Thread #608002
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Hey moe. I'm in hospital atm, i had a bad panic attack.
my condolences. feeling any better?
>>608004 Oh no. I hope you'll be all right.
I'm coping at the moment. Waiting on bloods and trying to be calm
I was listening to The Circle of Life because of the new Lion King trailer earlier and now it's completely stuck in my head.
i am zipping around in space shooting cyborg people with a bow and arrow slashing infected zombies with a sword throwing kunai at mutants and otherwise being an anachronistic piece of shit Warframe has changed so much over the years it's a bit overwhelming
idk how to ask for help
Yeah, I don't really know either.
>>608010 what kind of help do you need?
>>608004 Shitsux Get well soon
>>608008 i wish they atleast change the story enough to not have the bad ruler- drought good ruler- rain
Apparently yesterday here was the coldest November 22nd in the city's history.
>>608012 im not sure
>>608016 try screaming
or maybe phone somebody there are a bunch of national lines here but there's probably local lines that can provide assistance or direction too
>>608017 im on a train i cant
>>608017 it hurts you have to scream Blue if you're around this is probably to your interest.
Search [iqdb] (354 KB, 644x658, kawaii sou.PNG )
I feel as if the person who did the narration understood that they weren't Fumihiko Tachiki but did their very best to deliver a Tachiki presence. I will accept this.
>>608023 I too have a snip of this exact shot saved. It's very well done.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 14:32 No. 608025
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they're saying incest-kun has a concussion apparently they said he fell down though
Well I guess it's a Thanksgiving miracle things turned out so fortuitously, mh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 14:47 No. 608027
you even got free pie
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 14:51 No. 608028
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>>608026 I dunno if I'd say it was fortuitous but I guess it worked out.>>608027 tru
2018/11/23 (金) 14:55 No. 608029
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Wonder had your mother planned something like that to happen, I mean didn't she originally invite whole fish family too?
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/23 (金) 14:55 No. 608030
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>apparently they said he fell down though What's that even mean? Did he fall down after? Or is this "the official story"?
2018/11/23 (金) 14:58 No. 608031
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>>608030 it means they most likely aren't going to pursue any action
2018/11/23 (金) 14:59 No. 608032
which is good, since it pretty was the guy's fault even if I do personally condone starting violence in any form, I must add
2018/11/23 (金) 14:59 No. 608033
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:02 No. 608034
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>>608031 Yeah, this.>>608029 She did, yeah. I dunno what she planned but it wasn't good.
>>608028 Well there was a considerable amount of dryness that I couldn't quite convey. I more or less agree.
he did fall down though it's not untrue
2018/11/23 (金) 15:03 No. 608037
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>>608034 I think just general sabotage>oh no our daughter is going to marry into this racist family
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I got you for bail anyway. Or maybe Fish would. They wouldn't something like that becoming a big thing.
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I should organize a thanksgiving thing with my friends one year.>>608040 Ah, I already know which group I want. The real problem is getting those people to forego Thanksgiving with family to Thanksgiving with me.
2018/11/23 (金) 15:08 No. 608040
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the problem I always have "okay I will invite friends to this" but then I think again "okay which group" inviting them all is just a hassle, since it would be quite many people and also some of them would know NO ONE aside from me so I never do that it might be fun, but I always but myself in the hypothetical one guy's shoes who knows no one, and having being in events like that... it was damn awkward
2018/11/23 (金) 15:09 No. 608041
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Maybe if I oneday have that big plot of land with my doomsday proof house then I will invite EVERYBODY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:10 No. 608042
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Party at TN's house
2018/11/23 (金) 15:11 No. 608043
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plot twist, moe mansion is in finland
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:11 No. 608044
I figured
2018/11/23 (金) 15:11 No. 608045
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I have gone in the past year from wanting to own a high rise condo or an entire floor to owning a plot of land somewhere south, with no neighbours in 100m sight so I could just DO WHATEVER outside of explosion works and never have to worry about noise complaints
2018/11/23 (金) 15:12 No. 608046
also adds the possibility of digging out a basement for storing veggies and a brewer y
2018/11/23 (金) 15:16 No. 608048
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and a doomsday bunker
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:18 No. 608049
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>>608038 Getting arrested would be pretty bad for me, though. I'd get kicked out of school and wouldn't be able to get my doctorate. I can survive on my masters but I want the doctorate so I can be a good husband for Fish!>>608039 Friendsgiving would be awesome. I'm down for it.>>608037 Yeah, but I don't think she established anything new.
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2018/11/23 (金) 15:25 No. 608051
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time to finish the Dragalia Event
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:26 No. 608053
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>black friday shooting on Thanksgiving (Thursday) >>608050 I'll come as a cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:26 No. 608054
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Sales are some shit
Search [iqdb] (486 KB, 2480x3507, 梨花-酱 - 无题 (71726022) 3ページ.jpg )
are you really a cat?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:28 No. 608056
Search [iqdb] (558 KB, 991x1289, かむ/ろむむ - イケナイ子に育ってきたアビーちゃん (71(…).jpg )
The Wii U really happened
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:29 No. 608058
I still have mine over there
2018/11/23 (金) 15:29 No. 608059
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:29 No. 608060
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>>608055 You bet your ase I am.
2018/11/23 (金) 15:29 No. 608061
>>608056 kinda amusing but youc ould dox setzeri with this information
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:29 No. 608062
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What sort of monster would do that to such a wonderful creature
2018/11/23 (金) 15:30 No. 608063
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a bored neet detective
2018/11/23 (金) 15:30 No. 608064
but simply said the amount of gamestores here that take used stuff is quite low
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:30 No. 608065
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In Finland, huh Every gamestop around will gladly buy your used garbage here.
2018/11/23 (金) 15:30 No. 608066
we have like 5 gamestops
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1000x705, くれ〜ぷ - お知らせちゃん (71716995) .png )
the ones that take stuff here will give you like $30 for it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:31 No. 608068
also that that's kind of the tradeoff
2018/11/23 (金) 15:31 No. 608069
>>608067 and sell it for 300
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:35 No. 608070
nah, probably like $100
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>all stamina restored KEIKAKU DOORI
2018/11/23 (金) 15:42 No. 608072
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haha MEMES
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:42 No. 608073
>>608072 oh thanks for the workout regimend TN I'm going to do most of that
2018/11/23 (金) 15:42 No. 608074
maybe I should start doing saitama training
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:42 No. 608075
... the heck's a curl up
2018/11/23 (金) 15:43 No. 608076
I think it means the ab thing
2018/11/23 (金) 15:43 No. 608077
sit up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:43 No. 608078
oh ok makes sense
2018/11/23 (金) 15:43 No. 608079
aside from if you had to do 100 on the spot, I could do all of that well not 10km running I have no running stamina
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608080
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let's go running and suck at it together
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608081
lol discord chat running
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608082
oh I meant in person but that works
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608083
sure fly over here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608084
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608085
>>608075 ... really
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:44 No. 608086
>>608085 yeah I'm familiar with >>608077 but is that a curl up
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Perfect sweep for 20250 points It's over
2018/11/23 (金) 15:47 No. 608088
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:47 No. 608089
>>608088 that's an awesome sign
2018/11/23 (金) 15:47 No. 608090
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Yeah well november on average is the most depressing month>not yet snow or proper winter >always overcast >day lenght 6 hours to 0 hours
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:47 No. 608091
>>608086 curl-ups are crunches
Really? Here its January
2018/11/23 (金) 15:48 No. 608093
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January usually has snow which is fun december can be actually MORE depressing in terms of weather than november, but it has the winter vacation so
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:48 No. 608094
>>608091 ok so sit ups unless you make the argument that the two are different which I mean I guess kind of.
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snow is trash January is cold. All the holidays are over. You're statistically likely to have broken your resolutions by then. You're starting to think of your taxes. The realization that everything is the same sets in after a few days.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:49 No. 608096
>>608094 they are different like entirely different they work on different muscles
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:50 No. 608097
>>608096 I think my school made the transition from crunches to situps because crunches hurt your back or something. Is that right Although I'm sure there are other things you can comment about in that sentence.
2018/11/23 (金) 15:50 No. 608098
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I atleast have an excuse in the sense that those are all "vatsalihasliike2 to me
2018/11/23 (金) 15:50 No. 608099
sata punnerrusta, sata kyykkyä, sata vatsaa ja kymmenen kilsaa juosten anna palaa paska
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:52 No. 608100
>>608097 yeah both are actually bad for the back bc they compress the spine
2018/11/23 (金) 15:52 No. 608101
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let it burn let it burn go ahead and pour that gas
2018/11/23 (金) 15:53 No. 608102
>>608100 yeah what are the new ab moves I read about the traditional ones being actually shit, but don't remember waht the new ones are
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 15:53 No. 608103
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I want to compress your spine
2018/11/23 (金) 15:54 No. 608104
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No thank you I am short enough as it is
2018/11/23 (金) 15:54 No. 608105
>>>/watch?v=KkM71JPHfjk btw this is awesome
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:55 No. 608106
>>608102 uhh probably leg raises? idk what the standard is these days, most people still do sit ups bc they don't know about the back stuff ab wheel rollouts maybe
2018/11/23 (金) 15:56 No. 608107
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I am in quite decent shape, but my abs could do some working not to mention general weight loss, but in terms of muscle strenght
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 15:58 No. 608108
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I don't do abs stuff much. I just run, mostly. Pull-ups occasionally. Push-ups sometimes.
2018/11/23 (金) 16:01 No. 608109
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I walk, cycle and do shopping trips which does involve heavy backbags
2018/11/23 (金) 16:01 No. 608110
carrying around 5-20kg backbags for food keeps your upper body in surprisingly good strenght
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:03 No. 608111
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and now it's time to read... all these doujin that I haven't gotten to. There's too much
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:06 No. 608113
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Blue, did you see Sorry to Bother You yet?
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...have I gone to the movies this year
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it's on DVD now, isn't it
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>>608112 there is too much
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:09 No. 608117
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:10 No. 608118
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>>608115 Yeah. BD, too. I'm going to watch it with Fish today.
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:11 No. 608120
>>608119 nice
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the entire touhou universe has become better. Thanks Strange Chameleon
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:17 No. 608123
>>608121 maybe id get into 2hu if it was like that
2018/11/23 (金) 16:19 No. 608124
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here a random side character after blue's heart
2018/11/23 (金) 16:29 No. 608125
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btw ever realise how weird it would be to actually be a dark souls character die respawn rinse repat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:30 No. 608126
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That applies to all those other nice people that are hollow you're meeting too you know The only thing that separates you from those little nerdos is you're stills sane for now.>>608127 Possibly the abyss Which you might bump into sooner or later.
2018/11/23 (金) 16:30 No. 608127
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I know wonder where all that humanity keeps spawning from
2018/11/23 (金) 16:31 No. 608128
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>>608126 I have the item for it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:31 No. 608129
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1332x1863, 082cf742fb9d75a04cfa3081b1ab7096.png )
Oh yeah you do I actually meant a separate area of the game but that item is definitely important.
2018/11/23 (金) 16:32 No. 608130
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 600x750, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
I have items that describe four kings falling into abyss and item that says some guy went into abyss and only survived thanks to that ring or shit so... 1+1=2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:32 No. 608131
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Oh good yeah There are definitely people who forget to use it.
2018/11/23 (金) 16:32 No. 608132
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 488x861, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
I do need to grind some xp or forgo using spear and sword since with my current gear without havel's ring I go into 1st endurance penalty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:33 No. 608133
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1067x1334, 851a1c2bf4a77ed45b1e877e0d4febd0.jpg )
I take it your other ring equipped is the fap ring
2018/11/23 (金) 16:33 No. 608134
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 1000x953, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
yeah the asshole's ring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:34 No. 608135
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 804x859, 39e6ecd98dbd3317fc6db8054b0a3e1c.jpg )
And I'm sure you already read "don't remove this"
2018/11/23 (金) 16:34 No. 608136
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 720x1280, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
if the ring says IT BLOWS UP IF YOU REMOVE IT I for sure took it off the instant
2018/11/23 (金) 16:34 No. 608137
also btw damn the chosen undead is shit at swordsmanship
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:34 No. 608138
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Well you know can't be too careful!
2018/11/23 (金) 16:34 No. 608139
Search [iqdb] (263 KB, 1052x744, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
he actually uses known stances and moves but he doesn't really connect them or continue from them so it looks so amateurish
>>608139 What is the correct amount of time to stare at the other guy's dick when i go to sauna?
I'm guessing long enough to be a complement but not long enough to make it weird
2018/11/23 (金) 16:41 No. 608142
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 803x897, __taneshima_popura_working_dra(…).jpg )
why would you stare at it?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:41 No. 608143
Search [iqdb] (897 KB, 818x1229, IMG_20181117_195644.png )
What's y'all's favorite movie of 2018?
>>608142 To be polite to my host
2018/11/23 (金) 16:42 No. 608145
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You ask a question I havn't given any thought ever>>608143 dnno I don't think I have seen any movies released this year
>>608143 If it's longer than a five minute YouTube clip its not worth watching
Search [iqdb] (636 KB, 434x578, ISANA.PNG )
>>608124 quite the professional attire
is a five minute youtube clip longer than five minutes
2018/11/23 (金) 16:48 No. 608150
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>>608148 depends hwere you are viewing it and how fast you are moving
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:49 No. 608151
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>>608148 Yeah So don't waste your time with that shit
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~just friends~
2018/11/23 (金) 16:50 No. 608154
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hmm come to think of it someone asking about sauna culture is always weird as a finn you are so used to it, you never think about it casual nudity a norm
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2018/11/23 (金) 16:52 No. 608156
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reimu should just think of "I can sell it"
>>608154 Is there a lot to know about sauna culture I figured you just sit in the box
2018/11/23 (金) 16:54 No. 608158
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nothing you won't learn by going into one
I'm going tonight
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:55 No. 608160
inb4 you die
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hecka no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 16:58 No. 608163
I'll take it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 16:59 No. 608164
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>>608161 That's gonna be you, rip
2018/11/23 (金) 17:00 No. 608165
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>>>/watch?v=o922oky7PoU >>608161
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:00 No. 608166
im hittin 13mb/s today oh man
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this is one of the only functional "families" in touhou
2018/11/23 (金) 17:01 No. 608168
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2018/11/23 (金) 17:01 No. 608169
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you can see all kinds of saunas in otaniemi my favourite was a skii-ing elevator from some alpine resort added to the "eroticism" how it had see through walls
2018/11/23 (金) 17:04 No. 608170
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Jaloviinaseura is one of the most finnish academic organisations>our goal is to drink and spread thej oy of jaloviina
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 1280x1896, 14.jpg )
i am alive
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This is the content I am alive for
2018/11/23 (金) 17:08 No. 608173
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 2000x1500, e4d78d88eeed1087ac462d3c609731db.jpg )
man this would be good applecider if I had used better yeast
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:11 No. 608174
2018/11/23 (金) 17:11 No. 608175
recipe hon my scroll fing
I'm home now. I have to rest but I can't sleep.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:27 No. 608177
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 774x871, 20181122_234455.jpg )
Did they give you anything?
>>608177 I wanted them to but no. It is a little stressful trying to sleep. I wish they could have knocked me out.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:30 No. 608179
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 666x1061, IMG_20181122_084203.jpg )
What are you going to do?
I'm trying to rest on the couch. My little sister is over to help me keep calm. I wish I could sleep. I wish they gave me something that put me to sleep
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:36 No. 608181
Search [iqdb] (405 KB, 800x941, 68753574_p0.png )
I think it's good that they didn't. I'm sorry to say that, but anything they would have given you would be highly addictive and I worry about you a lot. I'm glad to hear your sister is over. Are you doing anything to try to relax? Music? TV?
We are watching star trek voyager. How do you relax? Any suggestions?
Sister went to the shops because my fridge was empty. She got a pack of calms. They might help me.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:43 No. 608184
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20181116_185306.jpg )
>>608182 I usually just watch TV and talk to Fish. I try to make jokes. Sometimes I focus on other people's problems and try to help others to get my mind off my own problems. I'm feeling anxious today, so Fish and I are watching movies.
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 225x427, permadel.PNG )
I use the Do-Beam. It helps me relax.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 17:53 No. 608186
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 400x1786, IMG_20181123_125324.jpg )
this is the realest shit
2018/11/23 (金) 17:53 No. 608187
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To be continued
2018/11/23 (金) 17:53 No. 608188
>>608185 oh so you picked up cute in kyoto
Kalms is apparently valerian root extract. Ive taken some.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 17:58 No. 608190
>>608186 looks both comfy and uncomfy
Search [iqdb] (546 KB, 1280x1825, _CO_009.jpg )
I haven't seen a Takana Shinno in so long
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:02 No. 608192
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:02 No. 608193
>>608191 are they leaking love? are they gay?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:03 No. 608194
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1000x1625, 14a37dfe9cecc032f88078a0988b68b0.jpg )
Unless you have a confirmed lover you're probably gay if you're a touhou tbqhfampai
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:04 No. 608195
im asking if they're gay for each other
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1011x1422, Dsm3CyKU8AAPxAH.jpg )
Shinno is frequently shipping those two yes
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 1481x1470, 01da4dd4f35c9632576ce6cfccbe53bb.jpg )
>>608196 It's weird because Sanae isn't usually interacting with anyone in the games, since her shrine is so far away in a mountain surrounded by tengu and other dangerous yokai
2018/11/23 (金) 18:05 No. 608199
>>608193 gp-kids pairs sanae and reimu in quite many doujins canonically no one is gay for each other except Miko and ghost waifu
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:06 No. 608200
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Good to know.
2018/11/23 (金) 18:06 No. 608201
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Toyosatomimi no miko, who historically was male, thus nickname prince dunno if he turned into she after her reincarnation or just "historical inaccuracy" in gensoukyo history but she actually has a wife, who died, but isn ow a ghost
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>let us die together, oh friend of mine
2018/11/23 (金) 18:08 No. 608203
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me says millet soup is best 2hu doujiner
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:08 No. 608204
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, DYSnqp_VMAEQC64.jpg )
We're watching Rampage (2018) and this big truck sized wolf just jumped on a helicopter, ripped some dude out, and threw the helicopter into a mountain. It's so funny.
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Millet Soup is definitely high on the list. i don't know who I'd call favorite though
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 2048x2048, DsXk89DUwAE4t8w.jpg )
Probably karaagetarou
2018/11/23 (金) 18:18 No. 608207
Search [iqdb] (265 KB, 900x1200, f76a2e6c78f3f86039ca7cb552832c1a.jpg )
millet is one of the few alixpa artists
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:20 No. 608208
Search [iqdb] (680 KB, 822x1042, しの - アビーちゃん (71573092) 3ページ.png )
Yes, and it's the best AlixPa And the best Shanghai and the best TA-DA
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:23 No. 608210
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It's been a very long time since I've read touhou stuff like that.
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>Unimaginary Friend oooh, a Koishi bo- ... oh
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:25 No. 608213
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:26 No. 608214
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:26 No. 608215
I would like permission to touch his nose.
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 850x1200, _16.jpg )
>When you spend your whole day trying to cheer up your friend only to find out they're a pervert
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:29 No. 608217
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 412x658, 0b070ec9ea9aabb1717470186d32983b.png )
Sounds like a pretty normal day
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 540x209, disakkointed.PNG )
>>608217 I had no idea you had such interests.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:30 No. 608219
fish is gettin excited about this>>608215 permission to boop granted
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:31 No. 608220
>>608218 I'm not really an ear cleaning boy TN tried to share asmr ear cleaning stuff with me and it actually took me some effort to be comfortable.>>608219 awesome
Search [iqdb] (426 KB, 1022x738, this wasn't surprising at all.PNG )
haircuts are better - person who doesn't get haircuts more than 10 times a year
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:33 No. 608222
i need a haircut so bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:33 No. 608223
>>608222 I got one I have received many many compliments
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meanwhile, in homuville
2018/11/23 (金) 18:34 No. 608225
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>>608222 cut your own hair
2018/11/23 (金) 18:34 No. 608226
or actually have fish cut your hair
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:34 No. 608227
she does not have such skills
2018/11/23 (金) 18:34 No. 608228
time to develop
do not use your own head as a test bed
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:36 No. 608231
>>608230 haha nobody does that in america homu pls
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 18:36 No. 608232
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 700x973, Dse1D-1V4AEtEiM.jpg )
hello>>608231 i guess it happens with family. like, close extended family i do it with my aunts, but that's it.
2018/11/23 (金) 18:37 No. 608234
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>>608233 I have you as pet
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1172x791, keep it together.PNG )
wow slavery call up itou hachi and let our forbidden love begin
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:40 No. 608236
Search [iqdb] (400 KB, 1024x1024, SPAS-12.png )
>>608233 Oh, really? The only person I kiss is Fish I guess my grandma kisses my cheek sometimes
2018/11/23 (金) 18:40 No. 608237
>>608235 What if I call Mira instead?
2018/11/23 (金) 18:41 No. 608238
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 600x700, fa91ec2148b77fcbd001889691f315cc.png )
Kisses as greeting is if I am not wrong an old french tradition and a tradition in east europe is a quite weird and eveni n eastern countries it isn't a kiss just kind of cheek rub while making a kind of kiss sound or not
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, DsCoihrU4AIjX7B.png )
>>608236 yeah, with my grandma too. and cf but that's about it
2018/11/23 (金) 18:42 No. 608240
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 642x1000, ef9134b57945d61a1fdb6766b42a0cf9.jpg )
>meet super high ranking bishop >have to do orthodox greeting >How do I even >am not even orthodox >halp
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:42 No. 608241
>>608239 hawawawaa
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:43 No. 608242
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 774x871, 20181122_234455.jpg )
who was the last person you kissed on the mouth, /moe/?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 18:44 No. 608243
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:45 No. 608245
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 304x271, IMG_20181121_071446.jpg )
>>608244 My aunt is single!
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 1447x2046, Dfu02f7U0AA97yr.jpg )
If she can do it, I can too.
2018/11/23 (金) 18:46 No. 608247
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>>608245 why are you pimping blue your aunt?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:47 No. 608248
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 1447x2047, IMG_20180724_081913.jpg )
She's a nice, single, Jewish socialist, that hasn't gotten any in a long time. I'm just trying to help everyone out.>>608246 She's divorced! She wasn't single forever!
2018/11/23 (金) 18:48 No. 608249
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 675x795, 21dec9e1b244d1360f995717b1b34088.jpg )
and the age difference is?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:49 No. 608250
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She's aged like a fine wine, don't worry.
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touhou doujins have changedwar has changed
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:51 No. 608252
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To answer your question, though, about 30 years.
2018/11/23 (金) 18:56 No. 608253
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Now these are good odds For the Ikko Ikki!
Search [iqdb] (990 KB, 1082x2000, イコモチ@3日東ノ-05b委託 - アンチョビ (64801221) .png )
age gaps give me bad memories
2018/11/23 (金) 18:57 No. 608255
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>>608252 wew how old are your parents even
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 18:57 No. 608256
Search [iqdb] (611 KB, 2892x4096, IMG_20181101_192345.jpg )
My dad is like 60, I think. My mom is 54 or 55 or something.
2018/11/23 (金) 18:58 No. 608257
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the general BURNs are sometimes amusing in this game
2018/11/23 (金) 18:59 No. 608258
Search [iqdb] (383 KB, 1920x1080, 20181123205835_1.jpg )
>clan if my memory serves Ikko Ikki are just peasants + minor nobles united by religion and being pissed off at the daimyos and emperors
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 19:01 No. 608259
Search [iqdb] (976 KB, 822x1200, f16.png )
>>608254 Do you read this?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 19:03 No. 608261
>>608260 its good It's called Melt Away Mizore-chan It's about a yuki onna that wants to be able to play outside with a young girl during the summer.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 19:04 No. 608262
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 19:05 No. 608263
This is also good It's reverse isekai.
2018/11/23 (金) 19:06 No. 608264
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 1920x1080, 20181123210625_1.jpg )
Look at this line of TRUE FAITH spears making short work of the heretics
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:11 No. 608265
Search [iqdb] (931 KB, 740x1080, e8.png )
kids are scary
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:28 No. 608266
Search [iqdb] (211 KB, 436x464, 1461629422711.png )
Time to watch Jurassic World Jeff Goldbloom starts off by saying we shouldn't save the dinosaurs because we're playing with forces we can't be trusted with I think I'm supposed to disagree with him but I don't
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:31 No. 608267
ofc fish is a biologist and disagrees with me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 19:35 No. 608268
the new jurassic world? it was pretty ok
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:35 No. 608269
i heard it was bad but we're gonna find out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 19:36 No. 608270
It definitely isn't as good as the other Jurassic World.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 19:36 No. 608271
Like the ending is pretty what And there's some things they bring up and kind of immediately don't matter.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:36 No. 608272
>>608270 like, the originals or the 2015 one?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 19:37 No. 608273
>>608272 The 2015 Jurassic World, not jurassics parks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 19:37 No. 608274
So if you weren't a fan of the 2015 Jurassic World I suspect you will like this even less.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 19:37 No. 608275
i didn't dislike it it was decent
Search [iqdb] (265 KB, 579x806, かぷりちお - 笑顔 (70749787) .png )
>more of chori's MizuLili Yes.>hidden kiss NO.>there's another book YES.>it's H ... I can deal with this.>and heartbreaking i want to die
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 19:47 No. 608277
Getting this for a friend.
2018/11/23 (金) 19:53 No. 608278
Search [iqdb] (354 KB, 600x600, ca7ad0449e56719fb6e5c4ae34fc0e61.png )
>>608276 Oh you read that
Search [iqdb] (779 KB, 1500x2121, あくま - twitter【アップ絵】まとめ14【全部で13(…).png )
I've been waiting for Mizuki's "more" since Meltysunny. AND HE GIVES ME THIS
2018/11/23 (金) 19:55 No. 608280
>>608279 here this is a good healing
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:00 No. 608281
time to eat some of that pie
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:00 No. 608282
Kirara check this out >>608277
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 2508x3541, エカーペット4世 - 庭園 (65777439) .jpg )
>>608280 I reread meltysunny so I'm healed already but I might as well.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:01 No. 608284
>>608282 You're a HUGE NERD
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:01 No. 608285
>>608282 interesting
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:03 No. 608286
>>608284 t. guy who runs more rpg sessions than me
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 645x724, eh.PNG )
isn't this from that book with that one cirno
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:08 No. 608288
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg )
>>608286 yeah but I don't have TURBO NERD DICE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:08 No. 608289
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:09 No. 608290
>>608288 II'd argue playing it digitally makes yu even more of a nerd.
Search [iqdb] (251 KB, 659x1000, ウーマル - るー (62912918) .jpg )
you spend less money that way though. You don't need to get a bunch of physical things. Just pul from the internet
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:11 No. 608292
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 2446x4096, IMG_20181119_171955.jpg )
There's an Amazon strike today
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:11 No. 608293
>>608292 Noice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:11 No. 608294
Oh I guess in a couple days I'm getting both MGSV for basically free.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:11 No. 608295
Hrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmm I'm not going to discuss the deets but my dad is actually currently suing Amazon.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:12 No. 608296
>>608294 both?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:12 No. 608297
yeah thank you humble monthly I'll either play them or try to pawn them off on someone else.>>608298 yes both
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:12 No. 608298
what do you mean both ground zeroes and phantom pain, or?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:13 No. 608299
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1158x1050, 4da7658dfe18598d3993d08da39e1c59.jpg )
Like I've been giving some of these to friends but honestly I should sell them to nerds such as ... people on the internet.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:16 No. 608300
>>>/watch?v=ZqXSs_A6F9g I really appreciate that the composer for EO is uploading stuff like this.
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 500x981, ウーマル - よーむ (63650170) .jpg )
ugh, this will be impossible to find on danbooru All I remember is Cirno and a weird house and "the resistance!"
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:18 No. 608302
>>608301 This actually sounds familiar
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:20 No. 608303
Wouldn't that Hmm Well I shouldn't be making assumptions I never read anything but did you already rule out Advent Cirno
Search [iqdb] (819 KB, 677x1062, たま。 - kis (70338601) .png )
it is 100% definitely not Advent Cirno. Style totally different and the Cirno was a very particular kind. Very eccentric.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:21 No. 608305
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 661x900, DAG9JqHVoAIQ2Eg.jpg )
everyone i tell i gave that guy a concussion is like "hell yeah that's awesome" even though im trying to express that i feel bad about hurting someone more than i intended
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:21 No. 608306
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1067x1334, 851a1c2bf4a77ed45b1e877e0d4febd0.jpg )
>>608304 Ok good I definitely have no idea then. Good luck
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:22 No. 608307
>>608305 Shouldn't you be unhappy that you injured someone at all?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:23 No. 608308
Search [iqdb] (4.4 MB, 3000x3000, 66226141_p0.png )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:23 No. 608309
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 640x890, Cj_Ik_LUgAE59EY.jpg )
>>608307 ?? No. He was attacking my girlfriend, and I warned him to stop. He didn't stop, so he suffered consequences. I feel bad that I hurt him more than I intended to. I don't feel bad that I hurt him in general.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:24 No. 608311
Search [iqdb] (605 KB, 1000x1000, b94d05b7971c1c1df00dc9d121af387c.jpg )
Somebody has to have the desire to punch someone for being an ass.
Search [iqdb] (4.1 MB, 2894x4093, ダイソン@ギガドレイン - キングテレサ姫 (70862561) .jpg )
>find artist >click artist name >see artist recent art >all this anime titty ...someone got better at drawing, huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:25 No. 608313
Search [iqdb] (976 KB, 1240x1754, 4d5848eaabda18d0c7ec36f9623ba0eb.jpg )
The absolute healing power behind anime titty.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:26 No. 608314
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg )
>>608311 I don't mind if people are just asses in general. I do mind actual attacks on my loved ones.
2018/11/23 (金) 20:26 No. 608315
Search [iqdb] (479 KB, 1920x1080, 20181123222638_1.jpg )
... I know the AI cheats but when they just spawn generals into armies something that YOU CAN'T DO
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:27 No. 608316
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 710x1024, cd8894113009c2d38b2cff49e4c748d5.jpg )
>>608314 Yes, I appreciate that you actually have the resolve to do that sort of thing.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 566x800, __cirno_and_daiyousei_touhou_d(…).jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:29 No. 608318
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 20:30 No. 608319
Search [iqdb] (505 KB, 850x708, 1407956098201.jpg )
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uni mate became really good over the past eight years
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 600x540, Dsc4tQ9VsAAZrsM.jpg )
>Cirno Reimu One-Two-Three >part 8 >six years ago DID THIS EVER CONCLUDE
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:43 No. 608322
Search [iqdb] (300 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181123_111216.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:43 No. 608323
2018/11/23 (金) 20:46 No. 608324
>>608321 no
Search [iqdb] (506 KB, 1100x1571, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_b(…).jpg )
Remember when Yukari literally ruined everything
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 20:55 No. 608327
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 569x874, IMG_20181029_203410.jpg )
The new JW is kind of boring. It's basically the same exact story as the last one.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:58 No. 608328
that and with less interesting things to look at really.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 20:58 No. 608329
like there literally isn't a whole gaggle of dinos running around because it's kind of the point of the movie but as a result there's less dinos to look at and that's kind of less fun
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 600x600, 1742073.600.1176767.jpg )
I never knew sitting naked in wooden box with four other dudes could make me so happy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:00 No. 608331
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 505x717, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
>>608329 >>608328 Yeah, agreed. It's hard to pay attention.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:01 No. 608332
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg )
Like in all honesty the fact that they're dinosaurs is inconsequential. You could have just used some other kind of animal that already exists and clone it and dna garble it.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:04 No. 608333
yeah, it's basically the plot of any syfy movie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:07 No. 608334
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:07 No. 608335
lol the way they killed the indoraptor is so silly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:08 No. 608336
bonk ohno help I'm stupid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa convenient landing also
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:09 No. 608337
how did Jurassic World 3 get greenlit after this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:09 No. 608338
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1000x1400, 0d6be30bc9c5efa2b85d5d05b100178c.png )
That Pratt fellow is handsome so they've got that going
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:10 No. 608339
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:16 No. 608340
i hope the dinosaurs pretty much destroy the human world for the next movie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:17 No. 608341
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 848x1041, 0f5dd53351cf2f6d159e49a50c79e632.jpg )
Also the bit where the dinosaurs are dying and everyone's like "This is for the best" and then the small child just smacks that button was really silly to me. You know, unleash absolute chaos.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:18 No. 608342
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1000x1412, IMG_20181122_090834.jpg )
i would have hit the button
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:18 No. 608343
You are a pretty chaotic person.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:20 No. 608344
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That's probably true. It'd be for the best.
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hello hello
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:22 No. 608347
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hello rika>>608344 I don't entirely agree because >>608340 is likely to happen However, in a "it's karmic retribution for people being idiots", I'll agree with you in that sense.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 750x750, DsWzuPRV4AAYP17.jpg )
someone save me i'm reading 8 year old doujins knowing that they will not have a finale
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:23 No. 608349
Search [iqdb] (24 KB, 268x268, IMG_20180930_141436.jpg )
>>608347 What if the end of humanity is what's best for humanity?>>608345 Rika-chan, hello. How are you?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/23 (金) 21:23 No. 608350
>>608348 Stop
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 21:24 No. 608351
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>>608349 Things will be far less fun if humanity is dead and gone
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>>608349 I'm doing well, today I paid back sleep debt.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:26 No. 608353
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>>608352 Sounds nice. I found out that guy does in fact have a concussion. I feel a little bad about it.>>608351 Survival is fun!
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>>608350 you're bad at this BAD just look at this absolutely abnormal ship
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>>608353 Oh yeah, all that sounds a bit bad!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 21:54 No. 608357
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>>608356 Yeah. I only meant to knock him down. Didn't mean to bash his skull in. But oh well, that's life.
2018/11/23 (金) 21:55 No. 608358
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>>608357 It's just a concussion so he'll recover.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:02 No. 608360
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>>608359 Yeah, but he hit his head. He could have died. I mean, even as things happened, I could have gotten arrested.
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but you didn't and now you're here and so OH YEAH LIFE GOES ON
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Yeah, that's true, you could have been arrested. You do need to be careful about these things.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:06 No. 608363
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>>608361 Yeah, but the more I think about it, the more obvious it is that I fucked up bad. I should have just gotten up and left instead of hitting him.
>>608358 do you shitpost on ylilauta?
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I don't know anything about it other than that it looks like the Finnish equivalent of 4chan
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>>608363 Well, you can just do that next time. If there is a next time.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:14 No. 608367
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>>608366 Yeah, but >>608362 is right. I need to be more careful.
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Yeah, grown men have to be careful. You guys have a lot of destructive potential.
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>>608367 It's fine though. Now everyone else knows that they have to be careful too.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:16 No. 608370
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It's not fine! I'm trying to be someone who will be a good husband. I need a good job and to not be in jail. I can't just go around hurting people (in an environment where I can get in trouble for it).
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:17 No. 608371
>>608368 cute bear
maybe a good husband needs to kick some ass.
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>>608370 Yeah, you can do that in the future. And you're getting away with this one. Verdict: Okay
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Do you think you get violent too often?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:20 No. 608375
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>>608373 It's not. It's part of a pattern of behavior that's going to get me in a lot of trouble someday.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:22 No. 608376
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>>608374 No. I just break laws too often. I'm always doing risky things that could get me in trouble.
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well, break less laws maybe fix some with tape>>608378 brake lesser laws
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:24 No. 608378
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1048x1451, IMG_20181102_202659.jpg )
2018/11/23 (金) 22:24 No. 608379
>>608364 no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:24 No. 608380
>>608377 that patchouli looks like she's about to punch someone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:24 No. 608381
>>608376 Are you realizing this now ?
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I am.>sorry, i just meant to knock the law on its ass. >i did not think it would get a concussion
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:25 No. 608383
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 1000x1303, IMG_20181116_182409.jpg )
>>608381 No. But this is the first time I almost killed someone by accident.
2018/11/23 (金) 22:26 No. 608384
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Not trying to rub salt in, but that is the gist of it any physical assault can be deadly
2018/11/23 (金) 22:27 No. 608385
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 550x700, 6ed5041484ae76649120f106869691c8.png )
For example think of houdini while his life doctrine of "no doctors" or something was a major part, he died because of a one single punch to the stomach
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 800x1129, DmWyQlnU0AAWdgS.jpg )
how you gonna explain killin a man
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:28 No. 608387
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 800x1082, 200996a97f0ba6e1cb93c8c87222d364.jpg )
On the subject of killing a man, I forgot that among my games that I accidentally have I had the new(er) Hitman So that's neat. x
2018/11/23 (金) 22:28 No. 608388
Search [iqdb] (316 KB, 1100x1350, 367b9b18f7be539d6b1d0a73e0f9fc4b.jpg )
And there was an unfortunate case where some random passer by went to insult protesting neo-nazies and one of them kicked him once the guy walked home and then bled to death few hours later in a hospital humans are damn fragile better hurt their ego than their body no one can really sue you for mean words that easily atleast atm
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:28 No. 608389
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There's also One Punch Postman but that had a good ending.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:31 No. 608391
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I just don't want to lose the life I'm trying to build with Fish. I want to make her happy.
2018/11/23 (金) 22:32 No. 608392
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adopt a pacifist aggressive attitude like me
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>>608391 you're a person capable of self-reflection so I don't doubt that you'd be able to do the right things So forgive my completely abnormal amount of optimism in this situation.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:37 No. 608394
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
I'm conflicted. I don't really want anime titty showing up on my figure shelf but I kinda want this
2018/11/23 (金) 22:37 No. 608395
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 829x537, Dr2hKVuXQAMn2HV-orig.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:37 No. 608396
by the way spoiler-tier NSFW
bitch is that a figure or a framed photo of a figure
2018/11/23 (金) 22:39 No. 608398
Search [iqdb] (453 KB, 600x900, 68841121_p12.png )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:39 No. 608399
>>608397 both
it's not a framed photo. it's a figure with a frame fascinating
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:40 No. 608401
2018/11/23 (金) 22:41 No. 608402
Search [iqdb] (210 KB, 1920x1080, 20181122182851_1.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=8Hu5FiyCg2Y oh yeah forgot to post this yesterday when I was doing wulfwarfare
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:43 No. 608403
oh I'm digging your fashion
2018/11/23 (金) 22:43 No. 608404
Search [iqdb] (416 KB, 1920x1080, 20181117100204_1.jpg )
btw was this boss supposed to be hard?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:44 No. 608405
Priscilla isn't that hard, she's just invisible. She also asks you PLEASE LEAVE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:44 No. 608406
she was pretty much easiest boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:44 No. 608407
That's not pinwheel
2018/11/23 (金) 22:44 No. 608408
okay that was easiest boss but pinwheel was retarded
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:44 No. 608409
By the way, like all dragons, Priscilla's tail is ALSO cuttable.
2018/11/23 (金) 22:45 No. 608410
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but these guys were surprisingly easy>>608409 is only reason it took me so long I tried tried tried to cut the tail nope
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:45 No. 608411
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg )
Yeah, I am very surprised you dealt with bow the infamous archers and the SLAM JAM duo without much difficulty
2018/11/23 (金) 22:45 No. 608412
it was bow cuck with easy to dodge moves and fatman with so telegraphed moves you could see them before he even moved>>608414 ' whatever I would have killedh im like in an instant, but I then started attacking fatso, thinking it was like in dmc3 the other absorbs the other's power and then becomes IMBA, but that barely happened fatso just got lightning and healed and was still easy as fug to kill maybe spearcuck would have been harder in supermode
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the what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:45 No. 608414
Ornstein doesn't even use a bow he uses a SPEAR that shoots lightning but still the fact that you couldn't tell that worries because that means he didn't get near you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:46 No. 608415
>>608413 Ornstein and Smough Mario and Luigi Pikachu and Snorlax The Anor Londo Slam Champions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:46 No. 608416
>>608412 Giant Ornstein is harder for me but some people find him easier.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/23 (金) 22:46 No. 608417
check out this boss bun
2018/11/23 (金) 22:47 No. 608418
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 650x936, 66090392_p0.png )
4 bosses I have had trouble so far with the capracunt mothwhore, because my rolls didn't work for reasons lavacunt, because heh its like 20 metres from his actual attacks or spams moves that you can't dodge despite you being in range of his main moves, but he just goes "nah I gonna spam my ranged attack for shits and giggles and then mantiwhore, because he was also a cunt and once again for fucking reasons, my roll didn't work
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 878x1200, DqcK2-CU0AA0UMk.jpg )
>it's only 5;47
2018/11/23 (金) 22:48 No. 608420
I bet mantiwhore would have been damn easy with a strenght+poise build
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:49 No. 608421
>>608419 that's a cute image of miko>>608420 His lightning hurts still but probably. I think his wave still staggers you
2018/11/23 (金) 22:49 No. 608422
>>608421 lightning rapid fire would have been cunt in that yeah I only had trouble with his 4 hit combo, which he sometimes spammed 2x in a row and my rolls not well rolling for reasons
2018/11/23 (金) 22:49 No. 608423
Eventually I just dodged him nonstop and attackedh im only when he did big moves which made the fight damn lame but hisn ormal patterns didn't leave any openings to really attack him damn boring boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:50 No. 608424
Oh you can also tailcut the manticore but haha
2018/11/23 (金) 22:50 No. 608425
>>608424 TRIED all I got was poison for that
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:50 No. 608426
Search [iqdb] (998 KB, 1214x860, 63180525_p0.jpg )
We've watched 3 movies today and we're about to finish a 4th and then one final movie to end the day
2018/11/23 (金) 22:51 No. 608427
oh yeah I could have also fired my crossbow or thrown fireballs at him... I forget way too often I have those
2018/11/23 (金) 22:53 No. 608428
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 688x808, DaMX8EpVwAALuwd-orig.jpg )
>>608426 watch the Thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:53 No. 608429
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 704x769, 1353287b5bba411cd913b176cd9cb7e8.png )
>>608426 Maximum Overcomfy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:54 No. 608430
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>>608428 not tonight
2018/11/23 (金) 22:54 No. 608431
Search [iqdb] (336 KB, 1254x1771, __reinhard_von_lohengramm_ging(…).jpg )
have you seen it?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:54 No. 608432
well yeah that movie is older than me
2018/11/23 (金) 22:55 No. 608433
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:55 No. 608434
and what it's a good movie
2018/11/23 (金) 22:55 No. 608435
your reasoning for why you have seen it is silly>it is older than me >so i must have seen it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:56 No. 608436
There are many movies older than me that I have not seen. I have also not seen many movies that are younger than me. Or many movies.
2018/11/23 (金) 22:56 No. 608437
there are more movies older than you than younger than you
i have seen every movie older than me for i am time incarnate
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:56 No. 608439
>>608438 this
2018/11/23 (金) 22:57 No. 608440
how did you like valkoinen peura?
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:57 No. 608441
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 600x641, DqWkrfyWwAEgjhC.jpg )
i didn't finnish it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:57 No. 608442
>>608440 7/10
2018/11/23 (金) 22:57 No. 608443
is actually damn solid movie, but yeah no eng subs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:58 No. 608444
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 804x859, 39e6ecd98dbd3317fc6db8054b0a3e1c.jpg )
>tfw the dark souls players on /moe/ haven't played the DaS3 dlc for one reason or another and I can't guarantee TN will continue the series to that point either aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:58 No. 608445
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 752x1062, DqWNSuTU8AAauzE.jpg )
>tfw only dark soul on /moe/
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:58 No. 608446
>>608441 nice
2018/11/23 (金) 22:58 No. 608447
>>608444 gift me the games and I will
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:58 No. 608448
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1272x1280, 4575a9014f776f990c2b45a81d003ff4.png )
Oh is that so now...
2018/11/23 (金) 22:59 No. 608449
oh wow oh 75% off I thought DaS3 complete edition was normal priced 25€
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:59 No. 608450
No, it's only really 1.5 years old at most.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 22:59 No. 608451
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 1223x2048, DqPt2HSXcAAYM1y.jpg )
oh yeah, it's Black Friday season I should look into computer stuff
2018/11/23 (金) 22:59 No. 608452
HAHAHA can't run that would need 2 additional cores and almost 2x better graphic driver
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 22:59 No. 608453
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 725x1024, de6c08530e7044c26f821a1e32064d27.jpg )
Bummer. I wonder if you can run 2, even if it's >2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:00 No. 608454
as in>Dark Souls 2
2018/11/23 (金) 23:00 No. 608455
ofc I can
2018/11/23 (金) 23:02 No. 608456
hmm the das2 bundles are confusing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:03 No. 608457
yeah it amounts to "don't buy DaS2, only Scholar"
Search [iqdb] (509 KB, 500x281, 1443954225593.gif )
2018/11/23 (金) 23:03 No. 608459
>>608457 that is the "has all that das2 ever has" pack?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:03 No. 608460
it's technically a different game since they also moved enemies, but yes
2018/11/23 (金) 23:03 No. 608461
retard company
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:04 No. 608462
i uhh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:04 No. 608463
>>608461 DaS2 is the only game they changed spawns on And it was also developed by a different team because the main team was doing Bloodborne.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:12 No. 608464
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20181116_185306.jpg )
>>608458 Did you have work today?
2018/11/23 (金) 23:13 No. 608465
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m56s, 5.9 MB, 338x254, baf93d680df45932.mp4 )
>>608463 lel
2018/11/23 (金) 23:13 No. 608466
oh yeah anyone want a free game?
2018/11/23 (金) 23:14 No. 608467
is called Achron a strategy game with time shenanigans due to steam gift bug I got it twice
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:27 No. 608468
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1000x1394, DqZ1LFQVAAArNRA.jpg )
wait crap today's friday isn't it
That it is.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:29 No. 608470
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 600x540, Dsc4tQ9VsAAZrsM.jpg )
There's a wedding tomorrow.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:31 No. 608471
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 1450x2048, DiO3ukZVQAA-TK3.jpg )
that's it. I'm uninstalling whatsapp. this is why i shouldn't have installed it in the first place it didn't even help m e
2018/11/23 (金) 23:32 No. 608472
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 670x898, __yin_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
enjoy being forced to reinstall it later
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:35 No. 608473
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 883x536, IMG_20181029_201523.png )
there's a small hole in the back of my pajama pants and fish keeps saying she can see my butt hole because it's a hole in my pants butt and she WON'T STOP
2018/11/23 (金) 23:35 No. 608474
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 900x1238, 1510076728889.jpg )
repeating is the core of comedy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:37 No. 608475
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 777x771, IMG_20181102_120619.jpg )
she keeps sticking her finger in it she's gonna tear it more
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:38 No. 608476
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1011x1422, Dsm3CyKU8AAPxAH.jpg )
tearing your butt hole
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:39 No. 608477
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 584x663, IMG_20170918_075705.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:40 No. 608478
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
Now that I think about it there's a hole in my rob
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:40 No. 608479
>>608453 More like Dark Souls poo
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:43 No. 608481
Search [iqdb] (301 KB, 1565x1241, DsoCwDhU8AId64f.jpg )
>>608477 I hope this isn't creating a rift in our relationship.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:43 No. 608482
>>608480 oh hi Maria how have you been
>>608482 Good other than the inconvenience of moving houses I went to a Japanese festival today. I'd have taken photos if my phone wasn't dead I had no idea flower arranging was as cool as it is, but it is
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:44 No. 608484
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 774x871, 20181122_234455.jpg )
Time for one last movie.>>608481 You're ripping my heart out, Blue. This is going to be hard to patch up.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:45 No. 608485
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 627x885, DievpgYVsAAU5QT.jpg )
>>608484 i'm sorry. I'll fill in the gaps. That's what friends are for. Putting each other back together. fractured but whole
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:46 No. 608486
>>608483 Oh that sounds lovely.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:47 No. 608487
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1000x1415, IMG_20181116_182452.jpg )
>>608485 Some holes can't be filled. Sometimes you have to throw it away and get something new.
>>608486 Yeah I got some tea and met a really nice artist. Shout out to
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:50 No. 608489
Search [iqdb] (6s, 8.1 MB, 1200x900, me playing Daoko Lost.webm )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:50 No. 608490
that image strikes me as a month late
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:51 No. 608491
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1157x1302, Dshb-GRUUAEhWdm.jpg )
11 months early
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:51 No. 608492
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20180310_093653.jpg )
watching The Meg fish wanted to
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:53 No. 608493
oh shit the dude that played Hiro from Heroes is in this
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:54 No. 608494
oh wow what a flashback
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:55 No. 608495
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1240x1748, みみずく - そうかい (71804159) .png )
mi se te yo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:56 No. 608496
>>608492 Wow what a coincidence I watched that yesterday morning at work with that nurse. It was ok. Definitely more pleasant/entertaining than the film before it (which I googled and it did well so I'm slightly disappointed), but not the best thing I've ever seen.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:56 No. 608497
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 304x271, IMG_20181121_071446.jpg )
Fish and I watched Django Unchained Rampage Jurassic World Deadpool 2 and now The Meg today>>608496 Fish has wanted to see this for a while For somewhat obvious reasons
2018/11/23 (金) 23:57 No. 608498
Search [iqdb] (588 KB, 649x649, 6960153_p0.png )
come to think of it I should hold a marvel day someday soon I have like what... thor3 antman DA BEST MOVIE DERE IS and infinity wars and what else to watch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:58 No. 608499
>>608497 She can be the asian marine girl to your hunky bald hero self
2018/11/23 (金) 23:58 No. 608500
>>608497 has she seen jaws?
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:58 No. 608501
Search [iqdb] (644 KB, 1000x1414, ガム男 - (「・ω・)「 (71546349) .png )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:58 No. 608502
>>608501 The heck is she gao-ing at
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/23 (金) 23:59 No. 608503
Search [iqdb] (555 KB, 1650x2475, IMG_20181010_181130.jpg )
>>608500 everyone has seen Jaws even ToN has motherfucker ton >>608499 hmmmm
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:59 No. 608504
I have not seen jaws get fucked
2018/11/23 (金) 23:59 No. 608505
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/23 (金) 23:59 No. 608506
I have seen parts of Jaws but I do not think I have sat down and seen the whole thing
2018/11/23 (金) 23:59 No. 608507
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 937x1500, __micolash_host_of_the_nightma(…).jpg )
You think people have seen movies but for example I have seen 0 die hard movies and rockie movies
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 00:04 No. 608508
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 639x594, IMG_20181123_190418.jpg )
2018/11/24 (土) 00:04 No. 608509
>>608508 reminder that Vergil HAD A KID by the time dante and vergil duked it out in dmc3
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 00:08 No. 608510
you can have a kid without ever having sex
>>608504 same
2018/11/24 (土) 00:09 No. 608512
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1000x827, Drtx4BmU4AAhKB8-orig.jpg )
>>608510 sure but that way the kid won't be a son of sparda
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 00:40 No. 608513
>>608508 Doomguy is actually canonically a virgin and does not know what sex is.
2018/11/24 (土) 00:40 No. 608514
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1200x900, DrF_K0bUUAAFvyj-orig.jpg )
>>608513 Dunno with 2016 Doom he might actually have a son
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 00:41 No. 608515
>>608514 I doubt it.
2018/11/24 (土) 00:41 No. 608516
>>608515 Depends on how they do the lore does DOom2016 onnect with old doom or not but the Doom Slayer if he is also the Betrayer, has a son and the betrayer's son who is the Demon Betrayer made the Doom Slayer's/guy's armour
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:00 No. 608517
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:03 No. 608518
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brain worms
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 01:09 No. 608520
Evening again rika
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:09 No. 608521
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 765x1240, IMG_20180815_195911.jpg )
I can't breathe though my nose again. It's really annoying.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:10 No. 608522
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 1460x2048, Dsq7LwyVAAEgxHm.jpg )
>>608521 but professional!
2018/11/24 (土) 01:11 No. 608523
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 650x936, 66090392_p0.png )
>>608521 as a kid I once had my nose stuffed for 2-3 months so long that when I breathed through my nose again, it felt damn weird good thing I didn't beome a mouth breather
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:12 No. 608524
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 600x800, IMG_20181106_164515.jpg )
I'd die >>608522 Lol, luckily I don't have work.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:13 No. 608525
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 01:16 No. 608526
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
Maybe having everything be controlled only by apps is bad
2018/11/24 (土) 01:16 No. 608527
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 1024x768, __onozuka_komachi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>608524 also add to that constant ear infections and blocked ear canals making hearing hard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 01:18 No. 608528
>>608522 very good shiggy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:18 No. 608529
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 1500x2300, IMG_20181030_161340.jpg )
Fish likes this movie a lot more than I do.
2018/11/24 (土) 01:18 No. 608530
maybe cause ith as the big fish watch big fish with her
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:34 No. 608531
In before it fucks the planet even more.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:35 No. 608533
>Scientists are proposing an ingenious but as-yet-unproven way to tackle climate change: spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth's atmosphere. WHATS THE FUCKING WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:41 No. 608534
let's just cause a chemical winter not like volcanic winters have served as mass extinction events or anything
>>608534 Like, every volcano eruption ever has ruined the whole ecosystem wherever it had happened there's been constant volcanoes erupting in guatemala, indonesia, other places that the first world doesn't care about but her hurt pretty bad
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 01:55 No. 608536
>>608516 Doomslayer is old Doomguy, the betrayer is a demon wo betrayed the demon race by helping Doomguy.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 01:56 No. 608537
highlander 2 ass shit
>>608536 so who is the guy whk betrayed the knights guarding the angel things
>>608534 you know let's deny the kill on nature
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 02:13 No. 608540
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 02:13 No. 608541
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 02:14 No. 608542
doomy! (the doom squid)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 03:03 No. 608543
>rin shima that doesn't sound as cute as Shimarin
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 05:02 No. 608545
ToN, have you done Tohou sort recently?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 05:04 No. 608546
not very recently.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 05:05 No. 608547
You should Here's mine Jesus Christ that's a big URL. Although after going over it it seems like I messed up because thete are characters that I like more than certain characters that Have worse ranks.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 05:07 No. 608548
Search [iqdb] (323 KB, 1388x941, Sort.png )
here's one from uh 6/2016
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 05:08 No. 608549
>>608548 I usually remove pc-98 duplicates because comparing them to the windows versions feels weird.
>wake up >truck isn't even on delivery tracker >call DC >delayed 24hrs because of holiday D A Y O F F B O I S
Nice nice. Having a surprise break day is always pretty nice.
anime >>608552 →
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How's the haps, Mersh
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hand Shakers - (…).jpg )
I have recently been winning the internal battle against my self-destructive tendencies and that is very much a good thing.
Yeah it definitely is. Good for you. Especially in these cold environments, it can be especially hard to rail against the temptations to take it easy.
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>>608652 yeah but what's your mining lv?
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Tell me about it, man. I can't wait for summer already. I miss the sunlight so much.
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>>608656 52 but only because I had to power grind it up to do Legends
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>>608662 has there been slowfall there? here it's just kind of dry and icy also: do you take vitamin D supplements
I take vitamin D supplements pretty much year round. Mostly because I have this huge-ass bottle of like eight hundred tablets so I literally never run out. And also because I'm pretty indoorsy and I figure there's a good chance I don't get enough of the D even during the warmer seasons. We had a bit of snow earlier this week but for the most part it's just been dry and chilly. Tends to be pretty dry here even some times up until Christmas, the real snowfall hits around late-January/early-February.
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I kind of wish I was going to be here in January just because I want to see a REAL winter then again, the novelty would probably wear pretty thin after a few days and I'd wish I was back in the southern hemisphere
Yeah, snow is pretty miserable when you've got to deal with how it impedes your ability to drive/be driven, walk, and stay dry. It looks pretty but for me at least it's hard to reconcile the pleasantness of that with the nuisance of its being in a positive fashion.
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hand Shakers - (…).jpg )
oh I believe it but just, you know - to try it to experience a new way of life And then I'll go back to my 40c Australian summers
Sounds nice. I'd take being crisped alive over being cold any time.
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maybe this is one of those Grass is Always Greener things
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I love the idea of getting Comfy while it's all disgusting and freezing and several feet of snow outside.
It's nice until you remember the next morning you're gonna have to go out there and shovel it all out of the driveway.
>>608671 yeah it sounds great like when it's raining outside
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>it's really cold and the days are short and that kind of sucks >but what would be really cool is if it was even colder and the days were even shorter
>>608674 I LIKE the way this sucks
boop. morning.
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>>608676 I'm watching this thing about UK knife crime you guys sure do like stabbing each other
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>>608677 Knife crime is relatively low. it is only 6% of all violent crimes. 80% of violent crimes involve no weapon. plus london organised gang crime has a huge skew of crime statistics London is the worst place in England where minorities and the poor are pushed out because of gentrification.
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x960, [Kira-Fansub] Kidou Tenshi Ang(…).jpg )
surely you're not suggesting that the media would sensationalize a controversial issue
differences between eu and us * heh. I meant to copypaste a url but I pasted a line from my essay this: but like you said - that's mostly london
Yeah, its kinda fucked up how we can see how fucked up London is but MPs and rich fucks still just carelessly push the poorer further and further out without proper access to shops, services, mental health access. London's crime statistics are dramatic because the disregard for anyone other than the rich in london is dramatic.
I actually managed to sleep. I'm pretty weak feeling and sleepy. I couldn't sleep at all yesterday and the day before. I had been up for so many hours,
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 11:37 No. 608683
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:02 No. 608684
>>608684 Working in the south pole sounds kinda peaceful.
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot0022.jpg )
I'd do it just for food and board
err. At least for the short term
I wonder if money is even useful in the south pole? I don't really know much about there. There are probably towns and stuff there?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:12 No. 608689
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It's a 4 month position. But no benefits. So you get no medical care or anything while you're there.
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 1920x1080, Flip Flappers - 03 [1080p][468(…).jpg )
It's like prison you pay for everything in cigarettes
>>608689 I've heard they just get flown to the nearest hospital. They don't have medical facilities there.>>608692 That is kind of trippy, its like a closed off world where there are no towns and money isn't useful. I'm still pretty sleepy but thats sounds kinda cool.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:13 No. 608692
>>608688 there are no towns in the south pole only research bases
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>>608689 I don't like being a foreigner that's always shitting on the way things are done in America but sometimes you guys make it hard.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:14 No. 608694
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America is pretty bad.>>608691 Money would be useful on the base. They'd have a shop. For miscellaneous snacks and stuff.
>>608694 I thought they were given supplies in food. oh right. I guess that makes sense.
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>>608694 There's lots of great stuff about America but the healthcare stuff is so fucked up I don't even know where to begin
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:15 No. 608697
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If you go to a prison, the prisoners can buy snacks at a little shop, too.>>608696 America is nice in terms of the ecosystems in it, but America has no positives as a nation.
Money is everywhere. It'd be nice to escape somewhere, where // Well its more like a dream just working for food in a hydroponics lab and not having to deal with lack of money or lack of housing.
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>>608697 well I disagree with that too
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:18 No. 608700
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Living in America is hell
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the first universal truth that the buddha teaches us is that life is suffering
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:19 No. 608702
buddha can suck a dick if he thinks that we should intentionally be made to suffer more
Dick enlightenment
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x960, [Kira-Fansub] Kidou Tenshi Ang(…).jpg )
>>608702 well that isn't what it means.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:21 No. 608705
we should obviously try to reduce suffering if we can America is all about suffering all about killing people destroying lives making people wish they were dead
That suffering part of Buddhism is a certain sect of buddhism. Different sect have different interpretations. most of my knowledge is historical and to do with Japan. That humans have desire is one of the root causes of suffering. mundane life is rife with suffering UNLESS you embrace the the tenants of removing desire worldly desire and infatuation with the material world is the cause of suffering and for some sects you can gain enlightenment and in this life be free from suffering in others you can never be free from suffering and entering nirvana is the goal - cessation of your existence is your goal.
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it's not about inflicting unnecessary suffering on anyone or making yourself suffer needlessly it's more like an acknowledgement that humans are limited and fragile beings and that it's an unavoidable condition for existence because to exist is to be finite and if you're finite you'll suffer. I don't fucking know it's not like i've ever studied buddhism and this is an anime board.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:25 No. 608708
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i know how to end all the suffering
>>608708 enter nirvana and become one with all things
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:28 No. 608710
allow humanity to finally de die then we can finally be at peace
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:28 No. 608711
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20181123-203559_Chrome.jpg )
let's do this
>>608709 Nirvana in my understanding isn't about being one with all things. it is about reaching a point of enlightenment that you are able remove karmic bonds and cast your self into emptiness, free from all things. a lot of different sects have different ideas about it. But the I think Pure lands buddhism is that you are ending your existence. I can't remember what sect it was might not be pure lands - other sects say you become part of the Cosmic buddha who encompasses all things. The main idea of Nirvana though I believe is just escaping the loops of reincarnation and finally terminating your existance.
>>608711 That makes me think of the matrix. Scorched the skies.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:33 No. 608714
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destroy humanity to save the world
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i will fight to defend humanity
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:36 No. 608716
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 2023x2866, IMG_20181124_064943.jpg )
nature is going to take back everything we stole and it's going to hurt we can suffer while it does or gve everything back willingly and let ourselves go peacefully
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I don't think our current idea of nations, nationalism and shit like that are going to continue in the future without destroying us collectively. Wars exist because this whole idea of controlling national boundaries and establishing laws, customs etc in those boundaries. And we are continually developing better and better ways to kill each other and less unwilling to use bio-terrorist //terrorism etc. plus we fucked up with anti-biotics. we aren't far from a virus that could wipe us out also I was reading a while ago about solar flares being a threat to electronics that we could suffer a massive collaspe of society if a large enough solar flare hit the earth because of our dependance on electronics
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>>608716 nature's a little bitch i'll fuck that cunt up come@
The hospital took so much blood from me. I'm still pretty dizzy. I might need to eat more. my right arm feels bruised from the IV needle. really unpleasant feeling.
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if you lure a virgin into your castle you can suck some of theirs
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:48 No. 608721
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kannagi bathory
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 12:57 No. 608722
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Y'all should watch the The Ballad of Buster Scruggs by the Coen Brothers it was really good
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 13:50 No. 608723
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we're gonna win in the end
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There are no winners We don't keep score. The goal of the game is to play nicely and to have fun .
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 13:55 No. 608725
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you win if you have fun but sometimes you can't play nicely if you want to do that sometimes you gotta remove people from the game
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the winning move is not to play at all
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:06 No. 608727
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It is so weird. I was so panicked and unwell yesterday and I'm still not great but its like I yesterday was a dream and didn't happen.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:18 No. 608730
Search [iqdb] (371 KB, 1451x2048, DscSNbxU4AArcUY.jpg )
what if it didn't
>>608729 maybe it didn't.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:20 No. 608732
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Life is but a dream.
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Not me I'm woke af
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:22 No. 608734
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If we're all in the dream who is the dreamer
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Its kind of disturbing how easily you can box without concious effort really shitty experiences and days. I don't mind it too much. I'm happy to feel a lot better today.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:22 No. 608736
Search [iqdb] (675 KB, 999x714, しろすず🎲三日目G-43b - 「ふふ。ごめんあそばせ?」(…).jpg )
>>608734 funny to assume that there's only one
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:24 No. 608737
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Bold of you to assume there's a dreamer at all.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:24 No. 608738
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>>608735 welcome back to happiness
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things are starting to feel a little surreal here too spending all day alone in a small room with no natural light
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>>608739 Things can really easily feel surreal. pop to shops, get something nice.
>>608738 Thanks! Best friendo.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:26 No. 608742
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 682x879, IMG_20181030_155140.jpg )
cyber deals goin on wish i could get a good keyboard im so fucking poor i want to die
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:28 No. 608744
Search [iqdb] (494 KB, 600x900, DsmzcFLU8AApEBX.png )
what kind are you looking at? ...or were you looking at any
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None of the deals I find on cyber deal online are cheap enough for me usually.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:29 No. 608746
Search [iqdb] (673 KB, 724x1023, cf2f842ec4345964d78b1713f86296(…).jpg )
a mechanical keyboard so i can do my job without suffering and make enough money to stop being poor
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:30 No. 608748
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 800x1184, IMG_20180925_225835.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:31 No. 608749
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 831x676, areyouacop.png )
>>608747 how much is it?
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:33 No. 608751
what kind of streak do you need before you start finding a shiny
>>608751 I watched someone on a stream going up to a 340 at the time I stopped watching trying to get a shiny nidoran
>>608750 it says 89 marked down from 179 but i really don't believe those kind of promotional details it's probably selling the same everywhere for 89 and its msrp was 179 at full retail price when it came out but it's naturally at 89 now and not as part of a special sale
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:36 No. 608754
>>608751 it's just increasing RNG there's probably an upper limit to the rate though
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:37 No. 608755
Well, the old value is 1/2048 chance so maybe it just goes up by one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:37 No. 608756
>1/2048 maji that's higher than it's ever been
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:37 No. 608757
>>608756 wasnt it? or was it 1/1024 Ah, I got the numbers mixed up I guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:38 No. 608758
It used to be 1/8240 or so then it was 1/~5000
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:38 No. 608759
And then if you use the masuda breeding method it brought it down to about 1/2500 And then there's the shiny charm item which can make it even better But I don't think these appl to what you're doing. There's also been that sort of chaining thing but I never really knew how they worked
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:40 No. 608760
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20180908_143656.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 1200x1600, 71673559_p0.png )
I'm gonna make soup. Delicious soup. I hope
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:41 No. 608762
people are soup
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 14:41 No. 608763
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1920x1921, IMG_20181124_094149.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 14:55 No. 608765
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 3000x3000, 70927342_p1.png )
2018/11/24 (土) 15:02 No. 608766
Search [iqdb] (580 KB, 874x1024, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_slime_dr(…).jpg )
this is the greatest show
2018/11/24 (土) 15:11 No. 608767
Search [iqdb] (650 KB, 350x204, 1237930018.gif )
>>>/watch?v=4CbLXeGSDxg >huh the cgi looks damn impressi...*sees a close up shot of simba* >okay where is "press F to raise lion"
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:12 No. 608768
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg )
2018/11/24 (土) 15:12 No. 608769
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 311x228, 1220982156.gif )
Remember when disney made traditional animations?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:14 No. 608770
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
The change doesn't bother me at all
2018/11/24 (土) 15:15 No. 608771
I can see but no one in the west really does those anymore
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:16 No. 608772
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg )
I don't really mind it
2018/11/24 (土) 15:17 No. 608773
though one has to wonder does disney even have people on roll that could makes ay another princess and the frog?
2018/11/24 (土) 15:19 No. 608774
Search [iqdb] (873 KB, 346x360, 1376516648529.gif )
Even taking my personal opinion about 3dcgi stuff, it is still kind of death of an art form, especially when it comes to disney whose origins lie in the traditional animation I wouldn't say they'd need to poop out one every year, that is ridiculous but I dunno once every decade?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:20 No. 608775
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 816x2048, IMG_20181110_062943.jpg )
It's sad, but that's just the way it is. These films have to make money. They make more money if they spend less money making it.>>608776 All about money.
2018/11/24 (土) 15:21 No. 608776
also considering half theirm ovies are just remakes of their old stuff just seems damn lazy
2018/11/24 (土) 15:21 No. 608777
but then again part of the fault lies in the CUSTOMERS if it sells, they will keep selling it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:22 No. 608778
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 954x1851, IMG_20181025_160102.jpg )
So they should just go without entertainment until Disney decides to listen to abstract, disorganized voices.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:23 No. 608779
2018/11/24 (土) 15:23 No. 608780
Search [iqdb] (829 KB, 500x366, Captain Makuross.gif )
Considering modern state of entertainment, I doubt they'd realise what is happening and instea double down on some weird point
2018/11/24 (土) 15:24 No. 608781
but it isn't really go without entertainment keep watching the pixar stuff but just skip the remakes
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:24 No. 608782
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 584x537, IMG_20180718_091331.jpg )
>>608780 Of course.>>608781 People want to enjoy the things they already know they enjoy. People want remakes. This is capitalism.
2018/11/24 (土) 15:25 No. 608783
Search [iqdb] (991 KB, 500x249, Hades.gif )
We should kill all the people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:25 No. 608784
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 848x1041, 0f5dd53351cf2f6d159e49a50c79e632.jpg )
Yesterday: "I don't condone violence" - TN Today: "We should kill all the people" - TN
2018/11/24 (土) 15:25 No. 608785
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 165x192, saitama_dance.gif )
>>608784 there is a difference between saying and doing and punching and genocide
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:26 No. 608786
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 1447x2047, IMG_20180724_081913.jpg )
Words become actions when it comes to violence. People who speak of violence are inclined towards doing violence. That's just how it is.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:27 No. 608787
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 2538x2532, 70927342_p0.png )
I've got cute Orchids and I'm not afraid to post them
2018/11/24 (土) 15:27 No. 608788
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 250x141, Russian.gif )
>>608786 Well I am a violent person
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:30 No. 608789
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 4096x2766, IMG_20181120_073802.jpg )
As am I.
>>608782 >>>/watch?v=93WRQ8HT_WA
2018/11/24 (土) 15:31 No. 608791
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1677x1194, __original_drawn_by_summergoat(…).jpg )
a 4 pic story
2018/11/24 (土) 15:31 No. 608792
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1462x1088, __original_drawn_by_summergoat(…).jpg )
2018/11/24 (土) 15:31 No. 608793
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 1309x1660, __original_drawn_by_summergoat(…).jpg )
2018/11/24 (土) 15:32 No. 608794
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1816x1359, __original_drawn_by_summergoat(…).jpg )
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:36 No. 608795
>>608789 Are you going to get fish that pillow
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:43 No. 608796
>>608795 she's got enough fish pillows
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:45 No. 608797
Search [iqdb] (292 KB, 1754x1352, DrniFfwUcAE38c6.jpg )
I just got a mMail from Fish saying "no, I don't"
2018/11/24 (土) 15:46 No. 608798
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1067x720, Sako - stare.gif )
she be stalking you oon moo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 15:48 No. 608799
>>608797 tell her she definitely does
2018/11/24 (土) 15:48 No. 608800
>a living shrubbery came at me with garden scissors Okay that is a creative opponent
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 1136x975, 1542961869803.jpg )
ayyyy we hit today's wordcount gonna give myself a Pat On The Back
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 600x600, 1541108949665.png )
Good job, Marsh now you can take the evening off. You deserve it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:56 No. 608803
>>608800 oh yeah those fellows
2018/11/24 (土) 15:56 No. 608804
Search [iqdb] (235 KB, 1920x1080, 20181124175514_1.jpg )
0 estus boss run against witch king of angmar guess what happened
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:56 No. 608805
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png )
Did you somehow defeat one of Gwyn's legendary knights without dying
2018/11/24 (土) 15:56 No. 608806
fuck no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:56 No. 608807
I would have been sad
2018/11/24 (土) 15:57 No. 608808
prolly could have taken it but didnt want to waste humanity or the divinity potion
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 15:58 No. 608809
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
Did you find the shortcut back I mentioned
2018/11/24 (土) 15:58 No. 608810
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:00 No. 608811
It's directly to the right of the boss fog, past the completely not bloodborne hunter.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:00 No. 608812
well, across a bridge, past the hunter, into the building and onto the square rock
2018/11/24 (土) 16:01 No. 608813
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 1920x1080, 20181124175320_1.jpg )
a smile you can trust
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:04 No. 608814
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg )
He's from the future
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:04 No. 608815
so are you
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:05 No. 608816
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg )
Great death coming, viewer
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:06 No. 608817
Search [iqdb] (198 KB, 600x600, blnkd.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:08 No. 608818
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:08 No. 608819
This is one of the most cursed things I've seen in a while.
>>608817 Nani
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:11 No. 608821
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 1268x1604, IMG_20180409_083941.jpg )
>>608817 oh, memories
2018/11/24 (土) 16:13 No. 608822
uh,... again>dodge >one slap >dodge >one slap >slap for fucking 3-5% of hp dmg GOD THAT IS BORING maybe he can be parried but if not this is also a fucking boring fight
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:13 No. 608823
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 628x812, d32ca73da9bd46a8b752be2c61253481.jpg )
Artorias is a fantastic fight, I won't have you call him boring. IT's a war or attrition
2018/11/24 (土) 16:13 No. 608824
how is it a fantastic fight when you just fucking slap fight him to death it is boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:14 No. 608825
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 710x1024, cd8894113009c2d38b2cff49e4c748d5.jpg )
He's not going to just fall over willy nilly! He's the knight who singlehandedly took on the abyss yet failed.
2018/11/24 (土) 16:14 No. 608826
it is a boring fight like some fighting games in suepr hard, where you just need to wait for cheating AI to make that scripted mistake and get that one hit in then there is nothing fun there except fucking pressing the imputs perfectly and being patient no seeing a weakness or finding a puzzle or something just boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:14 No. 608827
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 1200x746, 763828c4806f5d3074e7bf869a6de7ba.jpg )
There is the catch that you're using dex weapons I suppose.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:15 No. 608828
yeah, it is a little boring he's cool and jumps around real cool but it's still not a fun fight
2018/11/24 (土) 16:15 No. 608829
equally boring fight like that mantiwhore atleast mantiwhore took dmg>>608828 he has damn cool mvoeset and quite easy to see but... I don't have the patience to fucking 5-10 min slap someone to death
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:16 No. 608830
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1158x1050, 4da7658dfe18598d3993d08da39e1c59.jpg )
The end boss of the DLC probably isn't your cup of tea then. He's also quite strong too.
2018/11/24 (土) 16:16 No. 608831
and seriously this game WHY DOESn*T IT HAVE ANY "JUMP CANCEL" you make a game wehre blocking and dodging is important and then miss the mSOT IMPORTANT FEATURE OFA NY GFAME HAVING THAT FEATURE bad game design
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:17 No. 608832
Jump Cancel? Why would this game let you jump cancel
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:17 No. 608833
Like that's a 2d platformer thing
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:17 No. 608834
>>608831 because it's supposed to be extremely slow and careful and punishing for making a single mistake
2018/11/24 (土) 16:19 No. 608835
this is seriously one of the most boring fights so far I don't have the patience for this today
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:20 No. 608836
>>608819 that was a read
2018/11/24 (土) 16:20 No. 608837
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 500x270, 1474043904501.gif )
can't block attrition him since he deals too much dmg and I definitely don't have the patience atleast doay, to do roll+slap for fuking 50 times not to mention the asshole has splash dmg
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:20 No. 608838
>>608836 are you the flatmate they're looking for?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:21 No. 608839
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1067x1334, 851a1c2bf4a77ed45b1e877e0d4febd0.jpg )
Not really I like being indoors.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:21 No. 608840
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 804x859, 39e6ecd98dbd3317fc6db8054b0a3e1c.jpg )
I'm not sure if you can dps hard enough but you can knock him out of his chargeup
2018/11/24 (土) 16:22 No. 608841
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 351x398, dokuro-chan_laugh.gif )
there should be atleast one move you ould parry from him but nah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:23 No. 608842
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
Wow there really is just the one parryable boss in DaS1
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:32 No. 608843
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 812x719, IMG_20181124_113218.jpg )
What the hell.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:32 No. 608844
>>608843 He kind of looks like a very generic white person, hm.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:34 No. 608846
Yeah, incredibly generic. Like someone in a stock photo.
I'm feeling very dizzy. I hate feeling dizzy. I've eaten today, I might drink some more water.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:36 No. 608848
Drinking water is good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 16:36 No. 608849
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 387x285, howeven.png )
Those are some intense savings.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 16:56 No. 608851
Search [iqdb] (884 KB, 871x1000, IMG_20181124_111928.png )
>>608849 Black Friday is always like that tiny savings. I thought it was just because it was the UK and we don't embrace it very much.
The real savings holiday is Boxing Day anyway.
2018/11/24 (土) 16:59 No. 608854
Search [iqdb] (539 KB, 1920x1080, 20181124185949_1.jpg )
>dat spearman unit
>>608853 Oh I didn't know other places had boxing days. I thought it was just the UK I //
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:04 No. 608856
It's a Commonwealth thing. We don't have it in the US.
Ohh, that makes sense. I can see lots of similar things we have in the Commonwealth. Commonwealth sounds so fancy.
Shame the wealth was hardly common.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:09 No. 608859
Search [iqdb] (640 KB, 1847x2431, IMG_20180714_104424.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:12 No. 608860
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
My lungs feel fuzzy.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 17:13 No. 608861
it's a part of being a plant
Are you alright, Kirara?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:16 No. 608863
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 666x1061, IMG_20181122_084203.jpg )
I dunno
I feel you. I am trying to keep calm.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 17:23 No. 608865
2018/11/24 (土) 17:25 No. 608866
Search [iqdb] (463 KB, 1920x1080, 20181124192535_1.jpg )
fug if I had 1 more melee unit left I might have pulled this off
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:38 No. 608867
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg )
>>608865 oh high yo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:56 No. 608869
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1280x1440, IMG_20181124_125014.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 17:57 No. 608870
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1000x1625, 14a37dfe9cecc032f88078a0988b68b0.jpg )
Zombieland is really fun
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 17:59 No. 608871
Search [iqdb] (425 KB, 1280x1440, IMG_20181124_125014.jpg )
everyone is excited about the trans representation
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:02 No. 608872
>>608870 Have you read any of those first of the north star parody doujin? Like the Touhou ones or the kemono friends ones>>608873 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:02 No. 608873
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png )
I have not.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:03 No. 608874
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1447x2046, 19cd1af425d0ba9d3f2114bd1bc94309.jpg )
>>608871 Small victories here and there, huh
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:04 No. 608875
>>608874 there was also some trans flag in the episode people are pretty happy
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:05 No. 608876
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:05 No. 608877
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
That's good.>>608876 Why would you link me one parodying something I haven't watched. HIT THE DEEEEEEEEEEEECK
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:07 No. 608878
>>608877 You haven't seen Azumanga Dai-Oh? Sorry for assuming you weren't a pleb I guess.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:08 No. 608879
Here's a madoka one
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:10 No. 608880
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1048x1451, IMG_20181102_202659.jpg )
spray that turns your eyes into arrows
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:11 No. 608881
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1000x1400, 0d6be30bc9c5efa2b85d5d05b100178c.png )
>>608879 that was something.>>608880 fire arrows from your eyes
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:11 No. 608882
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:11 No. 608883
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1008x1407, 19e6d21c0b6d740f3dcde1b9ab82acfe.png )
Care to wager what else I haven't fully watched
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:13 No. 608884
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 831x676, areyouacop.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:14 No. 608885
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:15 No. 608886
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 401x535, 20181118_102516.jpg )
>>608883 Titanic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:15 No. 608887
>>608886 This is more than likely also correct.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:15 No. 608888
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 304x271, IMG_20181121_071446.jpg )
Twilight Zone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:16 No. 608889
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 852x1200, 0a01813595c31aa0e8df3786224b1711.jpg )
I have seen some episodes of Twilight Zone.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:17 No. 608890
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg )
Network Taxi Driver Drive Baby Driver
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:17 No. 608891
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 1058x1600, 24_1.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:17 No. 608892
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 412x658, 0b070ec9ea9aabb1717470186d32983b.png )
Why is a baby driving a car
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:18 No. 608893
>>608892 Why aren't you?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:18 No. 608894
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 2446x4096, IMG_20181119_171955.jpg )
They call him Baby Driver.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:19 No. 608895
Kirara, have you read all of Hokuto no Ken?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:20 No. 608896
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:20 No. 608897
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:21 No. 608898
Search [iqdb] (875 KB, 1211x1320, 80aafc503cdd7b45e371258897cebe96.jpg )
I haven't but Owl probably has
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:22 No. 608899
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
fish just said steve boocheemee
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:22 No. 608900
instead of buscemi
>>608899 Not that I really ever have a talk about him, but I'm totally going to start referring to him that way now. Have a chance, even.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:24 No. 608902
>>608899 I say "boosheemee" like 50% of the time It's just more fun to say than buschemi.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:24 No. 608903
>>608901 idk why but it's so funny
Exactly. Unintentional brilliance.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:25 No. 608905
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1608x1290, IMG_20181115_203307.jpg )
when we don't know the names of characters in movies, we just call them by their actor's name or by the names of other characters they've played if we don't know any of that we just make shit up to call them
>>608871 Trans representation is always fun.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:27 No. 608907
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>>608906 It was really good. Not like, the typical, oh she's a boy!! stuff like dealt with deadnaming and saying that your genitals don't determine your gender
It was done in a way that I was kind of confused at first, hah hah. Maybe I missed the part where they might've been more clear about it, but my first inkling was Lily's old name being Masao. Since that's a pretty boyish name and all. I like how the rest of the zombaidoru were all "yeah that's cool you're a zombie now so what's it matter really"
>>608907 I've heard! It sucks when anime/tv/literature just boil Trans to just being boy in girls clothes. Its nice to hear that some representation deals with deadnaming, sex/gender. I might watch zombieland. I haven't watched much anime for a while. Trans is a lot of pressure in a fucked up society and world.
Transition to zombie
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Zombieland Saga has been really great so far. They took the regional idol thing and totally starting goofing around with it. Plus Mamoru Miyano being able to go full-Miyano has been an absolute blast.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:33 No. 608912
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:33 No. 608913
>>608911 You can tell he's having so much fun. It's even better than Berg-Katze, I think.
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The Necroducer is literally just him in a cheesy vest.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:36 No. 608915
>>608914 Miyano is by far my favorite VA.
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>>608912 Jesus fucking christ.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:43 No. 608918
>>608916 uhh
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:43 No. 608919
what did it translate the n word from
If it is google translate then google translate has some serious problems with Japanese slang. it translates a lot "curse" words to some fucked up shit.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:44 No. 608921
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OH. I SHOULD KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS but I can't remember. But yes, Google Translate does that to a word
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:45 No. 608922
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That's so weird.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:46 No. 608923
erika what are you doing
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 18:46 No. 608924
>>608916 Best girl
It is apparently ダチ with other words. dachi is just a shortening of ともだち
What's up my dachi
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:51 No. 608927
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:55 No. 608928
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great thisll end well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 18:55 No. 608929
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How many corpses will they find
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 18:56 No. 608930
>Mormino speculated that the tunnels may have been part of a network that transported Chinese prostitutes from Cuba to the Port of Tampa to Ybor City in the early 1900s, but added that we may never discover their real use. "The tunnels of Ybor City represent one of the great riddles and mysteries," he said. >The Tunnels of Ybor Citt city sounds like some lovecraft shit
2018/11/24 (土) 18:58 No. 608931
>>608928 >>608930 maybe it is
Hey Kirara have you ever played The Flame in The Flood?
>>608930 Great riddles and mysterious is pretty lovecraftian way to describe tunnels appearing in a city
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:03 No. 608934
>>608932 Never even heard of it.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:03 No. 608935
>>608933 maybe my next Cthulhu game will be the tunnels of ybor
>>608935 That sounds so Cthulhu sounding, damn.
>>608934 It's a survival-esque game about river-rafting down a flooded, post-societal America. Set to this lovely OST of bluegrass music and the like. I'm not sure if the gameplay would be entirely up your alley but the rest of if's felt like it would to me.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 19:05 No. 608938
>>608930 I've been to Ybor city. It was a cool part of town back in the early 90's, no idea how it is now though
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:05 No. 608939
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>>608936 And this is the last boss>>608938 Yeah, cool place. Too bad all manner of Horrors are going to take it.>>608937 Wow, that sounds right up my alley.
>>608939 Truely terrifying. lesbian Fem-MC. I don't have my fucked up FGO fucked up chibi pictures on this laptop
2018/11/24 (土) 19:08 No. 608941
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oh fuck, /moe/ crisis the ring came off the can and there's no opener.
Use a knife.
2018/11/24 (土) 19:11 No. 608945
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>>608943 what above said
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:11 No. 608946
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2018/11/24 (土) 19:12 No. 608947
stab a hole and then use a spoon or something to pry it open
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:12 No. 608948
just eat the tin
>>608944 plan a)>>608948 plan b)
Or, Plan SHII Go out to the store and get a can opener.
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nah I don't want New stuff I've got to leave everything behind in a month when I leave the country
I've broken the ring off tuna tins before. I had to hit it on something and then pull it open with a fork.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:16 No. 608953
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I've never had a can of tuna with a ring on it.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:16 No. 608955
>>608954 Me neither, actually.
Must be some weird European thing.
WHAT tuna comes in tins with a ring pull tab
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:17 No. 608958
>>608956 Yeah, probably.
>>608957 >>608957 >>608957 >>608957 >>608957 >>608957
It's weird you haven't.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:18 No. 608961
They don't have rings here, idk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 19:18 No. 608962
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Our cans up in this civilized area of the world have tabs to open them easier.
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>>608957 Like hell it ain't.
>>608963 wow how primative.
You have purposefully have one of those tinopener devices that suck at opening tins
Yeah but I'm left-handed I'm used to the tools of the world sucking to use.
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>>608966 >tfw Leftie is suffering
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:22 No. 608968
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I don't buy canned foods
2018/11/24 (土) 19:22 No. 608969
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all canned food comes with a pull tap here
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No. I'm proud. Despite the suffering. Left hand is best hand. >>608968 Neither do I, usually but the local supermarket sells these one euro cans of soup that lately I've been getting into HARD
I think moe warned me against buying tinned food when I was in the US.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 19:26 No. 608972
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Let handed writers represent
Left leftie hand
im a regular at this soup store and i heard the coworkers talking about lefties having bad handwriting it kinda hurt because im lefthanded but they dont know that
Hah. I have the neatest fucking handwriting around and I'm lefthanded. That's totally bunk.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:28 No. 608976
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FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 19:28 No. 608977
>>608976 Lol
>>608976 wow.>>608975 I am right handed and my handwriting is fucked up. I remember hearing from someone who studied handwriting and they said the worse the handwriting the more fucked up a person is. everytime I look at my shitty handwriting I think if my handwriting looks like i'm fucked up.>>608980 Hang out with no one. or I guess the first one. since I can just ditch him easy. People who try to compliment you stick to you like glue. they won't stop harrassing you until you make it clear as fuck that you are interested in them
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/24 (土) 19:29 No. 608979
>>608940 Reminder I own the Gudako nendo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:29 No. 608980
>>608978 which man would you rather hang out with
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>>608972 >>608975 >>608974 It seems like we're DISPROPORTIONATELY REPRESENTED on /moe/ I love it.
>>608978 That's totally nothing more than pseudo-science, come on. There's far too many factors that go into how your handwriting develops to draw anything more than correlation between it and the kind of person you are.
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left handed high-fives and handshakes all around
>>608982 It was my old school teacher when I was a kid. she was weird. I hated her to be honest.
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The trade-off to writing neatly of course is that I write kinda slow.
I know.
things are really hard
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:40 No. 608989
storm clouds localized entirely over our airplane
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:42 No. 608990
can i see it?
I am continually impressed by people who can read my handwriting.
my handwriting always looked really bigged when i compared it with others...
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 19:44 No. 608994
>>608990 no
2018/11/24 (土) 19:48 No. 608995
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>our enemies just about match our strenght >2kvs 10k You have a lot of CONFIDENCE in you eh
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:01 No. 608998
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We'll stop using computers in time for writing legibly to be important again we'll be rationing electricity in probably 20 years
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:07 No. 608999
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oh are we doing this now
>>608999 Nice desu ne
>>609001 I am kind of curious whats on the otherside for no reason.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:12 No. 609004
Non-Americans, check this out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/24 (土) 20:12 No. 609005
>>609003 GM notes for campaign.
>>609004 they tried black friday here and I was really disappointed that I didn't see fights and shit it was just slightly more crowded
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>>609004 see I thought you were being too cynical when you posted >>608998 but now I'm not so sure.>>609001 it's illegible enough to be fancy
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>>609008 did you get a small child to help you with this?
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:17 No. 609010
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:18 No. 609011
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>>609010 because no safari zone
Nowhere is safe-ari
Kanghaskhan wasn't found in the Safari Zone if I remember correctly though. You could find them in that cave system that wasn't Mt. Moon.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:20 No. 609014
Original Red/Blue had them in the Safari Zone Along with Chansey which I am also shocked to see walking around.
why do department stores even hold black friday? it seems like more trouble than its worth
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:20 No. 609016
>>609014 since there's no safari, those exclusive pokemans are just placed randomly
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:21 No. 609017
>>609015 it's not. It's worth a lot of money trouble is only a problem for your workers
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:21 No. 609018
and guess who isn't making the choice to come into work
2018/11/24 (土) 20:21 No. 609019
>>609009 no
>>609017 until you have to pay out a massive lawsuit to the guy who gets his neck trampled in the stampede
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:24 No. 609021
>>609020 You can't get sued for that. Not successfully. People get trampled to death on Black Friday every year. This year, there was a shooting, too.
as if you couldn't just argue the store was negligent by not hiring enough staff/security to effectively manage the crowds
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:27 No. 609023
It doesn't work. You can't win that law suit. It's been tried.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:29 No. 609024
i just beat a kanghaskhan in combat and I feel awful
2018/11/24 (土) 20:29 No. 609025
Wow next level AI strategies make game lag so much due to spammed bad command scripts, so that player can't order their units properly THAT IS FUCKING SKYNET LEVEL EVIL
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:29 No. 609026
>>609024 child beater
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>>609023 Well shit. You could probably do it in Australia at least you could, theoretically if there was something the owners could have done to prevent foreseeable harm caused by a massive crowd at an event you're holding. But i'm struggling to find caselaw so maybe you can't
2018/11/24 (土) 20:37 No. 609028
chosen undead is so retarded
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:37 No. 609029
chosen undead is just fulfilling his role
>okay I beat the final boss let's leave the room and see if I missed any sidequests >what's with all these Frampts
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My note taking .
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:50 No. 609032
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Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:51 No. 609033
Two (2)
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:52 No. 609034
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wakanda forever
2018/11/24 (土) 20:54 No. 609035
so once again I am in a fight, some fuckhead with tentacles called gwyndolin and my biggest opponent is "roll is not happening due to whatever reasons"
2018/11/24 (土) 20:58 No. 609036
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and dealt with
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 20:59 No. 609037
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Apparently I got mentioned on a podcast that I hate. Chapo Trap House. I don't know if they used my name or not, but apparently they talked about me going there to /// going to Tallahassee to help with disaster relief. Some of the folks I helped there mentioned me.
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2018/11/24 (土) 21:01 No. 609039
>>609037 well if your enemies mention you it means you are doing something right
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/24 (土) 21:01 No. 609040
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Apparently I was praised. I'm waiting for more information. I don't like the people on the podcast or the people who I helped do disaster relief with.
2018/11/24 (土) 21:03 No. 609041
rip 35k souls that I lost because chosen retard slipt off a ledge that I normally can just walk on without falling
2018/11/24 (土) 21:04 No. 609042
anyone wanna watch "tn bashes head against abyss knight?"
I want to sedate myself. I regret posting that.
looks like we need a new thread! >>609044 →