I didn't get to babysit last night cause someone took over so that's why my maternal instincts flared up hard But now I get to help someone move out finna get knackered
why are malek and washington doing a movie together? or what
Kirara 🍄
why do that with the headline
oh okay yeah that's a good question the comments section is all asking why they're hunting a serial killer because theyre too dumb to click the link i knew thats not what you were asking but yeah that was the intention behind that title i think just gotta stir up curiosity
except nobody really cares it's probably bad news to some people since it means mr robot prolly isnt getting another season
Even if you're not clicking the link, The AV Club is a news source that usually reports on movie shit so it being a movie is pretty logical. But I guess that's the kind of circumstantial observation that a lot of people just don't pay much attention to.
This girl in front of me left her laptop open when she left for tge the break and there's this sticker on it saying "Why? Because we can." and an image of either a rifle or a Harry Potter broomstick and I can't really tell which. It's kind of nagging me.
probably connected to the school wifi too that's how you get infoworms
Kirara 🍄
gotta connect it to something
Kirara 🍄
my new clinic's wifi password - the one employees use to access confidential information - is my boss' first name and the last four digits of the agency's phone number
honestly idec im going to make him change it so we can actually have a secure network you can delete it if it makes you more comfortable though i don't mind
eh it's ok havin him change it is a good idea i wonder how many businesses that should be hipaa compliant actually arent due to poor security
the password they set me up with for our electronic records system was a default password of Welcome1 i almost lost my shit we have all the information on the clients there i changed it immediately
this is like a super big problem for me it makes me really uncomfortable they're really vulnerable
i don't think they even have like a security person or a company contracted for it this is the wealthiest place ive ever worked, there are clients paying $13000 for intensive outpatient programs here we can afford a fuckin cyber security dude to make sure our shit is ok
>>684548 i dont think that would be too valuable that information is already available. people dont want to and dont know how to use it and people arent too responsive to just being told something
they respond pretty well when you break their stuff (without doing any harm) and show them how vulnerable they are though by break their stuff i just mean infiltrate their security and be places you shouldnt be, accessing stuff you shouldnt be able to access
sorry if i weirded you out right now by not flirting at you >>684551 the issue i see is that by doing that, you've shown all your cards they can just say "oh thanks for the detailed list of all our security flaws, but now that we have that i dont think we need you"
>>684552 well my intent wasn't to flirt, maybe you could interpret it that way but I definitely wasn't flirting
youd probably get along with fjord he and i have pretty similar tastes and he's really friendly he's in my type 5 favorite people ive met on twitter 4sure top 5 favorite, too
>>684571 he's got a good personality and he loves mecha and idols but he's not my type physically
>>684575 It's hilarious I mean I knew wrist was tekubi (hand neck) and ankle was ashikubi (foot neck) But I always though the kubi in chikubi was something else. I never even considered that it could be neck And now my mi d is blown *mind
i think i met him in a persona 5 discord the Haru one hha
Kirara 🍄
he also loves jojo part 4
As per the usual I am rewarded
despite my best efforts to not be proactive in the slightest. The course I'm taking has a group project that's a core component of the graded mark and I was feeling really apprehensive about having to find a group for it. Though the course's online shell would have auto-assigned me to one by Thursday next week. But there was a group exercise today and two other people in the class came over to me for it and by the end of it invited me to form a group for the project.
The moral of this story is how do you learn moral lessons if you never get punished!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need to capture Jan and force him to play an mmo with me
>>684589 if you wanna do dream analysis i actually only need one dream i mean you can do more with more dreams but just one dream that you remember well is enough
>>684594 lol no i didn't realize you thought you needed a whole journal for it I thought you were just waiting until you had a specific dream you wanted to do analysis with lmao
There's this chode on the bus loading platform vaping his nicotine, bubblegum-grape scented vapour like it's his right to do it wherever he pleases. How annoying.
>>684577 Oh I've interacted with him a few times! He's cool
these lollipops are too big they are flat disk-shaped which isn't really that enjoyable in the first place compared to spherical but it's too big to suck on because it'd cover your teeth partway and you can't close it into your mouth it's so aggravating
Yeah doesn't sound too nice. I'm fine with the normal sized disk-shaped ones but the thing about lollipops that always gets me as the cheap paper-y sticks that start to become these almost tissue strands in your mouth if you suck on it too long.
i need to find some new ones but they all either contain sugar or are sugarless with artificial sweeteners why? why can't you just have something be not sweet
I think, at least in North America, you might have a hard time finding non-sweet lollipops. Especially if they're anything slightly like mass-produced. Maybe if you could get your hands on some candies from Asia or , I'unno, maybe something from around the Middle East. I don't really know much about candy culture outside of North America and Japan.
if im gonna have something to suck and bite on for a few hours wouldn't the one thing i wouldn't want it to contain be sugar why are people so weird, and it's made to look like im the weird one for thinking this way
there are flavors besides sweet, you know
Well I'm guilty as charged for being perfectly fine with intensely sugary things so unfortunately I'm a bit on the other side here.
Are you not fond of gum? I chew a fair bit of gum during school. Though a lot of that tends to be pretty sugary or artificially sweetened too.
and you finally find some that aren't and they're TOO BIG https://www.etsy.com/listing/68010834/coconut-lemongrass-lollipop gosh im so upset
I'm really not too fond of gum. I do keep some onhand and I use it to refresh my mouth occasionally if i want a clean palate or fresh breath it's // it doesn't fit that role for me of long duration use and it doesnt provide any stimulation really besides chewing
>>684625 yes you cannot close your mouth around a candy that is two inches in diameter >>684626 because it's a lollipop you fool
>two inches Is that really too big?
Also why cant you just split the candy in half?
>>684624 Ah okay. I'm the kind of person that can chew on a single stick for like hours and hours on hand until it gets almost rock hard.
Sorry I don't really have a lead on something that would help you.
>>684624 Ask the person if they can make smaller lollipops or sucking candies
>>684627 it's fine im not really asking for advice
yeah gum just is meh to me. the chewing for one really gets my jaw muscles sore without me realizing it and i get a headache from it later in the day but the chewing isn't too satisfying. i'd want some firmness to a bite and some rigid structure but having the persistent stimulation of flavor is the biggest part
im more whining about the existence of lollipops this size and shape as the default and being sweet it's very unaesthetic
Right on the page >Additional policies If you can dream it ~ I can probably make it happen!
...The nature of my business is custom orders and events! Please convo me with questions!
Feel free to ask if there is something you are craving that you don't see!
just had a really Canadian moment where a guy was walking in my path in a rush but stopped to let me go he said sorry and I said sorry and thank you real awkwardly too bad I live in the opposite of Canada
Did you both kind of give an embarrassed/humoured smile at each other?
yeah pretty much
Yeah that's pretty Canadian of you guys. Aussies are pretty much the hot biome varient -variant of the Canadian species anyway.
and it gets worse if you end up using those stupid vague questions "who was your first kiss?" "who was your favourite teacher" gee I don't fucking know >>684695 yeah there's that too I think when I was younger I would shoot myself in the foot by putting something stupid like " your mom lol"
>>684694 >Know the answer >but you don't know if you capitalised it, used a space, used first and last name, or referred to them as mr or ms And you only have three tries to get it right!
Yeah lol I would have put in a swear word or something else that underage me would have found funny
>The Simpson's and their mathematical secrets people sure like to write books about this show I guess it comes with the success
>>684714 Well The Simpson's does also have a fair bit of mathematical easter eggs hidden in it. I think Matt Groening or one of the other original writers, or both or whatever, was a bit of a math nerd before going into comedy and writing. Futurama also has some little bits of math fun snuck in as well, both in the form of background jokes and in some small details like the passing of time when something weird going on being accurate to a degree you'd only get right if you'd stopped to calcuate it.
oh there's no apostrophe there, I may have misled ou >>684718 ah I see the only math stuff I can think of from the simpsons is a joke where Homer puts on a pair of glasses and gets the pythagoras theory wrong Futurama is a bit more obvious, being science fiction, there at least has to be a little bit of science to back up the fiction
>>684719 https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2013/sep/22/the-simpsons-secret-formula-maths-simon-singh This article goes through a couple easter eggs and things they've snuck in. One they're famous for is when Homer goes supersmart and seems to solve Fermat's Last Theorem, a math puzzle that's pretty dang famous/ The solution he presents ends up being incorrect but at face value looks like a functioning solution.
neat, that's an interesting link thanks maybe I will take a look at this book after all
Yeah I don't have the slightest interest in watching more of the show than I did when I was younger but I do find it neat to hear all this trivia about the math easter eggs. I kind of wish I had some field of knowledge like that I could slip into stuff I write.
>>684714 there's books like that for like every show, just for philosophy instead of mathematics it's easy content for anyone that likes doing that analysis
>>684762 I've been fine myself I don't really watch anime at all anymore there's probably quite a few people here that could tell you what's good this season though
>>684781 Yeah I did that first I've got the rock and the flower I actually did half of senpou before I realised I had to fight Genichiro because I got lost
i think my apartment complex is trying to scare me into snitching on my neighbor for smoking weed
Kirara 🍄
im gonna put on my offended White Middle Class Professional voice and go say im a substance abuse counselor and ive never smelled weed so whoever is reporting it must be wrong and im offended that i would even be considered a suspect for this when i am dedicating my life to combating the scourge of marijoowanna
I hope you've got a less dramatic take on that prepared because that sounds really theatrical hah hah.
haha im just gonna wing it the property manager and i are on pretty good terms i can probably convince her there's no weed smell though
but my dumbass neighbor kept doing it even after the cops came so i gotta talk to him too
And up here just last night I walked past the front of a cannabis shop that smells VERY APPARENT of weed and it's just like "well that's a long-term fixture here now". It's like five minutes from my campus though so honestly kind of enticing.
Kirara 🍄
I'm not a fan of the smell of pot It's pretty gross imo
I've had a chance to experience what I feel is a decently wide variety of strains by now and I think there's definitely variants that are more palatable to my nose than others. Kind of like how there's even some cigarettes that can smell decent.
The smell of it clinging to a person's clothes is still pretty consistently "ugh" though.
well if for any reason kirara you get completely evicted on baseless terms you can just come live up here and we can begin work on the moe mansion dream
It's crazy how fast people assume you'd never do a drugs if you tell them you're a substance abuse counselor
She was tryna play me though she was like "oh these got put on all the apartments" and i said "i noticed they only seemed to be on my building" and she changed her story to them going out to 5 or 6 buildings where there had been complaints
i went to a physical smoke shop to get my kratom they had it in little 1oz bags behind the counter so i couldn't even look or anything
10.95 per ounce lol it'd be 100 bucks for 250 grams that way i just bought two ounces but god it tastes like total shit
i sent you back your dollars btw
Kirara 🍄
>>684841 what in the god damn what does it taste like
like kratom tastes bad, i know, yeah but i T&W white and yellow and many greens like without even thinking about it ive never had anything taste like this. it tastes like just raw dirt
i really think it might just be dirt haha >>684844 yeah we can do // oh im fine on cash we can try to order some sometime but im not worried about it rn
i had to listen to a bunch of qualitative research reports recently from patient interviews
in regards to the electronic medical records system stuff they were like >our older demographic of people over 60 expressed a lot of concerns about privacy and security related to the electronic storage of their medical records and they were talkin qualitatively about how it's because they're people from a different generation so they dont trust things they dont understand
fucking lmao no they probably don't trust it because it's a nationwide system with millions of human access points and security in that regard is a pipedream and because they probably heard of every instance of privacy breaches within medical systems, like the wannacry in the UK
i mean yeah it's not ideal, but it's useful and it's not like those concerns were absolute barriers, they were just some concerns expressed, presumably when prompted about their feelings on privacy
but the way it was registered into the report by the research team is awfully frustrating it's a really unsanitary way of handling data
>>684850 It's accounts like this that makes a friend of mine really dislike qualitative studies as a means to prove a point. One of his driving complaints is that they're either too small a sample size or make a claim (usually based on a small sample size) that doesn't have any clear scientific benefit or knowledge advancement. For him something can't really be adequate until there's comprehensive quantitative data on it to prove the point. A particular sticking point between the two of us is my distaste for relying just on statistics or numbers to establish a truth and what feels to me him over-relying on them.
>>684853 qualitative data is quantitative data, but just in the context that the boundaries of that system are unknowns it's a second metric for data that you already have for classification and differentiation. it's not meant to provide interpretation beyond that.
as far as relying just on statistics, i think it's fine but i think that generally people don't understand statistics i haven't taken graduate level statistics courses so i dont know how rigorously they understand the field but i think people generally just know the applications, like how to measure things and build a model from those measurements
>>684862 what a wusspuss he coulda straight up just given the address and called em out if it never showed up and if it did there'd be options from there
it's prolly not even pee so that's the lamest part. can't prove that now though
what’s the point of paying for prime when UPS just decides when it gets here anyway
i wonder how she'd feel if he just followed through then made an unboxing and chugging video
or sent it out for a drug test and published the results or other biologic testing there's lots of embarassing things he could do that would put the company in a very awkward position
>>684870 He fucking better make an unboxing and chugging video.
Kirara 🍄
if a girl from a social media account mailed me her piss i would not drink it or if a boy did it
i would not drink anyone’s piss
Pour it out, wash the container THOROUGHLY and then fill with apple juice and drink that on camera.
>>684875 i would probably not drink the piss of even someone i loved if they begged me to i dont know but in general i will not drink puss piss eirher either fuck
>>684877 What if it were from a really cute girl with diabetes?
Also that's still shit In this case its literally just >>684892 No dude its not actually urine She's a demon, not an animal It just so happens that she excretes lemon flavor
bitch your original question was would i drink lemon flavored piss
bitch i watched dodgeball I know there are people out there who drink piss
Also jashin-chan is really good you should watch it
I really wwant this book but im broke right now https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Non-Euclidean-Geometry-Dover-Mathematics/dp/0486498506/ Wait Wrong book
>>684906 make content for game maybe take a walk probably have to go browse for dryers
the weather here is starting to get nice finally ive been walking to the park a bit there's a zoo nearby but not in walking distance. i wanna go sometime
Kirara 🍄
watching john wick 2 it's such a brilliant movie one of the best ever made 100%
just gotta sell the danger positions tomorrow. but even if I don't get it out at maximum, it's still a pretty good day ...and to think I slept through it.
Well, I exaggerate the frustration a little. Even when I was losing the other day, it never cut into the money I put in. I was still technically up. I was just upset about having such a good Friday and it immediately becoming negated when the week started. I'm actually doing a lot better than I thought I would. I'm 5% up in less than two months.
>get an email from amazon asking for feedback are they taunting me >>684931 who is thebad
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>684928 ever heard of the good thebad and the ugly
what did he do that was good
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>684929 and se7en is like a 7/10 I guess we can't agree on anything about film well actually I haven't heard anything about for a few dollars more so its probably not 9/10
>>684949 i really would since the game doesn't really kick afk players unless the server's full but i don't want other people to see my discord chatlog and my sisters will probably want to play on the computer at some point too
>>684950 Just play cooperatively with your sisters Let them tag in and level up while you're gone
i really really really hope i can get a switch in time the smm1 community got really big. i want to be a part of that as it grows this time i want to make levels and share them with the community and get people excited to play them
hey jan come play that mmo that pan and owl and i are doing so we can farm cash shop points together and get swole
plus we need another tough boy orobably i cant do all the damage even though you can relegate that to your demoj demon
it’s the old shin megami tensei mmo except now it’s run by the community and not a company since the original game got shut down you cant spend money on it so all the cash shop stuff is gettable with points you can earn by clearing dungeons you can spec your character into various specialties, vut usually will want to focus on something, and can gain a slew of demon partners to fill the roles you cant
>>684957 Yeah I remember it being pretty popular for how little noise the Wii U got overall. With how large the Switch community is compared to that there's definitely a really good audience for clever map designs.
On a completely unrelated note now that I'm home, one really cool area in fallout 4 was the glowing sea and I'm kind of bummed that that place was eventually plot relevant because it would have been way cooler if it wasn't.
grubhub now hides the delivery fee you don't and can't know what the delivery fee for an order will be until you're already in the process of checking out god this company is so grimy
I feel like there's been companies I've ordered stuff from that have done that too in the past. Like do they calculate it after you've entered in your delivery address, or even later after that?
for grubhub you: 1.) put in your address 2.) choose from a restaurant in that service area 3.) choose what items from their menu you would like on that order 4.) proceed to checkout
they used to show the fee to // for delivery on the menu page of each restaurant so you could factor that into your decision about where to order from and how much to order. they changed it to where it would not have it directly there, but had a little (i) button that you could click to see the delivery fee
now it's completely hidden, and you have no way of seeing it until you proceed to checkout. you can still back out of course, but it's really unsettling. ps the restaurants dont determine that fee. grubhub does, and it's arbitrary. sometimes it's 1.99, sometimes it's 5.99 there was a 35% off coupon for a greek place so i was kind of curious. i was gonna order some chickens and hummus maybe but i clicked checkout and it's a SEVEN DOLLAR delivery fee lmao fuck you grubhub
that's separate from taxes and service fees and tip
Yeah I was thinking it might just be that it's contingent on your address and the distance the courier needs to travel but it does sound like they're tweaking it so that the fees only come up at the end. Sort of relying on the mentality a lot of people might have on "Well I already put together the whole order, might as well go through with it." Which honestly probably works more often than it should I'd wager.
i left them a really nasty email. well, sort of. their contact page doesn't even give you direct customer service email, and their feedback form has a very limited character limit.
they treat their participating restaurants and their drivers really badly too. they take a cut out of everything they can, including the amount that goes to the restaurant. that street kitchen i really have been wanting to eat at stopped service with them because it was unsustainable how much they take and how poor their service is. (i emailed them to ask about whether they were using a delivery service) they said routinely they wouldn't send their drivers to pick it up on time or wouldnt send them at all but still would put the order through without anyone to deliver it, so they ended up having to remake orders a lot
ive heard pages and pages of complaints about how awful they are on the restaurant side, but this really seals the deal for me on my side i really don't like being lied to
Are there at least other food courier services you can use in your area?
oh for sure i dont really need to order anything anyway, was just looking but im definitely not using that one anymore
im thinking about maybe ordering something else but im really bad at making decisions ive got an order im thinking about right now for noodles & company for a zucchini truffle pasta dish and a soup and tofu but im looking at the price and thinking about how i could get like 10 sandwiches from wendy's for the same price haha or a whole meatloaf and side of ribs from boston market
what was mine again on that one chart? was it also would say yes would get mad?
Would say yes would not get mad
>>684985 The pasta set definitely seems like a better rounded meal than the other two, and definitely more healthier than the Wendy's sandwiches. That's always the rub of things though, isn't it. Cheap is more appealing but a more complete and healthier meal is probably better overall.
>>685009 feel free to make your own only kirara and SC really made them and it was ages ago
>>685011 yeah the sandwiches and wraps are really cheap because they're idk pretty small like the normal burgers at wendys are like 6-9 dollars each but they're big and pretty high quality these are kinda small and plain but it's still hot food. flavor is nice but i prefer being full i can get some flavor separately from my meals.
i wish i had one of those senko-san rice cookers so i could just make rice and furikkake
That much food for that much money feels like a lot of food to me. But I don't have a great feel for pricing in the States, and everything is a little more expensive here.
i'll also refrigerate them and microwave it tomorrow it's pretty lame to reheat fast food but eh i can't use the kitchen so whatever
>>685010 A fancy rice cooker like the one in Senko-san are probably a little pricey, and maybe even a little tricky to find in North America, but a cheap rice cooker should be pretty easy to find. The one we've got is a clunky piece of plastic and light metal but it works great for making up rice.
i hope wherever i wind up next is more accomodating it's like the one thing i really hate is ordering and eating fast food and the only thing that really brings me great pleasure is shopping and cooking
several consecutive housing arrangements where that's not possible so far it feels so cruel
I'm fine with the occasional bit of fast food but if I had to eat it more often it would definitely run weak on me. Cooking can be enjoyable for me but I don't quite get the same pleasure out of it and if I had the disposable income I'd probably happily juggle between self-cooked meals and various places in the city. There's so many cultural restaurants and places that pop up with some kind of experimental or avant-garde cuisine that piques my curiousity that I can't really bring myself to spend money on. And then a lot of them are gone not too long after, not necessarily because they were bad but because this city is expensive and even the best cooks might not be good money-managers. Food in a big city really is ephemeral.
restaurants are hard to keep afloat my favorite one back home was a place called Tam Tam it was an ethiopian place, and it was a bar too very few people went there but me and my ex went at least once a week
it was really like a kind of local pub for the local immigrants, which there were surprisingly many. like heavy accent straight from ethiopia or a couple other african countries. they'd just hang out and visit at the bar and like me and my occasional guests would order food occasionally it'd take hours though because they had to thaw the goat meat out right then and there, can't afford to keep the food fresh all the time but goddamn it was good food i love that kind of atmosphere too
i used to not be such a social recluse, looking back on it
ah, no, i take that back i was pretty bad back then too.
another place i liked with that similar atmosphere of cultural isolation was a russian place. they did daily "buffets" it was like three or four trays of stuff made that day. you get the impression that the family just cooks their meals there and shares it with anyone who comes and pays and buys some drinks. it was really cool. there was even a wedding going on once and we showed up like, "uhh...." and they just told us to come on in anyway even though there was a celebration going on with like 90 people we just sat at a separate table by ourselves haha it felt like a completely private event but they told us to stay
Those both sound like nice places. I haven't really done a lot of exploration to have really any places like that. There is a Japanese eatery that I used to go almost weekly to with friends in high school. They've got a pretty inexpensive menu and from what I've picked up from the owners they seem to be doing it partially for the satisfaction of running the eatery instead of solely as a business. The wife heads the restaurant and the husband seems to have a few other businesses he runs. She recognizes me by face, although my reticence for socializing has meant it hasn't really gone deeper than that. I chatted one night with the husband and some other customers about a figurine convention he'd just returned from Japan from, that was fun. He had a bunch of the typical anime/manga figs photographed, but also a bunch of weirder or niche or original 3D art pieces that were also on display at the event.
I haven't gone back there in a while. If y'all do make your way up here I'd take you to the place, it's nothing fancy but it's nice, inexpensive Japanese eatery food.
>>685018 yeah i love places like that. the smaller and cozier the better. i had a bunch of regular places i'd go to. i tried to be loyal to the places i like, and that appreciate the loyalty.
big places and franchises you feel like your loyalty isn't noticed or cared about. some places would even seem like they're aggravated at you for showing up because they're too busy and stuff. i really hate that kind of thing. i always wanted that warm place where you feel welcome and connected to people.
Tachibana was the japanese place of choice back home. japanese place that had been open since the 70s. it was real close by too, so i took us there like every weekend. they had shabu shabu and sukiyaki and a whole bunch of really great sashimi the owner of the place was this 60-ish year old japanese lady and she knew / recognized us really well. i miss that place so much and wish i could go back, but after we broke up i never had anyone to go out to eat with
this was when i was a gambler so i'd be making enough money in any given week to go to some nice places and treat us to stuff and it'd help me cool down from intense days too, so it didnt really seem like a hefty expense it seemed like $50 on a delicious dinner would bring me more satisfaction than seeding it into losses when my focus slowed down in the evenings so it was probably saving me money then they had to go and make it illegal and ruin everything
>>685020 A fifty-dollar meal, even between two people, might be a bit much for me hah hah. I could probably get satisfaction out of twenty or even fifteen dollars of food. That would probably be the sweet spot for income for me, being able to afford to eat out maybe once or twice a week to experiment with places and foodstyles I'm unfamiliar with. On top of having my living necessities covered that is! I wish finding jobs that don't give me a whole lot of apprehension were easier to find.
>>685020 I thought there were casinos in Missouri?
>>685024 yeah, not regularly doing 50 dollar meals but it'd depend kinda on my levels of stress and stimulation if we were gonna bother eating out, it kinda needed to be worth it generally it'd be a lot more satisfying to make a picnic meal for the park or to go to a hot bar at like whole foods and get something tasty and eat out somewhere, if we were goin less expensive
i wouldn't go to tachibana and not get the hot pot and some special sashimis on the side though, and some hot sake i know cold sake is better but hot sake is more satisfying sometimes
that's appropriate for cheaper sake good sake is wasted by drinking it warm all the flavors and things that make it special are // need to be cold to be appreciated
kind of the reverse of how you would chill a cheap bourbon but want a good bourbon at room temperature
Huh Social gambling is illegal in Michigan Now that's fucked up
what are you talking about
I was reading random states gambling laws In Michigan its illegal to have a poker night with your friends for money
no it isn't it would have to be an organized event whereby the organizer collects a rake of any winnings
doing that in // doing that without a licensed establishment would be illegal it's to counteract underground casinos and illegal casinos that could argue that it's social gambling
i dont have any particular interest in poker nights or social gambling anyway
I just thought it was bizarre and overbearing.
yeah michigan is in fact pretty lax in their gambling laws. they do a lot of things really proactively like sell lottery tickets online and don't expressly prohibit online gambling, only kind of but because they're quite pro-gambling, they have a lot of legislature in place for the proper maintenance and control of it im pretty sure they just dont want bars or social clubs to be opening up a poker night where they collect rake on the gambling, or for any establishment to be hosting gambling without actually being a casino
you and friends can go play poker or bet on dice or whatever you want, but if it's being hosted by an entity who's profiting off of it then it's awfully close to an illegal casino though if it was just in your residence it's unlikely that anyone would care enough to litigate
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
another thing on the page said it was only a crime if you won
yeah that sounds like someone was just finding random content and writing about it without understanding it they probably read that social gambling is illegal if you collect money off of it and interpreted it as it's illegal if you win anything, rather than thinking about a rake
oh, there is some truth to that winnings part if youve done illegal gambling and not won anything then there's nothing to litigate
>So, we have proto-Romance words surviving in the Mediterranean from Portugal, in the west, to Turkey, in the east. Clearly, it was a cosmopolitan lingua franca until the late Medieval period, when the political map began to inhibit meme flow, so that cultural isolation caused the modern languages to begin evolving. As a result, proto-Romance survived by vestigial fragmentation of its lexicon into the languages we see today. As such, manuscript MS408 is immensely important, because it is the only documentation of a language that was once ubiquitous over the Mediterranean and subsequently became the foundation for southern European linguistics in the present day.
but yeah im good racing a distributed computing effort some nerds are tryin to do
I was talking again with the guy who the other day was asking me about me putting him up in my home earlier tonight. He's thankfully put off that idea but we were talking about maybe trying to find a place to rent as flatmates. I knew him for like five or six years but it's been at least as many, if not more, since I last really spent time with him. From what I've felt talking to him through text online he seems to have gotten over his kind of hyper-egotist teenage psychopath way he was in high school. Though I've been also keeping aware the memories of him being quite aware of how he acted around people to get his way so I'm being cautious. I invited him out to a meet-up I was planning on doing with a friend tomorrow night so if he shows I'll probably get a chance to talk with him face-to-face. Plus I have a decent bit of trust in this other friend so I might quiz him later on to get an outside opinion.
stab him before he can stab you to be sure
Honestly assuming earnest gratitude and friendliness from this guy that's gotten back in contact with me, it's a pretty nice opportunity. Renting in this city as a single person is expensive, having a flatmate would simplify the issue incredibly. And it being someone I'm kind of familiar with but also distant enough that I could fall back on being hard-hearted if it's not working out gives me a safe out. More than anything I just need more information before I can feel one way or another. But it would be a good situation.
>>685115 Yeah, nationality would be a bit of a problem too in the long run.
i would offer, but you know that whole border thing
>>685111 if he ends up being a villain I'll avenge your untimely death and recover your anime
i wonder how difficult it is to actually move to canada i have friends in vancougar, kelowna, halifax, edmonton, kind of all over
>>685119 I'll always have your back friend but try to make sure you don't get bamboozled and ever need my actual help
>>685121 I'm not too well-versed on this, but I think it's pretty easy to get a work visa if you have an actual employment placement. Might be harder if you're self-employed like a lot of the work you've done recently. Beyond that you could probably stay wherever as long as the stamp they mark your passport with hasn't expired yet. Though it would probably make acquiring a non-hotel place to live difficult.
Long-term moving, ie. emmigrating, is extremely difficult unless you have family or have a skilled trade/field of knowledge that the Canadian government considers valuable. Or you're coming in for something like university. Canada doesn't take in many immigrants from America these days.
this kratom is so bunk it's supposed to be green maeng da and it's really not doin shit for me maybe this is pure kratom and all the other times ive taken it i was actually feeling the effects of mold spores latching to my brain stem
Kirara 🍄
breezy trees still takes cards and paypal and stuff i think
Dr quinn youre on tv
i left my dr pfeffer in the freezer too long and it froze
Just make a space force because the name's cool. You don't need to try justifying it
Kirara 🍄
>>>/@tedcruz/1128855968350134274 good thing trump just launched a tool out of the white house to help people report social media anti-conservative bias
>>685187 Youre fighting the railroad thats being built right through your town.
>>685192 i don't recall signing up for that fight but ill fight it anyway there already is a railroad through our town though it hasn't been updated in 60 years though
i had a nightmare that rick and morty season 4 came out and they made a reference to 4chan and the haruhi problem i bet it's prolly a premonition my aunt says premonitions run in the family but i dont think it's true
you and sk were so excited for season 3 remember i was like "uhh calm your expectations" >>685205 yes i know but you were excited to get to season 3 yeah i know, i loved seasons 1 and 2 myself and had strange feeling halfway through the third season as things started to happen outside of it
i was just tryin to compare/contrast expectations before and after with us
Kirara 🍄
you are definitely misremembering because i didn't start watching until season 3 was already started the show itself is fine though there were a couple good episodes the effect of the show was just horrible
personally I prefer season zero when it was just morty jerkin rick off
just try to let me finish and stuff you don't know the tone that early and whether it had started then or not wasn't really where i was going there was a point at which you and sk were making predictions about season three before you watched it and were excited about it i was just trying to refer to that point where the enthusiasm was at that peak
I'm thinking about getting a cane to use when my knee acts up I'd only need it for a few days every couple months at the most but I think it'd make a big difference
I'm thinking of joining a shooters club the only thing that holds me back would be the fees and a few mental health scratches against my name ai could probably scrounge up enough cash for fees though >>685232 yeah there's a lot of sprawl though for comparison I did 11 drops yesterday and was out from 7-1300 and still covered at least 60kms >>685237 It would probably be very easy to break my back
Wait What the fuck It was developed by CAVE? Now I'm interested
oh boy
I've never actually gotten much into MMOs.
Despite my autism.
youd he free to grind cash shop points and earn class expertise all youd like
I don't currently have a place in my house where i can do pc gaming. The desk in tge basement is a mess The only thing I can put it on is tge coffee table by the couch, and putting it there and gaming would be really bad for my wrists.
The class on qualitative research I'm taking has us reading up on the ethics guidelines for research in Canada for tonight's class. I understand the need to be informed on them but man this is a dry document.
everyone seems to like my "i don't really care what happens" attitude at my new clinic because I'm pretty chill and nothing phases me but little do they know that that's my trait that's most likely to get // to cause trouble for everyone
>>685280 it is sayin the coupon usage limit has been reached what do you want to do?
oof it is an early bird coupon gosh dang eh let's go ahead and do it anyway if that's cool is your paypal address the mg@live or the mrg@gmail
Kirara 🍄
yeah that's cool with me
Kirara 🍄
mrg gmail
Kirara 🍄
order received
i didn't get a confirmation email yet what did it end up being 130?
Kirara 🍄
yeah $129.98 i just emailed you a screenshot of the receipt with order number i think i accidentally used my email with it so the confirmation might go to me because it was with my billing information, i'm not sure if so i'll forward it to you when i get that
yeah i got the confirmation it says it might take up to 5 business days to process because it's my first purchase with the site but i can expedite it by replying with a screenshot of the charge on my bank statement once that shows up so i'll do that when it does gonna forward you the email too
oh gosh i didn't know something like that would happen thanks i appreciate it yeah i'd rather have it shipped tomorrow so i get it tuesday if possible five bsn days would take another week
my bank usually processes e-checks pretty quick so it'll probably show up soon the charge will probably show up by tomorrow morning and i'll send them the screenshot asap
with legit kratom, it went through within a day the first time and it just syas "up to 5 business days" so it could be quick like it was with legit kratom
i tried to make it a bigger order so i won't have to deal with it for a while and hopefully they'll sort payments out by then i'll need to figure out a way to repackage everything though. superspeciosa's packaging is pretty trash it works for a 100 gram bag that won't last long but a big one starts getting moisture and air and getting clumpy because the resealing mechanism breaks really quick
damn i wish i coulda jumped on that sale earlier but i woke up real late i kinda wanna wait until they have a good batch sometime and just buy 5 kilos with a discount like that these head shops here are so trash quality that i bet i could even resell, not that i would
i'm pretty sure the whole "kratom is tainted and bad!" scare came from head shops just being absolute fucking trash and getting dirt kratom bc their customers wouldn't know better
whenever you wanna buy again just lemme know and i'll help make the order if you need me to
i saw this client today she's an italian from brooklyn and she was like crying and she was like "i'm okay. i'm strong" while she's sobbing she got a DUI because a cop pulled her over bc her brakelight was out and asked her if she'd had anything to drink and she said she had a glass of wine an hour and a half ago then she didn't blow the breathalyzer so they arrested her and gave her a DUI that's her story at least
italians from brooklyn are hard nuts to crack though mostly because i want to laugh at their accent it's full on "bada bing bada boom" tier
she was afraid of losing her job because of her DUI and i asked what she does and she works for a company that does vocational rehabilitation, helping people find jobs and some horrible thing deep in my brain was screaming at me "make a joke. i guess you'd be the one who needs help finding a job! make the joke you coward" but i resisted
oof i need some vocational rehabilitation i still haven't called any doctors to set up an appointment for medical stuff
there's gotta be an option for me to build the experential foundations i'd need to apply for info sys and security like some IT assistant or something which i want to say is way beneath me but i think i need to humble myself a bit
errr one more thing @kirara did you get a paypal send request or something? i think i sent it but i still have the same amount of dollars in here im going to try again, but if it sends you two requests just accept one >>685306 okay my mistake, it should be sent now after you type in the amount and say "send this money" it still takes like four more pages of confirmation
i still don't get it i thought people would say they're afraid of clowns like to be funny or something and i heard so much that i was like, "ugh the joke's not funny anymore guys" but it took me a long time to realize it wasn't a joke
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I blame two things Stephen King's It and John Wayne Gacy those are the only two good reasons
those aren't really things children are conscious of though
i think it might have more to do with very early development and only being used to very familiar faces then the stimulation overload of a big loud crazy clown getting up close and honking at you to a child who isn't developed enough to understand whimsy, that could be sensory-traumatic
not unlike dogs being very loud and potentially scary looking to a child that's never seen one, and they come up and start licking your face and stuff. you've never seen it before so it's horrifying. your senses are being disrupted by something you dont understand