Thread #642605
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3D Kanojo Real Girl --Episode 16-18 Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale --Episode 3-5 Black Clover Egao no Daika --Episode 4-6 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-5 Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka W'z --Episode 3-6 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
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I wonder where Ika is black clover egao 4 kouya no kotobuki wz if we have time watashi ni tenshi
I can fetch him, probably.
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black clover! okay lets start
Kuro Kusoba
tourney arc
The OP for this cour has kind of been hinting at one.
captain i'mtotall ynot the bad guy
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I'd wear a cooler mask not a clown mask
I still disagree with translating "ikemen" as dreamboat.
Well this is a wholly expected turn of events.
Ragna looks kind of dumb without his sunglasses.
I feel we're re-treading stuff that has been done over and over again in this series way too often.
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I think this is the catharsis episode for that time everyone called him weak.
This king really is a total farce.
so lame
I guess this clown's exam will be the tournament arc. How boring.
Despite being the cool one Yuno's a real snarky one as well. He just doesn't insult forwardly like Asta does.
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yeah I guess this is where they like got credit and stuff wow edgy guy in the ED
anime is for nerds cd xd*
>>642640 Points for trying.
>>642639 This guy has been in the ED ever since it changed like six weeks back.
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I've not paid attention to this ED once becauase the music isn't good. An OP or an ED needs good music to make me pay attention to it.
Well that much is evidently obvious.
I like the fire chick
I guess there's a detour saving that fire guy's ass before we get to the battle tournament.
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okay egao 4 okay lets start
This show has a lot of QUALITY. Oh good we get more of the Her Smile And Optmism: Gone princess.
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Yeah, this feels like a low budget show.
feels like a low quality show
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I was hoping it would get better.
It's a single-cour show too. Feels like a kind of ambitious story to tell in that short a show length.
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It seems deficient even as an advertisement for the source material.
It's an original work. The studio that's producing it is celebrating its somethingst anniversary. So I guess they got to do an original work for it? The studio's the one that brought us Gatchaman Crowds so it's kind of weird seeing this kind of show from them.
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Oh well that's sad when you get to do something original and it's a bit lackluster.
Also they were pretty clear her daughter's that one crazy operator girl working for the empire they're now at war with. They could have either been more subtle about it or not dance around the hint so poorly.
They all don't stop going behind her back. Not exactly a good way to foster trust.
Well RIP. Talk about a total failure.
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Yeah they're dead.
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>the night of the squad such a japanese title okay kouya okay lets start
More military action
Mofu mofu
how about moe rewatches natsuiro kiseki that's how you get bang back into anime
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Wow that guy was high energy.>>642676 what's that '?
>>642676 It's functionally impossible for me to rewatch Natsuiro Kiseki.>>642677 You pretty much just posted two images from it.
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Oh right ,that show. We watched that one already!
What an exhausting man.
These girls sure are a cast of characters.
Oh some of these dorks from the first episode are still around.
Hah hah the MC's an anarchist.
It's pretty fun how some of the girls in this squad are flippant and kind of cocky assholes in the skies.
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planes from this era are so cool the machines that make the machine gun shoot between the propeller blades are really cool and complex
This poor butler must be up to his ears with how troublesome his charge is.
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I think that's a Japanese naval plane he's flying.
Maybe don't do magic tricks while in the cockpit of your plane.
Wow this woman does not flinch.
I guess we're not done with this silly man yet.
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okay we doing 4 or 5 ika?
up to yoooou
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iokay wz ep 3 okay lets start!
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>>642677 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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(W'z man)
Oh this is probably the main character from the original Handshakers. I remember he had a thing for fixing stuff.
I guess that means he's not dead or something then. Wonder why he's not with his Handshaker though.
Come to think of it, I don't remember getting an OP for this show yet.
Well that's sure a way to kick things off.
Wow this girl does a good job of not letting her delusions get the better of her.
>Expecting something viral you delete from the Internet to be entirely gone for good
Oh here's the siscon from the original. Ah we're getting a lot of the original characters.
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I wonder if we'll get to see what happened to that oh look here they are now The couple with the tall guy and the small girl was my favorite from the first season.
She seems to have only gotten shorter in the time since Handshakers.
The white-haired main heroine seems to have gotten a lot more expressive in the time skip too.
Maybe this was the S&M couple from Handshakers? They were the enemy of the week in the first or second episode I remember. But I don't remember what they looked like; it's just this girl is giving me some similar vibes.
GoHands' shows always have such great soft-listening OSTs. Like elevator music but actually soothing to listen to.
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Yeah the music is always great.
Wow Yukiya why do you get to have TWO (2) dads.
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It's neat seeing her grown up.
Well, grown up maybe isn't the most accurate definition for her case, hah hah.
Ara ara
Hah hah this poor boy.
Everyone in this show seems connected to each other. This girl is working at the cafe owned by the short girl who's part of the old guard who have now recruited Wiseman to help them which'll probably put him in conflict with these two gay girls.
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The heads are kind aweird. They are kinda like not tall enough
It was the same in Handshakers really. There's a consistent inconsistency in the heads and bodies of the people in this show.
What a minimal effort PV.
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watashi ni tenshi ikaaa okay lets start!
What a Ten Time for Mya-nee to actually go to school for once in her hikki life.
Poor Mya-san.
This is kind of a grave she's dug for herself though.
A couple of elementary school students shouldn't be sno What.
A couple of elementary school kids shouldn't be snooping around a college campus.
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This campus is full of seemingly dangerous people. as expected of mya's school,
Hah hah hah. Mya's social anxiety sure is relatable.
Wow Hina you put in all that work for NOTHING.
Or Hana. Seriously having a Hana and a Hina(ta) in the same show is difficult.
Oh no the dangerous girl has a stalker of her own.
Hina's zero filter in situations like this is great.
Oh no.
This new girl seems to get pretty carries away. Carried away even.
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Yeah she's a dangerous person.
I kind of like her she's cute. Hina's still got the ninja stars from earlier, hah hah.
Yeah I was waiting for that shoe to drop.
Well this is a weird kind of bullying. Hah hah they've reached a kind of understanding.
The being-stalked shoe is on the other foot for once.
Hah hah hah. I knew this girl had been in a bunch of small scenes throughout the show so far but I hadn't caught that one.
Oh gosh.
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>>642748 Stuff like that is great.
The skits in this show are so amazing some times.
Oh yeah it was about time the other mothers showed up too.
Hah, Mya's inner voice for Noa's mother had her speaking with a notably gaijin Japanese accent. But her mother actually speaks Japanese pretty normally.
hana no haha
This other girl is really weaseling her way into Mya's relationships with a passion.
Desuyo neeee
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thanls fpr anime\ night!
Gosh you're in a rush to get out of here.
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yeah, top of the hour is my cutoff and I'm really tired anywa can't wait to hop in bed
Yeah your fingers are sliding all around the keyboard worse than usual.