Thread #627833
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 1-2 Dororo Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Lord El-Melloi II Case Files (F/SN spin-off) Mob Psycho 100 Pastel Memories Tate Yuusha no Nariagari Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tsurune W'z Yagate Kimi ni Naru
give me a couple minutes to pregame the only show I've got any interest in ahead of this season is mob psycho so let's watch that and whatever you guys want
I hope you're all ready for show overload II: The redux! Twelve shows on the docket to do.
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okey doke I've got basically the whole list downloaded now let's all watch some fucking cartoons I need to forget that I'm going to be working 7 days a week for a little bit
Slime and Mob are probably likely choices. We could finally do Yagate to get it finished too. I guess the fourth will be whatever catches Rika's fancy maybe.
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I threw out the Ika signal. I'm thinking Mob Psycho Tsurune Slime Yagate If you guys want, we can throw something after Slime and do 5. I'm open to suggestions, I don't know a thing about the new shows.
Five might be good because we might be getting a fair bit in the next day or two. W'z is a new show by the studio that brought us K and Handshakers. Dororo is a new adaptation of a Tezuka manga about a kid who's bodyparts are stolen by an oni and he gets a robot body from a travelling medicine man and he goes off to fight the onis that now have his bodyparts. Lord El-Melloi is about adult Waver Velvet being the Fate universe's Dumbledore and going around solving magic problems. Tate Yuusha is about a guy that gets isekai'd and gets a shitty hand and has the magic ability to only be good with shields and no other kind of weapon. Pastel Memories is some otaku humour show that's also an adaptation of a mobage or something. Boogiepop is some old famous series that's getting a new adaptation but I know literally nothing about it. And I've got no clue what Egao no Daika is. Oh yeah there's also a new season of Bang Dream if that's something you'd want to watch I forgot about it entirely.
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>>627841 I really don't have shit to do other than watch anime and stuff until like 5 so whatever is fine.
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okay well we just need Ika.
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Okay well I'm going to get another drink.
Okay well he's responding to me but he's NOT YET IN THIS THREAD
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Maybe he's really immersed in that granblue. Or whatever the fuck he plays. He never posts more than two words so I'm not too sure.
its too late for five
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>>627849 Don't be so pessimistic. I believe in you.
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okay mob 100 What did Ika not watch Mob? I'm pretty sure he did. okay lets start!
This'll be fun.>>627854 What. No you did.
i didnt watch mob ill be back>>627852 oh did i lets try
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YES i've been waiting for this like Akihiko my husbando
>>627854 just watch it man you aren't missing much
i mean you are missing one of the most memorable and greatest anime of all time but the plotline was resolved entirely in the last season.
Reigen has such a punchable face.
what the fuck Reigen is a fucking hero dude
Yeah he's a pretty nice guy deep down. But he's still got a punchable face.
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The episodes where Mob powered him up were SO COOL
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>>627861 wow dude he's my self insert you sayin I got a punchable face??
Mob's psychic aptitude is pretty great. ONE is really good at capturing the advantages and drawbacks of being an incredibly superhuman person.>>627864 No, I'm saying Reigen has a pretty punchable face. You don't have a particular ly punchable face.
These OPs are so funky.
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>>627865 Mob is a really pathetic guy. I feel bad for him. All that power and no humanity. Reigen is great though.>>627865 You ought to punch me I am a dumb ass mother fucker. It's not like it'll even hurt me that much considering.>>627866 The OP was pretty good but the content of the show is way better. Lots of times it's the exact opposite.
It's okay we're dumbass motherfuckers together. I messed up my flight home too, hah hah. Good thing Rook was still in town.
He's already being a lot more expressive than he was in the first season. Maybe he's learning how to be a real human bean.
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whoosp>>627869 Naisu naisu I can't really complain though it afforded me a few more hours to hang out before I had to head back to this shithole didn't cost me anything either and everyone on the plane was just sleeping so it was peaceful fucking casuls can't even go two days on 4 hours of sleep after passing out in the bathroom drunk
Stage fright!>>627874 Yeah mine cost me a bit because Air Canada are stingy assholes. But it was nice to get a chance to travel around Philly a bit more and see Spoider-Man with Rook.
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Oh I forgot about his ultra-cool clubmates. THose guys are so awesome.
Wow now he's got a KANOJO. I wonder if she's trying to lead him on.
Hah hah hah. That's such an awkward thing to do.
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>>627877 Yeah she's probably evil.
Or maybe the twist is she was serious and Mob's actually the one that'll fuck it up. Aw she was kind of leading him on. Well that wasn't too bad I guess.
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Was she a good girl or was she not? oh no mob is going witness this
Looks like she's the kind of girl who's not bad but hangs out with the real bitchy lot.
is this 1 cour
Probably. It was one cour for the first season. The manga is concluded though so if they could they could finish the adaptation. Though I don't know how long that would take.
Yaru jan
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good ep
Mob learning to be human is a treat to watch.
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okay tsurune okay lets start!
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>>627887 YARU JANAI KA
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i want to fuck sensei full homo
He's a pretty high-level bishounen. I liked it better when he had the ponytail though.
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i like his personality
Mai shichimi
Non non
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such a cutie
The hat suits him well.
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fucking edgelord i just want to hug and cuddle
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Sometimes you just gotta edge it up.
Some people are just good at edging.
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god damn just look at him
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fucking husband whenever he gets serious the wind blows
He's really caught your fancy, eh.
is this show good
It's Japanese archery with a bunch of cute high school and young adult boys. Not as hard fujobait as Free was but still pretty fujobait. All that aside though it's pretty decent. It tackles performance anxiety and coming of age in a nice way.
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>>627911 if you liked free you'd probably like it it's a good show about friendship and learning to face your problems personally through sports and stuff
There's like three cute girls in the entire show.
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>>627910 i mean i've liked him since the show started but i'm drunk and this episode is honing in on him i bet he gives rook tier hugs tfw no rook bf
Oh no did Masa get in a car accident.
>>627915 >three more like 2
Oh no.
i like this ed
Chouchou has a nice voice.
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slime! okay lets start!
tensei shigeru miyamoto datta ken
Hah hah Rimuru pre-empted his Great Sage.
;_; RIP these dumb dolts
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Lizards are stupid.
this guy looks like the random villagers from Pathologic
Oh Rimuru is coming to their rescue. That's kind of nice at least.
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He gonna get eaten
Yeah he bit off more than he could chew. And now he's gonna get chewed on.
wew that's an easy death for such a posturing villain
So Rimuru can just auto-battle the difficult fights huh. Must be nice.
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He actually had to try a little bit for once.
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If he gets the orc lord's skill, doesn't that mean he's going to get super hungry?
Probably not. That would be too inconvenient for a series like this.
Well the development that surprises no one. Oh a new ED.
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Yeah looks like he didn't get the super hungry skill. It seemed pretty good too.
tahtw aws fun
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yagate okay lets start
Yagayte This has been a refreshingly nice yuri series.
yahay pretty good ff
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yagate kimi no imgay
Touka's just a little bit crazy.
Aisudu Tii
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fucking smug onee
She's their gay sempai she knows what's up.
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feels goodman
>You will get soaked from head to toe I bet they will.
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To test your physical dexterity with strange and abnormal keyboard macros.
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i have plenty of practice hitting [] and {} because of compsci courses and other old hobbies my pinky is just NOT BEHAVING
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what show are we on? the third? i'm about to just chug the rest of this bottle
This should be the fourth I think? We did Mob, Tsurune, Slime, and now this.
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This is the fourth and I think probably the last. Ika expressed that it was too late for five.
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>>627965 Oh yeah, we did four already. I forgot. >>627966 Ika is wika. But yeah he said he only wanted to do four. On the other hand he also hasn't said a god damn thing other than queuing up for shows.
He's probably zoning out and/or playing GranBlue.
Yuu's seiyuu has a really nice voice.
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>>627968 yeah why even watch anime if you're just going to play some dumb ass mobage instead though
How nice.
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well thanks for anime! Unless you guys want to do one more.
I can go if Ika can.
what will the last be
It probably wouldn't be particularly comfy but I'd be interested in checking out Dororo or Lord El-Melloi.
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I have no strong preferences.
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i prefer big strong men but i can go either way
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How's Dororo with you, Ika?
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ready for dorororororor>>627975 ika senpai get in here>>627982 kyaa senpai is in here TILDE HURRY UP AND GET INSIDE>suggests something >isn't ready for it canada are you even trying
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Dororo someone wake tilde up okay lets start!
Sorry I really needed the washroom I'm ready now.
This series is based off an Osamu Tezuka manga. It's kind of interesting that it's getting an adaptation after all this time.
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This guy is playing some dangerous games.
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wow, spooky
Well at least the demons didn't take all of his first-born son. Just most of his physical body.
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this guy fathers a son with no face and is like aight cool thx demons
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Good OP so far
Oh MAPPA's animating this show. Time to put more of those fujobucks to good use.
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>>627991 yeah great OP for sure
>When you expect the kid to want to die but he keeps on trying to live anyway This kid's got a real mood.
This shows pretty intense already I like it when does the kid grow up to be a super edgy looking MC
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>>627995 probably in ep 2 when they skim through his upbringing under Eustace Bagge, the samurai
Looks like the kid's already cutting his teeth on the street at least.
They got a good seiyuu to voice this kid.
oh maybe the edgelord MC isn't dorororrorororoorororooror
Huh yeah that's probably right. Wonder why Dororororororo is the title MC then though.
oh that's him that's edgelord>>628002 looks liek it
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Is that the no skin baby?
Probably. He looks like he's got a fake face. And the kid from earlier that passed him said he was wearing a mask.
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fucking demons and shit this is what it's like when you got the old blood
Oh he's faceless no more.
weird did the demons give back his face
Well he killed it. Dunno if that can be counted as giving it back. More like he took it back by force.
Ah yep. An Amazarashi ED. Two good songs for this series.
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>are you human idk lol wanna hunt some yokai
>OP opens with "party is over, but I still wanna dance" >Are you human? >Or are you dancer?
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well thanks for anime for real this time!
That was fun. Sankkyuu
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ok thanky for animey
is an E
and an F
and a g