Thread #600372
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San kyuu
Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 4-5 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-10 Seishun Buta Yarou Bunny Girl Sempai Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Zombieland Saga Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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hmm do we have jan?
Checking, but I dunno if I've seen him today.
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reride 4 bunny girl juliet zombieland this good?
Bunny Girl and Zombieland are about the only things I would have requested.
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we can go 56 if you want 5 rerdie bunny girl ulysses juliet zombieland do you guys wanna do 4 or 6? geez 4 or 5
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either way reride 4 okay lets start
The Boy Who Leapt Through Time
In a world of killer robo- Yup. In a world of killer robots, ghosts lurking in the dark are probably the less of your worries.
>Talking to the driver and distracting her from the road for some shipping comments
bunny girl! ok lets start
Petit Devil Kouhai! Hold for Jan he can watch in a sec.>>600393 Rika can you please utilize the reading comprehension you should have learned in elementary school.
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>>600394 that's too much work maaan
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okay so we're holding on for jan sorry didn't see your message okay we're all orange let's start!
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i like this shot
Yeah the OP's got some good shot composition.
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What time are we at? I pulled an Ika. thanks
3:15 3:20 3:25
Oh neato the outfit returns.
>Look at me, not the outfit Doesn't that distract from the purpose of wearing it.
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I was wondering if they'd bring the bunny outfit back.
I wonder if she's gonna time loop the last day before she has to break up with him.
He's admirably lecherous.
she rikes him
So do you.
Also we should insert Banana Fish in next. And do five episodes tonight with it.
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Works for me!
Oh she's not the looper this time.
Unless she's lying I guess.
Speedrunning the Endless Eight in one episode!
Yeah they're both in rabu triangles now. Though his friend is oblivious to his other girl.
If he's fallen for her and doesn't want to quit this despite his feelings for Sempai. I wonder if he's the looper.
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Him being the looper would be a nice twist.
Oh now he's the one getting shouted a confession at.
Wow. That whole like two week period was all a part of her time loop.
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Oh he gets to fix this mess. That's nice.
Though it kind of fixed itself over the course of him helping out the kouhai.
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Yeah but this part was super cute so I wanted it to happen.
Ara ara
Mouse to mouse
He pretty much won everything by having those two weeks reset. All the good stuff of the time period still happened. Plus he gets to cheat on the finals.
Ah I guess this is our next girl.
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yeah but >show me your butt
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banana fish okay lets start!
>>600432 For SCIENCE!
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ban and an fish
Fucking RIP
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they're already adding to the bodycount this early?
Momma Eiji
SUPER Momma Eiji.
Were you planning on feeding him hamburgers for breakfast Eiji.
A weirdly cheerful moment for this series.
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this is great
Wow name-dropping Hemmingway. The show's already named for a Salinger novel.
Aaaand happy times over.
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It's gonna get serious now!
>I wouldn't have anything to do in Japan Maybe you could just retire then, Ash. You've worked a lot already.
The subs called "kids gravure" child porno. Which isn't that inaccurate to be fair.
Oh this showdown's come faster than I expected.
Zero hesitation!
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>>600454 >i told you hes gay
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I guess they're going to have a good ole fashioned fight.
This guy dresses like a university professor but fights something fierce.
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Juliet~! okay lets start!
Gosh, I didn't know you were that excited for this show. Episode four of this. You might've already seen this episode Jan.
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that was an exciting episode i've already seen it yeah i'll put it up anyways
Oh Persia's in trap mode again.
Hah hah hah. Sugita's fallen for Persia's boy disguise.
Even with a boot camp like this I can't imagine the ruffians of the Black Doggies wadasasfsdad Ow. Why. WHY. I can't imagine them beating the Whites.
That would have been a lot more romantic if she wasn't slipping into a sewer.
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>sorry about today >"yeah you better be"
>Instead of going somewhere private I'm just gonna sulk here by a sewer manhole
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bye nya
Poor girl doesn't even know she's already lost.
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the face of fear
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She will probably lose anyway!
Oh she went straight to backstabbing him.
And then immediately afterwards to just fucking killing him.
That looks like a pretty expensive window he just broke. Hah hah hah. What a sensible reaction from Maru.
Yeah he should be more worried about her hurting him.
Oh all three girls are here now.
Even if that was just a replica sword, taking the cutting edge from a sword like that would probably really hurt.
>Can't swim Sasuga Inuzuka.
Not like he can really get flirty infront of anybody.
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it hurts
That side ponytail is just super great man.
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okay zombieland! okay lets start!
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>Worked hard to memorize exactly what mud tastes like!
Cornflakes showing off her super aidoru skills.
Oh I guess Sakura's ten-year-dead brain neurons are working again.
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She's having memories.
Does he really expect zombie girls to go out in the middle of the night to get shampoo.
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>>600498 the middle of the night is exactly the time for zombies to go out besides he can't see at night because of the sunglasses.
>Detergent Sasuga Densetsu Aidoru Yamada Tae
If they keep Googling idols like this they're probably gonna hit on cornflake's group.
Oh here I'd assumed Cornflake had forgotten about her old group. But she remembers I guess. So it's just Sakura who doesn't remember how she was idolizing Iron Frill.
Necroducer please.
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He's so crazy.
He still keeps some dried squid in his breast pocket like a handkerchief.
This total dumbass.
Even Sakura's kind of behind on the times. A lot of things have changed since she was still alive in 2008.
I wonder how many people who come to their concerts just assume Densetsu Aidoru Yamada Tae is n't mentally all there. She must seem weird to people that think she's a living human bean.
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>>600508 she isn't all mentally there
Oh that one guy getting a photo with Cornflakes is the death metal guy from the first two episodes. I guess he really fell for them.
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Looks like she killed the mood.
Yuugiri gets a whole set put up for her.
Caaaat fiiiight.
I respect Junko's idealism but Cornflakes does have a pretty reasonable take on being an idol.
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angery idols
So she died in Saga, huh. Saki only ever talks about stuff from Saga so I guess she probably did too. I wonder if they all died in Saga except for Sakura.
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I guess that's why she's extremely stitched together.
Yeah that's pretty fucking metal.
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Wow, what a way to go.
Do zombies even need sleep.
I guess they're going to SAGA ROKKU ahead of the expected timeframe.
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I guess getting scorched so bad is why thunder girl is so bandaged up. It's neat to learn about how they died.
It makes you wonder who chopped off the head of Yuugiri. She's such a nice lady. And if the loli's literally exploded heart is indicative of anything.
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She's really old so it's probably just medieval times stuff.
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>>600525 eh probably some samurai or some shit maybe she was killed by a gang for being a snitch
A hundred and fifty years isn't old enough for Medieval times! That's only like the 1860s.
Zombiimental SAGA
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cornflakes is looking to get some zombie-TSD in the next one
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks. And thanks for starting at a good time.>>600530 It's hard to not blame her. Who else gets to say they've got PTSD over the thing that literally killed them.