i was going to walk i nto a cantina but like eight people suddenly appeared and entered before me so rip no margtoday
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
oh baby
Oh gosh how do eight people just materialize out of thin air like that.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i don’t get it either, must be some sneaky right angles to reality, or maybe it’s this whole object persistence thing i keep hearin about
Object permanence ain't all it's cracked up to be. How can you really know the state of the world in one moment is going to be consistent with the world in the next moment anyway? It's just noi POSSIBLE!
>>679111 If you figure it out, let me know so I can have eight people materialize onto /moe/!
>>679108 Are you getting a break from all that busyness and work? Have yall watched Kimetsu no Yaiba yet, the ufotable production for this season? Or maybe last, I'm not sure.
>>679109 i tend to stay inside on the 5st of may as much as possible. people get so rowdy
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it’s just not feasible like, a pint of beer just appeared in front of me you can’t explain that
>>679116 Been watching? I thought it was a movie. Or is there just a movie accompaniment to a series.
>>679115 Sammy what do you think of REALTIME THREAD PLAYBACK I think for /moe/ it would just be a novelty, maybe a few uses, but for the liveboard technology overall I think it could be neat. Especially if it's interactable as a new thread instance.
Oh I see! There is the series also as a ufotable production. Have they always done series? I thought they did films.
ufotable occasionally does television series. Fate/Zero, Unlimited Blade Works, a Tales of Zestiria adaptation. They seem to exist in a weird state where they don't really get contracted out to do a lot of television anime all too often.
Oh yeah they also did an adaptation of one of the God Eater games. Or maybe it was just an adaptation of the world. It was a pretty unentertaining series and had some episode release weirdness that made keeping up with it difficult.
There was an adaptation of a Tales game? That's...
>>679119 I feel like they're too high quality to do a lot of television stuff! Budget for televised media is so meager that not many could afford to contract them, I would imagine.
They also might have longer production cycles that most studios have for television anime. Which kind of is the same as being too high budget since that kind of envelopes a production cycle in the end. But like for example, a lot of television anime is being animated in the season it's airing in. Like as episode two is airing they're doing the work for episode six or five or even four. Shirobako had an excellent episode or mini-arc about that time crunch in its ... first season I think. It might be that ufotable's cycle requires them to get into work and be done at a pace that time-wise makes contracting them untenable.
I think with Yaiba's case they promo'd the first handful of episodes as a movie too. It's probably not even an edited form it's just the episodes aired in order sans OP/ED.
Oh, I see what has occured. I've been deceived by Japan's weirdness.
>>679125 Yes, this is what happened. They have a theatrical release of the first five episodes so it gets labeled as a movie. now i feel silly
>>679122 In that same vein though, they had five fully polished episodes prepared as a theatrical release before the first episode's release date, in comparison to the other companies producing the episodes not very far ahead of the air date. I think ufotable stuff takes a long time.
I definitely need to pick this show up though! i love ufotable how far in are yall
>>679128 They're almost all steaks! What is bearnaise sauce? I've never heard of it. The porkchop sounds tasty, but for that price... What are you doing at a rich people place
>>679126 We've watched all but the most recent episode, so we've watched one through four. It airs for Saturday nights and that's been an off day for us recently so it pretty much always gets saved.
>>679128 Oh no poor Jake. i can't believe they butchered him for his steak.
Kirara 🍄
>>679130 there's a seafood page too but i didn't take a picture of it someone else is paying luckily i got the prime rib
>Béarnaise sauce is a sauce made of clarified butter emulsified in egg yolks and white wine vinegar and flavored with herbs. It is considered to be a "child" of the mother Hollandaise sauce, one of the five mother sauces in the French haute cuisine repertoire. oh this is the stuff they gave me with my prime rib
Oh yeah that's ringing bells for me. I've heard of Bearnaise before then.
Prime rib with bear mayonnaise huh, lucky you. Sounds good. I've got some leftover pizza with, uh... ketchup. I need to get around grocery shopping haha
There's this really good "instant" sourdough bread my mother found at Costco that's airtight sealed and all you do is take it out of the packaging and heat it up and serve. Besides that it lasts for like a month or two in the packaging. It's really weird how delicious it is for being some bulk package purchase at Costco hah hah. Even just a bit of butter or cheese on it and it's a great eat. I've got some tuna and mayo on top and that's also pretty delicious.
Anyway that's **my** dinner.
Oh tuna that's a good idea. I can stretch my food budget pretty far with tunas.
Yeah I really like canned tuna and it's usually really cheap/easy to get on sale. But I do tend to forget we have any. Even on some cheap sandwich bread that's been toasted makes for a great easy meal.
>>679148 jammy left the bartender in saint louis like a 50 dollar tip after already giving him a 10 dollar tip I guess I was being too stingy the night before haha. So jammy made it up to him.
Waitstaff get shit pay so I'm sure they appreciated it.
Kirara 🍄
Someone here is blaming mass shootings on texting I think it's time to leave
I think a pier needs to be actually out on the water, where a boardwalk is mostly just coast adjacent. And then of course there's quays that are more like stone or concrete and run right along the waterline.
Yeah, docks are for docking boats and piers are on the water, so I knew it wasn't either of those. I'm more of a Baltic Avenue though; I'm pretty far from a Boardwalk so I wouldn't know.
Toronto has some neat quays out on the harbourfront. And some boardwalks too. You can head into the beaches and get a more temperate take on the beachfront like in Kirara's photos or head into the harbourfront to experience more of a city-on-the-water feel.
I haven't actually been in the Beaches in a good while actually. My bike route always takes me west towards the downtown where I'd need to turn east.
I really miss the ocean. I think people are meant to be near water and not landlocked. I feel something missing when I go too long without seeing the ocean.
There's at least the great lakes up here, but I haven't gotten to even see them yet.
Yeah you've got four that take up parts of the state where you're at, that's as much as we've got here! I've been on Lake Ontario, Erie, and Huron, but I don't think I've ever been far enough west to visit Superior.
Being on a Great Lake can feel a bit like being on an ocean at times, though without the smell of salt blowing in from the water. There's still a fresh smell of water once you get down there and even on the clearest day the lake stretches on over the horizon to feel infinite.
left side wrong side
>>679174 i had a discussion with some people regarding how much blood it would take to fill the great lakes they thought I was weird for knowing how much it would take already
>>679176 Well the content is a little weird but you'd just be replacing the volume of water with blood and it's hardly weird to know the volume of water in the Great Lakes. Maybe entirely trivial and I guess that's kind of weird but I'm sure the data is out there somewhere.
I wonder if everyone did their partying last night since the 5th falls on a Sunday. It feels pretty nice not having to worry about that sort of thing anymore.
We don't do Cinquième de Mai here as far as I know. Maybe some bars'll try and pull in customers using it but it's hardly a cultural thing.
is this a new copypasta i haven't seen yet or original someone posted this on twitter claiming it's legit but it reads like copypasta
Every copypasta had to be posted for the first time.
Kirara 🍄
I've never seen it before so maybe it is the origin of a new copypasta. I particularly like how "Say you realize you've been a stupid fuck in a beautiful place" goes.
Kirara 🍄
It's a pretty good one if so. "There's a certain hierarchy here" and "I've got a network of admins loyal to me alone" It's perfect.
Kirara 🍄
It has the same energy as what the fuck did you just say to me
"Don't mock my community" and "Don't mock Harry Potter fans or those winning with Autis(i)m" is just prime real estate for inserting your own topically relevant subjects too. Bonus points if you also misspell whatever the second one is in that second passage is too.
Kirara 🍄
I'm the veritable champion online
>not sure if I should ban you or keep you here for my amusement The energy here is just too hot to handle
Tough call. Sarazanmai's definitely up there. Carole & Tuesday's also been excellent. Kimetsu no Yaiba's been thoroughly enjoyable and I've got a real deep nostalgia for the Fruits Basket adaptation. I'm really not good at picking favourites but there's a lot of really good shows this season.
>>679198 Sarazanmai but I'm only watching two shows
>>679199 Hadn't checked out the musician one yet, looks interesting. I have the same problem as you, I am really enjoying One Punch Man and Kimetsu no Yaiba. Sarazanmai was nice at the beginning, but it's already starting to become repetitive right now. >>679200 What's the other brother? >>679201 Ah yeah Hitoribocchi is a nice one too. Really cute girls
>>679203 Forgot about that entirely. I watched episode 1 and see the others on my drive but haven't seen a single one after the first
I'm also watching Kenja no Mago and it's fairly okay. Oblivious MC is not my favourite
Yeah it's watchable. The semi-scientific approach to magic is kind of interesting to me and the characters have a cute, vibrant look to them but everything else is kind of "eh" at best.
Yeah, the anime squad's done a few episodes of it. It's sufficiently enjoyable. In a more hectic season it would probably get cut but we're not watching that much (relatively) so there's a bit more room for things. Definitely a bit of a fujobait-y show. Not because there's anything really gay going on but all the main characters are guys and there's not really any main female characters. They do reference a pretty wide variety of worldwide folklore and supernatural creatures though, which is neat.
>>679205 It's alright but honestly pretty forgettable so far. The mc doesn't play with his time travel powers as much as I'd like to see. Also it doesn't use much of the VNs music which is a shame because the VN ost is great
RobiHachi is a goofy fun series too. Space Age buddy dynamic antics as two idiots make their way across the galaxy. Kind of a bit like Space Dandy but less non-sequitur.
I want to watch them now, but I really should prepare a presentation for tomorrow.
>>679228 about an hour and a half plus however long it takes for the third shift guy to finish walking here
Coolio, works out nicely then.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb new birb ne
once we see the cow drawn officially by not ZUN I think they if we consider Yuugi exists and is flat in the original game. The cow might surpass all titty
Ah she was the one with the pads? Guess Kasen is still the best, but of course we knew that already
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I have a Kasen figure.
Show pics or forever hold your tongue
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>679268 Its in box, its the one that came with the special edition of one of the manga volumes. Its still shrink wrapped plus I've posted pics of it before
She might die of asphixiation or however you spell that and no way I remember, I haven't been here in a while brother Get her out and give her a nice layer of hot glue
yo vivi what do you think of this character I worked to obtain for a year and a half
she looks like she needs a tums
>>679273 Going well. Right now I'm doing my internship, got about 5 months left and will hopefully start experiments this week >>679274 >>679275 Got the biggest deja-vu feeling at the moment. How did you obtain her and why did it take so long
>>679277 I played a game and gathered materials for that long and ... wait. yeah ok year and a half we good it took that long for her to be put into the game for me to find out that I didn't have enough so I got even more to be able to get her.
Though I've wanted this character for 1.5 years I may have actually wanted them for 3, since they were teased the first time they tried the arcarum event back when I first started playing granblue
>>679278 Going to make some thin film solid-state batteries and characterize them with some standard techniques like XRD for crystal structure and things like CV and impedance for electronic properties >>679281 PLD and sputtering
she's exactly what I wanted her to be when her design was revealed.
>>679279 She looks cute dude, although maybe a bit depressed I'd do her if you know what I mean. >>679282 I think I actually use that as well to deposit lithium. PVD is basically just heating up a solution or element and have it deposit, right? Been a while since I learned about it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>679284 extremely depressed tossed aside and imprisoned by her family the instant her magical prowess wasn't good enough so she resorted to forbidden magic using human sacrifice as testing.
>>679285 Not the type of girl to hang out with but at least she has nice tiddies >>679286 Ah yes I guess that makes sense. I will use sputtering to deposit titanium and gold as current collector and contact for electrochemical measurements
>>679289 Having her kill light bosses at lightspeed.
She constantly dies to her own passive effects though.
Do deaths not have a big downside?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they do that's why I have to make sure to keep bringing her back
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she has a countdown that ticks down every turn and with most of her abilities when it hits 0 she dies She has another passive in that, if she replaces a fallen ally, everyone including herself gets a self-revive once on death I have another character that can also give self-revive too, so I can try to keep her arounda s much as possible.
She's also basically invincible because she has like 90% damage reduction
Also hi device! it is a pleasure to have you drop in
Damn son she sounds powerful as heck! I can see why you would keep her around >>679294 Sup moon-san. Judging from your thread things aren't so good, but are they at least okay all things considered?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
[x] cute girl [x] powerful [x] will kill anyone for you
>>679295 Oh that. It's not really any different than the situation I've always been in, so I'll probably be okay. I whined a lot like that before too, if you remember. It takes a little bit of whining to get through hard times, but that's just part of the process.
I'd say things are good! I don't drink at all anymore, or take those anxiety medicines. I don't make a lot of money but I do have a lot of free time to work on my systems theory. So yeah, I think im good!
They're not real she's just two-dimensional and data she isn't real!
>>679297 I feel ya on that one. My girl broke up with me 4-5 weeks ago after 4 years, I probably went through a similar process. Good on you for dropping the drugs, they're vices for a reason. Or rathe they can be. You still in the transcribing business?
Yep, I still transcribe! It's easy money, so I'll probably do it even if I get a better job. If I can get the money to get one of those certifications, I could switch into cybersecurity pretty easily, or systems analyst. As it is now though, I dont mind being frugal and doing systems work in my own time, where I get to do what I want instead of what I'm paid to do. It's not bad that way.
Sorry about your breakup! When I first met you I had come out of a 5-ish, 6 year relationship with someone I was really close to. It hit pretty hard but I'm still here! Maybe you can appreciate the freedoms of being single now
>>679301 We can both hunt tail now. How long has it been since yours? Feels like it's been like a year ago. I can feel your pain man, it's the worst I've ever felt in my life
Guess you're free to chase after your imouto again then
That's probably a little dickish if you're still sore over it. Sorry.
>>679300 What kind of systems are you analysing? Things like network setups or things like load balancers?
The worst is that I don't really appreciate the freedoms, I could do pretty much whatever I wanted in the relationship. Part of the reason I liked it so much, she just let me by myself and do the things I enjoyed. >>679304 >>679305 It's fine dude, I'm mostly fine now. I did take advantage of the breakup and stayed over at her place, I really didn't want to go home to my parents and my sister is always supportive.
There's a coworker some other coworkers wanted to set me up with, and apparently this same girl was interested in me, and so we finally went out to dinner but like she's into the complete opposite stuff I am. I'm going to try and see if I can go somewhere with this and change my mind or get into stuff but like right now I feel nothing about this person really.
No sense forcing it if the chemistry isn't there. Plenty of phish in the sea.
>>679306 She never nagged you about having a bunch of anime boobs on your computer huh? nice, nice
If I got a certificate to get a job in systems, yeah, it could be something like that. Who knows.
On my own I study whatever kind of systems I need to understand to get through hurdles I encounter on the last one. I focus a lot on communication channels and signalling, claude shannon type stuff. Not for telecommunications or something like that, but self-ordered signalling between organic systems. Sometimes that runs into mathematical psychology and applying the free energy principle and bayesian inference to the formation of perception and awareness, a recent paper i read on that. Other times it runs into crypto and linguistics. I'd say stuff like that is mostly what i'm focused on.
What about you? i heard something about experiments. Wow there's a lot of new posts, im so far up.
It's nice to have things you can do separate from each other as well, so don't convert her too much. Just make her watch gay anime
>>679311 Those are a lot of fields intertwining, but makes it difficult for me to imagine what kind of things you analyse. It kind of sounds like communication channels in for example a company or between two institutes for example, but then I can't see how crypto would fit into it. Am I warm?
I am currently doing research into solid-state batteries. The idea is to understand the interface resistance, but I am not sure that is going to work that well. I think I will mostly be trying to improve that resistance by trying a few things and reporting on the difference between conditions I apply.
>>679316 Batteries are neat. I'd be interested to learn more about your research as it progresses. What kind of methods are you going to use to experiment? Like do you have a plan of action of how to do the testing yet or do you still have to come up with that? If it's too long to type out, don't worry about it.
Hm, companies or institutions could be very specialized examples. But it's not really that interesting to study those kind of human systems, since we already understand them from a human perspective and we made them ourselves.
Communication here would be more about the interfacing between multiple systems, the encoding of information and the processes that arise from another system taking and using that information to do work.
It's more a general case than any specific system, so it would be information theory. Entropy and stuff like that. Thermodynamic entropy in physics is just a specialized case of information entropy.
Did you know information itself has its own energy content?
fuxk it finding these it hard ill just take a new one
Hi whoa kun! are we still getting married or did you find someone else already
>>679319 I have a decent idea what methods to use for testing, but mostly because I will use the same methods as everyone else. It will give me an idea about the reactions taking place in the battery. That is for cyclic voltammetry. Impedance spectroscopy should give me an insight on interface resistances, but it looks very difficult to interpret. Even in papers I've read they are often not sure which resistance effects can be attributed to parts of the data. Will be a challenge for sure. Then there's fairly simple charge-discharge curves that give you an idea on the battery capacity and the stability of the battery over many cycles. Although they usually use about 100 cycles which is not that many, but already take a long time.
I think I get a better idea of what you mean now. I did not know information itself had an energy content. I am only aware of different energy states that can make up information.
>>679335 i have to talk to the retention nco to make sure it wont mess up my orders but i havent found anyone yet
>>679331 I'm jealous, that's a nice shirt. I like your chino dolls as well, good taste brother. I saw these nice porno dolls as my mother in law calls them in the store.
the only ideas i got are getting big, making money, and eating good food
>>679325 wowwwww >>679336 That sounds really exciting especially if there's lots of people whose research would be improved by your findings. that's a lot of citations if you publish
Im really focused right now on natural evolution of systems though. Even though there's bayesian inference and probabilistic models that can model the attributes of systems well, that's just us being humans and reverse-engineering things so we can use it for machines. it's not a robust understanding of the primordial systems
oh yeah woah, davey got the green light to be a teacher in japan so you might get to see him there sometime if you want
>>679341 That'd be great yeah. The idea is to publish a paper, but I'll see how it goes. Might have a small talk or poster at a conference as well right before I go back to NL.
In what ways would a system naturally evolve? You mean like ways a computer learns during those machine learning algorithms?
>>679347 That's a good deal. Four years in Okinawa though, damn that's a long time. You still a medic?
you doofus i got that song we been listenin to it for YEARS remember but yeah i really love it. i think i first got it from asuka thank you though im gonna bookmark it now so i dont lose it again
>>679349 hm, no, not machine learning, but the self-organization of systems. you can imagine how simple functions can come about through the basic logic gates. it'd be like taking that to the level to where such a system can organize itself based on the information it receives from the outside environment.
i know this is what machines do in machine learning, but i say not those because we're manufacturing their inputs for the purposes we want to use them for.
dropped so for example, people brains are a good example, we can take in stimulus from our sensory perception and process that into an understanding of the environment around us, or at least a perception of an environment around us, and use that to guide action through whatever brain systems we have developed to deal with those specific perceptions about the environment.
if we want to get a machine to do that, we can set the objective and then use probability and inference in machine learning so that the machine can mimic that process. but for living systems, the process evolved from a lower complexity state where probability would not have been so useful.
we have a lot of ways of describing the properties of a system and how it functions, and we can replicate those functions, but the origination of the functions is a little bit different. so mathematically im looking more from the ground up at the general system, things that apply to all systems and of which these systems are just specialized cases of.
Your comparison with the brain makes it a lot more understandable. Quite interesting research you're doing. Are you just doing it by yourself and have you written anything on the subject so far?
As far as actual publications, heh, not anything out there with my name on it. I'm not sure if it really qualifies as research. It's more of a mathematical exploration. I'd like to publish some things. Maybe soon.
I suppose the most important thing would be resolving the commutability of systems, having a comprehensive way of expressing any one system state as another system state. We have something similar in measuring kolmogorov complexity of a signal or message, which is pretty neat. But something like that would hae // have a lot of real world application in speeding up knowledge transfer between academic fields.
That does sound like something important. It feels like you're exploring things that may prove to be very important in the future. I can imagine it would be useful for self-driving cars or any other robot that needs to learn tasks that depend on the actions of others like when humans work together. Gonna make some lunch now
Anything for computer purposes will have more functional setups just by us designing them normally, since they are human-built for human purposes. It's easy to tell computers exactly what to do.
There might be complexity in the range of their functions, but who knows! I started studying entropy about six years ago by the way, when I read claude shannon's work and thought about it in terms of language and got the idea to make a self-writing cookbook. Heh.
Samurai has made something more sophisticated now which writes sonic fanfiction. He's very proud of it. It's quite neat. https://twitter.com/soniculti I might understand things mathematically, but Im still no programmer.
finally I'm done finally drinko de mayo time
don't drink the mayo. >>679355 enjoy your lunch! come back soon
>>679358 I'm gonna drink so much mayonnaise I'll be like that guy from Gintama
>>679416 you can get some in late game infinitely from vendors all you get from killing the headless is some gay ass spells that are basically candy but cost spirit thingies
>>679418 well you get prayer necklaces too at least so it's not all a waste the candies and stuff are so commonly dropped and easy to get that you never need them though i never used that shit a single time
beads are the whole reason why I went for them. Maybe if I have any sort of coordination or time management especially how those mfers take like 4 minutes to kill while confetti is going the whole time big ooch
>>679446 who the fuck would pay to access nudes on the internet
you already on the internet dumbass
just open up google
I don't get it either. With snapchat I have no idea how much these women made, but on patreon you can see the amount of subscribers and some girls are making like 5-10k a MONTH by not even posting nudes We live in a strange time
was a degen from the start. I'd totally give him $10 monthy tho, worth it for the space station 13 vid. Now I want to slip peeps out an airlock with lube
Also by that sneak diss I meant I scammed a kid out of his $230 gloves. Just had to flip it and sit
bet u didn't know he made this >>>/watch?v=gEJHrmliVQw 2012 was so full of fucking irony I loved it. It's totally because we all fucking died and don't remember it.
The world only begun 4 years ago and we were implanted with fake memories.
on the other hand am i really doing everything that's going on? if i were I would be god, that would be embarrassing, because I would be in charge and that would be a terribly responsible position
What a terribly responsible position.
The droning in the back in nice. // is reminds me of my sensory deprivation tank
imagine peoples first playthroughs picking that option rip them but everytime I walk up to him he's so disappointed in me and I can't understand what my father is saying WHAT ARE YOU SAYING
i kind of want to BLEED >>679699 i can't imagine how you would fuck up so BAD i got the "hard" to obtain ending on my first run just by doing what i always do in every fucking game
no I want to cleave my arms open with my bowie knife and ruin my carpet i replaced after doing it last time im fucking pissed off about bull shit ANGERY
What bullshit Something interpersonal? Depression? Work related stresses? It might give you some euphoria when you do it but it'll just be a fucking ugly stain you have to carry with yourself. Mine looks like it's getting infected. Been dressing it up and pouring rubbing alcohol over it.
I owe a heck of a lot more than that, not that it makes that any better. im sorry i can't do something to help you guys out or i would. i understand why thats really stressful, our home foreclosed and i couldn't do anything about it
i alreayd talked to the lawyers and made a payment plan settlement but it means i lose every other paycheck basically and now i'm still not gonna be able to pay off my own debts until the end of 2019 its FUCKING ANNOYING >>679707 believe me i know i don't think i should talk about this kind of shit on /moe/ but i have a problem with hurting myself
Well you're sharing it out and putting it into the world. It'll just lead to solutions. Like what you're doing, financing the debt. Is there absolutely no way you can get it eased a bit?
>>679711 not really, as is, i pay for our internet and two phone lines so now i've got about 300 to 500 a month to spend on anything else the other people who work in this household either can't spare the funding because they pay the other utilities or won't because they're my little sister and i refuse to let them
my family didn't help me with any of that stuff. after working my ass off to cover shit, i had to sell my guns so i could give my mom the money to keep her vehicle and to pay heating, and i couldn't even pay my own taxes. i also had to be a caretaker at that time for two disabled people and my sister wouldn't help at all even though she's got a business and makes good money. they let my bank account get turned over and now i can never get a checking account again, they ruined my credit, i lost my health insurance, and on top of that my mom stole my medicine and lied to other family members saying that i was doing drugs yeah, prescription drugs, but that didn't matter to her
now im probably going to be homeless sometime this year and the only thing my sister cares about is yelling at me about how much it sucks having a sibling with mental illness like me i hate it so much idk what to do i wish i could help you out
ooch sisters they aint gonna pay a fuckin dime and are prob not even gonna be there enough to make an excuse to bitch them out about paying fucked
jk though my sisters are great i love them i can definitely do this without them >>679717 i don't even have health insurance right now i probably should since i keep coughing up blood it's probably not a big deal though uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm still fucking pissed off though maybe i'll break my hand
Family life really is slowing you down. I don't get how even extended familia won't help them. It must be crippling debt making them run out of all options. Like gambling in the 9 casinos in this city ruining my own.
Yeah don't go punching the drywall or anything. I have like fucking 70 holes in the walls in my crib, all done by yours truly. Broke like fucking 5 knuckles, they remain popped. I'm just gonn ahave to pay like 2.7k for these repairs nothing big
i don't punch the drywalll drywall is FUCKING SOFT i have a 40 year old oak tree in my backyard that i consult with my problems and im about to go see him brgb
>>679722 jammy please i know things are hard but don't go doing something like this please i'll set my work aside and i // we can talk about stuff but you're making me very distressed that sounds selfish but i have to say it that way. if i say please dont hurt yourself you'll say im overreacting, that it really isnt dangerous whatever youre doing, and it's fine im already on my last lifeline i dont want to suffer any more losses, and feeling self destructive isn't ever safe since it escalates
Jan-san, at least bandage that up. Wash it and disinfect it. More of that isn't good for you and solves nothing, just makes you more physically aggressive towards any triggers.
im the only one who doesnt get to hurt myself i sit here and make threads literally begging for help that everyone ignores and only perma goes to harass me in nobody comes, nobody helps me i sulk for weeks and nobody calls me or checks on me and i just have to endure it and for what to see all the people i care about ignore my efforts to help and go about hurting themselves
fuck i can do this barely even hurts i'm not as mad as i was a few minutes ago though i've seen your threads and i can't even call you half the time fuck am i supposed to do here fucking shit fuck this fuck all you
come on... at least wash it up with soap and water and go to bed do something kind for yourself since im not there to do it for you please
You might think it's nothing but even seeing that i get flashbacks to the images and feelings from that other time you posted those images i felt so sick to my core worried about you you have no idea
And if you dont care about how i feel or whatever that's fine i get that but think about that little sister you want to spoil with your computer and not let her take on any burden what's she gonna feel if she loses her big brother who was protecting because he couldn't stop being stupid
ahh fuck alright i get it not that i could top that day without also saying goodnight l might have gone a bit further but I'll stop why didn't they get the same treatment though that's just cruel there's other people out there who hurt more than me
I'm alright. Working most of the day on my essay on Banking Misconduct. The proff gave me a few extra days to complete it too, since I've been sick which was nice.
and then it was my youngest brother's birthday so we did like a family thing in the evening. Can't beat a free feed.
>>679750 oh, you know not sure how im gonna make it through another month, but i don't have the space to think about that if i want to get through today's work. that basic conundrum it's been going on for years though i suppose so it kind of works. really want a better job and better living conditions though
>>>/watch?v=N-qEry_Cgbk anyway the important thing is that ZUN decided to go hard right from the start
>>679780 the common convention is to use your finger to indicate you're willing to put it up their butt in repayment for the ride trust me ive been hitching for years
what if getting to the end is the only way to feel something again
lol im tc'ing an urban development focus group on homelessness in a specific community right now people are just like "well they chose that life so i dont really pay them any attention. i just let them be how they want to be"
Kirara 🍄
i love to sleep on public benches during rain storms and get harassed by cops. it makes me feel very fulfilled
no but you chose to spend all your money on drugs and you chose not to pay your rent lol not really our fault you made bad decisions
one of my clients wants me to help them learn to say no and stick with their decision of no
it's such a simple thing that it's kind of hard for me to provide suggestions for haha she can say no already but then if they annoy her about it, she gives in
>>679811 i mean i have that problem and many others with family in my case everything is a double bind i can't say no to any one thing without giving misconceptions about other things or implicitly saying yes to something else im very much against and my family doesn't have the presence of mind to understand that theyre doing it so trying to explain it to them makes them think a lot of bad things based on their very warped interpretations of the world
a lot of times i'll say no under simple terms, but they then complicate the terms so much that i no longer can say no without compromising my sense of self or my integrity
i think power differentials can make it complicated in her case, it's mostly with her kids (ages 5 and 7) and her sister her kids ask for things and she says no and then they annoy her until she gives in and her sister asks for things and then she feels bad for saying no she's afraid people will think of her differently if she says no to something ofc that's not the case with her kids, with her kids, she feels guilty because she wants to give them things to "make up" for how she was during their young childhood (a junkie) and feels like she needs to do whatever she can to keep them happy in the present but at the same time she's aware that doing so is bad for their development and that it won't make her feel less guilty
she hasn't said this directly but i think she has a lot of guilt for her other sister's death (she overdosed while driving and got in an accident which killed her sister about 10 years ago) and i think that plays a role in her feelings of guilt that she has for everything else
i'm worried about what'll happen when we start to process the deaths in her family because death is her biggest use trigger and has historically led her to relapse very reliably
she's pretty fucked up she's like us in a lot of ways she has an incredibly supportive spouse that has stayed by her side throughout like 15 years of drug abuse and recovery and he even just retired early so he could be at home (he traveled for work) to be with her and support her it's really amazing
it must be wonderful to have a spouse like that. i hate to sound ungrateful for what i do have but i really need someone on that level for emotional support i think. having an SO is significantly distressing more often than not though so i dont think i ever will.
i had to call my mom a couple days ago and it was really bad. i havent really processed it yet because ive had to work and distracted myself over the weekend by trying to play the genki role a bit for /moe/ and stir up some activity but i dont think it worked out too well idk i might need to take a bunch of benzos but i dont want to
i know you're working too though so nevermind my stuff you're already thinkin about clients' stuff
i'm just getting ready for work i don't have a client for like an hour and 20 minutes
>>679816 social support is like one of the most important factors for getting through or avoiding mental health issues usually in person unfortunately i think
Yeah, social support is huge. I really only have /moe/. It's pretty unfair for everyone else to be stable and have me be so clingy and dependent on yall for emotional support, but it is what it is. That's why I'm trying really hard lately to keep /moe/ alive, because i need it. I'm trying to change my mindset a little bit and make things more inviting for people to come and actually drop in and announce their presence instead of just kind of lurking and posting only if there's something worthwhile.
i went back and checked some old threads from 2014 and saw how we kinda interacted then, how the atmosphere was more bountiful for everyone to want to hang around and constantly post for at least a few hours in the evening and stuff, take some tips from others' genki back then. i really need this place to stay alive, for me, but i want everyone else to be enjoying it too.
i found an old thread where me and asuka and saya watched everything is illuminated. i found a lot of old treasures i dont think anybody remembers, or even really finds that important now that we're getting to that age where those old selves seem too immature
things were really different in 2014. that was a really fun time on /moe/ but i mean, everyone kind of had matching schedules back then jan, rook, saku, teacup, rika, tilde, dvice, everyone was on around the same times so it was fun and rowdy real life really just hit us all pretty hard i think i don't think any of us can make up for the energy lost in 2015 but /moe/ is still alive, just at a different stage in its life i don't know if we can artificially stimulate more activity. /moe/ was always best when it was just flowing organically
all the fun we had back then is still important to me and i think of those times fondly a lot but i try to stay in the present. i just try to live in the moment but /moe/ helped me stand until i could stand on my own
It's not just that far back. 2017 and '18 in the current archive are comparable with just me, you, rika, jan, tilde, ika, SK, and a 10% rook, sometimes kannagi and ton
we still have fast times i mean there was a thread that got like 500 posts while i was asleep and that hasn't happened in a long time i think i dunno it'd be nice if /moe/ was more active sometimes but i don't know what can be done about that other than adding new people
>>679822 I dont feel like my attempts at being a more involved poster and more inviting are artificial stimulation i think it's been pretty good but it takes a while to build the momentum
New people would be nice but I feel like I've just phased out of imageboard communities. It's a constant "Why are humans like this?" on the regular. Not here. /moe/ is pretty different. But anyone who shows up here, shows up with the scent of where they came from. And it doesn't smell good most of the time.
Kirara 🍄
>>679826 artificial stimulation probably isn't a good description of it i just mean doing things intentionally out of the usual flow of things but yeah it seems like it worked somewhat
community introspection is definitely in the natural flow of things i get what you guys are saying though sorry blue i really didnt mean to forget you, i was thinking about everyone but ive got a work tab open and i gotta keep the pace going solly was actually here at that time and rene too
Sadly im pretty sure im the reason noy left i botched that one. sorry. i last heard noy was about to leave to joint // join the military, and sadly haven't heard since
like a 5? it's too far away to be excited right now. And it's just a con. A really big one, at that. So it'll be crowded. Maybe if I actually went through making a cosplay, it'd be more interesting. Shaving my head clean is going to be annoying in the fall months though
>>679846 mm-hm, no exclusionary criteria there i dont know whether it happened or not but that was the last plan i heard of, supposedly just a few days before going
being the last one to hear from noy i dont think im the only reason but i definitely didn't help. i feel really bad about it. i feel really bad all the times i yelled at rika too or said really mean things to make her feel bad when she was only trying to help
i kind of want to shave my head hair is really a pain ive been thinking about it for a while but it's a big leap that i am not sure im willing to take maybe i should Photoshop myself without hair to see
i just want really short hair that isn't troublesome my hair is really thick and grows really fast
>>679847 oh i see i haven't heard from noy in a long time we kind of fell out of contact after they stopped posting although we texted a few times
I believe there were some intense family and stepdad problems, if I remember. i really hope it's the military because i worry quite a bit otherwise. i got some texts, or steam messages i dont remember, from washington dc around the time me and you and jan were in nevada. i think i told you about that since someone mentioned we could go down to arizona. after completing military stuff, having too full and active of a life to bother with degen trash like us is the narrative im choosing to believe
i wish i hadn't drank alcohol i went from being a good person to being a terrible person so fast
Teferi phased out his country from space time to save it from all the other super powerful people doing incredibly dangerous shit so he's pretty much MtG Moses.
>>679856 it might have been the benzos honestly i stopped both around the same time so it's hard to tell, and ive only taken them in panic attacks since in single doses. i used to have really uncontrollable outbursts that i dont think the alcohol could explain
this is getting into tmi levels of meta discussion for everyone though i think
>>679861 happiness isn't a shaman's goal or purpose
do you have noy's number to text? may not even be the same number anymore, but ive not got my old phone anymore so if i did have it, i dont any more. i may try and reach out if possible though. actually nevermind. i just realized noy's been disappeared since before eku, and that news might be too rough. they were really close. all three of us were.
Kirara 🍄
>>679863 I can send you the last number I had for her.
I don't know if it's fair to withhold that kind of information from someone, even if you think it's in their best interest. We can't really know anyone's best interest.
good point i remember how angry i was at you and-- ohhh now i remember why i yelled at rika so much
but yeah not knowing about asuka until way letter really heartbroke me you're right. i should probably be the one, go ahead i'll see if i can work a miracle again
>>679845 Yeah yeah yeah I'm awake now. Dunno what had me out so long hah hah.
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
nice day in the city!
That orchestral version of the classic Spider-Man theme is still pretty great.
I'm gonna do some more posts in the post-Endgame thread because SERIOUS SPOILERS
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
mawaru mawari
Kirara 🍄
the lovebugs are killin me this year ugh
the what
Kirara 🍄
incredibly acidic insects that fly around in massive numbers every year, seasonally they mate for 3-4 days while flying around they're incredibly annoying
im going to acid
varför do you call it a lovebug?
they fuck, die, and leave their corpses on your car until it gets discolored
Kirara 🍄
because they mate for 3-4 days nonstop while in flight
ow oof, my bones, what a long work session, never doing that again, etc, etc work all day make only few dollars hope i get fired etc etc time to take my bone powder and all your other favorite hits from the moon album can now be yours absolutely free
is it weird to just oh hi kirara i didnt see you there is it weird to just get a friend request from a friend from the fairly distant past say four years or so like that means they're looking you up right, so it's kind of creepy?
yeah i dont think it's that creepy. i tried posing the question that way to make it sound like it was happening to me so i'd get an honest answer i added someone i cared about quite a bit who faded away a few years ago but they declined the request it's making me sad
>>679946 Yeah, like, Odyssey encompassed pretty much all of Greece but even that was probably game'd down to be inaccurate. But even then Greece isn't as large as Great Britain alone nevermind all the other countries they're pulling from there.
I really like those outfit-swapping and settlement-based mechanics, a Viking-era Northern Europe would almost be that kind of fantasy life I crave from the Elder Scrolls and Assassin's Creed is basically fantasy at this point hoh hoh. Bringing back the eagle is smart, that was a good mechanic addition.
They're also smart for taking inspiration from Breath of the Wild, providing they implement it well. As far as open-world exploration goes they really nailed it with BotW and other games aspiring to that flavour could stand ot learn from it.
>>679946 sounds kind of cool maybe an AC i would actually play
>>679951 AC Origin and Odyssey were pretty good they basically re-wrote everything and changed the gameplay considerably so you actually have to play even in fights But this would be a really interesting setting
But how do they do a game in that region tho? One choice is obviously the reign of Canute the Great, but... >finland lol wut
Kirara 🍄
what's the issue with them using finland?
>>679955 coming up with a comparison is bit weird, but basically >unrelevant >not even mapped untill 14th century >not even part of any kingdom untill 14th century >wasn't its own kingdom >didn't have any large population centres that actively interracted with "outside world"
so setting the game in some viking era just begs the question 2How do you fit finland in?" and if you set it after, it begs the question "how do you fit england in?"
Kirara 🍄
>>679950 I agree, I'd very much like it. It's just the sheer size of it. I don't know.
>>679956 I mean, there's got to have been stuff happening there , right? And even if there isn't, it could be ancient aliens stuff.
>>679957 nothing interesting sweden waged wars with its neighbours and then kalmar union happened and then sweden waged wars with its neighbours and finland, province of sweden got dragged into those
england and sweden and also denmark, who owned norway, weren't never in a conflict with england post viking era
there are many interesting stuff you could abse it on but if it indeed is "ragnarök" well it has to be viking era
sweden was irrelevant during them, mostly traders and not raiders denmark and norway are the source of the big bad norsemen and finland was just being finland and getting drunk in the woodlands
Kirara 🍄
>>679961 They were saying it would take place around 865 or something. >>679959 Huh. I guess that makes it seem less likely that this leak is entirely accurate.
>>679963 also whole "sweden" is pretty much a post viking era thing the country was unified post the viking era and not during christianity playing a big part in the unification there
more like a tribal king and so on before that
the only way i could see scandinavia+england working is during the danish-english wars that culminated and ended with danish conquest of the kingdom by Canute
Kirara 🍄
>>679965 It seems like they're really interested in fleshing out Ancient Aliens story recently. I do think jumping to 865 would get in the way of that and they should probably stay ancient.
I wouldn't mind an ancient Babylon story, tbh Gimme dat Gilgamesh
>>679967 >inb4 it is with finns as main characters and it tells an ancient story about how the ancient alien finns waged a war against their kinns men in Korea
There's even like a perfect Assassin's Creed-y story right out of ACTUAL history in Persia >Persian emperor who conquered most of the Middle East dies >Not an idiot so while his first son inherits the empire he sets up his second son with an excessively prestigious and rich province to rule over as his own kingdom >First son is an idiot born into the lap of luxury and while he's off fighting some Persian foe (I think it was the Greeks), second son stages a coup of Persia forcing the emperor to return >Emperor resolves the coup and kills his brother >While the emperor is off fighting another Persian enemy, gets news that his brother is again attempting a coup of his empire's central territories >Myth has it that it's actually a sorceror disguised as his deceased brother >On the way back to the empire to defeat the coup the emperor stabs himself with his sword, wound gets infected, emperor dies >A high-ranking general/noble puts together what's basically a strike force of similar nobles that then invades the capital, fights through the sorceror/brother's guards, and fights and defeats the sorceror in single combat >Then by claiming some creative bloodline connections to the emperor of old and by marrying both the previous emperor's wife (and I think also daughter?), creates a legitimate claim to the Persian throne >Darius I is now Emperor of Persia
just fucking toss it in between the 2nd Punic wars
do you think anyone takes methampetamine to accelerate their bible studies
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
>>679970 they release a persian AC but when you start it up its actually a remade prince of persia game
I wish fucking just remake sands of time trilogy I would buy it for the 6th time
better graphics updated gameplay I guess new voice acting bit more streamlined plot line and write out some of the plot issues and voila 3 games that don't require that muc brain work at the very least and are a very safe release if done well
not only have they ignored my friend request but they also blocked me mou that was my only point of contact with them unless they happen to show back up for some reason
But I kinda dislike how AC never went into any major european conflict 7 years war 30 years war 100 years war war of spanish succession or you know the two biggest ones
And we never actually even got a cyperpunk AC game that they kinda teased with Demond getting abilities
Kirara 🍄
what do you mean
AC game set completely without past stuff in Desmond's near future time
Kirara 🍄
oh i never got the impression they planned on doing that he used his abilities to do some serious shit in ac3
cause that what it kinda built up towards
>>679984 1st game ends, he gets eagle vision and all those shit on the wall 2nd game he gets assassin abilities and game ends with him beating evil templars in melee combat so it kinda built up towards a finale where atleast some good chunk of the game would be done in the future world
if I ever play AC3, it iso nly because of the expansion it got Reign of King Washington that is so fucking BONKLERS alternate history that i just have to see what they did with it for all weird stuff the AC team does, they are damn creative writers
Kirara 🍄
it was a solid okay the animal spirits thing they did was not very fun the story was decent
my favourite part in ac2 was doing the subject 17 or whatver side story all fucking huge conspiracy shit there
Kirara 🍄
ac3 actually had a really good story and a great protagonist
I bonked out of it because I felt I had to play the ac2 expansions to know the full story and didn't want to pay for all those games
isn't ac3's protag a descendant of kenway?
I should finish ac4 at some point I always jsut stop my playthroughs when the ship combat gets too easy
Kirara 🍄
yeah he's related to kenway
Kirara 🍄
the old games aren't that good in terms of gameplay honestly after playing Origins i can't enjoy that old gameplay it's too janky
the basic gameplay just isn't that engaging long term yeah you liked it in ac1 and 2 because it was fresh at the time but by ac4 it was so well flawed
they had tried to make it more fun by expanding it, but it just in my opinion kinda hilighted the flaws forexample the climbing and freerunning
Kirara 🍄
in the new ones you can climb virtually anything which changes everything and the combat is good and interesting you actually have to fight bosses and shit
it wasn't even the "restricted climbing" but rather how your character around 10% of the tiem did something REALLY stupid and you could end up redoing an entirem ission because of that and it really was that 1/10
and then of course how the combat system was kinda meh it works for a while, but meh it is fun enough to be a one man army, but at the same time it doesn't let you play around enough to make it long term fun so your gameplay sessions tend to become quite short as you get bored of the general gameplay
I like having restricted climbing in closed environments. Like for example the platforming optional segments in AC II that have you going inside famous buildings. I think some of the pyramids in Origins were like that.
But in the open world navigation it can end up being more a frustration than a gameplay mechanic.
And an issuew ith the restricted climbing in ac4 atleast is that it isn't even that in ac1 and 2 the high towers, historical monuments etc were PUZZLES you had to figure out the path and where to climb and so on and you could really fuck it up at times
but in ac4 like everything you can climb you can clim but you havet oa t times go in a said way but there is no like "hmm how will I climb this" moment for you ever you just go and press upwards and at times press to the side
there is no CHALLENGE to it
Scientists found the part of the brain that remembers Pokemon. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xzqkp/scientists-find-the-part-of-the-brain-that-remembers-pokemon
>>680001 Not to mention say the pisa tower or that fucking hig cathedral bell tower or whatnots they had a set way to climb it, or set ways and you had to really think about it figure out the way and so on
you couldn't just "press up, go right a bit, press up, go left a bit, press up" what pleasure does it give you to reach a high point, if there is no challenge getting there?
>>680001 agreed It's such a pain and it totally ruins the flow of the game when you suddenly have to spend 5 minutes figuring out where to start climbing and when // where to go once you start
I don't mind it inside buildings if there's a climbing puzzle or something but when everything is a climbing puzzle, it sucks. Especially in a mountainous region.
are you at home kirara or ton ive got a plan but i need one of yours' helps >>680010 marsh this is a strange and very specific question but did i have you added on skype
>>680006 >running just randomly >there is a building >it looks like climbable >it isn't >you have to go around or approach it from ANOTHER building to reach on top of it gee thanks
>>680007 No. Never. as far as recall we only ever used steam
It's like in Sekiro when you're in a combat part of the world you've got plenty of grapple spots to fling around and be moble. But there's also semi-platforming segments where you sometimes have to really look for where the spot to jump or grapple is.
>>680013 I think part of good platforming design, is that after some time playing the game, you grasp it instinctually in 2d you can have puzzle platforming, side scrolling that is because I think that is also part of that genre since the very first games
but in 3d, the challenge is more timing and where to go and so on since there ism ore stuff but the design just has to be something you learn to pick up and notice at a moments glance as you progress in the game
this is something I really liked in the 2010 prinse of persia game it was short and too easy, but it really had a good way of introducing you to a mechanic at core elvel and then TOSSING it at you later on real hard on but because you had had experience with it and you can rewind time in the series, you never kinda get too annoyed with stuff
you developed quite quickly that split second "where to jump, when to jump" etc feeling
this ofcourse is present in other prince of persia games, just that the original trilogy is a lot harder and less forgiving
>>680014 nevermind i realized a better path of action thanks though i needed some of my old skype contacts to recover my windows account from a previous moon
The Assassin's Creed games have also become drastically massive games and to make all the climbing elements at least semi-unique would be a developmentally Heraculean task. So remove them from the game in bulk and focus on them in select, obviously platforming-focused segments.
Kirara 🍄
>>680016 oh gatcha gonna use it to reconnect with folks?
this morning was just a quickshitpost now it's time to begin the BUSINESS OF THE DAY. I will do my best and I hope that all of you will continue to do the same.
>>680017 I personally think select unique good experiences dwarf "bunch of bland experiences" kinda like how i prefer a solid short game to a long boring game
of course I do actually like my games to be on the longer side but between just a game with "lot to do on the map but no real content" vs "streamlined few hour game" I prefer the latter
Kirara 🍄
apparently The Division 2 has some easter eggs that suggest Ubisoft is putting out a norse game
>>680018 im not sure if you remember, but there was a period where i didnt have a phone, like didnt have one at all not just that it was turned off i remember using that skype phone service thing to call noy a few times, i was going to see if there was a different phone number or maybe an email attached to that account as a contact point
i also had lobster on there so it might be a twofer if im lucky
>>680023 that would be cooler since viking era was actually more exploration, trade and settling the raiding isj ust the most famous part
cross-gen is also interesting so ps4 people could play with ps5 folks i wonder what the co-op is like though they haven't done that in a while and last time it sucked
Probably not gonna be crossplay so we won't be able to play together ;_; Unless the PS5 is out in a relevant timeframe and it's worth my investment.
rats the recovery failed for not enough information. i couldnt provide the card details for paying for that skype service thing and my backup email to that account was the gmail account that i closed quite a long time ago so im outta luck do i get emails back if i recover a gmail account
Looking at the previous release dates of Assassin's Creed games they usually come out October some times November, so yeah, if PS5 is a 2020 release the game will likely be after or coincide with the PS5 release.
I still dunno if I'd want to get the game on console though. Ubisoft has been pretty solid with PC releases lately and even if they drop Steam entirely I still have Uplay anyway because of all their games I already own.
>>680038 ps3 initially did and was announced to, but then it didn't
Also I generally have 0 faith in anything any video game industry company announces
Kirara 🍄
>>680040 >In a recent interview with Wired, PlayStation 5 designer Mark Cerny confirmed the next-gen system will play existing PlayStation 4 games. The PS5 is built partly on the PS4's architecture to allow native backward compatibility with current games.
>>680042 Well that seems promising since ps3 backwards compability required basically an inbuilt ps2 inside the thing...
Kirara 🍄
>>680039 I'll get it for PS even a PS5 at launch will be more affordable than a PC that can play things as well as a PS5 Although idk how much time ill have to play games once I'm working 40+ hour weeks as psychology
Xbox anyhow is justa cheap more portable computer tbh sony and nintendo are the only "console" companies
Kirara 🍄
the next xbox is codenamed Scarlet or something xbox is kind of a failure these days though they should probably give up and sell affordable gaming PCs instead of a console
They have infinite money to play around thanks to windows Still I feel like their console side project has been a one big money drain but original xbox was a success in USA, tho
>>680058 MM especially nowadays in the past they had sense and vision, but were "ahead of time" similiar problem as to nokia overhere trying out tech, that doesn't just work that well, so people don't use it like touch screens and tablets and gaming phones
so when you fused these together into the "windows phone line" well I think it wasn't that big of a surprise nothing good came out of it
Kirara 🍄
we're talking about a company that named their console the XBONE and then followed up with the XBONE SAD they really just never had anything to offer anyone over competition
>>680060 xbox worked but only because people didn't realise it was essentially a very limited pc
and it got damn good games as exclusives
Kirara 🍄
it worked because marketing was easier back then without the power of the modern internet when you couldn't research everything the exclusives it had were good but ps had better exclusives xbox 360 was able to glide on xbox1 success but it only lasted so long
>>680064 I still don't get how people say "xbox controller is better" it has all the buttons in wrong places, the rear stuff are fucking cancer especially triggers and especially especially bumpers the dpad is cancer and it is damn HEAVY
>>680069 yeah the european version for some reason was unreasonably stocked up with the BEST possible hardware options for the console while japan and usa had multiple ones launched
but thanks to that for example I have still the best edition of ps3 on me
Kirara 🍄
xbox as gaming PC could use a system where they have various models with different strength and just call swapping out parts for more powerful versions "modular" "check out our modular console!" people will go crazy for it i can just buy a graphics card and click it in?? amazing! wow it has a full browser just like a computer? all the benefits of a pc on a console? wow!!
>>680069 it did come with 2 games + 2 controllers, tho
as long as splitscreen coop exists consoles will and they still have the highest playcount out of any multiplatform multiplayer game name it, it's like xbad > ps4 > pc for every single one of them
>splitscreen Really hate how many multilayer games don't have this nowadays
True multiplayer was 4 people playing on one keyboard
I am just trying to figure HOW we did that... how did we play those basic fighting games or shooters or liero even as kids
I think it was like numpad+home arrows+enter area ijkl + something wasd + something
i would slap the person hoverhanding the keys I'm supposed to use fuck out of my personal space ty
there were so many games for that too especially on the interwebs all dem nice freeware Tapan kaikki was the best thing ever top down shooter game in /that you could call the predecessor of those uuh what is that top down shooting game, where you are some chickan masked guy and go shoot up people?
anyhow, the name literally translates to "Kill everyone" >>680089 that
one of the favourites was "tappo tactics" lit. Kill tactics a fun death match game, where you just killed your friends in a small arena all the things you played as were crude 3d models and the game was practically decided by luck since you just randomly spawned as infantry (can't defeat anything but other infantry) bazookaman jetpackman helicopter fighterjet bomber jeep tank artillery tank rocket artillery tank mecha GIANT FUCKING DEATHROBOT (nicknamed lighthouse, because it looked like one) if you spawned as the last one, you most likely got 5-10 kill strat, before your opponent(s) could do you in there prolly were others that I can't recall from the top of my head too >>680091 havn't checked them out, you prolly like the brid you furry fuck
hey pk what are you opinions on the newhus
your solution is buy shit when that's what made microtrash stay afloat in the last decade maybe don't buy shit so they die of malnutrition finally thank god
well i got it but there's only skype names on here with no contact information didnt everyone have to have a microsoft account and that was how you added people i wonder if it's just that microsoft accounts deactivate after periods of inactivity. im so confused who a lot of these people are
I didn't have a microsoft account i had a spotify account
I don't see why not He's really cool He's a lot like me or I'm a lot like him I guess He doesn't have my intellectual baggage if that makes sense He's smart but not intellectual, you know? He doesn't get wrapped up in trying to understand everything so he can be really earnest without worrying about potentialities He's really a live and let live kinda guy
I never really got to have him as a dad though My mom was always between us I didn't really get to know him until I was 18/19 after my mom was gone so our relationship is kind of like friends even though we have some family dynamics in our relationship
We used to watch football and stuff together We shitposted on 4chan together The first time he made a thread, he got us banned quick He still jokes about it all the time One time when he was dating his current wife, he was going to stay the night with her for the first time and he turned to me and was like "what do i do if she has an ugly vagina" and i was like haha idk
That was the only capacity I knew my dad in as well, really. custody was a very long and inconsistent thing and when i did live with him as a child things were very not good. he had extremely bad schizophrenia (or so the navy said) but at least a tremendous amount of paranoia after being released from the navy he was on a nuclear sub that malfunctioned and was trapped at sea for a long long time. he wasn't really all together after that. lots of people on the sub from what i hear were hallucinating and started attacking each other after a certain period, either out of delusion or out of competition for resources, who knows my older sisters didnt stay with him so i did alone, when he had custody anyway there was a lot of shouting and stuff that made me terrified all the time and that's where a lot of my communication problems come from that still linger today, i think, either being yelled at by him or, on my mom's side, her sheer inconsiderateness and would always talk over you no matter what you were saying. if you tried saying anything to her she wouldn't listen, would interrupt and talk over you, or would just walk away while you're talking to her idk very weird
but by the time i turned 18 i started getting to know my dad in a different way and seeing his weaknesses and how terrified he always was and that he wasnt trying to be scary, started understanding his humor and we had a lot of fun together he was really the closest friend i ever had, so when he died in 2012 i was really hit hard and felt like i had no one left lots of people were like "oh ive lost parents too! lots of people have! we know how you feel" all that stuff just made me angry because he wasn't a parent, he was my best friend cut from the same genetic and psychological cloth as me so was the only person who could ever really understand a lot of peculiar things about me it's so hard for me to communicate anymore because nobody gets what i'm saying. it's always contorted just slightly and i feel a
constant state of dejection and dismissal especially in the case of my mom or sister who just complain at you about what's wrong with you but you can't even say something back without some twisty web of double binding shit that makes you wanna die
but yeah there's something about your dad from what ive heard you say that i feel like i can relate to a little bit it'd be so fun to hang out. that's pretty funny that you shitposted on 4chan together
oh gosh now ive clogged up /moe/ man it's hard to find a space where my words feel welcome
I don't know what I'll do when my dad dies I don't even talk to him as often as I should I'm really bad at staying in touch with people when you have to call them and my dad doesn't really text or anything If I can get an internship in Phoenix, I can live close to him and see him more
I don't really understand family but he's really the only person I'm related to that I'd say I love
When my grandmother started talking shit it was really upsetting She said my mom was more important than him because he hasn't been there for me, or something And then she said "where would you be without our side of the family?" but my grandparents let me grow up in poverty because they didn't like my dad and didn't treat me human until they divorced until my parents divorced, i mean
If it weren't for my dad, I'd probably be a piece of shit like my mom and her side of the family The only person on her side that isn't a shit is my aunt in NYC who that side of the family doesn't even talk about positively
hmm maybe. i think i had caught you in time to save you from a terrible fate though if it came down to it. i wasn't gonna let you on that same path you were on when i met you, which may have been later than when you're talking about but you know
quarx and // quarx moved to phoenix to stay with his girlfriend whenever he left me behind in tennessee. i think they're fond of the communal housing situations, so if i dont marry whoakun and go to japan then maybe i'll see if they need a roommate in phoenix. that could be convenient maybe me you and your dad could go on a phishing trip
>>680108 i think so too. i'm really burnt out on the whole roommate thing though. it's awfully uncomfortable and it's kind of a cold atmosphere. things get awkward when you're cohabitating with someone who just has no connection for aesthetics or stuff.
im ready to upgrade to full housewife. sadly ive got a lot of debt so that makes potential marriage a fickle thing except under some jurisdictions and i dont have the stability to particularly find somebody
>>680122 im not sure i can just live my life i can only really take care of someone else unless i continue to live in this perpetual state of duality which is sooo uncomfortable i need a counterbalance somewhere to reciprocate and validate it's so depressing to cook for one's self, you know, or to make yourself a warm soup when you're febrile
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
fuck it I'm just going to download the raws in 720p and use the .ass files included in the bloated 720p release
>>680139 actually i don't think there's a standard about that
>>680140 what did you expect? also doesn't dmnon just take hs stuff and plug it to complete packs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>680142 I expected an encoder I barely know anything about to not be terrible I guess that was my first mistake
>>680143 before nyaa got nuked dmnhiro was tagged as "bad" group
but anyhow I think that group pretty much just takes HS subs and plugs them to BD releases they are like HS of BDs there isn't much effort, but it is oft good enough however, forexample if the HS sub is bad, then the hiro sub is bad too
also I mistook dmnon for some other group that was some other shitty group, that did the same as they did but with just even shittier encode both had D as first letter and >>680150 that
Kirara 🍄
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yeah deadfish is mp4 only iirc and they also do hardsubs
cool maybe i'll open up a nextdoor sister clinic and we can cross-refer let me just google up the median salary of a shaman in phoenix google recommended me the search "how much do shamans make" haha fuck there'd need to be like a wicca population or some shit for that to work nobody's gonna understand
>>680155 though it might be an effective practice for me to refer anyone who comes into the shaman clinic to the psychological care coordinator next door and you can send all the people to me who are mostly fine but just need someone to listen to their crazy and make them feel validated
>>680158 is a simple scam they call you and then if you call back, you get a huge phone bill
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>implying I would call a random number back
Kirara 🍄
>>680155 eh, it'll probably be fine as long as you're clear about your services
I usually google unknown numbers and even if they prove to be somthing real, rarely call them back unless they were something I know I should call back or rather must
But my basic premise is "if they have something important to call about, they will call back"
Kirara 🍄
i assume all numbers are spam if i don't recognize them they're all bad
anyhow I have my phone set on "ignore foreign calls, ring if they call back within 15 minutes" so I don't anyhow answer any numbers not saved on my phone
Kirara 🍄
if you don't leave a message i assume you're not human
seems to be some lawsuit following california equal pay acts from two employees and three former employees didn't find anything how good their case is, but each time a company tries to worm out of either an out of court settlement or from court it never looks good for them.
unions are damn important they can become a hassle to deal with if they grow too powerful, but without them the employee doesn't have any power
not to metnion that few powerful unions have their influence leak over to sectors that don't have unions so the same rules applying to unionised fields will usually apply to non ones too >>680186 programmers need to unionise especially fuck crunch or pay them 1000% pay
Kirara 🍄
too bad there aren't unions in the game industry so people end up having no recourse against all the sexism, sexual harassment, and crunch time that only hurts games
Kirara 🍄
even 1000% pay isn't good because they're still destroying themselves and doing poor work after like 60 hours the work they do is basically zero
Indeed but I doubt a company would be that willing to push for it, if they had to dish out ridiculous sums to do it but most obvious choice is simply reasonable max hours
but even powerful unions don't remove "hey I'd need some people to work some extra hours" employer always can pressure people without actually breaking any working laws or such, by sheer implication of "do this and your job is secure, don't and..." it ain't against the law and you won't get fired immediately but next lay-off meeting...
One way to avoid too ridiculous hours is ridiculous over-time pay and at the very least the abused people get some money out of it
many of my family working in tech have had this happend ot them and while it sucks, pushing yourself to the edge, you atleast get good money and at times extra vacations out of it
then again, those are usually stuff like uh on call duty weeks 1-2 week of being on call, which can result in your normal work hours and even legal work hours being pushed
take my brother for example who fora time did a job where he was 5 days straight doing something like 14 hour days and then 5 days off
>>680186 But anyhow with this RIOT case I don't really care that much about what the cause for the legal suit is, but rather RIOT being a dickwad and pushing it out of court and settlement stuff, however that works in USA and into some shittier place to "settle it" You'd think some PR guy would go and say "heyy, this will make us look real big assholes and the bad guys, even if they don't have a case" Hope it will bite them up in the arse bad
>be an idiot mc >know you can't beat your opponent in a debate >decide to go first in the debate >switch it around and have your opponent argue your case and you argue their case are you an idiot or a fucking genius?
Kirara 🍄
>>680191 this is because of sexual misconduct within the company
>>680193 Yeah and them doing what they are doing is like >see what happened to these people >don't sue us instead of settling or bringing it into the court
what does an arbitration process mean anyhow?
here a process like this would go parties meeting up with their cases they can choose to settle on some agreement on this level, if they can't find it the pursuing party can bring it to the court the court will then rule it with a judge and reach a ruling eventually either or even both parties can complain, and then it will be brought before a higher court and the case is done in deeper detail and once this court reaches a ruling, the parties can still complain to the supreme court, who then just makes a ruling on it without a hearing though very few cases go that far
and it doesn't matter are there unions or something and so on if some law has been broken the process is always the same and one party can't just onesidedly push it into a settlement or block it from going to court well the pursuing party can basically drop the case or accept a settlement and so on, but the sued party can never block the process aside from agreeing on a settlement the pursuing party has laid down
a vast majority of cases on all levels here are settled on before reaching the court level, between private parties that is
>and the madman even before hand was in contact with people in power, including his opposition's father to get cheat slip questions from them non-thinking genius
btw was it ever told in Code Geass were lelouche's geass hdiing contacts something that just could be turned off by him waving infront of them or did he ACTUALLY just take them off/put them on that easily
cause fucking hell NO YOU DON'T
I don't care what kind of god level dexterity you have in your fingers no you don't
Kirara 🍄
she's seen CG and Buddy Complex and Cross Ange
did you show her the easter cats
Kirara 🍄
nah she was gone for easter
damn well theres always next year i guess idk that for sure but there's probably next year
Kirara 🍄
there's only the NOW but there will probably be a now then
past is just nows we have gone by and future is nows to come
I miss sub groups that had fun with their subs there have been several cases wehre subs have gone flying or exploded depending on what ish appening on screen
that sub in question "diving" is doing a spiral around the character spiral diving
does pan even exist
>>680213 I'm not convinced he's not just Tony speaking into a slightly worse mic.
>enemy is blocking the skys >blocking the grounds with an "era befitting" tercio formation I wonder does the "rules" of horizon world ban artillery untill it is invented then again it did already exist during 30 year war I mean that is why the protestants "won" the war anyhow
I am not going out of my way to explain some basic music theory stuff that I barely understand beyond grasping it at basic level >>680268 Yes I do get to I have had tests on this shit
"I do not claim to know what I'm talking about but this song does not have a peak"
because it doesn't that isn't necessarily a bad thing hell it can be a good thing
but when everyon praises the song high and so on and you get hyped and you finally listen to it and it just never actually reaches the peak or has a climax
I am left with kinda "okay"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
But BANG BANG BANG is literally the climax
happens 3-4 times in it
compare it to say Shall never surrender and its finale or Devil Never Cry and how they finish up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah haven't you read those doujins where the guy cums like 50 times it's like that
>>>/watch?v=Oi7WH7_NO9I#t=4m27s this is when the solo starts >>680277 that is when bridge i dunno X starts I am not going to go out ofm y way to see how many bridges that is and is it a unique one
but the point is that this solo just isn't a peak either and that bridge once it starts building up towards the chorus it still doesn't reach the peak
>>>/watch?v=acP7YhN8r1s#t=2m35s like here is a song without a real peak moment and it doesn't make it any worse but it doesn't really have a huge build up moment anywhere
he was the final boss of the 5th anniversary event and is now the hardest raid in the game
Kirara 🍄
granblue has incredibly high quality in everything it does
>>680315 the peak is either at 9m during the height of the solo here or later wait till I get there yeah not there that was a build up to wards the actual peak
basic point of a song especially metal is to have the peak at the very end and the song keeps doing a fuck gotta draw this one this kinda thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to be fair it's also a long as fight
usual pattern is basically the PEAK then you have the chorus or some other thing after it and then you end the song many ways to do it, but post peak is pointless to continue
But peak in that song is well where you'd expect it after the solo with bridge building up to it with the final part being the most climactic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like GRANT MY WISH unironically brings tears to my eyes
>>680355 Imagine being a living fossile unknown to man and then some random troler fishes you up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
tfw you swim around for 392 years and get owned by some string
>>680357 I dunno which is worse really suffocating to death once pulled to land or being crushed to death by the massi n the net, because you were an unintended side catch
I wonder if this is a bug or intended If Nier's countdown would hit 0 when you finish a battle and the turn ends, she can die during the victory animation