Thread #687596
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hi hi! basuballu night isn't it? or // do we still have jan shows we're saving
Ace of Diamond Black Clover Fairy Gone Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine JoJo's Bizarre Adventure YU-NO One-Punch Man Senryuu Shoujo
Only thing really to save is JoJo. But even that we don't really watch with Jan all that much but if it's just Rika and me that's around to watch it, it feels kind of a drag.
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im certainly willing to watch it with yall! but i'd be kind of dead weight
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ace of diamond black clover OPM cinderella 9
Strait four word
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and senryuu shoujo if we make good time ace of diamond! okay ;ets start
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works for me! i gotta
>>687606 You gotta?
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i gotta lotta things to work on if we're done by 3:00 that'd be good but i can flex
That should be more than easy. Even when we've got five shows on the docket we can usually be done around 03:00 when we start around now.
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sounds good as long as we dont have any unscheduled naps in between shows!
>frustrado, ¿eh? how did i get puyasubs oof i can resync myself it's good
That's a pretty spectacular goof-up.
>Baseball Scorebook
A lot of these highschoolers don't really look like highschoolers.
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Practice episode!
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>>687617 they play baseball so they probably got held back a few years
Yeah that's fair. All that time training their swining muscles instead of their brain muscles.
Swinging even.
Wow that's a lot of EGG
This quiet guy with the sharp eyes is kind of a funny tryhard.
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This is the season they win nationals And when Sawamura becomes ace I can feel it
It's good to be hopeful!
Looks like the juniors and seniors are gonna have to fight to keep their spots on the playing team before anyone is getting to the nationals.
is this slated for 26 episodes eh i can just check oh okay good yeah these usually run really long that's good
Fifty-two episodes, full year's run.
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It's really good okay ace of diamond! oh sorry black clover! I opened black clover I just said the wrong show okay lets start!
oh we're watching it again? okay i dont mind
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>>687629 Aw you realized you goofed up before I could pick out this image.
Oh yeah, this is where Yuno gets to duke it out with a captain and show off how much of a Gary Stu he is.
fu hu hu
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Black Clover has really good OPs
The only really consistently good thing about it.
>>687635 *A fu hu hu
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>>687636 the music, but the visuals too it makes me wanna go back to painting oh yeah this is the show with the paint guy i forgot about that
Oh they've broken out the Shounen Wasteland Battlefield for the fight.
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this guy has taken back away my desire to paint again he's ruined it
They've just resulted in Hyper Beam-ing each other eh.
Man that just feels a bit like a foul ball.
What an annoying king.
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He's just promoting them so they can fight the new bad guys.
Noelle please.
this guy looks as shonen as you can get
Yeah he's got a real edgy design. The actual guy's a decent bloke, if a bit standoffish though.
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OPM okay lets start!
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this is still good but without madhouse it feels really eh plain
I think it's still got the signature ONE comedic delivery and the entertaining premise.
of course, yeah. i just mean the animation the first season was truly an animation masterpiece
Yeah that's fair. Not having that sheer egregious animation is a shame.
oh i forgot about this guy
Geez well that was definitely revolting.
>Like a new kind of corn
She did kind of killsteal his fight.
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Some of the class S heroes are cool.
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only some?
Well that Pig God guy definitely wasn't.
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aha Saitama is terrified, but it's because of his wig.
We haven't had a bit where Saitama gets knocked around for a while. He's been ending all his recent fights in an instant.
everybody's trying to analyze it like in a shonen haha
What a base Hedonist.
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Oh no he's going to get disqualified!
Hah hah hah wow. Well that RUINS everything.
Oh Suiryu wants to fight some more anyway.
Well I guess that's that. Saitama ass-checked Suiryu for the winning blow.
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haha How anticlimactic.
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can i get like 5 mins before cinderella
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yep, no problem Just say when you're ready.
Wow spoilers
Don't be silly Blue you're not watching anime.
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okay thanx im ready whenever everyone else is>>687694 >spoiling one punch man maybe you should come watch with us!>>687700
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cinderella okay lets start!
Cindy relly Cindy relly
Wow CHAIR girl has some real strength to her. I guess the effects of them trying to restore an old-ass baseball diamond are finally coming 'round to bite them.
baseball club? you use bats not clubs dumb girls
Yeah but all the good baseball players go golfing in the off season. They could use a good club.
caught in a bat romance
Goats are probably creepy animals to make mascots out of.
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id be worried the rabbit would steal my eggs
half of the OP is them doing flat translation of those still images lmao all onto one screen with no background
This show certainly hasn't gotten a lot of budget.
im pretty sure every episode has had the girls complain about funding too so far i think they're speaking out through their show
I can get behind that kind of meta commentary.
Red could probably be a little less grumpy. Oh sounds like she's kind of a weird person.
She could have just gotten her a hundred-yen stress ball or something. Feels unnecessary to tear up your notes like that.
Everyone just assumes this tall quiet girl is a part of the team.
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tall girls have kind of a rough lot in life
Well this is some sudden drama from left field. I guess that's why she's been getting in trouble at night.
Tama tama
everybody has permanent derpface in this show it's really hard to get into the serious vibe
Yeah, nothing ruins an emotional moment like a ridiculously off-model face.
It's like how with all those classic KEY VN adaptations and how the eyes were always looking ever so slightly apart. Always threw me off.
This audio effect is a pretty good job of showing how it feels to hear people talk about stuff that's really messing with your emotional stability though. The distortion works really well for it.
Wow she's breaking the RURUS
>Cinderella Nine >Final team ends up with eleven members ? ? ?
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im good to squeak in senryuu if yall want either way
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Only 9 on the field though, right? Senryuu okay lets start!
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senryuu i want to go back and get more images of this girl awawawa
Yeah nine players on the field. I feel that deliberately casts shadow on the members of the team that are in the dugout though!
Wow that's some advanced magic hair power. I wish I could control my hair that magically.
Hah hah you can't count on the rain for NOTHING.
But why is he wearing a pair of bunny ears.
why arent you
I don't have a pair of bunny ears!
The closest thing I've got is a pair of mouse ears.
>local man ruins everything haha
What a classic joke, wow.
Geez girl what is this THIRST.
I like the girl that draws her emotions in the sketchbook. It's a cute quirk.
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wow ive got people emailing me at 2:45 am i already start my work day at 3am gimme a break
Buchou sure is a SAVIOUR>>687758 Yeah wow they ought to cool their jets. Tell them to get some paid sense.
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well it's 4pm in korea right now it's close of business time over there!
this show is always a reat treat i wish jan was here for it though
Yeah it's a cute bundle of lightheartedness. No drama no sadness just niceness. Good show for ending on.
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.
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bye bye! thanks for anime good luck with kyousougiga~