Akanesasu Shoujo Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Golden Kamuy Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 4-5 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-9 Sword Art Online - Alicization Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 4-5 Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi
i bought diablo 3 on the switch so i can play console diablo while watching anime well worth the 60 dollars >>598787 i have to grind skeletons for my crippling skeleton dust addiction i love inhaling skeleton dust
This is exactly the kind of girl you'd expect the short-haried one to be. I feel for her a bit.
what's wrong with going to the beach in the winter >>598789 hep
Ocean water is kind of miserable when it's cold.
just use your sony walkman to travel between dimensions
daburu >>598824 i miss the NEE AIBOU from world even though she looks like a potato
guildmarm never called me AIBOU
Guildmarm was best quest girl.
no way arena girl is the best guildmarm and handler are on the same tier below her they're aibous in 2nd place
>Don't tell Delick I'm pretty sure the old gun of Derick's that Doug kept around had his name spelled Derick. This should should be more consistent!
>>598830 Arena Girl's a bit too bitchy for me. I like the dumb cheer of Guildmarm and Handler. There's a good quest girl in Mon Hun GU too, once you get to the HR single-player content.
oh yeah the girl from tri had that clumsy moe shit on point too i guess she's 3rd to me
but tri sucks
3U was fun for me. I got into the underwater combat by the time I was through with it. It's a shame they dropped that mechanic for good.
yeah 3U is fun after they added the other 60% of the game that was missing in tri
Guuddo rukkingu Joe
Travis is incapable talking without a smirk on his face.
when travis was birthed he came out of the womb with that smug ass look on his face
Possibly the only time it looked more atrocious than it does with that awful mustache of his.
he had the mustache as a baby it's a birthmark
It's impressive what posture can do for a man. This bald guy seemed so weak and pathetic in jail. But with a good outfit and holding himself straight he looks like thirty years younger.
Sugimoto gets to play the role of a total psycho this episode. So business as usual for him.
Nani the fuck Sugimoto.
The first half of this OP could totally sell someone on it being some kind of period historical piece on hunter-gathering cooking.
is is some kind of period historical piece the kind that is very loosely based on reality and it does have hunter-gathering cooking so i bet you could bullshit someone for at least a couple episodes
so this group has the guy that can't die, the guy that can con anyone, the guy that can escape from anything, a girl that can survive in the frozen wasteland and a fucking samurai pretty good party
Wow this con artist has done his research.
Props to Sugimoto for keeping that expression on his face this whole time.
the humans are going to fuck with the goblins and rimuru will become a sad blob of tears
More like destroy the humans before they can touch Rimuru's beloevd goblins.
shes cute
She was transported to this world during the bombing of Edo during WWII. But she knows about geimus. I wonder who else from Japan has been around since then and before Rimuru.