Thread #599878
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Beelzebub-jou Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 4-5 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-10 Seishun Buta Yarou Bunny Girl Sempai Sora to Umi no Aida Sword Art Online - Alicization Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
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erll I lry well I let ika know sorry I tried to be earlier tonight so tsurune sora no fish irozoku beelz
I've pinged him as well. So you've given up on five shows?
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I'll try to show up earlier tomorrow and we'll do five i dont wannt keep you guys up too late tsurune pokay lets start!
This art style's a bit between Free!, Violet Evergarden, and Dragon Maid. It's neat.
Some of this club really is kind of insufferable.
Not much gar about these kids though. I like them more than the Free boys though. Free got a bit too kinniku-y for me at times.
Oh it's a different mode of the ghost-not-ghost guy.
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okay and sorry for being quiet i'll be more lively next ep sora no fish haha please no okay lets start!
I can't believe you're picking THEM over US, Rika.
I was expecting there might be a shocking truth of this glasses girl being a trap. But they pulled that card on us with one of the older girls who work at the cannery last episode. I guess there's still a chance though.
Ah nope. That's that.
I applaud the localization team's commitment to making all their particular accents and dialects unique.
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The subs are weird. It's A instead of I when she's referring to herself.
Because they're trying to replicate someone who's got a bit of an accent like that. Someone who pronounces their I's as more "Ah" than "Eye"
It feels like it's supposed to be kind of Scottish/Welsh. But that's a really weird kind of thing to localize even a country Japanese accent into.
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Looks like she got a summon she likes.
Yeah. This one's actually cute for once.
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You guys wanna do bunny girl next instead of irozuku?
If Ika doesn't want to save it again, I'm fine with that.
lets save it in case jan shows up tomorrow maybe
Well Irozuku and it are both Jan-saveable shows. I'm good watching either so if you want to save one that's fine.
Ah they're making a mess.
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okay, irozuku okay lets start!
Having an actual magic person do fortune telling is cheating.
>A rival will appear I'm sure she's already appeared.
These magic dusts have really pretty colours.
I kind of want a tablet like his. One that's good enough to do portable drawing on. They're all pretty pricey though.
Meddlesome granny.
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I'd be kinda worried about messing up the past. I guess this world is magic though so it's fine.
Maybe it was inevitable that she'd go back into the past. A secret her grandma has kept all this time.
theres going to be some super deep plot and reason for grandma sending her back perhaps to save a life
>>599920 >Cue The Fray
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Yeah that could be. I bet that will be it or something. okay beelz lets start!
Mofu mofu
Oh another cafe deito.
Mullin doesn't know how lucky he's got it.
So Dantalian's a shota in this world instead of a loli.
Books do smell really nice.
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This show is so fluffy.
I love that mofu mofu part of it.
Oh I thought she was just going to be a disaster in the kitchen. Her chef just didn't want to be disposed of.
so fluffy i fell asleep
Azazel's probably the kind of guy you don't need to learn to cook for though. He'll probably be happy to make the food himself.
Wow she liquified that chocolate with her bear hands.
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Yeah that was really cool looking.
Her whole pee thing is a bit weird though.
Oh that's a KO.
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Thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.