definitely not the one in my fridge right now >>600300 I was awake for two whole days before my body decided to force me into bed for nine hours just now
>>600336 Yeah I know. But the thing is He would've been a mediocre president. And unlike Hillary he was anti TPP I voted for Hillary but I expected the TPP to fuck me over bad.
Maybe? I'm feeling something now but I just ate and had a coffee there's quite a few things I need to fix honestly but these things are easier said than done
Yeah I know how that goes.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
gimme dat late night hotline pizza
>>600344 so baby, what toppings are we putting on your hot, messy pie?
baby it’s cold outside and im just wearing a sweater over a tshirt and some japanese jeans the touque helps
Got to suit up better for the cold east coast winter weather!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i had a sammich from a bodega it is helping immensely
Yeah I bet.
I finally found one of my pairs of gloves. I haven't had something for my hands in like two or three years. My core is usually fine throughout the cold season but it's always my hands and lower legs that get iced.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i just bought some japanese gloves
when i say japanese i just mean i went to UNIQLO anyway they’re cute but my neck is going to ve exposed gotta do something about that
Toronto's Uni-Qlo flagship is a short walk from my campus. I'll some times pop in there and check out some of the nice clothes I'd consider buying if I had money for that.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
my entire wardrobe is slowly being converted money? i dont know what the TO prices are but im just buying basics and theyre reasonable
Oh no, Uni-Qlo's prices are super affordable compared to some of the other downtown T-dot shops. I'm just broke as feck.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i havent splurged on a down jacket or anything tho
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
sorry to hear it meng
It's not so bad. I've got folks to live with after all. Don't know how I would've lived without their consideration.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
das nice it would have been a very different life otherwise
Yeah. Maybe I would have built up the discipline to do shit with my life!
I'll be hopefully looking for a job between school years though. Maybe next year I'll be the Uni-Qlo fashion masuta.
da mastaa appears just get into coding it’s a good job mate in of doors i guarantee you’ll not go snackless
I tried my hand at programming at a college. I don't think it's the kind of thing I could do unless it was a passion project of mine.
I don't think I would enjoy most programming jobs. I'm really only interested numerical and CAS programming and more "pure" (non software non webdev ) programming.
Well Some problems in those domains interest me too.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
OH: i dont think the bouncers would appreciate if people were doing coke in the bathroom
Hey sometimes things want to kill you that aren't nice, too.
I really don't know how to be flirty or engaging online, like at all. I hate that online dating is like, how people meet people now. This conversation is like still going but not anywhere anytime soon.
Dating is just anxiety. Making friends online is hard, I feel lonely as fuck sometimes.
I just want to cuddle with people while watching anime or twitch. Why is this so hard. And why do guys suck so much. It's not that I'm against doing things with guys as much as I just don't want to trust almost any of them that I talk to
I have trust problems. I trust people i shouldn't really easily or I get paranoid and trust no one. I don't think my life would improve with someone in it.
wow that's weird i thought it was me typing my words in my brain but it was actually not me
oh not that second part tho I tend to be happier the more friends i have around
It me
I've been a shutin too long . Wow i actually feel hungry now.
i do think spending so much time at my computer in my room has definitely taken a toll on my ability to handle certain social situations and aspects of life i think that not being allowed to spend any amount of time with females until I was 16 also fucked me up pretty bad, especially growing up as a traditional straight white christain boy and then being a shut in for most of the time since then yeah
i'm going to nap now enjoy your night moe Maria please be safe, Yharnam is a very dangerous place
>see some guy walking bit out of it to the stop >greets me >okay maybe he lost or shit, greet back >ask how i am doing, oooh shit
>realise my mistake >answer back something conversation ending "fine weather could be better" >"i have a great day do you wanna know why" >ohh boy... "shoot" >because of god >tn groan.mp3
Oh boy
then he starts to chat about how he turned to faith this year, i go all congrats thats fine and all trying to vlearly message fuck off finally he starts saying how he >helps the poor... abroads >is going to sell his watch that he got from his father to do it today >how he apparently buggers his friends and fa,ily to help the poor when he has no money starting to get actually annoyed poke "you know how christ said you can also practice faithhow you please and at times public preaching isn't the way" clearly making a reference to the public praying pharisean flies over the guys head a mile high >it is womans job to pray at home mfw
Kirara, the Cat
haha you should have just said something soili would say that'd get rid of him
finally he starts pestering some eritreans who turn out to be also christians one of them says "go away i pray and preach at bus mot here" guy ignores them exchange looks with one of them "this guy am i rite.jpg"
finally bus comes
he starts to do his same rputine to each amd every passenger... get off bus guy taps
on my shoulder nearly reflex grab his arm and do nasty things to it "have a pleasant day friend" >tngroan "yeh you too" thank god he didn't follow me
Oh boy.
i hope he doesn't live near me and was just visiting
and i kid you not he started each concvetsation with the exact same lines like some fucking f2f marketer trying to sell you health products but instead spoke about god and how he a good christian
lord be with his family and "friends" if he still has any
Kirara, the Cat
that's how it is here they have scripts
>>600602 hmm this would be a good way to get rid of random encounters indeed >>600608 yeah but this guy was clearly doing it just brcause he didn't market any specific church or shit just wanted to talk to people and spread joy of christ or his version of it
insufferable oblivious cunts are the worst
I apparently bit my tongue. it hurts on the left side.
I know you literally said that but does anyone wanna finish this raid with me I'm tired of these online people I just wanna dragon rush the boss on Silver and everyone else except me is shit
this should be the last run This or the next o ya su mi na sa i okay THIS is the last one WOO
>>600699 I have no idea. one of my friends has tasked me with calling them to wake them up at 3:45pm. I'm just buzzing along with music and bad choices right now
Well, it came and went. Just played on my laptop throughout the lecture. Someone gave me a donut. That was nice. I'm feeling a bit better but I might need a nap soon. I forgot to pick something up for dinner on my way home, though How's everything on your end?
>>600721 Not great but I'm cheering myself watching youtube videos and games. I hope you get some nice food. and have a nice nap
>When you make a game but content-lock the best parts in the epilogue Arthur Morgan really did die on the front doorstep of the West.
Kirara, the Cat
chapter 6, his last chapter, was so good i think chapter 1 and 2 were decent chapters 4 and 5 should not have happened 4 should have been written differently completely and 5 was ridiculously weird because you randomly end up on an island off of cuba and help haitian militants free the island??? it added nothing to the plot whatsoever
Can you at least go back to Cuba in the epilogue?
Kirara, the Cat
no after you leave you can never go back and even when you're there you can't explore or anything it gets really linear on that island
Never mind plot value that just seems like a huge waste of resources for an open-world game development.
Kirara, the Cat
im assuming they'll use it in RD Online parts of mexico are in the game but not available for exploration so those are expected to be in the online too
That sucks. did they intentional remove parts for the online game?
Kirara, the Cat
the mexico parts are just remastered areas from the first game
Today is the pits Call after unending call I want to be free
i think it's pathetic to have no dreams or goals and to be unwilling to even try at self-improvement to be like that and to blame others for problems you've played a big part of to refuse to look inward at yourself and examine what you see i think all of those things are what makes someone pathetic
nearly everyone here has dreams or goals and wants to be in a better place, or has something about them they want to improve on nearly everyone on /moe/ does self-reflection and recognizes the causes of their problems to at least some extent
>>600758 i think that's fine if you aren't pathetic being content with being pathetic is pathetic
>>600759 life is about fucking up and improving on shit that's just how it goes you shouldn't feel bad about that and i don't think you're as negative as you feel you are
What if someone is already content with what they have
I am so negative on moe and I keep repeating the same mistakes. I feel bad talking about the shit I do on moe.
600+ 75-3 so 672 feathers /5 so that's ~135 runs minimum 1350 stamina... or if I use feathers.. 270 feathers. looks like I'm going to be joining on dark ruins for an entire day...
I had a weird moment was visiting my mother and she just decided to throw me 20€ bill note whatever
so I stopped by store on way home and bought some stuff for 5€ or so and got the change back and then went when putting it back in my wallet "huh I could buy practically a "free" bottle of booze with this" and then immediately wnet dafug brain?
We've been understaffed all week and when that happens we don't get to work in our specialized groups, AND there's more work. I normally answer for four clinics most of the day.
On top of that, Tuesday, some of Wednesday, and today, were basically nonstop with calls.
And by nonstop I mean "the timer that averages my time waiting between calls read 0 seconds"
It's not a good feeling eh The never ending que of calls being expected to handle them in a thoughrough and high quality manner but also being expected to get through them fast Good luck
>>600843 Yeah, it's been cold and miserable here too.
>>600847 I have only physically interacted with snow twice in my life And it always looks nice in pictures Was it not nice? Was it just a slurry of shit?
how good can plastic surgery actually be? if you were tryin to, say, change your appearance to protect yourself or not be identified how much could it actually do while still making you look natural
Kirara, the Cat
it can look completely natural with a good enough surgeon
Someone remind me why I keep going back there. One deviation from their cringey board culture and everyone starts screaming normalfag until some cum guzzling mod with a dildo up his ass bans you. I feel like the constant larping as brainded anime girls really fucked with these peoples heads.
I met a nice old weirdo on a walk. He pointed to the old folks nursing home we were in front of and he said "Hi! I'm Ernest (idr his last name), I'm a guy who lives here!" So I said "wow, that's so cool! i live down the street!" and he got really excited and said his son is 6 feet tall
Kirara, the Cat
also the coffee maker is broken
It's so easy for me to just keep sleeping once I start. I wish I could pull myself out of bed. It'll only get harder as it gets colder and colder.
First of all in USA you should separate all this >>600903 gung away from the elections for people I guess with the turn rates you have, getting the few people to cast their votes on whatever the other matter are is important too BUT SERIOUSLY it confuses the fuck out of the voter, when you don't just elect a say senator or a governenr, but also fucking 20 judges and vote do we ban daylight savings
>>600914 Florida does it on purpose to confuse voters.
>>600981 i listened to one song from rick and morty and got rick and morty video recommendations, channel recommendations, and topic recommendations for months after i went through and manually said "I'm not interested" to every single one that popped up, with the explanation "I don't want recommendaitons based on (the video with the song)" and "I dont like this video" and "I dont like this channel" and every time i'd refresh there'd be more
>>600979 i dont even understand what this is but it's got me laffin
>>600989 it has a habit of thinking because I clicked one video outside my typical interests i must want to see that stuff all the time usually it only recommends stuff I like or might be interested in but God forbid I click on a video somebody linked me i must want to see nothing but dogs losing their shit over anise >>601009 that's supposed to bea mascot? i thought it was another rejected cartoon
>>600994 yeah it's all bad down to the channel logo/mascot whatever that looks like a rejected Pokémon or something
>>601008 i love when i get the topic suggestion "Role Playing Games - Recommended for you" and within that topic the videos it's recommending me are like sonic adventures or new speedrun trick in mario odyssey like wtf
>>601011 mario odyssey is my favorite jrpg man i wonder how the algorithm determined what kind of game is what kind of genre anyways
or i'll watch a video of high-level dota analytics covering a professional game or something and it sees dota and is like "oh we've got tons of dota videos" and spams up my front page with these cringey ass videos of like low skill 5-stacks doing meme things and like AMAZING 40/0 CARRY CM OMG titles and some cringey thumbnail of some badly photoshopped face on top of cm ugh
>>601054 A lot of stims make me calm, some things like kratom make me wired. coke makes me feel really fucking normal. I was actually thinking about it, caffiene keeps me awake and jittery but doesn't make me react like a lot of people
>>601076 i didn't used to get so anxious about it but ever since i've been in such horrible situations because of driving, now it kinda haunts me even when i'm not driving
I am scared of posting the question after being lectured about people being kicked out for plagerism, apparently they have webcrawlers that search for the questions and answers
first one. I feel like there are a lot of answers and the reading is very wishywashy like a dramatic piece instead of an academic text. well thats how I feel about it.
Does the book have a definition? Usually textbooks bold words.
I feel // I need to focus and create a meaning rather than copy one from like wikipedia. I know the arts cover visual media and maybe music? Humanities is the study of human culture and society and the product of human culture and society as far as I can read.
>>601111 From this, I would say humanities are the collection of things that make us human. The text is basically saying that humanities are the things we create that give our existence flavor. So you're basically right in >>601113
I don't enjoy text like that, it feels hard to get information from it. I'm weird.
Is my answer too short? I feel like I need to write more explaining the arts and humanities but it does say brief. but brief doesn't help me Why am I getting stressed about this instead of doing my work.
When I was in undergrad, most of my classmates struggled with stuff like this assignment. They didn't understand how brief to be, they couldn't summarize arguments properly. You're overestimating the people around you.
I've passed a lot of my classes and examinations I feel like just luck. It would be nice to get feedback. I do have a session of 1-2-1 with an academic advisor on monday.
I got identified as a struggling student despite passing my module with average grades.
That's good, because you are struggling. There's no shame in that. This is an opportunity to talk to your teachers and get some guidance.
I signed up for it straight away when they asked if I wanted the slot. It does mean a lot of walking but I hope it'll help me. I do feel some shame in that I have to show my essays to them, I could have done so much better.
If I can get regular 1-2-1's I think that'd help me settle. I'm still waiting for my doctors to get back to me about counselling. >>601124 Yes! that would be great. I really struggle with essay structure and my comma splicing is apparently terrible.
>>601123 Cool. Just let me know when and I'll help. I'll give you a lot of feedback about structure and stuff.
I wish I could focus better. I used to get coffee and red bull but they don't help me focus, they help me sit still and do stuff. >>601126 Thats so nice of you. I'm really grateful. Thank you. >>601125 I'm always insecure. I left highschool with barely any qualifications because of my insecurity. I dropped out before i could be graded because I didn't want to see how bad I am. which was stupid.
>>601127 I'm happy to help. People say my academic and clinical writing is really good and easy to read.
>>601127 i also fucked up my high school real bad barely managed to scratch by and get my diploma at the end only because of special schools that exist to help kids get through it i basically didn't attend the majority of my final two years
We don't have diplomas, we have pass/fail for each of the classes . and those qualifications add up to let you into uni.
I'm in special kind of uni course right now. a foundation. I have to pass the foundation to get into my japanese degree course. If I don't pass this 1 year I just get kicked out. There are no resits and I can't reapply to go to uni again.
>>601130 oh that's different i wonder if it's better or not it's probably all the same in the end
okay /moe/ let's all move to mars
I made an new worry dammit. Can I separate the answer as in about the arts and then the humanities or do they specifically want the answer to be about the both together. maybe I should do both.
As in having both answers in one sentence? As long as you answer both, it's probably fine.
I would say: humanities are blah blah, while arts are blah blah. Subjects such as blah blah are included in arts and blah blah in humanities, for these reasons.
And that looks fine. You don't need a comma after "such as", though.
Kirara, the Cat
in the last part
Thanks, It feels too simplistic. they probably looking for evidence of greater critical thinking. they keep saying that in lectures. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Think critically, then. What does it mean to think critically, in your view?
This is why I never get anything done and then fuck off to do something else.
>>601142 I think what I need to do is breakdown the meaning of arts and humanities. I know the purpose is the study of humanity in very broad terms. but we study it I think to better ourselves or rather maybe to understand who we are and how we got to where we are? the arts are very expressive things like music - which are really old. both of them evolved over time with human society and both them change depending on where in the world you are.
I could think of it as establishing the context of modern society and culture? How do I do this briefly. fsdgklfnj
If your conclusion is that those subjects covered by humanities establish the context of modern society and culture, then you can add that pretty briefly.
Generally, in academia, we use as much space as necessary.
You aren't expected to do anything perfectly because you're not an expert. You're just a student right now. You're there to learn. And you are learning.
I made a decision not to second-guess myself without the inclusion of new information a long time ago and that's served me well. I just barrel on through. That obviously won't work for everyone, but I think it's necessary sometimes.
I get stuck on things and end up stuck on like one question in a list of questions for ages. Its really helps to talk to you and moe like this actually. I've actually written somethign finally.
The thing you will do the most once you're an expert is consult. My colleagues and I, all who are masters-level clinicians, consult with each other almost nonstop. We confirm diagnoses with each other, or ask each other of their opinions on test results, etc.
It's not cheating to consult with people. Consulting is one of the most valuable skills a person can develop in the professional world.
Do keep in mind that the Internet people aren't always going to be accurate or well informed No shame in asking people from the same course
>>601160 That's true. I was just paranoid for a moment. >>601161 I think the only help I want is if I'm phrasing things right, if I'm using the right grammar and structuring things sanely. I don't want to be given answers or things like that. I'd rather not feel shitty for not being able to think up stuff myself. and once I get someone else's answer It feels like it taints everything I've written.
Yeah, all I'm doing is trying to help Kannagi explore her own ideas more, and to provide major grammatical and structural help. The best thing about school is that it can help you grow as a person, and you have to find your own answers to do that.
I also don't wanna talk to people on my course - I don't know how to properly interact with them. The groupchat doesn't look like the most comfortable enviroment. They are on way different energy levels to me.
I might go for a shower and get some food. I haven't eaten for ages.
Kirara, the Cat
i just had breakfast fish made french toast
I might get a fruit pot and pasta pot. or // yeah that sounds good. banana might be good.
I've been listening to this: >>>/watch?v=34vcauDYtho >>601170 I don't know. hm. I like kiwi I haven't eaten kiwi in ages. oh what is that thing kaki fruit is nice. >>601171 HOW FRUITY
>>601187 Face ID is a Face Unlock facial recognition system designed and developed by Apple Inc. for the iPhone X, the iPhone XS and XS Max, the iPhone XR, and iPad yeah the face unlock but now it's just lol what will climate change ruin next
When we have smooth webbed hands from adapting to the future climate we won't be able to use fingerprints!
Is that upcoming? If so I'll have to wait until it becomes available if I want it.
I'm gonna have this shower and stop looking at youtube. then I'll figure out how to rewrite question 2 and get q 3. done. I'm a little faint so I hope I can wake up in the shower.