Thread #644684
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3D Kanojo Real Girl --Episode 17-18 Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale --Episode 4-6 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Egao no Daika --Episode 5-7 Endro Grimms Notes --Episode 3-6 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 4-7 Kakegurui XX --Episode 3-6
Lots of work to do without anything watched over the weekend.>>644688 Nope, nothing since Thursday night.
Was there anime yesterday or the day before? I'm assuming no>>644687 Alright Well I'm good for whatever I guess
the shows i actually care about are boogiepop, domestic kanojo, endro, jojo, kaguya, index, and kakegurui
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okay jojo boogiepop domestic kanojo kaguya endro
roger capn
ready for giogio's asspull adventure rika went to get a drink or something i guess
Buon Giogiorno>>644694 This must be the work of an enemy Stand
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jojo ! okay let's start!
>>644694 >>644696 Beep boop
Oh no Giorno needs a hand.
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oh yeah, we're still on araki's experiment on how much action you can show from inside a car
Come to think of it we haven't gotten a second OP yet. Not that this is a bad one but it has been ninteen episodes. Maybe once the quest they've got going on actually changes direction properly.
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His life stand is so strong.
Hah hah what.
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>>644710 this isn't even the final form of this bullshit power
We're not even close to G.E.R. yet.
Wow he got played by Mista. Shame it's not enough.
Nani the fuck.
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>>644714 gold experience is already probably the most overpowered and poorly defined power in the series tbh even made in heaven is jack shit to GER by extension the only way to power up an extremely OP stand is to make it broken
Giorno what are you nattering on about.
Bruno is such a weird boss. "Dude you're a great shot and you totally acted in self-defense come work for me". "I like the way you eat"
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>>644725 Being a refined and dignified eater is important in organized crime! They take their reputation seriously!
Bruno is like my fave
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The gun stand gets a lot of exposure.
This has become a race to see who reaches zero HP the fastest.
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people also survive getting shot a lot
Geez fucking louise.
>>644731 Jojo bullets are weaker than fists Maybe the stand power/ripple makes them less effective or something
>Everytime I close my eyes
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Narancia is funny as hell
Wow that guy turned invisible when he stripped.
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Is it ep 8 that's the latest ep of boogiepop?
that's the one i have at least
Should be.
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okay boogiepop ijay kets start
oogie woogie
Oh more of Doctor Hands.
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Man I love the OST for this show
Wow that was a smooth transition. If Boogiepop is telling the truth it sure chooses the ideal host to reside in to handle the problems it needs to fix.
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Yeah this is a good OP
This guy has a well-formulated alibi for his crazy superpower and goal.
Spooky E
Wow this kid's surprisingly capable.
yeah what the hell this guy is fucking japanese john wick or something i know he studied karate but this is a bit much
Oh man this is some NICE animation.
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boogiepopo da
This guy seems to follow the Touma School of Picking Up Girls.
Oh RIP Oh shit it's Kirima Nagi. That's not what I was expecting.
what are they acting so smug about she has a fucking gun and she's fistfighting them anyway i guess
Better to reduce potentially life-threatening injuries I guess.
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>tfw you run out of budget on the first fight so the second one is a slideshow
Oh Dr. Hands is here to rescue his cousin.
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imaginator doesn't really seem like a bad guy or villain honestly
Well you know how it goes. Some of the best villains are the ones that are arguably doing the right thing.
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I mean if you think living in your own personal reality and being truly happy with it a bad thing you're basically Marche
How does this guy just show up EVERYWHERE.
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>>644774 I think it's fine.
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Of course the disgusting bastard thinks Imaginator's plan is bad!
Oh did he taze himself to death.
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wait did he kill himself or just brainwash himself?
Well at least they spelt it out for us.
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Imaginator talks in such a chuuni way
Well when you've actually got crazy chuuni powers like he does you're allowed some chuuni allowance. Boogiepop isn't much better after all.
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>>644783 Fair enough. He probably doesn't think like a normal person anyways.
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spookie boogiepop
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okay ready for banging your own teacher and stepsister
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domestic kanojo okay lets start!
i like this teachers voiice
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wow anime promoting smoking again
>Modern authors >Dazai The guy died like seventy years ago I don't know if that's modern anymore.
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I love this OP
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yeah the OP is amazing compared to the show >>644796 maybe japan considers "modern" japanese authors to be those after like 1900 or something it seems a long time ago but WW2 was also just as recent
These two losers are spoiling their after-school deito.>>644798 I could see it as maybe being linked to the Meiji Restoration maybe. That era was a major cultural change for Japan and literature is always reflective of the culture of the times.
Oh how exciting.
Hah hah this fucking teacher is really a flirt.
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>>644810 he would get arrested here
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This seems like a nice high school life.
He's a funny teacher, if a bit irresponsible.
i guess teachers in this show are all dangerous
This girl has some very conversation-avoidance methods of communication.
Oh I can already see where this is going.
shit I did it again what time
15:00 15:05 15:10
Momo's probably a little starved for comfortable friends and people to be around. Oh wow she's also a TENSAI.
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He's popular with girls this episode.
Well girls and men. That one sensei seems to be really fond of him.
This barrista is great. They're a really fun character.
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Anime barristas are always secret badasses
>Erijah Craig
Oh no.
These titlecards for the next episode are always interesting.
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kaguya~ love is war okay lets start!
I started reading the manga
LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR>>644834 Why do you do this to yourseeeellllffff
Hell yeah time for I SHI GA MI
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>>644837 Have you caught up to the most recently-translated chapters?
No Im on cahpter 60 100 behind ish
Ah yeah you've got a ways to go before THAT
>>644840 i know about THAT
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The Kaguya manga has some great one-off panels
i am excited
>>644841 It's one thing to know about THAT. It's a whole other thing to experience it.
Death by Kaguya would be one of the less miserable ways to go.
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Death by a cute girl sounds alright. If she's cute, it's okay if she murders me.
Hah hah hah. No wonder she looks at him like she wants to kill him he's RUINING her plots.
Oh boy she's going squeaky again.
Ishigami is a great addition to the student council. He kind of adds a bit of flavour it didn't really have in the earlier chapters.
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Kaguya has been cute this ep
Kaguya is cute in ALL episodes
That's quite the dress Chika's got on.
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yeah super cute
>Do you want to stab me? >Can I? I've always wanted to try it Okay Shirogane.
Time for more S U B J E C T F
>Nine kids Holy fuck Shirogane.
Poor Ishigami he just wants to hide away and play video games.
>Loves: Playing, eating, Pesu
>>644858 >eating pesu he's just a doggo have mercy
Kaguya really has traumatized Ishigami.
Nima Nima Nima Nima Nima
Oh Shirogane saw through the layers Kaguya schemed up here. They're really on the same wavelength.
Haihai Siscon desu yo
Aaaand here comes the wildcard. Sasuga Chika.
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chika is actually a fourth dimension visitor fucking with the prez and kaguya for her amusement
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I'm jealous of her chaos causing ability.
Oh we're finally getting a HA YA SA KA focus episode.>>644873 She's the strongest combination of enthusiasm, baka power, and lack of foresight. You can't stop her once she starts.
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lol>>644873 I'm sure you could be just as disruptive if you really tried!
This anime does some nice simple lighting stuff. Nothing amazing but it conveys emotional mood nicely.
Ishigami has a kind of no-filter that comes with being too socially-awkward to know how to be good. I'm kind of sympathetic.
Gosh she's so cute.
Ishigami ED when.
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okay endro! okay lets start!
za endo with endro wauw that was quick readying up now will we start quickly too probably fucking not
Endo rooru>>644886 Gotta have balance in all things
not bad
Oh no Mao is DYING
Tsuzuku fantajii
Oh I thought she got it because her body was fighting being her giving up being the Maou. But instead she just got it because she slept naked drunk.
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Being a demon lord is tough.
No wonder she gave it up.
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Oh I guess she's going to take it back up.
This feels kind of more like a flashback than a chronologically straight line of events though.
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Yeah it's happening really fast.
;_; RIP Golem-chan
Seira please.
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it's weird because she was a badass demon guy at the fight
These girls are all hard bakas.
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wowm young wife mode!
Their little dragon is like a cat in some ways.
This is the best kind of Maou anyway.
Wow those weird lessons of Golem-chan's will come in handy.
This barbarian-y woman sure is confident in her adoration of little girls.
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I wonder if Mao's victory this time will be the friends she made along the way.
Oh more of the super-gay princess next episode.
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well thanks for helping me waste yet another evening on insipid bullshit that will never get me anywhere or anything friends
Glad you enjoyed it too, Jan. Rest easy.
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ijay thanks for anime! That was good stuff
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>>644921 >rest You assume unnecessarily. I believe it goes "Ain't no rest for the wicked".
That wasn't an assumption that was an ORDER, son.
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