do they really let people bleed to death? like do they actively stop the person from bandaging it or is she really so bad at it that they bleed to death while she drinks a tiny bit?
i dunno if she everfeeds o ppl yhough i think the blood is harvested along with meat from humies yukari brings them
>>688484 but yeah she sucks at feeding, got coveted in blood and that is whete the name scarlet comes from ages ago and she can't sire vampires either because of that or something
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
does she definitely give them humans? I thought they had their own way of getting stuff from outside?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>688486 she would have to stand there for quite a while then wait actually does she go for the jgular?
how bout before you enter the endless dream, just have one salmon then you can potentially dream about eating a better cokked one cause my timing is way off when cooking this mf thing
Yeah, that sounds nice. Napping on a full stomach is a pleasant feeling.
>>688572 This is totally a good song for karaoke at a neon-lit bar tho. I need to get off my main song Bob Seger - Turn The Page someday merking that 2 hard
>>688612 yeah this is certainly a song for singing alone in a dimly lit bar while one other guy drinks by hismelf
Fuck that, have that bitch packed and belt that shit out for everyone to sob to, they'll get it soon enough. Either that or I sing some System of a Down Aerials hehhhh
so many people in the crowd but not one of them is jodyyyyyyyyyyyyy now for some other muppet to replacer
they say ravens were white until Apollo sent one to spy on a girl who turned out to be cheating on him he became so mad that he scorched the raven black and that's why they're black now
>>688647 I think it'd be quite beautiful if it just wasn't for them eyes
i was gonna have you pick out one of the mahjongsoul girls but i can't find a comprehensive list with their bios or anything besides in game but i found some english virtual youtuber playing mahjong soul and it hurts to watch i hope this trend doesn't grow people are really bad at it!
Yeah, I have meetings from 10-12 on Fridays at the clinic, and I'm going to be doing a group from 5-8 on Fridays, too. I don't actually have anything in between, but I will probably start seeing clients in that time since I gotta be there in the morning and in the evening, you know? I'll probably head over soon to try to get some stuff out of the way, stuff that's still kinda like orientationy stuff, I guess? Even if I'm not working much, it's a fun place to hang out.
i have a few more hours of transcripts and then ive got this neurology project then im gonna try to work on my paper im getting close and if im lucky i'll be able to sleep before // wait it's friday we probably dont have anime tonight thats right
it feels good to have a full schedule though i don't feel so unimportant
im listening to someone talk about one they had for like four years and how much they loved it they lived in a 20-foot shipping container in alaska and made it into a tiny home i had considered the prospect of building a tiny home and all but i didnt think about a shipping container they're heavy enough that they won't get blown away too. probably. could make some wind guards for it.
Shipping container homes are all the rage right now. They're becoming a lot more popular. People like that they're portable, too. And you can easily create a modular structure using them.
>>688679 portable is totally nice i never know where im gonna be these days! that would be handier than continually starting over time and time again modular structures huh, youre right about that i didnt consider that oh gosh im all aflurry with ideas
I think you need to have a good amount of money to get started with one, though. They're like 30k+, I think. You might be able to do it cheaper if you already have all the expensive tools they use to create windows and doors and outfit it for appliances, though. Although I guess you could just live in a basically unmodified one and just cook outside and wash your clothes somewhere else and stuff.
I found this online >There are two standard sizes for shipping containers: 20 x 8 x 8 ft. covering a surface of 160 sq. ft. and 40 x 8 x 8 with a surface of 320 sq. ft. A used 20-footer costs anywhere between $1,400 and $2,800, whereas a 40-footer costs $3,500 – $4,500. >You will also have to pay for labor (about $50-$150 per hour) and for the modifications needed to make the container livable. Expect to pay at least $10,000 for labor, more likely $15,000 per container. >There are some prefabricated shipping container houses sold for as little as $15,000. A big and luxurious house made of shipping containers can cost more than $250,000, but it’s still only a half of the price for a high-end home of a similar size.
Kirara 🍄
So if you could handle the labor yourself, maybe you could make the modifications and everything for like $10k?
i dont really see how it'd cost that much when the containers are 2-4 thousand i mean, over time making modifications to improve quality of life as they come sure, invest the time and money into small new projects, maybe 10k over a few years
but to be livable i think id have to lower those standards a lot i can't save up 10k
>Total cost comes in under AU$10,000. This includes steel posts in the ground, concrete, the container, kitchen and fibro/paint etc. (Editor’s Note: Fibro is compressed concrete sheets).
It looks like they glued wood to the inside walls of the container so they could create walls with insulation in them They also put in ceiling fans and whatever infrastructure is necessary for that and the other electric stuff Also steel rods and concrete to keep it stable
I assume a large amount of the cost was in appliances They got new appliances, so dishwasher, fridge, etc. doesn't look like they had laundry stuff but they have AC and a hot water heater they also built a little deck/patio area
And it says they also spent $35k on an off-grid solar thing to power their home and another house, so I assume these people were pretty loaded and didn't make many compromises when it came to getting everything they wanted
So maybe it really is possible to get one for like $5-6k
Kirara 🍄
you also have to pay for transport of the container and setting it up on the foundation you make which means renting/hiring a crane, i guess
It doesn't sound that unfeasible assuming you'll have a place to put it, like my backyard or whatever. If someone's going to let you put your house on their property, they can probably help support you until you get the money necessary to actually build the house.
Oh. I just remembered something. My friend was telling me about some town in Kansas where they're paying people to move out there because they're desperate for people. The town had like 700 population, he said. Marquette, Kansas, My friend said they're willing to work with you and might provide some money to help you get there and everything. He also said there was a similar thing in Colorado, but you had to be starting a business there or something. I don't know too much about it, just what my friend was telling me. He's thinking of doing the Kansas thing because he can't afford to live here anymore.
>>688693 that's kind of neat. kansas is tornado country though. my tornado chasing days are kind of over, but who knows colorado would definitely be more fun. kansas would be a nice place for an underground facility though but im sure they wouldn't help me set that up!
i could generate my own power i think for subsistent home but i dont think i could start a business out of it it's so dumb, i can't even afford patents or anything to make my stuff useful i bet this is how tesla felt gettin fucked over by edison all the time
i got invited to this discord by those friends i met in vrchat and it's like just all this kinda crap the whole way through these facebook tier normie things
like look at this stuff how does stuff like this even exist it's so hamfisted
people don't understand delivery at all it has to accomodate the content if you have something that's potentially funny but you have no funny way to deliver it then it probably shouldn't be done tuck it away and save it for a time when you can use it appropriately and catch people off guard
you can't take a subtle idea and then shove it into this old clunky delivery that you'd expect in a comedy routine or something it's cringey and uncomfortable
a lot of people don't understand that humor is a constructive, social process you'd think the prominence of Internet memes would have illustrated it to everyone but most people can't even figure out why it's funny to them
it's a good measure of channel activity in informatic systems it can be viewed as a precipitate from the level of stimulation of a messaging channel i think there are already a lot of theories of humor out there and im not sure it's really the most interesting thing to me
it's just kind of a recycling process to disengage a lot of extra stuff we carry around but dont need im not sure how people get so obsessed with memes and are still so bad at them at the same time you'd think you would learn how to package a concept appropriately through experience and it could be kind of resurgent-ironic funny to post things that have poor structuring but they're not doin that
it's people probably making memes and just shoving them on facebook with very low effort to try to grind out social merit or clicks or pageviews or whatever and not really having any meaningful engagement with the content like the market researchers who just say "oh people like this. we should do this." and you get all sorts of disasters
there's also just old people who have the old style structuring of humor in their heads so they take new ideas and put it in old packaging but you can usually kind of tell what those are. they feel as though there's a connection from A to B but they lack sensitivity to some more refined things like that barbie/GI joe thing you got texted haha
like it had a scene and it had some logical progression but just had no sensitivity about some things no old people would really think about and it was really hideously drawn but you can feel where the motivation came from and where the train of thought connected with a few blind spots other stuff just feels so sterile and awkward
like if youre gonna put a bunch of bottles together and wrap it up to look like a body, ok, thats fine taking the picture of you doing it is already pretty apparent. youve made it clear youre doing this just for fun to show off and not gonna actually put it out to be collected that way or something why do you then need to caption it explaining what you're doing if it's already evident but then you make the caption try to sound kind of natural or discreet like you're about to deliver a punchline it's so awkward it's like XKCD level bad
there are probably specific dimensions of a joke we could isolate e.g. structure, content, context, etc i think humor in general is so rooted in being a social process that your ability to produce humor would directly relate to your social aptitudes in some way, maybe even to the point that it can be related to intimacy or maybe intimacy is the wrong word, but i mean the understanding of relationships as an organic system between two or more people and how one or others influence that system
for example, someone who has that clunky delivery where they completely ignore the subtly that was established already, that might relate to a poor understanding of implicit communication between people, which is something that would affect how they relate to other people
reaching a certain level in understanding the structure of a joke (set up, delivery, etc), could potentially be a reflection of their social development
someone who laughs at the word "duty" in a serious situation and someone who laughs at "you made him a steak" would have different interpersonal presentations
i still laugh when i hear duty in certain contexts haha i think that's because of my job and my focus on linguistic interpretation and how often i think about how people aren't paying attention to what they sound like. that's a very ubiquitous element in my thought processes
what i think you're saying though, what it sounds like to me anyway, would fall under my framework of commutative structures in systems theory you should be able to extract [sic] a lot of information about how a person processes a joke, forms their own, and responds in a given environment or context
of course, because of the same thing we talked about before with synchronicity and all that, by "extract" i really just mean place distinct bounds on those ranges so that you could interpret for certain the scope of those elements precise analytics involves interpreting across a range, not extrapolating one qualitative possibility
a sort of humor forensics, i suppose? that's pretty much what im already doing in my systems work but just applying it to humor, which is kind of neat yeah of course im going to interpret what you're saying that way though because that's what i work on so it's naturally going to sound that way to me
like that GI joe thing, all the constituents of it to me just rub against the grain so painfully and it stands out like a sore thumb, all the pieces that are thrown in there carelessly but the person who made it doesn't operate within an environment where such concepts are meaningful enough to form a substrate. they don't have any causal weight for it to be a persistent consideration. i think you can intuit a lot about people by how they act and do things, not enough to make certain declarations, but enough that you can exclude things through cross referencing
thats what ive always done anyway. someone might say something and it just crosses something that doesn't fit into an earlier range so i can tell when something is off about it or surmise something about it, or tell w
or tell when people are lying about stuff*
Kirara 🍄
yeah, i think that makes sense i think the way you're interpreting it is correct i don't really know much about systems, though, obviously but it's interesting that we're kind of on the same page even though im coming at it from a completely different perspective than i suspect you look at it
well yeah, that's kind of the whole thing about commutability of systems it's rigorously defining characteristics of systems in general, so localizing it to a given system becomes increasingly easier and easier the more you know about it
i think about it a lot with surgery and urology, but it's been pretty handy in neurology and pathology too i'm really eager to start publishing but idk i worked like 60 hours this week i havent had the time to work on that stuff at all
Nioh 2 more like Nioh 1.2 with this gameplay I'm witnessing
People are streaming the closed alpha, it's actually pretty cool but you know, alpha build and all that.
>>688710 are you wantin to develop a diagnostic test for assessing patients give them a list of jokes and tell them to circle the ones they like and then to write one of their own at the end haha
Kirara 🍄
>>688712 lmao that'd be fun as hell i dunno the purpose of doin it, i just thought it'd be interesting
>>688716 a word/material bank to make a funny, a method of presenting it, and then like a selection of recipients to choose who they're gonna present it to see what jokes they think would be appropriate to tell a crowd of drunk people versus a cancer patient
Kirara 🍄
"sorry. according to our rating guidelines, you are Not Funny" >>688722 yeah that's important for sure
>>688723 i think it's a really good idea it would probably help build rapport with the provider too and prolly teach the providers not to be dumbheads who can't understand people
>>688727 i feel like that would happen a lot they'd just give the client the sheet and be like "yeah this is just somethin we have to do. idk why. it's gonna seem dumb but just bear with me we gotta do it" and give this whole bias before it's even administered and then screw it up during the administration like read off a joke and be like "i dont even get how this is a joke"
i think it's a really good idea though. it doesnt even have to measure anything it just sounds fun but i could design tests like that that measure communicative ability rigorously ones without interpretation bias, which idk if such things exist now i dont think it would be credible for measuring their perceptiveness to the environment other than just general clues about where to probe further
and though it's not rigid, i think humor tells a lot about a person's sense of persecution as well you can get pretty hyperfocused on things that youve been persecuted for in the past, so a lot more stimulation occurs around the recognition and apprehension around the elements with that callback
so you end up a lot more invested in identifying situational absurdity where other people havent some jokes you see people try just have no sense of discretion at all you can tell that person probably has never had to hide anything their entire life out of persecutory fear
>watching Nioh 2 and there's already a fucking boss song that gives me a headache guess I'm muting that shit there rofl god my head hurts
I'm really hungry, but I can't go home until 8:00. I guess I'll have to start bringing something to eat on Fridays. Fish is going to get mad if I eat dinner at work every Friday, though.
Maybe bring something small you can snack on in the afternoon that'll tide you over until you get home?
eh, not really. The Escort Ships are too loli for me And these other new lewd artworks aren't doing much for me
>>688759 he said loli crowd not lolicon crowd they are pandering to a crowd of lolis
The lolicrowdcon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The emotes in Mahjong Soul are a lot of stupid fun. It's impressive how much of a conversation you can have with just them.
yeah that's one of my favorite things as little as it is, it really lets me connect with the other players sometimes i get pretty close to tilting but the emotes help me feel connected to the people and congratulate them on a good hand or appreciate their play better it's really great
have you seen the other characters' emotes yet the girl with the bow has a watermelon emote i really like
>>688766 >one guy starts taking twenty seconds to choose his discards each turn >gets to the point it actively
im not sure if you get graphical lag or not, but i did on chrome i have to use edge to play it chrome is too bloaty
I haven't seen any major issues with it yet. I was playing for a few hours on my phone a couple nights back too and even though it auto-spec'd into power-saving it still ran pretty smoothly on that too.
>>688770 how's the learning process coming along we oughtta get you in a game with me and maria once you're able! floop plays too but less so recently. you prolly havent seen floop in a long time kinshi plays too
maybe one day, one *day, maybe we could even get rika to play i remember she knows how ow oof i missed my italics
yostar did a really good job designing this game i know they did azur lane too, i never touched that though i wonder how it is
>>688772 I'm pretty comfortable now. There's a few focused details I'm a little wonky on like the more complex Yaku and the point calculation at the end of the round, though I have a general sense when the hand I'm calling is worth a lot or a little. Though I do know I rely way too heavily on the UI identifying like tiles on the table for keeping track of discards and I'm not paying enough attention to what the other players are discarding. And I sometimes make dumb mistakes and do stuff like forgoing two pairs I could wait on to build a straight instead of waiting on a triplet.
I've gotten first in the two single-round games I've played in the ranked so I'm feeling decently good about it.
Oh yeah I also don't understand the Haneman/Mangan terminology that pops up on the hand calcuation. Not that it seems knowing it that's important for MS but I am clueless on it.
>>688775 mangan, haneman, baiman, sanbaiman, and yakuman are score tiers
once you reach 2,000 basic points in the scoring calculation (which is 8,000 score), you start using a different scoring system prior to that, each han doubles your score because it's fu * 2(1+han) but it would get too big too fast if it kept doubling, so after that it changes to those flat scoring values. mangan is the first flat value at 8,000 (12,000 for dealer) each tier goes up by 4,000 (6,000 dealer)
you can effectively just ignore those names and think of them as loose classification to refer to how many points the hand was worth
scoring is really complex and probably the least important thing for you to know rigorously. understand that more han = more points is the bulk of the game if you're going for a really small hand worth 1 han or 2 han, it's valuable to try to get more fu by going for triplets instead of sequences, or to have closed wait instead of open, or try to get a kan that will help you bump up your points from 1000 to 1900 or so for those small hands
>>688775 think of it this way Once you reach five han (yaku/dora) the score of the hand is set in place regardless of how many fu it has Then the scores increase to set amounts for every few yaku. Explaining is difficult so it's better to just have a list 5han=mangan=8000points(12000 if dealer) 6-7han=haneman=12000points (18000 if dealer) 8-10han = baiman = 16000points (24000 if dealer) 10-12 han=sanbaiman= 24000points (36000 if dealer)
Now remembering all the higher rungs is difficult but you don't really need to since they're rare. Just keep in mind that a hand with 5han or 4han and 30fu equals mangan and that you really want to avoid dealing into it, and that you want to score it Because of the way the scoring rules work, there are times where having extra han won't actually increase your score. For example if you have a triplet of the red dragons, and they're the dora, then you have fourhan and at least 30fu. So it's mangan, and declaring riichi will increase it to five han but not actually increase your score unless you get uradora. In this case it may be smart to not declare riichi at all.
Moon, mahjong soul does use the 4han30fu=mangan rule right?
>>688780 I'm pretty sure tenhou uses it but I'm not sure about MS >I didn't even know double sequence was restricted to closed hands I learnt that one the hard way
Yeah I've got the concept of the more han the better down already. Recognizing when I've got a simple han sometimes goes over my head but I'm sure that's something that stops being an issue with practice.
i didnt even know double sequence (445566) was restricted to closed hands until i watched that video lots of times i would open my hand to get that thinking it was a yaku
but yeah even i dont know han values all the time. that chart on mahjongsoul helps out a lot midgame
>>688778 the 1920 rule? i dont think so that's why you see 7700 point hands come up a lot i might be wrong though
>>688778 yeah im like 80% sure 1920 basic points just gets 7700 instead of mangan im familiar with the rule and i see too many 7700 on mjs to think they use it it's not really a big difference though
Read the manga Ideally watch the anime too but if someone only has time for one I'd highly suggest the manga The anime misses the juicy second half of the Washizu saga
>>688785 The only Fukumoto work I've really seen much of is Tonegawa.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
has anyone here played bravely default?
>>688788 I played most of it and quit near the end when it got to the loops
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>688789 does she really deserve this?
>>688790 Honestly I don't even remember She does betray you though and a lot of people could have died because of her actions so yeah sure she can turn into a big monster anyway the staple won't do much
My comprehensive exams were really stupid. They're probably going to have to drop like 50 out of the 200 questions because our professors didn't actually look at the questions before they gave us the test so a bunch of them were things we didn't learn in our classes. My colleagues have been crying about it all day, though. They're really upset. They don't realize that this is probably going to make it easier for us to pass.
I feel bad for them, though! They've been studying really hard all month, and none of their studying did much good because the test was bad. I didn't study a single thing.
One of the questions was actual nonsense, too. "What is the least important agression?" and then the answers were about acclimating to a dominant culture
The ethical questions on it were really bad, too. None of them actually had the correct answer, so the best answer for all of them was usually the third or fourth best thing to do in reality.
>>688797 I mean, I dunno. Even with that, I'm pretty sure I passed it. There were only 39 questions I was less than 70% certain about, and there /// and of those, there were maybe 20 that I //// most of those I had a 50/50 chance of getting right. And I can miss 60 questions and still pass.
But I'm a little different than my colleagues when it comes to storing information and being able to find the answers to questions I don't know by looking at word etymologies and stuff like that. I think they're reasonably upset but they're all so neurotic, I don't know how they can manage to exist. They're stressed out and overwhelmed 24/7 and I don't know if people who can't take a test like this without needing to eat a gallon of ice cream afterwards are resilient enough for everything. Especially considering we can fail the test three times with no consequences whatsoever in any shape or form.
The girl next to me when we were testing cried at least five times in the 2.5 hours we were sitting next to each other.
I'm getting my Megumin figma next week I'm so excited
eat a gallon of eye cream
>>688799 Yeah that's a level of neurosis that even I have a hard time understanding. I'm anxious and worried about things almost constantly but it's kind of a perpetual buzz of static that I've kind of learned to cope with. Eating that much ice cream to cope with your emotions is also ... kind of a non-perfect strategy too. Maybe find something healthier to do instead.
Some of my colleagues have legitimately sobbed because a client, whom they had seen only once in their life, was mean to them or didn't like them or wanted another clinician. I can imagine them being upset, that's reasonable! But come on
It's not necessarily bad to cry in response to people being mean to you. But a psychologist cannot be like that. How can we expect ourselves to handle the pain and suffering, the trauma, of other people if we are so fragile that a stranger calling us stupid is enough to send us into tears?
Psychologists need to be people who can withstand that for the sake of their clients.
>>688805 I know! Was that a real martian or some weirdo? Did the humans genocide the martians? Are they going to release a full version of the Martian song? Because that was good
oh another weird thing about my comprehensive exams is that everyone thought it was weird that i went to work after them? like why would i take the day off just because i had to take a test earlier it's so weird
>>688814 Poor Gus. He's such a baka. I hope he gets his chance to shine soon.
I dunno, I think I'd try to take the day off for a final exam. The exam would be priority on that day and even if there's space I'd rather not have the complication of taking into account getting to work.
It's not even a final exam! It's just a big exam! And the exam was from 8am to 1pm. So you can just do stuff after 1pm, you know? After 1pm, the test closed, so it's not like you can take longer than that.
I bet if everyone went to work and did their normal Friday things, they wouldn't have been able to stress out and eat a gallon of ice cream.
i started working after we finished anime at like 3am so after doing a full day's work it was still only like 2pm and there's sill a whole chunk of day left to get stuff done
even if i wanted to eat a gallon of eyes cream it wouldn't take me six hours to do it
It's really hard for psychologists to take days off because it means moving around clients. If you're taking a day off just because you took a test or something, you're disrupting all of these clients' weekly routines and probably not seeing some clients that week for kind of selfish reasons. It's one thing if you need a mental health day, but taking a mental health day that you're going to spend neglecting yourself is kind of unreasonable if you ask me. That's not a mental health day. Not seeing clients so you can stuff yourself with a gallon of ice cream is really not fair to the client.
/moo/ If I start going off later tonight Maybe just ban me for a day? I swear. The fucking convos her ebe like "If I put a 45. ACP in me I could understand it" fr.
>>688820 it's not really easy to do i'd have to go collect sammy and he'd have to exert a large amount of effort it's not like there just a ban button it requires some manual implementation
hey i dont delete my posts except when i do it to bump a thread after deleting spam from old threads to restore order
If I didn 't do HAM what use do I have? I'm the one who shakes up the energy. I play that role sweetly. And I'll forever play that role just to keep the board lively.
Kirara 🍄
are you sure that's your role
>>688824 What if you went ham without the allusions to harming yourself
Yup. that's the energy I bring here. Just straight fucking raw unforgiving poignantcy. It's raw, but it'll be filtered. Oh I won't fucking cut myself tonight. I don't have a good knife to do that.
Direct energy isn't the move then. I'll bring it all to discord to diffuse it.
>>688833 I think it's pretty good. I like Naofumi, and it's fun to watch every week. It's just not very meaningful to me. I really only buy merch for shows that are meaningful to me these days.
>>688834 good luck for what exactly of course i wish you good luck for handling difficult stressful situations im not going to with you luck in harming yourself though, that's very backwards
>1 floor living That must be super $450 a month rent shit. Good luck out there because I'm trying to bunk in with a penthouser Good ole low-caste manipulating the high-caste
>>688841 Yeah, something like that might be good. So at least you can move or at the very least stand instead of sitting yourself down on the rainy ground.
>>688842 Oh, no, you misunderstand. The house I live in is two floors plus a basement. I just have no reason to go up or down stairs most of the time.
>>688845 haha yeah I can usually walk on it when it explodes now, but it's really painful to do anything And using a cane to keep weight off it might let it recover more quickly
But also I'm not sure about being a 25 year old dude who jumps around like a monkey 90% of the time but then has a cane and can't do shit the other 10% of the time People will probably think I'm faking lmao
Y'all crowding this place up I just compartamentalize this shit and I'm like K maybe when it's less lively I can go on my horny rampage Later then. Payce
The weather here's gotten to the slim time of year where it's warmer outside than in my house. Which is the prime time to have windows open since the outside air warms the rest of the house.
>>688846 Yeah, some people definitely would. I still think having something like that around would be worth the occasional remark like that though.
>>688853 She cried on TV, Maria. She is clearly devestated about losing the power to destroy people's lives! Don't you have any humanity?! How can you see her cry and feel no sympathy for her!!
>>688857 North America doesn't exist, it's made up They're all just Canadians tryint to pretend they live somewhere cooler Damn I hope Tilde isn't awake to read that or I might have to apologise
I wish the USA didn't exist Just get fucking bombarded by every single faction trying to kill you all already Fuck it would make this whole planet significantly better
Kirara 🍄
the world would probably have been better off if the american revolution failed and america eventually just cut ties with britain and became a commonwealth nation
>>688859 Do you think that, if every other nation ganged up, they could take on the US? I dunno about that The American millitary is pretty big, got a lot of boats
>>688862 Let's split the world up into warlord states It'll be fun, we can go raid each other for supplies
fun fact about ghost stories Monica Rial who voiced momoko really really hates christians thats part of the reason she hates vic migogna and slandered him in order to get him fired
Yeah like Singapore. Y'all tech and law and psychologst motherfuckers, fucking move to singapore, they need y'all asses. Don't fucking move to canada, we don't need you, and we never will, shitheap.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also regardless of whether or not he did it she is going to lose the suit because of texan torts they have one that isn't defamation but applies to things like causing someone to lose work because of revealing information about them and really I don't believe he did it she absolutely had motives for getting him fired
>>688876 yeah you could live in Napier NZ most boring trip of my life
>>688878 Singapore's a pretty warm place to live. Kind of smack in the middle of the Earth.
>>688880 Some how I doubt Canada's warmer than a place like that in New Zealand.
Kirara 🍄
>>688877 haven't seen those but do you know why she wanted him fired
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>688882 she really hates christians and allegedly they had an affair (iirc they were both married to different people) and she really felt bad about it aftwards
Kirara 🍄
>>688883 it's actually because he was sexually abusive to a number of people
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>688884 allegedly I haven't been following the drama
Kirara 🍄
there have been reports of him being sexually abusive to other voice actors since before i was even born
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara 🍄
funimation and other companies that cut ties with him did so after their own investigations into the recent allegations made by multiple people there's no reason to doubt that he behaved as alleged
>>688892 I'll look into it, technically at this point since you're just telling me about them I can't know if they' re reliable or not but I'll look into it
Yeah right, tryna be all humble and shit. But I can't play mahjong for shit because I would the the dumb fuck that ragequits 10 minutes in. I'll spare you from that anyhow.
It's okay you can make a game only run about ten minutes pretty easily.
By that scale I would ragequit 2 minutes in just because all the other mfers have a better set than me. Because of this I am ashamed and I will take 70 headshots tonight
>>688895 That's not a fighting spirit When your hand is shit and you're in
>>688898 AS I WAS SAYING When you're in fourth and you have a garbo hand you push that mfer to the end Ride or die mate Because if you quit you'll never know the sweet sweet satisfaction of blasting first place with a direct 5dora toitoi fanpai haneman gigadick hand for the sweet comeback
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
well the lesson I've learned is to make a better effort towards avoiding biased sources
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
that being said, despite him having done all this he still might have a case for tortuitious interference I don't remember the exact torts, but I did read them a few months ago
You play a number of hands, at the end of each hand players usually gain or lose points. A particularly strong hand taking a winning tile off the player leading in points can pretty effectively throw you from fourth or third into second or first.
The games I play when the fuckers on the other team go 4-0 they got it in the fuckng bag and east win But like... Jeeze louise this other game that maybe I can get good at to heighten my IQ actually has a comeback. Maybe it's just because you play solo. All these team games have like 4 other teenage boys that start to fall off their xanax and blatantly give up lego leggings dota deux overwatch siege anything. motherfuckers.
>>688910 I'm certain there's a hilarious sekiro joke in here somewhere but I'm not creative enough to make it
>>688912 No but I can arrange to have two more people join I just ask around liveboards and if none of them are around I can throw out an invite on /v/ and /jp/ Again, don't feel pressured or something if you aren't up for it
>>688914 Oh I saw this lol This guy is so up himself "haha guys I should be a script writer I'm so smart"
Kirara 🍄
>>>/@IamShaneMorris/1131810884383387651 this dude made up a story about robbing MS-13 and it blew up and real MS-13 allegedly found him and are coming after him
That guy might have to jump the border to Canada fr. Just jump the manitoba border, so nobody gives a shit if you're illegal or not
Kirara 🍄
>But this lie has been incredibly stupid, and it comes with a heavy cost. A few hours ago, my weed man came by for his usual delivery. I don’t know how you are with your weed man, but my weed man and I have a good relationship. (Life lesson: Keep a good relationship with your weed man. Tip for delivery.) While he was at my house, I was showing him the thread, the whole story, and how I went viral. When I got to the very end, he said, “Wait. Hol’ up. Hol’ the fuck up. Did you actually just casually throw out how you robbed MS-13? Bro, that is the fucking whitest shit I have ever heard in my entire life. Like, bro, you know me. I used to bang. I know these n****as. These n****as ain’t just gonna murder you. They’re gonna make that shit last for six fucking hours. Bro. I don’t even know if I can be at this fucking house right now.” haha i don't even think this part is true
>>688913 Yeah, the invite is appreciated, but I think I'd prefer a few more people I'm familiar with if I'm going up against people with actual skill.
even at my most self-destructive i wouldn't have fucked with them like back when i was doing shit for the feds i did a lot of dumb shit but i wasn't that dumb
there was even a time where i was transporting illicit substances on the weekends and working with the feds on the weekdays although i was told i wasn't moving drugs at the time so i didn't realize but that was still really self-destructive
Man I sure have lived a boring life compared to y'all.
"boring" might just be another word for not getting fucked over The intensity of my day and day is overwhelming, even to me. It makes me feel like I'm on a roller-coaster ride, with no end to it. A suffering that I wouldn't impose on anybody.
Nah. and before you go there Suwako not really but more than them
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Cool gal who taught much cuter magician how to do magic.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Raiko? Eirin?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kickass cute drummer girl meh
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Hecatia? Junko? Clownpiece?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love her design I hate her game Has fitting music and is ok to look at
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Ran? Komachi? Sekibanki?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
meh I love Komachi she's awesome I love playing as her in soku it's why she's held like the number 2 touhou spot since the dawn of time Sekibanki is fantastic I love her to death
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
hrrm we have some intersections I guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have a thing for red hair
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh yeah, what about moko?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
a good friend of mine really liked mokou but one day he had a seizure and never talked to me after
I have not seen that so I have no real opinion aside from she looks neat. >>688977 I heard about it by proxy of a friend who managed to speak to him after he had ignored us for a couple years
uh it's painbow six siege. one of the best games out there that brings out your sadochist masochist urges. here you go >>>/@Solari__/1132161825095634944 that one was also ugly af. lol
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
>>689010 lol what kind of game is this. do you shoot people through walls cause it kinda looks like it a whole different mindsat
Isn't thaaaaat bad. Maybe you might get ridiculed for dying a lot for the first month. Then when the experience kicks in, you're doing crazy shit you never thought you could have done before. Maybe I might get more clipsssssss
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
hell yeah sounds like my relationship with splatoon 2
hop to another one you said you got two hours. would that be like 4am there holy frejole just don't let the cops catch your name or face then you're gucci
>he was such a sweet boy, it's a shame he fell into the white man's trap and drank their poison >it all started after talkin to some white folks online. they just wouldn't let up
I would say he outgrew this country, only so much you can do here in the tech sector before it leads to a dead-end. Kinda sad. Also have this >>>/watch?v=0Sr7y5khyLY
Eh, that's not entirely true. There's tech sector explosions in Ontario and on the west coast. I mean sure it's probably not as great as places like San Fran or Neux Yook but there's definitely opportunities.
saturday morning work it's pretty cozy really wake up in the early AM and type out some pathology reports and make a little bit of money before the sun's even up
i should be done by 9am and have the whole day ahead of me
>>689078 you're a lone wolf baby? how are you gonna feed yourself if you're a baby.
>>689078 This Let's be the mysterious cool guy with a troubled past that aids the heroes from the shadows Then when plot important stuff happens we can lean against a wall and say things like "ho... this is getting interesting"
>>689082 man i hate the associated image of it i like vaping for a lot of reasons where cigarettes are terrible like teeth staining, making clothes and shit smell, ashing and catching shit on fire and burning down your grandchildren's home
but people are mean to me if i vape
I bet the vape shaming is funded by tobacco companies
vaping is owned by tobacco companies the big e-cig companies are also tobacco companies, at least
Kirara 🍄
>>689085 yeah it's kind of weird it's really got a bad image but everyone is vaping these days, probably 60% of my clients have switched to a vape if they're under the age of 40 so i'm sure the image will get better
>>689088 ive had a lot of people say shit like vaping isn't any healthier you know or why not just quit altogether
??? none of it was a health choice but even then i was having issues with smoke irritation to my eyes it looks instantly hypocritical to vape for some reason because it's still unhealthy fuck
same shit happened when i was a vegetarian for seven years i ate fish still, and people were always like "how is eating fish any better it's still an animal" ???? it's a preference to not eat meat, it's not an ethical choice at all i just don't like meat
i shoulda known searching "soft keyboard" wouldn't work >>689109 no sadly it wouldnt keyboard covers are really restraining i just want some keys that are made out of softer material im sure they exist, i'll take a look later
>>689129 yes this hand glows with an awesome power it's burning grip tells me to defeat you take this, my love, my anger, and all of my sorrow shining...FINGEEEEEEEEEER
btw ever wondered, dunno if the case is in the US, but atleast here in the old world, why are the big cities, especially capital cities, the main support zones of green parties?
We should, atleast here, make it part of school curriculum tot ake hikes in the nature teach kids to appreciate our national parks and see atleast bit of nature. >>689153 yeah the green city council always each term just sum up to >hey what if we CLOSE DOWN this mainline liferoad to the city centre and turn it into a bicycle road and then they fight about it for 5 years and it gets shelved, because everyone points out, from opposition to experts to the common cityman, that it is completely retarded
and then they get re-elected, pick a new road and do it all again
Helsinki city council summarised in last 20 years
Kirara 🍄
>>689152 just like the good old days after nine eleven!
really want to cook a nice breakfast maybe have an omelette with french toast and a grapefruit or something but i have no kitchen and no groceries and nobody who cares
>>689158 i think the most amusing part is how they expect us, finns, to save the world by doing stuff and leading by example if you argue "we are too small a people and nation to affect anything" they say "lead by example" if you argue "no one follows our example, never" they argue, "we still pollute so much as a first world nation so we must go back to stone age" ad infinitum there are few reasonable folk there, some I even like, but god damnit what is with the text book default answer people in politics...
I think most amusing thing to watch, in the sense of like watching a car crash or something is when two text book answer politicians clash it is just an infinite loop of premade answers worded differently
the bodies of the cyborgs raiden killed are wrecking havoc he goes to check it out and beats them only to be attacked by another cyborg that somehow manages to take control of raiden's body his old friends manage to get him control back and then raiden has to fight through to find out who the bad guy is halfway through he finds out it's snake?! but it's just a trick it's not actually snake obviously
it would be interesting if they bullshitted solidus back or something as an AI
Kirara 🍄
the actual identity of the cyborg is that it has no identity! it was remote controlled by someone's brainwaves but who's?? the president's, obviously
btw I never kinda understood the used in quite many cloning fiction, the "accelerated aging" at age 30+ or something for the "perfect clone soldiers" in sw it atleast made sense, since the clonse matured in like 10 years to 20-30s so fc they'd be 60-100 in their actual 30s to 50s
but why for example have snake become a fucking senior citizen at his prime?
Kirara 🍄
because they wanted snake to become worthless before he could revolt
there is lot of retcon and so on, but the project was ment to originally make more than just the twin snakes and solidus and be a model for making the perfect soldier like a production line product
wasn't that the whole thing raiden was put through too, just in another way in mgs2
>>689191 Haha that would be so good have a similiar twist as in mgs2
and hell have raiden even be a temporary bad guy due to some cyborg hacking
Kirara 🍄
haha yes also the demo that comes out early is the raiden level
or something like his body is stolen and his face is hidden and everyone just thinks it is him but then when he is unmasked he is someone else and raiden is somewhere completely different incapacitated
Kirara 🍄
raiden is in mexico wearing a sombrero completely unaware that anything is happening
that would be an amusing twist he is doing something related, but completely different thing and then it cuts to playing raiden and the two stories connect in a finale
Kirara 🍄
the hacker fucks with raiden to get him off the trail and all of raidens levels are just cyberpunk silent hill but with better boss fights
moon everytime you post an emote after I discard something it scares the SHIT outta me Gives me the heebie jeebies
>>689198 something just completely insane that just embraces the "dumb but cool" just like mgr
Kirara 🍄
when he realizes what's going on, he stabs himself in the stomach jack is back to break the illusions (even though they're being fed into his brain through hacking it works for some unexplained reason) and then he's back
I've always wanted to stab myself in the stomach jack
Kirara 🍄
character switch at the beginning would be amazing though imagine all the rage just like the good old days of mgs2
>ice hockey only viewable at pay channels what do I even pay my media tax for? this is the kind of shit that our public broadcast station exists to ensure that finns can follow the big events
also otacon returns as a cameo if you throw the latest shonen pump at him, he will reward you with a codec frequency where he will occasionally call you to ask if you watched the latest episode of his favorite anime yet
and ofc I can't watch the free streams because countryblocked why havn't I gotten a vpn
hey kirara that pokemon fangame I used to ramble on about, with the gen 7 updates they made the ghost leader's ace a mimikyu I figured you'd appreciate that
i had three 3-mans i thought floop wouldn't get his hand come on yui wtf
okay so if I had a tv I could watch it but caus I don't I can't
what the fucking why isn't tht channel doing internet broadcasts of their channel anymore...
yeah poor form yui well shit gg IG
Did you see my emotes correlating with the honours? I wanted to try set up some form of communication so I could feed you and now it's just about bedtime
>Yui30 has the gall to send a friend request after he ran away like a BITCH
Kirara 🍄
Stephen Colbert was on Critical Role
Yeah, Mercer ran a single-player short module for him. Colbert is a huge fantasy nerd and played D&D for most of his teens and young adult years. Watching the session was really fun; you could really tell how much fun Colbert was having listening to Mercer's DM-ing and getting back into the feel of things.
>>689218 im really upset about that game the first two hands i dealt into i KNEW i was dealing into too that's why i emoted when i discarded i would have thrown away my hand if i didnt and i wanted to confirm my suspicions, which were both right
then the next few hands i tried to use that information really well to set up good hands and i did i had the 7-pins that floop was waiting for, and i was waiting on the 6-pin (i think you were holding them?) and then yui dealt in the 7-pin
and then i saw floop waiting on the 3-man so i hoarded THREE of them in my closed hand i can safely call riichi and discard my 7 pin once i resolved his wait and that same turn yui draws a 3-man and discards it ;_; if it went to me floop would have had a dead hand
I don't understand this logic it is a free public commercial channel that you can view from any tv but if you try to do the same through internet NOPE pay 25€ a month
the kratom i got from superspec is kind of clumpy and has a sourness to it i think it got a little moist also the day it arrived, they started -another- 20% off sale for memorial day im really peeved
i should have taken the extra effort to order from legit
Interesting that same fangame used to have a shiny sprite for Aegislash having blood on it and now it doesn't I wonder what made them change their mind
>>689229 no from finns and it is actually against the contract they made that gave them broadcast rights for events like this
Kirara 🍄
>>689237 that sucks we'll get it from legit next time for sure
i really wanted the yellow too i took the hit and paid extra and missed out on legit's 20% sale just for brand loyalty to spec and this is how they thank me
you'd think they'd read the atmosphere and put out their stuff better people are upset because kratom is "dangerous" why not do it properly so people don't risk getting sick
i have so much stress i want to get off my chest but i feel like it would leave me feeling unsatisfied to try to do so i just have to not bother and feel sorry for myself which i hate doing
>>689263 It's more the novelty of being able to make someones phone buzz on command I don't know why but the knowledge that I can do it is very novel I could make your phone move across the table, for example, without even texting it That's just neat
ive set it up not because i dont think it's abusable but because there's no reason anyone in this community would abuse it if anyone starts abusing my poor phone then i would disallow it
if i set it to vibrate then it would open the path for somebody to make a joke about me getting pleasure from reports being made and i have no tolerance for stale humor
i tried really hard to collect enough to buy one for smm2 after rent on the first and paying my phone i'll have just under $300 remaining which isn't enough though and i would need groceries
but i really want it im hoping i can find someone who's done with theirs im sure i can find sellers on ebay but i dont trust like that
If you can find your way to a GameStop you might be able to find one used/refurbished there for less as well.
Hmm I wonder would it infringe some japanese copy right law if a voice actor pretended to be a character they have done on their own on some stream etc
>>689332 I still remember when wakamoto was at desucon and the interviewer asked him why he has done a such large variety of roles and he just asnwered "i don't usually refuse jobs, because they pay my bills"
no nonononononono
Kirara 🍄
>>689334 yeah, people think seiyuu can start being exclusive just because they're top tier, but they still have to audition and get jobs most of the time they don't make enough to ride off
and that is fucking wakamoto
>>689336 and why most pros do radio, voice overs, etc or side stuff as other entertainers
and why most female seiyuus are also singers because that also is a good source of income
you do a moeblob series and you are expected to do atleast 1 character song and maybe do part of the ed/op so why not use that as a launching spot anyhow
Kirara 🍄
at the same time, though, sometimes it limits your ability to perform roles like how maaya sakamoto wasn't allowed to sing anything for monogatari even though she played a central character, because she was under a different production company that didn't allow her to sing shinobu's respective OPs
an example of an incredibly successful japanese idol is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu she sings songs for CMs constantly and regularly releases new songs and CDs she has managed to be successful enough to go on world tours and her music even made it into John Wick 3
>>689350 I really wonder how JW world actually works it isn't like the crime bosses are out there in the open, but that party scene in jw2 kinda shows their influence with oil sheiks and whatnot big shots of the "open world" coming to greet the new head
But there clearly is a "cops don't fuck with them" going on
Kirara 🍄
>>689352 it's presented as it is because it's a commentary on our real life society
Kirara 🍄
>>689353 pretty much everyone knows about them and know assassins john wick grabs a random taxi at the beginning of 3 gives the driver a gold coin driver says "sure thing, john"
I guess it is kind of similiar when well we had those kinds of criminal organisations running around and almost running the world too well not here but usa italy japan so on
>>689355 I wonder what the value of those coins is
I mean 1 coin is pretty much 1 service or something but I bet they have an exchange rate to real currency too
maybe 10k or 100k each
you could propably make an educated guess based on jw2 when john buy's his equipment
ah marowak never registers in my head as ghost for reasons
who's the sixth
Kirara 🍄
maybe driftloon or aegislash im only really super into mimikyu, marowak, and palossand ironically all alola i do like decidueye a lot too again alola lol
>power whip used in a toxic waste has a bonus effect too >instead of 'the waste joined the attack' it was 'the waste did it for the vine' you've got to be kidding me
even as a joke, happy isn't the opposite of depressed depression isn't sadness, it's dulled feelings so twice as much the opposite of depressed would be feeling things twice as intensely
not that thats how it works anyway
A real nice thunderstorm has rolled in. There's been an almost constant rolling thunder going on and the cracks of lightning are fun too. Smells wonderful as well.
>>689438 everyone who has faced maria dreams of fighting her multiple times at once
The person who was supposed to grab the figurines from the house of the guy thats out of town (before he left) so them and the dm just left for the dms house to grab like six figurines. D&D is seriously delayed tonight.
>>689436 I found the way I finished up the game's main plot threads kind of weird. Like everything resolved neatly but I think the choices I made resulted in some of the climaxes feel kind of out of place? But I followed the quests in order of what was in my proximity or felt most compelling to go after so I don't understand why it was structured like that
Though I haven't gone into any of the story DLC yet and at the last the Atlantis DLC looks hella cool so.
>>689439 What the fuck is the purpose of that tunnel?
Anyways there was one character i had that killed a dude for like 20,000gp but I was told he was abusing a character's fiancee. I didn't know he was actually an actor because that character was secretly evil (the fiancee) and was trying to steal some incredibly dangerous magic item But long story short 20,000gp is a lot to kill a level four dude. And my character was evil
>>689485 IIt's fine I had friends in high places And the character that hired me was a Tony stark like guy with government contracts for weapons development And also i was an important fighter in a soecial operations group
What do you remember, since you have a supermemory
I wasn't really following your campaign I remember the boss that ate a bunch of penises
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ah yes the penis ceiling, my magnum opus. That was campaign 1 though.
Ugh This paladin is such a bitch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Let's see how good I can do just rattling it off.
The party was called together from across the globe by a sorceress to be enlisted in saving the world from an unknown eventual calamity. This included Titania, princess of the lichenthropes (Kirara), Chaska and Ghost Voices, an 'injun' (thanks JAN) and spirit who is the last survivor of his tribe (played by JAN), Lee O'Mahn, the mysterious masked warrior from outer space (PAN), and Soili Tuonela, the sickly pale girl who can bring skeletons to life (PK).
The first thing they did on their quest to become swole was be dropped off at the Imperial City at which point they made a bet with a hotel owner that they could go beat up a deadly Speed Demon, a velociraptor-cheetah hybrid that roams that desert (there are many). They decided to do that, but first Soili successfully aroused an old man into giving her a free horse. With Soili on horse and Titania on Chaska's back, they traveled west and beat some speed demons into the dirt. (Though they bought a small shop on the way there and now are proud business owners).
If I recall correctly, next they returned to their store only to be stumbled upon by a bleeding man. Turns out this man had lost his johnny and become one of the Soulless. While Soili had to return home for some reason temporarily, the rest of the party found a nearby town overrun by Soulless and began clearing them out. While they were searching through the underground abandoned mines, Soili was warped back to them and they managed to fight their way through. The exit, however, was impeded by a mysterious man known as the Conductor, the first of the Soulless and powerful ex-priest. The party well no really just Soili immediately crit him over the head with a garden hoe and stole his gun before fleeing for their lives (as he punched Soili and knocked her unconscious immediately).
Now what the heck came next. The order of things is hard.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I believe at that point ah ok yeah they visited their // >>689494 Yeah it's Charlotte -> Imperial City -> Hear about Gandora -> Troy -> Gandora
They went back to Charlotte, the sorceress from earlier, and gave her a nice item they found in the mines in exchange for a sword that Chaska uses to this day. After being dropped back off at the Imperial City, they hear about Gandora, a traveling salesman, whom they had also heard about by proxy of Charlotte's personal notes. On their way to try and seek him out, they stumble upon a small town, and they meet Troy, a friendly baker who is a master of oplomancy, the magecraft of creating temporary weapons. During their stay, the city is attacked by strangely coordinated bandits. With Troy's help, the party dispatches them, founds out that they were infested with Skouls, a parasite that eats the spines of their hosts to take over their bodies. Troy gives the party a cart that he wasn't using so that they can travel more efficiently, and directs them to a nearby merchant town that Gandora headed towards after he was finished at Troy's place.
At the merchant city, the party finds Gandora's shop and meets him. Gandora reveals that he is the opposing magician in what was actual a game between immortals rather than a job to strictly save the world. He offers to let the party know what the calamity is in exchange for the four cornerstones from around the known world, or other favors such as personal training if they steal an axe from Charlotte. Upon leaving, Charlotte runs into the party as she was searching for them, her ability to watch from afar was unable to detect them while they were in Gandora's abode. After learning that Gandora is her opponent, Charlotte stormed into his shop and, upon exiting, tells the party that she was asked by Gandora to play this game to begin with, not knowing that he was her opponent.
Shortly after that, half the party while the rest were sleeping uses a special key to access Charlotte's domain-
Kirara 🍄
didn't we go meet gandora after that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in order to steal that axe while she sleeps. Ghost Voices manages to find a secret passageway an open it from the inside, revealing a chamber with the axe and an occupied coffin. Ghost Voices also takes the opportunity to criticall succeed at stealing Charlotte's panties while she sleeps. >>689496 yes this is important, as the party as a whole simply asked Charlotte for the axe, which she gave a flat "NO" to repeatedly.
After giving the axe to Gandora, he trained Lee in DBZ combat to make him stronger. (Gandora is an everything wizard which includes muscle wizard)
Was visiting titanimom next?
Kirara 🍄
of course, it was the idiots of the party that decided to steal the axe even though it was clearly a bad idea
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh wait stumpy and leviathan You guys did that first.
I think it was because of looking // wait no I'm stupid The other item Gandora wanted alongside the axe was a book he had dropped, so he gave the party a vague location for it. Near the cave, they found a scholar who, instead of talking to reasonably, they frightened and he ran into the cave. After clearing the various puzzles within, they found the scholar in the main room of the cave, which had been named and translated to "Tomb of the Great Serpent" They found a guardian spirit who took the form of a young shrine maiden with yin yang orbs and defeated her, after which Soili kept one of said orbs to float upon whenever convenient oh my god I forgot Soili's murders but we'll get back to that. Anyway they manage to open the grave and a secret passage, finding an ancient bow and suit of armor that Shovel-kun, Soili's first skeleton that is also her oniichan, decided to wear. Inside the grave was a frail werefolk rabbit woman who was white as a sheet and unable to see, speak, or hear. They carried her out as the tomb collapsed (it's important to note that at some point the Scholar died) and take her outside the tomb.
Once outside the tomb however, a great flood of evil energy poured into the werefolk, who reverted to her true from as Leviathan, one of the great Demon Princes from the first campaign, who then decided to stick with the party due to her weakened state in the hopes of finding her beloved Cordell.
By the way, on a previous trip to the imperial capital, Soili murdered the old man who gave her the free horse and turned him into the skeleton Ero-jii. Nearby guards accosted her but speech checks prevailed.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Upon returning to Gandora with the book (which now that I recall, the scholar took?), they gave him the book and also had him resurrect just the head of the scholar, forever onward referred to as Stumpy who hangs out on Titania's belt or whereever.
After this, the party decided to head north to the forst and realm of the lichenthropes, as one of the cornerstones is there (Titania happened to remember this, as Charlotte at one point gave her a ring to switch between her foolish personality and her snarky dominating one). On the way, they ran into a caravan they wanted to help get through the woods.
One sec, on the way out of Gandora's place they were warped to a white void where the Prince of Balance made them an offer of power should they ever need it. That's important for later.
Back at the caravans, the party traveled through a swampy forest, getting lost and smelly while Lee made a bond with the swamp itself as Soili laid a trail of fiery dust (it singed the ground but didn't start a forest fire, so they could mark their path). Upon clearing the forest, the caravan carried on while Charlotte suddenly nabbed the party back to Soili's homeland of China so they could deal with political things (a tax collector showed up, what a pity). While there, they went looking for some missing persons, who were actually captured by a Stalk Bear, a demon that moves at incredible speed that normally devours souls, but this one was lonely and only wanted to nibble a lot of souls so it could have friends. On their way out, the party felt followed but they returned to the lichenthrope woods.
Unfortunately, everything was in flames. The caravan from earlier that was carrying a peace offering to the lichenthropes from the empire was actually a trap filled with zariamancy dice to set the place ablaze and kill them all. Fortunately, with Leviathan and the party one the scene, the main city was saved.
Kirara 🍄
stumpy is basically a lore bottle that i tricked ton into giving me and he didn't figure it out for months he's also a reference to Mimir in god of war ps4 lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
After talking with Titanimom who had calmed down about her anger towards Titania's unprincessyness, they go and retreive the cornerstone. However, in doing so, Titania receives a vision of an utterly gigantic worm that wants to devour all, much to Titania's dismay as she wants to devour the planet herself. With this information and mention that they have the cornerstone, Gandora gives the party a quick power boost pill and suggests that they climb the legendary Yggdrasil Tree (where the cornerstone is), though it may be dangerous. The party, being as reckless as ever, decides to do so. Also there was a uh Look-over from chinaland that followed them.
After fighting their way through the yggdrasil tree, they fight Gohma and Titania gains the ability to shoot lasers. They ride the teleporter up to the highest parts of yggdrasil, and explore a strange and empty settlement. After clearing some locks, the party runs intot the Conductor from before, who is very angry at the oozing necrotic wound left by Soili's 'magical' hoe. After stomping his face in, a smoke bomb allows him to run away. The party continues onward into an elevator upwards which is transparent enough that they can see the great worm that hulks in front of the yggdrasil barrier, Nidhoggr.
At the space station, Leviathan works on directing the party through the machinery that protects the base from outsiders as a familiar prescence comes to greet her. Finally, the party enters the weapons room, where they find three mechs for the four of them. Soili manages to have Charlotte airdrop her skeletal golem from home for her to use, and the party flies out into space to fight Nidhoggr. The fight is going ok when a voice booms out and calls forth the final mech, belonging to Olivia "Satan" Thundercaunt herself, who helps defeat Nidhoggr and throws him into the sun. Afterwards, Satan asks the party to kindly get the fuck out of her mechs and has a chat with Leviathan while the rest of the party returns home, but
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
before they can leave, Gandora and Charlotte both appear and, since Gandora had deemed Nidhoggr the calamity, he was effectively the loser in his own game, which set him in pretty pouty mood.
Back at Charlotte's mansion to celebrate, everybody was having a good time and Charlotte was attempting to fulfill the wishes of her champions (Titania and 2tania became one again, Chaska's remaining souls of his tribe [all 10 of them anyway] were resurrected, Lee got a little stronger, and Soili decided at the time that her wish was unfulfillable and needed to pick something else). Once the party was returned to outside Yggdrasil however, they received a summons (one that Charlotte ignored) from Gandora to participate in a new game that would cover the world, his Holy Grail War.
That's a problem. Now what the HECK-oh yeah. Titania's mom and the lichenthropes were going to prepare for war against the empire and if I recall right there was a party split. I know what Lee and Chaska did but what were Soili and Titania up to. Were they just chatting with Titanimom?
Ok so the party split because Titania was invited to a gathering a stuffy rich people whereas the two tough boys of the party decided to go and look for a relic with which to summon a servant. They teleported to Leviathan because Lee can do that and interrupted her dinner. She directed them vaguely towards the fact that the empress has a treasure room full of goodies they could maybe find useful.
So Chaska and Lee just storm the tower and punch their way up while Titania and Soili go to a nice frumpy party. They meet Elizabeth, the host, and just start having a nice chat and having some drinks and food and whatnot.
Chaska and Lee reach the empress' chamber, where she does blast I think Ghost Voices with charm powers, which relays a little bit into Chaska. Eventually they enter anyway and the Empress mentions she was also invited into the war and has summoned her servant. She lets them peruse her treasure room due to being too dang cocky and they grab some cool stuff, including a locker door. Eventualyl she has her servant Berserker appear to which Lee hilariously decides 'I'm going to teleport this man' and does so, teleporting them into the party.
Meanwhile at the party, Sir Gerald, the Empress' most trusted and devoted knight who utterly hates blobs and effectively all other nonhumans as a result of his empress, has been making the party more interesting for our lichenthrope girl. At least until a random berserker drops into the event.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
During the party, Chaska uses a ritual of sorts to calm down Berserker (although I think it was more like a spirit quest with peyote or something?) as Elizabeth watches on as her party is being slowly ruined. After Titania is given a drink of weedkiller however, things really start to go sour. Soili and the available friends storm the kitchen where Elizabeth is reprimanding her staff. Soili puts zombie meat into the food to turn the guests into zombies. But most importantly, the party decides with their collective power to try and summon a servant using some of the relics they've gathered. And they succeed: summoning the Assassin Class Solid Snake with their cardboard box. During this, Elizabeth gives the party the slip and leaves.
Next the party decides to head south into the swamp that they kind of directed Leviathan towards. While there, Lee makes an unforgettable yet shortlived friend in the now deceased Bonemuscle, may he rest in peace. At what is effectively the border to the southern swamplands, the party hassles the impirical soldiers and is given dinner by a bunch of rednecks that, after freeing their not-cat werefolk cat, Soili decides to convert into soul energy and kills them all.
Continuing into the swamp after being accosted by the other swamp for cheating on it, Soili makes a bearskeleton and the party runs into ... wait I forgot Troy didn't I shiiiiit
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
Raptors are on fire right now with the comeback
Are they winning? There's been a lot of buzz here on their run through these playoffs.