Spiderman is coming out on redbox soon Wonder if they'll have it in 4K?
I really wish I had a good reading chair. Something comfortable I could curl up in and read. I can't really get the same comfort out of my bed, and my desk chair is more office-y than relaxation.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I like to read in my hammock
That could be nice, but I think I'm too fidgety when I'm reading for it to work well. When I'm laying in bed reading some times I'll end up with my back on my bed, legs up the wall with feet in the air. I can't imagine shaking about like that while in a strung-up hammock.
that hammock was pretty comfortable feels like you're floating
One of my colleagues drinks 4-5 of those pastel blue Monsters every day. She's always got one or two open in the work fridge. She only eats one meal a day, too.
Yeah that doesn't sound like a healthy consumption. Even a single can of Monster is a LOT of caffeine to be ingesting.
It's like Yang is trying to unite all the weird extremely online MGTOW people or something Earlier he was tweeting about how we need to fix the white birthrate and get white people to have more kids, and he keeps posting weird stuff like "math will unite the world"
he also wants to do universal basic income of $1000 every month
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
1000 every month is probably more than my mom is making tbh
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i would like to be given $1000 a month for free by the government yang wants to do it because he thinks automation is going to steal everyone's jobs soon, though basically he thinks everyone should be able to live off $1000 a month
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also he wants to ban selling guns but also wants to let people with guns already keep them which is really weird and a very unpopular policy that almost everyone hates on both sides of the gun control debate
yang is an enigma to me i can't figure out if this is all a big joke or not but he's starting to show up in polls and stuff
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
his supporters are called the Yang Gang which is really catchy though
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh wait the gun thing was Robert O'Rouke fuck there are already like 15 people running for the democratic party presidental candidate
that reminds me, there's a new ultraman anime soon and there's Shin Ultraman in development too rumor is that Anno is gonna be in charge of Shin Ultraman
how though i dont recall a single moment that had any entertainment value nothing happens at all
i made a
comment like "what's wrong with guy who just wants to take it" and the girls in this chat laughed but the guys didn't get it and they almost had to explain it to them but i said it's ok so they stopped and we had a giggle good stuff
what like in a guild chat or something
yeah in discord voip the tank guy was getting hit by some ability and he said I'm just going to take it then the healer says no don't keep taking it so i said what's wrong with a guy that just wants to take it the tanks girlfriend thought it was hilarious but he didn't get it
that sounds like fun ive almost forgotten what it feels like to actuall // actually talk with people in a group setting
>>655423 it did fail as a mystery series, though, since it rarely gave the audience the clues to figure it out on their own
>>655428 yeah it's fun to talk to other people when I'm done talking to people at work all day I come home to unwind by talking to people on the internet if I stop talking for too long i start steeping in my own miserable thoughts sometimes I am convinced it's better off to be silent because I'll just say dumb stuff anyway but it's better for me to talk and be silly
when i talk ta ppl i just very distinctly notice the difference between the thoughtscape of socionormative environments to mine and then i feel really insecure and feel torn in half where i can't function internally or externally a little cowardly but it's easiest just to stay in my own choatic mess so i can have purpose behind my actions instead of anxiety behind my actions
>>655427 you would think the healer would be okay with taking it
>>655432 that's how i was in ragnarok i was a high priest and there'd always be crusaders tryna take it and i had to tell them to stop cuz that was my job it's easier for me to take it as the healer than to heal the person taking it
>>655432 the healer wanted him to stop taking it maybe he wanted to take it all himself
it was always fun to show off how much i could // how much more i could take as a non-tank than the tanks could take it really came down to good micromanagement
later on that tank somehow managed to take every single pull between two bosses in a dungeon at once! he took like 18 guys at a time! i was shocked and a little excited i popped my cooldowns and bursted so much we finished all of those guys in like 20 seconds, with just four of us in our team
>>655451 i mean, it's not a delicacy or anything it's certainly edible and if you're fond of using the whole animal like most people, you'll use the kidneys they can be tender and kind of mealy if you cook them right, but they can get pretty undesirable if overcooked you gotta clean em right too
>>655452 I generally dislike the big name wines, not because they are bad, but because how OVERPRICED they are compared to their actual quality brand sells, but I don't buy
Law stuff Slowly getting there I'll graduate one day.
How's life in the transcript game?
it's been a rough winter im not getting a lot of work there right now ive been using the spare time to do some maths work though it's not paid obviously
I was looking for some shitposty thing I remember from like 2011 and I found a thread where I was more-or-less leading a raid of a naruto wiki on /a/ lol
>when you can have all this damn thatm oment seems so toystory 2 paste
remember that one time disney movie but when they came out to release date, it turned out the removal scenes made it away from the box office like whoops sry
i was able to get my expensive med for 0 dollars with my michigan health card god bless michigan i almost wanna cry affording this med has been a struggle my whole life and caused lots of problems
the pharmacy tech was waaaay too friendly though idunno if he's hittin on me or if he's just a very friendly person i think he's just super friendly he spends like 5 minutes talkin to each customer in line which, while cool, isn't always feasible but he does it anyway >>655544 thank
>>655542 if there is a line, talkign to customers will annoy everyone waiting.
so bit weird to do that, but then again if people have no choice but to use your service, guess it doesn't matter.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
you should have let the guy lick your face
>>655545 that's what he does, but like he's not really servicing that station. he's posted at the drivethrough pharmacy and just tended the in-door register for a moment because he was available i guess that makes sense then if he has to stay ready for the cars coming through >>655549 you have to submit it to be filled and stuff in advance drive-through is just for picking it up (or dropping it off) it's pretty convenient really, especially seeing as a lot of people with medical need can't easily walk to the back of a big store >>655550 hmm? it's like you call in your prescription or bring it to them, then they'll tell you when it will be ready, then you can come pick it up at the drive-through i never use it because i like to go in and wait, and drive-throughs make me anxious but elderly people always use it because walking is hard
drivethrough pharmacy why am I surprised
>>655548 so it is for stuff they don't have on hand or wat?
Huh, kinda weird concept most meds get served here, the perscription ones that is, around so quickly that the only wait up time is the basic service queue as for elderly/disabled/etc here, they just get someone to do it for them
I guess it is a fine concept, but at the same time so american I don't know of any pharmacy store here, that is placed so that you could access it by car as in like drop or take stuff of like in a drive through
if you give them a prescription to fill, they have to do insurance stuff and do medical coding and billing stuff and have it dispensed and do some records stuff usually there's about 5-10 minutes between giving them the prescription and having it ready, but if they're busy it can take a while. sometimes they're out and i have to go somewhere else.
a lot of places have drive-throughs here banks, pharmacies, fast food, sometimes liquor stores or convenient stores i feel like it's more a matter of customer volume than personal convenience, but it's both if youve got 20-ish people at any time, they can get in and out fast through the drive-through. it's very quick, really
Here bcause of our system they just do the quickc heck of how it is covered by state and any leftover costs, if you can or have, are then taken by you or your personal private health insurance
something like take last thing I can remember >9,60 for antibiotics -4,40 (state insurance) >8,50 for pain killers -3,50 state insurance was the bill
>>655598 The streaming requirement for it is interesting but also a pretty big detractor. It limits the interested userbase to people who aren't competitive, and people that can afford the data requirements of having to stream all your input and output to play a game.
>>655603 We were just hanging out in between groups, and I saw some news about how Barnes & Noble, the book store, was going to start having alcohol in the stores. So I mentioned it and said it was messed up that alcohol is everywhere these days because it makes it hard for alcoholics (like me and our clients) to do things. So she said that alcohol wasn't everywhere, so I started listing some places nearby that have booze available for virtually no reason (supermarkets, movie theaters, etc) and she started saying that it's our own problem if we're alcoholics, and "lots of people have problems" so there shouldn't be any effort made to accommodate us, and it's really selfish for alcoholics to be opposed to alcohol everywhere because other people shouldn't have to suffer for our problem. She said that alcoholics should just not go places with alcohol, so I said that everywhere was having alcohol now, and she just said that "if you can't go to that supermarket, just go to walmart." And then she spent like 10 minutes making fun of me and making ridiculous statements.
She's a substance abuse counselor. Everything she said was ridiculous. She even commented that she knew she was being "insensitive" but she didn't care. It was incredibly offensive to me and I made sure she was aware that I was offended, but then she just started acting like all of that hadn't happened and was asking me for my help with stuff.
This is pee-chan, who I've offered an inordinate amount of emotional support to and helped all the time, so the fact that someone I've done so much for is treating me like that makes it even worse than if it was someone I barely knew.
Yeah that is a lot of arrogance and lack of awareness. Almost feels like arguing in bad faith if she's as experienced with substance abusers like she should be in her position. Or like when you get too deep down into an argument and you can't back down from it that you get more and more ridiculous with your statements. Definitely sounds really unpleasant.
Deshou? I decided I'm done with her. I don't have any desire to be friendly and helpful to someone who is going to be like that.
Plus, without a shred of irony, she started complaining that an activity we did in group last month (a video about the heroin epidemic) was triggering for her and she was upset about us having done it because one of her friends overdosed. What a joke.
I guess by that point you were thoroughly through with her to not mention you were able to get through it fine despite having a similar history with the drug.
Pretty much. By the time I had just stopped participating in the conversation and she started making fun of me, I had decided I just wasn't going to give her any attention.
She's always been kind of a bitch, but she wasn't that bad. Or so I thought.
I could get her kicked out of the program, but // and I kind of want to, but I know I really shouldn't. She faked a drug test to hide her pot use when she got hired for the clinic we're at and she was stupid enough to text me about it, so I could just show our supervisor and our program chair those receipts and that, coupled with the fact that she missed a client's suicidal ideation so badly that the client killed themselves right after the intake with her, would get her removed from the program. I definitely have an urge to do that.
Yeah I don't know if what she said is worth potentially glassing her life. That's definitely some high-level bitchery though. Plus from how reliant she is on you, cutting her off from that support is a real slow burn.
It does seem a little excessive, but I could justify it to myself if I had to. Should someone with so little empathy be in a psychologist position? Should someone who blames addiction on people be a substance use counselor? Probably not. So I could definitely justify it to myself if I decided to glass her life.
But I think I'm too nice to do that. I know doing it won't make me feel any better. I really don't think she should have the job she does, though. She has a few clients that she sees every week, and I wonder if they're suffering because of that. I used to think it was reasonable that she didn't catch that client's suicidality, but now I'm wondering if she just didn't catch it because she's incompetent.
I'll probably feel better after I finishing venting and sleep a little, but I'm definitely done with her, even if she apologizes.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
every night at 7:30 half an hour of yelled jeopardy answers.
>>655611 Well with respect to the situation between you two, the fact that she missed the ideation definitely feels like a more alarming situation. I can imagine a line of events where she says those things to you not out of lack of empathy but in a fit of emotion. The fact that she knew otherwise and still did it feels like an intent to be venomous. But maybe I'm just reading too much into it because I've done that exact same kind of thing because I get angry with people.
I think your reasoning for making her lose her position has justified reasons but I don't know if it should be up to you to decide that. Like I said her losing her position (and likely reputation) could potentially be extremely devestating to her life. Maybe she can get better, be more mature, and approach these issues without being a bitch. That doesn't mean you have to continue supporting or even interacting with her, but I can't say I'd support ending her career either. At least from now on if she fucks up, the retributions might fall fairly on her.
I'd say I'd be all dicking someone over if they are unpleasant, but I dunno if you want the fame of a snitch. Atleast if you use the "fake'd drug test"
>>655618 >"Just get Amazon to deliver all your things to your house!"
>>655620 >go to amazon >buy meat >"people who bought meat also bought: BEEEER ADS NON STOP BEEEER ADS"
>package says delivered >isn't delivered >is most likely at a delivery hub in a different city Why do they insist on saying it's delivered this should be a crime.
>>655619 Yeah, I'd rather not do it. I could do it anonymously, though, if I had to.
>>655613 Honestly, I think she will probably start fucking up a lot more if I don't answer her questions. I really doubt she's going to mature at this point. She's super set in her ways.
Just before all of this, I said I saw Captain Marvel (with my fiance) and she was upset that I didn't invite her
>>655621 Does Amazon sell alcohol? Canada has insanely strict liquor laws I don't know if you can or can't get it online through them.
>>655616 Spice & Wolf VR experience soon boyo. It's a revival of the spicy wolf.
Hmm I just spend 2,5h trying mostly, to find bad colour design on characters pic related, theme being "breask *breaks 3 colour rule" some usage of time >>655623 'sides if she is incompetent like you said, she should get herself thrown out of the program on her own eventually.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>655627 i could just give her incorrect information lol it'd be like when king crimson erases some time so you run into a fire
there is tons of good art if you go to some galleries that have had some brave soul vet things but if you just go to general search >furries, ponies, other weird shit that shouldn't appear on a christian safe search nonstop god I want some eyebleach
This is the part where I say "I'm worried about you guys' ability to survive next session" but I think I might actually have something dangerous this time. >>655648 Hey nerd. Your bear? It can roll a basic save to try to intercept an attack coming at soili as long as it isn't already engaged.
The real problem would actually be the interraction between the two souls soili has a very weird thing going on there atm In all likeliness the result would be as usual explosive.
>>655682 Maddie was a super powerful necromancer that wouldn't die, so a team of heroes sealed her inside an amulet which one of them took as // took to protect And she was in there for about 500 years, completely alone with nothing but her mind until she learned how to possess people who held the amulet She then stole the body of a noble who was descended from the hero
She got a job at Gandora's magic emporium while she recovered her power, but eventually got sold to Aurelia as a slave and then was used as a meat shield during the final boss
I will never forget when they did the early showing of Fate/Zero 2nd cour and someone came back with spoilers about it and when they were talking about the OP, they were like >the only one not standing is Kayneth
i'm actually not procrastinating on anything right now for the first time in a long time i have nothing to be putting off that i could realistically work on
I'm procrastinating on taking a nap because I don't want to have to sleep since I just got home from an extra shift and have to work in the morning too
yeah there isn't anything coming out for a while after sekiro that i want as far as i know
>>655720 that's cool tbh it's good that there are short games i used to hate it but now i have no time and the absolute best shit is being able to do REmake story mode in 3 hours
>>655719 yeah my dissertation proposal is almost done after that ill be free for a month or two
Yeah I don't really mind when games that aren't JRPGs have relatively short playtimes if I really want to sink a hundred hours into something there's a plethora of RPGs and roguelikes to dig into Action games only need to have the necessary components anyways, adding more than 10 hours worth of missions into a DMC game is just going to end up with the content being blander, they spent all of the time on developing the bosses, enemies, and combat system instead. It's got good replay value because of it. Same for REmake in a way. The core gameplay is good
So I had to go check something since marsh was speaking about law and yeah, as i recalled in finnish law, downloading stuff, even illegally uploaded as in piratism isn't against the law only sharing stuff
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Exodus was actually really good i want to replay it on the ranger hardcore difficult y where there's no HUD and you're restricted to two weapons and there's like two shots until you're dead
in original metro that was kinda shit, since you couldn't tell some info at all without the hud maybe they improved ito n later games and the remakes
also the harder difficulties weren't scaled for the monsters in terms of ammo and the damage they took I think only humans got the "you die quick" penalty, while monsters still took the usual amount of bullets making the library a level where you lost ALL your ammo
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they were in redux in redux it's all like that and it's balanced well
in exodus you can get a metal detector to help you find trash you can build filters and med kits out of too and bullets if you have a workbench nearby
my last metro playthrough screwed me over real bad I forgot to use all my money to buy ammo at the last spot, cause I thought there'd be one more chance after that so I had no ammo practically on the final death run to nuke the dark ones and then the game autosaved me on a spot where I had just taken a critical hit to my gasmask and I died to radiation in few mins just before Icould find a enw gasmask, mind you didn't feel like replaying the whole level so I just left it there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
4 arcatix 0 dark astras
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
exodus had really good weapon customization but not enough weapon types can't wait for DLC
33 really had the problem that you had that nuclear facility with the giant ameeba and then the flashback at the start and then the final push all in one go and was even the library part of that too? there simply was bit too much in one go without a breather or a chance to restock on ammo
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
in exodus you always have crossbow or tikhar and you can make ammo using scrap
and due to bad subtitles, nobody actually tells you when you haver ussian audio, that the LIBRARIANS DON'T ATTACK YOU IF YOU KEEP EYECONTACT A FACT THAT I ONLY RECENTLY LEARNED
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they def tell you in 2033 redux >>655743 they absolutely do i literally played it two months ago
no they didn't
well in redux maybe but 2033 has real bad issue with skipping stuff when you have rus audio - engsubs
for example, all of the npc backgroudn chatter is unsubbed and some lines are badly translated or even skip some stuff >use eng audio and break my immersion?
speaking of voice acting and immersion breaking recently watched someone play the wolfenstein 2, whatever its name the american one on the recent reboot
GOD DAMNIT THAT FINNISH CHARACTER IS CRINKE >vittu saatana captain can you talk to me
You can definitely miss the voice bit telling you Librarians won't attack you if you stare them down. I went in the first time they start showing up and hadn't heard it. But I think I had a game crash or something that had me replay that segment and I caught it the second time aroun
there are enemies that look like librarians in exodus so i was making eye contact with one and it slowly walked over to me and i figured it'd just fuck off but instead it grabbed me and started slamming me into the ground and then it held me up and i realized it didn't have eyes
>>655752 Heh reminds me of fear 2 on hard it is mostly quite a challenging difficulty, but some moments just fuck the game up like a final shooting gallery moment near the end on a train >enemies start pouring from pods >they are unfinished un armoured clones >they don't have helmets >unload not one, not two, not three, but FOUR headshots with the PENETRATOR ARMOUR PIERCING GIAN METAL ROD LAUNCHING GUN into one of their head before it dies >just look at the corpse with 4 3 inch thick metal chrods piercing the skull >do the same but just 3 shots on another that spawns >it runs to me and kicks me to death >mfw
there's an achievement for not killing any of the eyeless librarian things which i got because i failed to kill the one i tried to kill and then stealthed the rest
Even the previous two Metro games were pretty ridiculous on the higher difficulties. Unless you went as pacisfistic as you could and avoided all but the essential fights. I never had ammo issues because I never shot anything unless I had to but when I did, I was constantly unloading full rounds into a single enemy hah hah.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ranger hardcore fortunately makes enemies as fragile as you but there are still watchman you gotta be careful of
that fucking train just took me so out of the game, because the enemies wre the LEAST ARMED and ARMOURED and DEGENERATE enemeis but they had the most hitpoints and in the most illogical places
and that really was fear 2s other rpoblem for example grenades on hard are useless in terms of killing shit they can just zone and get enemies to leave cover but you can toss a grenade on a normal mook's feet and they will shrug it off after being rag dolled
but if a grenade even comes close to you, you dead mon
fear 1 hard *had a lot better difficulty scaling, where it mostly just umped the damage you took while enemies still died easily a shotgun blast to the face or chest from close up was insta death to about everyone who was not super heavily armoured as it really would be
in fear 2, shotgun, especially on hard, is 100% useless against all but some super-mutant enemies
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh and humanimals those things are the worst they'll fuck you up baaad and they're hard to headshot because they're super jerky
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also they throw bricks at you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the weirdest thing about metro is how artyom only speaks in loading screens his wife will be begging him to respond on the radio because she's so worried and he just won't say shit
also in fear 2 they had the good old >shotgun is useless beyond 5 m range that ALMOST ALL shooters have
>>655762 His silence makes sense in earlier games and even then he "speaks" as in we don't hear the dialog, but that is just silly
Yeah, the construct of the first two games as him sort of telling them as a story makes it make more sense. Even in the second game though as the character relations got more complex it got kind of weird though.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
eventually you just go back to the train and everyone is like "artyom you are alive!!"
Also speaking about the wolfenstein 2 some moments in the game are just mind bogglingly "why?" >find and rescue random rebel cell >instantly hand over their command operations to their leader instead of having say the waifu of BJ or the jewscientist take over >send said wifu with clearly 6-8 month pregnancy to front lines like what the hell? why write that kind of decisions and why would the crew do that? Yeah we are just all former elite soldiers and resistance from europe and not actually command the shit so werid writing in that game, though the hitler scene was 100% comedy gold
when you get the valve rifle in exodus, it's a different model than the one built in the metro, but the description still says it was built in the metro
then why did i find it at the caspian sea, mfer
also >bj gets decapitated and then attached to a super-nazi-biology engineered body lewut
yeah I mean if i was playing it, I'd use shotgun and the rocket pistol or shotgun and ar or something but the ar seems just way too wellr ounded weapon in it range, firepower, armour piercing and fire rate
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i like single shot rifles i don't usually use automatic weapons in games and even if i do i try to tap for a single shot
One of my favourite games in terms of arsenal still is and will remain, well game series is Resistance series damn it has so fun weapons >guided assault rifle >armour penetrating plasma rifle that goes through walls and grants wall hack
and my favourite revolver that shoots detonatable bullets working s both mines and well shoot-boom or shoot-shoot-shoot-BOOOM
and some of the most amusing grenades like porcupine grenade a grenade that instead of fragmentation, shot dozens of giant spikes, that made pincussions out of enemies and nailed them stuck to walls
or gas grenade, damn useful indoors, as it filled an entire room with gas and then went WHAM
some good scifi fps would be nice, tho especially star wars, but something original wouldn't hurt either
I think soemthing that doesn't take itself seriously, so they could have fun with the guns destroy all humans was fun with that, while not being fps obviously >disco gun
or disclocator wait disco was a psychic power not a gun oh well
damn that the third part was such a letdown >just when the game is ready, they decide to make it into a next gen release as ps3 and x360 were just about to come out >development then gets stuck for few years and they release it some time into both consoles lifespan >game doesn't look or act like a next gen game >gets bombed due to real bad performance issues
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
There might be a new destroy all humans in the works it was mentioned in the THQ nordic ama
I'd hope for a new game or a HD remake and I hope they get the same voice actors and keep their "we will make fun of everyone equally and especially those who get offended" like they did
You know what sucks I made my IGN Heelsloot just for kind of stupid fun since I usually end up playing a lot of support
but there are real Healsluts who get right into the role playing side of things and it's some sort of weird fetish apparently it's quite a sizable community.
and I've had a couple of comments from people who evidently think I'm into that
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yeah the healslut thing was secretly true all along
Yeah you've got to be careful around anything that is a fetish and you're playing it ironic. No one can tell you're being ironic on the Internet.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>655790 >>655789 Protect me Daddy I promise I'll be a good little girl
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I have like a month to find some kick ass cufflinks for a wedding I'm going to
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I searched nerdy cufflinks on etsy and unsurprisngly most of it is pretty cringe.
>>655788 how do you know they weren't ironically commenting while noticing your irony as a hopes of feeling included some people aren't used to inclusion and try really really hard to do what they see other people doing even if they dont really understand the subtlety behind it
i played "the long dark" today thats all i did today wasnt even that fun tbh
I'm kind of charmed by it. But it's pretty much a Life In Canada simulator so it's right in my element, The story campaign is kind of hokey but it's kind of fun to spin up a survival run.
You shouldn't give money to Canadians They'll just waste it on syrup and hockey pucks.
Don't be silly man we don't pay for maple syrup. We just walk outside and tap the nearest tree. And we don't buy hockey pucks, they're a naturally forming natural resource. You just check the bushes and they're all over the place.
then they'll just waste it developing indie survival games.
Ain't a waste to me indie survival games are one of my niches. The only better turn of events is if they made an indie resource management city builder.
Why would you do a Toy Story 4 It was a perfect trilogy
weirdest things in finnish life is having a friendly conversation with a customer service person after having feslt your business with them. i guesd the "distance" ixn't an issue there and sometimes the person is friendly enough that you fnd up chatting with them
had that hsppen yo mee a lot ehen i did telemarketinh also i guess sometimes strangers are gun to chat with, since you can say yjings you wouldn~tnsay to people you know
>>655908 >add eyes and call it toy >it lived the existential hoooooorroooooor
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanSearch [iqdb](754 KB, 1000x1000, 63810388_p0.jpg)Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they're coming for us
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
we can take 'em
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i had a weird dream where someone told me about a Starbucks theme park ride where they spray you with hot coffee and i went on it and they strapped me to like, this bed in this spinning room but then the room just rotated really slowly and this robot rapped at everyone in Japanese?? and they neven sprayed coffee
I'm pretty staunchly agnostic but if there's anything that makes me thing that maybe there is something more to this Universe it's some of the dreams I've had. Vivid, spiritual experiences that seemed to contain a kind of deeper message.
one of my colleagues who is about to receive her doctorate in psychology keeps talking about how you can predict the future with dreams and also astrology and how seances are real i really can't take stuff like that seriously even when i was religious i couldn't, i dunno
>>655924 Freudian dream analysis suggests that dreams are unconscious manifestations of wishes I think that's the reason many of them feel so impactful they're things we want (in some sense) even when we don't know it
my phone runs out today i wont be able to turn it on until after my birthday i guess on the bright side i won't be feel that pang of disappointment knowing that no one called for my birthday i can just assume everyone did but couldn't get through
aw godamn I still can't find my wallet I want to buy some fast food but I guess not >>655943 there's always next time, no need to burn your bridges just yet >>655945 happy birthday if I don't see you on your birthday
would you believe people order "14 carrots" and think they're gonna get that and not 14kgs of carrots
the first time i used one of those self checkouts at the grocery store i was buying a big bag of grapes and i put in the code for grapes and it's like "enter quantity" uhhh
I always fuck up those things somehow
still can't find it managed to get home on the tiniest amount of fuel though
I really hope I didn't lose it hard because I'll have to replace those cards if the wrong person picked it up I'll have to fix up a bunch of money too >>655956 is that the non-binary person emoji
🤷 🤷 🤷
oh it's just a woman shrugging
no it's just woman shrugging the apple version looks really funny
yo tilde it was you that had the rev account wasnt it? i remember talkin to someone about that shit but i dont remember who there's some QUALITY trash in the forums killin me rn i think youd appreciate
>>655981 is that directed at me? who is kouhai-chan I remember bang had a kouhai long ago And I have never referred to them as kouhai-chan I don't even know who they would be
I have a coworker who is cool but they'd be senpai if I called them anything.
>>655983 Yes Who else here has a kouhai whom they refer to as kouhai.
>>656002 looks fun guess im gonna finally have to git gud at necrodancer
why is it cold
Spring comes slowly to this neck o' the woods.
If it ever comes at all.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my dissertation chair didn't read my newest draft even after all that nonsense last weekend because she imagined up that i was going to send her another draft on sunday after we agreed that i would send her my draft on saturday and she would review it im losing my fucking mind
Tell her to get out of the Devil's Lettuce.
>>656008 ask her for some of that shit she's smoking
>>656008 is she really busy chair people usually have a lot of things they're doing, or i get that impression idk if they really do i hope it goes more smoothly than it has
>>656011 Yeah I've got an account. What's the nonsense?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>656011 she's honestly just horrible at managing time like, apparently she's on a trip right now? she never even told me even though she says it's a "scheduled trip"
>>656012 it was the thread titled "LAE - including "you know" in a long complaint" it drivels off into drama after a few dozen posts but man idk if you get guilty pleasure out of reading dumb shit like i do but man it made my morning
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think i have a demon in my right arm
whats its name
that emoji kind of looks like the little person is doing airquotes to me x
>>656014 I scrolled through the forums a decent bit and even tried searching and going into the LAE subject tag and couldn't find it.
>>656018 yeah i can see it maybe they're trying to catch something that's falling down
>>656014 I will say the OP has a valid complaint about no one addressing the original question. Not that the advice given is unwarranted since that's a pretty poorly-done transcription bit but man, at least answer the original concern if you're going to critique the surrounding stuff.
>>656023 the parts where they're spending hours (if you could see the timestamps on the post) stressing out about the things that dont matter like the play button on the editor and trying to like break down the linguistics of what they REALLY mean and how to properly convey intent and all this shit that doesnt make sense then they're like I ONLY MADE A DOLLAR AN HOUR ON THIS THEY SHOULD BE LENIENT kinda your own fault there lmao and the actual segments of transcript holy shit thats unreadable
Not to mention the stuff that literally goes against the style guide. Like sure with language there's a lot of room for fringe cases that you can't really regulate in a defined style but the guide is very clear on how to represent numbers and non-linguistic sounds.
and "we've denigrated the lyrics" i forgot about that lmao
like imagine working eight hours to make eight dollars but at any point along the way you could just stop when you realize it's slow for you but you do it anyway for a whole eight hours then be so upset about your wasted time that you spend another eight hours complaining about it fuck man how do people function
Well I can kind of understand that a bit. Like sure you can let it go at any time but penalties do arise after you run out of a certain length of time. At that point I can understand seeing finishing the task more important than being penalized for dropping it. Especially if (as it seems to me) this person didn't expect to get penalized as poorly as they did for the quality of their work. The following reactions are just them trying to handle that frustration at being punished even when they feel they didn't have a choice.
yeah i suppose that makes sense i remember my beginner frustrations but man so acerbic
I remember the first time I tried at something that I knew I wouldn't be able to finish inside the penalty-free drop time limit. There was still no doubt I'd be able to process it within the actual deadline but even still after that penal period ran out my stress about the work definitely shot up.
did you get to the white nationalist part
Oh no I checked out before anything like that hah hah. A bunch of people were nitpicking the QC's review and telling them to submit it to support around when I closed the tab.
oh yeah they just completely lose it everyone else does too they're like buzzards creeping in, waiting for something to happen
>>656027 If it took me 8 hours to make 8 dollars I would finish it and then never do that again. That's too much time. Clearly I'm not cut out for this kind of work. It would be faster to beg for change.
They've been stuck indoors all winter doing transcription jobs. It's been a long winter. Must be going real stircrazy.
one of my clients tried to get me to help her figure out how to tamper with a witness without getting caught so charges against her would be dropped lol
>>656039 I mean Technically, I don't even have to have a back room because of client-provider confidentiality I could have offered suggestions if I had wanted to
but if i had, my solution probably would have gotten her caught because she's not good at stuff like this
And I don't know if her story is legit so she might actually be guilty so telling her to threaten people trying to fuck her over isn't the best plan
>>656041 Yeah, but it feels so much more covert if you have to like open a bookshelf door before talking about it. We can keep the drugs and revolution supplies back there too.
>>656041 https://www.etsy.com/listing/248794048/coccolithus-coccolithophore-cufflinks Fish would probably really like these on you.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wow those are expensive
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>656042 def not keeping the drugs at my practice ill just refer them to a "pharmacist i know"
>>656044 They have plankton earrings too Also they're gold, of course they're expensive.
one of my undergrads had a // an allergic reaction to a medication being used to treat her staph infection so i got to cancel our usual wednesday meeting so i got to come home pretty early! i'm happy about that because i only slept 4 hours last night and i want to go to bed
>>656049 That's really expensive even for sterling silver. That's like almost 2 US oz of pure silver, maybe 2 troy oz of sterling in dollar value. The cufflinks can't be weighing much more than like 20 grams or they'd be kind of uncomfortable Even accounting for the labor of creating them they're probably not worth much more than $100
>>656055 I also only slept 4 hours last night and came home thinking "I want to go to bed" and then got on the computer instead
well a good night's sleep is better than a nap i'm makin dinner and then i'm gonna eat it and then i'll go to bed around 8:00 unless something interesting happens that forces me to spend an extra five hours online
>>656061 when you think about it, isn't it the work of an enemy stand anyway? i mean one minute you're gonna go to bed and the next, it's 4am? sounds like king crimson
i go to bed with a notepad open and start diddling some maths either i fall asleep thinking about it or i stay up another 10 hours depending
>>656070 All right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
#cleaniscool is so dumb too because this dude 100% uses caffeine in some capacity and it's the same shit what does being "clean" even mean you can't be clean in that sense there's chemicals everywhere
what if you get hurt and your brain starts pumpin the endork kins
>>656074 It's like how people get mad at GMO products. Genetically-modified crops and such are the only reason human beans have been able to sustain their populations so far. Sure there's some potentially dangerous modifications but being outright against them is just ignorant stupidity.
>>656074 at what point does it become clean or not clean like what about the different foods you eat that metabolize into dif things like it's easy to say yeah but that's just food and vitamins you need not drugs you dont but you dont need things that cause certain seratonin patterns in your gut that become a psychoactive ecosystem
>>656074 >mfw people around me getting high on tryptophan from carbs fucking disgusting sipsdistilledwaterandwastesaway
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
endor fins
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>656079 someone at work today get this took tylenol
>>656081 what the fuck i hope you called the authorities
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>656078 yeah like you can be clean from a specific substance but just "clean" as a general concept is completely meaningless unless you're fucking dead
I've had like a LITRE of tea today that's caffeine AND (trace) amounts of THC.
>>656083 what about when you're so clean from foreign substances that your immune system starts recognizing the myelin sheathes on your nerves as foreign material and destroying it huh
>>656077 even corn that isn't GMO is MO corn i've blown some normie minds with that one
>>656083 And even when you're dead they're filling you up with formaldehyde often enough so you're never TRULY clean.
>>656088 I mean in the strictest terms even cross-breeding crops like corn or wheat to improve their surviability and/or yield is genetic modification. It's just the old fashioned way of doing it.
They kicked her out because she started abusing Xanax! Xanax that they prescribed to someone who was already addicted to heroin and was using methadone for treatment of that addiction!
Yeah, when people who are already addicted to a substance start using benzos, their chance of abuse skyrockets, especially if they haven't been undergone treatment to resolve the problems that lead to abuse in the first place! And that's extremely common knowledge in mental health. You can't prescribe benzos to an addict unless you've treated and resolved the coping skill deficits that originally resulted in addiction or whatever else might have been what led to it. It's usually coping skill deficits. So instead of actually treating her, they just threw her out and said she has to learn to not abuse drugs before she can come back, but methadone is even worse to withdraw from than heroin, it will literally render you inoperable. So you can't just cold turkey it or you will get extremely fucked up. So by throwing her out, she was forced to buy street methadone, which means she's no longer taking prescribed methadone, and diagnostically, she's now considered an active opioid addict.
Nevermind the incompetence involved there, that's awfully insensitive for a clinic designed for treating addiction to throw out someone suffering from addiction.
>>656114 and if she actually detoxes from the methadone successfully, they won't take her back for further methadone maintenance treatment which will probably lead her back to heroin
I'm gonna be calling the methadone clinic tomorrow and talking to the people in charge about it because kicking someone out like that without detox is basically malpractice and i want to hear it from them too
In episode ten and eleven. >>656167 no specifically referencing motoko pulling off the hatch on the tank at the end of it. Nene pulls really hard on several things that look like hatches.
that cant be a coincidence what kind of scheme are they hatching