It's also a mini-series, the one that's currently running.
Biita suiito
i like that it goes into this instead of generic chase music it's got a lot more character
Yeah, the people who composed this OST did the OP/ED too. A couple years back they did something similar for Ash to Sensou no Grimgar. Er, Hai to Sensou no Grimgar.
A lot of the characters in this show have ridiculously mundane names, Like they sound perfectly suitable for normal humans to be named.
'Course others are named shit like Free so.
And have last names like Warlock.
Like can you imagine having that for your last name.
i think any lineages named warlock probably got killed off a long time ago
Probably yeah.
the costumes are fun
Yeah there's a decent bit of attention that goes into the aesthetic detail of this series. It's a weird kind of near-modern Industrial-era Europe kind of feel. Only with fairies.
The weird boob windows on the female unniforms are weird to me. They don't really have much to show? or don't show anything? They're just kinda there
Well some girls are bustier than the others. The blue one at least has a bit to show. And there's that one girl in his club. Oh she's on screen right now. She's pretty busty.
I think the art's just kind of lazy for this show aside from when it needs to be. So you don't really see a lot of detail on the breasts.
i thought they were weird too
Oh wait no this was the booby girl in his club. The other one was that childhood friend dating one of the guys.
One of those dogs was outright humping onoe -one of the mook soldiers.
Oh they turned it into a convenient excuseto have a hot springs episode.
he seems a little too muscly for a mage wait was that // yeah it was
He was trained from a young age by a retired captain of the king's guard or something along those lines. So he's pretty physically capable alongside his magic power.
maybe if you have fat boobs but that's a little different
It's correct in theory but different women will experience different levels of reduction. There's other factors involved but like Rika said overall it's true.
>>688555 yeah im startin a new neurology project today im so busy but at least i finally am making some dollars
Orudo sukuuru
Gus is such a total goofball.
Hah hah this fucking dweeb. Social media celebrities are nightmares.
Mars sure has a variety of people with weird
Oh SHIT it's this little shit again.
oh gosh that was aesthetically unpleasing
What the fuck are these music genres.
haha thanks mars
They really should have come up with a better cover story Tuesday.
Oh Carole's got a neat backstory they never really touched on before.
You'd think they'd at least recognize Carole from the fiasco at the music festival. I mean honestly they should recognize both of them those sunglasses don't really disguise Tuesday at all. But it's a good chance to get some Carole information.
>fiasco the way people abuse social media now and in the future, it's probably hard to distinguish any details like that especially for those judges who are in the midst of crazy
Yeah that's fair. Plus they'd probably seen hundreds of dumbasses that day, people probably all blur together at some point.
Oh no Tuesday's fallen into a funk.
I hope these two coast through the series keeping their relationship like this. There's enough interesting threads that they don't need to throw drama like that into the mix.
Yeah! It's nice to be on top of things like this again. For so long I've had to constantly keep up notepads tracking stuff because I'm stubborn. Things are way easier when there isn't twenty shows I need to remember.