Thread #683905
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai --Episode 5-6 Dororo Fairy Gone Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin RobiHachi Senryuu Shoujo
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dororo robihacki bokutachi cinderella 9
We should stick Senryuu on the end there; it's only half-length.
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fine by me
okay acquiring
good with me
Some day Squiddles will comes back to us ;_; I let him know every day at least.
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i havent gotten to see him in years i was so excited to anime with squid but then he just leaves very sad
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>>683916 poor squiblerino i miss playing smash with him
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dororo ijay okay lets start
Doro ro rororo
D or or or...
do or doro there is no dororo
Wa Ha Haa...
jiiiiii ro
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looks good
>>683933 fucking lol
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>>683933 Did you prepare that just for this.
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shouldn't it be dorororo? there's three ra's
the OP grew on me really fast i need to finish catching up but i love this show
This is some Monster Hunter kind of shark monster man.>>683937 The second OP is by Asian Kung-Fu Generation which always do music that just works well for me. That said though the first OP is amazing.
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Land shark!
Hopefully he gets his other leg back soon.
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Shark didn't last long.
Yeah kind of underwhelming considering the momentum from two episodes back and the transformation.
Ah yeah there's the leg. I kind of expected him to get an arm here considering the armless motif of Sharkboy.
Dumbass bandits.
Man they've sent a small army after Hyakkimaru.
Hyakkimaru's limited knowledge of language is pretty funny at times.
Boss encounter!
Man, all of them teaming up on Hyakkimaru like this. Whatever happened to the honour of the samurai.
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Well, they see him as a terrible threat to their land. also rip
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poor dororororoororoororroroo
Hah hah geez. Dororo really is luck incarnate.
I hope Hyakkimaru doesn't have to kill his otouto before the show's over. After all Daigo's got to die at some point and the land could probably use someone who can govern its people.
That really is actually a lot of money, geez.
I didn't really expect them to find the treasure this early on. Kind of expected that to be the post-credits or something.
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i guess i should just phone post instead of trying to split screen on my laptop
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I expect him to die.
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that was a sad episode
>>683958 Yeah, a laptop monitor can be kind of limited. I do keep my video player and /moe/ on the same monitor usually but the monitor's got a bit more wiggle room than most laptop screens.
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okay robihachi okay lets start
ready>>683965 it'll be alright>>683966 just imagine that the orange guy is me and the silver guy is matties and you'll be right
This is going to be another weird one to just jump in the middle of. I don't think Moon was around for last week's at least?
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rdy it's okay
Oh yeah I'm just musing over it there's no problem. It's a fun show but it's pretty clowny.
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i've never felt like i could really self insert in an anime until i watched this show tbh
>Home of eel-based virility Oh no.
Grilled eel is hella good though. I don't blame Robby for being all esctatic about it.
oh those eel flakes are actually pretty good i oughtta go to the asian market soon
not sure what your'e confused about it's pretty straightforward
Oh holy fuck that is a leviathan of an eel.
im gonna regret watching this while hungry i bet
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Weird looking kid,
Oh wow Yang's actually caught up to Robby just about.>Fortifying my virility before catching Robby might be a good idea Oh no.
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im guessin i dont wanna know why he's tryna catch robby huh
I mean that aside, Robby has a horrible business sense and Yang's a rich criminal that Robby's borrowed a fucktonne of money from. Money Robby basically poured down the drain and now Yang wants to collect.
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>>683981 he's tryna catch robby because he invested in shrimp thinking it was the next big thing
Jeez fucking louise that is terrifying.
The robot might give Robby a lot of warranted grief but it's smart enough to aim for saving money.
Broiled eel over rice is great. I wish I could have it more often.
that's just unagidon right that was one of my favorites
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beach episode!
... Ew.
>>683987 Unagidon's a bit different of a preparation but the flavour's probably about the same. They're both ridiculously delicious at least.
Oh no.
oh no
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Space is the perfect environment to be a runaway in!
>>683998 >YANG -Yang
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bokuyachi okay lets start
I guess next week they go to Planet Disneyworld. Also episode FIVE (5) of Bokutachi.
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Air at higher altitudes like in the mountain does have a different feel to it when you breathe it in though.
gah what time
3:20 3:25 3:30
These girls are really all intense bakas.
Man I want to get caught in a heavy summer rainstorm in the mountains.
what did she pick
Uh, I didn't quite catch the name, but the boy was shouting it out at the top of the episode. It's some forage-able mountain herb by the sound of it. Probably goes well in traditional Japanese cuisine.
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we have wild leeks around here i kind of want to go foraging for
Oh there we go, he said it again. Udo. Never heard of it before.
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if he just kissed her right when she said go for it he would have gotten laid tonight
oh it's wild asparaguses
>>684020 we're on FIVE jan
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Do you have the episode? I can give you the time if you need it.
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yeah i have it im just retarded
Oh this is going to go from embarassing to OH NO.
>Get into the sauna Poor Yuiga is going to DIE.
What does this even have to do with studying anymore.
Geez this science girl has some crazy second sense.
Oh she's just a DETECTIVE.
Fuckin' RIP
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tanline envy... ive gotten too pale i gotta tan soon
Oh yeah I forgot his imouto's got a real brocon problem.
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>>684036 Yeah, I don't get out in the sun often enough. I was starting to get a bit of a tan with the biking I did last summer but that's more than gone by now. Once it warms and dries up a bit I want to get back to doing that again.
>>684038 She's a pretty cute tomboy.
I like how this ED leads in from the end of the episode.
tomboys are best boys
This pink-haired sensei really has a resting bitch face. She's cute even if she's frowning all the time though.
Wow this sensei is also a DETECTIVE.
next episode should be good im glad i dont have any idea what's going to happen JAN
The three girls are all hard bakas and the guy has been tasked with making them not bakas.
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cinderella 9 okay lets start !
chinder ella ella ella ay ay ay under my cinder ella ella ella ay ay ay ay a-ay
got it
Yak kyuu
This show really fell off the quality wagon fast. The first couple episodes were pretty nice but things got QUALITY fast.
QUALITY in the opening scene they arent even trying haha
>>684057 this show is like love live for baseball complete with garbage animation
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they dont really even have any tomboys for being a baseball show...
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Yeah this is love live but about baseball.
I feel some DRAMATIC TENSION coming on.
Scandaru scandaru~
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>dont baby me >proceeds to be childish and make a scene in public
Yeah but their friendship is DEAD FOREVER.
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baseball dramas
jesus christ jinguji-san's hair
I love it. It looks like such nice hair. Probably not ideal for playing baseball though.
you wouldn't have time for hobbies or sports if you had that much hair to take care of
Aren't you the chairleader girl why don't you resort to CHAIR instead.
she's acting like she actively betrayed her or smt jinguji showed up at the temple and they were hangin out whats the deal
Dumb baseball nerds.
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senryuu shoujo! okay lets start!
Like pottery!
ITS PURE POTTERY LOL last time i watched this show i broke my knuckle and boy is it hard to type without a middle finger
hokay>>684076 don't expect sympathy from me
>>684076 This time let's avoid breaking anything okay.
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>>684077 i dont deserve it from someone who told me not to do it and i did it anyway
Oh gosh that is a nice cat.
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>>684077 i'm sorry for ignoring you though!
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it's okay let's just enjoy the fat rabbit
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>>684083 you mean the weird looking dog?
This dad has PROBLEMS.
The shoulder braid is cute on Nanako.
Yeah I was gonna say. Talking about a pet imitating its owner just when it's been eating it's own poop is, uh.
Holy shit this dad's got some CORE MUSCLES.
Rabbits really do poop a shitload.
Geez louise dude take a chillpill.
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comfy cozy
Yeah it's a nice show. Nice and sweet.
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bye bye anime thanks for having me
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thanks for anime!
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.
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