fantastically weird.
Dororo is a cross between a faithful adaptation and slight re-imagining of an old Tezuka manga that's been really engaging for me so far.
Carole & Tuesday you just watched.
Those are probably, along side Kimetsu like Moon mentioned above, the highlights of the stuff we're watching. There's a bunch of other pretty good stuff though like Senko-san, RobiHachi, Hitoribocchi, Tate no Yuusha, Mayonaka.
this is what we have though. <- it's gotten really sugary. i know it's precure, but, like nagisa was a really delicate balance of plainness and some hard-to-detect sugariness they've long since jumped that ship
>>696224 Oh Dororo got adapted, thats pretty interesting, it isn't a bad manga, I think it was pretty weird Wow I'll check them out, tah for the recommendations
>>696226 I think Futari de precure and Heartcatch were a lot of fun for me. Hartto Catchi I haven't seen this one but I can certainly give it a go.
some of these shows i also need to catch up on because i joined on episode 6 or episode 18 or something so let me know and i'm happy to join
The trope of trope of falling awake, sounds like it would be scary
I can't think of any time I've fallen awake. Some times when I'm dozing off my body will jolt like it's suddenly weightless though. That usually shakes me awake a bit.
Wow Oh she is the mofu mofu leaders *leader
Yeah she just likes to sleep surrounded by the MO FU MO FU
The chibi form makes me think of Sora no Otoshimono
Yeah I see what you mean.
This series kind of feels to me like a CLAMP show on pastel steroids.
He doesn't have very long arms and legs so you'd figure that out!
Yeah but the girls in this show have long legs! Aside from the little one. Even the shota has kind of long legs. Mullin's just a tiny man.
wai wai >>696248 I've never encoutered it but I've heard people say so.
Hah hah hazukashii
Work hard for the head-pats. wow lewd
Some people are just disaster sleepers!
Fu fu
She reminds me of Maou-jou de Oyasumi perhaps a little less bed obssessed and softness for sleeping sake.
Pandemonium has really gotten all pastel-y and colourful.
Ah Inu, Ah Hato~ >I'm losing confidence >her utter incompetence in the face of cute and soft
Cute is justice!
Just people casually spying on their conversation in the middle of the street oh no did she run off into the red light district
They're not the oppai I'm looking for!
a kabe don! Yeaaah haha
Kabe Don's are too powerful
They can even defeat the ruler of Pandemonium!
How powerful, the number one technique for getting heartos That was pretty cute. It does feel a little like clampish
Yeah there's something I can't quite put my finger on that makes me feel that way. I really enjoyed this series when we were watching it when it was airing.
I haven't watched anime in ages now, I need to watch it more. I've probably missed a whole bunch of good series
There's been some good stuff that's aired recently! This season's probably been the best in a while for really solid stuff though. Kimetsu, Carole & Tuesday, Sarazanmai, Fruits Basket, Senko-san. A whole bunch of fun things to watch.
>>696268 Oh I glazed over Fruits Basket, is that a new season or remake?
It's a new adaptation of the original manga. From what I've read it intends to adapt the manga in full, rather than the original anime's partial adaptation. I 'm pretty sure it'll be airing at least two seasons, so one more after the one we're currently in ends at the end of June. But my memory of the manga is fuzzy enough that I can't remember if it would need more time to adapt properly. And from what i've seen so far they're not rushing things or docking parts. It's been a wonderfully faithful adaptation.
I read the manga a long time ago but it might be fun to watch the new adaptation, I fruits basket era anime reminds me of Ouran host club and similar stuff around that time.
Yeah they're both kind of from that golden era of shoujo manga. I like that it's an accurate adaptation too, like they haven't moved the time period forwards at all. So you get all those fun pre-cell phone Japanese payphones and other bits of culture that's smack out of the late 90s/early 00s.
I want to re-read it now, and I kinda wanna re-read skip beat too now.
Thanks for the anime though, do we move from this anime thread or do you use a new one each time?
Yeah, Rika usually makes up an anime thread at around 00:20-00:45 EST. So a new one each time, yeah. We tend to not watch anything over the next two days, but Rika said she might be able to show up for one of those days. If you're on /moe/ just check the first two or three threads to see if it's an active anime thread; it's rare that we get pushed down lower than that.
Yeah everytime there has been an anime thread, there is one active if barely alive non-anime thread below. Thats about early morning for me when you start, just right when I wake up. but I should be able to join in.
It's late at night in North America! Most people are asleep. The general thread definitely sees more activity during the day.
>>696275 Well even if you show up for the back-half of the shows or miss the first one, we'd be happy to have you along. Don't spring out of your nice comfy bed on our account.
oh wait EST is 4 hours behind not oh nah, we have BST. the clocks go back in october for us.
It might be EDT right now? Sorry Daylight Savings Time is such a fucking piece of shit.
London's five hours ahead of me right now, the UK only uses one timezone, right? So we'd be starting on average around 05:45 your time.
We use GMT. in summer it is BST British Summer Time >>696278 Yeah I wake up about 6am I can get a quick coffee or tea and start my computer up for anime in the morning.