nah you don't have to beat a specific place to get it you just gotta get i think 60 medals overall or something and then you unlock heavy equipment production >The purple version is the color Yoshikage Kira wore and the white version is more suited to weddings. Also available are black, blue and wine red for daily use. let me just wear this tie with skulls all over it to a wedding
>>654414 i just might cosplay as Yoshikage Kira at a wedding it looks great
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
honestly if the preorders were up i would legit buy one of those ties as soon as i had the money i totally missed it those ties are awesome
put a new spin on taking someone's hand in marriage
i feel has definitely been a year or so since I've read this. and it's just... not gotten that much farther They go looking for one person and that turns into a multi-chapter fight. And once that finishes, the REAL bad guys show up and that's a multi-chapter fight. And once it looks like they can turn the tables, the BIG bad guy comes out because childhood brooding rival holding insecure secret awakens it. And now two gods are fighting each other. This is all a single night. And all because someone left to go get a job without telling anyone. ...and she didn't even get one.
>Pluto’s inclined and eccentric orbit does not work with their assumptions, but it’s not a planet anyway, as defined by the International Astronomical Union. Please do not email me about this. Don't @ me
I'm getting texts from my Chair again. But she says they won't fix her wiring until like 2pm so we're definitely not meeting for today. I'm kind of glad the plans fell through. I'm gonna write for like two hours and then I'm gonna hang out. Maybe I'll go see Captain Marvel. There's an IMAX showing I might go to. I've never done IMAX.
I've seen some IMAX stuff before, but never a major motion picture, I think. The science centre in the city has (had?) an IMAX theatre, I remember seeing some science stuff through it. It's very big.
Now that I think about it, I think I saw a video of space in IMAX at Kennedy Space Center probably 5 years ago.
I've done D-BOX seating once at the movie. I saw Infinity War with D-BOX. It was really cool! I liked how the seat moved around and panned with the cinematography. But it was way too expensive so I wouldn't do it again. Also my friend (who is kind of big) was really sore from those seats so I guess they only really work for small people like me.
/moe/, have you ever made gyoza? Do you have a good recipe?
I've only ever cooked ones pre-prepared and frozen. Maybe the stuffing is better prepared fresh and at home but I can't imagine you can really improve much on the dough casing making it at home. Or at the least the amount of work that goes into it isn't worth the trade-off.
>>654467 yea ive made em no particular recipe i recall i dont remember how to do the meat its pretty shit if it turns out dry may as well just make pug in a rug at that point
oooooh i remember i was vegetarian then so it wasnt meat
Most of the recipes I see online say to use pork, but also that porn can be replaced with any ground meat.
I wonder if chicken gyoza is good.
>porn can be replaced with any ground meat Oh my goodness.
yeah you can do chkn but it has to be dark meat thigh works best lamb is a good option i made mine with like squash and chkpeas
>>654472 Chicken dumplings are pretty great actually. There's these mini-gyoza we have in the freezer right now that are chicken, cabbage, and cilantro and they're really, really tasty.
This new market near me is doing a really aggressive ad campaign. They sent out these things that are basically like , well, they're literally weekly coupons. If I go shopping there between March 13-19, I can get 20% off my entire purchase. So I want to go all out and take advantage of that and get everything I need.
Next week, it's $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. The week after that has the same coupon. Then April 3-9, it's 20% off the entire purchase again.
I've never been there before, but it seems like a pretty good deal.
It says they have "organic produce, antibiotic-free meats, chef prepared meals, and local fare" It doesn't really look like a high end kind of place, though.
im so envious i cant drive to the market freely and i have no one to cook for i really want to be a housewife or something i cbf to cook just for myself
>>654479 it's really fucked up how your ability to cook and eat well is basically completely limited by your ability to drive/be driven for most of the US if i couldn't drive i would probably not eat
ehh idk thats prolly not the issue shopping at a market is inherently gratifying but idk i was raised to hate myself so i cant get any gratification from expending the effort on myself i just get depressed cooking for myself
maybe you can coax fishy into wanting a live in chef yeah This recipe looks pretty good. I used this website when I was learning to cook steak with sake and stuff, I think.
>>654482 Oh, I get you I don't think she'd go for that, unfortunately Or if she did she'd probably get a chef she already knows and that would be really annoying Not that we have room for a live-in anything Maybe we will when we move in like 1.2 years
>>654444 Pluto is a planet where I live. Its state law.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom this market's website is actually kind of intimidating
Also Ohio
I think they use the same font for their logo as Longo's up here.
Making them from scratch looks simple, but it seems to take about an hour. I'd have to find the extra time to do that ahead of time.
It'd be hard without some good counter space, too. Maybe I should get rid of my big, old toaster oven and replace it with a much smaller one, since all I use it for is to reheat food or make toast. That would give me a lot more space.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i wanted to do D-BOX for battle angel but parents probably would have not had a good timr
>>654494 it was fun! def something worth doing once at least
>>654493 baking always takes time, but is worth the effort if you can squeeze the time. Though, several practice runs I would recommend on anything new, it is so easy to get something wrong or mesd up somewhere and end up with a result not worth serving
also learnt, that usually the simpler it is, the easier it is to fuck up too.
I guess I caught a cold recently. Was wondering why I was waking up sweating sheets last night.
any good fever dreams?
Don't think so. I think last night's dream was kind of weird but still pretty coherent. My dreams usually are though.
they clapped at the beginning when the intro shower showed a bunch of stan lee and then said "thank you stan lee" and they clapped at the end before the credits it was so weird
also this movie had a really good score honestly, it was an awesome movie
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the desert scenes in the movie really set my heart ablaze you can tell the director really understands the desert
>>654516 Chair called this morning and told me she couldn't meet with me today because the wiring in her house "needs to be repaired" because it was stopping her internet from working and also stopping her from sending text messages from her cell phone. So I worked on my dissertation a little and then I hung out with Fish. We just saw a movie and now we're gonna go pick up stuff for dinner.
I sure did. It was really good. My only complaint is that there was a part that was pretty badly paced because they wanted to show off how overpowered Carol is. They showed it off well, but I just felt the plot point they used to do it could have been handled better just by extending the movie like an extra 10 minutes or something.
Also young Nick Fury weirds me out. I think it's the CGI de-aging they did on Samuel L. Jackson.
Was it Ronan popping in at the last minute to nuke the Earth and Carol effectively shrugging it off?
I liked what they did for young Fury. I don't think the actor they were putting him on top of has the same head shape though, but maybe that's in part because he had hair.
>>654522 Yeah, that's exactly it. I dunno, I just thought the scene seemed rushed and really stood out as a big change in the pacing. And it didn't really seem to serve a purpose other than to connect the Kree to the other movies in a way viewers would understand. But they could have done that without it. Also, they called those weapons ballistic missiles, when they obviously weren't. As weapons, they were kind of strange. If those missiles were enough to nuke the whole planet, the explosions from early detonation shouldn't have been so small. And if they thought they could destroy the planet with those small weapons, wouldn't they have brought way more ships and fired way more? But that's really honestly a minor thing.
I don't think Fury looked bad or anything. It just weirds me out. I think it's a cognitive thing because I know it's Samuel L. Jackson, but I also know that Samuel L. Jackson is oldish now. So there was some incongruence between what my brain knows I should be seeing and what I'm actually seeing.
>>654523 Yeah, I found the nuclear threat to be pretty underwhelming too. I guess they had to tie up the hanging threat of having Ronan hanging over their heads but it was done kind of ... simply. Plus his whole warning of being back for "the weapon"/Carol feels kind of moot since, y'know, he dead. They really should have just kept him as an Emperor Palpatine-y role and never show up aside from those holocomms, and just had the final climax be with the guy who trained her.
Also I like the little game they played with the Mar-Vell reference.
>>654524 If they really wanted Carol to defend against an attack like that, the fleet's commander could have just been some random mook. And they could have just had her disintegrate a kinetic missile or something. A kinetic missile would have made more sense. They could have just had Ronan as a little reference, and kept the bombardment, if they really wanted to. It probably would have helped if the bombardment fleet showed up earlier and they built up to it a little longer.
>>654527 Yeah, it's been a while since we've been able to do much. I even got to bring her grocery shopping with me which she usually doesn't do anymore. She got upset afterwards and said the cashier kept looking at me even though the cashier definitely wasn't
It's probably fine, she's always like that. She thinks everyone is flirting with me or is attracted to me in some way. Cashiers, servers, deliverypeople, colleagues. I think I'm reasonably attractive, but I'm definitely not the level of attractive that gets everyone interested in me like that. She's only right in like 1/50 cases, probably.
Oh, IMAX was cool. At first it was too loud and it bothered me, but once I got used to it, it was pretty cool. The surround sound was interesting. There were parts where it seemed like conversations were going on around me, but it was actually the movie.
Yeah, from what I remember it's a pretty intense experience. I wonder how well I'd handle it these days. It does feel like I get overwhelmed by activity like that more easily these days.
The IMAX in the science centre would always have this neat intro bit where they'd explain the hardware involved. They'd make these localized "hole" through the screen into the projectors behind them, and give a rolling presentation of the surroundscape. Surround soundscape even.
plenty of them in europe the problem here is just that outside of the capital there isn't really population to build one and make it profit and inside capital, there isn't SPACE for one Finnkino being the only large enough movie company to fund one, and unless they want to build an entirely new theatre to the outskirts of the city or remodel one of their theatres, there really isn't feasable way to do it >>654539 Well there is one IMAX theatre here, but from what I have heard some backwater city in poland had more impressive one but indeed, there is only one and it is tiny and not even that good
Meh this is one of those cases where our "large country, low density" bites us back real hard movie tickets are lot cheaper in more populated/dense countries
also I think that finns in general aren't that movie going people, but rather enjoy watching stuff at home more. Would guess that people in general here buy more home releases/subscribe to cable/streaming services more, but go to movies a lot less compared to average in similiar wealth countries.
Well I burned pretty thoroughly the dumplings I was making up, hah hah. Guess I should have chosen something less liable to fuck up with how spacey I am right now.
>>654547 Pretty much. Left the burner too hot too long and all the water that was steaming them dried up. Normally that doesn't happen, but time's slipping a bit away from me tonight.
>>654546 I havn't made dumplings, but have made something similiar and also from own experience of say oil cooking stuff that kind of stuff is the "stay present" when cooking like a risotto
I've made them often enough that I know by feeling when I need to return to adjust the heat or toss them a bit.
>>654550 Not in a long, long time. I'm a bit under the weather tonight though, like I said. I should have picked something that doesn't get burned or I would use a timer for, like a frozen pizza or something. Not that I think we have any of those at the moment though.
Everyone messes up occasionally, even if they stay present.
I don't use timers at all, I just feel when it's time. I never really burn anything. My kitchen and my living room are basically the same room, though, so there's no incentive for me to move away from the kitchen.
I generally avoid time critical cooking I love pots, soups and stews the most can just do the preparation, which is usually quite a lot of work for sure, but afterwards you can jsut leave it shimmer and waiiit >>654551 it is 2-3m from where I am sitting to my stove, but that still doesn't mean it isn't too long a distance
I'll put a timer on for things that need to sit in the oven and do absolutely nothing else. Even if I were only a couple steps away from the oven I definitely risk getting absorbed in things if it's something that needs to go for a long time without me checking on it. Like if I need to do nothing else for it but let it sit in the oven for twenty minutes or more, I need something to remind me to go get it once it's done. But that's as easy as putting a timer on my phone or PC.
There's some movie on Netflix now called "Dead in a Week (Or Your Money Back" )"* >>654557 It looks like a comedy? >After his ninth unsuccessful attempt on his own life, a young man outsources his suicide to an ageing assassin. "If you're serious about ending it, you need professional help" I don't know, but it sounds like it's gotta be a comedy.
oh violet evergarden iso n flix eh though i will prolly watch the bd rip I have of it
Anno *laughs in cuhrazy"
Capcom's really done well for themselves in the past five or so years. Could have easily gone the way of Konami but something slapped some sense into them. Kinda. The whole thing with hiring new voice actors for the RE2 remake to avoid paying unionized talents was kind of eh.
Reminder USA banned finns for few years during late 18th /19th and early 20th century both on state and on federal level, because we brought our unions with us
Such is life scandies and fin by extension do have unique culture that allowed fair treatment of workers though its roots do partially lie in protestant ethics, particularly lutheran
if you ever feel like watching one, that is a good one I'd rec came to mind since it too is incredibly british as in 100% british made with british cast, despite taking place in norway or sweden, Ican't recall
>Lupita Nyong'o as Adelaide Wilson (née Stone), the matriarch of the Wilson family, Gabe’s wife, and Jason and Zora’s mother. >Winston Duke as Gabriel "Gabe" Wilson, the patriarch of the Wilson family, Adelaide’s husband, and Jason and Zora’s father. why do they use the -arch terms instead of say father/mother etc
Probably to imply possession of authority and power. Families in movies are generally structured that one of the parents has some kind of authoritative position.
Some families just have patriarchs or matriarchs. I'm considered the patriarch of my mother's side of the family, for example. Even though it doesn't mean anything.
mm bacon onion soup best lazy cooking I have come up with
Well that's sure an animal with awkward teenage years.
Anno This ended up being a really nice short manga. An excellent mix of heartfeltness and depressing.
How much yen do you think you could get for the remaining years of your life, /moe/?
also shouldn't that be "many"
Not really, it's one of the weird syntaxes of the English language. If I were to say "How many money do you etc.", it would clearly not sound right, yeah? It -does- look like I'm asking about yen as a quantifiable object but I'm referring to it as a concept. Likewise I could have asked "How much wealth do you etc."
No, yen is singular and plural so it would be "how many yen".
Oh no, it's started snowing again. I just want this winter to be overrrr
back from chicago yay what a long day
Enjoy your time in the city?
it was kind of cold not terrible though
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
qhoy /mow/ how’s it going?
I'm a little fluezy but other than that I'm good.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i’m made of purr light
im a little floozy sometimes too
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
me and my floozies gon rough u up
i try to use escort nowadays though it's a lot more seemly word
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
I knew like four people at this party and then two of them left doushio
Uncomfortably lean socially on the remaining two!
this actually happens all the time
I guess I have to meet people what a fuckin pain
maybe you'll find someone worth talking to maybe you'll just wonder why you're even here
These achey muscles are the worst part of sickness. Everything else is just a minor nuisance in comparison.
it's the worst isn't it especially when it's not your limb muscles and shit but it's like your diaphragm or respiratory muscles or your pelvic floor where it hurts to be upright
A weirdly consistent place is my shoulders. Like not even the muscles that get worked in the normal moving and process of the arms. But more as if I bruised my shoulders and now they're sore from that.
>>654606 I mean that second one happens by default it's a prerequisite
Well the English name is "I Sold Off My Lifespan, For 10,000 Yen A Year". Hopefully that helps you find it. It's a very excellent manga.
that's a ripoff man
It's certainly not a lot of money per year, yeah. Do you think the amount of value someone can create in their life could ever amount of an average of eighty-five USD a year?
stray thought coming out of left field here when i was really young, like 5 or 6 or something and still figuring the world out, i was really fascinated by the parallax that happens when you hold your thumb up like arm's length away and close one eye and stuff i'd always try to approximate how far away objects were like trees or landmarks the adults always thought i was having some ocd or autistic fit though and told me to stop because kids shouldn't behave that was/it's not normal
that actually seems like a completely normal skill development for our species anyone else relate to that or have something similar like that's just part of building depth perception and gauging the world around you right like even birds do it
I was never good at that.
i was pretty good! for a youngster anyway probably would have been really useful if i were a hunter or athlete or somethin then i stopped bein good because id get yelled at if i did it so i stopped
id also get yelled at for watching heathen science documentaries lmao by one family anyway
>>654640 I don't think I ever really did anything like that. Maybe that's why my depth perception is so utterly garbage hah hah. Or well more accurately I feel like I can't guess at volume at all just by looking at things.
i think we've gotten so far from our primality that we're mistaking instinct for autism in a lot of cases skills the human brain naturally wants to do to as it's developing sensory and motor skills i guess it's not necessarily bad though to guide the new generation towards the modern society though that's how learning is passed on and culture forms
i got a chicago hot dog today from a real authentic stand the person i was with was a little annoyed about drivin 20 miles to get a hot dog but im like eh we came all this way why not and he got some giant dog on french bread with all this shit and was like "wow now ill never be able to enjoy another hot dog again after this" it was a good experience im happy i did it i dunno if it would have been as good as one of those javelina in a cantina that you were tellin me about, but it was really dang good
I'm not actually all that hot on hot dogs, personally. Especially the dinky ones that are what come to mind at the name. But even proper sausages I'm kind of whatever on. On account of this I've never actually had an owl in a towel, I believe.
i was pretty proud of shoat in a coat i dont think you saw that one though we could open a restaurant with these with like 100 different menu items see how long it takes people to notice it's all the same thing i think it'd be fun to make tiny ones with thinner breading for the different covers they have and types of pig though maybe like a food truck
What about stoat in a coat?
What'd you come to Chicago for?
>>654662 Call the foodr Bah Call the food truck "Pig ina Oh for fuck's sake Call it "Pig in a Blanket" but don't have the dish by that name show up anywhere on the menu. Or would that be too on the nose.
"hi can i get three pigs in a blanket please" "sorry ma'am we dont have pigs in a blanket" "what? that's your name though" "yeah. here's our menu. we have hogs in a log, peccary in a bakery, shoat in a coat, and plenty more. take your pick" "fuck you"
You should ley me love you let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Cops in a shop Heh
Shrimp in a blimp
I'll come up with a few more then I'm heading to bed.
Quasit in a closet
Dog in the fog
Frog in a bog
GNU in a stew
Sheep in a jeep Man I'm on a roll Pheasant at Mount Pleasant Snake in a shake Newt in a boot Raccoon in Cancun Fox in a box Owl in a towel Lizard in a blizzard
i bought these generic brand ripoffs of nutrigrain bars thinking eh it'll work but man they're actually so much better than the brand name
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what makes them better?
no idea it's real fruit though and it just is really hearty and doesn't taste like generic things usually taste, you know, diluted flavor and fillers and preservatives not stale or hard or anything
Marsh I aint stilll haven't found what I'm looking for i HAVE HELD THE HAND OF THE DEVIL But I still haven;t found what I'm looking for sorry for those capslock Imma chop those up
I just can't believe I'll be tapping ya'lls heads in Halo Reach PC/ LIKE What the fucking fuck. You're not ready for my painnnnnnnn It's fucking unexplainable
>>654824 Here's a bunch of concept work from artists that worked on Spider-Verse, in case you're interested.
>>654831 I'm technically going to be deceiving my participants, so I have to do a really thorough debriefing after the study. I don't really know what needs to be in it yet, though, haha.
>>654832 Wow, how exciting. I hope this one's less of a jerk than the last one.
Same. I know a few koreaboos but I don't know anything about that stuff.
There's a couple H-marts downtown that I pass by pretty frequently because of university. As a Korean grocery chain they have a lot of Korean culture stuff posted on their windows and signboards. So I kind of pick up a bit of the who's who of who's popular over there.
I should go inside some time, they seem to be the closest analogue to a Japanese conbini I can access here on the East Coast.
In fact, I only know one Asian person, really. And not very well, either.
One of the friends from high school I've gotten back in contact with is Chinese, and another is half-Japanese. There's also someone I know from online circles who lives relatively nearby who's also Asian, though we've never met in person. I don't really know a lot of people in person, so on account of that I don't really know a wide variety of people either. My online circles are pretty varied though.
Here in Florida, we don't really get Asians, though.
Toronto's a fairly racially-diverse city; we don't necessarily have a particularly large single racial majority (I'd hazard Caucasian still wins out by -but I can't imagine it being overwhelming). So just by navigating life I cross paths with people with heritage from all over the world. Our universities also get a lot of international students particularly from China, so there's definitely a lot of Very Chinese young people in the parts of the city that surround the universities. They're more transient than most of the city's population though.
That said you leave the city and the greater metropolitan area surrounding it and all of a sudden you're neck deep in rural country where the overwhelming population is Caucasian. I would wager the only province that is consistently a variety of racial heritages is probably British Columbia, but I also don't know enough about the sociological make-up of the province to be confident about that.
I don't know anything about that manga, but I'll watch anything David Production does.
I don't know anything about it either, hah hah. I barely even know all that much about Soul Eater! But that writer seems consistently popular.
>>654850 Just make sure you take regular vacations to visit me then! I can't imagine I'll ever live somewhere that's not a dense, metropolitian city, and that's the best place to see diverse cultures.
All these Toronto internships have stipends of $30,000+ for the year. All the ones I've looked at out west only had stipends in the low-mid 20k ranges. And only one or two had health care, although one of them would give me an additional $600 a month for health care and another would pay 75% of my health care costs.
But in Canada, I bet I'd get the magic Canadian health care. hmm
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Factoring in the cost of living, it's probably not a big difference financially between the programs, though
Yeah I was going to say, 20,000-25,000 would probably take you pretty far out in the west. Though I guess if we're talking USD a stipend of 30,000 would be more like 40,000 CAD which is actually not bad. You might have to choose where you lief -live a little slimly and maybe not get a whole lot of luxuries, but it could be possible to be well-off on that much here I wager. Maybe Fish could even find work at the aquarium or something too, if she feels up for it.
Oh, the aquarium is a good idea. Toronto borders Lake Ontario, too, which might appeal to her.
One of the hard parts of looking for my internship is going to be finding places that I can actually get into that are in places both Fish and I can agree on living. The west is difficult because the appeal of the west to me is deserts and mountains, and there aren't a lot of sea creatures in deserts and mountains. Canada might be a good solution, though.
It'll also help that I won't have to live just off my stipend, because Fish will be there to help me and I don't have to worry about her not being able to contribute financially. I'm basically contributing about $14000 per year to my household right now through loans and investments, so even double that would change things a lot. Especially since I pay $1100 per month for rent already.
better move to Canada before Trump makes it illegal to trap us all in the USA sized alchemy circle and manufacture the strongest Philosophers Stone
I wonder if I could learn French in a year and a half and get an internship in Quebec. What do they speak in Nova Scotia? English? I bet I could try that, too.
Kirara because of you I'll have you know I've been listening to more of the Umineko soundtrack than I usually would
>>654859 Well to be fair the aquarium is a Ripley's institution so I don't know how much academic work goes on there. But if she's happy looking after aquatic creatures it might suit her. We do also have the Toronto Zoo, though that's a decent bit of travel out of the city even from where I live, and my house is more or less on the side of the city it's on. Plus from what I recall they have more land and air-based animals with a bit more of a non-fish-animal bias when it comes to aquatic creatures. Still do remember some fish though.
>>654862 Honestly unless you're out in rural Quebec, French is merely a benefit rather than a requirement to living in the province. I've never met a Quebeccois that wasn't perfectly fluent in English. There's smatterings of the Maritime provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island) that are culturally pretty French and like Quebec if you're in rural backwater parts might get a little bit loose on the English, but generally English and being a decent person is enough to get you by anywhere you go in Canada.
I was actually going to suggest maybe seeing if there's placements in British Columbia. That puts you pretty close to the Pacific which means there might be aquatic employment for Fish, you're also in the West and close to the regions you're most fond of. And B.C. also has a very strong Native Americans culture in parts of the province so if you're still interested in keeping ties with them, there might be opporunities there.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>654856 IIRC canada doesn't cover mental health stuff like therapy so that could be an issue
>>654865 Well, I don't really need mental health stuff so I could go a year or so without that. I don't have MH insurance now. Besides, any place I intern at will have an Employee Assistance Program which will give me access to counseling.
>>654864 I was actually just looking at British Columbia. There's an internship in Port Coquitlam and another in Vancouver that look pretty good. One of them gives three weeks of vacation time. That's so much.
Are there a lot of people in Quebec who prefer to speak using French? My worry is that I might get clients who prefer French, or not knowing any French would disqualify me (unofficially) with the internship sites. And I was kind of thinking about learning French, anyway.
Hm, in terms of comfort, yeah, I could definitely see some people prefering French, maybe. And you're right, they might snub your application if you don't speak French. This is definitely further than my knowledge of the people of Quebec goes though. You'd probably be better off asking someone who's lived in the province for a more thorough answer.
I guess I'll have to replace it. How long do those usually last? Isn't it a while? That one's only two years old.
>>654871 Oh well. There are like 650 potential internship sites I could go to, so a few not being possible isn't really a big deal. I don't have to apply for internships until like December, anyway.
Well I wouldn't want to steal you away from your beloved Wild West either, but I'm always going to be excited at the prospect of another Canadian /moe/. If I had my way with things I'd like to live over in British Columbia, but unless I can transfer schools or something that's not liable to happen any time soon. Plus Vancouver is an expennnnsive city to rent/own a home in. Like Toronto isn't pennies either, but demand here less intense so there's still definitely affordable places if you've got a good job. s
Well, even if I land the perfect internship site, I might have to move after a year. I need 2000 hours of clinical hours during my internship, which is basically a year of full-time work. After that, I get my doctorate, and then I have to get 2,000 more hours before I can get licensed. So a lot of people have to move again to go somewhere for postdoc where they can get those hours, so they can get their own license. I mean, postdoc hours kind of depends on the state. The average is around 2000 hours before I can get my state license. California is like 3000, and apparently Michigan is like 6000 hours, and some other states have more hours. Wyoming is 3000, Colorado is 1500.
At least it's a job you can do just about anywhere. Guess that gives you a certain freedom of transience. So if you set up somewhere and find you can't stand it, it's not too hard to find a different internship in a totally different place.
It would be nice to be able to do postdoc where I get my internship. Honestly, I don't even know completely how postdoc works yet. Pretty much everything is like, kept secret for some reason. You can look online to find requirements, but even the APA doesn't list all of them in the same place. You have to do some scavenger hunt shit for it all.
But it's not a big deal. I'm just taking things as they come right now. I have my comprehensive exams and my dissertation to be concerned with more immediately.
Yeah, seems sensible. My university is already wanting me to state my course intentions for the next year. It's kind of a little overwhelming to me. I guess the earlier I do it, the better chance I have of getting what I want, but I generally have a hard time knowing exactly what I want, so it's hard to make decisions. And there's still plenty of work from my courses this semester to focus on anyway.
Wow, you have to decide what classes you want a year in advance?
Well half a year. This would be picking for September, but actually I could probably be picking for January 2020 too, so I guess? It's not necessarily a matter of have to, though. I picked my classes this semester in the week after getting back from Philly before the semester started. The last-minute nature I've used in picking my classes has bitten me in turn a bit though. I couldn't really help it for my September classes last year because I literally got accepted in like five days before classes started, but I could have also stated my course intentions for this semester when I was picking my classes for September, which might've meant I didn't have to watch for openings like a hawk like I did when I was picking them in January. Also when I was applying for my province's financial grants it was potentially looking like I might've made more work for myself in not stating my January course intentions in September, though that ended up being a non-issue.
So I dunno, for people who are certain of themselves I guess it's a boon, since picking so early means you get your choice of the worms as the early bird. But for me it's a bit unnerving of a situation.
Hm, probably the plentiful excuses to put it off. I'd have to sit down and look at what I need to take, figure out what I can pick to fulfil that, and then pour through the stuff I can put in to pad out my electives. Plus I'm considering changing in to a program for an English and Philosophy double major so I might want to sit down with someone from my department if I'm going to do that switch to figure out what I might need to do differently. I'm also coming up on the area of time that I could consider doing a semester or year abroad (though to be fair that wouldn't be in the upcoming year, probably) so I don't know how that factors.
And ultimately, I have not really been punished for putting it off in the past. Sure it was kind of annoying to be dancing on the edge of being able to pick up these classes or not, but both times I left this to the last minute I was able to pick up all the classes I wanted to. So as long as I don't leave it to the last minute like those times, not only do I not need to make the decision right now, I will still probably be able to get all the courses I want.
A double major of English/Philosophy sounds like something that would suit you really well.
I guess if there aren't any consequences for waiting, you don't have to worry about it much. Summer classes registration opened up last month for me, and I haven't registered yet. Not that it matters. I'll only have one class
I don't know, it's hard to say. I guess I don't want to not go. As it goes I'm not sure if I've got the drive to throw myself at the work involved in completing grad school, especially considering the difficulties I deal with even trying to complete year one and two undergrad work. Plus I'm already twenty-six, I'll be nearing thirty by the time I finish this undergrad program, assuming I don't self-destruct, of course. I don't have a whole lot more time left before I need to be a lot more self-sufficient, and I don't know if I can balance that and a workload like graduate school. Hell, I don't know if I could balance my current workload and being a lot more self-sufficient. At the same time, there's a definite value to graduate studies, even strictly just considering the employment value. A bachelor's in an arts and humanities program does have the hanging stigma of only being good for getting you a job at Starbucks for a reason, after all. And I won't lie, the prospect of seeing just how far I can go does present itself as kind of appealing to me.
But there's just so many variables involved and concerns and worries I have that it's hard to know what I really want. It's really difficult to have an idea of what I want to do when I'm stuck in this quagmire of uncertainty.
Above all, what you want to do is write, right? I know you've talked about writing novels or getting into journalism.
I feel like that's what would make me the most happy, at the least. What ever I do, I feel I'd need to have the freedom to create. And that's not really something I -need- a bachelor's degree, let alone a master's, to accomplish -- though don't get me wrong, it would definitely help, especially with a career in journalism.
But even that is itself chock-full of uncertainty. It can be really hard for me process thought information into text, even when it comes to narrative writing. And some days it's an impossible slog to get through the apathy and inability to focus/commit that I can't get myself to write anything.
Which doesn't really support my belief that writing is what would make me happiest, so there's even doubt in that original premise to boot.
>>654890 Decision-making aside, if you look at it as more of a thought experiment, what kinds of jobs do you think would provide you with the time and freedom to create?
As for having trouble writing, isn't that natural? You haven't written novels before, right? Of course it's hard to put things into text if you haven't built up that skill. You certainly have the // have part of the skills necessary for writing, you're well spoken and you do know how to write, even if it's hard to find the words to satisfactorily convey what you want.
The same is true for me. I decided to stop writing because I realized there was a skill I was missing that was preventing me from feeling satisfied, so now I'm working on building that skill. When it comes to focus, I've found that the easiest way to make sure I can focus is to isolate myself, but also to address difficulties when they come up. If I'm lacking in a skill, I go develop that skill because I can't progress until I do. If I can't figure out where I want the story to go, I go for a walk and think about ideas. If I keep trying to work after hitting those obstacles, I won't get anything done. For building writing skills, I think the important thing is to just write a little bit every day, even if it's just the description of a park or something. That's what works for me, at least. Obviously the same might not work for you.
It's difficult for me to know exactly what jobs might suit having the time to create. I don't have a lot of varied experience, after all. I would say though that jobs that are physically or psychically draining would be poor options. Maybe as I got more fit it wouldn't be an issue but a job that has me doing fairly intense physical labour for eight hours a day would frazzle my brain too much, I think. And jobs that have me socializing a lot, in my experience, sap my energy to commit to things pretty fast. The obvious answer is being able to write full-time, but of course that's usually only applicable after you've made it. I'm also kind of worried about going into a job involving writing that isn't necessarily the kind that would satisfy my creative urges; that I'd write that stuff and when I'm done would just be wholly disinterested in writing even for creative pleasure. Historically there haven't been many things I've been good at sustained activity towards. Maybe something like a low-activity retail job that doesn't have me on my feet for eight hours of the day and gives me ample time to myself or minimal other people interaction, but such an environment feels kind of like as much of a pipe dream as being a full-time writer.
What about a part time job? Less energy expenditure, more free time. Are there any jobs you can imagine would let you work part time and still afford to live?
Not unless I had some outside assistance, not in this city. Unless I could find a part-time job paying well above the minimum wage. Like working forty hours a week at the minimum here (14 CAD/hr) barely puts me above the poverty line. And that's full-time hours, defeating the purpose of part-time employment.
Again, my understanding of the variety of job fields out there is extremely limited, but the only things I could maybe do on part-time that wouldn't pay minimum are physical labour jobs like construction or landscaping. I don't really know if I'm up for that.
In the past when I've looked at jobs I could do the only jobs I could really find paying considerably more than minimum wage for unskilled labour were jobs offered by the city. On the side of skilled labour maybe I could land a job in a library or something, that might be good for being left to my own devices while on the job.
But generally here, if it's part-time, it's around minimum wage, and if it's actually a decent pay, it's a full-time job. I'd wager that's how it goes in most parts of the world though.
>>654897 To give myself some kind of structure, I guess. Something to work towards that's not abstract. To have a hope that I might have better career prospects than cashiers at grocery stores or grunt labour. It wasn't ever really a decision to go back though. When I dropped out of college, after a couple months ... actually that was half a year, wasn't it. I got pushed into doing some night school classes, and then encouraged into trying for that mathematics degree. Which failed abysmally of course. I never really wanted to drop out of that, I just couldn't bring myself to return. So my options were either find a job or go back to school, so when a decently cushy and well-paying job came up, I took the path of least resistance. After that contract was up I started trying for school again, but I got a lot of rejections because of my circumstances, so I did night school so I could better those chances, and on the second time around I got in. I don't think I've got particularly great executive function so I don't feel there's particularly strong reasons for any of this. It's always been about whichever option's the easiest to reach for, I guess. Even if the result doesn't necessarily make my life easier in the short run.
I slept for like 14 hours on my day off and since then I've only slept around 4 or 5 hours a night haha I keep doing this
Tilde I normally have only a paragraph or two and a loose idea and I have to wing a lot
This session I have so much written that when I fullscreen the text document I have to scroll down
There is a caveat though! There will be a fair bit of railroading this session, and actually even though the content I have is greater in detail and full of worldbuilding elements, it is likely that we will blaze through the railroaded bits rather quickly I'm hoping for an amount of roleplaying to extend the length of the session where important. What I do have this session that I don't normally have, is a plan of what music to play when, a script for several characters (that will make sense to read from in context) and a few flavor elements that I'm rather happy with
>>655066 i got like 3 hours on friday, 3 hours on saturday, and then slept from 6am sunday until 2am this morning haha
>>655067 That's pretty cool, I've definitely been interested in seeing what you've got cooked up for this. I'll do my damnedest if I nap tomorrow afternoon to not sleep in hah hah. Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be early days for me so I don't get a lot of sleep the night before.
they're filled with ground beef and potatoes and a small bit of chopped pickles oh and some ricotta cheese and LOTS of spices specifically the ones I use for curry
very good
damn what's that sore on your index finger did you scrape it?
>>655077 Oh that does sound pretty good I hadn't seen them. I might've gone for a sharp cheddar instead of the ricotta but that's a personal thing not necessarily an improvement.
>>655078 I have this red square-shaped birthmark on my finger It's been there as long as I can remember, but my parents say it wasn't on me as a child
>>655079 I actually would've preferred something more intense like a sharp cheddar or maybe a habanero jack but I don't have any cheese in my house except this fat tub of ricotta
also I used pillsbury pre-made biscuit dough from a tube
and it was better than anything i would've made
Dude no one needs to make puff pastry from scratch that shit's a pain in the ass to prepare.
The hosts of the New Years party i went to this year did this amazing hangover breakfast of Pillsbury croissant dough with cheese and bacon folded into it. It was hella good.
i suck at making dough
i suck at baking in general like baking involving flour i can do all sorts of fancy shit with meat and vegetables and cheese and what have you but the second you need me to make something involving dough i'm FUCKED
i can only make wheat dough i dont really know what they do to make white dough it makes no senes to me there's no wheat gluten to keep the dough all doughy so how does it work
>>655088 that picture is blurry asf because my phone sucks but the mark is actually rather square when you look at it it's on my left hand too, which is the hand with all the scars from the scooter accident years ago
>>655069 i worked like all of thurs-friday straight which was stupid then i had to take davey to chicago early on saturday then drive back so that day was dead empty then came back and slept until just now
>>655090 yeah my friend saw how empty my walls were and was like "you need things on your walls" and then they gave me two adventure time posters, two Kill La Kill wall scrolls, and a Madoka scroll the KLK ones are a Ryuuko + Satsuki, and a Nui one they're p good
it's a really good piece a lot of japanese art can be pretty sketch, especially as you go further back past 1900 but there's some stuff that's really fuckin neato
I think a lot of their classical art of people is pretty atrocious but still kind of charming in its own right. But their stuff of scenery and nature is generally gorgeous to me no matter how far it goes back.
art in terms of the more traditional 2D visual art, specifically
a lot of the physical objects they made, their armor and clothing, buildings and such is like fucking spectacular
>>655092 what kind of escorts does your friend do anyway
then i got darth vader watching over me while i sleep except without the lines in the cloth because it's been hung up there for like at least a year and a half now
i love this game to death so i honestly don't mind having it hang around it's not something i'm like to ever start hating >>655109 look up DARK SPACE AMBIENT there's so much spooky scifi shit out there that has no apparent reason to exist because that kind of setting is few and far between >>655106 yeah that's why i got it too every time i fail to get an attack jewel again i can just look at the mystery man who's like "WHY" and feel like he understands
what's the setting for the campaign where are they at hold up i know you prolly arent even asking for more suggestions but im gonna do it anyway
>>655109 This guy does a whole bunch of instrumental work of various regional styles and moods. Plus he organizes some of his stuff into huge two-hour packs but also has the individual songs. Though you might have to dive into his Soundcloud/Bandcamp to get all of them.
>>655110 it's a fantasy settings you know dragons wizards goblins that shit
i MEANT is there anywhere specific this next session is focused
>>655109 cryochamber is a channel worth checking too
>>655113 >>655115 yes but i literally just finished and closed the text document because i'm so done spending time on it it's going to be a banquet for the millenium anniversary of the empire in which this story takes place
>>655114 cryochamber is the channel that posted the second video i linked! i like that channel a lot, they're especially good for dungeony music
>>655111 Oh i think i played this one that he has on his front page before when i was playing magic >>>/watch?v=ihZwWD4MFtA.
but i didn't realize that he has so much def will look deeper into his channel
>>655108 >The Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand And Nineteen >Playing Monster Hunter
The Covenant believe that what they call 'The Silent Cartographer' is somewhere under this island. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead us to Halo's Control Center. The island has multiple structures and installations and one of them contains the map room.
>>655129 cause japanese olaf did a bunch and got in trouble?
i wish people were more patient in their considerations i told these dumb motherfuckers something over a week ago in a pretty polished statement and someone had to go "oh no but ____" afterwards and now im watchin them play email tennis back and forth for days on end trying to figure out what's ultimately going to turn out to be exactly what i said a week ago they'll prolly try and publish it too watch
>>655148 >is there anything better than snuggling into a freshly made bed yeah, finding out the art supply store threw out a bunch of rubber cement or glue in their dumpster and the clerk just went home for the night waking up and finding the alley cats didn't get hold of your cat food supply so you'll have a hearty breakfast ready or those rare occasions someone actually cleaned up all the dead carcasses in the alley that keep you from sleeping soundly
I first read that as bread and was bit confused how you snuggle into bread
i mean if it's big enough i reckon you could i reckon it's pretty dang comfy too
>>655150 well you gotta wait for it to cool off a bit first >>655149 if those alley cats are getting into your cat food, make them cat food
it doesnt work like that i need the alley cats to eat the mice who try to eat my mattress and clothes and hair and the alley cats poop a lot which the alley dogs eat and then i dont have to fight off rabid alley dogs who tryna steal my things
oh yeah the mice teach the alley dogs to steal shit for you in return give them alley cat crunchies
you can't teach them if they were stray it'd be okay but the gyppos already got them they're already puttin in work for the gyppos what can you do
damn join the gypsies i guess
living with them probably isn't that great though maybe better to just protect your cat food steal a plastic tote
convenience stores leave that shit out all the time it's technically
>>655158 only petty theft not as bad as stealing milk crates for some reason
it might be a fun game to try to find the lowest value thing you can get yourself in trouble for stealing
not like that you legally could get in trouble for stealing, but that you in practice actually will have gotten in trouble for stealing like you prolly won't get reported for stealing a 10 cent caramel from the checkout counter they wouldnt even bother, police wouldn't even come if they did prolly
Just learned all the penis politics of my zone. How wonderful
sorry what please elaborate
As in which supervisor is fucking who There is a spider web of sex going on here...
ah you weren't supposed to find out I was fucking your supervisor how embarassing
How ccould you
>>655161 yeah police literally won't come unless you steal more than 50 bucks worth of product if they're in the area they will probably write you a ticket and make you return the stuff though
in the area physically anyway if you call the cops cause someone stole some beer they won't be there for an hour or more for example
>>655164 oh i thought you meant like policies regarding penises on the trains
it's penis inspection day on the new york railway please have your penises out and ready when the conductor enters your cabin as they WILL be checked those with expired penises will be escorted off the train those with counterfeit penises will have their penises confiscated and will be charged with trespassing
i want a captain marvel jacket brie larson has been wearing this cool one that has the colors and stuff but they're only selling the leather flight jacket
Maybe ask her if she can name the source she got it from.
So apparently one of my friends has a cat thst if pet for a minute will start drooling. *that And of course will continue drooling if you keep petting him.
A pen has just up and disappeared from me this morning. It was in the spiral binding of my notebook when I took it out of my bag but somewhere between taking the notebook out and me settling in for class the pen vanished. I've checked my pants pockets and all in my bag, I've checked the ground around me, and I've felt behind my ears. I can't figure else where it might've gone.
>>655214 if the person behind you in class has one sitting out in the open, take it from em while they're not looking maybe thats what happened to yours
>>655216 I actually thought about that already, hah hah. I was eying the decks ahead and behind me to see if anyone has taken it. I had a spare pen though so I didn't need to snatch anyone's
It -was- my favourite pen though so I'm a little annoyed I need to replace it now.
He just really hated the fucking bird. He would go on about that damn bird.
That was a really nice thing about the Tamako movie, almost no bird. The movie itself was really heartfelt and feel good though. Even if you didn't like the television series I'd recommend trying it out.
There's two students that sit behind where I like to sit in the lecture hall for today's class that seem to really not want to be in this class. During break times they just badmouth the course material or the content of the professor's lecture. It kind of annoys me on a level of personal decency that they're like that.
I wouldn't blame you, especially if the course is something you're really into.
We're well over halfway through the semester, surely they could have found a different course that appeals to them better than one they only have contempt for. I'd rather just have more apathetic students that say nothing and stare at their laptops all class.
Yea, fair enough. Is it one of those classes you need to take to fill up some nescessary credit?
Not for my program. It's Modernist literature, which for my program fulfills one of two required courses. But those two credits can be filled with two from any of 16th, 17th, 18th, or 19th century literature, or Romanticism or Modernist literature. So assuming they're in my program,
Exploring specific periods of time is always really cool especially when you have a concrete idea of what time you're reading about. Though I never touched any literature, I did study a bit of history way back when.
I was never all that good with history. I'm fine with it as an informational resource, but I have no real desire to be academic about it. Unfortunately as an English major, and I would imagine most Humanities majors are like this though, there's no entirely disentangling the academia from history, but I generally try to pick my battles where I can.
i can only digest history as a top-down from whatever content im engaging like following the history of medicine back, and the history of fashion or chemistry or genetics or whatever then i can interweave things to get a good picture but just studying history doesn't work for my brain
autobiographies paint a good picture though or biographies authored in the same era
Yeah context to ground the content I'm actually focused on can be valuable, but I'm not interested in making that the target of my analysis. And there is extremely valuable information on world cultures and other resources there, but again, not really something I want to analyze, instead of databanking.
>>655247 tribe in the west chief washakie worked with the union during the civil war as a scout they were badasses and they were "awarded" a reservation for their allyship to the whites as opposed to being forced onro a res like other tribes wind river reservation it's the one i worked at doing research
ON A MOTHERFUCKING MONDAY okay, I'm done now that's all I needed. where are we up to again? Oh right. The drive to go outside and do what has to be done.