Thread #608552
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Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kishiku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 7-8 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 8-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 7-8 Sword Art Online - Alicization Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Yagate Kimi ni Naru
lets watch jojo
Index is usually out for Friday nights but I don't see it out. That's unfortunate, considering the cliffhanger.
>>608557 looks like it's out in spanish but not english haha
Really? Episode eight?
Oh wow, yeah. I wonder if that's because they've still got a fansubbing scene going on.
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okay I may be a bit distracted and quiet tonight but I'll do my best. Jojo Juliet Tonari Vampire Yagate Let's do that. It was hard to come up with Jan shows with Index missing.
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Jojo! Oh wait, we don't have Ika yet. and that's fine we'll sub irozoku in
In that case we could do Irozuku instead of Vampire.
hokay johj>>608566 what the heck did you just fluffing call me you little snitch
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Let Ika know what we're up to and then we'll get started. okay let start!
I wonder if Araki will ever make a Scandinavian JoJo so he can call them YoYo.
>>608568 who knows i'm sure he won't ever stop until he's dead though
And considering he's already immortal, who knows when that'll be.
>at times he'd get his ass kicked but he lived a happy life
Seems like a pretty full life yeah.
what kind of luck
He's just grazing the bullets!
>kraftwerk is arts&crafts please
Copyright sure is a terrifying creature.
This guy sure can take a lot of bullets. come draw thing
Well he was able to fix bullets into the air and let them hover in place. Oh this is different from what I was expecting but it works again.
Man this poor bus driver. Mista's really fussing with him.
I guess if you've got to sit there tapping a bullet, you might as well talk up a spiel.
>>608579 >you have been kicked lol
this guy's power is basically stasis from BotW
Yeah, pretty much. That was always one of the more fun powers to sandbox with.
Hah hah hah. This poor truck driver.
Wow HorribleSubs didn't even get the title card for next week's episode.
>>608588 yeah so professional
juliet 7 or 8?
Seven. New episode came out today. We've been one or two episodes behind on this show for most of the season.
ok i'm l@dy>>608593 i think i got kicked for inactivity or something
rip jambo
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juliet! okay lets start!
Persia's pretty hardcore at times. She doesn't really fight how you'd expect an ojou to fight.
Well I guess he wins in a sense.
Oh no Scitt.
Scott even.
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that's not that bad of a punishment
Jinkkusu '
A sore A sore
The Black Doggies are by and large way normal compared to the freaks of the White Cats.
This shota disguise has gotten a lot more use than I expected it to.
Mr. Julio I don't feel so good
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oh god he ate the powder that makes you disperse
How do you just wander into the baths.
Oh gosh.
is shows cute
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something about this seems a little wrong
Oh man they got Tiv to do this week's endcard. They're a really high-level artist.
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irozuku! okay lets start!
Hai hai
They're magic detectives now!
Her young gradnmother is great.
That orange-haired guy is probably going to be problem before too long.
does he like hitomi
It feels that way to me. But maybe he's just trying to help out the artdude.
i think he's a good guy
Well I wouldn't say him liking Hitomi would make him a bad guy. And artdude's pretty stubborn about his feelings.
Using time magic kind of friviously like that feels kind of dangerous to me. Playing around with causality for fun isn't the wisest of ideas.
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>>608627 i mean you gotta practice somehow
Yeah, that's fair. Maybe time magic isn't the kind of thing people should be even practicing in the first place though.
>>608629 that's no way to advance the science of magic my friend
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yagate! sorry for all the silence tonight
yagate kimi nimgay>>608631 it's ok if you're too busy talking to your new boyfriend we understand
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oops yagate okay lets start!
>>608632 Heart going doki doki all a-flutter
yaga y
>>608630 Man wasn't built for such a height!
Oh it's always awkward running into your ex, huh.
Sempai finally getting the gravity of Sayaka's words there.
These two are building up a good dynamic.
They're both not being honest about liking Touko.
ruh oh
Her friend's like a whole head taller than her. Oh my, this is a real chansu.
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>tfw you almost get to share an umbrella with a boy but his gay friend steals it
Her umbrella are getting stolen all over the place today.
What a responsible boyfriend, picking up his girlfriend's phone so she's not using it while driving.
>But I don't want to see you get wet! Somehow I doubt that Touko.
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>n-no homo
I was expecting the question to come full circle, yeah.
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episode 8 and they still can't hold hands right now this is yuri
They've kissed on two or three occasions but yeah, holding hands is kinshi.
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thanks for anime!
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>>608655 at least it's still cute
>>608658 Very cute. And what's cute is good.