
Thread #598415

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Kirara, the Cat
this is a thread for all the poor souls woken up at 2am by a girlfriend who can't sleep
Oh okay I'll go find a more suitable thread for myself.
Kirara, the Cat
come back
Okay I'm still here.
Kirara, the Cat
how's anime
We didn't get much watched over the weekend, so there's a good selection of stuff tonight.
Index and Spyce are consistently fun.
We're about to get started on this week's Yagate Kimi ni Naru.
Kirara, the Cat
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exciting stuff
In other news I've sorted out all the Cultists save Deimos.
Collected all of Atlantis' artifacts.
Hopefully I'm near the finale of everything.
Kirara, the Cat
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Good job.
How many hours?
Ninety-nine so far.
I'll probably break a hundred easily before the end.
It would have been far longer if I finally didn't lose my patience with just travelling around by foot, horse, and ship.
Fast-travel really helps, especially with some of the quests that have you hopping back and forth and back between islands.
Kirara, the Cat
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Oh yeah, that gets pretty ridiculous.
>>598415 (OP)
guess I'll just have to make a thread for people with no girlfriends
Kirara, the Cat
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wow not having a girlfriend is gay
I heard Kirara doesn't even have a boyfriend
What a loser
Kirara, the Cat
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do you
I don't have aaaanybody.
Kirara, the Cat
what is the term for nonbinary relationships
straight and gay aren't really all encompassing
Kirara, the Cat
usually just called queer
Kirara, the Cat
or pan
my psychiatrist asked once if i was gay or bisexual
i'm like, uhh, i dunno i guess
ah shit i got a lot more work today than i thought i did
i just took some kratom too i wanted to chill out for another four hours or so
>sayona Amuro
Kirara, the Cat
it's a shame your imouto couldn't come onii-chad, maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight puru?
Kirara, the Cat
wait i think i just made a match
Maria's not my type, sorry.
man kratom is great they should legalize that shit
pan is pretty nonbinary
Kirara, the Cat
did y'all hear about the super fentanyl that got approved by FDA
10x stronger than fentanyl
because why not
I saved Alexios
Yeah, I heard about it.
Oh gosh this is the weirdest family dinner.
They're really making me feel good about my choices though.
yeah im familiar
i think it's fine
carfentanyl already existed for a while though
idk what kind of application the new drug is going to fill since fentanyl already exists but I don't think it's going to make a big difference in the market
yeah i know
sorry but I got a date at the roller derby
it's sufentanyl
what the fda approved was a sublingual form of it
one of the meaningful uses for it is emergency type scenarios for pain
given its high potency, the sublingual form is fast acting and powerful enough to offer that emergency scenario function without needing to be IV or intramuscular like morphine is
that's pretty useful

Kirara, the Cat
the VA is going to give it out according to CNN
it's basically going to be entering the market en masse
cnn can suck
Kirara, the Cat
so can i
Kirara, the Cat
jan can i ask you a question
i def see that being a potential issue
but i don't think those sorts of issues should interfere with the fda's approval of something as clinically relevant
Kirara, the Cat
what do you think about beebra
what the fuck is beebra
not the bees
also yeah that makes sense now
i don't have a lot of faith in the pharma industry to apply such a product in a responsible manner though
Kirara, the Cat

this is beebra

i think addiction and abuse potential should absolutely factor into FDA decisions
it's not safe for use as they want to use it
those are taken into consideration
i meant black market concerns
that's not what their approval is concerned with
addiction and abuse fall under safety which is definitely relevant to its clinical significance
yeah well uhh hit it dude *slams bass guitar*
Nothing like a walk through a graveyard of your fallen allies with Socrates to be an epilogue chapter to the war.
nothin like. a high
Kirara, the Cat
FDA doesn't really take that stuff into account though
Kirara, the Cat
that's why FDA approves 80% of new drugs
FDA is owned by big pharma, so
their approval rate is high because trials are expensive and pharma does a shit ton of research to understand whether a new asset will pass approval or not before investing the resources in its trials
and the ones that wouldnt, they wait until there's an indication that it can perform better than benchmarks for
nobody's pushing for shit they know is gonna fail
Kirara, the Cat
people are absolutely pushing for shit they know is dangerous though
i see good uses for sufentanyl, especially in controlled hospital settings with opioid tolerant patients and stuff
im not sure why the va would be distributing it
that's not the fda's choice to do though
man who would willingly want to be a press secretary
that is like a nightmare to me
man who would willingly want
Morning moe
I need to get ready.
This week is starting. If I leave early I can go to a cafe and get a sandwich or coffee instead of rushing up that stupid hill.

I feel so stressful about this week.
I can't help but feel like I've missed something and not done reading I was meant to do.
what if the module that is closed for me is actually open for everyone else.
well there's nothing to it but to do it i guess
unless you got an itinerary for reference materials and stuff you need to read

i took a shower and my nose has been bleeding for like 15 minutes now
just a little trickle just enough to be annoying as fuck
Kirara, the Cat
that means you have too much blood and it's trying to escape
that makes so much sense
i should just let the blood out and drink it later if i need more blood
I had a nose bleed ... I can't remember when now.
both my nostrils were bleeding.

I've never had them both go at once before.
My class today is a module that isn't open on the online site where they put all the materials.
I bet its closed for me and open for everyone and has like a fuckload of readings on it.
I guess I
'll find out.

this also happens to bones
too many bones
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that's never happened to me
i don't typically get nose bleeds much if at all but I have kind of been assaulting them recently
gotta close your body's holes or the bones will escape
how skeletons are made
put pelvis onto pelvis
result is smol skelton
I should go and catch my bus.
See you later moes
don't lose your bones and blood
Kirara, the Cat
don't lose your booooones
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infant boneboy is wholesome just look at how happy they are
i can't believe i bought d3 for the switch what was i thinking
now i can grind anywhere
I'll never stop grinding
gotta find out who put my bones in jail
Kirara, the Cat
d4 on the switch
I'm addicted to snorting skeleton dust
i have to grind these zombies for 800 Paragon levels at least
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i dumped my laundry on the cat accidentally but she doesn't seem to mind
cutie kitty
you plant skeleton seeds
you ever had mcdonald's "Maestro" meals?P
are those like the premium sandwiches or something?
is a premium limited time burger
always made on order, on premium buns, premium beef and shit
and still costs the same as big mac
it is actual burger
not fast food
like restaurant quality
that is probably a regional thing
never heard of it
yeah it was here last year for the first time
I think it popped up first in netherlands
Kirara, the Cat
yeah they don't do it here
you even get premium fries
yeah mcdonalds are generally better in other countries than they are here
some places they're pretty high quality
some here in the US are actually a lot better quality if they're in affluent areas
but generally it's garbo
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mcd here is quite good quality compared to other places
not that i have eaten mcds much abroads
I mean
why WOULD I eat mcds when i am abroads...

but ofc, having higher quality standards and finland level minimum wages, means like a big mac is what...
8€ a meal or something
if that happened to me though, what you showed from that video, i'd legit just leave
i'd be too annoyed to eat
yeah if that happened in finland it would lead to death
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comfy computer chair
I missed you
Kirara, the Cat
id take my burger and walk out
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Makes you wonder HOW many failed shots they have?
i'd lose my appetite
i'd just say "now look what you've done" and just throw the whole tray in the garbage and walk out
or i'd pretend like i wasn't paying attention and just start crying while i eat my burger and look as sulky as possible
and make them feel really uncomfortable
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but that was a delish meal
also first time using drive through since...
2011 I think
I'd probably take a video and link it to moe like y'all get a load of this shit
>what is your name
curiously what would they do if you were say a group of 10 who all ordered the maestro?
Kirara, the Cat
maybe act really worried like im having an episode or something
Kirara, the Cat
i won't kill for you again I TOLD YOU NEVER AGAIN
i still think i'd just cry and look like i'm having a really awful day
i wonder if they'd still try and press onward with the candid camera bullshit because they're assholes or if they'd just say "you know what, nevermind, turn the tv off and stop bothering her"
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in europe they'd come and apologise and prolly pay the burger for you
Kirara, the Cat
europe sounds nice
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USA is famous for its huge lawsuits, but suing people and getting something out of it is much easier here
and much cheaper
not to mention all da customer protection laws
Kirara, the Cat
that must be nice
if i sue someone i will probably just get killed
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amusingly you have more protective laws here, but less legal rights
Kirara, the Cat
nobody has to follow protective law here
for example the agency that decides what water is safe to drink responds to like 10% of complaints investigates fewer and holds even fewer still accountable for water toxicity violations
candid camera type shows really piss me off that they even exist
fuckin up people's days and you think it's gonna just be okay once they realize it's a prank
you're still disrespecting their time and still sometimes doing something awful
Kirara, the Cat
what was that one show where they'd scare people into thinking a murder or alien or some shit was coming after them
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here they find one tiny piece of plastic in one food item
and whole food item gets pulled back, everyone who bought it during "danger time" is refunded and so on
and then huge investigation is done to see during which period the foreign item might have entered the food, and is there risk of more foreign items entering the food products

I mean we are speakingof a nation, where HORSE MEAT being sold as pork-beef mincemeat lead to a huge scandal
Kirara, the Cat
scare tactics
that was it
and it wasn't like horse meat but ,pork-horse-beef
Kirara, the Cat
here, they'll hide that anything happened and hope it doesn't happen again
only good candid show is that canadian just for laughs
since it is 100% harmless
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here in general it is better to say you done did goofed
tahn alter get a billion dollar fine
Kirara, the Cat
the government won't fine companies here unless the company hurts other rich people
if you hurt consumers, the government usually gives you money
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Finnish government gives companies a damn good deal for operating here, as long as they follow the rules atleast somewhat
We actually have less strict rules than most countries when it comes to corporations
I think lower tax rates even tahn in USA or comparable
Kirara, the Cat
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if i were to do a prank show it'd be like faux reporting
grab a camera and microphone and interview passersby on how they feel about the idea of drinking genetically modified water
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20% corporation tax
damn low
Kirara, the Cat
excuse me sir csn // can i ask you what your opinion is, on the recent murder of john lenin
what? no, he was killed just last week, sir
devout communist
had a band

that seems high compared to here
also coincidentally tax information is public here
be it private people or corporations or organisations
all tax information is accessable to any citizen
just contact tax office and say "can I see TN's rax record for 2017"
and they hand you the documents
there's something about subtlety that's not appreciated in stuff like candid shows
it's all so over the top
even eric andre's street stuff is way over the top
still pretty good but not the same
your corporation tax is a weird thing, since there are lots of tax deductions and shit going on, but on paper it is way higher
Kirara, the Cat
on paper it's 21%
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our has been 20 aside from one government term for ages
ofc big corporations don't pay taxes in US in the first place
like activision, who transfers all their revenue from IP based income to some central american holdings company, through a satellite company in netherlands
Kirara, the Cat
yeah i think the subtle absurd is really the sweet spot for comedy
as in, any product sold that activision owns the rights to, never ever gets taxed by US gov
in terms of the profit actiblizz gets
Kirara, the Cat
taxes suck
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they fund a lot of things
Kirara, the Cat
unfortunately they fund very little of what id like them to and very much of what i despise
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Time to "water the tree of liberty with blood of the tyrants" then
do as your forefathers would ahve
Kirara, the Cat
that's what im hopin for
soon please
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Wonder can you do it without bloodshed at this point
Kirara, the Cat
with enough time, maybe
govt will come in and kill us if we let them though
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they will just make protests illegal
Kirara, the Cat
and they already try to kill protestors who are protesting legally, so
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Here they will just shut down your speech
try to organise without internet and phones and shit
Oh yeah hear this
>hey want a cheaper car insurance
>then we will give you cheap insurance
a good deal right?
Kirara, the Cat
they do that here too lol
first people stop caring about their vote
then they stop caring about their privacy
soon theys topå caring about their rights
"it is our right to lose our rights"
Kirara, the Cat
>this one can never run away
the pic looks like something from /x/
Kirara, the Cat
yeah lmao
comfy office chair
leather anda ll
Kirara, the Cat
i want a leather jacket
leather socks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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leather hands
wine bottle with flowers in it
can't wait for self-washing hands to come out
Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i tried making a facebook just to use it for love nikki registration
so i did that and it was fine
then i kept getting emails about notifications and what has changed on facebook and i wanted to go in to unsubscribe from emails or just delete the account
but upon trying to log in, it wants me to put in a phone number so that they can send me a code if i ever get locked out of my account
there's no option to not do it or to do it later, and if i don't do it, i can't access my account to delete the account or unregister
and i'm not willing to give them my phone number

how do so many people use this fucking garbage
it's the most abusive site to its users that ive ever seen and people just gobble it up like it's gold
it used to require that i submit a photograph of myself, and it used facial recognition to detect if it was really a picture of a person and not a drawing or a picture of something else, and that it wasn't already used
that was really absurd and invasive
then after the zuccboi hearing and new privacy policy laws, i guess they changed it up a bit

now it's not a requirement to submit a phone number, but any information you've submitted upon first creating the account they now hold hostage until you give them more personal information about yourself before you can delete it
Kirara, the Cat
yeah facebook is really the worst
Kirara, the Cat
it makes me angry
like actionably angry
maybe i shouldn't be not taking my benzos i forgot how much i crave sabotage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so that is the "ragdolls through windshield" of rdr2
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arthur looks a lot like chuck norris as texas ranger in his default jacket and beard
Kirara, the Cat
how do people even fall for these
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what if they are all in florida so..
im guessin they had to sign somethin without realizing it first
derren brown did that kind of stuff by looking for targets who replied to ads about potential filler roles in shows and stuff and people would sign something as part of the application
then he'd engage them months later and they wouldn't even think too much about it

i wouldnt be surprised if these people signed up for something but just didn't know what it was really
so some apprehension or expectation that they know something's gonna happen but just not what
they're probably legitimately a little bit scared but only in that kind of "this is still not real right? i'm pretty sure it's not but it's still scary!" kind of way
real true fear is way different than how people behave in this kind of show
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that looks so acted
and I mean ALL parts and not just the acted parts
yeah they could also just be actors pretending to not be actors
that happens way more often than you'd think
Kirara, the Cat
that's what i think they are
or like
"hey wanna be on scare tactics? we'll do somethin to spook you but you won't know when it's gonna happen"
"yeah sure sign me up"
Kirara, the Cat
id do scare tacticd
they don't do the kind of thing that scares me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what if they turned your friends into hamburgers
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I wonder how many of their pranks ended up badly
if they indeed have real people in it
afterall, some do go more APE than shit in face of say clown killer
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Today went alright.
Heading home now.
Koi, the Dragon
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glad it went all right
How are you today?
little tired i guess gotta slog through the day though
Kirara, the Cat
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ive got 10 or so more hours today
ive been up for 6-7 hours already though
since fish couldn't sleep so obviously im not allowed to either
ive been up for like 14 hours but mostly relaxed most of those
i thought i'd get a nap in before work but i couldnt
now im getting daydreams while working and that's pretty bad
Kirara, the Cat
it feels like ive lived lifetimes in the past few years
Koi, the Dragon
I do not know how long or how many times I've been able to sleep for the past two weeks
being a mom is in my blood, runs in the family
my mom was a mom, and so was her mom
Kirara, the Cat
i wish my mom had been a mom
to be fair my mom wasn't a very good mom
she tried though
always made mistakes but she was passionate and tried
Kirara, the Cat
that's worth something at least
apparently when i was in infancy my dad cut the electric and was shouting and was gonna kill her and us so she took us up to the bedroom and hid us to save us
im not sure if that really happened but im sure she believed it
i could imagine the power just went out and my dad just shouting because he's loud and my mom having paranoid episodes where she felt danger that wasn't there because that's what she grew up around
both stories are probably true

but either way she saved us, or at least intended to in the reality she was experiencing
so that's pretty cool
then again, if it is true, my dad probably had the right idea
all of us woulda been better off dead probs
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yeah im so sleepy
im doing these transcripts with my eyes closed and halfway falling asleep
the brain is really funny when it's tired
ive got my headphones on and my only input is this crystal clear audio of a school teacher being interviewed, given that my eyes are closed and no other stimuli
and my brain is half dream state so i'm visually imagining this person sitting there and syncing their body language and lips to the speech im hearing
then i pull out of dream state and i'm like oh, no, there's only audio here
there's no video feed
I wish coffee would wake me the fuck up.
Half way awake and half way asleep is a pain.
Kirara, the Cat
wake up my music
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blue help
Kirara, the Cat
Man this week's probably going to be exhausting.
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I like that cats are worth less than criminals.
Dogs being worth more is also cool.
I have a lot of problems with the whole thing though.
Things are already going wrong why do they always go wrong

I have enough going wrong already I really don't need this.
Whats wrong?#
I had an appointment with some one with academic accomodation today to do with my anxiety and other issues that are affecting my work.
I didn't get the location I was supposed to meet them at from the phone call I had with them, but the academic accommodation has an office in one of the campus buildings, so I assumed I just would have to go there
But after meeting with the front desk staff, not only do I not have an appointment registered with the department, they don't even have a staff member under the name of the person I was supposed to meet with.

I'm already strained for time since I have a makeup test in forty-five minutes. On top of that I'm pretty sure there's a missed appointment fee to pay.
I don't want to pay something like that.
And the counselor who set this up for me isn't responding to email so I guess that's that.
It's hard to care about making improvements when things inevitably go wrong when you try.
That really fucking sucks.
I feel you.
I went in to my GP about anxiety and he handed me a piece of paper with phone number.
and it doesn't work.
Getting an appointment with my GP in the first place was a huge pain and lots of waiting.
Kirara, the Cat
Wow, that's really discouraging
>It's hard to care about making improvements when things inevitably go wrong when you try.
yeah i feel that
i remember similar administrative issues that fucked my academic career up over very simple issues
sorry about your struggles
I've also got an assignment due in like six -four hours that I totally forgot about.
And I was supposed to have today's appointment done before I met with the counselor this Friday. I probably can't get academic accommodation without it, which means I don't really have much relief for the class I've been struggling with.
I'm coming up on the last day I can drop a class without academic penalty and if I can't get that sorted out before that date I don't know if I want to risk it.
But dropping the course would be a huge ball of stress in of itself.
I don't want to do this makeup test I don't want to do anything.
Just find an invisible corner of the world I could do nothing in for the next forever.
Kirara, the Cat
no AC at the office today
got fans everywhere haha
Kirara, the Cat
you can get through this
it's ok to make a strategic retreat because that's better than failing but don't let it bring you to quitting!
oh mami quanta
two weeks before the big names start participating
Well the counselor got back to me about the appointment.
I guess I can call them and see what might be done about today's debacle.
Kirara, the Cat
that's great!
Kirara, the Cat
quanta is a really good magazine
i'm glad there's a really appropriate article that focuses on the significance of the math involved and not the sensationalist pull
Well I need to call them back from somewhere quieter, but it's about what I figured.
Missed appointment, missed appointment fee.
I really don't feel justified in having to pay that.
But I also really don't want to bring that up.
Anything controversial like that just makes me abhorrently nervous.
I also wish I could either learn how to talk into cell phones or stop getting phones with shitty microphones.
Whichever one it is, it really doesn't make my phone anxiety any better when I know there's going to be at least several instances of "I'm sorry could you repeat yourself".
i've always suffered severe phone anxiety
what i've learned to do is to think about it as if i'm making the call for someone else
when i have to make a call to find out information from a doctor for my mom or something like that, i don't care nearly as much because i'm not the subject of it so i can be objective and just set my goal as information or scheduling something
with me i get all flustered and anxious
so now i just think about it as though i'm doing it for someone else and mentally prep myself that way
distance me from myself a little bit and muscle through it
Well the late fee's at the doctor's discretion so I guess I just send the most diplomatic email I can and hope this fucker is reasonable.

I don't quite think it's the same for me.
I don't really like talking in focus much; I get self-conscious of it fast once attention is on me.
When you're on the phone that's often the main focus of whoever you're taking with. And so all the faults and awkward things in the way I'm talking feel right in the middle of a spotlight.
I can't be another voice in the crowd in a phone call.
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if i have to take or make calls sometimes i say i'm my secretary
that way if i do something stupid i can play it off like im a clumsy goof secretary and not actually me
i guess that doesn't work for school stuff though
Whenever this shitty Chromebook I've got for mobile work goes into sleepmode for a long period of time, or just outright runs out of battery charge, it always reverts from whatever wallpaper I've chosen for it to a default wallpaper of one of those cliched, shot of the ocean, stock image wallpapers.
I don't really like images for my wallpaper but at this point I'm just tired of having to constantly change it whenever I ignore it for a while.
wow that girl recovers quickly in goblin slayer.
just finished the first episode.
The other ones, not so much.

Goblin Slayer-san has a weird kind of motivation on the people around him.
ahhh use spoiler tags please!
i have averted my eyes from the posts fortunately they may be safe but i'm not gonna look to find out
I'm kind of hungry but there'll be dinner waiting for me at home.
So I'm stuck trying to come up with something I can buy that's cheap and not really filling.
But also probably pleasant to eat. Don't really want to eat cardboard to temporarily fill the stomach.
the only thing I hate about making phone calls is getting put on hold
it's like shoving toothpicks under my nails it gets more frustrating the longer it takes
goblin slayer slays goblins
lots of em
tomorrow is going to be terrible.
I wanna stay in bed forever
Yeah, same.
staying in bed forever sucks I get too restless
I guess I could finally check out H Mart and see if I'm weeaboo enough to find their products appetising.
Though I guess they're mostly Korean goods.
wtf man.... spoiled the whole show
I ended up watching dutch youtube videos
I forgot it was in dutch and spend ages thinking I was hearing english all wrong.
now you might as well just give it a 1 star review
shows fucking ruined
goblin spayer
goblin slayer au where goblin spayer is an animal vet on a quest to end the stray goblin over population crisis plaguing the animal shelters
Goblin Prayer
Kirara, the Cat
play it by eel
goblin prayer is on a mission from Spain to spread the word of roman Catholicism to the indigenous goblin tribes
glorious nippon eel folded over a thousand times
Kirara, the Cat
oh ive got a bad eel
Kirara, the Cat
i did some HVAC shit today at work because the people who came to replace our AC units were fuck ups
Kirara, the Cat
you gonna get out there?
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 839x600, Screenshot_20181105-182751_Twitter.jpg)
why is it that everyone im nice to is weird to me
Kirara, the Cat
why can't people just be normal and assume im busy if i don't reply to them
Why does the word "hiya" set off flags to me
whats up-
-not much-
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Kirara, the Cat
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Hi Rika.
How are you?
Did you ever find out if you were getting that job you wanted?
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Still waiting to hear back on it.
They're waiting on funding.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sounds fun
Kirara, the Cat
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Oh, good luck.
I hope it comes through soon.
So I'm starting my research for a journal article this week.
It's going to be on training neural networks to tell bad jokes.
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i wanna go on an antarctic cruise
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That would be nice, I'd like to hear back on it soon.
Rika will become CEO
Kirara, the Cat
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Keep up the good work.

As much as I'd love to stick around and talk, my time has come
good night kirara
Sleep well aidoruu
rest in peas
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Oh, are you going to sleep already?
Kirara, the Cat
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I've only slept like 5 hours in two days thanks to Fish
im very tired

sweeto dreams
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Oh well good luck!
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it's sure gettin dark early now
hey what the fuck I'm not weird
well actually

yeah nevermind
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jerk city hd is a blessing
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Yeah, daylight savings time sucks.
benjamin franklin was a big ol jerk
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
nanananananana PIZZA
is it anchovy and muh shroom
water you up to
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water you doin
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oh shit. its 2am.
I need to sleep.
haroo he

a really good article for once
from a pretty high profile magazine
I feel like I burnt through pretty much my week's whole emotional stress budget in today alone.
Living is ridiculously exhausting
i feel like that more often than im comfortable with
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i feel like /moe/ is going to fade soon
it's getting colder and draughtier every week
I hope not.
I don't have anywhere else to go.
Thanks Mister Skeltal
I need things to be doing.
Stuff that's enriching and interesting.
But doing stuff takes money and requires me to not be terrified and I can't seem to resolve much of either of those recently.
And doing nothing only makes this feeling of perpetual dread even worse, which buries me deeper under my terror.
And so the cycle repeats.
yeah it's a struggle
im not really sure what to do with myself either
What's worse is winter is coming up.
I always feel so hibernate-y when it's really cold out.
During the summer I can bike and that gets me out of the house even if I don't have things to do.
But winter is an additional stack of bricks atop the wall I need to scale before I can be motivated to do anything.

I'm hoping I can find some means of coping or resolving my anxiety and lack of motivation from these counselling and medical health services offered by my university.
Or at least find the path to that.
Because I'm starting to feel like I'm burning kind of thin here.
every day is a matter of survival for me
ive got no cushion and im never more than a week out for planned finances
i have to make the money this week to survive next week, and i'm constantly falling further behind on taxes owed, not to mention student loans
ive been living like this for almost four years now, and shit pops up making things worse every time, like my pc breaking, my roommate in tennessee dipping out, cat infestation tearing apart the ventilation and not having heat making it very difficult to survive the winter, let alone keep working through it
and having to pack up and start all over in michigan with no possessions, no bed, no nothing, and now losing my bed
it's so desolate feeling
i'm getting closer to being crippled
i've got no friends or social life outside of some interaction here on /moe/
it's drying up too, half of people either won't talk to me or have drifted off because of being busy
a few others sap the joy out of what little interaction i do have
im too anxious to leave the house

life's really hard
i feel you on burning kind of thin
but i still manage to breathe through it all
i'm sure you'll find a path forward if you make sure to just breathe
I'll try!

This regular kind of dour talk probably doesn't harbour encouraging atmosphere though, hah hah.
Gotta vent it out somehow though.

Maybe I should get to reading again, I haven't really done a lot of that lately.
In the past I'd be tearing through a novel every one or two weeks but I haven't finished a new book recently.
Aside from one I pretty much read from front to back in one sitting.
But I use to bring a book to read on the subway and in downtime between classes.
These days I think I get too much distraction from my phone.
Maybe I should start by doing less of that.
reading gives you a lot more room to breathe than a phone distraction
you need the big environment to really get deep breaths into your thoughtspace
a phone distraction is more like hyperventilating into a paper bag
you might be getting some breath but it's just recycled air
i think it's good to have that platform to invest a longer period of time and let your brain unfold abit and get breath to all the parts, to explore a bit

have you read everything is illuminated
it's one of my favorites
My biggest problem with books compared to phone stuff is that I can't resist books. Once I start them I'm often drawn in.
I finish far more books in one or two sittings/reading sessions than I do in bits and pieces over the course of a while.

I haven't read Everything Is Illuminated, no.
I'll look for it in the bookstore when I'm there next.
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Going to bed
Night friends
I've been wanting to get creative again lately.
My mind's been feeling frazzled though and the steps just past conception seem to just slip out of my head.
How to just do things.
im very fond of the real-time conception approach
conception and realization in the same process
that's what i do when im painting. i dont set out to do something specific
i just let the end product be a result of the interaction between me and the medium

i do some polishing up when it does start to take form and it becomes a clear vision to me, but untl then it's just raw curiosity
I'm not really driven to abstract art, I can't really get into that.
Creating is all about trying to bring into physical conception the thing I have in my head.
It's weird and frustrating to have what feels like a crystal clear scene I could illustrate floating around in my head, but having no clue what the steps for converting that image from brain data into actual lines, colours, shapes, whatnot, are.
That's kind of how I had that music bug a bit back too. There was some ideas of music in my head I wanted to transfer into a more permanent format but I can't do that without understanding how the software I'm using is supposed to work.
Writing's really the easiest vehicle I have for converting ideas in my head into something more solid, and even then I get caught up because I have a hard time getting around my linearity and getting the ball rolling in the first place.
And lately the blocks have felt really, really strong, no matter how intensely creative I'm feeling at the time.
i feel this kind of thing when people talk about stupid shit they've done
Aurora Australis?
At this time of year, at this time of day?
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i dont do abstract art
it's usually landscape or just some play with shading and colors
im not particularly good, i just find the process rejuvenating
i do it with writing too and sometimes poetry though not often

i feel like watching an opera
Ah, sorry.
When I try to do something like painting or writing without intent I just kind of feel like I'm a ship in a lull or something.
Drifting without moving anywhere.
It ends up feeling kind of hollow.
the medium is really important
it's very much a tactile fascination
acrylics wont work for me, nor will watercolor or brushes
it has to be ink
ink and either a calligraphy pen or literally fingerpainting with ink
it's just about what feels good, not about the aftermath as much
it's ok though i think i talk about this too much as is im not gonna be too repetitive
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i miss shibe memes
Bring about a revival of them.
What kind of doctor prescribes a clown for treatment anyway.
Never mind suckass clowns what a suckass doctor.

Oh, yeah, I'm familiar with the Watchmen bit the original is used in.
it's the punchline from a more well-known joke but redone a bit

oh ok i wont try to retell it then it'd be horrible
I tried retelling it to a friend off the top of my head recently and yeah it was pretty horrible.
You really need the lines for it down pat or it's just a lame joke
a man goes to the doctor very depressed
the doctor tells him that he should go see a clown
but doctor im a clown
two atoms were walking along one day
one stops and says wait i lost an electron
the other says are you sure
he replies yeah im sure
Knock knock
Who's there
Orange who
Aren't you glad I didn't say orange
i tried looking up old jokes and it just has a trillion resuls of the cringey af 90s-era websites that are jokes about old people
that's not what i want and it discouraged me to the point that i dont care anymore
What did the ocean say to the beach?
Nothing. Oceans can't talk
see you next tuesday?
Nah, that was the Australian
woah hey now let's not resort to stereotypes
Ah, yeah, sorry.
Australians wouldn't be so rude to a beach.
why do norwegian boats have barcodes
so they can scandanavyin
i can't control the the worlds memes I'm not the patriots
i am just a bystander in this grand charade
apologising like a true canadian
anime >>598777 →
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I have a work thing tonight
I think I might not show up
Would there be a penalty or problem in missing it?
probably not as far as I can forsee
staying at home seems like the more preferable situation
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I completed the azur lane event on hard. Three starred everything too.
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
honey salami goat cheese and arugula on a flatbread
it was tasty
one ny pizza place down 999,999 to go
They'll probably be putting up new pizza places faster than you can try them out.
i like this i would like to subscribe to the newsletter
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this is my winking face
it means that i like u
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this is my HAI BUI
But what about your T-Pose
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tilde hasnt taught me the tilde pose yet
The tilde pose will be a secret I take to the grave.
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>It's chair time, mother fucker
Today is going to be tiring.
every day is challenging in its own unique way
Apparently a night of sleep does not alleviate being stoned the night before.
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you need NUTRIENTS and WATER
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what are you a plant?
are you not?
what are you a planet?
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the sun is making me more powerful every day
liked and subscribed
your welcome
no you're whale cum
Well, I'm running late.
Now I have to power up a huge hill
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me, an anime girl
and also me
an anime girl
bang x bang
is this also you
that song is on Pump It Up and I have an entire arcade machine downstairs
with TWO pads and everything
that sounds rad
wow this is neat
Kirara, the Cat
comfy wumfy beddy weddy
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this comic is great
Kirara, the Cat
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why wouldn't you be able to kill anyone
it's rockstar
in these kinds of games you can kill people
did he expect the kkk to reflect the bullets with their grand wizard magic?
Kirara, the Cat
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women's voting rights is too ess jay double u
>playable non player character
Kirara, the Cat
the NPC meme that right wingers are pushing is the best self-own of the year
they probably don't even know how deaf people think
because they have small minds trapped in their skull
we should free them from their mortal prison and let their poor malnourished minds out of the brain
Kirara, the Cat
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they don't think that anyone thinks
a study came out that said only a small percentage of humans self-narrate in their heads, which they took to mean that people are literally unthinking puppets
and so now they're accusing people of just regurgitating pre-existing lines that have been fed into them
and in doing so, they're all just regurgitating pre-existing lines that have been fed to them, essentially becoming the people they think they're mocking

some of them have started to wear "NPC masks" and go to anti-trump protests
and they hold a sign that says "trump is bad"
and they chant with the protestors
and they think they're owning the protestors even though they're literally helping them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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cheese whiz
there were some videos popping up in my recommended for that and I wasn't thrilled about it.
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damn this looks sick
can't wait to play richter
damn sounds like an epic prank they should keep pranking the shit out of these dumb lefties
Kirara, the Cat
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the one where the person goes around and kills women's rights advocates or whatever?

there was also some pro-eugenics dude in the game
i beat him up until he ran away sobbing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I would imagine. I didn't watch them to find out.
Kirara, the Cat
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there are a lot of missions to kill former slave owners and stuff
and stealing confederate gold
i massacred an entire plantation full of former slave owners
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
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too bad the game sucks though
Kirara, the Cat
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someone told me the epilogue is really good though
well, they told me it actually takes place in the west
which is good for me because i got this game to see the west
>no don't worry the game finally gets good when you beat it trust me
this is like the ultimate form of goalpost moving
final fantasy 13 get outta town there's a new sheriff
Kirara, the Cat
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yeah honestly every time i start up the game i want nothing more than for the game to end
i'm on the last chapter before the epilogue chapters and guess how much time i've spent in the desert


i've spent most of this time playing in SWAMPS like some bayou shit
there's an area like wyoming that's pretty nice but you spend virtually no time in it

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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oh I was going to say 60 years.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... or was it 40
fuck I'm glad i spent my money on dark souls instead
i was getting a cowboy boner hearing about the game at first
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg)
also you spend a bunch of time on a CARIBBEAN ISLAND

it's not a fucking cowboy game at all

you can go back to the area in the first game in the epilogue or something
but that's after so many hours of gameplay
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I still have ff13 in its plastic wrapping on my shelf
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I actually own two copies of ff13 and I'm not sure why.
i have it somewhere but not in the wrap
i own three copies of ff13
they have a different number at the end of the title for some reason and I'm not sure why
the picture of lightning on the cover is nicer though maybe the number is for how powerful lightning is on the cover
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 432x603, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg)
also if you kill someone in self defense and someone sees it and you /// and guess what happens
they report it as a murder unless you try to talk them out of it and guess what happens if you do that
they get scared and run away and you have to kill them or you'll have to leave the fucking state so you can come back and do missions while anonymous

if someone runs their horse into yours, they fall off, and immediately start shooting you every time
3 hours done.
I have ancient history next, I've had fun doing the readings for it.
Maybe I'll be more awake by then.
3 more hours then home. Gambare!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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do your best
ancient history sounds fun
it's always great to remember the classics
Its the most organised module.
All the others are haphazardish and less detailed.
I'll propose that.
Kirara, the Cat
just play assassins creed if you want history
I remember using age of empires and caeser 3 as source for school history when I was tiny.
Kirara, the Cat
the newest doctor who was pretty boring
it took me a while to realize this wasn't an incomplete sentence
i would rather read an entire history textbook than play one session of assassins creed's combat
I've never played an assassin creed game before.
Most of what ive seen is running around roof tops and hiding.
Kirara, the Cat
origins and odyssey has really good combat
it's like actual combat now you know you have to guard, dodge, light attacks, heavy attacks
I'm debating if there is any point to drinking this red bullm
I am pretty sure ill be just wired and groggy which probably suck.
red bull gives you wings and as much caffeine as a cup of coffee while costing more and tasting worse
Kirara, the Cat
red bulleit
Far more portable and cold.
Kirara, the Cat
just take caffeine pills if you don't care about the taste
Kirara, the Cat
with cold water
cold brew coffee
well maybe that fad hasn't reached the hipsters of great Britain yet i dunno
My kratom is due to arrive today. I'm pretty curious.
Nervous about arriving via mail.
Kirara, the Cat
this is a good article for you to read
is it legal there?
don't take too much it'll give you an upset tummy
Kirara, the Cat
i overdosed on it once it's easy to do and it's miserable
you'll be too nauseous to move around but too stimulated to sleep it off
for 8 hours
Ta. I'll check it out.
I guess I need to be careful with dosage.
I have small scale for weighing stuff.
Kirara, the Cat
there is info about doing in the article
you should take .5-1g to start at the absolute most

i usually take 2-3g but im more experienced
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i took 1g at first and it was nice
now i usually take 3g
i think it helps a lot with comedowns from other drugs tbh that's what I usually use it for
also helps with feelings of anxiety but i don't have an anxiety disorder or anything
Kirara, the Cat
the first time i took it i forgot how to feel sad
it was weird
i don't get that anymore but it does help with depression
it definitely has a habit of making me nauseous if I'm hungry though I always take it before or right after eating
Its a lot smaller doses than I imagined.
100g will last me a while then.
Kirara, the Cat
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I got 100g of g maeng da yesterday
I've still got about 30g of red and like 20g of g borneo though
i can't get any more from the guy i liked cause he bailed after getting his shipments stuck in transit
isn't that pretty weird for a legal substance
they should legalize all drugs
Kirara, the Cat
yeah that's weird
make me president I'll legalize it
Kirara, the Cat
did you vote yet
write yourself in for governor
I'm gonna vote in like an hour
Kirara, the Cat
they didn't let me vote lol
what why
Kirara, the Cat
because florida voting registration went down two days before the deadline so apparently everyone who registered around that time missed the deadline for registering to vote in this election
Wait what
do you have to register more than once there?
Kirara, the Cat
i moved so i had to re-register
damn that sucks
i never really thought about that since I've lived in the same place the whole time
I'm sure it was a completely random technical failure that affected every single person and isn't a fucking charade
Here you're automatically registered to vote when you do your tax filing.
Though I guess I'm not sure if that would re-register if you moved afterwards.
As long as you can identify yourself legally you can usually vote though.
oh you can change it when you change the address on your driver's license or state ID here
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I guess Cherokees migrated to Russia
they spirit walked on over
Kirara, the Cat
i did that but what a surprise! it didn't change my registration even though i told it to
I think it's been some level of rainy or at least overcast for six days straight now.
At the least I haven't seen the sun in over a week.
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I figured it out
they traded that region for gerogia
which was then traded to me for technology by russia
also the cherokees trid to take it from me, but some gold and tech satiated their blood lust

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Florida man loses all ballots except one: Bruce the Dalmatian now governor of Florida
now nuke yourself
Kirara, the Cat
they should make me governor
ill abolish the government
turn Florida into the wild west
i will need to develop it first
and build an army
too busy and dangerous to send troops from europe there
considering I am in a war with france, spain and sweden (lol)
but spain has too many ships
Kirara, the Cat
i hope to!
the savage swamplands!
wish there was a total war game
with nukes
this tv dinner contains 2560mg of sodium
Kirara, the Cat
Kirara, the Cat
apparently john cena might join the marvel cinematic universe as the next captain america
that's pretty fucking cool he seems nice from what I know
Kirara, the Cat
i will burn my beard
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Ever had a beard?
that is cool but can he act?
Kirara, the Cat
i have spent most of my adult life with a large and jewish beard

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>facing 10k russians
naah not a challenge
>facing 9k french
bring it on
>slight more swedes than me

but damn do the swedish troops fight well
the stats don't appear any better, but there must be some hidden modifier for them
Kirara, the Cat
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that was a lot less painful than it could have been
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Going up the hills in hurry is tiring.
I'm knackered
Kirara, the Cat
>come call him cujo others THE DOG
come on
Kirara, the Cat
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The hardware level encryption on pretty much every ssd on the market didn't use your password as part of the encryption key so any sd encrypted that wy could be decrypted by putting it into debug mode.
*any SSD
why not just start with the gun
why not start with llama
Home now.
I got my kratom.
fairly big package.
Kirara, the Cat
gonna take some?
I want to try a little.
I smells like green tea powder.
Kirara, the Cat
it's good to try it your first time when you don't have plans
just to be safe
i recommend taking .5g and waiting an hour and if you're good, take another .5g
just to start out
after that, you can experiment more
just important to be safe when taking drugs

kratom does have some addiction potential so if you start using it you'll want to take occasional breaks
I was thinking of using it help me focus on studying and getting some homework done.
How quickly does it kick in and how long does it last>

I have small scale, I guess I will weight out some and then dissolve it into a glass of water?
Kirara, the Cat
it won't dissolve into water
it will be and taste disgusting

takes about 30 minutes to kick in, sometimes sooner if you haven't eaten lately

the article i sent you has recommendations on how to take it
I'll give it a go in a bit.
Kirara, the Cat
when it wears off (6-8 hours after use) for the first few times you use it, you're going to get tired and you're gonna sleep so good
This little seating pocket I'm killing time in until my next class has ridiculous accoustics.
I can hear my humming bounce around me.
If there weren't other people here too I'd totally play around with that.
The murky green water looks so unappetising wow.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 900x1229, IMG_20181101_171758.jpg)
Well, most people use chocolate milk to hide the taste.
But bottoms up!
Don't let it sit in your mouth or you'll get powder in your teeth.

Come back at night
so fucking nasty.
I guess I will wait to see how it kicks in now.
I'm done with class in an hour!
I don't really want to stick around for a few hours just to pass time until night.
Kirara, the Cat
that's why i parachute
There any things I shouldn't take with kratom?
or is it safe to drink and eat as normal
Kirara, the Cat
do whatever
i mean don't go do heroin or something you'll waste your heroin
It feels so quiet and calm.
Also since bitlocker uses the hardware encryption from the SSD it means that Microsoft's builtin Windows encryption feature also does not work.
Kirara, the Cat
feelin alright?
Yeah. I feel pretty good actually.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Sakura Trick - 09 (…).jpg)
Autoresolve in tw:empire would be a fun source for very interesting war stories
take ths case
2 artillery crews, 36 men, going against 2 whole armies, outnumbering them almost 20 to one
and they kill almost 800 men before going down in a blaze of glory

ps the autoresolve is bullshit
The guy who produced Despicable Me is apparently working on putting together a new Shrek movie.
Kirara, the Cat
You can probably take another .5g if you want to
or not
up to you
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 300x250, IMG_20181106_150946.jpg)
Kirara, the Cat
oh no
It is quite a mellow feeling, reading about it - it seems to have different affects at different dosages
>Peterson, cackling madly in the catacombs under my Palazzo: "get walloped, Montresor!"
>"Yes," I said, "get walled up!"
Kirara, the Cat
absolutely beautiful

I saw your call to action on the bus ride home and my mind went straight to The Cask of Amontillado.
The rest of it was spent trying to figure out how to make it work.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah cask of Amontillado is exactly what i was thinking
Oh wow.
I remember first hearing the cask of amontillado.
I was watching this: >>>/watch?v=QUPBiyHbAFc
its a weirdly strong memory for some reason
Shrek 1 and 4 are great movies and I thought the first despicable me was alright
I'll watch it
I only saw shrek 1 and 2 and two was still okay
kinda good even at times
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I don't remember a whole lot about 2 other than that it really upped the pop culture references
Shrek has really fantastic growth as a character in 1 though.
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The second continued quite well where the first one left
and it has that awesome final scene with the I need a Hero song
I love how they actually have HOT MILK to pou on the gingerbread giant
like what the fuck
is that ac ommon threat in this world?
god. why does it taste like this.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 968x1203, Eila (57).png)
you started kratoming too?
Yep, it tastes so bitter.
so I have read
Kirara, the Cat
Kirara, the Cat
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Look at me actually starting to learn 2 admiral
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And then the game reminds me "hey remember how SHITTY the pathing is for ships in this"
"well guess what"
AND THEN THERE IS NO "Oh friendly ship on the way should I shoot yes/yes/fire FULL BROADSIDE!!!/uuh no"
there is only
damn that sounds good
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1920x1080, Mugi (56).jpg)
>lose 2 ships to friendly fire
>enemy ships despite having lost 60% of crew and cannons keep rallying
>enemy does not have an admiral
game PLS
the naval combat is already asinine because AI controls each ship with perfect micromanagement
while player can't entrust anything to the auto-ai, since auto ai is "enemy in range FIRE ALL (even if there are 10 friendly ships in the way)"
and "ordered tot urn, TURN" even if there is a friendly ship in thew ay and you collide with it and then take 5 minutes real time to untangle you from the mess you wound up in
and then the enemy CHEATS

way to take you out of a mood to play a game
and you can see that the AI is cheating when the ship that just gave up the fight
TAKES UP ARMS the moment your ships that were engaged with it have turned into bad position
and then it GIVES UP again after one shot
and rinse repeat for fucking 4 times
untill the three ships that engaged it surrendered
due to getting broadsides to their rear...

oh and you can't actually fire upon surrendered ships on purpose

so the enemy gets free reload while being untargettable
and then gets a free shot at your ships weakspots
and then repeats it with minimal damage

you fucking what

and without an admiral to actually rally your troops
hell if one ofm y ships routs it is a miracle it returns to the battle
and that is with an admiral right next to it
Kratom is actually pretty good. I wasn't expecting much at first because of how subtle it was.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I think i will go play less aggravagating game
like dark souls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara, the Cat
for sure
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you got it ad tried it?
i love that it has no kick
it's smooth the whole way through
you won't even notice a comedown
i take 3g of it somewhat
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idk what yall pussies are on about i think it tastes fine
not any worse than protein powder
regularly but it still tastes like powdered grass and dirt
it's not bad if you take it with milk though

usually i just take it and wash it down with water because I'm lazy
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i had some just a little bit ago and i was out of milk so i mixed it with yerba mate
and holy shit that was bad though
tasted like bile

the reds have a lot better flavor imo
the yellow sulawesi actually has a horrifying taste but it feels great
yeah red tastes better i guess it's more close to earthy than grassy

when i could still get the green suma from my preferred seller i just encapsulated it in 1g capsules using this thing i bought from a Chinese medicine shop for ten bucks
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naval battles in tw games
fun when you manage to conduct them like a musical piece
and in the 9/10 cases, complete asinine
no wonder they cut them out in twhammer games
oh shit did you get a capsule machine
i have one
they're so much fun
Yeah it's pretty cool but my fingers cramp up after taking apart 200/300 capsules
filling them is fun though
It really is amazingly smooth.
I was thinking how to describe it, I feel its weird to say but "normal" like everything was just too busy before.
yeah it's kind of a stabilizer for me i guess
except way less hellacious than lithium
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it stabilizes me too
a big issue i have is that i can't usually eat because my mood and ability to function is so vulnerable, and just eating and having that change moves me out of my comfort zone to make me feel upset and irritated
kratom stabilizes me so my mood isn't so vulnerable and i can eat and change tasks and stuff without having it distress me
that's the part of kratom that helps with anxiety
Kirara, the Cat
i want to fill capsules with dirt
Kirara, the Cat
hey doc fill me some capsules with opium will ya i got a killer toothache
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15 days without alcohol now
6 days i think without benzos
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impressive work
i broke my spree of not being a dumb ass fairly recently but I've renewed my vows to try and be less retarded
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im not even trying to quit benzos
i just have been enjoying my former self so much that i haven't felt like taking them
i haven't felt any dangerous feelings yet so it's probably okay
are ya feelin more at ease
i redose about every four to six hours
I definitely feel more at ease, I don't feel particularly productive but being this peaceful makes me realise how stressed I was.
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it's kind of a milk tea and mahjong on a summer evening with the cicadas chirping kind of feeling
oh you can upgrade estuses to heal more...
and I think I used up the item that would have upgraded it...
wonder if that did anything for mea t the time...
The firekeeper soul?
yeah I think I just ate it or something
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I am beginning to miss immortal skeletons
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am I going to fight a giant slime
I bet I am
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
cutest boss in the game
oh neat I have a shield that gives me stamina regen
and I can dual wield scimitars...
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it was not a slime
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1920x1080, 20181107015532_1.jpg)
but that was a fun fight
quite easy though
Did you get the tail?
fuck no
Its a fun weapon.
I wish I could play dark soul again for the first time.
It is a lot of fun.

I'm currently in Anor Londo in the remaster. I forgot to get the peculiar doll
so I have to go back to the start again.
Kirara, the Cat
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what a long dong diddly day
hmm actually where to now...
What a long dong
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
near the entrance to the hallway to that boss there's a gate
you can open it now
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm pretty sleepy.
I'm going to nap.
I need to get up early anyway.

Nighty night moe
Have fun with the next part!
Kirara, the Cat
1 sheep 2 sheep it's time to sleep
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Kirara, the Cat
oh, welcome to blighttown
nighty night
Kirara, the Cat
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i asked fish to start the stew like an hour ago so it would be almost ready when i got home but she didn't
even though she said she would an hour ago
fish stew
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How are we all this hour?
should I set an alarm to ask this later?
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my selves are doing pretty good thanks
good to hear you're swell
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i'm doing just swell how about you're self
I've got cake.
ooo what kind
spooky glitch going on here
Well, had cake.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1048x1451, IMG_20181102_202659.jpg)
I'm pretty miffed
Some kind of triple chocolate cake.
Chocolate cake blocks sandwiching a rich center of this kind of halfway point between creamy and solid milk, dark, and white chocolate.
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I found someone's sex tou
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about the stew?
sounds good but maybe way too rich for my tastes
hope your hunger and frustations go away

man I can't read SHIT
It's pretty annoying when you expect to be able to eat at a certain time and have to have it delayed.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 700x990, IMG_20181104_152759.jpg)
Yeah. It's very frustrating.

But I can't stay up to cook stew, so I'm not eating tonight, partly because I'm very frustrated.
i tried to kill the sex toy from behind but apparently it is immune to buttsex
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Good luck with your frustration!
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm just going to get more frustrated about it!
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>Former Labor leader Mark Latham has joined One Nation
aw thats a really cute picture
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it's like he's got little stool legs
not super big into godspeed but this kind of nice
oh fuck off clive palmer
hope you sink in your stupid titanic
ruining my music time
Yeah that's a great prank.
I'd love to see more stuff like that.
very wholesome
I found falchion
is id bedded dan scimitar

also how to get rid of wall sex toy?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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wall sex toy takes damage but its health bar is so awkwardly positioned it's hard to see.
falchion has slower hits
you ever play Slay the Spire tn?
how would I play it when I don't own it
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how would I know that if I don't have your steam or similar
this song would probably be better without the speech stuff but I guess that's a godspeed thing
well I do personally like it
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I rammed my projectile rods into its ass
and it died
blight down is best place
blight down is happy stuff
blight down is merryment
for the whole family folk
you're gonna love it in blighttown
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Because blighttwon is a shitty place to be
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 1920x1080, 20181107031002_1.jpg)
this place is horrible
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yes, blighttown is horrible.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If you're concerned about where to find a bonfire once you hit the bottom, and you probably will be, I can direct you.
It's pretty close.
Search [iqdb] (427 KB, 1920x1080, 20181107031602_1.jpg)
okay where
I ran into rock people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh and you lived
Basically from where you first hit swampland hit straight right until you see the opening in the wall.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
By which I do mean opening in the structure of the wall and not just an alcove.
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I sense a trap
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I think I found the god of the rock people
as the emissary of the wall god
I must go slay this false god
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Have fun with uh
I will go there last
I think I already found the way out
weird watermill lift
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah, if you'll recall that way you went in and got owned, that would be it.
are there any smiths nearby
should have bought the "upgrade weapons/armor at bonfire"
I want to make a spear better
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nah, andre'd be the only useful fellow around.
Climbing out of Blighttown is a chore.
oh poop
I need 13 str to wield winged spear
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you two hand it you might have enough
two handing treats your strength stat as 150% of its value
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the dmg is horrible since str 10
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she had an aoe attack
she is a witch after all
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dead witch
that was a fun fight
you pretty quickly learnt the pattern

the aoe was only thing that surprised me the first time
Quelaag is cute.
how do I shoot fire?
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Also I found my Wall Goddess
you need a puromancy flame
theres an npc in the sewers you can save
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the one in the barrel with butchers?
also you can try to progress down ere but youll eventually get walled off again until later
fire link, which is actually a good place to go right mow anyway with both bells rung
where is he now?
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I think I found lucifer
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you kill ceaseless
it killed me from something like 20 metres away with its attack
I love hitboxes
now it is spamming its undodgeable unblockable fireball
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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He's a big bully
man he has bullshit hitboxes
no it hits this time
What about that time I was CLOSER to this slam attack
It missed
so it hits this time when i was FURTHER away
huehue I am ah ard boss
My difficulty is in that I hit you when I am not
this is one of the shittiest bosses since moonbuttergay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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You eventually do need to beat him, but you can wait if you need to.
So you can punch him hard enough to shrug off his damage.
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rip humanity

he attacked me thorugh the wall
I am going to ram my scimitar into your ass

this is equally anus fight as that metal gear spider fight in MGR
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh have you uh
used any- you haven't
do you have any fire keeper souls
I ate the only one I found sicne I didn't know what do with them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>ate it
I'm sad
It buffs your estus
you give it to a fire keeper
makes it heal-oh
yeah I know that now

no one told me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well good news is there's one on the way up from blighttown if you go into an unpleasant hallway of poison darts and firedogs
for fucks sake
so much cluter shit items in my inventory
Feed it to Frampt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
He literally just unlocked frampt
So then he literally can just do it.
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so what do you do agains this attack
it can't be dodged
you can't block it

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think it's actually dodgeable with a well timed roll but it's tricky.
no it is not
the splash fire dmg still hits you
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That is not a good boss
>how do you fight it
dodge its boring attacks that sometimes hit you from 20 character widhts away despite dodging and then deal 4-5 attacks to it
rinse repeat

that is the WORST kind of boss
the WORST design was the fucking moongay
>dodge its hits, taht sometimes fuck your FPS so that you can't dodge
>oh here comes a hit that can't properly be dodged and must be blocked
>and then rush over to hit it few times

if you have giant bosses make killing them somewhat engaging
not just hitting their ankles or shit
and how does the bsos even DIE from he hitting its tentacles...

not to mention once again
>it hits despite you being WAY away from its smash range
and then of course it has that fire attack thatj ust HITS

what annoys me the most is that I WOULD HAVE KILLED IT IN ONE BLOW on the first run
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I will not debate that with you, ceaseless is pretty boring.

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so is there a way to activate an elevator to wall goddess?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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There actually is an elevator there but it's more of a shortcut to elsewhere rather than a quick way to get to her.
You'll be able to teleport after an important plot boss though.
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there should be quick travel between bonfires FROM THE START
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
*between bonfires
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's dark souls 2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Of the many things that went wrong in DaS2, some things went very right.
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>here is a mechanic that would be REALLY USEFUL and SAVE SO MUCH TIME for players
>quick travel between checkpoints
>nah let's not add it, is not like they will like it

So many bad game designs in Dark Souls...
why do people like it so much?
those are not "features" they are game dev going "can't be arsed"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's pretty satisfying.
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I am nto saying it isn't a fun game
I am just pointing out how fucking flawed it is in terms of many game design elements that were common place in other games of the time
Hell didn't demon souls have quick travel to any big spot from the hub world...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Demon's Souls also wasn't open like Dark Souls is though.
The worlds were linear with checkpoints at each boss.
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Even more so to add quick travel to das
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and youi can't even hit the flame turds retard face without falling off
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Oh yeah did the eggsack guy at the wall goddes shrine have any importance
I instantly attacked him out of reflex
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well not really
he sells some pyromancies and can cure you if you get EGGified but there are other ways to get that
I hope.
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Well I have one more anti-egg item
how do you get egged?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the parasites in the egg people spitting at yuo
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I don't get the eastern europeans
What 100 years?
what about 1939-1989?
what do you do with covenants anyhow?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They have different benefits for joining and ranking up.
The spider gal's covenant is considered PVE content
your kick gets replaced and your soul gain is halved.
also what do the eggs do aside prevent helmet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah so don't
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But fuck damnit
>finish tw session with bugged naval combat
>finish das with hitbox bug boss
sure was a day
they're gobbing her!
and then they're gonna gob me!
I didn't have much to eat today.
Missed breakfast and didn't really have a dinner.
At least I had a bit of sandwich for lunch.
Guess I could have some crackers and cheese.
i bought a couple soups with a gift card i still have
i got no money
winter gon be tough
I hope you can manage.
The winters can get pretty nasty up here.
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hey blue we're setting up a mahjong game if you would be interested
yeah we're basically neighbors at this point
you are a little closer to the lakes which can affect the precipitation quite a bit though
We're getting a lot of rain right now but winter's are usually pretty snowless around here until January/February.
Though the biting cold comes as it pleases.
i'm thinking im gonna get a table and a comforter and make a makeshift kotatsu for my room
and probably just not leave me room all winter
but by table i mean like a tall, long table probably that i can be completely under
the normal kotatsu table might not work here
it would if i had that kind of floor seat setup they have
i need my hands to be warm in order to work though
Yeah, I wish I had some better means of keeping my hands warm.
It's not bad enough to incapacitate me but man I hate the feeling of cold fingers.
i end up in a state of perpetual grouchiness when I'm like that.
>>599331 →
anime too
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gonna take a risk a nd post this hoping it's not lewd
hope it pays off
it's a very nice image
Congratulations on your gamble paying off.
Search [iqdb] (422 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181104_214122.jpg)
thanks I try sometimes
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went from a real upper of a mood to a real downer
guess I gotta ride the rollercoaster
>autocorrect suggests imats
uhhh okay
The emotional rollercoaster is the worst.
I want to get off Mr. Emotions Wild Ride.
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has marsh posted lately?
I'm a bit worried about him
What's lately to you?
I think he's been a bit around in the pastweek.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Shibireru darou~?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i tried to hide
but i can’t help it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
gonna give you my heart to break
No don't
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it’s a shot in the dark but i’ll take if
gotta hack the gibson
I guess I saw him one of these days the past seven gone
still I worry
the traveling life can be a lonely one
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been tryin to repress these two weeks
Rough times?
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 564x424, IMG_20181107_193419.jpg)
yeah a bit and just making my life unnecessarily hard because I'm a stupid dipshit
I woke up really late.
So sleepy.
I might be late for class. Oh well.
what's wrong
Hey moon.
Can kratom sit in a water bottle overnight or should I chuck the water and do it fresh?
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it's a bit much too explain in the truck on my break
it basically comes down to
money problems
people are fucked up and so am I
so nothing really new but that's okay
i do it fresh every time
i don't know if it could or not
i never use water, only milk
if it's not wasting a lot i would do it fresh
im sorry things are rough
it's alright things are rough everywhere
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thanks though at least I go home tonight
what does kratom taste like anyway
grassy dirt
I could see myself eating that
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it's more something you drink
you could chew on the raw leaves maybe but you wouldn't swallow the leaves, just chew
you can make tea or mix the powder into a beverage
Kirara, the Cat
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