so I will take this GET and see you lot a bye bye because I am the bad guy
to the anon blogging about letting some scumbag stay at his house
why would you do that ever
Because I don't know if they're a scumbag or not. Like I said, the stuff I recounted about them was from when we were in highschool - a literal decade ago.
You know nothing about this person though besides your previous knowledge. Instead of trying to do the right thing and help this guy out, you should think about your family first and foremost and not imposing upon them when they already want you gone.
They don't want me gone, not yet. I just said their patience is wearing thin. And that's not even just solely because I'm here, the situation is more nuanced than that.
Either way he's decided to return to his house for the night at least, so I don't have to worry about it immediately.
>>683677 i mailed you a mail if you get the time, could you just check that first one out on google the msu link has a little bio just let me know if you think that would be appropriate for me i lack objectivity
yeah, this looks good for you i notice she's done talks and some research on self-care and burnout too she looks pretty well-rounded so it's definitely worth a try
i dont really care to be talked at i feel like people who mainline a role as a professor fall into this position where everybody's really absent minded and it's their role to inform them of things universities are so disconnected from the world professors compete amongst each other for who gets to live in that delusion longer
i am not stuck on that idea but it was some of my reservation i'll look for any excuse n // not to do something that causes me anxiety though so that doesnt mean it has merit
i will try to set that up when i have the opportunity
thanks. I need to look at setting up maybe therapy sessions too i need people to talk to about my friendship issues with people who aren't in that group it gets messy and makes things worse instead of better
i can't say how many times ive done something in an attempt to be responsible like say, "Hey, is ____ an issue between us or am i overreacting" or something like that and i was overreacting, but because of my probing to ask that question it did therefore become an issue it's such a lose-lose situation and now those awful engagements keep me from talking about anything ever and i just assume the worst and that i can't say anything or everything gets ruined
it's really not healthy and i dunno what to do i can't talk about this all day every day though so i think im done with it
Yeah he does He's determined If God's in his way, then he gets rid of god
>>683690 When? You mean after he already accomplished his lifes goal?
>>683691 I remember it a little differently. It took less than two minutes for sure. Maybe he just knew that he couldn't undo it himself post tony snap or something Like the dusting has to occur before the undusting
Kirara 🍄
thanos gave up
Kirara 🍄
>>683689 after tony got the stones he just sat down and watched everything disappear even though tony was dying and thanos had like two minutes before he dusted
Kirara 🍄
>>683689 i dunno but a warrior should always fall facing forward
Kirara 🍄
you should have enough resolve to slash someone with your blade before you die after being decapitated
Kirara 🍄
there's this story in the hagakure i thought was hilarious a famous swordsman was taking shelter in a neighboring land after betraying his lord and the samurai had two of his comrades with him the lord that was sheltering the samurai got an order from someone, i think the shogen, to kill the samurai because he was too dangerous so the lord sneaked up while the samurai was washing his feet and decapitated the samurai the samurai spun around, unsheathed his blade, and returned the decapitating slice before his head had even fallen completely to the ground but the samurai missed and decapitated his comrade instead
lol, that "sinking ship" from last week it filed for bankruptcy yesterday
but I seriously do not understand how everything is like... 5% less than what it was last week. stock value is just down and I don't know when they'd have the chance to do it
>Wall Street's main indexes fell more than2% on Monday after Beijing announced plans to retaliate withhigher tariffs on U.S. goods, raising fears that another roundof tit-for-tat measures could push the U.S. economy towardrecession.
>At the center of the selloff were shares of technologycompanies including chipmakers, manufacturing giants andretailers that are exposed to China.
Kirara 🍄
a horrible hornet is in my home and lazarus wants to wait for it to come down so he can fight it it's like 2 inches long but it's like 20 feet up so i can't reach it
it's a good day despite the loss also, I'm still up technically thanks to magic
It's cold enough in my house that the surface of my eyes are getting cold enough that blinking is kind of annoying. But my cat's curled up on top of me so getting up feels mean.
But I'm also kind of hungry and need to drink something.
There's a grey tabby that's sitting on the back desk in this lousy, cold, drizzly weather. I tried to usher it inside but it's spooked a bit by me and seems wary of my cat. I don't know if it's a stray or someone's pet but it has been around for a while now. Pops up every now and then to eat the food we put out for our cat. It and mine seem to have gotten along in the past at least.
Kirara 🍄
googling how to be like john wick is disappointingly boring no good wikihow articles or anything
man this sucks everything good about friday was negated today and there was no chance to save myself because the majority of it happened before open. Which I still don't get
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
are the Bep stocks still ok
BEP dipped .19% which is far better than most of what I own
Maybe you should wait until you don't have a manchild in your highest office that can send stocks tumbling with a single Tweet session before you play with stocks.
no see, you're supposed to start as soon as he sends stocks tumbling and I kinda did problem now is... he did it again and I didn't realize it until -$200
i met a beekeeper at the missouri botanical gardens once who had been keeping bees for like 15 years i had always secretly wanted to so i asked how one would go about starting if i'd like need to be a beekeeper's apprentice somewhere he laughed at me and said beekeepers dont have apprenticeships you just get bees and start i was really disappointed
>>683759 i mean i dont see why not. i guess it's more hobbyish than profession so that seems weird maybe it was a nice laugh though not mean, like he probably thought my ambition was cute or something but i really wanted to learn bees and im really bad at doing things on my own plus apprenticeships are just cool idk why we don't use that system very much anymore
>>683761 hmm if i had gotten that electrician thing at boeing it would have been like an apprenticeship my sister did an apprenticeship to be a tattoo artist, but that was kind of rough because you have to pay a considerable amount to be an apprentice in that situation, like an investment, and her first teacher was a scumbag that made her feel really uncomfortable and was very unruly
as bad as that sounds, she is a tattoo artist now and knowing how to deal with dumb men and not be intimidated serves her really well
>>683762 Yeah, I can imagine dumb men that can get kind of unruly probably makes up a lot of her customer base. There's definitely still some apprenticeship-style introductions, a lot of trades like pretty much anything in the electrician field or things like plumbing. But then you get stuff like bookkeeping, accountant-like work that in the past would have been an apprenticeship. Though a lot of offices might do a kind of unofficial apprenticeship where everyone with seniority assumes the role of the master.
Kirara 🍄
>>683762 probably because apprenticeships don't allow for the centralization of capital by a small group of people
we should do a /moe/ apprenticeship swap and teach each other valuable skills
i can teach the basic crafts like felting, crocheting, resin, metalworking, sewing, woodcrafting and woodburning i can teach to skin a carcass and tan the hides but i dont really know how to gut and clean the animal for meat prep so id be willing to learn that if someone else does oh i can also taxidermy and perform minor invasive surgeries i guess i can solder too but im not particularly good at it. uhh im thinking but im not sure what else i can do
oh thats right marsh foods. those are fun skills to exchange
okay i can add gardening, pickling, brining, smoking, and food preservation in general to my available trades >>683771 do you get that thing where like you wanna text people but you dont really feel satisfied with the message you sent so you send another one for context and each text you just feel more frustrated with yourself and wish you didnt send any because now it looks weird
I should sleep >reads I should sleep >mobage I should sleep >cooks breakfast I should sleep >texts CF I should sleep and not wake up
>posts on moe
>>683770 Sometimes but its more like a oh no i shouldnt have said anything after the first one but I keep saying things to make it less bad. And i dont feel like imnsucceedong
yeah like that im doing that all the time except i dont really ever text people
i keep wantin to like talk to people or share a thought but as soon as i put it out there im like oh no it's so weird nobody is gonna know what this means now it looks weird it's just sitting there in the discord channel and other people stopped typing in the channel i can't back out now that's even more awkward i have to commit shit now i just look even more weird and now im spamming the channel what if these people have push notifications on and im buzzing their phone every time i post something stupid and weird i guess i'll just delete these messages from the channel they failed anyway
wait shit that person just saw me post that awkward message, get no replies, then delete it fuck
They came with a ladder and took care of the hornet. It's a shame, you know, it didn't want to come up here and get stuck inside my house. If it could have left, it would have.
>>683774 I understand this. I would say more but the tiredness is really catching up
>get invited to a "chill and make friends" discord by a friend >join a voice channel with him and like four others and play a game >they see you in the game but dont know you're in the voice channel >oh it's this person >yeah ive seen them around before >dude are they a girl or a guy >haha dude i can't tell >say in voice channel "uh yeah me either"
well it was vrchat there's no real gameplay going on in dota nobody cares people are too focused unless you play in lower brackets people lose their shit
Damn this constantly shifting weather we've been getting recently. I'm fucking sick of weekly headaches.
where the heck is maria >>>/watch?v=rUCzQRnZwSA its time for another cover and its one of the tracks i really like
>>683781 I'm at WORK And I'm on data Someone else please listen to this and tell me my opinion on it Cute girl in the thumbnail bro very big fan of the hair covering the eye
I went to the intensive outpatient addiction group at my new clinic today, I'll be coleading it, but today I was just shadowing. I said I was in recovery and everything.
We were talking about all the things people need to stay sober, or at least, the good things that increase your chances of sobriety. So the group leader asked me about how I stayed sober and I didn't do any of the things you should, haha. no therapy, no community support like AA, no alternative coping skills So I was just like "I had no coping skills so I basically brute forced it for the first year until I developed some" It was kind of funny, but everyone seemed to find it valuable.
It was a nice group. I'm excited to be a part of it.
That's always the roughest part of getting into a new set of habits, the first bit where you have no fucking clue what you're doing. I guess it makes sense for people struggling to get out of serious addiction problems to be sympathetic and understanding that some times you just have to brute force it.
Haha, I'm not sure. Most of these people are somewhat wealthy, so they mostly grew up with some coping skills and had support systems and are in treatment. The longest anyone in the group has been sober is 105 days. They're all pretty new to it and none of them were stupid enough to go cold turkey and brute force everything like I did.
Aside - a lot of people don't know what "brute forcing" means
>>683799 Nah. I carry whatever I'm reading with me wherever I go. I can't leave books at work or I can't take them with me! And I don't need my psych books anymore to interpret assessments because I've done so many by now.
>>683799 i dunno i got no plans >>683800 i don't have anyone to hang out with and nowhere in particular i want to go
>>683801 Why does that stop you from doing something interesting? Is being somewhere in particular or with certain people the only things that are interesting?
Sony isn't even gonna be at e3 this year I'm so disappointed and it hasn't even begun Where am I supposed to get disappointed about Fromsoft not announcing AC6 now, Microsofts conference?
>>683818 Yeah but as far as I know they aren't doing an e3 one like Nintendo They did one a week ago didn't they?
Kirara 🍄
they do nintendo directs now
Kirara 🍄
>>683817 yeah they did Sony's plan is to transition from e3 to just pushing out regular game news
Kirara 🍄
Sony doesn't have any competition when it comes to consoles so they really don't have an incentive to go to E3 anyway
>>683820 It's a shame Microsoft shot themselves in the foot and gave up Kinect was the beginning of the end Early 360 was sort of cool though and Microsoft made a really admirable effort to get Japanese games on the system even though no one in Japan bought it
it's probably notable that nintendo also ended up fighting for a much larger share of the market that xbox and sony had considered theirs for a while nintendo was definitely seen as being somewhat // as being marketed more towards younger audience/families but in recent years i feel they've staked a much larger claim in the market by holding onto kids into their adulthood i don't exactly think xbone was unsuccessful based on its competition with the ps4 alone i think the market wasn't as big as either sony or microsoft predicted, and i think nintendo did very well with the switch
>>683825 I think Microsoft is also realizing that rather than competing with Sony and lesser Nintendo, by expanding their repertoire to appeal to both console and PC gamers they can safely establish themselves as a niche neither of the others really fit into. It's what's driving their acquisition of indie studios like Mojang (Minecraft) and why they're doing stuff like reviving Age of Empires for a fourth game. Ultimately it'll probably have them yielding to Sony in this dumb console war and that might be bad in the long term but it also might mean more resources put into games that can work well on PC. Which I'm happy with.
>>683825 Consider that the Switch is fulfilling the same role that Nintendos handhelds used to They've got the old handheld playerbase and a stake in the regular console market too
I think Microsoft might end up selling something like those steam boxes in the future while they try to continue consolidating windows ten as a game environment
i only bought it because it was like 5$ if you also bought this cute anime game that was in a steam sale (which i also never played)
Kirara 🍄
same! that's the same one i got i use the box to fill up space under my tv so my cat doesn't get under it and fuck with my cords
tbh it seemed pretty cool but at the time i didn't have a controller when i set it up and then it just never got used but i would probably use it if i had a big tv still
did they evwr release that weird touch controller
yeah i've heard they're pretty cool i'm not big on controllers though
Yeah I haven't really heard anything bad about them. I could use a controller maybe but I don't really have the money that feels worth putting down for one. Plus I'm pretty fine with most mouse/keyboard controls for games that use 'em so whatever.
that job took a lot out of me a full seven-hour event the event stopped twice for a lunch hour and a break segment they coulda done me a solid and at least kept the recorder goin so i got a break too instead of cutting right back into the fray
Sounds pretty exhausting, yeah. That's six hours of audio, minus change, to transcribe?
seven. i didn't get to enjoy their breaks just very tuckered out my hands are surpisingly fine but it's pretty rough on my back. that's about 30 hours over the weekend to cram in
Yeah I don't think I could engage in work for that long without going mad. Unless something meshes well with my attention span it's hard for me to keep engaged in anything for long, let alone thirty hours.
i have engaged in that and i have gone mad can confirm
for me things become easier to focus on the longer ive invested in them it was a really frustrating job for a lot of reasons but none of it really catches me off guard anymore im sure the last 20% of it probably takes a hit to quality as i lost stamina but whatever. i could and should do better but i dont get paid enough to. spending that long on a job in crypto or infosec would have earned more in that one day than i make in a whole month currently i need to treat myself more fairly
>>683758 there was a beekeeping exhibition in the texas state fair last year and they were like giving people lessons on how to get bees and keep them i thought it was funny they were like hey kids aren't bees cool? get some bees!
haha that is pretty funny i think they're really cool they're really gentle you can just pick them up by the handful and they dont freak out
>>683867 is that rin yeah kinda i was just checkin if you were okay
set up a bee stall selling bees by the jar BEES BESS GETCHA BEES HERE
moom were you looking for me earlier
>>683865 yeah its me im doin okay i appreciate the check in it's really sweet of you how's your housing situation doin
>>683868 hmm this might have been too foward for a year long gap in communications u dont have to answer if you dont want yoo too but i appreciate the checkin
Are ya winning I'm so tilted Three thirds in a row
>>683872 this one yeah. i got jipped from 1st to 3rd because of a leaver, and then i got 4th in the next one this one im in first by a healthy lead so i turned on auto discard and no pon/chii so that i could respond here on /moe/ btw if you -know- you arent going to make any calls, like you're going for seven pairs, turning on no pon/chii makes it so people don't get that info when they discard
>>683868 it's not very comfortable. im still transient one year at
>>683873 >leaver Classic mahjong soul >no pon/chi Sounds like a useful option at higher levels Really they should just do what tenhou does and insert random pauses to hide when people can pon and chi
>>683868 don't wanna take take over the conversation here but I thought I'd at least say hi good to hear your doin okay it's rene btw
>>683873 man i get dropped in the middle of this it's not very fun i wish i had a place to really call home where i could feel safe and comfortable but im getting by. thanks for getting back to me. hope things are well
>>683875 i could tell haha how are you rene are the australian summers hot enough to boil the water out of yah
>>683878 hello anon i m not entirely sure who you are but i hope you're having a pleasant evening
>>683876 man im sorry to hear that you're a sweetheart and you deserve better i wish we could have linked up and roomed together like we were planning, but to be honest im not very good at being an adult.. at any rate, i hope you're able to find that place soon :>
Hi Rin good to know you're still alive!
>>683874 those random pauses lmao sometimes there's 3 xias on the board and you discard the fourth and it's like WAIT hmmmm i wonder
but in tenhou people probe that shit. they'll just discard the same tile again to see if it pauses again.
>>683877 thanks rin, and no worries the onus wasnt really on you to make anything work out, you were pretty limited im the adult, well you are now, but i was the adult and i couldn't figure out anything so it's kinda whatever drop by any time you want. i remember you used to come visit us here a bit more often but i got drunk a lot and started being abrasive for no reason and then you stopped. i dont do that stuff anymore, but /moe/ doesn't get the love it needs anymore and it gets kind of slow, so feel free to stop in when you feel like it
>>683879 still better than nothing though. Sometimes you can't discard the same tile twice I wonder though if you could use that to bait people. Like first tile you can pon, you leave a long pause. Second time you instantly click the x button. So you trick them into thinking it's a random pause.
>>683879 it wasnt your fault i stopped visiting here dont worry i /// in the end i just got bored of the liveboard format, and stopped visiting anywhere on a regular basis. i do quite like talking to a few of you here.
>>683880 do you ever get those moments where you get the call indicator and you think "damnit now they know" and you decline, but then it's still paused it's such a good feeling not only have you kept your information concealed but now you've got even more information than everyone else by virtue of that like if you got the cue for a pon, you know it's prompting someone else for a chii, so you know who it is, and if you got the chii, you know someone else has the pon
>>683877 I'm fine thank you the summer is pretty hot, lucky were we're in autumn, not far off winter right now I am not looking forward to the future summers though
>>683883 I never considered that to be honest That's pretty smart I should consider it a bit more wwyd here btw I might start posting daily wwyds
>>683886 I'd discard 3pin to chase the delicious straights
i guess i'd discard the 4 pin and wait on the 6 man, 4 sou, 2 or 5 pin for tenpai i dont have any real reasoning other than the pin setup makes me slightly uncomfortable just from gut feeling
>>683895 to the ice cream parlor of course! we can wear our dresses and eat sweets together >>>.<<<
Hey good lookin', why the frown? It always looks better when it's upside down If you got no place that you're going to Can I go nowhere with you
>>683877 p sure that's tilde might be wrong though
>>683898 i dont expect tilde to remember who rin was/is
Rude. I like being A Nonny Mouse.
>>683899 One of Rin's posts from like 2017 is permanently saved to the remembered front page of /moe/ on my phone that pops up whenever I can't get an online page for it. I couldn't forget him even if I wanted to!
People are my religion, because I believe in them People are my enemies and people are my friends I gave faith in my fellow man And I only hope they have faith in me
>>683909 what about you is your situation more stable now? if you're still here even
people straight up use a public computer and save their login and password on there huh >>684000 gosh I would hope it's not kinda paranoid now but the dog looks okay guess the internet will do that to you
my screen is small! i saw a body in the dirt and some red splotches it's just a snoozy dog and a hen gobbler though
>>683996 Online safety really isn't something that's taught much anywhere, if at all. It's kind of left up to the users to learn to not be stupid about it, which isn't a really good preventative measure hah hah. So stuff like that is pretty commonplace especially if the user is like past thirty or so.
my arm has started hurtin from the vaccine >>684009 yeah that's true just boggles my mind some of the things people do though >>684008 must be nice to be that dog and have a nice cock rest on you
it was an alright movie seems there's a second one coming out interesting that they put it into kingdom hearts too
i thought it was pretty fun yeah interesting take on the whole thing
>>684055 Apparently Disney has been working on this crazy interconnected storyline of all the villains of the cartoon movies they've made over the years. Like the princess in Sleeping Beauty is adopted and was actually the daughter of some villain in another movie and the three Fates from Hercules had some hand in causing Maleficent to fall from being a good fairy to being the evil one she is in Sleeping Beauty. It's interesting but also really weird. Though it's all only in novels they put out for kids.
It's an extremely telegraphed move so you usually have plenty of time to see it winding up.
you literally just hold circle run in the opposite direction of forward
>>684100 guess I'm just dumb because I see the red sign and he's screaming half a second later
what's your bead count
>>684102 yes you have an entire half of a second to get out of the effective range it ticks in intervals so if you take one or two ticks it isnt a big deal just as soon as you see the indicator start running as fast as you can
>>684102 It's been a while since I fought the ape but pay attention to the motion he does with the hand holding his head as he's winding up for the scream. It's an extremely clear tell and can usually get you out of there with only one or two ticks of Fear. Guardian Ape's kind of intimdating at first because he's got some wild moves and is kind of a different experience from a lot of the more human enemies in Sekiro that you've fought but if you detach from that intimidation and pay attention to his movements you can generally predict what he's gonna throw at you.
>>684105 >his hand Thanks for that I didn't notice that Apes first phase is okay and fairly predictable Chopping chimp messes me up though. I probably just need more practice though Ape kind of reminds me of a monster hunter boss Not just because he's an ape but because you get a lot of chances to punish him inbetween attacks and because he gets tuckered out
>>684109 Thanks. Also what does grappling hooking him in phase one actually do? Other than pulling you in close
Second phase also functions on that intimidation factor, especially since, y'know, he's coming after you with his head in his hands. Like Jan said the attacks in that phase are also a lot more easier to deflect so make use of your posture.
wavelength and mumu dont exist anymore what do kids use these days for synced music streams instead
We've been using synctube for Bang's D&D game. You're stuck with the YouTube video too but it works.
>>684108 I think it can also interrupt some of his attacks? Like a ministun as you're flying in giving you a chance to land one or two hits. Primarily I think it's just for getting back in close after making space between you two for whatever reason you might've had. I get the feeling FromSoft might've had some plans to make it more elaborate but had to cut that content for development.
>>684111 yeah a lot of the swinging in that fight feels kind of pointless Like sure I could swing out of the way of this attack or I could just jump without any starting lag
yeah synctube is not the same though you can't upload files, you're limited to music that is in video format, you can't scrub, and it borks if you dont have the window active when it's changing songs sometimes and theres region issues and embedding permissions on the videos sometimes
>>684110 wow actually died? that's sad
i know right ive really been wanting to get people jivin again but i cant
Maybe you could convince Samu to make a Doushio component that provides that service.
doushio has broadcast functionality built into it but we didn't really use it so it's not active but it's still in the site architecture
the synced playlist functionality the way wavelength or mumu did it requires more server usage than doushio should be equipped for you could sacrifice some features and make it just an embedded playlist and just design a funcional shared user interface but that's just synctube i think i could probably make those myself maybe but they either already exist or require stuff i can't afford like a real server and some other services
could always look into actually using /radio/ for music
That Aladdin thing is weird. I hope that's not the final cut. It has potential, I can see it, but the direction is really boring and they're not capitalizing on what they have at all.
it sounds so flat like i can just hear his voice hang at the end of each verse it sounds unaccompanied and lonely and i hope they aren't done with it
>>684177 Aladdins actor looks like he isn't feeling it at all Will Smith is a little better The camera angles all feel really static too. Like the whole scene lacks energy. Shame because it probably took a long time to coordinate all those dancers
The original has a lot of personality. It's fun, energetic, funny. Men spinning fire, tossing swords, dancing, and it's all getting its focus. But in this, it's all Will Smith. Who is doing nothing.
With special effects and better direction, it could work!
>>684186 look at this picture of late to school el-chan
>>684191 well you know cus I spent all that time day-drinking and being a worthless degenerate I had one month to learn three months worth of content.
Kirara 🍄
>Why Doris Day Will Have 'No Funeral, No Memorial and No Marker': 'She Didn't Like Death' lol that's such a dumb reason
Kirara 🍄
>In addition to saying Day didn’t “like to talk about” a prospective funeral or memorial, Bashara explains, “She didn’t like death, and she couldn’t be with her animals if they had to be put down. She had difficulty accepting death.” Running from death so hard you continue after you die How sad. I don't want a funeral or a marker, but at least leave something for the people who are living in the world without you now.
>>684196 well considering those circumstances it sounds like bounced back okay
Yeah sure the job is finished but I aint. Also just donate all your soft tissue when you die, then get cremated so your useless corpse doesn't take up valuable space for such things as trees. jeeze
>>684203 okay what's the process for getting the court to review a welfare decision Like cutting a benefit Do the courts review an executive decision like that
>>684227 True but I would be very uncomfortable. Ear protection aside there's lots of firearms in the area.
Did I ever tell you about the time Blind's friend was in my apartment and while she didn't have a gun she did have a taser. And she flickered the power on it and I was like "Please don't do that."
>>684229 People at the range know how to safely operate firearms and there are usually range techs that monitor anyone who is there. There are really strict rules and if you do anything dangerous, you get expelled pretty quickly. Even here in Florida it's like that!
Tasers are pretty normal. Tons of girls carry them! Fish has one in her purse sometimes. You probably talk to people with tasers or pass them at the store every day.
>>684245 Wow. How are you supposed to shoot up a school or religious festival if you can't get guns for no reason? Wait. Do you guys even do mass killings there? You probably don't even have such sophisticated tradition.
instead of taking you shooting ton we can take you out foraging for wild leeks if that sounds less dangerous to you
>>684249 We had one Big an' Proper one back in the 90s Then big daddy government was like >nah cunts. You've had yuh fun. No more of that. Time to pack it in
someday someone's gonna walk up to me and just start shouting REPENT REPENT or something, one of those crazy sign wearers and im just gonna be like NO, IT'S MATTHEW MATTHEW MATTHEW MATTHEW MATTHEW
annie may matthews
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
funky boogie more like funky bootie
Kirara 🍄
did you guys hear the full version of the ED it's so fun
>>684307 yeah sure do you want me to send you some money or will it be faster if i buy it?
unless you wanted to order something from where you buy i dunno legit kratom doesnt take cards anymore and i dont have a bank super speciosa is all ive been using lately and i dunno about them anymore their packaging is trash and not really airtight/moisture proof
well i can send you some money and you can get SS or you can send me your mailing info and i'll get you some legit kratom with e check just let me know which you'd prefer
Moist kratom
wait i think i can use zapper for legit yeah sure i'll just do the ordering myself and that won't cost you time thanxx baby those tan lines are lookin good
foraging is one of those natural high feelings it's the feeling of your brain doing what it was built to do it's best enjoying in the early morning totally sober after a refreshing night's sleep
my mom might get murdered in an interesting way if she's telling me the truth about this she's going to some big time shooty convention in atlanta soon and she's gonna be staying at the mansion or whatever of some murder mystery writer named liz lazarus who is a shooty person too it's gonna just be mom, liz, and my mom's friend in a mansion with someone who writes murder mysteries and owns a ton of guns it sounds like the setup to a bad mystery movie
that'd be interesting too but i bet the author dies and mom's friend ends up with the blame and it's up to liz's estranged son to find the true culprit!
it was all done with magic anyway the guns are all red herrings
this week is supposed to be my six-month visit to my psychiatrist she wrote me a six month lorazepam script like always and i still have all six refills available i havent used any of them i filled the initial bottle and i havent even opened it
Kirara 🍄
nah the punch line is "and here, we find the smoking gun!"
is there like a tag or name for that kind of thing the droopy blouse style >>684338 ew gross that makes it sound like a raunchy porn tag
>>684336 i mean it depends on what you need it for it's short acting and leaves the system fast so it's good for panic attacks or bad migraines or seizures
klonopin (clonazepam) is a lot more enjoyable as a general anxiety treatment day by day, i think
also why you got lorazepam if you arent using t >>684337 for those images id say downblouse is what youre looking for
Kirara 🍄
downblouse sounds like a creep shot
id say it’s an accurate descriptior at least
I think the golden week has caused my package to slow down usually it only sits in japan needlessly for a week
Kirara 🍄
it was super golden week which probably affected it yeah
>>684339 yeah it does like if something is tagged downblouse it makes it seem like two things 1.) explicit and 2.) either accidental or unconsentual like none of that's very tasteful
if youre using the boorus to find images like that the. id probably try combining downblouse with -rating:explicit that way youll at least dodge the nipples and stuff
i could try and find what pixiv lists it ad as
i thought maybe there'd be a japanese name for it though or i dunno
Kirara 🍄
there probably is if you find one on danbooru and then check the pixiv link, then explore the pixiv tags for the image, you can probably find what you're looking for
that might be a good idea sadly i just tried and it wont show me the english names alongside the jp tags like it does on desktop on mobile so i cant help much
theres no guarantee it’ll be tagged either so you might have to try a few
>>684375 im just gonna get superspec it's fine it's what ive been havin but their selection isn't as great
all these sites have AFFILIATE PROGRAMS im seeing 20% for superspec 10% for legitkratom we should make a kratom site at the very least we can all order through it and get money back on our own purchases
lol visa has forcefully demanded zapper to not allow their service for kratom merchants so once again no kratom by card it's so fucked up haha
>>684381 what d you do with if you got pickles they're not that bad
Maybe for you but I hate the darn things If theyre on my burg i either begrudgingly try to ear // eat it if replacing is no longer feasible or toss it. If theyre near my food i remove them asap
>>684390 yo do you get refunded instantly or does it take like 30 days to process the refund like paypal says it can take none of the sites are doin credit processing currently there's one homebrew place in california that i can use venmo to pay for but venmo wants me to verify my account using a phone number i dont have anymore lol
>when you wake up to the iconic "have a nice life" text even though you've been napping for 13 days and actively ignoring them widepeepoHappywidepeepoHappywidepeepoHappywidepeepoHappy
what kind of sick motherfucker uses the last of the ice in the ice tray but can't fill it back up to make more
i guess the same kind that can't close the microwave door or throw away the box or wrapper the microwavable goods came in
Kirara 🍄
>>684398 ill check later when i get the chance if you want me to make da purchase for you just let me know I can't do it for a few hours but i will when i get the chance
i ended up using some of that money to buy a mattress pad and some groceries anyway so not today at least just focus on your things i know you got a lot to do thanks though
this mattress pad should help me out a lot coil mattresses are the worst
it is mostly space stuff though. and for anyone else too of course
I'll check it out in a moment, just gotta get tea and breakfast.
>>684408 Oh man that's definitely real cool. As soon as he started talking about methane weather cycles I knew we were gonna get some Titan talk and theorizing on methane-based life. The theoretical predicted visuals of Barnard b are also really fascinating. An ice planet draped in perpetual dusk, with seas of roiling liquid methane.
Space is super cool yo.
Kirara 🍄
i think my new clinic is going to hire me as a marketing person in addition to as a clinician lol
Do you think you could handle those duties on top of the clinician work? Would they be paying you for it ?
Kirara 🍄
yeah they'll pay me for it will probably involve creation of brou lol brochures and marketing materials the kind of thing i can do on the weekend once or twice and then I can just occasionally make updates to finished designs once done Also might need to update photos and hyperlinks on the website? not 100% sure yet we haven't talked in depth about their needs but we'll see and then ill know for sure if i can do it and how much ill charge
>>684426 early to bed early to rise is the devil's lies >>684427 it's notso bad once you get used to it >>684428 well you better pick a good anime if you're gonna do it
I feel like I do the best at this on Fridays. Not just last Friday but the other time I did really good in a day was a Friday. I think it's a pattern. Investors are all "fuck it, it's the weekend", put money into stocks, and then go get ice cream because they're recovering from alcohol and dont want to drink
I mean I'm not much into the stock market but that feels an awful lot like superstition and you reading rationality into something that doesn't move in broad, cohesive logic like that.
Yeah, that's why I broke the CSS on some website so it can explain to me about Friday gains. Apparently most gains are on Friday. this year, so far, anyway
a kid in my juvenile group asked me if i ever expected to be a drug counselor when i was drinking and i said yes and they thought that was really wild for some reason
>How can you be a drug counselor if you're an alcoholic? Do you really want some D.A.R.E ass loser showing up who doesn't understand shit counseling you?
i mentioned that i did drugs while camping and stuff and my co-leader was like "that must have been interesting" and without thinking i said "yeah it was cool" and then i had to explain that i thought it was cool at the time but it was definitely not a good thing to do!
i explained while thinking about the fact that I want to go on a trip to denver to get fucked up on shrooms and climb a mountain
50% there, the second serious would actually be "FOR REAL" in caps.
Kirara 🍄
did you guys see the clip of will smith doing prince ali
Also, I'd get it wrong because we definitely specifically made it a thing to greet customers as they came in since we were the closest to the door. who the fuck says "welcome" when discussing the protocol? Nobody. You GREET them by saying WELCOME.
>>684483 I don't know why people are so shocked about this. Hulu acquired a majority stake in Hulu from their acquisition of Fox properties earlier this year.
Kirara 🍄
>>684484 many of the things there aren't sports though
>>684487 Combat sports The crystals give an endurance boost when activated The brain headband increases your int so you use it for chess
>>684485 I'm sure there's some households it'll be right at home in.
>>684410 yeah i thought you'd like it what really stood out were the keen attention to historical accuracy and the effort spent to pronounce names according to their original dialect those are traits of a good archivist
my biggest disappointment was that nowhere in the video or description does he link to the videos he mae about Titan i had to spend nontrivial amounts of time looking for it myself really solid bedtime/wakeup fuel too though nothin like a good bedtime story
none of the car washes around here work and my car is covered in lovebug corpses
>>684493 He doesn't? I thought when he mentioned the video he made on methane-based lifeforms a card popped up in the upper-right corner. Was that not the Titan video?
>>684492 The licenses probably stay with whomever owns them. So if Hulu holds the licences, yes. What's more likely is Hulu's previous parent company owns the rights or agreements with the licensing companies. There might be some withstanding contracts that'll keep it on for a while but besides that Hulu will probably have to take them down or renegotiate. Though this is all assuming strictly North American or maybe even American-centric, who knows if it'll hold up internationally.
The mail person left me a pissy letter in my mailbox because I left something in it that I couldn't carry. "You cannot pick and choose what mail to pick up. Box must be emptied." Fuck off. Box would be empty if you would prevent people from sending me millions of advertisements that I never asked for, but you don't. It's not my problem. I've asked for it to stop. If it's too much for me to carry, you gotta learn to deal with that, USPS.
i had two sort-of friends insist on getting me birthday gifts they had been asking my address since christmas and i kept saying no but they persisted and i finally yielded and let them send me a birthday gift which they really wanted to do except it's 6 weeks later and they never sent anything after i gave them my address this kind of shit is why i get paranoid
>>684507 please don't be mad at the mailperson I doubt they want to deliver the meaningless advertisements
Kirara 🍄
>>684509 I'm mad because they left a pissy letter for me the first time I haven't emptied it. They can fuck off. Who cares if I didn't take every last scrap of paper out of my own damn mailbox?