Thread #679364
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The dry spell is finally overrrrrrrr
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai --Episode 4-5 Fairy Gone --Episode 4-5 Fruits Basket Cinderella Nine Hitoribocchi Kono Oto Tomare! YU-NO Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin --Episode 4-5 Senryuu Shoujo Shoumetsu Toshi
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jojo is a .5, I guess that means recap?
did yu no get another season or something
You're thinking of UN-GO. YU-NO is an old VN from like the 80s' or 90s' that got a remake that's now getting an anime adaptation as a promotion.
>>679371 oh ok yeah i was thinking un go
Would've been sweet if UN-GO got another one
Yeah it was a good series.
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why isn't this thread dual too
Rika's probably even forgotten it's a thing.
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what if rika forgot that we're a thing
My heart would be BROKEN.
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>>679382 You get over it. She's forgotten we're a thing a long time ago It gets better, but every day is a struggle
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O I was just collecting shows and getting a drink kimetus fruits basket kono oto cinderella senryuu shoujo sound good?
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>>679386 Sounds good to me I guess? We could swap out Kono Oto for Benkyou too. I'm not big on either.>>679391 The tutoring one.
Let's do an episode of Benkyou instead of Kono Oto or Cinderella.
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Which one is benkyou? bokutachi? we're on ep 4 of that?
The one that you have a Webm from the manga of it that you keep refusing to post for me. I thought I had a copy saved but it's not in my GIFs folder so I wouldn't know where it is.
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is ika here?
Hopefully. I let him know.
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perfect kimetsu okay lets start
kimetsoup no yabba dabba
Ride the WAVE
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This art focuses on eyes a lot.
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>>679404 eyes are cool!
The "shing" on that sword cut was so nice. Very satisfying.
What a good boy he is.
This edgelord just wants SWORD
He's such a GOOD BOY.
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He's a lot tougher than he used to be.
His superhuman sense of smell is really a swiss army knife skill. Just seems to fit into everything it needs to hah hah.
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this poor mother fucker
>>679425 I feel his energy very deeply.
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>>679426 nobody even answered him about his crow being a god damn sparrow
Happy reunion!
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i wish my mom was a tengu
What an eccentric blacksmith. Oh hah hah that's a mask.
Oh no Tanjirou is a secret BLACK HEART.
Oh what the fuck the crow talks.
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I'm sure the crow is like the quest giver.
The crows probably act as a medium for voice transmission or something with someone in the Demon Slayers' administration that handles all that stuff.
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this is a really fun show, i think it's a good example of shonen
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yeah this show is quite good okay fruits basket okay lets start
sneaking in for flutes basket! hope thats cool
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now time for the opposite WOW>>679455 she thought you were ika lmao look rika cant read this late at night she doesn't have her glasses on such a tragedy>>679455 instead of fixing yourself how about you fix ika and make him actually watch anime and pay attention to the thread we're doing it in you're fine but there are some improvements to be made here oh fuck its happening
>>679450 Yeah get youseself in here. Oh no it happened again.>>679450 Moooooooon
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waaaaaaaait I saw 4 and assumed we had everyone but we need 5 ikaaaaaaaaaa okay thats everybody lets start
waited sorry it's my fault>>679451 yeah haha. sorry im me. i'll try to fix that >>679451 i tried not to cause a stir. i'll stir louder next time.
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>>679455 i don't need a stir i need you to go to quebec and uninstall GBF from ika's phone
Don't do that he'll DIE
Oh Tohru's mom is voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki I think?
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She's such a good mama. This should be a good episode.
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i wish i had her momma
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>>679465 you mean was
Death doesn't stop someone from being your mama!
She was only there a short while but she really integrated herself fast into the household.
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shigure has it tuff being the mom of two moody teenagers
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his life sure is ruff
Title drop!
>>679475 Every day's a dog's day for him
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onigiri is better than apple and pear fuck boys they're so dumb
I dunno man a good apple or a ripe pear is delicious. Onigiri are still also good too so yeah fuck boys they're dumb.
pears are really good bartlett pears are only meh but still good
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I don't like pears that much Apples are nice enough though
This family really is kind of toxic. Aside from the grandpa he's decent though kind of senile.
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>don't think too bad about them, >they're just assholes
Yuki's such a fucking tryhard prince.
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I think he was quite a bit more charming when I was young...
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>>679495 dog laff
>>679496 I think he's still got a fair bit of charm. It's just Kyo is the one he can let down his guard with and be petty with. We don't always have to be charming people all the time after all.
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kyo-kun is such a dummy dumb
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I wasn't expecting the insert song. That was really sweet.
They did a good job with that mini-arc. Nice cathartic feeling.
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thanx yall bye bye
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yeah that was a good episode>>679510 sayonara ara is this ep 4 or 5 or what>>679513 what the fuck is going on >>679513 yes we are we are behind on benkyou let's switch cinderella for benkyou
Arigatomo Moon
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kono oto>>679514 >>679511 hmm are we an ep behind? we're current on this arne't we? oh yeah kono oto we'll do bokutachi next okay lets start
Did we end up deciding on whether we'd swap that or Cinderella for Benkyou episode four?>>679511 Providing we are watching this or Rika just ignores this post, episode five, yeah. We have two episodes of Benkyou, one on Kono Oto.
The performance they've been building up for the past two or three episodes should be this episode.
This OP sounds like it's sung by the seiyuu that played that blonde guy who wore cat ears from 3D Kanojo.
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>>679516 hewwo?? ikwa??? ika-sawn? awe u owkay??
Time for them to find ROMANSU
i like this show
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Yeah, this is a pretty good show. The right balance of nice and drama
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it's a funny show
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i wanna play music with a whole group
Yeah it seems kind of fun. I haven't really done anything like that since middle school music class and even in that I was just one in like forty or thirty so I'm not really distinct. It would probably be really tough for me to make sure I'm playing cooperatively with others though.
Hah hah stage fright
Oh YEAH BY THE WAY>>>/watch?v=Wa6xbjVYuEo Go-toubun no Hanayome got a second season greenlit.
i went ot watch the code geass movie today it was decent
I still haven't watched any Code Geass.
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me every day>>679536 hell yes that show was awesome
This vice-principal is a real dick.
This old lady is so hardcore she's got ABS on her forehead.
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dese nibbas gayu
That rapid single string strumming on the koto sounds really nice.
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koto music sure is something
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koto music is fueled by the power of friendship
As far as fuels go there's far worse ones to pick from.
i gotta pee so bad but i can't get up in the middle of the performance
what happened
Oh the second girl shows up next episode.
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bokutachi 4 okay kets start!
Dumb Study Antics
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>>679554 it finished and it was awesome and i got up and used the little anno's room
why are you guys calling this show two different things
Because it starts with Bokutachi but is really all about the Benkyou.
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i know but can we get a consensus on this plszszzs
Probably not hah hah.
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we need to cum together as friends and decide what this show is gonna be called democracy like
Well what about the THIRD OPTION Calling it the English title, We Can't Study.
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Someone that swims athletically in high school probably doesn't have much to worry about when it comes to eating.
A Japanese cheese tart place opened up downtown here recently. It's got some really nice flavour varieties.
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>>679568 You have to watch your calories close when doing athletics too! If she eats a bunch and it goes somewhere it shouldn't then she'll get slower.
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Woah this girl has some problematic impulses.
Gosh they're doing these licentious activities just right out in the open in the library.
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yes looks very fat very very fat
It's all in the minute differences man. Weight is a wild thing.
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She's a swimmer so if her boobs get bigger she's in trouble.
That's not the tomboy Rika. We haven't been talking about her for like five minutes hah hah
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just examine her in the library more often and burn those late night snack calories
Here you go Yuiga time to activate your MC DENSITY POWERS
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>>679585 he's not dense he's just TRYIN TO FUCKIN STUDY
Ta MA ta MA
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>nothing more and nothing less >except for that time i groped her in the dark
>This refreshing feeling of freedom
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how do you forget to do that
should i watch the euphonium spinoff series
Maybe she just possesses levels of airheadedness that even surpass yours Rika.>>679591 It's just a movie, not a series. But yeah you should watch it, it's super super good.
ohhhhhhhhh it's a movie then i'm definitely goign to watch it
Man her brain distorts things fast and far.
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>>679590 i know my coworkers have forgotten to do it at least a couple times idk it just happens
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>>679595 Is that so? Have you ever forgotten to wear your underwear?
Of all the people I know Jan probably is the one I'd be least surprised if that was the case.
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>>679597 considering I go to sleep and wake up with it being the last thing i take off and put on, no, it's part of an immutable routine but i know people have forgotten to do it
>Healthy weed porridge Wow I want some weed porridge.
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senryuu shoujo! okay lets start
Like POTTERY>>679604 I think that was a poor translation line. More like "My little sister feels like [doing (going no-bra)] that". Damn it Bang look what you did.>>679601 STOP STOP GET BACK HERE THAT WAS BANG NOT IKA>>679606 Rika doesn't read anything she just counts the orange posts.
>>679599 >not taking your underwear off before the rest of your clothes man you people
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>my little sister feels like that YOU WHAT>>679605 now she thought you were ika >>679607 SHE CANT SHE ISN'T WEARING HER GLASSES LOL YO WHERE IS IKA ok sorry for yelling ika
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wait what did i do
i was going orange wtf oh maybe rika should fucking read lmao>>679604 watching anime without glasses uhhhhhhhh
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oh oops okay orange okay lets start!
>>679605 Go home Garth Brooks.
>>679607 wait are you watchin this shit
Don't be silly man Bang doesn't watch anime that shit's for nerds.
Even on a date out with his to-be girlfriend he goes around wearing his school uniform.
>Lotion >Every hole Uhhhhhhhh
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>>679614 this is definitely a bang show
don't kid every show is a bang show
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even boku no pico
oh she looks cute oh so does she
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look this is a bang show dude
Wow what a poor omen.
Oh he's just got a dumb Kanji spelling to his name.
Nanako's pretty genki for a girl who doesn't ever say anything.
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raise da roo
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what kind of fucking tarot
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pool is fun but im bad at it
I've never actually played pool. My grandparents had a table at their cottage but I never got to practice on it.
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i have played some very sad games of pool in my life maybe the worst was against a drugged up matt
This fortune teller girl seems to really mess up a lot of names.
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>>679637 how do japanese people even know how to send mails and stuff if they don't know the kanji for their name yet
that's always confused me i guess
Manga and anime are deceptive, most names are either a select set of standard Kanji or from a set specifically used for people's names. So there's probably some relatively simple guesswork involved, like someone who hasn't seen my last name written before might have to do a bit of guesswork to get the spelling correct. There also might be a different culture of mail over there that involves you not addressing someone specifically but instead writing straight to the household, but this is just me guessing. When you introduce yourself it's also not uncommong to say something like "Hi my name is <x><y>, <x> spelled like this Kanji and <y> written like that Kanji.
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okay thanks for anime!
sorry for ruining anime forever
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>>679645 bang watch senryuu shoujo its funny
It's also like thirteen minutes to an episode so you'll only need like an hour plus change to watch all the episodes that have aired.
its does look cute