ive been sleeping like a rock this week 12+ hours at a time and i'm out so hard i dont even know where or when i am when i wake up my body's only been getting that pseudosleep that alcohol does to you for the past couple years i guess
You'd think they could at least try to read the atmosphere.
They even put a disclaimer in the announcements a little bit ago letting people know when they plan on releasing banners for characters from the Tellius games and Binding Blade.
i feel like im being crushed by the rising tide of fascism and antisemitism and our new governor has close ties to a Hungarian neo-nazi party and the stress is triggering a lot of cravings and my girlfriend has been being difficult and it's all very frustrating
that is pretty worrying the only thing I can think of for now is to switch off some stuff im not sure where im going with this but I hope it gets better ganbatte
its weird how they keep so much shit running at night like its 2am and random stores have tvs running their ads I guess for people using the atms and stuff I guess its such a waste
I do like watercolor of lights on the road that's something I might miss if we cut all power
So I tried to melt blue cheese for a delish suce for the fish fingers and now I got grilled cheese Not to self, next time get blue cheese that actually MELTS
Hows yous?
I'm alive. A bit of a groggy day for me.
I'm alive too, surprisingly Groggy days are tough.
Yeah. Hopefully a huge mug of tea can help.
A nice cuppa is always good. I went for a nap, I woke up intensely stimulated. A wee bit nauseous right now
I had a bunch at the bottom of my water bottle before my nap. I think it's likely responsible. I woke up suddenly stimmed as heck and felt like all my limbs were pins and needles. >>599560 Do you know why? it sounded like she was having fun murdering in that game before.
Kratom might treat you weird for the first few doses.
I don't know why. She just hasn't been letting me sleep and didn't make dinner last night, the one time I asked her to, while I was at work, and then tried to make excuses instead of apologizing.
>>599556 yeah ceaseless sucks if you want to beat him easy just have him follow you back to the start of the arena
Ceasar less discharge
>>599562 Kratom is interesting, like it definately has a stimulating effect but I can feel sedated as well. The feeling being between the two is odd. Also cigs are nicer on kratom. >>599566 That progression is fun, I haven't gone that way. I went to have fun in anor londo. I need to continue my game at some point.
I think I might regret buying the sweets now, I guess I'll find out when I get them.
>>599570 she's a free fire keeper soul go upgrade that sunny d
I am really hitting myself for just randomly going "what is this 'use' " on that fire soul
oh fuck lol i did that once to see what it did
hope you really needed those souls
>>599573 wow, shes sounds comfortable waking you up. I've been waking up pretty early well before today, I woke up late today. Waking up early feels shitty when you are tired.
>>599579 you must train yourself to be impossible to wake up like me
I get annoyed with stuff like that when I'm trying to nap in the afternoon/evening and people keep coming into my room about things. I just want to get some rest, can't it wait.
I have very distinct feeling I might not get much sleep tonight.
>>599579 we must train in the mountains for 40 days and 40 nights bring your manliest pair of clothes and a white belt
JKÖAF >guy fucking rolls instead ofjumps >rip 25k souls good game design to have a do everything fail at everything button
>>599583 this is a trick, your manliest clothes are no clothes at all go naked
circle being do everything button is still a flaw in game design
but yeah that is 25k souls lost because my guy for somereason didn't do what he does every other time i had used that watermill elevator and instead slipped through a tiny crack
fun fact it's not a watermill it's powered by dogs
>>599593 the one in blighttown? that one has some buggy shit collision detection i have had the same thing happen myself a few times sometimes i roll off and just go directly down at 500mph instead of at an angle
dark souls has a fucking shit jump button it's a little better in 2 and a lot better in 3 and bloodborne though
estus +1
now go kill kellog
who I dunno I will now go back to firelink and then go tot he smithy to upgrade my nazgul robe
er kellogs sister >>599599 the spider lady she's only useful to learn some pyromancy with limited application
she is my wall goddess you heretic
>>599601 you haven't met the god of endless walls in anor londo >>599603 he lives in bed with men because he is a gay octopus NEET
does it live in the wall? no that is what i thought
she's not even in the wall the wall broke
Don't spoil it for TN.
i haven't said anything yet
see not wall goddess I am here to kill the chechnyans for the wall goddess
chechen's fortress
Kirara, the Cat
someone just told me im cheerier than when i was drinking even though they didn't know me when i was drinking???
lol i wonder when they think you were drinking
Kirara, the Cat
i told them id be a lot happier right now if i were plastered
uhh I can't reinforce the nazgul robe?
I got my sweets. So much sugar. I'm fucking curious about this iru bru lolly
>>599612 which one? you should be able to upgrade it
>The Gold-Hemmed Black Set offers some of the highest Fire and Poison resistance in the game, as well as decent physical defenses for light armor. However, it cannot be upgraded, and its Poison Resist is outclassed by the fully upgraded Painting Guardian Set.
>>599619 ahh now i remember those no idea why they can't be upgraded but they look really cool and they're good for twink builds since they have such low weight
>>599626 you equip Crystal soul spear and the crystal catalyst with 99 int and kill stuff in one hit otherwise stab them with an enchanted weapon
>>599626 just like pyromancy except it scales off your int
now then dragons actually DIE
Miracles use charms Pyro uses hands
that drake bridge is cancer I am more afraid of rolling off of it than the drakes
There is youtube channel in the netherlands that tries out a bunch of drugs thats funded by the government, That is fucking weird. Its not particularly harm prevention looking to me. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvRQKXtIGcK1yEnQ4Te8hWQ
>>599652 trump is cleaning house and replacing people who can influence the mueller investigation with people in temporary positions so he can try to stop the investigation
it's too cold to work i can barely keep my room warm enough to stay in, but i don't have a desk in here or anything i can't go out and work on the cold counterspace, my hands would freeze and i'd move so slow
that ud dragon has weird damage hitboxes his whole body does damage when he does one of the swipes
>>599671 let's buy a fleet of construction equipment and go on a rampage Just imagine 10 bulldozers speeding down the highway at once
>>599675 Hell fucking yeah I love the killdozer Oh you weren't about to say killdozer Just strap more and more armour onto our construction vehicles How much destruction can we cause before a swat team arrives?
>>599674 Ever heard of a thing called a SWAT sniper?
too fucking stupid and whimsical it's a serious issue i'm having i didn't post it for entertainment
Kirara, the Cat
>>599681 yikes would keeping a space heater on your desk help? how much do those cost
>>599688 i have a space heater, that's what im using i have no desk i normally do put the space heater by my work spot on the counter but it does very little in that open area it does well in warming up my room though, but i can't work in my room since i don't have a desk or anything in here or i can work laying down but it's not very efficient and uncomfortable
>>599689 is there anything you could move into your room to use as a desk maybe temporarily or maybe a cheap desk from Goodwill?
hmm do ghosts respawn?
>>599691 no idea how i'd get a desk here from goodwill honestly it's kind of frustrating when i think i'd like a desk and then idk how i'd ever get it here
Kirara, the Cat
>>599693 i wish i were there so i could help what if you got a cheap ikea desk mailed to you?
>>599694 i didn't think ikea would have anything cheap that might work but i actually got no tools here at all if anything had to be assembled i'm also so broke and my next few paychecks are abysmally low
I got a ikea desk. it didn't really need tools. you just need a screw driver for this one but some of them are just wooden plugs with no screws
Kirara, the Cat
>>599695 if you can find something cheap that will work i can lend you a little money i gotta go now but let me know later or whenever offer's open
thanks for the offer
ikea furniture usually comes with some dumb pressed or punched metal tools now i think at least that was the case with my dresser though I didn't even use them
But gotta say I like that place unlike blighttown or sewers that is kinda amusingly challenging 1) ghosts have only like 200 hp 2) their dmg isn't insane 3) they are easy to kill 4) no poison 5) no easy to fall off ledges everywhere
my old lady neighbor keeps going to the bread store to buy old bread and she brings me some god bless you linda i don't have any hamburger but at least i got buns
if you only do something when you're high you'll only learn how to do it good while high i can only play hanzo when stoned when I'm sober I'm really bad at him haha
>>599729 I attended a lot of my first lectures for the past 4 weeks high. Its not good for essay writing I know that. I can't focus enough to write. I do know if I don't get heavily stoned I can be motivated do a lot. >>599729 wow I haven't played overwatch much stoned. but it taught me how to play tracer. I was way too stoned in the junkenstein event I was really concentrated and good at it and when I play normally I suck
>>599731 I'm super bad at tracer but I did really well in few games when I was coked out it's not a really great way to spend my money though
i just can't figure out how to lead my shots as hanzo unless I'm high enough to become the arrow obviously
I just get super focused in games. Its fun kinda. I love how colours are when I'm stoned and colours were kinda intense with coke, but coke has a nice sharp focus.
but it will be interesting to see what disney will do they have cancelled that "new trilogy" and then said it will be made and now are on 50/50 about it after so-solow they cancelled boba fett movie
wonder will obiwan movie get made either
>>599751 Episode 8 really undermined potential adversaries of episode 9 imo Hux becomes a clown and Snoke is dead Kylo is still a great character but in the context of the last 2 movies he's somewhat weak Also Phasma got her ass beat twice already Episodes IV and V built Vader up as a really credible threat, so there was anticipation and hype for Luke beating him in VI, which makes it more emotionally engaging when he chooses to spare him Now I'm not saying that the new trilogy has to follow the same beats as the ot, but they really aren't setting themselves up well here and I think they'll struggle with this corner they're in
>>599758 >made hux into a joke >rian of spacetrooper is a joke with total 2 minutes of screen time in TWO MOVIES >snoke dead >kylo is a bitch
>>599767 naw vader found a helmet that had the spirit of some 10k year old sith lord in it and then slammed thath elmet on one of his servants and then told the sith lord "you my bitch now, bitch build me ancient sith sorcery shit" and then the guy was "yes massa"
>>599768 what's an academic description like a summary of the events by scene?
when your best friend of 2 years won't talk to you anymore what are you supposed to do?
Distract yourself for a bit and then think about how to get them to talk to you again. And then also think about what and why they stopped talking to you.
>>599821 wait this was from yuri kumi I never knew I knew kuma shock was from it but not this I only watched a couple of episodes because I found it really boring
>>599823 I don't really know, give them space? I I've cut out people randomly and just not spoken to anyone but I guess thats fairly different. >>599825 The more you know.
>>599823 depends why do you feel they have no reason to stop talking to you?
>>599825 it wasn't that good though I was looking for another penguindrum, that might have neen // been too much to ask
I remember waking up one morning and randomly joining moe for an episode of yuri kuma. that was the last time I watched anime with moe I think.
I don't remember the last show I watched with moe probably one of the jojo part 4 episodes
alright uhhh imbang uhh minus the bear caspian big ass
i lost my license i broke my ankle i lost my job of 5 years and i depended too much on her and ended up losing her too i have to sleep now goodbye
>>599839 Take care bang. I'm here for you. The world really fucking sucks.
>>599823 happens to me a lot i guess people get sick of me fast and just stop talking to me kind of sad but i understand, people get busy and/or change
For the first time in at least a month I'm set to be on track with all the readings I need for a day of classes before the actual day. Now if I could be on track to be set with the rest of my life please thank you very much.
hey, you're more on track than I am at least keep pushing brother
yeah that's good at least it's one less thing to worry about
Thats super good. I need to keep on top of my readings and coursework. I'm worried about how'd coping falling behind on stuff, this year is pretty fast paced. I have a whole bunch of module exams for december. Thinking about uni, makes me feel stressed.
you'll be fine so long as you don't keep binging on drugs
I can't seem to go very long without getting high. rip me
>>599850 it's a fine line to walk, and honestly there's not much payoff for it just try to keep your priorities straight do your schoolwork and then get high
you saw a fair number of people in the US wearing big dog shirts in the late 90's it fell out of fashion really quickly though I'm glad it lived on as a meme
I shaved and now I have these big splotchy rashes they don't seem to want to go away what a pain oh well
Those are pretty annoying, yeah. I think I use that as a sign that I need a new razor.
I probably went too hard or maybe bought the wrong razors because they were brand new I hadn't saved in like a week or so and I don't cope well with having facial hair
I tend to go really long without shaving, often a month or two at a time. Not because I like my facial hair, but between maintaining it and disliking it, the latter wins out.
I should shave more often bit I usually shower pretty soon before bed so I'm often too tired. So recently I've been shaving about three times every two weeks.
lol a twitter nazi got doxed and now they're losing their position in army rotc and might get kicked out of school she was worshipping the synagogue shooter and talking about how she wanted the jews to all die and shit
>>599981 i could see me >Excuse me officer, do you know who i am?!? >ma'am it doesn't matter who you are >You don't know who i am? >i dont care who you are, you're not above the law >no i'm asking who i am because i dont remember
>>600016 I think it was not eating properly yesterday and taking a lot of kratom. also nausea from getting stoned last night too, I need to get some food I think. I need to take out the trash and clear my fridge of old food.
>>600019 kratom has relatively low abuse potential i mean, you can abuse it, but it'll abuse you worse than you abuse it if you try maybe it'll teach kannagi a lesson
I've had to stomach pain before I even started kratom. I think its just a shitty diet. I've been using kratom I think mostly to mask the occasional stomach cramps
im actually havin loads of trouble being productive without alcohol i always used to work through my hangover because that was the peaceful time without a lot of noise in my head and very little compulsive intention
im almost thinking about taking clonidine just to get that or maybe i need to find a job that actually works well for me like systems analytics or something
>>600043 Vyvanse has a side effect of making your vision worse. I'm going off it soon but its too late for my vision to go back to perfect. Also there's a new variant of Adderall that lasts like 8-10 hours. I'm starting it soin. *soon
Kirara, the Cat
>>600045 duster is like compressed air dusters poppers are relaxing they're popular in the gay community they loosen up your butt
I did my best programming on Adderall anyways so I'm looking forward to it.
Kirara, the Cat
>>600047 that's an extremely rare side effect though
XR lasts like 8 hours and that's old
>>600050 I had perfect vision until I started vyvanse. And when I don't take it I don't need my glassea for as much.
Kirara, the Cat
well im sorry to hear that but Vyvanse is still better than Adderall in general
I still really like armodafinil and pramiracetam armodaffs work so fluidly you don't feel anything at all i don't really like that the other stimulants are broader stimulants that affect more of the lower regiosn // regions of the brain and stimulate you physically i dont like elevated heart rate and increased agitation and all those things that come with it i dont usually have agitation but you know what i mean
i think they limit my potential quite substantially but just given the way ive developed and issues i have, without them i can't leverage any of my potential so within the context of the framework of my life i'm not against them i do miss the immersive clarity i had at one point, but that was muddled with too many unpleasant associations that it was traversing a minefield
Kirara, the Cat
people with ADHD can't be successful without them unless they start off rich generally it's a catch 22 be miserable and take the meds to be successful or don't take the meds, be unsuccessful, and miserable
you know, my ex used to really admire my brain and my abilities and had expressed occasionally some frustration at not seeing what i could see or feeling a little less capable i checked out last night what they're up to now and they've got, according to glassdoor, a 220k salary in san francisco doing graphic design or product design kind of stuff for google i'm kind of envious i wish i knew how to capitalize on things
it makes me feel pretty insecure about scrambling to do a couple transcripts in a day and make like 80 or 100 bucks feel like i'm wasting my time on petty stuff, but really just doing that eats up a lot of my energy i don't quite understand how people can live their job with such dedication that they get those big salaries i could if i were a mathematician maybe or like an esports analyst/statistician but sometimes it feels like even having a real job is a pipe dream wonder what's wrong with me, maybe i've got a case of hypothyroidism or something that i can't do anything
Kirara, the Cat
society is rigged against people like us that's what the problem is it's built to attempt to create experts out of neurotypical people in the way neurodivergent people organically become experts and we don't learn well in that environment so we end up not being successful, it's not organic we're being thrown away at // by society so our broken society can function in the miserable fashion it does
i mean, given our, or at least my probing nature and high-level processing, i should be well equipped to identify gaps and exploit them i do think stimulants make me a little less exploitative than my old self though that sounds like a bad word, and it definitely was in some cases, but i dont think it's bad all in all i don't mean it like socially manipulative just kind of sneaky and a bit of subterfuge
I don't really // I wish I could just knock my head and actually prioritise things that need to be done. I'm so lazy and disorganised. I know I can be organised, I need to force myself to not just sit doing nothing or avoiding things. so stupid
i think part of my low motivation and general fatigue is that i just don't like following the rules i dont mean im rebellious, but it's not explorative at all i actually crave constant exploration in order to learn and gauge things the stimulants kind of act as surrogates for that organic stimulation i find from doing something uniquely my own so i don't really function well doing just simple tasks
my biggest successes and where i felt most stimulated were when i was gambling [sic] "skill-gaming" is more accurate and when i was manipulating virtual economies in various text-based MMOs and in Ragnarok online and doing real-world currency trading from it
there's no motivation for me to take on a task with a set pay value i can't work like this or live like this it feels like my hands are tied i need to be able to grasp things and tangibly influence them and get that feedback from the system that i'm interacting with
I used to be organised and excited about stuff. then fucked up shit with my family, I don't know how people wake up and do the right things. I need to really force myself to take care of myself.
Kirara, the Cat
society is the problem it's not us that's why we gotta escape society
I dunno it was my method to stay afloat through four years of suffering tragedy and abusing alcohol this is the longest ive been sober since before it all went to shit to be fair to myself i haven't had a real shot because of it maybe i'll make a huge upswing now that i'm charging up i don't even remember what i'm capable of
Kirara, the Cat
neurodivergent people are more likely than normals to end up addicted to shit that's because of societal factors not individual ones not every trouble we've got is society's fault but a lot of them are at the root the people /// so many of us here have it rough and there's nothing wrong with us the game is rigged and we're just doing whatever we can to beat it at its own shit
I need to clean up. I'm going to draw up a list of everything I need to do.
Kirara, the Cat
draw me like one of your French girls
I wish I was back working. I didn't // I'm // I miss the routine a lot. I was doing really well at work.
>>600071 I'm not adjusting very well. I wasn't like the most organised person at home before but at least I was on top of things. I'm neglecting a lot. I haven't failed anything, I'm not late with any work and I passed my first module but I don't feel pleasure from it.
I felt happy knowing I did a good job at work but I passed my module got a good mark and I'm just stressed. I keep thinking things like "wow, you managed to pass the first one, you are going to fail everything if you don't push yourself" I can't enjoy it. what is wrong with me
>>600070 I question the logic of posting basically shoplifting tutorials on social media
anything that can be exploited should be, whether you have bad intentions or not the security side depends on people constantly pushing the boundaries of exploitating security flaws same goes with networking and computers we wouldn't have been able to progress forward without people abusing security flaws it's the securer's fault for having such flaws and they should be grateful it's been brought to their attention
>>600075 Naw, I am just comparing it to say "post pic of doing weed in socme"
Alright, I managed to buy my council tax via paypal. I've filled in my college form. and e-mailed it. I still have my support form to send. I need to take the trash out. I need to put clothes for washing. I should get food but I don't feel like eating anytime soon.
I have 1 presentation to prepare for, 1 sheet for Arts and Humanities, 1 sheet for ancient history. Nothing for the other classes I think.
I might have to go into my overdraft, which I will need to set up. I think thats everything. but I bet I'll get shit.
>>600079 I think I feel a bit better writing it out like that, I felt like I had a mountain to do but Its not actually that much. I just need to stop being dramatic and do it.
Kirara, the Cat
be as dramatic as you want as long as you do what you gotta
If I make a doctors appointment, I need to figure out what to say. or maybe I don't really need a gp appointment. I'll give myself time and adjust. I'll put it aside for now and I do this homework. I can get it done today.
My student group whatsapp group kinda pisses me off. How do these people pass their courses and constantly post about how hung over and drunk they are. serious fuck off.
>>600087 invite us to it and we'll say a bunch of gay shit to piss them off OMG haha that party last night was insaaaane! ya that brad guy from civics class, you know him? oh is he the one with the veiny dick? eww! yeah haha that's him but it's also huge ya i know lol never took one that big ya he and a few guys went int // in the back room and i swallowed ALL their cum no way! ya i got a couple vials of it left over 2 if u want some
>interview somebody and record it >constantly say RIGHT, RIGHT, UH-HUH, RIGHT, RIGHT in your squealiest voice the entire time the respondent is talking shut da fugggg up i can't hear anything you nasally snob
i find the people odd who constantly do some kind of uhum, right, okay etc when they are listening to someone talk
it's active listening, useful in reinforcing an open channel that is not quite self-sustaining but when you're recording use some fuckin sense just nod your head instead
for comparison, if somebody's talking to you sometime and you're conscious of it, try to not do any active listening and don't nod your head or anything just look at them without any confirmation while they're talking they'll probably actually stop because they dont know how to read the situation a lot of that happens without thinking about it
yeah but some take that up to 11 and it becomes annoying
communication is really complicated people are always at different energy levels, and things that could be fun or engaging at one energy level could be really irritating and annoying at a lower energy level, or really boring at a higher energy level stuff like that "uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, yeah" is pretty standard in business settings because it is fairly high energy if you dont give ANY signals at all, the person may feel unsure if the messages may be welcome in the conversational atmosphere or they're out of place
yeah i know what you mean that it can really sound mocking sometimes i'm sure i do that sometimes too i'm pretty conscious of it because i'm so involved in linguistics and transcribing is my job though, so i only really do that kind of thing if i feel it's necessary for instance if i'm talking to someone who is really uncomfortable with one-on-one conversation or who is particularly shy abou their thoughts and easily feels uncomfortable i want to make sure they realize that im following what they're saying and that it's interesting to me
But I really remember some people who did that agreeing thing so much, thati t felt like they were doing it sarcastically to mock you and they weren't but that was the wibe they gave you. And they were supposed to be some kind of help staff I don't remember who they were just the fucking annoying impression they gave you when you talked to them
>>600100 I can't say for all of us here, but I think cultural norm here is minimal response
Some people use those sounds to try and hurry people along and then burst in with their own inputs.
Cleaned the kitchen and got rid of the rubbish. I have recycling but atleast plastics and cardboard don't smell I have clothes to wash and then I'll start on Arts and hummus homework I won't hover today, too late and I need to empty the vacuum cleaners *cleaner
I nuked the kitchen with cleaning stuff. my nose.
>>600094 It was alright but not nearly as good as the first
house of cards season 6 was awful by the way it was good in concept because they removed kevin spacey and it was all claire underwood now being female president but the execution was so horribly thought through
Love you moe.
Kirara, the Cat
are you okay
I'm just lonely, I'm fine. hiccupping a lot though suddenly.
move to the desert with me in a few years we'll all move there and start a little commune and provide for ourselves and we'll never be lonely because we will endure like the desert
turn it into a pirate hub let's restore atlantic piracy
Kirara, the Cat
>>600151 there are a lot of abandoned ones we could squat on
>>600154 I know would take a lot of work to keep it in one piece, but I guess it would still stay "afloat" for 20-50 years
Kirara, the Cat
yeah it'd be easier to live on land
I mean that is the problem with sealand the thing will fall apart no matter what it wasn't built to last more over, you can't build nothing on the sea to "last" sea ain't that kind
I guess but how do you make a living out of the desert not much farming to do
My net died for a bit.
Kirara, the Cat
deserts have everything necessary to survive if you go to the right place and they're out of the way from other folk so we ain't gotta worry about being raided by the government or anything desert is a place where we can live on our own in peace
if you could live in any dessert which would you live in I'd live in a layercake
random thought what if you lived outside the circle in amestris? Did you jsut look at the big fireworks going and be all "huh that is happening" there are clearly several cities/towns marked outside the speculated circle or maybe the actual circle is bigger than the nation itself
I want to stop hiccupping, it's given me a headache
hey, you guys know the character named bilbo baggins from the lord of the rings series? haha wouldn't it be funny if instead of being named bilbo if he was named dildo instead haha XD
the florida gubernatorial election might get overturned there's a difference of like 20k votes between them now and votes are still being counted but the difference means automatic recount and gillum (the black guy that isn't a nazi) has gotten like 60k votes from the mail-ins that they've been counting
>>600236 You dork. You should have read the article! That article is the one I used when I started learning, and it's written by someone who has helped me find kratom when my services stopped and I needed a new source. He also helps poor opioid addicts get their hands on kratom. It's a good article.
i am all out of red i go through red so fast because it's a larger dose green is ok but makes me feel a little queasy i wish i had more red it's the smoothest feeling
>>600250 you don't care anything about penis privacy?
you can go in the settings and disable all that tracking stuff ezpz
My phone's battery is really going. Pretty consistently when it gets down to 18-20% life it'll next jump straight to powering down and then be at 1% life when I turn it on again. How annoying.
>>600259 https://www.dea.gov/domestic-drug-data This is what I could find.
>>600259 what do you consider a problem it's mostly abused in isolated rural areas where there isn't shit to do like new mexico or deep country
Looks at statistics is pretty interesting. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsrelatedtodrugpoisoninginenglandandwales/2017registrations My area has the highest number of drug related deaths. nice desu ne
I get an immediate result for that problem seems like big fault in that phone what a pain
I know the one you're talking about, I don't quite think it's mine. Or if it is, it happened way later than the usual timeframe that problem happens in. Which is a shame because a bunch of the people that had the problem happen while within warranty got Google Pixel phones as replacements.
yeah that sucks you could have got yourself a REALLY BLUE?
Yeah, if a nice, low saturation brown was a phone colour option, I'd dig that too. Or a royal purple or dark green. In lieu of the colours I like though, black/grey is better than white at least.