Thread #626099
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anime sorry for late
Chou osoi.
Cooking with Emiya Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai Lord El-Melloi II Case Files (F/SN spin-off) Persona 5 - Dark Sun Yagate Kimi ni Naru Persona 5 is a double-length feature, for your information.
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oh neat We'll do P5 if no Jan.
Well I let both of them know.
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I put up the ikasignal, too. We'll probably end up starting with P5 unless Jan shows. If Jan shows we'll do goblin irozoku yagate uh and maybe stick lord el-melloi in there.
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There's Ika. Let's give Jan enough time for me to go get a drink, and then we'll start.
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okay then persona 5 dark sun okay lets start!
Poor Sender 5
I'm excited to see how they pull off this last trick. And I really like this animation version of the OP. The subway bit is really well-done.
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I really like the song.
So did Akechi really shoot "him"? Guess so? I wonder how they knew Akechi was deceiving them all along.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 811x702, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 12 [7(…).jpg )
In the game, there are a few scenes with Akechi drops hints to his being a traitor. I didn't catch some of them in the anime though.
Oh that's right. The MC knew him even way back before this all started. That's a nice little tieing everything together.
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Yeah, the game hits you over the head with that connection a bit more blatantly.
Za Phantom
Hah hah she's gotten pretty comfortable being his maid by now.
Oh there it is. That's a really well-done subtle clue that he's suspicious.
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Yeah, that was the big one that clued me in. I was like what when he heard the cat.
He's a little more nuttier than he let on for most of the plot.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 537x669, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 09 [(…).jpg )
Well he's been found out now.
This is such a cool calling card for the finale.
it would have been neat if akechi joined them again at the end
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It was always kinda weird that she had a motorcycle.
Oh he cheated.
this is prett yrushed
I guess they couldn't budget another OVA episode. You think they could have though, with all the Persona money.
Or maybe there'll be another one? I feel there were some things unresolved at the end there. Well there's some after-credits stuff yet.
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I thiiiiiiiiink that it will get wrapped up in the after credits scene.
games over after shidfo
oh wait theres more i forgot
Well at least this time they gave us the date for the next episode.
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Yeah, I guess so. okay soooo let's see what our position is okay well in that case let's do goblin slayer irozuku
Let's just do clean up. I feel bad about not having Jan but he'd probably understand. And honestly he'd probably be annoyed we put it off as long as we did.
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goblin slayer! okay lets start!
gobu the p5 anime was bad but at least it wasn't as bad as p4
Gobuready Oof this show's volume is much higher than Persona's.>>626161 As someone with zero experience playing the game it was a good enough experience. I didn't feel like they had plot issues. The QUALITY could have been better, especially for a franchise as big as Persona, but I've seen worse.
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It was a decent enough adaptation. They really just adapted the game faithfully and didn't take many chances.
These two paladins are pretty intense.
Oh no Orukuborugu is really getting his head kicked in.
Wow that's a pretty ingenious ... and vicious way of using Protection.
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Priestess is a weird character. She has such limited spellcasts, but it seems like her spells can be used in really crazy ways.
Well in D&D terms she's probably still pretty low-level. Spellcasters get very few spell slots early on. And Clerics if I remember correctly might not have as many as Wizards. Though Priestess also seems to be very much a support-role cleric. She doesn't seem to have any straightforward offensive spells.
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This is the first time she's actually healed someone in awhile.
Elf-chan ended up being a pretty cute character. She was kind of bitchy at first but she's got a bit of a flirty smug streak which is nice.
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He alraedy is kinda considered an adventurer already.
Yeah, but you know how he is. His autism probably means he never considered that side of it.
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Preistess' player is pretty slick.
ORUKUBORUGU Hah hah they're all making a scene over it.
Oh early credits.
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oh neat We'll get to see more.
Yeah that's exciting to hear. This was a really fun series.
I want to see his fAve face
That's probably never going to happen.
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We got to see a big part of it already. okay irozuku okat lets start!
Colour full
This is a much more elaborate ritual than the one that her grandma originally used to send her back in time. I guess as she aged Kohaku got better and better at magic.
this showw didnt live up to my high expectations but it was okay
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It was okay. It wasn't the best PA works show but they have a lot of high quality stuff that's hard to compete with.
They also have a lot of really lame shows that it avoided falling into, which was really nice. I enjoyed it a lot, but I don't really go into shows with expectations usually.
Guess you shouldn't do complicated magic while carrying regrets.
More Yanagi Nagi music!
>Make sure you're born, okay? I don't know if she has much say in that.
Wow she texted herself from the future.
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The first and last eps of this have been the best looking ones.
Well if you're going to allocate funds pragmatically that's probably one of the more sensible dispensions.
It must be a little weird calling your grandma by her actual name.
how to become besties withy our granddaughter: the anime
Oh Kohaku did end up marrying that guy who helped her make the magic device that sent Hitomi back to the future.
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Yeah, going back to the future where all your friends are old people is kinda weird. thanks for anime!
Oh is that all?
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hmm, I think so. It's sorta late. Let's do Yagate another night. I think we'll have lots of time as the new season starts up slow.