Thread #600926
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Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuku Sekai JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 5-6 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 5-10 Sword Art Online - Alicization Toaru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! --Episode 5-6 Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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jojo index ulysses tonari vampire vagate
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by vagate i mean yagate okay jojo! okay lets start!
Goruden Uindo
So much for his passion for JUSTICE
Kuraeji yarou
The Moody Blues are a great band by the way.
>Like a condom Surely there's other rubber, flexible things they could have referenced.
Now he's gotten popped too.
Angery fly
Bruno's kind of more of a main character than Giorno is at the moment.
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index! okay lets start!
Shattering illusions!
A lot of the Level 5s have really bad ego issues.
Aaaaaaaand RIP
uh oh
Hah hah hah. Points for trying.
Oh shit.
She's really, really hardy. Even if she went down to a punch. Being able to keep going after being shot like that is something else.
Uiharu trying her best huh.
Number one versus number two!
They're really trashing the city now.
Oh no.
Accelerator really isn't the kind of monster you want out of control.
Last Order's pretty gutsy.
Back to Touma's story and the magic side next week it looks like.
that was fun accel and last order are my fave
I think I like the Railgun girls the best. They don't get as much attention outside of that series. Except for Misaka really.
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Sorry I was quiet, that was a good episode That was THE episode I've been waiting for also RIP frenda
She's now half the lass she used to be.
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okay ulyssess ep 1 not sure what to expect here okay lets start!
It might be shlocky fun. There hasn't really been much chatter on it so I've got zero clue too.
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I was expecting something a little historical and for the girls not to be so moe. But there seem to be a lto of moe girls so far.
Mon morrency
He's quite happy to engage in heresy against the Church.
Oh no! English ninjas!
The faeries are really lazily drawn.
Guess her attendant is a boy then.
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This isn't bad so far.
I don't have any particular complaints.
Because this kind of thing is never a bad idea.
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Yeah, seems like she's the bad idea fairy.
Astaroth is one of those Very Bad demons in the Catholic mythology. Like really super bad. Hah hah what. Did seventy years just slip away from him.
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Did he get older? wait no time passed super fast
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well that's one way to do a timeskip
I guess that gets a pass for the time being then, eh. I'll have to go get that straightened out for my list.
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I'm interested to see what it's like after this ep. okay vampire okay lets start!
Speaking of immortals.
Chu chu chu
Roman da yo
Oh I just got it. This is an Interview With A Vampire.
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Yeah, pretty funny idea for an episode.
It's also a book/movie. I'd bet that's supposed to be a part of the joke.
She's really just a slightly strange hikkiNEET otaku.
As centuries-old vampires they could probably make a case for being senior citizens though.
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You gotta spill the beans to do that though.
Akari is a little devious at times.
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Yagate! okay lets start!
The gayest time of the week has finally arrived!
That's a kind of raibaru for sempai I guess.
Another Nanami, huh.
Oh no her sister got Japanese Truck'd.
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The truck affects everyone.
How cute.
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gaaaaaaaay thanks for anime!
This is kind of a weird ED. They have an ED animation, why are they doing visual recap.
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Oh, I said thanks for anime too soon.
Good to see you didn't ditch immediately.
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okay, thanks for anime for real this time!
Yup yup, thanks.