3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 3-4 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Dororo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 3-4 Egao no Daika --Episode 3-5 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-4 Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Meiji Tokyo Renka Mob Psycho 100 Pastel Memories --Episode 4-5 Tensei Shitara Slime Datte Ken To Aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 3-5 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
It's at the point when there are so many plot threads going it's hard to track them all.
Wow that girl took a page out of Touma's book.
I feel there might also be a bit of adaptation compression going on too. It's not that bad compared to some adaptations but it's probably inevitable that we're dropping some content. Which ends up being much more disruptive in a complex tangle of plot in this show.
>Did you know Aleister is making up and carrying out some kind of plan? That's kind of a perpetual truth. He's always scheming.
it's like the characters are speaking for us
This DRAGON kind of even looks like Aleister. Just a little more monochrome and the right way up for once.
I wonder if Hyakkimaru's tongue also is still stolen or if it was still around or gotten back with his skin or something. Because now that he can hear some proper communication can take place. Though how do you teach spoken language to someone that's been deaf and mute their whole life.
He understood when sidekick-kun-chan told him to check his left when fighting the bird.
Yeah I guess it's something the writer didn't put too much thought into. Language is a pretty complicated thing to just pick up naturally as a young adult.
what time i got lost
10:10 10:15 10:20
This little enclave of invalid kids seems like the perfect place for the old doctor to settle down in. Plenty of kids to fit prosthetics to.
Kind of sounds like the deal he made with the demons is unravelling as Hyakkimaru goes around killing them.
He's actually smiling at her. How sweet.
Ah well guess he's still silent. Maybe he needs to get his tongue back so he can actually speak.
That's not really how it physically works but this is all hocus pocus anyway and it's pretty symbolic in the end.
Wonder if the old doctor's around nearby. He seems to hover near battlefields.
I wonder if he'll get his l;eg back for killing the antlion thing
Well a lot of the returning things he's gotten have been kind of poetic irony experiences. Stuff like getting his hearing back too late to hear that sister begging him not to kill her brother. So maybe he'll get back the other leg that's still a prosthetic only to now have a mundanely lost leg to deal with.
This evil spirit dude really seems to like being insects.
Dimple has a weird kind of super-respect for Mob.
>>639403 Well I mean this all set off with Mob becoming a spirit and invading the possessed girl. So yeah, it was all in someone's head. But if his spirit loses its sense of identity in someone else's body it probably doesn't just automagically snap back to its proper body.
Also we should do Watashi ni Tenshi instead of Pastel. There'll be another episode of it out for tomorrow night or the next one so it's not like we're really using it up either.
I showed up earlier tonight and waited 10 minutes on you guys.
watashi no tenshi okay we're ally ready let's start!
Yeah, and I was awake at 00:15. I'm pretty much always here around the time we agreed to start. But when I'm tired and napping before anime I can't always stay awake properly and drift in and out. If you want to agree to a later starting time I'll factor that in but as far as I'm concerned, you showing up at 00:25 is still late.
Mya really has some terrible social anxiety huh. Hana doesn't strike me as someone that cares much about public pools either though. Hinata would enjoy it though.
As a side note having a Hana and a Hinata, especially a Hinata that gets her name shortened to Hina regularly, is kind of confusing.
Mya's got a sensible approach. School swimsuits are pretty boring. And she's got kind of a beauty approach to cosplay rather than the fetish side of things. So there isn't really any particular appeal to them.
Wow don't throw water all over someone with a camera.