no I'm here just wrestling with stuff ika hasn't posted yet either
I can get him. It's just I'd rather him BUILD GOOD HABITS and get his arse here himself. It shouldn't be hard to remember to tune in to something we literally do almost every day.
I can't wait to see the princess' smile DEAD FOREVER.
i don't like t his show that much the robots look lame
I find it kind of funny that the show was shipping the princess and her childhood friend who died. And so instead the OP is shipping her being totally gay with this ponytail girl.
I think this is a super lackluster show. not bad just not really that interesting
It's promising us some stuff that's got me kind of interested. Like the princess going on a David and Goliath revenge and survival battle against this militant empire. And the first episode kind of hinted she's a good tactician. But it's kind of slow to getting to those potentially interesting things.
silencers don't turn your guns into airsoft shit that goes ptoo ptoo like even in movies they're usually still loud >>640562 PROPELLING SHIT WITH A BLAST STILL MAKES NOISE
Yeah but this is THE FUTURE dude. This isn't even Earth they're on it's some weird planet out in the middle of nowhere.
No Punished Princess this episode. How disappointing.
im guessing they're just some kind of tranquiliser bolt or somethingshot with air they barely have any kind of muzzle flash
Hah hah hah. He realized fussing this much about them is kind of devoid of any good reason for doing so.
>>640575 >WHY AM I EVEN DOING THIS >studyboi goes home >show ends
It's kind of a shame this show and the We Can't Study anime adaptation aren't running in the same season. Though I think it might be running next season? So we're gonna get even more of a studying nerd having to tutor baka shoujos.
>Just friends Oh he Oh he's even commenting on it too. Too wrapped up in his books to realize they're already TOMODACHI.
Ah yeah, I caught a couple manga panels of this. He was even Childhood Friends with at least one of the sisters when he was a kid.
"high school girl that is also an actress" is one of those naime tropes that annoys me a little
Well it's not like teenage child actors aren't a thing. When it happens in anime it always feels a little fantastical though. But at the same time the idol industry does scout teenage girls for fresh blood. So it's not that far-fetched to me that the film industry does the same there.
There's a manga series airing in Shounen Jump right now called Act-Age that's kind of based on the premise of a high school girl who's an acting savant that starts getting acting work. Someone's been dumping it on /a/ the past few days so I've been reading it. Honestly it's a really engaging anime and does a lot of things that makes me feel good inside. Er, engaging manga. Hopefully it gets adapted at some point so I can enjoy it with you all.
Hah hah that was close to being a problematic situation.
I didn't expect an Ichika chapter so early so I guess she beat out Futaba to falling for Fuutarou. But I've also been hearing they've been jumping and/or shuffling some of the manga chapters in this adaptation so maybe she's just getting the short stick.
Hm I guess that's supposed to convey it's only thoes -those two that have actually fallen for him. I feel like the tsuntsun one is already on the way down though.
I can see it, yeah. The character designs for this show in general are kind of a Bargain Bin kantoku. This was a fun series they should adapt more of it.
I think loli basketball was pretty self-aware in that regard.
Well I never watched it, so I wouldn't know. The other series by that writer, that one about the loli band girls from a year or so back wasn't particularly self-aware. Though it did give us the better option in that one girl the same age as the MC.
Poor guy, hah hah.
Black Elites sounds like it could be some dumb sports team name really.
Oh shit Hakase knows how to get him fired up.
This show is a particularly clowny kind of dumb. It does make it a little more palatable though.
>Two teams only being able to score twenty-nine points in a full game of basketball HOW WEAK
Only if the cat's not hungry. A hungry cat'll eat it all up as it spills out.
Roku is a really MAJESTIC cat wow.
Oh I wonder if Wolf-chan managed to rescue one of Haru's siblings. Probably just a coincidence.
roku more like M ARU
Cats really are the cutestest
Shaa ja nai
Just brings the whole cat with him, hah hah.
Come to think of it she seems to just name her cats numbers. Kind of weird.
Wow man he's a real dork.
Oh maybe they are siblings.
Cats generally aren't too great at understanding names. Unlike dogs they don't really have the social aspect that can build a foundation with audio cues like that.