well let's make good time and we'll play it be ear!
so are we spyce? or ulysses?
okay spyce! okay lets start!
Is Jan even immediately available? I know he was gonna maybe Smash with Samu.
I was thinking maybe Release the Spyce first to give him time for a bit. Honestly most of the stuff on the list by now is stuff we watch with him hah hah.
I'll let him know he's got about half an hour for Gridman; I don't know what else. Well maybe Ulysses. We could always do five shows if we make good time tonight. I'm free from the restrictions of school for the most part now so it's up to you two how long we can go.
Let's start with Spyce since we're both ready for it. It and Ulysses are both non-Jan shows.
lets do 1-2 non-jan stuff
Supa pa parappa
The spy gear they have is so typical and kind of cliched it's great.
I feel like the author is really good at making sisters look like each other but nto be exact clones. The sisters in YY also resemble their onee-sans in a good way.
>Learning Irish as a language I mean it's a cool cultural thing but if a foreigner like a Japanese person goes to Ireland and tries to communicate in Irish rather than English they're gonna get weird looks.
>>615587 Nah man Takahiro's come a long way since Akame ga Kill. He's over the whole "gotta kill all the main cast before the final battle's up" trope.
Momo's shishou is a strong candidate for death sacrifice though.
Woah bikes that camoflage as a car. That's some cool tech.
I wonder if this lady is an intense double she's set up to fool Tsukikage. It feels like something in her capabilities. But yeah I guess Momo can literally LICK THE TRUTH out of you.
Oh was Guitar-chan was the traitor all along. That's a shame she was pretty cute.
With one of the shishous a traitor and another probably reaching her limits of being able to dope on Spyce. And another one blown up in the water. It looks like the final act will be the hapless kouhai having to make things happen.
I don't get why it's always "baiser" when they talk about Monmorrency kiss-drooling the elixir into Jeanne's mouth. Like Japan has some perfectly good words to describe a kiss.
Oh that's why she stole a kiss from him when they last met. Got a taste of elixir to become a superhuman.
The black Ulysses' helmet's eye ports gives her the image of having arrow eyes.
Yeah it seems like it was a mistake for him to do that though
I mean it was probably a mistake to make a pact with a high level demon of Hell in the first place Once you make one mistake you might as well make the most of it and make all of them.
Good going Monmorrency you eating the stone literally woke up Cthulhu.
We'll have Jan in a minute or two. So we can Gridman or just Goblin Slayer if you feel we'll only have time for four and you want your comfy at the end.
We'll see how I feel at the end of the two of them.
alrighty then what's on the menu? >>615658 i'll take you, bath, and dinner >>615657 i prefer goblin but they're both on my list whichever order you guys wanna do
>>615655 Yeah Goblin Slayer would have been my expectation for what's first hah hah. As long as we get the both of them done though. Ready to /ss//ss/.Gridman
I heard this episode was really good but that is a meaningless statement because every episode has been really good.
It was getting a bit monster-of-the-week-y for me up until a few episodes back but then they kicked the weirdness into overdrive and things got interesting.
>>615663 huh really? i thought it was kind of boring until like six episodes through it's certainly picked up in the last few episodes though
>Collapse Time for things to come tuuuumbling down~
Oh it was just a dream. I thought Alexis was fucking with her or something.
>>615664 yeah i think that's probably why i wasn't really digging it i'm not generally a fan of monster of the week formula unless they've got a really good hook and writing
Hah hah hah
Poor Anti. He just wants a tasty meal. And to fight Gridman.
>>615665 I've loved the last few episodes. The last five or six?
The river outing episode with the swimsuits was kind of the big hook point I think. I think that's when they first brushed with the idea of the city being some kind of weird dimension? And then there was that epsiode with the kaiju girl and things kind of accelerated into the main plot fast.
All out GATTAI! It's a shame they've got to waste such a cool mode on such an uninspired kaiju.
i think the turning point for me was the patema inverted city showing up that was cool
after that the show slowly got more engaging as they fleshed out the characters i guess
If there's been one thing kind of disappointing about the main plot getting engaged it's that the awkward budding romance arc between Yuta and Rikka kind of got put on the back burner when they started investigating Akane.
>You have eyes like a person Don't you mean eye like a person Akane.
goblin sloblin you know it kinda seems odd that they have that viewer discretion warning even though there hasn't been much that isnt standard for dark fantasy violence in a while it's like how COPS has one but they don't show the cops beating anyone or shooting
>>615689 Well the show pretty consistently has scenes of violence and there's been a fair number of episodes with sexual violence. After the public reaction to the first episode it's probably better safe than sorry to put some kind of a content warning on the show.
Rape has been a pretty consistent theme of this series.
>>615691 yeah it makes sense for sure but it's not exactly dorohedoro
Dorohedoro also doesn't run on public television!
A lot of fantasy, even stuff that's more dark than not, tends to sidelines the whole concept of sexual violence being commonplace in these medieval-esque worlds really. Though that's becomes less with the popularity of stuff like Game of Thrones portraying a less light-hearted fantasy world. Either way it's not something that really needs to be a regular part of a story to make a good story. The cost of suspension of disbelief isn't that huge.
>milky chicken stew what the heck
I imagine it as a kind of creamy chicken stew. Which sounds fucking delish.
Hah hah I wonder how many people are gonna recognize him out of his armor.
Also Goblin Slayer's shirt is a really Shirou-esque shirt.
Hah hah hah. They're making her gay name insistence difficult to keep track of.
>crunch time kowai
This is a pretty intense manga club.
How horrfiying.
trying to draw when you're exhausted seems like it would be a bad idea then again i'm not an artist
Well it's kind of fun if you're just goofing around. There's a certain kind of creativity that comes out of the loopiness of sleep deprivation. For serious drawing though you should probably have a clear mind though. I had a friend that was in a serious year-long boot camp for illustration a few years back. It had her running like twenty-one hour days where she was drawing pretty much every moment she didn't need to do life-sustaining activities. Sure it improved her skills but it also burnt her out HARD by the end of it. And was overall a detriment to her health while she was doing it.