Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale --Episode 1-2 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 2-3 Girly Air Force --Episode 1-2 Grimms Notes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Tsurune W'z --Episode 2-3
LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR LOVE IS WAR >>633906 The first few minutes will explain the premise to you. >>633906 Yeah. I was checking it out earlier and it'll give you a gist of the series theme.
fuck i don't know this show but i've arrived right on time this is ep 2 right?
kaguya love is war
I hope they don't give us the full Kaguya and Shirogane shpiel every episode.
>using a phone until it's useless I know that feeling
>>633915 The two mains are crushing on each other but are too egotistical to confess because "whoever falls in love loses". They don't want to give that power up.
>>633914 The logic doesn't follow though. Just asking a guy for his contact info seems like it reveals less affection than crying over not getting it. I feel like she just took a much more embarrassing and equally revealing route.
>>633929 I'm a compulsively curious person some times I can't help myself. Though I try to pull myself away if I get the feeling things are getting too personal.
>>633932 Well I understand being curious yeah, and if it's in an open public space it's not really eavesdropping if you're catching the conversation and such I mean deliberately being sneaky and trying to hear private conversations you aren't intended to hear It's like I dunno seeing someone naked
What else did you guys watch tonight other than jojo? I worked a long shift today so i almost didn't get to watch shit
Tsurune and Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai.
>>633940 How are Kouya and Kotobuki? Think I'd like it?
It's a pretty 3D CGI show , er, heavy on that show, but it's a setting where people travel around in blimps and spend a lot of time in fighter planes. Lots of aerial dogfights and machinery porn. It's kind of interesting and the main characters are kinda funny.
oh wait i'm fucking stupid kouya no kotobuki is a single show haha
Also Jan want to watch episode one of Doukyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue with me? I think you'd enjoy it.
>>633944 Sure I've got a few hours to kill and drank to drank Is that really one anime title? That's like some LN shit
Yeah. The English title is "My Roomate is a Cat". The Japanese one is something like "My Roomate is Lazy, but some times, sits on my head".
Ahh makes sense I'll be ready in like 10 minutes if you can wait if you don't have a lot of time we can go now though just watching some smash montage from GRsmash
Yeah that's cool. I'm gonna go and make up some tea in the meanwhile.
>>633954 sorry bud my mom was asking me some stuff about my shitty healthcare coverage and i had to go check the site out to find out myself haha
i'm all over the place today
Yeah I know how that goes. I've been having some hard time getting straight recently.
Man this friend of his has some horrible luck.
what the heck is the genki dude even eating some japanese snack thing?
Probably the fish sausage he was complaining about all Subaru had in his fridge.
>complain your friend doesn't have anything to eat >eat the last of his food anyway fucking jan
His eternal cheerfulness is kind of reminscent of that too.
The guy's editor sure has it rough though.
And this cat is hella cute.
>Tribute to its boss That's not entirely accurate. They bring you things usually when they think you're too incompetent to look after yourself.
he's reading one of those dumb ass slideshow articles you get targeted at you via taboola lol
(Number eight will surprise you!)
RIP in peaces author-kun.
>When your editor is so concerned for your well-being that he breaks into your house to ensure your safety
>>633973 i dunno breaking into someone's house is still pretty wrong maybe it's less of a big deal over there though
here at least i know there's a pretty good chance someone will shoot your ass or the cops will just escort you to a free monthly hotel
the more responsible thing to do would be just call the police to do a welfare check assuming your buddy doesn't have anything super illegal in his living room or some shit the cops are the only people really allowed to break in to see if someone's still alive in any case i think
;_; This still gets me the second time too. I'm gonna have to go hug my cat a bit after this.
I've NEVER seen my cats get this excited over cat food but they go fucking ballistic for tuna i think they can like smell it from a long distance or some shit
Wow really? I open a tin of wet cat food or tuna and my cat's all over me expecting to get a plate or bowl of something in moments.
well I take it back I guess they do sometimes but it's pretty infrequent usually explainable by them not having been fed earlier or somecat gobbling all the little kibble down you fat fuck i know it's you boy
the male one does get a little more excited than the girls and the kitten really doesn't seem to give a shit but she's still kind of in that spastic stage of growth if you even go into the kitchen around the usual feeding time he'll meow and follow you and stuff like "is it time yet?"
they all just kinda get up on my shit when I'm preparing tuna salad or something the second I open the can they converge into me not sure if it's ok to feed cats tuna though lots of mercury in it nowadays
We don't really have a set feeding time, we just pour kibble into the bowl whenever it's running low. That's how we've always fed our cats and we've never had an overweight cat. Something about always having food available makes them learn to not overeat or something. Though I guess when we give them wetfood as occasional treats it's usually around dinner-y time.
>>633983 we have a rigid thrice daily feeding regimen for ours i don't think it's really necessary at this point but they're used to it i guess and i don't care for the fuckers that much my sisters do they're the ones that rescued them when their mom ditched them in the fucking pouring rain to go hide and neglected them so they were all malnourished when we took them in we had to feed them pretty aggressively to get them back to healthy weight and stuff and the routine just stuck the canned food for cats is really damn cheap anyway and i don't have to feed them but few times a week to cover for people being asleep or what have you so i don't really mind strangely enough they are all healthy and normal weight or in that range except the boy who doesn't eat kibble at all he got fat cause he was sneaking into the other cats bowls when we turned around lol