>>673659 I ended up getting the sleep I needed. Man I was tired after today.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
starlight is balanced well for the versus except there's one character that can one-shot your entire team and can't be targeted without killing the enemy tank first so if the enemy has her, you lose
Well balancing is a game's life-long pursuit. A wide-enough game with a large-enough playerbase will always find a new trick that is absurdly unfair.
Well I definitely bruised my left elbow again. This is the one that actually sits on a cushioned armrest too I can't imagine how it happened. Sure is annoying though.
>>673664 yeah but you should see the other guy's nose!
Yeah, the other guy's nose known as the armrest the elbow is currently sitting on.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>673663 it's not even a trick it's just a character with ridiculously high atk that has a climax that hits everyone for a lot of damage that all character types are weak to the climax also inflicts poison
I tried to contact that psychotic client today to tell him his counseling is being put on hold but apparently the number he has listed is his dad's cell phone and it just says to call this other number which was his dad's business, and the voicemail was full. And I don't have a release of information on file for his dad so I can't even tell his dad that the client has even ever stepped foot in our clinic despite the fact that the dad already knows.
Hopefully the client won't flip out when he shows up on Tuesday and finds out we're not going to see him.
You ever think about how a cup might be useful as a punching weapon You curl your fingers around the handle, then punch someone with the cup, and it smashs over their face It'd probably hurt your fingers a lot but I bet it'd hurt them more
>>673745 Just be a beserker and fuel yourself with the pain Or just make sure that this one punch takes them out. It probably wouldn't be that hard with the impact of the cup
sekiro is great but it'd be even greater if it entered to my body
>>673749 I pretty much only use the lock-on in one-on-one fights because it swaps targets too easily with mouse sensitivity. But I don't think I really had much issue with lock-on loss except in some specific situations. Plus you always lose it once you go down so that was a habit I needed to build up.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sekiro is great but it'd be even greater if it was eternal
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i always lock back on once i die before i res
Same, but that's what I meant by habit I needed to build.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh gotcha
>>673751 To be fair there is an update I haven't bothered downloading But I find if you run around too much it loses it which is annoying in boss fights
Honestly I found it the other way around, hah hah. I get caught trying to free-run away from a boss to heal or dodge some stupid huge attack only to have the lock-on refuse to break and have me slingshot along the circumference right towards the boss again.
>>673756 Nothing is eternal everything is fleeting.
On a completely different note because I can't just think about random things // one thing at once, I can't wait to be in the third campaign and you guys just be flying around in space and I suddenly pull out >>>/watch?v=EA2TfyDkoqg
Rise of the Beasts lasts for 48 more hours New event starts officially on the 30th I'm predicting it will start nighttime EST on the 29th. Probably 62 hours until grind for nier begins.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
even if they only give half as many points as the rerun did I'll have enough.
Honestly my biggest concern is that I'll have to sleep. I can finish at work but if I take caps that way I'll have the phone UI on // in the way and that's not very aesthetic.
Because I'm naturally a little ecstatic I'm going to share some lore with you since you fought against The World way back when.
So from what I can remember and gleam from the arcarum episodes I've done, The World is working to create a new world and all of the Arcarum arcana are working towards that same goal and are, for the most part, subject to The World's will.
it's not even relativism! they're just the same thing but they're also different things? if you're down, you're up, and if you're up, you're down but if you're down, you're down and if you're up, you're up
well, it can't be helped after all, it we went after people who expressed their intention to massacre jews, that would be a free speech violation! it's more important to let this kind of thing just happen instead of stopping those poor people from killing
Saying "I will kill Jews" and getting arrested for it isn't a free seech violation. Saying "I wish Jews would get massacred" isn't.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
all of the shooters in the past few years except for 2 or 3 literally broadcasted their intentions and were encouraged by others in their communities and although federal law enforcement was aware of the threats they did nothing to stop them it may be different this time but the pattern will likely persist
>>673879 but how to you seperate the people who are just talking shit online from the people who actually intend to do it?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
who knows either we investigate and stop everyone who threatens mass murder or we let them kill people so far letting them kill people is just getting tons of people killed but in the end, it doesn't really matter because the bad guys will win either way
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
mostly because 90% of people don't care what happens as long as the status quo is maintained
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i think a lot of us would like to see change but how do you actually go and be that everyday
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
bomb, bomb, bomb the NRA
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
we are constantly surrounded by hostile and genocidal rhetoric an organized people has the power to stop it but people don't want to get involved in groups that are fighting that stuff people don't really understand that it's not okay to be a nazi that's why when the ACLU goes hard in protecting the rights of nazis to spread hate, people think it shows the ACLU is a great organization dedicated to "free speech"
like people are saying anti-semitic shit all the time and nobody says anything people will say shit to my face and nobody around says anything it's so frustrating
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
you don’t have to explain it to me
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
i see this stuff on twitter a lot america is an insane right wing asylum sometimes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i should move to the mountains in a far away place
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
come to a city like new york ain’t no one letting someone mouth off around here
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
anyway lets make some murder drones and camp the white nationalists and NRA cronies
yo kirara the auto battle improvements on GFL are kinda crazy I was able to get enough surplus exp to get a gun to level 70 without them ever touching the battlefield in like a week
>>673901 yeah! and their testing facilities where they have dogs climbing tactical staircases 24/7/365
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>673903 those poor robots are being worked to death
>>673903 guess we eill know hoyr our robot overlords will treat us
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
they’ll put our brains into horse bodies and force us to slave in the salt mines horses don’t grip pickaxes so good they don’t have great traction on those salty slopes
Samu 🏔 !KW2DbpWwls
if i ever have kids i think im gonna raise them in canada fuck this country nice to visit
my handlebars just suddenly got bent at likea 10 degree angle while i was goin over a bridge so i had to bike to a bicycle shop with my arms all askew and weird
when i put this thing back together i must have not tightened the neck post thing
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh that sucks
sometimes i wish i still had that "bike tool kit" that you was attached to my previous bike had all the tools on yoy for quick fixes ofc somebody grabbed it from my bike eventually
>>673930 No, I've texted him several times but no reply. But I don't think there's too much reason to worry. Jan's mom would text or call me if something happened to him since we've spoken a few times.
>>673954 nah I was trying to meditate but it wasn't going well so I just lied back and ended up under a chair And then I just stayed here since I'm not feeling great
>>673951 ohhhh like at meeee I'm baaang I have a gaggle
>>673973 It might be less efficient but donating blood is a far more mundane message. Like a mundane person can visualize the process of donating blood, but plasma/platelet donation kind of sounds like some kind of esoteric procedure. So from a notion of encouraging the public to donate, taking the efficiency loss of blood donation might still actually produce better results.
google translate from our blood donation site The prohibition of blood donation between men is often criticized as offensive and even discriminatory. Many people have wondered why sex between men is so strictly blood donated.
Restrictions on sexual behavior do not value any person or group, but are intended to ensure the safety of patients in need of blood products. The 12-month donation restriction following men's sex is currently based on the Finnish authority order currently in force, based on the epidemiological situation in Finland. According to the Infectious Diseases Statistics, men who have sex between men and women have a multiple risk of being infected with HIV when compared to men's risk of infection in heterosexuals or the whole population. This still poses a high risk to the safety of the blood product.
Sex between men is an obstacle to blood donation in almost all countries. At present, the donation barrier between men and women is mostly time-limited, because in recent years, in many countries, a permanent ban on donation has been made temporary by national risk assessment. Such countries include: Britain, Australia, England, Canada, Sweden, Finland, United States, Netherlands and France.
The decision of the Council of Europe for 2013 is based on the fact that, in the case of men who have sex between men and women, a permanent prohibition on surrender can only be changed for a limited period if it is justified by the national epidemiological situation and risk assessment. The Council of Europe decision is based on background material produced by a large group of European experts.
The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service complies with current legislation and official regulations. The Fimea Center for Pharmaceutical Safety and Development is ultimately responsible for changes in blood donation criteria in Finland. Fimea's new regulatory order in December 2013. In autumn 2018, Fimea, the Finnish Pharmaceutical Safety and Development Agency, announced that
The only real failsafe is to just have sex with NOBODY.
Kirara 🍄
i got tested last year im clean
There is also a permanent blood donation ban if you lived in UK 1980-1996 for even a month
new sexual partner, male or woman, and you gt a 6 month ban and so on
there are lot of amusing stuff there that you wouldn't think would affect your result, but because IF there is some disease there and you are a passive carrier it can fuck the recovering patient permanently
WEll that one depends I didn't get anything for poland, but when i was in hungary I had a 6 month ban since it was some "egyptian nile virus season" that you could get from mosquittoes
but nonetheless, the gaysex ban is kinda silly since if they use protection, it has same as hetero sex and what about sex between women? Why isn't that equally banned?
I bet it all is related to some old study from the 60s
>>673988 Mm, but it is weird it isn't just say 12month ban from having a NEW sexual partner if it is a lifetime partner, where the hell would they get the disease?
I hope they really do as in that pasta above a study on the matter and just change it to "was it a new partner/was it unprotected" etc
Kirara 🍄
they will probably not change it our vice president wants to shock gays until they're straight
>>673979 In the autumn of 2018, Fimea, the Finnish Center for Safety and Development in the Pharmaceuticals, announced the launch of a study in early 2019 on the impact of, inter alia, male sex on blood donation.
In the blood service, the safety and well-being of both the blood recipient and the blood donor are important. Every patient has the right to receive safe blood products for treatment. The safety of blood products is based on careful selection of blood donors and testing of donated blood. Selection of blood donors remains important because a sensitive test does not recognize fresh infections.
>>673988 Isn't that whole thing caused by just general lack of knowledge on stds at the time and well "no need for a rubber, we can't get preggers"? nonetheless it is amusing that not even in this part of the world, the requlations havn't been changed that much
A doujinshi artist discovered the fan scanlation of one of their recent works and how it's freely distributed and got kind of mad over it, hah hah. Even put out a Tweet in Japanese and English saying they're going to take advantage of the unofficial, unauthorized translation to tidy it up a bit and sell it themselves on a Japanese download site. Which I think is amazing and definitely something they're free to take advantage of, but at the same time they're ridiculously naive if they think putting up an English translation on a site targeted at the Japanese crowd is going to stem the flow of people reading their works without paying.
>>673993 if it is dlsite.com then it has around 30-40% foreign traffic and anyhow people already buy digital releases of their fav artists if they feel like supporting them but they most likely will still dl the english version, because most can't into moonspeak
now taking a fan tl and using ityourself is neat, but I think the author should atleast acknowledge the "help in translation" or something otherwise it comes around atleast a little bit hypocritical
But really, if all doujins were well translated, easily readable on some site with a fair price it would lead to some people buying them, but ofc it would not stop piracy nothing stops it
Oh I didn't know DLsite had so much foreign traffic, my mistake.
I still think with stuff like doujinshi there's a bit extra incentive to avoid "official" acquisition of the stuff, especially in the more prude Anglosphere part of the world that would see pornographic media as a fair bit taboo. And yeah like Tony said paying money for a digital twenty-page book is kind of ... it can be a hard swallow for a lot of people.
Not to mention there will always be the people who pirate to get a "free preview" to see if they like the product and onlyafte that might pay for it >>673998 there is an official english version of the site nowadays too though amusingly you can't have an account on the jap and eng sites at the sime time one for each separate
if it is music I'd rather have it as digital or video and even with comics I might prefer digital because easier storage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I look forward to my cd of Hello World
and when you burn it to yoru computer, you will have a lesser version of the digital release
I don't care for getting physical music media, aside from a mild curiousity in the vinyl niche, but that's also not really enough for me to act on. But visual media like books and comics I love having the physical of. Movies and games I can kind of ration out that it won't always be easy to get a digital version of so even though I don't really acquire those physically aside from console games, I can understand the approach.
I wanted to get a tall but thin shelf I could fit in this narrow space between my desk and dresser that I could put books and games in that I'd like to have at arm's reach from my desk. It wouldn't have to be huge but being able to have some artbooks or the novels I'm currently working through somewhere like that would be nice. Plus it would free up a lot of real estate on my desk!
But every time I've looked I couldn't find something that would fit suitable.
IKEA's online catelogue was the first place I checked, hah hah. They had some things that came close, including one that was tall but thin but also WAY too tall. Like so tall it came with metal fasteners you had to screw into the wall to keep it supported. And I don't want to have to do anything like that for this.
Yeah ... I guess. That's a little off-putting for either aesthetical or wallpaint damage. Especially since my parents are looking to sell this house within two or three years. I'd also thought that I could use the desk side and the dresser side as a securing method. Just, y'know, wedging it in there so tight that it can't fall over.
The width of whatever I find has to be no longer than eighteen centimetres, although ideally closer twelve to fifteen to avoid me running out the space I have too much.
I actually have one of those >>674007 you can see it here unassembled leaning against the wall on the left edge Yeah it is still there never found use to id, but due to just sheer annoyance of dragging into the storage, I have left it there Like maybe I will assemble it and turn it into a liquor cabinet? Or something like that but I just never do since I don't see a point or use for it and once I do assemble it it is there and I am stuck with it and finding an usage for it
https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/40277143/#/50277147 This is the IKEA one I had seen, and even it's kind of pushing it at twenty centimetres wide. Nevermind figuring out the ideal way of anchoring it in place.
I've also looked for CD towers maybe that I could just not assemble all the shelves for to create shelving large enough for books. But they all have large bases I can't fit into the narrow space I've got.
>>674017 if it is anything like the ikeas here right next to it they will sell the anchoring shit or you can ask around for a clerk for them if they are in a later place
Well the problem is I don't want the achoring stuff. I'd rather just have something that can stand by itself, or at least be secure enough wedged tightly inbetween my desk and dresser. >>674021 Yeah, hah hah, I'd considered that too. I'm always a little nervous about doing hands-on stuff like that, I'm not exactly well-experienced with it.
>>674020 take the shelf saw it in two reinforce 2 smaller, not securing needed shelves
>>674020 first time is the start towards macgyverism
but issue with anchoring stuff to walls is what your wall is made out of mine have way too much soft stuff layered before hard stone or wood so you can't really attach anything to them securely aside nail+painting
the perkolator is PERKING
hmm drinking light roast coffee after having dark roast for 6+ months weird
Probably a bit smoother on the back of the throat.
@maria mongolian checkers
I guess more of a nasal or sinus thing than the back of the throat though.
I like darker roasts more
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like a lot of things
but not coffee
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have in fact grown to enjoy the taste of coffee but I prefer that shit with cream and whatnot
god damnit... >hey I will just go play few fights of empire... >oh I left it at a fucking annoying naval fight again
>>674029 Same, I like that kind of acrid sensation in the nasal passage it brings as you're drinking it.
cheapest ship on the top fleet is 7,5K I do make like 10x that a turn I think but still if I autoresolve, I will lose atleas 3-4 and have to repair the rest from 50% but if I do pick the fight that is 10 minutes of naval boring
a simple strategy a line of line ships cutting into the enemy formation, this time a double line makes sense when you don't have the wind but haha, I have a surprise two carronade armed to the mast frigates to pick up every ship of the enemy that ails past my line of sadness
welp roped myself into seeing endgame despite never seeing a whole chunk of Marvel's stuff
Hah hah, you might not have the full contextual connection, but I would imagine it and Infinity War are pretty standalone on their own. Especially if you have a vague idea of the whole Infinity Stones concept to begin with.
My parents aren't up for watching it until next weekend, and I don't know if I can wait that long. So maybe I'll go see it solo during the week or something. Even if it's only the week after it came out I imagine midday showings won't fill up so easily.
Ch Real 3D and Imax would prob ring me up $44 with my niisan. I'd still go for it, why the f*** not lmao
Theatre tickets are expensive in Toronto regardless of when I go. I'd be going as much with my parents to have someone to enjoy watching the movie with as much as to dodge shelling out money for tickets hah hah.
like 20 bucks for a popcorn and beverage too i have a lot of fun sneaking as much stuff as possible into theatres even if i have no intention of eating all that
It's not really sneaking in here. I've never had my bag checked going into a theatre after all. I don't think the establishment is really allowed to restrict you from bringing in outside food and drink, and at least here I don't think they really care unless you're being particularly egregious about it.
I would just get one of those cheap combos Like a nachos with medium drink. Not ice tea tho, no way I can hold that in for 3 hours. heh
i went to like 7-eleven beforehand and got like eight of those one-dollar hot dogs with the bun they were so salty actually
If I'm going solo I might swing by the bulk good store that's in the vicinity of the theatre I have in mind and just get like a bag of $9/kg fruit gummies. >>674058 Oh there's a 7-Eleven nearby too I could get some of their cheap pastries. There's a couple places I can get a decent drink too.
oh granola i dont think they even have granola at the concession stand but thats my snack of choice ive like always got a bag of granola with me
I wouldn't do sev, really. Most of their ish is reheated trash, you can just taste it. I just buy gold peak iced tea from their dumb asses
Gold Peak's some solid iced tea yeah. The individual bottles are always such a bad deal though. Like 2-2.50 a bottle where you can get a litre for like three or four dollars. >>674063 Oh yeah it's more like 1.75L isn't it eh.
But try lugging around a bottle that size it's just a pain hah hah.
It's worth it because it maybe lasts 30% longer than the usual dosage. It's worth it just for the personal pleasure associated
Well I'd rather just bring home one or two of those large jugs and fill up a more convenient travel bottle. But at that point I could just make my own iced tea at home and save even more money.
A few years back I made this whisky-spiked peach iced tea and that stuff was delicious. Would have been enjoyable even as a non-alcoholic drink.
yOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO SNEAK LIKE 800ML IN rip, the caps lock tho. yuck. Imma rip it off. Anyway, if you got a water bottle like 700ml you might be able to sneak in iced tea. But anything after that they will merk you. So don't risk anything after a normal water bottle. I wouldn't want you to miss out and get ripped out of the theatre... Would be so unfortunate.
please stay calm
>>674069 Hah hah, like I mentioned earlier I don't even know if they're allowed to throw you out of the theatre for stuff like that unless you're being particularly flippant about it here. And either way whenever I go out I always take my messenger bag with me so unless they search me they won't know what I'm carrying.
You live in the most heat-filled city in canadia. They'll look out for any terrorism strategies. Must be scary.
Nah man that's fake shit. I've never been stopped and searched for anything anywhere aside the airport. And even there it's only ever the American TSA folks that are that thorough.
sir you can't bring that bomb into the theater youll have to buy one from our concession stand if you wish to enjoy one while watching the movie
I look at that ish and I still got no context like
yup, there is a bug the late game 24 pound howritzers get a too large accuracy debuff on explosive shells making them unusable, except in some situations while 12 pounders still manage to hit with them for good effect
>>674102 Oh no. Is the rest of your family doing okay?
Somewan Forgot His Trip
thanks, alcohol has helped!
Somewan Forgot His Trip
>>674104 Yes, a moderately successful gofundme worked for expenses My dad's unemployed and disabled but is gonna move in with his brother Now I'm just drinking a lot and waiting Service is tueday and I'm sure it's gonna blow chunks, emotionally!
>>674118 Yeah, she jumped off that bridge out towards their place died on my dad's birthday (4/19), he's torn up as fuck Not much to do, expenses got paid from the GFM
Fuck man, make sure to give your dad all the love you can. He's probably going to really need it.
Somewan Forgot His Trip
I am, he's also got his dog with him He's more concerned about financial long term but I've told him to just move in with his brother and let the house foreclose if an appraisar determines it's upside-down
how are you doing
>>674108 A lot of people are sleeping/busy at this time but Samurai, Rika, Blue, Jan, and Marsh still come around often enough.
Somewan Forgot His Trip
>>674123 what about whoakun that dude was cool i mean, so is everyone else, rika included despite our differences
Whoa drops by to shitpost every now and then but I think being an army man keeps him busy. Him and Samu had a wild party night in NYC the other weekend.
Bang pops his head in pretty often but doesn't stay too long unless you can grab him.
Somewan Forgot His Trip
>>674122 I'm alright, mostly got through the grief on a very drunk, hour long bender of crying in the bathroom
trying to keep composed for my dad
let me know if you need anything
Somewan Forgot His Trip
Will do, but I'm alright Kind came to terms with this outcome in january when she attempted it
If you're gonna drink anything there you might as well drink some like Coca Cola or Pepsi ish. Belive me that'll stay in your for like 5 hours. It's that HFCS garbage.
Just eat all the popcorn first and save the drinking for the last hour
Yeah she murked me like 15 times. All I did was figure out her grab and double dodged back everytime I seent that indicator. And I also popped like two Ako's sugar to merk her up.
>>674165 Can she get poison from standing in the bog?
>>674168 Damn this is revolutionary I'm going to take the cowards route
>>674164 Yeah her grab is the easiest part of her fight since you have a wide window for punishing it And her combo with the kick and the shotgun shot is pretty predictable On paper it shouldn't be so hard But it is
>>674169 It's funny, there's a few times when being posture broken saved me since she'd go for a gunshot immediately afterwards and it'd miss me because I was busy lying on the ground
Yeah after a while you figure out you can l1 everything she has except the grab. Then it's like, r1 her a bit to build posture, then defect the rest to grab the execute. pzzzz
Kirara 🍄
Grab has ridiculous hitbox so you can use umbrella to avoid it if you have to. Umbrella also can build up power from her bullets which is cool.
I kinda felt like umbrallaing her but she left like an old school cannon boly from bloodborne so I just wanted to see as much blood painted everywhere as I could
>4d chess strat: assault fort from a location that causes game engine to calculate infinite nonsense causing game to run at 0fps god fucking damn I hate CA
>>674176 What a bizarre character to do a side story of. Especially when you consider the previous generation cast of Isshin, Owl, Dogen, and whatnot. But Hanbei was kind of endearing.
Both the Japanese and the English boives delivered there. That's rare af.
Kirara 🍄
>>674178 they will most likely get elaborated on in DLC though
>>674182 might be cool but he was just a bandit before isshin beat the shit out of him
>>674186 >>674186 Yeah that sounds awesome A bandit doing bandity things Then gettin the shit beat out of him and swearing his life to the man who did it and living life like a proper soldier Would be a good one shot Not a long manga, just a volume or two
Kirara 🍄
hanbei will be good because we can learn more about the infestation and senpou
>have 175 hours on steam and prolly 50-100 non registered hours on it due to steam being shit at times >JUST NOW noticed that when you hire a regiment, you use up 300 population of that region WEll... this explains a lot of things about the game But JUST HOW hadn't I seen this?
hmm never actually done ovenpot like this instead of decent meat, bacon and potatoes added to the mix wonder how it'll turn
also >got a plate from breakfast cooking on the stove >I will just mvoe it to the oven and clean it up later, since I need the space >forget about it >turn oven on >plate still has greasy paper on it >"hmm what is this smell of burn grease, my oven shouldn't be smelling thisbad >"well w/e, time to put maet into the... oooh, welp" and so now I have a 175C degree plate hanging in my bath tub
if it's done well i feel like alien would be a really great setting
i wonder if it'll have prequel monsters and stuff or if it's just xenomorphs
Kirara 🍄
i just hope it's survival horror i don't mind if it has an actiony style of play like alien 3 was as a movie as long as i can play without that like how Cthulhu has pulp and classic
Kirara 🍄
Now that I think about it, a Silent Hill tabletop game might be cool
september 20th is my report date im trying to take like a month of leave but itll probably end up like a week and a halfish so id say september 1st ish
How are you going to do things without talking? You should just become completely fluent in Japanese. You have until September, I'm sure you can do it.
nah that sounds like a lot of work ill just marry a jap within 30 days they want that money and us citizenships come get some
>>674273 i doubt it ill probably just visit places and do stuff i saw in anime
Kirara 🍄
>>674274 Damn, sorry to hear that Are you doing okay?
Somewan Forgot His Trip
>>674277 Yeah, I got my tears out of the way when i first got here and earlier this year when she tried to kill herself the first time Now it's just overwhelming boredom and sleeping on a loveseat
>>674279 Yeah, I had to do arrangements and the gofundme is going to my bank account so I have to stick around for a bit surrounding it to square up debts and the like Service is Tuesday and I fly back Friday
Then I turn back around Sunday and fly to vegas for 4 days for a conference my work is flying me out to
>>674282 I'm the internal sysadmin and one of the project engineers for an MSP in Phoenix that mostly deals with law firms Though they're moving me to lead security operations center engineer once they reshuffle some positions
>>674289 Nah, the conference is for our RMM software I'm sure I'll be going to more security-oriented shit once I cut over to security operations engineer
>>674292 Nah, the APA has this weird system where there are a bunch of "certified internship sites" across the country, and every year, all the people ready for a psych internship have to apply and then go interview at the sites. Then there's this weird match system where you rank the sites you liked the most and the sites rank the people they like the most, and if you and the other site both rank each other as 1, then you get that site, and so on. It's an overly complicated system but it means I have a good chance of getting hired in pretty much any state for it.
>>674330 guess they stuck to their principles on "italian food"
but really who calls a restaurant afterwards, unless they were really mishandled? like ie. lawsuit much served allergens or poured wine upon or something or food poisoned
but if it was me, i'd pretty much say "it don't belong there, but for extra bucks you cn have your dirty parmesan you dirty american"
or you could just say "i am sorry, but we don't offer alterations, aside from removing allergens and the like from our menu items" and shrug it off with that that is a perfectly acceptable company policy
Somewan Forgot His TripSearch [iqdb](2.0 MB, 1040x780, picks.png)
>The rules of the game is based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine, used in award-winning games such as Tales from the Loop and Mutant: Year Zero, but adapted and further developed to fully support and enhance the core themes of ALIEN: horror and action in the cold darkness of space.
It's also probably going to introduce a lot of new lore which will be awesome.
I can't wait to kill all my friends with a xenomorph. They're gonna do dumb shit like take their helmets off on a strange planet and I'm gonna punish them so hard. It's gonna be so fun.
Man our party would get fucked quick and makes you think what would a shroomalien even look like?
Kirara 🍄
titania would be immune to facehuggers there's nowhere to plant an egg and nowhere for an egg to gestate and her body would eat it before it has time to grow probably
How would facehuggers work on undead anyhow? I think jsut not
Kirara 🍄
hmm probably depends on the type of undead like zombies probably not because they don't have bodily functions generally unless they're virus zombies but like vampires would definitely work
they gestate through food untill grown big enough in around 24-48 hours and then eat through the host and use that left over energy or food from local areas to then quickly morph to the adult form resulting in 50-60h a full grown xenomoprh
well if you take the alien1-3 rest are bit different
So I think one would try to evovle into a new queen and then challenge the main species for dominance
or it would lurk around in the hive and secretly continue its vampirism
but wonder would it turn other xenos it feeds on into other vampires or just eat them? I kindad oubt they'd be transmissable aside from gestating inside a vampire
and would it turn humans it bites, butn ot kills into vampires?
you ever played avp2 online? that game was fun to mess around in though some abilities just weren't balanced for it or guns like autotracking gatling gun aka smartgun or the predator plasmashooter, that was essentially auto tracking homing missile people still bitched about alien stun attack, but how the hell did you take down someone with fuckton of more hp and DMG than you, if you didn't stun and then attack them to death or headbite? predator would kill any alien 1v1 human could easily pump you full of lead 1v1 and just using leap attack as your only way to kill aws boring as fuck
So I'm kind of irritated at the subs for senko-san they translated "kon" as "wheee" which is really stupid. They should've left it as kon in the subs and given it a translation note.
>>674403 some website where you can get celebrities to small videos do small videos you can get david hayter to say something for like sixty five bucks
>>674410 As chief premier emperor of /moe/ my first law is that all the funding for server costs goes to my bank account. Also all posted anime girls are in miniskirts. Anyone who disputes the necessity of this can duel me to the death
i'd like to throw out again my offer to do moderator stuff not to complain about the current state or anything, but i am here like all the time and do all my work/business at my computer anyway and it'd give me an opportunity to do something meaningful for a community that's been really really important to me for a long time so
I think both you and Tilde would be good mods the spam thing isn't out of control or anything but this place is used enough that having that kind of stuff around for so long is a bit much
had this real pedantic guy at work today wanted me to wear a hair net even though I don't need one at all temperature checked all the meat and complained about it when all we can do is monitor the truck temperature and make sure it's good complained that we had substituted a certain brand of crackers when that was the exact brand he ordered
actually not pedantic really just a pain in the ass
Yeah I can imagine that would be frustrating. I have a lot of hair so I hate having to wear foodnets. One of the reasons I try to steer far clear of food-handling job.
Jobs even.
I'm not opposed to wearing a hair net but this dude was straight up wrong about it I handle as much food as a cashier would so there's no reason for me to wear one
So if Fortnite is canon to the marvel universe, does that also make the thanos game mode canon and thus the thanos dab canon?
>>674423 what kind of food delivery gig do you do where you're ever actually exposed to the food? isn't it usually packaged up in plastic or boxed or both? >>674427 i'll have you know i handle way too much food for a cashier i feel like i'm working in a damn fast food shop sometimes most other clerk style positions don't offer as much fresh food as seven eleven though and i was told to tie my hair back or wear a hair net i guess someone finally complained about it after like 4 years
>>674437 what was the deal with capn welding the hammer
>>674439 yeah everythings packaged except for fruit and vege literally no reason for it this guy was just being dumb >>674439 that's true our cashiers don't do any of that, deli, bakery and seafood are probably the only areas that deal with food and need a hair net
>>674441 he was worthy dude. Combination of him being a great person and Thor being willing to let him have it. honestly him grabbing the hammer and shield and going to town on Thanos with both of them was the hypest part of the movie, I rereally thought he was going to finish him
I guess that makes sense I haven't seen a lot of the standalone movies or even the actual avengers movies themselves so I only have a general gist of what's going on
>>674439 some gas stations have some alright food even though it's expensive and not always great for your body I had a toastie today that pretty good
was pretty good I'm surprised I don't get food poisoning more often though
>>674453 yeah honestly that's the worst part of these movies. There were a few times where characters would show up and I'd be wondering who they are and why I should care about them
If I hadn't seen Antman 1 and 2 I'd imagine I'd have been totally lost in the first half of the film
>>674460 nah I havn't seen antman and that didn't bother me at all but then again I know about comic book stuff
>>674463 Wasn't the emotions involved with him reuniting with his daughter a little lost on you without having seen his movies?
I really liked Antman in this The scene with him losing his taco and Hulk bringing him another one is so wonderfully wholesome.
Well that was hilarious >skyrim assassination quest >cast fury on target >cast spell that makes them die instantly if they lose 60% of their hp over 8 seconds >cast illusionary damage spell on them to make them lose 30% hp >wait for 1st guard attack to fall on them >BLAM and no one suspects a thing a sudden case of insanity how tragic
this is the first time Ive actually used spoiler tags for spoilers I think
>>674482 yeah wtf Did they bring back Vision? Maybe the gauntlet can only revive people who got snapped and not people who died otherwise like Gamora or Vision
>>674455 alright is probably the best you could say about the food here QT is the only gas station food I think is very good but it's really expensive made to order and they have an actual kitchen with staff dedicated to it bucee's has good food too but they're not your average convenience store bucees is awesome
>>674485 what even happened to Gamora, I think I wasn't focusing because some guy was talking
>>674492 I had some guy sitting next to me who kept audibly saying "russos!" when something funny happened Gamora time travelled to post post snap world with Thanos. OG Gamora is dead and staying dead
>>674484 it is pretty impressive how huge this movie is and yet i haven't actually gotten spoiled at all yet it's like KH3 was i guess it's so anticipated people actually don't want to spoil anything haha
>>674494 I was started to get a headache because of this guy didn't help that ate all that popcorn and only had salt water to drink (to treat ulcers I had) I wanted to say shut the fuck up dude
very shocked that not a single person in my theatre clapped
>>674504 Yeah I'm the SUPA TANTAI. You got time to watch Fruits Basket in like eight minutes? I'd invite you to Kimetsu but there's only like that much time left in it.
>>674494 that's kind of excessive to me but that's what you get for trying to piss people off surely he saw it coming anyways >>674508 i have the time but I'll pass tonight really tired and don't feel like getting out of bed and shit i might rejoin you all tomorrow if I'm not staying too late at work though
>>674499 One of the movie theatre staff came saying "pls don't spoil" before the movie began Almsot made me want to just immediately go out shouting spoilers
>>674517 getting hit is an overreaction to talking shit but some people need more than just a friendly debate too shut the fuck up >>674525 >>674526 talk trash burn to ash >>674515 that's damn weird I've literally never had a staff member of all people tell you not to spoil shit i guess this movie is like an enormous event commercially though marvel studios probably bankrolled the theaters into it >>674521 alright i did watch a few shows while I was ghosting but I've still gotta catch up on a few might just watch anachronistically though i don't have as much free time right now
>>674524 Well we're always happy to have you if you've got the time. Me especially since you know how DAMN QUIET Rika and Ika are when it comes to watching.
>>674524 it was cringy as fuck >the attendant walks in to brief about the 3d glasses and shit >"is everyone ready for movie" like it is some fucking live event >like typical finns no one says anything >"oh come on" >a silent "oh come the fuck on we want to see the movie you twat" washes over the theatre and the lady gets the message >"okay 10 mins of trailers, if you really need to now is a good time for a piss break, pls don't spoil, pls clean your shit up, we only got 20 mins between showings, thx enjoy movie"