Thread #654913
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Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Egao no Daika --Episode 7-11 Endro Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-11 Kakegurui XX
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domestic kouya jojo kake 5 endro
Well Ika won't be around. I think Jan might still be at work possibly.
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Oh will Ika not be here?
That is more or less precisely what I said, yes.
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What's the reason he won't be here?
I don't know, like with you I never actually get any reasons for these things. People just don't show up for anime and then I don't get to watch things. He probably wouldn't have even said anything about not showing up if I hadn't asked him about it. It's probably just a St. Patrick's Day thing or something.
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Oh yeah sorry. It was saint patty's weekend and i got dragged out drinking both nights. Did you guys watch anything while I was gone?
Nope, there hasn't been anything watched since Thursday night.
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ah play okay well let's do 4
Jan'll be along shortly I think. So we can pick up when he gets here.
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Yeah I got bullied by this dumb holiday and I'm drinking again
We can probably drop Domestic na Kanojo and sub Kaguya in for Kakegurui. Ika's read all the Kaguya manga like the impatient loser he is so such is life.>>654929 Oh I thought you'd prefer Kouya over Domestic na Kanojo. Yeah this is my orange post I don't see a raisin to make a new one.>>654930 Wow how DARE you.>>654928 Come on Rika we're not getting any younger.
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oh yeah did I forgot to put kaguya in okay kouya! oh shoot sorry lets start
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I'd prefer to drop kouya for kaguya but ika likes oh wait wow he read the manga again every time >>654927 I like the sisterfucker anime it's hilarious The other one is alright too though I am ready for Kouya if it wasn't obvious >>654930 i'm calling the anime police
hello my name is bang and i would like to make this post in the anime thread thank you
Oh they're starting before the OP this time. This show's usually doesn't do that.
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I assumed tilde was going to finish his post and then open a new one and scrolled down
Or maybe it does and I'm just getting confused.
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>rika's browser doesn't display posts directly above hers nani the fuck
>>654933 I feel like it usually starts with the OP but take my word with a pint of salt
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The character designs in this show vary from generic anime to ww2 navy to wild wild west
>>654934 what is she thinking about
We're getting pretty political all of a sudden.
btw tilde ur gay
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>>654937 Her unquenchable THIRST
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>>654937 thinkign bout mya-nee chan
>>654939 Love ya too boyo.
>>654940 oh actually i could use some water>>654941 this show looks cute what is it called>>654942 are you excited for the millenium anniversary tomorrow
Holy fuck this lady. That is some advanced dojikko moe.
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>>654943 It's called Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita. You'd hate it it's got a lolicon college-aged girl that dresses up grade schoolers in cute clothes.
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>>654943 its called wataten
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don't watch wataten watch go-toubun its wayyyy better
>>654945 >>654946 okay but is it lewd because i don't want lewd but if it's just cute i'll watch it is it like comic girls i liked that show
It's not lewd at all really. Some of the characters are kind of dangerous people but nothing crimally concerning happens in it.
Criminally concerning even.
>>654947 i don't like that art i'm very picky nowadays
It's neat that they're bringing back Rahama from earlier in the show.>>654948 I wouldn't say it's particularly like Cosmic Girls but it's another cute, relaxing SoL show. Very enjoyable experience.
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Alright well I'll let you guys watch your anime now. Nice stopping by for more than 30 seconds. holy shit is tilde saying a word in all-caps at me this is so exciting and new! tilde has been on an absolute rampage recently
You better fucking ASTOUND me Bang. You've had a whole extra week to prepare!
>>654953 I claim no knowledge of this absolute rampage.
The sound effects in this show are always so good.
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I wonder why yhry have their landing gear deployed
It kind of feels like it's an error in animation. But you'd imagine with the attention to detail in every thing else that they wouldn't do that unintentionally.
I didn't really expect that smug magician motherfucker to be the antagonist in this show. It's kind of an interesting development though.
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I didn't expect real magic ot be a thing.
Wow her pilot raibaru is kind of a lot like her. Got quite the mouth on her too.
Ah they both learned to fly from the old man. Guess that's why they're kind of the same.
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That landing was cool.
>I love anything that feels good Lewd.
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jojo! okay lets start!
New OP this week!
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I wonder if we get a new ED too. I don't like the last one that much.
I like the visuals better in this OP but the song's not as good as FAITING GOLLLLD
They've mixing up vegetarianism and veganism, hah hah.
>>654972 Yeah I feel like I liked the first OP more
Oh no Narancia.
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>>654975 Naretard
Time for another Italian road trip!
>Waiter there's a shark in my soup!
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wow that's a weird problem
Oh no that's a terrible wound to get.
Ah fuck Yeah that's what happens but stillll The thought of a pen stuck in my throat is aaaaaaaaugh
This JoJo part is full of extremely gay undertones.
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a stand that makes you lie
This is a powerful Stand to use on someone as stupid as Narrancia.
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Muudii Burusu
Hah hah oh no. You can be crying like that with a water-teleporting Stand around.
>Seeing wh7o the Good going Crunchyroll.
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honestly I just don't understand why they don't realize how fucking weird Narancia is being
Narancia what the fuck.
>>654989 I guess that's what happens when you're the butt monkey of the group. Even when you're acting fucking weird everyone just assumes it's you as you normally are. The only one that clues in is the one that hasn't been around you that long.
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Oh he's having a tough time.
HE'S having a tough time? Giorno's getting eaten by a STAND SHARK.
Oh this is a much better ED song. A MUCH more suitable ED song for a JoJo arc wow.
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Yeah I'm glad we got a more suitable ED
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>tfw the only one who isn't almost as retarded as you finally realizes you're under attack and you get him fucked up on accident narancia life
>Modern Crusaders Even the song name is fitting for JoJo. PAAFEKUTO
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kaguya! okay lets start
Kaguya is such a fickle maiden.
Ii ya ii ya
Poor Ishigami.
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They're so considerate.
>Prove to me cake can't talk!
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The author of this is good. I think I would like this a lot less if they weren't so obviously in love and were just tsundere.
They're both such clowns.
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chaos-chan goes it again
Oh shit it's THIS chapter. I remember this one. I think this was one of the first chapters of this manga I saw getting posted on /a/.
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I'm pretty sure it's the chapter I got this from.
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And this as well.
Girlfriend-chan sure isn't fooled in the slightest by Kaguya's attempt to obfuscate.
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Breathing is fun!
Kaguya sure is broken by Chika's flippance.
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Chaos-chan has been especially strong this wp. ep
It's easy to forget some times this is a school for rich people for the most part. All of them except the president are used to having rich people activities to do.
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Wow they mutually self-destructed.
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endro okay lets start!
End lull
endro? I barely know ro sorry for the wait i had to rewind a bit to show my sister some scenes she was asking what anime i was watching
What scenes were you showing her?
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>>655029 this one
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>>655029 and this one
I can't believe these girls are going to die of hypothermia!
Mumu mumu mu mu Mumu mumu mu mu
Oh no hungry Fai again.
Yuusha's remembering their past lives in this hypothermia-induced dream.
She's sure having a crazy dream.
Oh I guess they're all going crazy from the chill.
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Yeah, everybody is just having really good dreams.
And then they DIED FOREVER.
Hah hah Seira's dream was too unbelievable for her to remain in it.
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Wow she's about to get pulled in.
Nope she just got MAD instead. And she's RUINING all their dreams. She's a Dream Ruiner!
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Oh wow she went crazy.
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Nan ja sore
Oh no they played themselves.
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They ate their dreams.
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this episode about fever dreams but this whole anime is like a fever dream
It's such a consistently enjoyably silly series. Just a bunch of bakas trying to make their way as YUUSHA.
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I guses this season is starting to draw to a close. anyway, thanks for anime
We're almost on the new season at least. There's a couple things I'm looking forward too.
Arigato yo
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>>655055 Yeah if I was in an Isekai you bet I would be one of these dumb ass baka ass mother fuckin ass YUUSHAs
tilders i made a post for you in the other thread