>>627528 We didn't see it last night but we're catching a showtime today before flights.
Kirara, the Cat
>>627534 oh, awesome how's the hotel marriott free brekky?
Kirara, the Cat
>The Golden Globes broadcast is still going on at the moment, but one big win was already confirmed tonight. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Sony Animation’s dazzling take on the hero’s multiverse, took home the award for Best Motion Picture - Animated, a nod that many fans agree with
ive never seen patch adams is it really good or is it just kind of good
>>627535 Haven't checked, probably not? We figured it would be straighter and probably cheaper to get something downtown since we're aiming for a noontime screening.
>>627538 it's probably pretty good it's got robin williams and phillip seamen hoffman in it
>>627524 Well, they thought it was a huge distraction.
Not having the right time for my flight today worked out kinda better for me today. Ended up being at 18:50 not 16:35. Which is less of a rush but also means Rook and I didn't need
to rush to the airport, hah hah.
Going through security was breezier than I thought it would be. There was a fair bit of a line but it moved pretty fast.
just got through security too, where you at tilde? >>627619 I've been ok, all things considered mostly posting again due to the Philly trip but I may stick around a bit more how've you been these days?
Oh it wasn't the wrong time that previously flight just got outright cancelled At least they automatically scheduled me for a new one.
>>627622 I'm still in the terminal D section; haven't moved far from the gate I entered through Did you head towards E/F or A-C?
>>627622 just figuring things out one day at a time im in michigan now dunno where next getting a little bit weak from the sclerosis but i'm still actually able to do quite a lot so i feel pretty good about it
>>627623 A-C I can head towards gate D and meet up, I still have an hour until my flight starts boarding >>627624 jumpin around all over the place huh is there anything you can take for sclerosis? I don't know much about the condition or treatment
>>627625 >jumpin around yeah, just place to place as needed i work remotely so i just find friends to stay with for a year or so at a time maybe i'll find something more stable in the future or maybe not cohabitating is pretty popular right now and i kind of like it more anyway
as far as things to take, cbd oil from hemp helps quite a bit with associated pain so do benzos ibuprofen helps a lot simply for its anti-inflammatory properties it's really not so bad i probably couldn't do real people jobs though
>>627625 Sure, that works. My gate is at D5 so we can probably sit 'round there. Easy meet-up spot too.
coolio, I just got to D5 >>627626 seems like there's less pressure for people to go live on their own these days compared to when I was a kid or even a decade ago probably because living costs so much
>real people jobs you're still doing transcription right? that is a real people job! is cbd easy to get in Michigan? I'm not aware of legality for oh, well there ya go let me know if you ever jump over to Colorado let me know! chances are my roommate is gonna find someone to settle down with soon and I'd be left with no cohabitant and I sure as hell can't afford to live in Denver on my own
>>627628 my roommate plans on moving to japan sometime in 2019 and i'll need somewhere to go if you're down for that keep in touch i'd probably take you up on that i love colorado maybe i can open a taxidermy shop there
ive got a thing for monotremes sadly i dont think there are many in colorado lots of porcupines though i was in granby a long time ago and a wildlife officer brought me a porcupine that he found dead they're messy to deal with though even with thick gloves those quills just get everywhere, i dont even know how
I cooked with a friend our homemade chicken fried steak while high and had flour and everything all over the counter. It was delicious but now i just have the store brought one which was definately prettier but didn't taste as nice.
neato, I've never cooked it myself I'll give that a shot sometime, homemade is always better
still gotta make all these pork chops into something though maybe tonkatsu, that seems simple enough
I wanna make a lot of stuff. I want to cook my own apple pie. >>627645 Make your own pork pies.
Fried foods always seem intimidating because of all the oil you need to get to a boil to cook them thoroughly. The most I can ever do is stuff I can fry in a pan with only a few teaspoons of oil tops.
Kirara check out this beautifully topical sign Rook and I saw on the way to the theatre today.
>>627646 like minced pork pies? I could give it a shot, never tried making a meat pie >>627647 it can be nerve wracking at first butbas // as long as you don't fill the pot too much then the splashing isn't bad just keep a lid handy in case of a fire
all my posts all my images it's like they're still here
Kirara, the Cat
they played us like a god damn flash game!!!
>>627640 Only some of them are corrupted Because of the way rar compression works i don't think its possible to have a corrupted rar that has some files corrupt instead of all of them. Could be wrong though
My battery's running low and the only outlet I've been able to spot in my gate has both outlets taken up by some lady's adapter. How annoying.
Kirara, the Cat
>>627680 the handicap seats in the gates have two power strip things with two outlets each you might be able to find one that's how it was in c terminal at least
Yeah that was where I saw the one outlet, near one of the handicap seats. I'll take a second look, see if there's another outlet around I guess.
Well she moved since then and now so I guess it works out for me.
>>627700 There are full nude photos of the First Lady who the fuck cares.
I actually don't like her though. One of her tweets really irritated me.
Kirara, the Cat
>>627703 people are so weird but idk if trying to shame someone with nudes or doing some feet detective work to disprove nudes is weirder it's all weird I don't like any of it
Why the fuck are there so many light novel translators who don't kow English? Why on earth would you try to translate something to a language you barely even know.
Kirara, the Cat
to practice their English
I guess Maybe they should try actually improving their English though. A lot of these people continually make the same mistakes over dozens of chapters.
Well, often they get hounded for translations and a lot of raws are often chinese raws Share and perfect dark are just filled with chinese raws often for series people want.
also a lot of translations are just edited machine translations.
Yeah machine translations. Better than nothing I guess Well machine translated from Japanese Japanese -> Chinese -[machine translation]> English is a bit much.
gon take hats down when i finally get back to my apartment tonight
feeding two birbs with one scone
Kirara, the Cat
>>627728 the party's over ;_; rest in peace sweet party
my roommate's getting back from japan tonight he's telling me how he's gonna have no money for the rest of the month because he hasn't worked in like 13 days but every day he was there he was telling me about how much money he blew through at comiket that day iunno
guess it's not my money and all but it kinda worries me
Man I almost wish I hadn't missed my flight home last night for the sake of there not being SO MUCH ANIME TO WATCH AGAIN. I was looking forward to not having to do this again.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
you what now
anime waits for no-one
>>627760 I misread my departure time as 8:30 when it was actually 18:30. Thankfully Rook is a preemptive genius and was staying until today anyway so I had a room to sleep in and a buddy to tour Philly an extra day together with. We got shwarma and saw Supaida-Man together. Was good.
Kirara, the Cat
>>627760 we got a high score of poor planning on the philly trip when it comes to going home
Nah but I filed the name away. We can hunt it down next time we in Philly. After five days I was kind of sick of cheesesteaks anyway hah hah.
Kirara, the Cat
Yeah, maybe next time. >not eating a cheesesteak every day of your life
Kirara, the Cat
I stopped at Wawa this morning and they had the touchscreen ordering things, I was surprised. I didn't think they did here. I got a scrambled egg and beef hoagie.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>>627762 goddamn son well i'm glad it worked out alright damn americans and their military obsession why i outta
>Twelve shows on the docket I was looking forward to being freeeeeeee
>>627767 Gotta make excuses to cut back on as many human employees as possible, wherever possible!
>>627768 Yeah but I was flying with Air Canada so, well. It's more when I was looking at flights before travelling there was one out of Philly for 18:30 AND 20:30 or something. And I totally forgot which one I'd actually booked hah hah. I can be a huge dumbass with time some times.
It's just an efficiency thing. You make your order and it prints something out, then you bring that to the cashier to pay for it while someone makes your order. It's really nifty!
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
looks like the nearest Wawa is in Kearny, NJ guess the next time i need to find my wasuremono it'll be a 100 minute trek
What's a wawa?
Kirara, the Cat
hawawawa best conbini in US
They make subs and are open 24/7 kind of a gas station that's all I know
>>627770 Oh I see. A handful of fast food joints do that here too I think but their machines also have the option to just pay at the terminal and avoid cashier contact all together. I've never actually used one.
Kirara, the Cat
>>627771 goin to NJ just for that wawa experience #WawaPride
Hopefully Rika is around tonight. I realize I was supposed to be here last night to get started on stuff and I was... well, wasn't. Wonder what she did.
My cat welcomed me home by letting me hold her and give her neck scritches for like a minute and then gave me a thin cut right in the middle of my top lip as she was fidgeting trying to get down so she could be let outside. Thanks Cosmo.
>You are responsible for the wellbeing of mankind. You must protect everyone. Kill the Roaches and collect the stars. >You are still responsible for the wellbeing of mankind. You must protect everyone on an entirely new, far more terrifying planet. You know the drill: kill the Roaches and collect the stars.
The branching paths symbol appears on the White Bear page.
Kirara, the Cat
uh oh
Hah, the mock Tuckersoft job listing ad takes you to a poster that's a link to Netflix's engineering careers page.
Kirara, the Cat
that site keeps getting updated i actually saw it first yesterday and there wasn't a page on bandersnatch it said the game was cancelled but now it has a page for it
>>627868 Spiders don't scare me one bit. I used to go out and smoke on my back porch and watch a garden spider twice as big as a US quarter make his web or eat stuff he caught every day, until he disappeared. Rip my spider bud.
Ants scare me quite a bit though.
I don't know if I would say I'm afraid of spiders, it depends on the circumstances. I'm not one of those people who jump out of skin and asks you to kill them though snakes though, I freeze up in fear when I see them
The same spider hangs out in my kitchen every day Right above the salt shaker.
I remember I was one of those cruel kids who collected bugs to watch them fight probably the worst we had was the sand wasps and the redbacks I also used to let green ants bite my finger so I didn't have to write
>>627882 i'm not exactly afraid of a lot of fauna on account of them being considerably less dangerous to myself than me and since i am a dumb fucker i've handled some dangerous spiders and snakes never been bitten though, might be a little less reckless around copperheads and rattlers if I had or a little less alive
generally snakes are rendered useless if you thumb their head and bring your index finger underneath their jaw, though. getting them in that hold can be kind of difficult but once you have there's not anything to worry about if it's a normal sized snake
>>627898 I guess I should try that if I ever muster up the courage to do so though my fear probably isn't something rational that I can just fix like that even those pythons that you can just rest on your neck and shoulders still scare me
>>627903 There's a lot of harmless snakes around texas so I had quite a bit of practice before I touched a deadly one Rather, they can bite, but their bite isn't particularly venomous or deadly so. I'm no handler so I've never had a snake on my neck or anything. I've just secured some poisonous snakes and relocated them off my uncle's land. Rather not kill an innocent animal because it's dangerous to humans. It's just trying to live its best life and shit.
>>628020 i remember seeing this on his twitter haha he's fucking afk or something right now though maybe tending to the fucking servants quarters in his family's newest mansion
welp time to fucking go to bed this piece of shit is officially booked for every day all day until fucking whenever just gonna work 16 hours a day and drink myself to sleep every time i guess
Everything feels so awkward for me that was familiar before the trip, hah hah. I can't remember being this out of it when I came back from trips in the past.
Kirara, the Cat
this trip was especially good felt really good all of us just hanging out living together
Yeah that part was pretty nice. Just being able to relax while everyone else was being energetic and playing games is a nice feeling.
>>628092 yeah, it felt really natural just sleep when you're tired, wake up, play some games, someone else sleeps, keep hanging out until everyone's asleep
>>628098 what a shame. you could have added more gay.
>>628104 You're pretty normal and reasonable, so she'd definitely like you. I think she'd like Blue. She already has a good impression of him. She'd probably come to like Rook and Sam.
Unless she already doesn't like them I'd imagine she'd like them pretty off the bat. Rook is a good guy and Samu is so chill we could stop global warming with him.
I am humbled. >>628113 I will! It'll be a lot of fun to go on road trips , camping, mountain climbing and I wouldn't mind smoking canadian maple leaves
I'd like to meet you in person Kannagi. You need to find a good excuse to make it to North America at some point again. Come up to Canada we have legal weed.
I wonder if you can get legal weed anyway don't you gotta have a medical card for it.
Kirara, the Cat
I need a replacement for wine.
>>628131 in lots of places with recreational weed, you don't need a card
>>628131 Here you just need to be ... nineteen? So have a driver's license on hand to prove your age but past that it's almost literally controlled the same level as alcohol.
orjust look old enough to never get asked
Kirara, the Cat
most places ask no matter how old you look
Yeah pretty much. Even my mother in her mid-fifties gets carded often enough.
Kirara, the Cat
nobody wants to risk the punishment to save like 10 seconds in florida you can't even sell liquor at a lot of stores without swiping someone's drivers license
I'd totally like to move over - I probably don't think I'd have a good reason. I'm far from skilled worker. I'd need to get a company to sponser me or something.
>>628145 Thats true. I hope the future I'll get to go over.
Why would I kill my beloved, precious friend? I have no motive. But you all. You were all jealous! You wanted to kill her because you were mad because Rika loved me more than you all!
I'm sure Rika is alive and well she probably is running a business high flying
hmm the bacon+cheese cheesespread isn't going to stick around I bet but man I love these some companies that try out ALL flavours they just shotgun pasta at wall and see what sticks all year around
rival company of this what I bought, one time released stuff like chocolate cheese, orange cheese and so on aiming for dessert kinda stuff few of those actually stuck around
so imagine if scoobidoo but they were all senior citizens >could have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling gramps
I remember me and Marsh pretended that I was from his primary school for his parents the first time I went to visit his roomate was a bit more accepting of some random guy the second time though probably because he hung out on 4chan himself
>>628273 a while back he wanted to bring back the White Australia policy calling it the " final solution" even other racists want to distance themselves from him
basically a bunch of restrictions to make sure only europeans can enter
speaking of seawall, was randomly reminded of a churchill plan in ww1 and ww2 >so what if we, say just throw 20000000000 mines in the waters leadign to germany?
>>628278 we can just looney toons our way under it
>>628280 "I knew I should have taken that left at queensland"
aah coffee damn this percolator is good but I sure don't like drinking it black anymore too bad my milk is still frozen
I bought a bunch of longlife milk for coffeesake milk goes off all too quickly
yeah should do the same but this wasn't coffee milk just general milk I didn't have time to drink it so I froze it now I took it out of the freezer yesterday wonder is it still good, or will Ij ust pankcake it
or maybe make a stew milk can be used as cream replacer afterall
carrot+beetroot+ham+mushroom stew sound god?
only one way to find out doesn't sound too bad a combination
I need to eat those carrots they aren't looking that good I dunno what kind of temperature you need to store carrots in I maen they should survive over the winter potatoes and onions they easy but carrots man
Carrots can be kept in cool, dry locations for extended periods of time.
I used to go to the driving range like once every few years. I could probably hit a golfball far but doubt I could do anything accurately.
well I can't hit it far or accurately haha at least I'm not the only bad one in our group
That's kind of a neat concept for an entertainment facility though. I wonder if the professional golf scene uses similar technology for ball-tracking and statistics.
what can I say I read the description and compare it to ones I have drank the weird "moldy, earthy, fruity, smells of sweat and vanilla with hint of tar" etc and then try to figure if it is what I want then I check out the grape species it is made of and then year and country and remember if there was anything about that year like >extremely dry then mostl ikely the grapes are shit etc and then buy em if it is the right price
more oft than not I just buy somethign I already know I like
when it comes to white wine or rose I always buy as dry as possible and same for sparkling
but I mostly prefer red and affordable good red is ofc from Chile
but it isn't like I dislike white wines that are sweet many hungarian wines for example were quite sweet and they weren't that bad especially for a hotter climate, I can see people preferring bit sweeter wines though I'd still meself go for a white if not for just red that is chilled for me it is red>sparkling (brut)>dry white=dry rose>rest with the wild card berry wines added inbetween those are usually awy too sweet, but sometimes they are just the thing you wanted
also another factor to takei n is what is the purpose of the wine is it to be drank alone is it to get drunk to or what food you intend to serve it with or even when getting drunk on it, what snacks you eat with it
never just drink wine without snacks wine always deserves some crackers, cheese or dried meat or something else also respect the wine it is treachurous drink in terms of drinking too much and especially hangover, in terms of drinking too much and forgetting to drink any water
the "wine produces bad hangover" legend practically comes from people forgetting to hydrate weaker alcohols like beers rarely leave you that dehydrated and with the strong ones, you usally remember to drink some woda
another factor in wines is knowing the countries france, italy overpriced compared to quality just because of the origin
and on colder days, if there are any that south
mulled wine/glögg that is a clever pick too
only problem with it is ofc warming it up heat it too much and the alcohol waporises and the sugars in the liquor also boil safe way to do is to get hot water and mix it together, ofc resulting in blanded end result, but way easier and safer way to ehat it up also dropping it down from the 10-15% it is to 5-7 isn't always that bad
in the end it is just trial and error untill you find stuff you like and remember the brands and remembering enough of the fancy descriptions to get a general feel of how it will taste
same is with beers too forexample, I ahve learnt that I generally dislike anything belgians make always too sweet, creamy or bitter or ALL of the above for my taste.
okay latenight snack of sampling tomorrows food mushroom+sausage+tomatopuree pasta with onions
but yeah onions + pasta sometimes lived on practically just that for months
craving some bangers and mash now and one of those premade sauces those are still alright
Eat onions with everything
new york cheesecake with onions
onion mint ice cream
Onion donuts
onion beer
hmm I wonder if you could make the onion donuts work vidalias are really sweet
hmm bit mild on the flavour, but a powerful paprika touch and heat bti too much maybe even bit too sweet, I forgot how sweet the tomato puree cans are is like fucking billion tomatoes in a can with all that sugar that implies
caramalised onions are a dessert
should buy that in tubes that way you can add only a little the cans arek inda shit, since that thing has 0 shelf life once opened
>>628342 by puree do you mean paste or like crushed tomatoes in a can?
140g (-can weight) of which 15g is pure sugars damn sweet stuff
hmm and I think the mushrooms I used, canned too, were in some not that salty liquid oh well I liked it well enough and no one else will be eating it so who cares
>>628324 wine has a pretty bad dehydrating effect but it tastes so good i forget to drink enough water and drink too fast always figured that was the cause of the hangovers I got from lots of wine
wine is similiar to 3 shot 0,5l drinks you end up drinking quite much liquids, but not enough in ratio to the amount of alcohol you down
I do not like the taste of wine but maybe I haven't had good whines
I like wines in general, but I rarely drink them with meals only alcohol I really drink with meals is beer I just generally don't do the "wine for this dish and that dish" never really like even the combining of say good red wine with good red meat, despite it being hyped as the pinnacle of dining
i love champagne and good quality Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon white wine is ok, tastes good but not quite as much as reds imo
god damn how many times do people want to update their tampermonkey scripts
>>628354 yeah white rarely has any rich flavour unless it is carbonated as in sparkling wine
soemthing I have noted as well people who prefer white also prefer ciders and such to beer and people who prefer red, prefer beer as the mild drink
godamn I'm out of shape let my mantits get the better of me
I read that as mantis initially.
my mantis is also here, forcing me to type he is requesting 1 hol bitcoin for ransom
But yeah, this is why I say avoid "high tannin" or however it is described in anglish
also on another note I once again received that good old "pig blood" tea as a gift jesus christ, how do you even come up with a herbal tea mix, whose texture and taste come up very close to fucking animal blood?
>>628357 yeah i definitely prefer beer with food and stuff or just for the lightest buzz hard for me to stomach enough to actually get well wasted so i usually choose it to avoid making bad decisions
>>628367 reminds me of rooibos tea swear to God, that stuff smells Divine and tastes like fucking chewing tobacco literally tobacco
I think with rooibos and other herbal stuff, is that you need to make them really mild but then you just have slightly flavoured water...
yeah i can understand that i didn't vomit but i couldn't take more than a couple drinks it was just so fucked up i don't want to drink ashtray runoff and i even smoke myself so it's not like I don't like tobacco
I didn't even dislike the taste it just was too much tannins in my stomch and I vomited twice
>>628371 idk chamomile is good steeped for five mins or more think it depends on the particular herb Jasmine tastes good steeped for a bit longer too imo
jasmine and chamomile are some of my favourite tea
wowme2 love some Jasmine gweentea matcha is still probably my favorite but it's close there
>>628377 you can usually only find it at import shops that sell asian/Japanese groceries though i saw some at the souvenir shop in the Japanese garden here once as well that stuff is real good its just really good green tea has a very nice fresh flavor
sou desu ne I should pick some up then some time
I've actually found it harder to find pure green tea without jasmine at conventional grocery stores, hah hah. Not that it's a problem, but it's kind of funny. I'm sure if I were to head to a grocer that's in a part of town with more Asian population it wouldn't be hard though.
sitting here with my unrested self and thinking about canned wine
what kind of madman puts wine in a can
>call transportation dept of wholesaler >ask about my delivery in a polite friendly tone >says it'll be there at the same time as what the app says
>call again ten minutes later >ask about delivery in a deeper more professional tone >he actually looks up what address I'm at and what stops are remaining and tells me them then says they'll probably be there around an hour later than ten minutes ago thanks assholes
well I think my internet's down maybe not a coincidence that I saw one of those wire pole things k nocked down