She's left the best impression on me so far. His step-mom's a nice lady but a bit too cake-y for me. The journalist is a TRAITOROUS BITCH. That one teacher is just kind of a normal bitch. The nurse is just lewd as hell. And we haven't really gotten anything about the blue-haired girl so who knows where she falls.
that light-hearted girl is okay but we havent seen much of her
Maybe it's that brat that's crushing on the Ojou. Let's him drive a stake in between the MC and Ojou and encourage her to rely on him.
I'm guessing she's just a tertiary character if she's getting her arc this early.
I feel like we haven't been presented with many alternatives though, for main heroine.
The main heroine is totally that silent girl who transferred in. The one the MC stripped himself for in the first episode.
This one here.
Oh so chronologically we're at about the time that dickbag employee of his stepmom's stole the data to set her up for ZETSUBOU. I guess this arc doesn't have more than a few days left in it then.
I guess this shady green girl could be a heroine at some point.
She's definitely got to be one of the arcs yeah. This series is two-cour and considering the first arc ran about four or five episodes there's probably enough time to run through all the girls we've seen interact with the MC.
Considering this bitchy teacher's relationship with the principal- Oh they're just being outright overt with the theory crafting I was about to make. We'll probably get a full arc with her dealing with the principal and his weird-ass hypnosis powers.
If he didn't know what he was thinking though maybe he was influenced a bit by the principal's hypnosis too.
Don't trust her Takuyaaaaaaaa She's a SNAKE
Well at least he set himself a checkpoint.
i wonder if it's worth playing the VN i havent done a VN in a long time i really prefer them
Well I've heard the original VN is complex as fuck. It's from the 90s or something too so there's a LOT of lewd. Like all the scenes we've watched where you could think "oh this could be a sex scene", IS a sex scene in the original VN hah hah.
It did recently get a remake with updated graphics (which these character designs in the anime take from) and a mild re-writing that tones down the lewd content to either take place off-screen or substituted for less-erotic events. I don't know if it also changes the VN routes and things like that beyond the lewd scenes though. But I also don't think the remake's been given an English translation, fan or official.
>>692284 I'm not really up to date on recent VN releases but we watched an adaptation of one a few seasons back, Island. It's got an interested time-reliant story thread and from what I've heard, some fairly lengthy character routes. There's an official English translation on Steam so whether you can/want to buy it or get it through means it's probably pretty easy to get an English translation.
>>692282 lewds don't bother me or anything, but they dont do anything for me either a lot of stuff i like happens to intersect that though so it's fine
Enta's such a jealous little shit. Schemes to sow division between his crush and the other guy in their friend trio and then acts like it's not his fault when he gets busted.
yeah what's a good show i can put on that doesn't require any dialogue but is pretty to look at when you guys leave i need stuff to watch but not listen to to get my through this next 15 hours
Time for some wholesome MUSIKKU
>>692317 Hm, I'll keep thinking about it over the course of the episode. Maybe Tsurune? It's a KyoAni show from a couple seasons back. Very pretty, premise is basically Free! but with traditional Japanese archery. It gets a bit drama-y at times but the animation is nice.
Oh they've dropped Gus' spiel that runs at the start of the episode.
Wow the asinine blogger made it through the preliminaries.
The preliminaries for this talent show were full of eccentrics but the main event also seems to be chock-full of 'em too.
bd and yet it's real like... all we hear is radio GaGa
>>692345 There was a short video I saw ... maybe last year? It was something really similar to what they did here. Somebody in their car opera singing over a rap song. It's not quite the same but it's in the same element.
mayve I might love you. jk I'd fucking rather die before I love another above my post
Carole & Tuesday's songs always have a super poppy folksy feel to them. They're pleasant but they really don't quite have the strange zing of stuff like OG Bulldog's. I mean I'd take their stuff over his anyday but it is more plain.
solly you need to calm down i am currently waiting on an intake day for hospitalization at the mental health facility because im really unhealthy mentally right now and im trying to survive just this next few days and it's really hard and ive got a massive workload to try to get through so i can pay rent tomorrow
you're making it raelly hard for me by talking about this stuff and laying this pressure on me and encouraging suicidal thoughts
i did add you please you're about to break me just stop for now i have to finish my work i wanted to enjoy anime with my friends while i could
>>692367 Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. It's very soft, very fluffy, nice and relaxing. Kind of has a classic CLAMP feel to the aesthetic without being all tied up in weird plots. Might be good for your background watching.