The problem with these really entertaining isekai is that they're always long-form plots. So even with a two-cour series you barely feel like you're scratching the full gravity of the story arc. Like we're sixteen episodes in and they've fought what, two Waves? The second one was kind of dangerous but I still think mundane armies could have fought it off if they were well-trained and coordinated. At what point does it become necessary to actually need the Heroes?
haha, I guess the birds are saying they have got this
Blimey that's a BIG BIRD
Oh SHIT it just used *Teleports behind you*
It's rare for Naofumi to give his full name as an introduction. He might be being his usual grumpy self but he is giving her a marginally higher level of respect
I wonder if the Hero that raised the Filolial Queen was also from Japan. The fact that she called her Mel-tan makes it feel like she's inherited a bit of Japanese spirit.
Well the practical concern is that he needs to class up his party.
I'm guessing what she's hinting at is that even with class-ups, the intensity of the Waves will eventually reach a point where the only ones able to keep pace are the Heroes. And so unless the Heroes can actually coordinate and fight cooperatively, eventually they won't be able to survive.
Which is why she's right from a moral stance, but as Naofumi's getting at, there's kind of things interfering with that.
Hah hah and now she's hanging a Sword of Damocles over his head to get buddy-buddy. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
If uncooperating Heroes is a 100% BAD END for the fight, then I guess rolling some new ones may be the world's best bet. But I bet the Waves don't reset even if new Heroes come in so it's still going from a certain Bad End to an almost certain one.
Ika probably would have told us to watch whatever if he hadn't had to rush off, so what do you want to do?
At the least I want to watch Senko-san, I've been really enjoying that. We could make test drive that Occult show and see if it's worth actually keeping on; I haven't seen any talk about it so I have absolutely no idea of how watchable it is.
okay mayonaka ep 1 well we'll see how it is okay let's start!
I think it might be super-soft fujobait? Or maybe it's an otomege adaptation or an adaptation of a series of LNs aimed at girls. I think it's got a cast of pretty boys at least.
Gosh I love the ultra-metropolis of urban Tokyo.
These character designs feel like a familiar style.
These angels are BIG WOMEN. Or maybe tengu are just SMALL MEN but I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.
An all-out tengu and angel war!
Oh that took me longer than it should have taken for me to realize. I guess it's not normal to understand and communicate with these supernatural creatures.
I guess neighbor will probably be a harem member too.
This isn't really a harem-poi show. From what I've seen from the few chapters I've read she's kind of more like that one guy from Maiddragon. The one that ends up living with the grumpy male dragon.
that's really comfy that's a nice show, that was a nice episode too
Doga Kobo has made making comfy shows into an art. It helps they keep being given quality comfy series to adapt but they really know what they're doing.
These Super Senko-san Taimu bits are the perfect capstone to a night too. Extremely relaxing.