My tears don't falllllll they crash around meeeeeeeeeee
>>696423 it really does look like something from a saw movie I bet they release piranhas in there or something. Or a wave machine that pushes people over the edge
"don't" is a negative enforcement it's more like "make good posts" that'll be a positive enforcement and can carry to the subconsious easier trust me I know these psychology tricks
lol nah i'm going to be leveling with others also priests really aren't that bad, you get a few luxuries others don't and being healer is valuable to others
if people got it right it would help a little, but i'd still be a self-conscious wreck either way i don't really seem to have a base state that isn't either feeling persecuted or feeling guilty, there's no middle ground
>>696536 I visited two houses! both of them were alright, but it started raining on the way to the second house so I'm a bit wet. I'm home now. waiting to hear back about a partial furnished place since that'll be better than a unfurnished especially in terms of covering the cost of washing machine, bed, mattress and fridge/freezer >>696537 >>696538 Heyo!~ Hows it going?
>>696539 Meh for me I'm really stressed out because i lose my health insurance in November.
>>696539 I was thinking about buying a space-efficient washing machine from amazon. theyve got some for under 100 dollars, with spin dryer on them too they're a bit delicate, but if you treat them well they do good work
there's also manual tumble-washers and spin-dryers by hand that look kind of fun. we could probably save a little money on that, if you want but we'd need at least a full-size mattress i dont really want to share a twin size
>>696540 Oh that sucks. Do you not get to renew it? >>696541 I've been thinking that if I can't afford it I'd get a washing rack and drying rack. but then I'd probably be better to get a washing machine with the flat/house.
MATTRESSES are so expensive! So so so expensive.
>>696542 In the US, when you turn 26 if you are getting health insurance through your parents' employer they won't cover you anymore I'm applying for government aid and might get Obama care but there's a good chance it won't cover all my meds
want some coaching? this tool can help you practice a little bit, but efficiency certainly isn't the most important thing group play is a good chance to learn too, since we'll probably talk about the game some
Don't worry Kannagi I picked up the game literally less than a month ago.
i think some of the milestones for me as a beginner were to get rid of my attachment to honor tiles and forming triplets
without knowing the yaku, i basically used dragon tiles or toi toi (all triplets) ad a crutch because i knew those would work even if i called on things open hands (hands where you've called on other tiles) are really cheap though, and triplets are really inefficient if you want a closed hand to riichi
toy around with that efficiency trainer for like 10 minutes and you'll get an idea of how to make good hands fast, keeping furiten in mind. with average luck, you can usually riichi in 7-10 turns with a reasonably good wait. the trick is to overcome that urge to hold onto a bunch of pairs, thinking you can incorporate triplets into your hand. seven pairs is an OK hand but it's not a hand that you want to plan on. it's a hand that you resort to for safety when the game gets late, or when you just start out with five pairs or something
i'm sure you know tan yao (all simples), just using 2-8 of the tiles and not using any honor tiles or 1 / 9 terminal tiles the bronze room strategy is usually to go for tan yao every game and call on everything you can to get there quickly. it's only 1000 points that way, though if you can just make a normal closed hand and incorporate tan yao, that's one extra han which is good points. the upside to this is it's just a bonus, you're not committed to tan yao. if you get a 1 or 9 or wind tile that you can use effectively, you can adapt and do that. but closed tan yao is a reasonable thing to plan for almost every average hand (average as in the starting hand isn't really close to something better)
are you familiar with pinfu? if you can do the above and plan on closed tanyao most of the time, then start being perceptive of when you can make your hand pinfu as well. that involves having no triplets (all sequences), having a pair worth no fu (as in not dragon tiles or the bonus wind tiles, but regular wind tiles ar
The efficiency trainer was pretty fun! I don't know if // how accurate it is for how random the tiles it produces are. >>696562 Thats a lot to take in but It is pretty useful! I need to really take more time learning the terminology and stuff. I mostly glazed over it in the past but it is pretty interesting. I tend to just make sequences like 1-2-3 or pairs 4-4 and try to the dora in and red 5 and not use discards to use a riichi
>>696560 --regular wind tiles are fine) and having an open wait for your riichi so for example, you could have 2
234 man, 678 man, 345 pin, 88 pin for your pair, and then a 56 sou, waiting on a 4 or a 7 if you get the 4 or 7, that would be pinfu worth one extra han. riichi, closed hand, tan yao, pinfu is four han by itself. with one dora or any other han, it's a mangan. and it's also a really easy hand to set up and adjust, so waiting for a dora can be really easy, ot making little adjustments like having 223344 man for an extra han, anything you can do for bonus.
on average it's a pretty decently scoring hand, but it frequently has extra han to it that make it huge. i get 18000-24000 point hands like this all the time just from like having a red dora or two, getting ippatsu off the riichi, stuff like that.
it sounds like a lot to take in but thats because i really bad at communicating stuff. when you try it out, it'll seem really intuitive i think!
what's nice is that by doing stuff like that, you're rewarded for going with things statistically more likely to happen instead of trying for rarer things >>>/watch?v=jcwmRszThBI
this guy is a really insightful player you can check out the first couple minutes of this where he's talking about tile efficiency
terminals are obviously less than ideal since you have fewer waits on a 12 than you do on a 23, for instance but also there's strategy before that, in choosing what "blocks" to set up like 3-7 is the ideal region, since 3 has 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 that can set it up for a wait 2 has one fewer, and so on
i am bad at communicating. i take simple ideas and make them overly complicated because that's how they make sense in my head, but there's an easy way of understanding pinfu it's just not how i organize information internally
I made one hand with that thing. Its got of a bunch of interesting stats, although efficiency being 451/473 is just confusing to me. >>696563 I don't think it was your bad at communicating, I'm not great at absorbing a lot of things, I mostly learn when I beat it into my head.
I can see your train of thought a bit, I understand it but It // for me I don't always get a feel for adapting ideas to practice in my own head, it makes learning programming a pain for me.
pinfu is basically getting 1 han for making a hand that contains no fu mahjong scoring involves han and fu. han are the larger structures of your hand, like tanyao or honitsu or riichi, those sorts of things the fu is the scoring that gets multiplied by the han, based on the individual melds and waits of your hand.
sequences are not worth any fu. triplets are worth fu. pairs are only worth fu if they're dragon tiles or bonus wind tiles. terminal tiles (1/9) are worth fu. then your wait on a winning tile is worth fu. if you have a closed wait, 4_6 waiting on a 5, that's worth fu because it's a harder wait. if you have four melds and you're waiting on a winning tile that completes a pair, that's worth fu.
that's why pinfu has those weird conditions. sequences only, no dragon pair, and you have to be on an open wait (45, waiting on 3 or 6 for instance)
also i apologize, terminal tiles are not worth fu. im not sure why i included them
>>696564 yeah, 27 discards is a really long wait the game will end before you get there that way. you might have like a four and a pair of fives or something, and think you need either a 3, 4, 6 to complete that meld so you might throw away a 2 or a 7 or something but really trying to just hoard "useful" tiles should help you get there faster. it might be better to get rid of a pair of 1s that are isolated than to discard some other number tile and cling on to those 1s hoping for a triplet. triplets are pretty rare. if you're incorporating triplets into a lot of your hands, then you're waiting on rare hands a lot. they're also troublesome because there are fewer tiles to complete that meld.
even a 2, 4 closed wait on a 3 has four potential tiles to complete it. a 3, 3 waiting on a 3 has two potential tiles that can complete it, and they're likely in somebody else's hand because 3-7 are valuable tiles that people don't want to get rid of
Aaaah it was so satisfying getting gold 9 times in a row and then I broke the chain
I've improved a bit. Although I can't seem to get below 11 discards on average These stats update every time you bring a hand to ready. Ready Hands: 9 hands Tiles Discarded: 103 tiles Average Discards Until Ready: 11.4 discards Optimal Discards: 75 discards Optimal Discard Rate: 73% (75/103) Efficiency Acquired: 2187 tiles Potential Efficiency Acquirable: 2314 tiles Overall Efficiency: 95% (2187/2314)
im kind of on a loss streak lately i was rank 390 and was 95 rank points from hitting expert 1 but ive been kind of compulsively playing and not paying attention, just an idle thing to compensate some stress now ive dropped to adept 2 and almost to adept 1 and im under rank 1000
that's okay though. since ive dropped down im trying out some different strategies that im not as good with, or trying to just go for some WOW hands a couple times ive had like 12000-point hands that i could have tsumo'd on but discarded it to chase a yakuman just seeking the gratification really
>>696571 I haven't had much lucky lately. but it is fun way to pass the time.
maybe i need to make a mahjong thread so the main thread isn't always getting smothered
I napped a good bit of the afternoon away. I didn't get good sleep last night so man I needed that.
FUCK /moe/ I spent all this time making a fucking speech outline over the topic of how humans and animals evolved to feel fear but there's literally ZERO fucking information on the internet about this specific topic >>696577 I was hoping scientific journals would come up in google
also I've gone like more than a month without saying "for you" on here I think I'm improving on being less obnoxious
man i think i underestimated how evolutional i would be getting with this speech definitely gonna alienate a lot of my classmates
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
are they creationists?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
what the fuck this reminds me of my evolution course at a STEM university where like half the class didn't believe in evolution because they were from muslim countries
people who don't believe in evolution are apes
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm pretty sure I've known bio majors who are creationist which is really fucked up
To be completely fair and equitable, there are also lots of pastors and stuff who believe in evolution
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>696604 yes, I'm aware but that's ] >>696606 only if you believe that they are required to take the bible literally which is fucked up in of itself
>>696613 I think its beyond help at this point and I just kinda have to bullshit it together. I am being driven to have a "point" to my speech and something for the audience to gain out of it, beyond just information of the topic so I'm diddling it into being one-half bio/philosophical/hisorical bullshit, and one-half modern day uses and places in society for fear to exist and one-half self help book about why you should face your fears uwu
It's okay, I just asked if I could leave somebody a message anyway I realized I didn't let anyone know I would be gone. I thought anime group might waste time waiting for me you sure he'd me a lot though but oh well it cant be helped
one of my colleagues pranked another one into thinking she was drinking urine today well a few people were involved they put ice tea in a urine test cup and then she drank it in front of the other person it was so distressing to her that she had to leave the room because she felt sick it was kind of mean but the victim is gonna get them back somehow my workplace is really homey everyone is just always bantering and fucking around but everyone is really supportive of each other it's a great place to work
fuckin' INSANE friday night 2.5 hours in the gym then enough homemade mice chili to put myself in a food coma while watching old jontron videos >>696632 it's nice that you have that in your life.
That crazy MMPI I was talking about the other day was really helpful clinically. Turns out the dude was told by a shaman in brazil that he's haunted by three ghosts and one of them are trying to kill him and believes it, which explains some of the scores. We wouldn't have known to look at that without the MMPI, though. It felt really rewarding. We also caught a lot of suicidal ideation and we decided to move him up from IOP to PHP without charging him more.
>>696652 I was able to get a referral into the PHP program but it took quite a bit of fighting I have a feeling they'll do the assessment and then move me out of the program. The inpatient experience seems like it mischaracterizes me and a lot of the documented things from the interview with the social worker and the physician are inaccurate. i'll be starting PHP monday morning if im able to get a ride and it might last a couple weeks, or maybe not
>>696654 I'm really happy for you! I hope it works out. I tried calling while you were gone but you were right about how wishy washy their desk staff are.
right? you see what i was dealing with i wasn't making moles into mountains it's just really frustrating
they also marked down ecstasy in my drug test, which i have never done it was clearly a false positive from the bupropion doctors dont like it when patients think they know what they're talking about though but don't want to factor in the history of alcoholism i disclosed to them which increases chromosome p450 count which is used to metabolize wellbutrin, so previous alcoholics will metabolize it faster pushing it above the 300micrograms/ml threshold that the emit II is going to flag as ecstasy but fuck im just a dumb patient with issues what did i just google it before i came in, i guess so
so they wouldn't give me the adderall that i said would help control my compulsions since i explained the walgreens thing though and how they screwed up my ativan script, they gave me ativan though which i didnt want because ive been clean of it for a long time, and had none in my system when i went in according to the drug test
so i came in, they sedated me before interviewing me, said i seemed ok and sent me to CMH where they printed me out a four-page packet from about how to breathe when having a panic attack at cmh they set me up with an assessment for PHP on monday and they gave me a three-day supply of my scripts but their three-day supply of adderall was three 20mg pills when im prescribed 20mg twice a day so i got a day and a half of it. they gave me the number to their affiliated urgent care clinic which is also a church, and said to call them if i had any issues between now and my monday assessment but the urgent care clinic is closed friday saturday and sunday anyway
the doctor at CMH asked me stuff i couldn't answer while sedated like asking me to describe my thought disturbances and invasive thought patterns and she wrote down that i report having spiritual visions but what i said was that i have concerns of schizophrenia in family history bec
>>696656 because my dad had it and my southern baptist family says that certain members of the family have a "gift" of visions, but are the type of people to not go to doctors
there's a lot of unfortunate or concerning or entertaining things that happened, and as much as i want to talk about them, i feel an uncomfortable compulsion around it because i'll be seeking validation that leaves me unsatisfied at the end of the day and it doesn't mean anything and makes me feel worse about myself so i am just going to restrain myself from complaining about it
i think it's irresponsible to simply sedate someone before evaluation though, then send them home i can't stay sedated all the time and still function
yeah, that's really irresponsible CMH and psych ERs often seem to be really janky
their primary function is to resolve my immediate crisis though so i understand why but between the four identical interviews i had, something else inaccurate popped up every time, whether it was my occupation or duration living here or whatever the social worker documented that i use marijuana daily for some reason ive used it maybe a dozen times in my life i said that i used it to help with nerve pain and relieve anxiety so she interpreted that to mean i use it every day
idk i got the appointment i needed to help me establish access to healthcare and that's what i really needed so i guess the rest doesn't matter i just hope they didn't permanently fuck anything up by being careless in documenting and assessing i think any future doctor would recognize the false positive on bupropion
yeah at our php they would catch that because they'd do additional labs and stuff and they'd do an intake without knowing anything other than reason for referral we don't review the referral source's intake usually because they're not trustworthy (unless it comes from a source we know is good)
hopefully this gets you what you need i wish i could do more but im rooting for you
does your phone work? i got my first ever business card and i wanna show it off to my friends
yeah, my phone works i won't be able to appreciate it until i can stop seeking validation for myself though so i will wait to look at it until later and figure out a healthier way to get these feelings out of my system
i need someone else to do the heavy lifting around here to change the tone though
those aren't contacts her eyes are fucking massive very disproportionate it's some battle angel alita shit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
hrrrrmmm maybe some anime eye camera filter then
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
either that or its a sort of optical illusion like thing I don't feel like actually checking out the image and comparing them to other human faces though
There's make-up tricks you can use to create the image of your eyes being larger than they biologically would.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>696674 I thought it was that at first but the actual eye socket is bigger than her nose
i think it's just the editing there's artificial glare on the pokeball and skin airbrushing and added contour/shading on the lip creases eyes probably just boosted too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
well not the whole nose but part of it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>696676 well its obviously edited but the video also has the hueg eyes
oh there is a video i didn't see that underneath
it's not impossible to edit that as a video but it doesn't seem likely yeah it's also not impossible to have eyes that big. iirc some asian models have done surgical stuff and use big contacts yeah or she could be mother horse eyes
>>696679 yeah I thought that might be the case but I don't know how those eyes end up looking in reality so I didn't want to suggest something I'm not familiar with
she has normal eyes in her twitter profile pic though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm looking at older pics of her and her eyes appear normal'
looking at it enlarged im p sure it's just makeup it's shaded in such a way where it makes the lower eyelids look like part of the eyeball and artificial contouring from the shading on the sides
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm really >>696684 yeah but the actual visible part of the sclera combined with the irises is bigger than most of her nose err part of her nose I don't know what to call that part anyways the irises are also very big so she must have at least anime contacts or its a smart camera filter thing
fuck accidentally closed the post anyways you can't see the rest of her face in this one but I think her eyes look smaller in it but it might be a combination of eye surgery and make up although if she did have the eye surgery I think she looked better before some plastic surgery just shouldn't be done
>there are people on /moe/ who didn't get anime eye surgery
if you're on your way home from work and you have a loving housewife preparing a delicious meal for you to return to i hope you wouldn't be an asshole and grab fast food on the way back
That will never be anyway, perhaps in my dreams
WHo THE FUCK is posting my girl vivid vision on weeb ass imageboards
hey dutch hisashiburi (or not because I'm fucking retarded and can't identify anons other than tilde and jan)
>>696740 Leaving at the beginning of october, so about four more months >>696741 I was here a few days ago, but you weren't here. At elast I don't think so Been a while indeed. My research is slowly starting up at the moment, can make a few thin films next week
like he responded to a post about him lmao how hard can it be >>696742 are you goin back to the nether regions
thats what, october what's the weather like there at that time of year
No idea to be honest, but so far the weather is not too different from NL except a little bit hotter. I assume it will be like autumn in NL Oh back home Autumn is usually fairly chilly 10-15C I think and lots of rain
i meant back home haha
i like rain rain is nice especially when it's just rain and not too rough of winds, just like a calm shower
It's not so nice when you have to cycle through it sadly. When I get back home I have to cycle about 45-50 minutes one way to get to university unless I get my own place again
pusssshaw it's not so bad i cycled across a few states before and there was plenty of rain
It's not too bad indeed, but can still be pretty shitty especially since most of the time they are quite heavy showers in NL Here in japan I've only cycled through two heavy showers, the third was really mild
i just remembered i was kind of wondering, do you still have lobster on steam ive been trying to get hold of her but i think she thought i was just a steam bot and declined and blocked or maybe just didn't want to add me which is fine
I just checked and doesn't appear so. I think I removed her a long time ago Don't you have her email or something like that?
yeah but it's doubtful that old email is being monitored really whereas i know activity occurred on steam to decline the requests it's not a big deal, i would like to chat but im not gonna be weird about it
thanx anyway
No worries broseph. Maybe they will come back here someday, but seeing as they aren't they prolly don't want to talk to us/you.
he should be infy on steam i think lobster should be crs
i dont think sugoi is ever set to online though he's either off steam or invisible probably invisible but pretending like he's never on that seems like him
We were gay lovers of course do don't blame me I'm still Device on there with the beautiful Nase Izumi as my avatar Should be able to find me through some moo friend lists, since my name is not exactly rare on steam
Though I never really have steam open anymore
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I haven't had steam open in like two years at this point I'm too anxious to go back on I'll probably do it soon though
>>696765 all good i don't plan on casual chatting anyway really never know when you might be looking for someone in the future though and might not frequent the same areas to catch them live
if i'm ever over in that area i'll message you and we can explore the nether lands together or somethin
>>696769 A man of good taste, too. Check this kawaii girl out too: >>696770 That's been a really long time. I honestly don't really remember who he was anymore
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>696771 noice are those both yours? err is the second one yours i mean
>>696771 lmao i think you probably avoided talking to him as much as possible hope that dude found whatever he was looking for
>>696772 Yeah that domain is mine too. This particular page I stole from someone else though, but I wanted to conserve it for all of eternity. >>696773 Sounds like something I would do. He was pretty a huge faggot in that case or perhaps I had a stick up my bum
he was that every day drama dude that complained about /moe/ not being inclusive but he never tried to do anything besides complain about it or have bitch fits towards saku
prolly shouldn't be talkin about people but i was just thinkin about those old days and it came to mind
Nothing wrong with some memories bro. I think I am vaguely starting to remember now. He was the dude that supposedly got a car from his parents but hated them for getting him the wrong colour or something?
nope, nope, that was powell it was, uh he wanted a car but his parents used their money to take a vacation instead of buy him a car lmao how dare they use their own money on themselves
They are all blending together, I'm glad I only remember the nice people here
Yeah but I bet you don't remember ME
Of course I remember you anonymous
>>696773 I want her to comment down below, like, and subscribe, and make sure to hit that bell to get notifications.
please check out my patreon and i currently have a gofundme you can check out "here" at this link. also join the discord for my channel where we do giveaways weekly!
Once I get my paycheck I'll drop 1k in your next stream
>>696784 Better, but you also forgot to drop your crunchyroll subscription referrel link and a sponsorship advertisment from a vpn
be sure to leave a comment on my MAL and friend me on
guh I've got to autisticlly tweak the youtube algorithm so it only suggests me the Gud stuff
I am simultaneously glad I came out but also wish I stayed home.
>>696817 quite bullshit great sword deserves the top position
>>696809 I was having a really rough time moving and stuff but now it's all over and everything is A-OK
>>696821 Good. You've settled in nicely? Talked to the neighbours yet? I feel sick and that annoys me because it totally wastes the weekend
not my neighbors, but i've talked to my new roommates they're p cool they're like actualy adults and the house is like actually clean it's honestly amazing
>>696823 Your old room mates weren't adults? We got mice hanging around the kitchen
only by legal definition and certainly not by any other metric
r u a mice
I may be diseased but I'm no mice
>>696824 Does your dog ever eat them? My dog would eat mice, but whenever she did we had to take her to the vet because she was a small dig and in small dogs mice bones can penetrate the intestines.
>>696828 Nah they all hang out in this one cupboard that has a hole in it My dog's probably too much of a wuss to go for it even
There is a Japanese channel that is mostly Japanese OLs playing mahjong. It is kinda interesting but also boring when they don't speak or anything and some ojiisan is commentating slowly on it.
It's not about dissociating! Dissociation is the farthest thing from zazen! Zazen is about living completely in the moment and attending completely to the present. Zazen is about becoming one with everything!
Reading about it, It looks like the stuff they teach you at temple retreats with the guy walking around near you with a stick to hit you if you become distracted.
Yeah, zazen is the practice of zen. Of course, it's not all retreats. I do zazen every morning and visit a zendo every Sunday.
>>696888 I sit in full lotus until I can't anymore, which is usually about 30 minutes. Then I sit in half lotus. Actually, the way you sit isn't that important as long as your posture is okay. The zendo I go to has a guy that sits in a normal chair and another one that sits seiza with a stool. Because they have knee problems.
Seiza is easier than full lotus when you use a stool.
Sensei doesn't usually sit full lotus. He's like 70, so it would be hard for him. Sometimes he sits half lotus, sometimes burmese. The most important thing is the way your mind sits, though.
The first time I went to the zendo, everyone was jealous of how easily I can sit. But they're all 30-50 years older than me there, so it can't be helped.
>>696890 I didn't show anyone up! Their zazen is great, too. Zazen is just zazen, it doesn't matter how you sit so much.
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind is a really good book for learning how to sit. Appreciate Your Life by Meazumi Roshi is good, too.
All of the masters are really unique, though. Sensei, who is a zen master, is part of Maezumi's dharma lineage, and you can tell, but he's still really different. I like Maezumi because he's laughing or smiling in almost every picture. Sensei is always laughing and smiling, too. Sensei is really human. He always says zen is about smiling when you're happy and crying when you're sad. I really like it.
>>696892 Some ojiisan was behind a wall biting his thumb at your ease of sitting.
Not all zen is like that. Joan Halifax is a pretty famous zen master. Sensei studied under her for a while and hates her because she's not human. She acts like she's something special and doesn't have any human emotions. That's what sensei said, at least. There's a roshi in NY named Enkyo who he really likes. She's Maezumi lineage, too. One time he was on a retreat with her and everyone messed up their role in a ceremony and she walked up to the alter and said "let's FUCKING try this again!" and walked out.
>>696908 I think they try to emulate either some movie masters or some asian ones, who just act that way more due to culture less due to them being some zen master or a monk
Kirara π
>>696911 better answer might be "i don't know" "I don't know" is a pretty famous phrase in Japanese zen. It's what Buddhadharma said when asked why he came to the east
>>696912 that's how japanese zen is strict and stuff but we're in America, we're doing American zen Many of the people who are old and learned from the Japanese masters who came to spread Zen over the last 100 years are just like that. Although Maezumi Roshi wasn't like that even though he came from Japan to teach zen in America.
Maezumi Roshi was an alcoholic, too. He went to rehab for a while, even. But in the end, he got drunk and drowned in an onsen! I think that's a really great thing
>>696916 Yeah I just read about him having sex with some of his followers and being an alcholic and apparently some people found him more human for doing so. >>696920 Drowning sounds pretty bad to me
I have actually laid on a nailbed it was quite suprisingly comfortable and cleared a lot of built up tension in my back muscles
Kirara π
I'd rather get a massage
my cousin's husband got one to help his backpain so he brought it along and dared me to test it out getting out of it was quite hard without help >>696930 not that, but sharp enough that you could injure yourself
Kirara π
Are the nails sharp? I imagine not
point is, that they are so dense that you can never without trying have much force on one or two individual nails, so they could dig into you
something like a fork sharp
ahh only 27 today not 29 and it is smelling like a thunderstorm
>>696943 Florida sounds like it is hot, sunny weather nearly all the time. except when Hurricanes come knocking. >>696942 Yeah, I knew about that. we sometimes have some really cold moments when eastern winds come across that are cold.
Kirara π
>>696944 During the rainy season, it rains almost every day for at least 30 minutes.
>>696944 knowing the topography of europe helps you understand the weather a lot or well "mountains of europe" rather
>>696945 I don't think we have any particular rainy season, it rains lightly, heavy sporadically, either everyday or like a few days of shine. summer tends to have heavy rain after its hot.
our rainy season is in late autumn or early "winter", and might all come down as snow, though that hasn't happened in years and then there might be one in june, but that depends for example last year it didn't rain at ALL
>>696948 Thats a lot of rain, I don't really know the statistics for the UK The Met office site is pretty detailed with info though: Apparently I'm living in a rainy area
and fuck this map even with 3 people searching around it, it took us 20+ minutes last time to locate all the triggers and keys to get through it god howl ong it would take one person.
i don't see a problem with getting eaten after im dead personally it doesn't make sense to slather in formaldehyde so your body can't ever go back to the earth, instead isolated inside a concrete box
to be refused re-entry to the natural cycle is worse than the death that precedes it
might as well let a human eat you then if you're going by that
Kirara π
id like to be eaten yeah
>>696984 why a human >>696988 a worthless animal is much closer to the origin which is where i'd like to be a person with human goals and intentions is going to use my energy for a very pointed objective which i don't care about because im dead and might disagree with
Kirara π
>>696984 human won't give back to the world most of the time they'll squander you
someone with merit and credentials instead of some worthless no-name no-point animal
then die in the water. much more of a spread of resources that your body will give, many different species and even the flora will benefit. I'm getting my cold body burned to ashes regardless heh
shoot my body into space so that the ayys can study it
Cremation and burial are big wastes. They're worthless in every way possible.
Honestly, it's kind of pathetic how people try to cling to life even in death through burial and ashes. Live when you're alive and be dead when you're dead! Your name on a rock or your ashes in an urn or even spread out is nothing. What good does it do?
I've taken so much from the world to live this long. But it's all borrowed, really. I want to return it when I'm done with my life.
graveyards being overtaken by nature is quite the aesthetic
im okay with cremation but i want to be in the salt flats kirara i hope you'll remember that idk how to get my ashes to you but i'll try to sort that out
well whoever dies first, drag the other to a feeding grounds. don't even use a body bag since that might count as clinging to life in death
use my corpse in a prank
I'll just become a robot and live forever please
also a legit strat
fuck my arm popped out of place my knees are both fucking ruined and scraped to shit my foot is extremely fucked and near impossible to walk on hahahahha two nights ago was fucking WILD and I shitposted a TON here afterwards was fun. How was your thursday-friday /moo/
nah, there's gonna be some good nintendo stuff the next ass creed probably that fromsoft x game of thrones thing could be some good stuff
Sony isn't even gonna be there Nintendo will have a good showing Don't care for Eldin Ring because I'm an obsessive loser I wonder if we'll see Prime 4 gameplay or a DxM release date
>>697021 def no prime stuff, they just restarted the development from the beginning
>>697025 I bet it'll be like BotW and only come out juuuuuust at the end of the Switches life
>>697027 THey have been taking their time with it though, and the ps5 looms on the horizon
I really doubt that man. The Switch has been huge for Nintendo. If the Wii U had received the attention the Switch has Breath of the Wild definitely would have been a Wii U only game. And the Switch would have come out at least a couple years later.
Kirara π
the switch probably won't have an end of life for like 5+ more years especially considering they're releasing new versions of the switch
Kirara π
nintendo doesn't compete with sony and xbox anymore they're a separate thing people with a switch often also have a ps4 or xbone (or gaming computer) as opposed to when GameCube or wii were in direct competition with sony and microsoft nintendo created a niche and it's working great for them
Yeah, if anything, Nintendo competes with smartphone gamers, which is probably in part why you've been seeing an expansion of Nintendo products into the smartphone market. I've been seeing more and more people using their Switches to kill time on the subway or in downtime between classes at uni. Those kinds of people are probably who the Switch appeals best to, regardless of whether they play games "seriously" on a different console or PC.
Kirara π
oh, tilde the ass creed DLC has a lot of persia stuff in it which probably rules out a game set in persia pretty much all of the stuff that is in persia like assassination of xerxes just gets shown in cutscenes and stuff
Aw, that's lame. Come on Ubi you made a whole game series in Persia show it some love again.
why tf isn't there a prince of persia game using the asscreed engine
>>697032 also in cutscenes, the first hidden blade (which bayek inherit s eventually) is used on the outside of the arm? so the assassin doesn't lose any fingers from using it and im not quite done with legacy of the first blade but they haven't addressed it
so i wonder if bayek was just fucking dumb lmao
Could just be Bayek was a dumbass and strapped it to the inside of his wrist.
Kirara π
and then everyone else followed his dumb example for fucking 2500 years losing their fingers for a thousand years and none of them considered putting it on the outside??
although idk how the blade mechanism works on the outside of the arm it's like secured to a bracer
do they get them back after a thousand years they don't just lose them for good
That's kind of poetic though, following a tradition that wasn't even necessary all because it was believed to be mandatory. It even got twisted into a ritualistic thing by Altair's time too; seen as the Assassins swearing faithfulness to the Order. Works kind of perfectly.
aya in origin is a descendent of the assassin that killed xerxes and kassandra. the blade gets passed down like that. i wonder when it // when they forgot how to use it properly
Probably about the time Bayek was dumb enough to get his finger sliced clean off. I dunno maybe we'll see some other Assassins that get slotted into the time between Origins and the original game that illuminates it better.
>>697053 Yeah, maybe. But idk, it feels like they're done with this part of the world during that timeframe. Which seems weird to me. I'm fine with new parts of the world but I agree with you that staying in that area would be more thematically appropriate.
I'd still like a game set in Japan or during the Russian revolution or something. Japan is probably hard to do because it was closed off for so long and the west didn't get to influence it very much for such a long time.
>>697051 what if he never wanted to sing about assassins?
>>697058 So can you afford learning a songi n english?=
>>697055 They should just take a page out of Japanese fiction and have it take place during Nobunaga's march through Japan. It was a time that Europe was starting to slip into the country and there's so much mythic interpretation of Nobunaga's story that it's rife with opportunity for conspiracy and fake history.
how many verbs can I say this is unsuicidal this is fuckign best this is , if youi wanna play undertale and skip all the play therough, but get the BEST OF EVERYTHING do this