>>>/@pKjd/1086934569800982528 Jashin-chan Dropkick is getting a second season. I guess all those marketing ploys to sell 2000 BDs paid off.
Kirara, the Cat
holy shit, this marie kondo show is actually really good it's so relaxing marie kondo is so cute this is making me want to tidy up maybe ill tidy up today wow
>>633686 It is really good and she is adorable. I've been cleaning up a lot. It is refreshing as fuck having a cleaner desk and environment. I just wish my room wasn't so small I might have to move things out of here to get more room
Kirara, the Cat
honestly, sometimes i wish i lived somewhere smaller It feels wasteful to have so much space
One might call that some successful propaganda for japan
Kirara, the Cat
>lady: he said me cleaning is sexy >marie kondo: lol that's such an american way of looking at it wwww
>look up a video to see what it's all about >scroll through the comments to guage opinions > all the comments are trash >turns out the daily stormer wrote an article and linked that exact video
hmm yenpress seems to be translating them 3 books a year guess I will start buying them from 4th or 5th onwards
>>633752 heh reminded me of when I bought the entire death note series took 6 months to get it and 7 deliveries
Kirara, the Cat
>>633751 when a textbook at school is a new ver and nobody can find a pirated copy, i rip it from an amazon rental for like $30 and then share it with everyone
>>633755 Justice text books are fucking overpriced everywhere
I know lot of effort goes into them, but to ask for 100 to fucking near 1k for books...
Kirara, the Cat
not $200 a book worth of effort especially considering how many of those books they sell and how often they update it simply to make money even though the new version has very few changes
mm, I heard from some engineers of some text books going for 500€ if bought new
>>633758 this especially applies to our high schools amusingly sure the books are at 20-40€ price, but they practically redo the curriculum every 2-3 years so even if you pawn your old books once you graduate, aroun 90% of them are out of date
Kirara, the Cat
oh well our high schools have the books we don't have to buy them or anything but the catch is that the books are 20 years old
Then there was that one math teacher who made his own books and sold them for few coins like 5€ or shit he was a chill dude, though 100% sticker for rules ie., you were late for more than 15 minutes, you'd be "absent" despite sitting that remaining 60 minutes in the class and similiarly, if HE was late for 15 minutes, the class was cancelled one time he arrived 15m5s late and just looked at his watch and went "welp"
btw, I wonder how creepy it would be to converse with someone like tanya?
there is an amusing scene in the anime, I can't wait to read it in the novels, where she goes >I was just following orders, so I shouldn't be gulty of any war crimes after just commiting some for someone quite well versed in both world wars and shit, she should be aware that "followed orders" didn't work for any of the axis powers
not to mention that she previously wrote a paper on "how to wage war in cities freely without breaking any international treaties, while actually breaking them all"
idk that's just what they're playing on the stream the streamer has been playing it for 48 hours now
straight? that ain't healthy
Kirara, the Cat
im told he's taken several naps but i don't know, i haven't watched
not exactly
also >48 hours and hasn't completed it
Kirara, the Cat
he's raised $250k
what is he donating them to?
Kirara, the Cat
john romero and chelsea manning and a us congresswoman have been there and some big british folks are in there now and apparently trying to get corbyn on it
>>633775 some trans rights charity, i don't know much about them mermaid something
>>633777 all he has to do is download discord and it's in the UK anyway
well have his aide set up it and then talk to a microphone, but UK is in dire straits
well not really, but the political theatre is
Kirara, the Cat
apparently jk rowling is ridiculously upset about the stream
maybe cos she didn't get invited?
Kirara, the Cat
nah it's because she hates trans people and is against that charity
like any true feminist kek
Kirara, the Cat
tbf rowling is like super duper bigoted so it's probably just because she's a crotchety old cunt she hates jews and stuff too
only thing she does is virtue signal just like almost any other rich famous person
>somebody breaks a pack of beer glorious gift the communal free beer stash is replenished
Kirara, the Cat
one time corbyn said something about bankers taking advantage of the system and rowling started saying corbyn was antisemitic because he doesn't like bankers lol
>>633788 >this despite portraying bankers as caricature jew goblins accidental ofc, since the irish/celtic uhh leprechaun legend is what she based it on anyhow
Kirara, the Cat
it probably wasn't accidental considering her antisemitism is quite pervasive
I will give her the benefit of doubt and reminding that it was written years ago
Kirara, the Cat
i would give her the benefit of the doubt if she hadn't spent the time since publishing it being antisemitic in general there's a point at which it just obviously wasn't accidental
>>633810 the original or the new one the new one should be coming in the mail any day now for me
these boys with their loud mufflers and small dicks
also thinking about it the position of the moon currently is so, that I can't see it even if I hmm okay there are two buildings Ic ould climb to see it
>mom asks me why i haven't gotten my booze back after she took it to stop me from drinking more than an entire bottle of gin >tell her I thought she hid it >she says no I just moved it to right above the washer >mfw it's in plain sight and i've passed by it like 30 or 40 times and still didn't notice i really don't pay attention to shit
also surprised she is trusting me with liquor again maybe i should show some restraint this time
Well some times things in plain sight are easy to miss if you don't know to look for them there.
I dunno man I look in that general area like every day at least a few times to wash clothes or take them to dry or hang used hangers up for later and shit we got the cleaning stuff there too so I know I looked straight at it at least once
maybe she's just gaslighting my ass
Well yeah, maybe. But really, some times it's easy to miss things. Especially if you've got something else on your mind that you're looking for.
I've got a class that starts in five hours and as far as I can tell, after the first week was cancelled last week, absolutely zero progress has been made on putting anything up for it on its online resources component. I don't even know who's supposed to be teaching it. Hopefully this doesn't result in them just cancelling the entire class altogether.
>oh hey I have 2/3 of the components to make this warframe (character class) >wonder where I get that last one people always say he's a really good frame >0.0256% drop chance off any Eximus enemy (stronger enemies that spawn about 1/10 or 1/15 of the time in any map from any monster) almost forgot what game I was playing for a second
They really run you through the grind in that game, eh.
yeah it's a grindy ass game but that's kind of the point and objective anyways, you just kill shit depending on what shit you gotta kill where to get drops you want
you can't really skip it until you're so deep into the job simulator you're rolling in premium currency from selling stuff to other players
i like how they do the math for you on the wiki and just drop the bombshell that you gonna kill up to 3005 eximus enemies before you're nearly guaranteed to have had at least one of the three parts drop, haha
i don't really hate grinding or anything though it's kind of relaxing to just brainlessly kill monsters i have like a gorillion D3 hours on 3 systems for a reason
Yeah I get it. Most people who play games probably have that one mode or game they just plug time into because it's relaxing and therapeutic.
>>633994 >they do math for you and thrn someone like me pops up and has 0 parts after 30k kills
been a while since I've seen gran torino good movie
>>633997 not impossible, but really unlucky. I've had that shit happen to me too in games. thing is with random chance occurrence probability calculation, you literally can not get to the point where you will definitely absolutely have achieved the chance of success. barring any kind of drop chance adjustment, anyways. so it's only really necessary to calculate the required attempts until you reach the 99 percent range. >>633996 i like Warframe because it's got a ton of different missions and map types and stuff to collect actually, so you can just go log in and do random bonus maps or campaigns for factions at war or what the fuck ever is there always some kind of pool of gametypes to play and lots of different guns and frames that can keep it pretty fun forever
in d3 i only spam grifts all day until i run out of keys or need stupid bounty mats >>634000 it really can feel like they do have a desire sensor haha but it's more likely just the anticipation making when you don't get what you need stand out vs when you get whatever other rare drop you will never use i know i ended up with like 60 legiana plates at least haha
Anyone who's played MonHun for an extended period of time is well aware of how brutal RNG drop rates can be.
plus can't really get mad when monster hunter forces me to go kill monsters it's not really impeding your enjoyment, well, my enjoyment anyway
farming those rare decorations in world was a true test of patience though
740 hours on ps4 and some 80 or something on pc still never seen a single MOTHER FUCKING ATTACK JEWEL
I don't really do the whole desire sensor thing anyway. I mean drop chances mean RNG is always at play but I can't get the whole superstition thing to work for me. MonHun's a fun game to play regardless of its drop rates though and there's always some target to pursue so it's fine.
i don't think anyone really believes it exists, unless there's some conspiracy theorist hunters around it's a fun running joke though I got a couple people to almost believe me when world came out and there was the new blood cutting teeth
really I've had some things come easily and some hard won after hours or tens of hours playing
it's all just random shit world monster drops are actually a bit more generous compared to the older games as well so that's nice? >>634002 yeah, the core gameplay is just fun. as long as you're in HR/GR or fighting tempered and apex at a decent level getting shit drops just fuels the fire to do just one more hunt
still pissed about the attack Jewel though that's what finally got me to lose interest in playing dickheads on /vg/ in LR gear running around with like 3 of those things and I'm still over here with the one free jewel but need two to optimize my gear completely when i saw some guy played for 200 hours and had seven of those, i got really butt hurt
can you pay to win in monhun?
Not at all.
>>634005 nah it's entirely skill and time based you can buy over one hundred dollars worth of costumes, system accessories, stickers you can use as quick emotes in chat, dances, and other pointless bullshit
i bought most of the stickers because they sometimes help communications and some of the dances are cute
and the outfit that makes the handler look like the guild lass or guildmarm are necessary for waifu bullshit
Oh fuck it's -22C outside. Yeah to hell with taking the long walk out to the more regular bus stop I'm gonna catch the next bus at the stop that's three minutes from my house.
damn dude it's colder than the industrial freezer outside just put your meat on the ground and save it for later
Kirara, the Cat
let's all freeze
And then Wednesday has a high of 4C, hah hah. Talk about some ridiculous temperature swings.
>>634010 Not meat but a common thing for winter parties is to put all the packs of beer or soft drinks people bring over out on the back porch or whatnot. Gives you a place to keep the drinks all cool while not taking up space in the fridge and usually cutting down on foot traffic through the kitchen.
Though in pre-colonial and colonial times the Native Americans and trappers during the winter would usually just dig a hole in the snow/ground and bury their kills, usually with something on top to keep an animal with a good nose from getting at it. but that also didn't always stop determined wolverines and some badgers.
Kirara, the Cat
it's 4c outside now feels way colder bc 100% humidity though my house has bad insulation so it's super chilly in here
Winters are pretty dry up here but in exchange you have to deal with windchill. Oh yeah... >-22C >Feels like -33C Yeah it is FRIGID outside.
Kirara, the Cat
haha we got no wind here unless you're near the beach Floridians can't into weather so it's probably good at 4c people are wearing like 4 layers here
Kirara, the Cat
not even exaggerating
Kirara, the Cat
i have a coworker that wears three jackets at 10c to go smoke outside
Nah I get it. I knew a -know a girl from Vietnam who spent a year in California who, in Californian SUMMER temperatures, wore a polo shirt and a light hoodie. These would have been like mid-thirties to forties, Celsius. I was super warm in just a cotton t-shirt.
>>634020 I did so anyway to make sure I got to the bus stop in time. There's no waaaayy I'm doing the fifteen minute walk out to the other bus stop in this chill.
>>634024 lower than -20 exercise is considered a health risk btw the air can damage your lungs
Hah hah yeah excessively cold air is pretty dangerous. It's only a minute-long jog though.
spitting out bloood durin winter drill gud times
>>634027 naw i just pointed out my own idiotic suggestipn by jog vlearly ment an hour long stuff
Aaaaaaaahh I probably should have brought gloves today I immediately regret my decision. And man maybe I should look into a touque, this chill is hell on the ears. Where is this damn bus.
i'll prolly go skii-ing tomorrow tho despite it going yo be -25
I've got long hair that gets frizzy ridiculously easy. Normally I don't really factor fashion over function but in this case it's really a big hassle just to keep my eartips warm. I've got a hood anyway in case it's particularly hellish.
Also they BETTER have a fucking professor for this lecture today. I don't want another cancelled my only class today when I had to go out in this weather.
Kirara, the Cat
ive got work today even though it's mlk day
Oh and now
Kirara, the Cat
Oh no, the weather got him.
Nah, but it has gotten the subway lines with "delays from the extreme cold affecting our equipment". Hell is this Arctic hellscape.
Kirara, the Cat
>Sakurai addressed the lack of playable characters from Nintendo Switch games Arms and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - and blamed the lack of both on the need to nail down Smash Ultimate's project plan too far ahead of time. i guess that means no arms or xb2 in dlc
Good chance not in this five-character DLC schedule. Maybe if Ultimate continues to add more past that. Who knows when that'll be though.
i wonder, if hell is real, if there is a position for inventing new ways of torture
>Take an hour and forty minutes to get to class >Lecture runs half an hour long Why this.
Oh nice, a slot in the class I wanted to take on Tuesdays opened up. That resolves one of the concerns I had yet to deal with. I guess I can pick up the novels I need for the class now then.
There's a nightmare radiator in this stairwell that's making the kind of music you only hear in a horror film/game. It's kind of neat really.
Well a guy showed up to look at it as I was remarking on it. I didn't want to hold him up. It kind of sounded like a bunch mid-pitch metallic creaking noises in long, drawn-out notes, playing a strange, dissonant tune.
hmm my speakers somehow have all speech come way stronger from right side
should prolly check if there is some setting wonky, but that wouldr equire me to attach a monitor to it
That's a really hard one to choose between "the cops" and "usual Florida weirdness".
Kirara, the Cat
yeah it's i dunno
Oh some course this semester is doing Neuromancer. I kind of want a copy. Could probably get it cheaper elsewhere though.
Man I've been craving ever since my Philly deito with Roc to find a good place 'round here that does shawarma. I know there used to be a bunch of places that did it. I just don't know if they're still open.
I left the house with my phone battery at near-hundred percent. It died out in the cold and only rebooted to fifteen percent once I'd been indoors for like fifteen minutes. Man the cold is annoying.
Gotta say I agree with the general consensus on Google Maps oon that shawarma place. Not bad but definitely average. Guess my search continues.
>>634069 keep phone in breast pocket and if that isn't enough, how low must your body temperature be and thin your coat, wrap it in a glove or a sock a glove or a sock, also helps keep phone in breast pocket from becoming sweaty if you keep it there during exercise
>>634072 My core keeps really warm but anything out from that gets cold fast. I also don't really have a pair of pants that fit me that are thicker than light cotton, hah hah. And none of my light jackets have a breast pocket, and I don't wear my proper winter jacket anywhere.
Well it's a good thing I picked up a bunch of the novels I'm gonna have to read this semester today. My phone's probably gonna die on the way home so I can just crack into those.
aa I was supposed to work this morning but it was only a two delivery run why would they put on a guy who lives an hour away on such a small run
five more hours
>>634095 two deliveries of what? groceries? lumber? mail? kangaroos?
>>634094 tfw you almost got rook tricked into smashing with spirits on but he fucking lays his head on the coffee table and lights out
>>634097 yeah groceries dunno if they were just going to put me on shopping after but driving two hours there and back isn't worth what would've been three hours of work
also I probably only have enough money on me for a one way trip, which means I would have to wait 12 hours for my pay to come in before I could leave that town
Are there any shows I should definitely pick up? So far I have waver, mob, kaguya, and neverland a lot of the stuff doesn't seem that interesting based on the descriptions but you've probably seen a lot of it the stuff i haven't picked up yet, i mean
>>634113 Well, you've picked up some good ones so far. I've also liked Endro, maybe you should check that out. Same art as Yuru Yuri, too. I've also enjoyed Tate no Yuusha.
Yeah, that's what I've heard/ But I heard it from leftists on Twitter and they're all super sensitive and get upset if content they think is triggering for anyone is in any media, so they're not trustworthy usually.
>>634116 Sex slaves? Well, it does involve a slave but it's obvious that he's going to end up treating her really nicely and they'll become friends. He's not sexed her or anything yet.
>>634122 Well, there hasn't been any violent sexual content so far. Basically a guy buys a slave who is a little animal girl and he teaches her to fight There hasn't been anything sexual yet but I'm sure she'll fall for him eventually and all that. The slave master mentions that she'd been tortured by her previous owner but that's about all I can think of.
yup good thing I slept with socks on the floor would have been ICE to feet
I wish the general ventilation stopped arleady it drops the indoors temperature like 10-15 degrees
I wonder do the other apprtments have the same problem or if it is just the first floor ones but really, whoever designed this system must have had that ventilation hole to be hidden from sight
is a real simple system you have a giant basically vacoom vent up on the roof and it periodically turns on, about once every odd hours and then just sucks the air out of the building and then fresh air flows in from the various vents
really efficient and simple and cheap system but when some genius has exposed the intake vent during winter to let all its air just out... -30 air feels guda
really simple efficient system except for that one bit some asshole broke on purpose that fucks everything up without failsafe think they could have engineered around one vent being kept open? why the heck is it open anyway
70s construction I think just fwe years later they made the fresh air intake into its own separate ventilation shaft but also even in this design that pipe shouldn't just be like that but whoever made the kitchen as it is, decided that the hole should lead into the "closet" where the fridge is
well suppose it usually works in favor of refrigeration, right? or is it mostly below freezing through the year too
probably not intentional to affect refrigeration
>>634223 I doubt it really affects the fridge at all and if it does, then the summer does the exact opposite
>>634223 HEre is what happened some do it yourself man decided to do on his own the kitchen renovation and didn't know any better, so he drilled ah ole into the fridge closet thinking that the air must flow through and after that he sold the appartment or put it as rental anyway the guy never lived here to see his "improvement"
now this isn't "fact" but this is how a finnish man who thinks they can do everything would do it have seen it before, like the botchup bathroom reno in my last place >using common room paint on wet rooms
Ahh twas an "improvement" thought it was quite strange that an efficient ventilation system also had vents in stupid locations
>not removing old wall or floor surface and just adding a new layer on top of it
basically the grass cloured is the wall and the ventilation shaft leading outisde normal air flow would be the cyan lines, but as there is a hole in the green closet, where the blue fridge is the purple airflow flows thorugh directly into the appartment
I don't know how the thing originally was, but I doubt it was ment to be this way
or alternatively in the past this house had "gravity ventilation" where air flowed "naturally" due to pressure and temperature differences it owrks, but not that efectively, my previous place had that and direct holes leading outside similirly
if true, then they just slapped the vacoom system on the top and didn't change anything else
I don't really mind it I oubt it would be that big of an issue, if I didn't have my computer desk infront of the main heat radiator a minor inconvenience, but if we did have say a week of -20 to -30 then I'd do something about it but so far it hs been like 4 days this year
no it's really good great cinematography, acting, choreography, but I'll be god damned if the plot isn't the wackiest shit I've seen from mission impossible there is a scene where the main group betrays the main group and then tricks a QUADRUPLE agent into doxing himself after making him believe they were going rogue and leaving him with his target they realized he was planning to betray them and capture it's so fucking silly i love it
>>634290 Then the quadruple agent feigns defeat and the CIA betray ethan and co and quadboy betrays the CIA and he's fucking a Lark mother fucker is Lark wtf is even going on anymore >>634298 that's chromatic abberation from photographing an LCD TV
>>634297 I like the giant fingerprint on the pic there also thanks for your fingerprint
>>634297 looks damn much like a fingerprint smudge on the lense, tho
yeah it does haha bright point lights always do that banding starburst when I take pics for some reason wonder why
speaking of fingerprints for some reason on my right thumb i have the spiral pattern but rest of my fingers are the I guess "triangle pattern" kinda weird
huh strange all my fingerprints spiral i think
yeah usually I think your fingerprints are the same pattern or atleast the... type I think there wre three pattern possibilities weird that my thumb is the odd one out MAYBE IT ISN'T MY THUMB?
Thumbs are mutant fingers to begin with anyway.
my brother was born with two thumbs on his right hand
So he's got mutant mutant fingers.
apparently the story was, it was going to be twins, but he ate the other twin absorbed it or something and that thumb was all that was left over
>>634306 damn can he move it well? >>634310 aw man i was imagining some mutant SUPERGAMER
naw they chopped it off like on day 5
it didn't have proper nerve endings or anything
besides even if it did, would you want your kid to get bullied through all school grades for having 6 fingers...
yeah he needs to learn that life fucking sucks and people are terrible
but he does have a weird joint on his right thumb like he can touch the back of his hand with his thumb
and that thumb looks more like a normal finger than a thmb
or he is next step of evolution six fingered humans 2200
We are all the next step of evolution. Since technology and human domination have pretty much removed human biology from the survival competition.
>>634317 humans will develop six fingers before we develop new type powers this timeline was a mistake
Or even better DIE FOR THE EMPEROR but then again that is in the far future
wh40k is actually just part of gundam UC and wh far future the emperor gets his psychic power from being the strongest fucking newtype and space Marines are really efficient Gundam
>>634325 the emperor is something like 50-60k year old so...
otherwise not that bad an analogy powersuits afterall are essentially minimecha and titans are mecha, though they scale to a ridiculous level >imperator titan
>>634327 yeah but he's like the sole source of psychic power newtypes mustve died with his bloodline or something >>634328 g gundam mechs are literally just bigass power armor love that shit
dress up as ginko and just stalk her leaving behind notes "I have more stories to tell" untill she thinks it isn't someone stalking and harassing her but that her fictional character is haunting her
and then shegoes crazy and never writes anything anyhow
>>634344 ginko would never do that he'd just show up walking the opposite direction as her en route to somewhere and they'd turn to observe each other then he continues on and puffs on that mushi tobacco
then he probably finds some village kids who disrespected the fucking mountain and have dicks growing all over
But man just something like that wondering the land and fixing people's problems
maybe make it more exciting with sometimes having bigger foes like mythical beasts but you always have to outsmart them ie. say there is a werewulf you trap it and use a sivler bullet
give the pc some overarching goal he's researching or trying to unravel the mystery behind along the journey so you have a solid motivation for endless vagrancy and you're set the mushishi moralistic reasoning behind ginko constantly traveling won't make a lot of sense in game
I'd give the player the option to also choose whether be like ginko and try to solve the issue without extermination or just be an exterminator >>634349 yeah Wouldn't even make it mushishi, but something that when you play it, you go "wow mushishi the game?"
but a video game doesn't really need that much outright story to be damn great take for example souls games or everything by team ico
souls have a great amount of world building and shit for having approx 40 spoken lines
that kind of approach would be appropriate for a mushishi styled game too i suppose >>634351 never actually played anything they did other than sotc tbh loved that shit on the ps2 though
>>634352 ic o is more puzzle+platformer but similiarly there is practically no story outright hell there is no dialog in the game
or well there is, but you don't understand it
the experience of wandering and searching aimless wondering if I'm gonna find that fucking colossi over here was real memorable games that don't hold your hand and let you figure that shit out are precious probably part of the reason DeS was a cult hit came //can't really be as sure for the mad fanbase of the other games since it had already achieved legendary elitism and attracted loads of those cunts that think it's good because it's hard or that is hard at all or fair most of the time
the das community and release hype played up the gameplay challenge and then the fucking twats devolve into console wars and muh difficulty circle jerking
das is a fun game, but good chunk of the "difficulty" is just bad gamedesign if you ask me
yeah there's a lot of fucked up shit you can kill like three bosses including the final boss without even being in the boss room you get poison resist stuff in the middle or the poisonous fucking swamp hard ass monsters are placed in the first level to guard secret boss and they hit three times as hard as the other similar looking knights literally one room away that fucking manta Ray bullshit where you can't fucking turn the camera to look or aim bow at any of them in shrine of storms but they can still delete you and lots more weird ass shit also weapon and special npc fights gated behind world tendency you mother fuckers
I could really understand and support the argument for "easy mode" on souls games something that either lessens the amount of souls lost ond eath or gives you a boost to hp
because not everyone hAS the time and patience to smash head on wall for several hours to get through a boss taht just takes 0 dmg from you and 3 shots you or the alternative grind 10 hours to get new gear
i got nothing but patience but I'm alright with like cheating flamelurker with that one bone pile pathing exploit it's your life i guess i ain't about to do that cheesy shit but not everyone wants to practice fighting one boss in one level of one game for hours until they win
fucking arturius
I wouldn't use an easy mode, but I understand the argument for it
>>634363 i remember when I fought him when the dlc leaked on pc and i rushed up there at a sl around 40 wew he would literally take 70% with the leap and my fucking Zweihander +6 with every point in strength did a whopping 80 damage per hit
the dlc bosses just have huge resistances to elemental dmg and my main dmg is elemental had fun not dealing dmg on them there still is that black cuntdragon to kill
>>634365 my +4 demon sword did whopping I think 68 dmg dual wielded it was a fun fight, hitting him some 100 times
>>634367 yeah the final successful kill took like 15 minutes maybe more i died so many times getting impatient and frustrated with his nigh unreadable patterns basically just played safe and keep out of melee so he's forced to do either flip or sliding slash and fucking hit one time and wait more
Manus was also annoying, but atleast I hit him for good 200 dmg per hit or something >>634368 Nah his patterns were easy the problem it was, that his HITBOX is bullshit some of his attacks hit you despite you dodging them especially that giant leap
But really Arturius had like 2 spots where you could hit him 2-3 times as a dex char and then do another dodgefest untill he commits to one of those 2 attacks that leave him open sure you MIGHT be able to dodge roll hit him but >das hitboxes yeah no
>>634369 i mean when you are next to him, he will do like one of three or four attacks at random the flip is ok but that splash of goo made me butt hurt it's so fast and the hitbox feels like it comes out fucking immediately
>>634371 and even if you dodge them you don't have stamina left to hit and then dodge the counter
with manus the only bullshit was his rampage grab dance as if you were in range of it when he began it, even if you dodge the first move you will get grabbed
so if he launched into that when you were in range of it, well shit enjoy the dmg
and then of course the dark magic spam that was bullshit because of the camera
the grab killed me once or twice i think but don't remember having much terrible experiences there
kalameet also fucked me up a bunch trying to cut the tail then i got it and after winning finally looked at my prize >huge str req >dmg didn't scale with stats wtf man
>>634374 like I said about the elemental resist when your 300-600 dmg sword on normal foes outside of dlc does suddenly 100 dmg fights get damn harder
kalamet is bullshit he can just spam that flying rush and you can't dodge it
or that is how that fight goes with me he just spams that fly move and i dodge everything else but he just spam rushes the fly move
that red eye move literally hurts my fuckin head
never really hits but it's like trying to fight the boss and someone blows an airhorn at you all the time for no reason fucking screech
>>634376 i never really figured out how to deal with the bombing run i just spent probably 90% of my time just running around the arena trying to avoid that or get back to the tail and hit it like one time
And I killed the supposedly most powerful dragon the scaleless cunt in two goes and the first one was just me being distracted by thesudden camera change on where his immortality thing was so I got nuked by his AOE second I just slapped his immortality and then zerged him and that was it
>>634379 all the tails are str items so I don't give a fuck about them
>>634381 they all fucking suck too but i thought the dlc would change things haha only one worth anything is gaping dragon tail axe since it has a really fucked up r2 when 2h that can hurt large enough monsters twice with the axe smash and then again with the resulting explosion so it's used for novelty building and one shot stuff
ohh and the moonlight great sword from Seath is a mediocre int weapon if you want your useless sidearm when you're not using tin Crystal catalyst to look badass
all these little people just foaming at the mouth waiting for that big girl to crush them stylishly
>>634388 is a sol manga about demon lord turned dog running an in and apparently there is a uh... well I can't remember the name of the real life locationi n japan shibya? but with giant gals
man youjo senki novels are different from the anime I like it not doing a 1:1 adaption, but taking the setting and characters and doing something different, but inherently similiar with it.
just if you don't know the reference https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/641566 Double Hitler A comedy game about Hitler being two young boys stacked on top of each other
also i lvoe the little irony there >artillery observer >safe kek
I guess it isn't that big of an issue in japanese, since characters tend to have some "speech patterns" that make them recognisable too bad that doesn't carry over in translation
what does 9,8 even mean? a score? so you are trying to SSS+++ run?
I'm trying to beat classic fast enough and while taking little enough damage that the intensity (difficulty) rises to max as a result you get some unlockable thing for it i think
Many games have claimed to do that, but I don't think many have succeeded
>>634440 yeah it does, the better you perform the higher difficulty of ensuing stages i think it's neat to see wish there was performance scaled difficulty more often
the ai in this game is quite a bit better than usual so it works in 4 the maxed out AI would just perfect shield and Dodge suspiciously accurately but this game has AI fighters becoming more capable at following up into combos and more complex movement including dash dancing etc they did good on that, probably because they put so much work into the single player mode and related content comparatively
>>634442 ANother development I wish, was decent enemy AI in strat games man in the past, Iguess the games being bit more simplier there was something amongst those lines
I wonder could you impliment FEAR series' AI to strat games
>>634446 i never really played many strategy games honestly think the most I've really enjoyed for any length is civ 4 and mountain blade warband
but the ai in both of those games was garbage so you're probably on to something
the implementation of FEAR ai, at least for the first one is kind of map design dependent so I'm not sure it would be very easy to get working in a mutable play area rather would be fucking hard possible though?
>>634447 Civ AI is retarded in terms of warfare the challenge in those games is to defeat the AI on harder difficulties once they gain +10000 to their everything >>634448 yah but the logic is the real thing as in task based and so on AI I could see it work in strat games say total war >unit is in combat >have unit 2 be reserve for said unit, if possible, if not deploy elsewhere >if unit 1 is weak, pull unit 1 back, deploy unit 2 etc it would take some computing power, buth owabaout MAKING THE GAME LOOK JUST "GOOD" and not fucking "hey look I can zoom in to see that this guy is shitting his pants" I mean graphical fidelity is nice and all, but gameplay and performance are what really matter in strat games
yeah I'd rather have good gameplay than a game that doesn't look like ps2 tier shovelware i played m&b a lot after all
well the gameplay outside of skirmishes is pretty good i think in battle it kinda devolves into chaos or funneling into the death cone trying to breach in a siege at least for me it did
>>634457 idk man >>634456 micromanaging them is pointless anyways stuff dies faster if you just kill they ass >>634459 you caught me. i haven't tried to go to bed because i was playing smash brothers
>>634458 pistol cavalry has huuuge potential in fire and sword or whatever that sequels name was
not microing them wastes it up as they aren't that good at melee or just get picked off with musket fire
>>634460 ah i didn't play more than a couple hours of that not real sure why but i didn't like it as much as warband >>634462 shit it's like firearms turned warfare on it's head
same applies to the nomad desert people their cavalry excells lot better after you have exhausted your ammo than if you just allowe them to charge to their death >>634461 cause the game wasn't balanced for firearms
>>634461 Once you get enough muskets, micro them into firing lines andfire welp it just wipes out the enemy rabble and similiarly, if you just charge the enemy at late game phase when everyone is packing up those muskets and pistol men well you get shot instantly and as the game lacks the plate armour and shit you ahve in Warband, you can't just take on 5 arrows to the chest the bullets just kill you
it is actually realistic, but not fun if you want to play them as you played before being god of battlefield
you still can, but you need SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED and some skirmish cav to bodyblock the bullets and proper infantry support
>>634474 oh good for SK i hope i hope it's really important and not a pressured decision anyway >>634487 it's so dumb he has no idea what he's talking about this is stuff you learn in like 5th grade maths
>>634485 she's been unsure about her gender for like half a year or has been talking about it with me that long at least but our circle on twitter is full of trans people so that may have influenced the decision of she/her at least
>>634483 Isnt this kinda like the door probability thing but at a larger scale? The person who chose a door has 2/3 chance with the door that they didnt select. But if a person shows up Without having chosen any door and just sees two options, isnt it just 50/50 to them?
>>634537 nothing the yellow stufg comes from district pipung it is calcium essentially
i mean first they jack around with the air flow, now the floor is cold and then the water pipes fill with sediment and turn your water yellow what a terrible night to have a curse
>>634539 no the airflow isn't jacked just fubated by bob the unbuilder abd that directly leads to cold floors
>>634515 no he literally just thinks each successive flip of a coin has a lower chance of turning up the same he's really persistent about it too
yellow water is loose calcium etc gunk gotten loose from mainline pipes due to rng or mauntenance cobsideribg how hot water is maybe 44 and not near 70 wud guess that
>>634541 i don't understand how a coin flip can change at all unless it's a physical coin flip with variable shit
>>634544 it can't he thinks if you've already flipped a coin ten times and it's come up heads every time now you're on the 11th flip and the chance is really low that it will come up heads
he's looking at the fact that HHH has a 12.5% chance of occuring so the third flip, after the previous two have been flipped, will have a high chance of being tails but HHT is also 12.5%, and any specific sequence of three flips will be 12.5% i explained it like that to him so he'd think about how the only two outcomes each have a very low chance of coming out but he just blew it off i feel like it's one of those things kirara does where he posts some fake twitter thing and pretends like it's real to see how many of us he can fool but it's not the kid is just wack
wait maybe he's on to something and the power of observation can grant you magical fucking powers no wonder streaming is so popular
oh I see how he's looking at it backwards If you flipped two heads, the third flip has "1/8th chance" of being heads. But it's really that you have 1/8th chance of flipping three heads in a row. And by the time you get to the third flip with two heads already made, you now have a 50/50 chance
>>634566 do you have enough?? how many rabbits do we gotta fill
two per person i think would be enough right that seems like the right amount
Kirara, the Cat
are we gonna get all the rabbits ourselfs? that could be a fun family activity
wait two people per rabbit my bad it looks like a rabbit makes like four pounds of meat?? that doesnt seem right maybe those are farm rabbits not hunted rabbits
Kirara, the Cat
i could imagine two pounds of meat but not four wtf
>>634564 i dunno i did it when i was a kid and i remember it being fun
>>634562 you diss on our ancient traditions i am not coming
yeah it looks like all the results are for meat rabbits that people raise on a farm those must be big and fat a true jungle rabbit would have like a pound or two of meat
a true delicacy only the elite of Hellsalem's Lot are privileged enough to savor
have i made you guys watch how big can fish be before kitty can't carry
it's a video
are you gonna strap me into the clockwork Orange device or what
ive never watched that i dunno what that means
the main character likes to beat the shit out of old people with his mates for jollies so they arrest him and bind him to a chair and winch his eyelids open and force him to watch TV to cure him of being a mad lad
>>634585 >>634586 they expose him to violent and negative imagery in conjunction with a drug that makes him feel ill so violence will cause him discomfort and he can't behave like that anymore
the tv makes him stupid though
i thought the tv made him daydream about being vile and he pretended like he was cured because he liked the control of fantasy i never saw it i just have heard the synopsis
yeah he's off in space now he can't think anymore
probably because all he thought about was hurting things so now he doesn't know how to think
i have a new DUI client today but i dunno what im gonna do with them he got a DUI because he's diabetic and fell asleep in his car in front of a bar after one beer and slept like 7 hours and cops woke him up and he refused to blow on the breathalyzer so he automatically got a dui
>>634626 you can't own shit in Tamriel when you're dead apparently good
>>634628 yet taking stuff from a house, which owners you just killed is stealing
>>634630 it belongs to the house you need to fill out the paperwork after fighting off the other competitors in a ring of law then the house bequeathed upon you shall innervate you with a tether to the soul of the estate very advanced propertymancy
Kirara, the Cat
>>634629 we gotta talk about certain stuff but like he doesn't really need that shit i can talk about some general stuff with him that will be useful in his life but stuff like triggers, he's not gonna get anything out of he doesn't have drinking triggers or any drugs dude doesn't even smoke
but really, wonder why bethesda never just went with an in-lore explanation it could just be >god blessing and there
>>634631 >propertymancy dnd surrounded on this making real estates nerd
critics are calling it the "There Will Be Blood" of high fantasy
>>634632 maybe you can speedrun the session and just play video games for a little while
>>634639 there was a good bit of blood in there near the end, almost got worried
>>634640 dang how do they get anything done in fifteen minutes
>>634642 still didn't expect two blood drives to crash head on good twist
Kirara, the Cat
>>634643 it's usually done in conjunction with medical treatment so it's basically just to make sure everything is fine and dealing with psychological problems relating to those medical issues it's like hospital psychology stuff not long term therapy
Times like these is when you realise how good of an idea, is to heat a building from the floor just put those damn heat pipes under the floor and not only warm and cozy but heated floors
While wooden floor would be comfy I might just go with say tiles tiles everywhere cause no matter what spillso n them tiles will take it so low maintenance
Stone floors
>>634665 how often do you spill things that this is a problem
they're probably more expensive than tile i suppose usually looks better and is more comfortable with some padded backing applied i think it's worth it if you can
I have wooden floors here well uh parquet to be precise
but in terms of heating, stone would be better for heat conduction and also keeping the heat so if I want to build a house where heating is completely done by underfloor piping tiles/stone is the ideal material compared to wood
Kirara, the Cat
spider-verse got nominated for best animated feature at the oscars
All I have to say about oscars, is that I bet this year will be, once more, "lowest ratings ever for academy awards"
[screaming externally]
>>634670 vinyl transfers heat well but has a general upper limit of like 27 to 30c stone is stone so it can get much hotter and if //is much harder and more durable but you also have to clean and occasionally recaulk the seams, and tiles can crack naturally or from really bad impacts
the stone is a higher maximum utilisation of under floor radiant heat but takes bit more maintenance at random
Kirara, have you read this at all? Its by Konosuba's author. https://mangadex.org/title/29349/kemono-michi
>>634679 Hrrrrrmmm, not quite but uts still really good. Although it hasn't gotten as far so I'd say it has the potential to be as good.
One of the places i applied to that hires people with autism seems to have sold my personal info. I got an unsolicited email from a company I've never heard of about hiring people with autism.
Kirara, the Cat
that's extremely not good
wow you're literally on a list now
I'm pretty pissed off. Also the email is in poor English abd seems to be from an indian company.
are you sure it's from the application and not from internet searches or anything there's definitely a pathway for advertisers to deliver advertisements to your email via search metrics though i know you're more careful than most about that stuff
They referenced a place I've been in contact with.
i am pissed off now I was expecting to get some unhealthy late-evening supper to munch on and that isn't happening
what kind of a company just cancels an order and doesn't inform the customer
Kirara, the Cat
the few minutes before an appointment when the client isn't here are so frustrating guess ill just sit here and wait for five minutes and do nothing productive
this is apparently a deleted scene from spider verse and jfc wtf
always gotta lube up before battle
Kirara, the Cat
>I invented a character I called Australian Spider-Man, who was also part of the group of Spiders that appear halfway through. He told everyone he’d been there for a day already because he was 24 hours ahead, and then he glitched to death very gruesomely in front of the others. They all then look at each other and say, ‘Oh, my gosh, we only have 24 hours to live!’ I nearly got fired, because me adding that character at that moment of production showed a profound lack of understanding of the process of animation production and where we were in that moment, so that particular idea didn’t even make it to storyboards. People just met the next day and looked at me and were like, ‘Go eff yourself.’”
it's cold and it snowed a little but it could have been worse.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I kind of miss Lexington snows they were actually noteworthy walking through the campus with huge mounds of snow on one side of you and a cute girl on the other was nice.
We got a lot, well compared to the past three or four winters. Was like 14°F the other day.
>>634759 >>634761 trying to figure life out like usual how're you all doing?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this bep book could probably cure the common cold for me
>>634763 Been getting back into the school mindset with the new semester. It's been hellishly cold here the past couple days too, which has made existing a pain.
I've also been trying to find a good shawarma place here after that really good one I had in Philly. No luck yet though.
oh yeah, the northeast is getting hit pretty hard now isn't it? we've gotten a few snow days here and there but nothing super heavy, so it hasn't hindered anything
I should find some good shawarma around here too now that I think of it, that place in philly was great
The temperatures yesterday were -22C before wind-chill, -30C after. I can handle snow, but cold that bad is pretty much for how irresponsibly I dress for the weather, hah hah. Pretty bad, even.
>>634767 Yeah it was a good call. Pretty much hit the spot at the time after all those relatively bland cheesesteaks.
>-22C fuckin yikes, I don't think it's gotten that bad here just yet well maybe around 3am or something but certainly not during daytime hours hope you got some longjohns man >>634768 Pat's next time for sure, I believe in the random diner man
>>634769 I got noooothing. All my wearable pants are more or less office khaki cotton. I was wearing about as many layers as I did in Philly's ~5C weather in that chill. I am not smart when it comes to sensible clothing choices
And yeah, I still remember Pat's. We'll definitely make it there.
It's hot outside but it's pretty windy too not like a hot wind though a kind of chill hopefully the airflow doesn't produce a bad fire
I had only a couple snow days in highschool, but the first oe had been the first since like the 70's. But I heard this year that the school has had a few this year. When the snow wasn't even that bad. I was sort of pissed, if I paid taxes I'd be even more pissed because it costs a lot of money to keep the school open in the summer for the extra days.
I didn't have much when I was in elementary/middle/high school but there were definitely enough to rememeber watching the news the night before like it was the fuckin nba draft I imagine florida barely had any, must've sucked hearing about all the other places further north getting time off >if I paid taxes fuckin reported IRS coming for you >>634771 RIP longjohns are life
Snow days aren't really a thing in this city. The last one that got called, I'm not even sure if I was ten years old yet. School buses might get cancelled, which means a lot of kids won't be able to get there anyway, but the schools themselves pretty much always stay open. If schools didn't stay open though it could potentially set off a domino effect of parents being unable to come into work because they can't find/afford an alternative to look after their kids and ending up shutting the city down. The daycare-y aspect of public schools is pretty valuable too.
here's a thing I've listened to lately you can listen too if you try
Oh that's pretty funky. I can dig this.
the whole album is pretty trippy, though not all of it is that good in my opinion I like a few songs off it and it makes me wanna listen to more of their older stuff
I've been listening a bit to some tracks off the Into The Spider-Verse OST. Especially What's Up Danger, the track that plays during Miles' coming into form scene.
Besides that I've been listening to a lot of covers of The Tragically Hip songs. Their lead vocalist passed away in early 2017 but earlier that year on New Years Day a radio broadcaster hosted like fifty bands/singers celebrating the band's thirtieth anniversary, each unit bringing a cover of a particular Hip song. They used to have the whole thing on YouTube song-by-song, but they all seem to be mostly gone now. All I can find is an archive of the full session, but it doesn't have timestamps, which makes it annoying for some of the covers I particularly like.
I haven't listed ot // to the OST yet but I've definitely been jamming to What's Up Danger, fantastic track for a fantastic scene I need to watch that movie again >The Tragically Hip they've been on my radar for what feels like a decade but I never got around to listenting to them anywhere I should start?
Hm, they've got a really wide assortment of musical styles they've experimented with throughout their music career. Songs I've always enjoyed have been Little Bones, New Orleans Is Sinking, 38 Years Old, Ahead By A Century, Nautical Disaster, Morning Moon, and Bobcaygeon. More recently I've been turned on to Gift Shop, which is a favourite of many, many people, Fiddler's Green, Wheat Kings, What Blue, and Chancellor off their lead vocalist's solo work. If there's something of that which gets you going more than others I might be able to field better recommendations.
haha well it might be a while before I get through that whole list, I'll probably start with Gift Shop if //
I never really got into them.
>>634789 Yeah don't worry. Sorry for the list I kind of just ran off what songs I could remember enjoying.
The Hip's been "Canada's band" as long as I've been alive and a lot of these songs have been ones I've enjoyed long before realizing they're all actually Hip songs. Pretty much any radio station without a particular genre focus up here will be playing some of their songs with regular frequency. Even if someone doesn't really like the band there's a -really- good chance there's at least one Hip song that's "their song".
>>634791 I always thought Rush was "Canada's" band.
Canada's a big place, they probably got room for like 2.5 bands anything you've been liking lately rei? >>634791 no worries, I like having a little direction in a new band and since their discography is so big a list like that is really handy
>>634793 Recently I've mainly been listening to classical and Touhou music.
uh but touhou is classical
but also what classical? there's a bunch and I've only really listened to Rachmaninoff extensively
I have this massive 100cd boxed set of classical / baroque/ early 20th Century instrumental ive been lstening to.
Err That I pirated
It's called Classical Gold.
Oh wait It's 50cds Makes more sense considering how many times I've listened to it.
What I would do to listen to all of i was i made it a playlist on my computer and would just pause it when I needed to leave or listen to something ekse and jyst resume it later. These days i have a playlist with like 70-80% of it that I use for sleep.
Also it doesn't take that lomg to listen too. CDs hold like an hour or so so then 50*~1 = 50~ So it takes around 50 hours to listen to.
hmm work commute could be a good time for it I'll throw it on my phone
Going to bed, night.
How do I write out a list but without making it a list
Remove all punctuation and spacing.
make it into an essay about all the things on the list
Draw all the items out instead of writing them.
>>634809 But there are so many things on the list I cant
better make it a thesis then
convert everything on the list into musical notes and chords and make it into a song