>>685338 What a lovely song, I'd use it for peeking. Like >>>/watch?v=8GNsiP2kxw0 This kind of mood. Unf, glad I can play this fucking game tomorrow all these glitches patched. Tonight gonna be boring af
Kirara 🍄
got this weird pain like i got punched in the chest
i got a lotta shit to do and i wish i had my meds i can't bring myself to call the doctor and it's really bad
Yeah I know how that goes. The doctor from my university's medical centre I've been seeing recommending I schedule a check-in appointment for mid-May when I saw her last in March. But at that point the secretary desk hadn't gotten the schedule for that time period yet, so they recommended I call back in mid-April to schedule. And as per the usual I completely forgot to call at that point and now I get anxious about late scheduling so it's just compounding in difficulty to call and schedule for an appointment.
Nevermind the appointment I had for a meeting with a long-term counselor that I scheduled for a Monday -Tuesday the Thursday before, only to completely forget about the appointment. It's been about a month now and I'm too worried to call because I'll have to pay for missing the appointment and they might've already just given my slot to the next person on the waiting list so I'd have to wait like another four months anyway so what's the point really.
Shit's hard you.
Yo even.
i have a problem calling the doctor too i don't do it because i don't have insurance or money
yeah that's how it's been for me for the last several years now i have a healthcare program but i can't do the logistics of setting up my care coordinators
>>685361 it is much easier to not have to think about things because you cannot do them anyways i probably wouldn't even bother using health insurance and going to the doctor if i could guy would probably take one look at me and be like yeah you're fine give me two hundred dollars
Just move to Canada where he'll go "yeah you're fine go home now".
and when you're poor it's like that 200 dollars means sacrificing phone service and groceries for a little while and other stuff
>>685365 at least phone service wouldn't matter too much to me i don't really use it much other than to text and use discord i guess my smoke break would be really boring at work
me taking back and cherishing all the love I had for humans
also Otafest 2019
That's pretty cool. I was talking about going in to Anime North for a day on the weekend with a few friends but they haven't gotten back to me on it since the last time we talked about it. So I don't know if I'll end up going or not.
wow looks there's some important stuff on this usb I found and I think I can track down the owner but first I'm going to fill it with COOL FREE RINGTONES
Make a folder of "Cute Anime Grills" and just go find a bunch of caps of grills in anime.
>>685508 nothing all that interesting receipts and registration stuff just adult stuff
I don't want to fuck with him I just want something to hold music in the meantime
Remember the touhou virus that would lock your computer until you played the game and got a certain amount of points on lunatic mode Do that Don't listen to the guy below me
>>685513 I can't believe that you'd threaten to break my gunpla and use the lords name in vain in the same post You're going to make me cry
No, don't.
I ALREADY SAID Maria I swear to g*d I will come over and break your gunpla
been gettin hot flashes all night and can't focus starting to feel a little better and going to try to work on the stuff ive been putting off forever.
if i asked you to, do you think you could record a few scripted lines in your rawest aussie accent it's for transcription testing materials nbd if not but i don't want everything in american english
we all sound the same to me apart from slang and stuff
Does Australia have regional accents I knew one guy from a more rural area in, I think it was Western Australia, and he sounded so Australian that I thought he was making a joke
what's on the plate today krr any free space to record w/ me? i can probably find someone else if not i think i just want to get this done today though
probably not today ive got meetings this morning then ill be shadowing groups and getting ready to start taking over stuff for people next week at the new clinic then im gonna see john wick this afternoon idk when ill be home
oh cool good luck with that well not luck if you're shadowing but uh it sounds exciting
how about you wittle tonny wonny did you wanna help me record some dialogue
Kirara 🍄
after forcing uber drivers to make conversation with their customers through the rating system, uber is now adding a "quiet driver" option
WHY would they force that jesus christ don't talk while you're professionally driving you absolute idiots
Kirara 🍄
because silicon valley idiots don't know what they're doing
actually i wouldn't mind being an uber/lyft driver if i had the option to be silent
Kirara 🍄
one time in an uber the dude was telling me about how his sister fucked a dog i was joking with my professor in the backseat about whatever, this was when we were doing fbi stuff, i forget what brought it up but he was like "my sister did that. sex with a dog" and we were like "oh okay"
yeah me and jan got a lyft and the dude kept talking like fuck dude i wanna talk to jan not you, our time is limited and he was like humblebragging about the charity work he does and that he's doing something for a make a wish foundation thing like he was talking about the specifics of the kid he was helping and stuff i can't remember what exactly it was but i was like "damn if i'd have wished for that i'd have gotten the shit beat out of me" and the guy looked real pissed off at me for some reason
i like it when taxi drivers talk it's fun to talk to new people that guy in st. louis seemed like he really loved himself though haha
the guy i got in philly last time was cool too he told me about how he goes to the dominican republic where he was born to hang out in the forest and eat wild hog with his old friends every year
>>685560 i mean it's cool that he liked to do charity and help people but i dont think it's really something you need to tell strangers about you don't know what anyone else's lot in life is like tbh i felt kind of bad about myself when he was talking about all the help the kids and those foundations were getting
when our house burned down when i was 6 there wasn't shit done for us but later that same year, some girl in school had her family's garage catch on fire and the school like went around collecting donations to buy her a new bicycle and solicited my family for donations and scoffed at them when they couldn't nobody helped us when we lost everything you fucks
the only thing i ever wished for was a cheap-ass used violin gosh damn
>>685565 right? and like if i get into the cab and i dont want to talk or am not comfortable talking and the person starts talking to me and i just say nothing at all there's inherent judging that starts going on i think. they're like "wtf is their problem" or i'll think they're thinking that and feel insecure
>>685562 i is // it is cool and all but like i don't really care that you do charity i would prefer if you tell me something about yourself maybe doing charity work IS his identity though >>685571 omg so regal
>girl is idling in discord not going to sleep >try to put her to sleep by reading the wikipedia article for phalanges >she's even more awake now
maybe she likes her bones
jan and ton come visit michigan so we can get brunch here https://www.eatpeoples.com/menu please i need someone to go with i can't go to restaurants alone
>>685588 this place looks pretty cool they've got really fuckin good pancakes
they're amazing they're like four minutes from my house too it would be nice to eat there unfortunately it's impossible
kirara you might like midori she’s a dumb internet idol with an overwhelming sense of justice but as a result she doesnt take the situation where DEMONS ARE KILLING EVERYONE seriously and gets herself into danegerous situations constantly
she’s your extra party member for a lot of the game unless you have Keisure who has a different sense of justice because he got bullied a lot
>>685618 I dunno if it's true that he could know that just by googling it. Especially since if you google it, you'll learn that 4chan has cooperated in certain cases with people and organizations in the past. We can't really know. For someone who isn't eternally online and didn't grow up with 4chan, I think the way he's acting seems reasonable, and him being upset is certainly reasonable.
It might be possible too that the tweet and those efforts are just to secure in public forum the fact that he made reasonable attempt to contact the website administration to resolve the problem, which would allow for legal pathways for someone looking to litigate or cause legal pressure at least.
If you want to engage somebody legally there are a few things you need to make sure have happened first otherwise you'll waste time and money without any leverage
Kirara 🍄
One of the nose things came off my glasses. I'll have to go get that fixed when I can be done with work. I hope I'll have time to see John Wick still.
you ever think about all the people who ever mistreated you and just get the urge to take a knife and go to their home and carve a pumpkin jackolantern that says "I hope u feel bad" and leave it on their doorstep
>>685624 I used to sit back and think "It's statistically likely that a good number of them have died." or in prison or are miserable. But now that in itself upsets me.
as an aside, i was thinking back to a teacher who was just a generally awful person and wondered if they were still teaching and ruining more kids' lives but i realize they're probably retired now, and if not they're at least 20 years older and probably dont make those same mistakes anymore
woop prison's probably not so bad at least probably won't freeze to death stabbings get a bad rap they're really not so bad once you get to know them
>>685624 not really i feel vengeful in the short term but after a few hours or a day, i kind of get over it in the sense that i don't let it affect me anymore i just don't have the energy to stay upset
>>685628 yeah... Some things you realize way later though, you know? like something a teacher or chaperone did to punish you or make you feel bad for something that wasn't even your fault like you might have thought it was at the time because you were made to feel that way but it's really that you're just being scolded for having a poor family and bein shamed for it
it's not a vengefulness but it's like a, idk, like a sense of resolve i just want to be like "hey, you were a bad person. i hope you think back on those days and feel bad about it." people deserve some grief for their actions. it's not wishing badly on them i dont think
jesus google REALLY didn't want me to save this image they take every precaution to make you not able to save other peoples' google user content uploaded for restaurants gosh
>>685629 i kinda get that i get like halfway there i realize people treated me badly sometimes but i don't go as far as to care whether they feel bad or not
those thoughts don't linger. they kind of pop up in my head while im tired or working and i think, "man that person was really out of line. i hope they realize that now and feel bad." and do a little sorry-feeling for myself, just long enough to pacify it and then it goes away. i dont really think back on the same minor instances with unease again after that
gosh this is so confusing what do i do do i just say i wanna schedule an appointment do i gotta ask if they're accepting new patients first? am i already on their list because blue cross assigned them as my primary care provider? what does that even mean
i can procrastinate with this thing instead >treating baby eczema >penis curved when erect is that even a disease i thought that was just a normal guy thing >bent fingers try straightening them!
im a breast cancer overcummer
addiction prolapse and recovery >treat your cancer today i was gonna treat myself to a sweet potato pie but i guess i'll treat my cancer instead >>685644 i tried to do this at the EYE DOCTOR AND THEY YELLED AT ME gosh damnit i dont wanna awawawa
Kirara 🍄
>>685642 say you wanna schedule an appointment and they'll ask if you've been seen there before say no and they'll lead you from there
and my psych care clinic that ive been going to for the last few years is always yelling at e // me and really mean on the phone the doctor is good but they are such awful people im not making it up they have a 1.2 star rating yelling at their anxiety patients for needing things and making them do their jobs
i think i'll just wait until monday one call was enough for today
how do deaf and mute people schedule doctors appointments
>>685646 someone has to schedule an interpreter which can be problematic, as when ive called the interpreter phone i sometimes only get a message machine. so intry to tell them when the appt the patient has is and hope abd pray that they are fine with that time, vecause there have been situations where an interpreter does not show up for oke reason or another and its unpleasant
however, if you mean how do they call to get ahold of the office for an appt, they also use an interpreter for that as well which is kind of like “why cant i just ask this person”
there was one instance where the phone interpreter was giving the patient, since i could hear her half-speaking what she was signing, incorrect information and i tried to call her out on it, since the deaf/mute patients we had at least for that clinic were highly irritable as iss
>you have reached a number that is not currently set up to receive calls it's the number blue cross lists and that the clinic lists... man i dont like this
they even told me that existence has no meaning according to formal logic as philosophy has established and therefore somehow that means thoughts are feelings
>>685736 no, this is some big account on twitter that got mad at me for saying that people are responsible for their thoughts and they can suffer less by changing their cognitions
>>685733 Wow, I don't think I've seen you in weeks!
One of my new colleagues mentioned that he's a famous runner who holds a bunch of records, and I didn't look him up until now, but damn, he's got such a generic name, but if you look him up, he gets tons of crazy results. There are a ton of youtube videos about him, too. I'm actually super impressed.
He mentioned he did a crazy run this weekend that exploded his feet and destroyed his custom sponsored shoes. His feet were really fucked up. He totally destroyed his toes. But he just walks around like it's nothing. No wonder this dude is a fuckin samurai modo dude. Straight up bushido.
I have to write a curriculum for a weekly group. Well, I don't have to. But I should and I'm going to. I'm going to be running a mindfulness-based stress reduction group and some other groups. The mindfulness stuff is going to be my thing, though, I think, since I'm gonna write the curriculum for the other mindfulness group that I can't run.
I really like this new job. I feel really valued as a member of the clinic. People with 20 years more experience than me are asking me for my clinical opinions and want me to help them. I'm not getting paid, but I really like this a lot more than my other clinic.
>>685752 I guess you haven't heard since we don't talk much. I work at two clinics now. At my new clinic, I am working with an intensive outpatient treatment program which provides 9 hours of therapy to clients every week. That is, each client attends 9 hours of therapy each week. I also might be getting a kind of temporary marketing
my friend is at friday night magic and told me he saw a guy that looks like elliot rodger lol
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
really nice warm evening in ny yy
Kirara 🍄
>>685756 if you like the warm, come down here we got 100% humidity and 90 degree weather that's like 98 degrees on the heat index getcha all warm and toasty
that's a shame I pretty much don't have the money (or don't feel like spending it) for really nice figs so I stick with nendos primarily I also get the occasional revoltech and figma but mainly nendos cause they make so many I want
Going to 3D movies while having to wear glasses is kind of a pain. It ends up with me stacking the 3D glasses on top of my normal glasses and I feel awfully goofy about it. At least my normal glasses are about the same shape as the 3D ones.
>>685797 At some point. Me and Retro are planning on a movie though Actually wait I have at least an hour until that I can jong when I get home which is very soon
i didn't get it but DAMN i had a lot of fun spooking them i could have had a normal flush but i can't -not- go for it, you know
plus it turned out the not greedy play of throwing away my pair of ones to chase a pair of hatsus -probably- saved me from dealing into my kamicha's mangan
everyone was spooked though after the calls on 8, 4, kan on 2, kan on 6
>>685806 Damn that's nice If you were lucky you could have gone for ryuuisou Could have easily gotten half flush toitoi and an east wind triplet >two kans Did you get any dora from it
>>685808 An open full flush is 5 han right? So if you had toitoi and a half flush, plus the east triplet for a yaku, it'd be five han still Even if the east wind was just the pair and you only had 4 han, it'd still be mangan all the same
>>685810 Good luck with this hand >early mangan means nothing in a south game I personally disagree. Having an early mangan is a huge advantage. It lets you tank at least one future mangan and means you don't have to play so desperately for points. You can much more comfortably defend with such a lead, and you put whoever dealt into it on the backfoot >dealer on south 4th This is the best feeling Just ending the came with consecutive wins, eventually crashing into first place
how would i be able to sleep at night if i dropped it for a half flush toitoi
uh, i think the hatsu became dora but i only had one kami cha was sittin on two waiting for a third
>>685807 remember that part in akagi where it's like >if we transfused the blood back to give us more room for error, it'd hurt us in the long run thinking "well, i can deal into a mangan and still be okay"
i know it's akagi, but honestly i think fkmt designed the plot that way with the blood transfusion specifically to illustrate that specific point of mahjong. it's a really crucial thing i think. point leads are really misleading once you are playing with better and better players.
there are outlandish things in akagi, but not in the mahjong it explore. the more i play, the more i realize akagi is just an introduction to key mahjong themes. everything that happens is a key milestone in understanding mahjong. it's exaggerated a little bit to condense into a single game (like the one-suit style against the blind master) but it's all illustrative of central elements of mahjong
>>685811 Yeah but Akagis game with Washizu was a little different in context since Akagi wasn't simply aiming to rank ahead like in a normal hanchan, but to eliminate Washizu altogether Also it was transparent mahjong so Akagis chances of dealing in were even less than in a normal game The ability to potentially tank a mangan is useful because it gives you the luxury of being able to defend. If you're entering the latter half of the game in first with a good lead, and fourth is far from second or third, then fourth will have no choice but to lean towards attacking in the majority of hands. Having that lead means you can afford to avoid risky behaviours a lot more. And the reality is that sometimes you're going to lose points, if not by ron then by others tsumoing
all mahjong is transparent mahjong i think that's fkmt's point
i mean you don't get that information off the initial deal, but you get to a point where you have to assume your tiles aren't completely hidden
plus look at my DEF. it's become a crucial part of my play in climbing back up from 0 to now 497. had i gone for that mangan when i had the choice of tenpai on a full flush toi toi, i would have dealt into that kami cha's mahjong err mangan lmao
by incorporating the hatsu i got to use a lot of intimidation and deny him his mangan. my shami cha though wasn't so perceptive and ate a 12k ron
>>685813 mmmmm delicious straight there If we're gonna play it needs to be either now or much later since I made plans with retro
>>685816 Are you okay with later? Do you get many viewers?
>>685817 Well if we get to a point where neither of us are busy I'd like to I'd like to play it's just that it's hard co-ordinating stuff with multiple people in different timezones with competing activities
oh, much later then im streaming pub queues i dont know i havent started streaming yet i was waiting for someone who i think wants to watch and im having some private convos right now so i can't do it yet
ive never had more than like two people watch my stream, usually jan or sammy or someone else
we dont have to play at all it's ok
i feel like ive improved more in the last three days than in the prior three months
>>685818 Sam Are you going to update the soniculti twitter? A lot of people are waiting for it to update. Anyways Hrrrm Too tired to word this properly But thanks for making it, its kick ass.
>>685834 how's denver is it a full house or do you still need a new flatmate
or going to need* rather
I'm good on roommates for now, mostly hang on gomen
oh good, im glad you got that settled then
who's the bachelor anyway does the party have lots of unclothed womans thats pretty gross
hmmm i guess now there are i didn't wanna move but now we're at some strip club? I vwas talk I talking to some michelle girl but we moved venues this place is trashy af
pretty into it this generation fetishizes suicide it's real weird
if anyone wants to know how I'm doing, the answer is "bad" nothing had g has gone well life is difficult keep fighting, even if you're losing it's better than giving up
wow me 2
>>685850 oh gosh im sorry rook do you want to talk
I don't think I know how
im really bad at talking too im here if you need anything i can email you my number if you wanna text me any time
I'll check the r.ail
the email it's been a long time
>>685850 ;_; I hope things can improve. You at least still in a livable situation?
>>685855 i know what rough times are like but wanna know somethin? no benzos or alcohol for nearly a year i mean, glass of wine with thanksgiving or special occasions but no relapsing
got a whole bottle of these benzos unopened from my last refill 6 months ago
>>685856 rent is taken care of for a while so I'm lucky there at the very least >>685857 that's really great man, I'm glad you're more under control these days it probably doesn't seem like it, but I worry about /moe/ posters a lot
Man Rook I've still been craving that shawarma we got in Philly again. I haven't been able to find a place that gives me a good feeling like that did. Maybe it's just a kind of idealized dream I'm never gonna find again.
Moon I need to whine about some ridiculous bs I accidentally qued into a south and east bronze game And the game loaded me into both but only let me play one So now I've taken a fourth place from a hanchan I didn't even get to play in
How can you let that sort of thing go to your final product Tenhou wouldn Tenhou wouldn't have done that
tenhou lets you just stall out from the game without any notification and you think another player is taking a long time to deal then you have to refresh once you realize and find out youve dealt three tiles already this is a common problem, even if it doesnt happen to you personally, and tenhou could account for that and notify you when your connection drops
i made a mahjong thread on the front page. just for posting images or shitposting but also for just general complaining and stuff so it doesnt flood too much i think it's fine to post in here but it's not always the most convenient
Credit where credit's due Mahjong soul at least has a signal to tell you how bad your connection is However I'm not sure that we're talking about the same thing On Tenhou if you que for two games, as far as I know, it'll only ever put you into one of them (correct me if I'm wrong) Mahjong soul put me into two games when it should have just reconnected me into the one
>>685899 Oh yeah tenhou is buggy as hell too I don't think this specific one would have happened on it though
>>685897 I wonder what other people think when they see mahjong talk Like do they just see this indecipherable mess? "oh man I can't believe that guy ronned me for iipeikou tanyao pinfu with nii dora for mangan"
no ive never seen tenhou put you in two games i was just pointin out tenhou has its own problems
the online intake form for new clients at my new job makes me laugh so much for "substance use history", it has a list provided by the corporation that owns the clinic it has kratom listed twice, "other", "other substance", "Klonapin(sp)", "benzos", "xanax", "Klonopin/xanax/lorezapam", and a bunch of really bad or redundant or misspelled categories
>>685909 i made the calls to the PCP listed for me and to that clinic for that psychiatrist it went humiliatingly bad and ive been so stressed about it i havent slept this was yesterday
Kirara 🍄
what went bad about it
i dont really want to start or i'll get worked up i posted twice about it yesterday and i got nothing i am going to need some help though this is exactly as difficult as i had said it would be and i wasnt overcomplicating things at all like people said
i shouldnt have brought it up but i wanted someone to know anyway ive been feeling kind of unheard
Kirara 🍄
sorry to hear it didn't go well ill help however i can
i need help figuring out which of the providers in the directory offer psychiatric care most of the listings are for temporary care inpatient or outpatient i need ongoing care because i have permanent issues but it seems like such a thing doesnt exist
the number for the pcp they assigned me to doesnt even exist it's an unassigned number
some of the clinics in the directory are there because there is a doctor who is there who is a psychiatrist but they dont do psychiatric care at that facility the system doesn't distinguish any of this
the one i called up to for that doctor i picked out with you just answered really bluntly i didnt even know if i had the right place after being made to feel really awkward and without getting to ask any questions // it's really bad nvm but they apparently only do primary care and dentistry there that doctor does work there but i dont have any appointments that i need is the sum of it and now it's a three-day weekend and im not going to have any peace the whole time, and im going to feel more humiliatred and distressed than if i hadnt made the calls at all i really dont want to try anymore everything is so fucked up
oh memorial day is next weekend oops i got an email from legit for a 20% off sale for memorial day so i thought it was this weekend yeah immediately after placing that order there's a storewide 20% off sale at legit who has the stuff i wanted and better prices even w/o discounts
everything is so fucked up people were like "idk why you're so anxious about a phone call like what's the worst that can happen" and making it out like im making a big deal out of things when they'll go fine but it doesnt go fine, it goes horribly. like it's the same thing that happened before and why i still have phone trauma regarding healthcare now i got worried about what could go wrong and "oh that would never happen you're being ridiculous" and that exact thing happened it's the same thing again like it probably wouldnt have happened to anyone else
going john wick mode i really like this dinky little theater with reclining seats that nobody was in when i saw endgame only one other family in this theater rn although movie starts in 15 minutes
Kirara 🍄
this theater has a rewards card program that is literally only a card they scan so they don't keep any personal information or even register you for it very nice
oh you fucked up you can't get the best ending rip
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
which is for the best since that's one of the endings without new content in overclocked
>>685931 Wait shit did I lock myself out of the king of demons ending I don't want the bitchmessiah route
>>685934 >get rid of all the demons It's better than the messiah ending and probably the best route for mankind overall But it's not as cool as true demon or the super powered demonic sdf ending
>>685935 Rofl "fuck everyone else in the yamanote circle, I got mine"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh of course not my favorite ending is the gin/haru one where you get rid of all the demons before fighting babel
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's always the yuzu ending :)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yuzu's has new content in overclocked at least it's apparently a lot better.
yeah I heard it gets a proper boss fight now which is neat Also holy shit combining a dragon type demon with a... what's the kind that lets you attack twice? Putting two of them on a team is completely broken You just plow through everything
i keep makin people go negative on south rounds and they lose like over 100 rank points it actually makes me feel really bad i keep hoping they don't deal into it when i see them trying their hardest to hang on for two or three rounds at like 5k points
idk it just feels so tragic
>>685941 Law of the jungle They'd do the same to you
there was one that had like 3k, and the person in third with 15k just disconnected and ruined the game i did my best to make sure i let the person who stayed break into third and send that leaving fucker as far down as i could especially cuz that person who stayed was a gold with like 980 and would have lost probs 150 but was actually staying she ended up only losin like 32 so i think that was good
>>685943 Bless Disconnecters must be punished Coming in fourth to a discomnecter really sucks so it's nice you brought them up
i try to aim for high second place in grinding out points like, trying to overtake the lead incurs so much risk that it backfires more often than not, and since the rank points gained depends on your game points, and the first place is just a flat bonus, being 35k or higher in second is really solid but if it's one of those east games where it's a rush to 30, it's different you're basically playing for just the rank bonus
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my ups package finally arrived, about 66 hours later than they said delivered
I don't think I have the authority to give an official definition but I think it probably just means that you're precious or adorable, like a baby is supposed to be.
Kirara 🍄
john motherfucking wick it's just so amazing some of the best writing ive ever seen in my life they way they build viewer expectations and then always deliver on them or subvert them is just amazing something as simple as john taking off his belt creates an expectation that's delivered on flawlessly hours later it's just a masterpiece of storytelling
oh shit there's a dark souls 3 mod in the vein of prepare to die again and whatnot that changes game balance and progression Maybe it's time to play it again
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh my gosh I think Cinders mod adds fucking poise to dark souls 3
Kirara 🍄
holy shit john wick knocked the avengers out of the top spot at the box office
goodness gracious i know you like the avengers, but im happy to hear that not that i dislike it but i like wick there better
Kirara 🍄
same wick 3 was even better than wick 2 i think just unbelievable these are probably the best movies ever made
ive spent the last 18 hours designing engagement systems for deep learning mahjong and playing mahjong this is what i do when i dont have my meds this is how i cope with stress this is my life
Kirara 🍄
is there a way you could go see it? uber or something maybe?
seeing it in the theater, i felt so connected to everyone in the room everyone groaned audibly when something incredibly painful happened everyone laughed with disbelief every time someone was killed in a ridiculous way everyone just reacting so rawly to it in unison, it felt so good strangers just coming together to enjoy and revel in a festival of death it was so magical I can't wait to see it again
>>685961 chapter 2 was better than 1 it's absolutely worth seeing and 3 is just omg
did that superspec thing get sorted out by the way prolly not huh it's only been like one business day
Kirara 🍄
nah, charge hasn't shown up yet no new emails yet either
legit kratom already has you verified yeah we shoulda done that oh well thanks again btw for helping out with that
Kirara 🍄
>>685965 no problemo sorry it's not going more quickly
>>685968 naw it's all good i dont need to be taking it every day anyway i could use some away time
Kirara 🍄
haha if i want to get trained and certified for this specific therapy modality, it would cost me $10k i guess that's not a big deal when you're already established as a psychologist but i certainly can't do that
Kirara 🍄
apparently i can do it without the formal training though
I want this. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=47920
>>685972 yeah ik what you mean the certifications i'd need to do the things i want are like a thousand just to take the exam, then a big annual membership fee and the courses they want you to take to learn the stuff are like 6k
and it's mostly stuff ive literally taught people how to do before but until i pay a lot of money and have other certificate holders with senior status validate me as having years of industry experience i cant get a certificate
if i just started my own company i wouldnt have to worry about anybody employing me
you can't just do that in psych clinics though well that one fraudster tried to or smth but yeah it's not really a thing
Your body can adjust to the high UVs if you train it to. I can stay in that UVs for a while without getting burned. It takes me like 2 hours to get burned usually. 1 hour if I'm near or in the water.
I put on sunscreen before I went out like a good boy
Kirara 🍄
sunscreen was recently found to get absorbed into your bloodstream so the FDA has to open investigations into how it affects you and whether or not it's actually safe to us
the only issue with that I suppose is that it was my nose, eartops, and arms that were the affected areas. They weren't really burned but they got singed, so to speak
I don't like the feeling of sunscreen on my skin. I'd rather risk getting burned than have to deal with that.
Yeah, but they're all pretty intangible threats. I already have a tumor, too. I don't mind getting cancer so much. If it happens, it happens. I won't live my life in fear of it or anything.
>>686021 Oh. Yeah, I'm pretty particular about my hats. My hat is considered part of my identity by a lot of people. They give me shit if I don't wear it. It's just one of those weird things.
>>686032 even that aside he thinks this is somehow a good thing if i were going to date a guy and his ex left this i would think it's clear he has no sense of consideration for other people's feelings that would be such a demeaning thing to start a relationship out under the thumb of his ex and he's just going on about "isn't this sweet"
though I'm not really feeling normie girl. we haven't done anything besides text since that date, though I suggested we hang out again recently. I'm off this week so maybe on a day off we can get togerther and change my mind.
>>686033 Haha, the note says that all he cares about is himself, that people will constantly talk bad about him, and that he'll ignore you The dude def has some problems. I bet he wrote that himself, too.
is there a historic district or something nearby get some gourmet ice cream and snacks and hang out at the park walk down some cobblestone roads and visit a yarn shop
Endgame, right before the actual movie runs, now has Tom Holland come up and give a similar shpiel to his one about the Far From Home trailer that came out recently. Since they play that trailer now at the end of the credits for Endgame.
>>686044 To get a Psy.D., you have to complete credits, a dissertation, comprehensive examinations to prove you know anything about psychology, and a 2000 hour Internship.
It's kind of a pain. But I only need a 70% on my comps and it's 200 multiple choice questions.
>>686040 They had a thing with him telling people not to spoil the movie when I saw it, I think.
I also know the breakdown for how many questions will be on which subject. I'm too stupid to study, though. My colleagues think I'm too smart to need to study. It's really funny. They haven't grasped how stupid I am after 3 years of knowing me.
the nice thing about law is that it's all open book. You don't need to memorize anything. thank god. but you need to do a lot of preparation and have concise notes an' stuff so you can pull out case names and citations quotations in a hurry without needing to stop writing to look for it all. two hours seems like a long time but it goes by quickly.
>>686051 My clinical proficiency examination when I got my masters was like that. I had to defend my evaluation and treatment of a client I had been seeing, and I was allowed to have a binder with all of my notes and research and anything else I needed.
>>686054 It honestly wasn't very practical. The amount of work that went into that report was really excessive and I'll never have to defend my clinical judgment to a panel of psychologists. Now that I'm actually practicing, nobody doubts my judgment and my reports are maybe 3-4 pages at the most compared to the 40+ pages I had of clinical documentation and my 20+ page report that I had in my binder for that.
And I had to do that before I actually knew how to provide therapy or had any substantial experience, too.
>>686059 >when you're in practice a client is going to tell you a whole bunch of irrelevant shit and you need to be able to filter the information to work out what matters and what doesn't. It was that kind of thing.
So he put in lyrics from a Tom Petty song. It was fucking stupid.
google gave surprisingly accurate results it seems
god damn they re-elected Dutton dickson more like dickhead
Kimetsu no Yaiba is one of Jump's more popular manga at the moment and it does have an anime currently airing. That usually promotes topical images.
Kirara 🍄
I went to read some of the manga and it's actually not very good compared to the anime. The manga is missing tons of context and jumps from event to event, while the anime fills in a lot of what goes on between events. Maybe it gets better later in the manga, though. I only read a bit further than where the anime is now.
Kirara 🍄
also the anime has an amazing soundtrack
Yeah, Kaijura Yuki's really nailing it. She often kind of shoes it in and does just her usual sound but this one is prettynice.
Kirara 🍄
She's really gone in on the sound of the era. If you know what I mean.
My friends went to a maid cafe at the local anime convention.
Things sure do change. Not too long ago, I probably would have identified with the dude in Kimetsu whose fiancee got ate but now I'm identifying with Tanjirou telling him that he's gotta keep living.
My friend got me a Megumin figma. I'm so excited.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
treat her well
Kirara 🍄
strap her to a fire work and let her become one with the explosion
Oh Capcom is working on several new games in the engine they used for RE7/2R and Devil May Cry 5. That engine seems pretty versatile and high quality. Could be fund.
yeah it seems pretty great i hope they'll make lots of good games in it
Also in your semi-unoccasional Very Biased EGS Hate News. They recently put up a summer sale where pretty much everything on the store gets ten dollars off if the game is over fifteen dollars, saying that Epic Games will eat the ten dollar deduction themselves. But in response to this there's a number of developers that have (probably only temporarily) pulled their games from the store, or raised prices on the game so that the price is comparable to what the game was before the sale. Among these include the rather lucrative Borderlands 3 pre-order which has half a year of exclusivity on EGS, and the next Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines game. The argument from the studios is that by docking prices for games (without informing the studios beforehand, mind you) EGS is devaluing the worth of games like BL3 which isn't even out yet, and early-access games that may raise prices on their game when they leave early-access. Like if someone can get a pre-order of BL3 for fifty bucks during this sale, why would they buy the game at full price after it's out? It forces the studios to either drop prices or do even deeper sales pretty much right out the gate, devaluing the game.
And also since the EGS doesn't have a shopping cart functionality there are people who have been taking advantage of this sale that have actually had their accounts flagged for suspcious activity upon literally buying too many games.
>>686176 That's what I said. Who do you think makes anime? You didn't think it just magically comes into existence, did you? God animates it in Adobe Flash
>>686175 I'm gonna invest in EXXON to increase climate change and encourage climate disasters to avenge miyu-chan
also organizing the input data differently or supplying annotations different learning methods or optimizers there are so many variables and i’m a noob to this stuff
>>686236 I heard a story from a voice actor that there were some girls dressed as such but based on uhhhhh that one country anime with the bishonens and they were posing by a holocaust museum and they got accosted by some nearby men who thought they were young boys so that could have ended horribly for them. >>686240 yes hetalia
>>686243 if you dress like a nazi in new york city, you're probably going to get hurt because there are actual real nazis that you'll be mistaken for it's unfortunate that it's come to this point, but this rule is protecting people
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>686246 that's why you should change at the convention center
not everyone is a brain genius that is aware that there is an actual concern about real nazis which may result in them being assaulted while in cosplay banning the cosplay is the most effective way of keeping them safe
well, they should probably just put out a notice explaining that it's very dangerous to dress like a nazi and let people take the risk if they want to, but they probably want to avoid controversy and this is the simplest way to do it
the only circumstances in which i would dress as anything resembling a nazi is if i were infiltrating a group of nazis
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh wait if I needed to infiltrate a group of nazis or something too fuck you beat me
Kirara 🍄
haha nice
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
or I guess if I got invited to a historical reenactment by someone important to me (such as a cute girl who isn't dressing up as a nazi but needs me to be one) I have a jewish friend who plays an SS officer in historical reenactments I give him shit about it though also he comitted voter fraud in the 2012 election
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
huh there's a yatagarasu friend I forgot they had mythological creature friends