>Arthur Morgan: dies >Game: continues playing as John Marston >Rockstar: "You all did complain for eight years that you felt no longer being able to play as John was fair"
Or unfair really.
Kirara, the Cat
john gets taken by the feds in chapter 4 and there are 6 main chapters and 2 epilogue chapters
>>597084 People were overworked and overtasked for this game. Isn't it great?
Kirara, the Cat
the game is high quality the gameplay a lot went into it
but they sold a false bill of goods this isn't red dead it ain't even wild west the story and the settings are horrible
i stopped playing sequels after dragon age 2 i learnt my lesson
Koi, the Dragon
There were people who were saying that they really liked doing all those little things like brushing their horse and making ammo and I guess there's something for everyone.
Kirara, the Cat
this id // is a prequel technically
well, franchise expansions then
Kirara, the Cat
yeah fair red dead has had like 5 games and they've always been wild west though
>>597089 haha making ammo is just pressing x over and over brushing your horse is pressing right on the d pad once
>>597104 more of ane xpansion like the alan wake nightmare thing, but yeah it is a standalone game, right with lots of playhours but that is 3/4 in wild west
because I haven't found another person with it that I want to sacrifice I threw away a Legendary Hector for her I got two more but... that's my Fire Team. Two fuckin hectors and a Cordelia
Kirara's attachment to people wouldn't show through in ways like that. Naturally would probably something like myself or Rika. I could see Tony going for a guide but I don't think he has it in him to act in such a way. Following the guide doesn't seem like something anyone from /moe/ would do.
Bonus round though, an alternative still acting like that with intent but not following a guide, and coming up with a silly act like that themselves. Would be TN or maybe Maria.
I think it was something like prepping food for a student party >chopping carrots >pause >"You know how carrots are said to have the same thickness as human fingers" >Uhh yeah I heard of that, why? >"Nah... just wondering" >continues chopping
My kind of yandere is getting rid of people who are in the way of my existing relationship. For example, if Fishdad did something really bad to stop me, I might consider getting rid of him. But I wouldn't hurt him physically. I would just break him psychologically or threaten him into submission.
It's a shame that maybe I should have trusted Blind less.
I don't really think that's a good thing to worry too deeply on. Most people looking for nice relationships aren't going to stab you in the back like she did. If you get into the mindset that you should trust your significant other less, it could damage your relationship with one who's not malicious.
I don't think I'd ever at yandere, I'm crazy paranoid a lot f *of the time.
>yandere wow, how nice to be able to kill for love I can barely trust myself to stay in love.
>>597229 I'll kill you koi. you'll be loved to death
>>597227 Honestly paranoia's a powerful component for yandere-ness. Turning that anxiousness into action can definitely make your actions out to be yandere-y.
I can't see it turning out as cinematic as yandere do. when I get paranoid, its mostly thinking the person is going to hurt me or something, where are the doors and lots of am I crazy for being paranoid
>>597229 Someone like me could kill anyone that needs to die. Given the right circumstances. And if someone needs to die so my love can bloom, then so be it.
You can't imagine me dressing up for halloween? That's what everyone does, isn't it? I didn't wear anything last night but I do have something for tonight.
>>597314 no harm was done physically i was also fishing around with my fingers in a garberator for some reason >>597318 they are curved like a ram’s v spooky and horny
i just need a trench now this fall weather is nice was in the 60s this week and its november like what the night was warmer than any night in SF all year
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>597318 spooky maid splatter her costume with red dye, that’ll convince her
Ease her anxiety by wearing a meido outfit as well
Kirara, the Cat
where will i get one on such short notice
>>597326 Is there any other time today you could make anime. I really don' t want to be stuck with all the shows that are out in another five days again.
for real tho i just want to carry some essentials hankie gloves beanie a cable or two idk chapstick flamethrower deodorant some crystal gems coffee thermos yknow
this is my favorite bag i wear it when im hiking or canvassing or walkin through a city it's super lightweight and small but it fits everything i need and is incredibly comfy
>>597336 i use a sling satchel always have always will it's the best
Something like that would be pretty nice for longer trips. I'm fond of my messenger bag but it's really not shoulder-friendly for lengthier periods of time.
i should really get a new one though i had a really neat one with an octopus emblazoned on it that was a little less hefty but it got kind of water damaged over time and i had to toss it the one i use now is big and leather and i use it for travel and stuff but it's a little too big for casual outings i would probably use it for work if i had an office job or something though
Yeah. My bag's a bit size-y, which is great for carrying school books and such around, and for material-oriented trips. Would be nice to have an option I could just throw wallet, glasses case, and maybe a few other necessaries into.
The honest problem with this of course is that I'd never remember which bag my wallet was in last.
a fanny-pack would be perfect for that if only it didn't carry all that SOCIAL STIGMA
Fanny packs a bit on the small side. I'd want a bit of room space in case I do pick something up I don't have space for in pockets.
Kirara, the Cat
y'all know i keep that thang on me (in my fanny pack)
>>597390 how you gonna scrap when u just a tall lanky fuckin scarecrow cunt
>>597389 I could never stand in support of default Nep. She lacks focus. Discipline. She can barely rule her kingdom. Battlemode is clearly the superior incarnation of the character.
but that's the best thing about it! it's so boring and brainless that you can do other, better things while you're leveling up.
>>597393 and thats exactly why i like nep so much the carefree usual nep that has a serious shift when she transforms but her goddess mode can still maintain the playful nature of default nep too theres a part in vii where she flirts with an otaku robot until her flees and it’s wonderful
she would be OBJECTIVELY a better character if she stayed permanently in Godmode. Prove me wrong.
Kirara, the Cat
Marsh is right
>>597401 >>597402 i dont agree if she was always serious it would temove the charm of her becoming seroous when she transforms
bees dont have knees...
adult neptune is extremely powerful for that reason you have a purple heart size neptune running around being a goof
>>597404 >the bee's knees = something good >bee's knees = don't exist >something good = ??? This is the proof of life
bee's knees refers to something that's favorable and trendy/popular i thought not something simply being good
also blue it’s good to have you on team delthea i wouldnt mind tolling for one if she had a reasonable banner and if i also hadnt just gotten Lute with her very similar skillset
Lute is rad
Koi, the Dragon
>>597409 It's kinda both. You would call something the bees knees because it's popular. but you wouldn't call it that unless it was also good. It's a positive confirmation of a popular thing.
same with cat's pajamas like it's hot news
Koi, the Dragon
>>597410 you're welcome Usually, I'd have one of my more creative units up there like Hinata
Koi, the Dragon
Hinata w/ Atk & Def Tactic is super good to use because what are the chances that you'll get TWO other flying units?
Koi, the Dragon
and even if you do well, just hope you can survive I guess
You mean Hinoka then huh
i exchanged my age old darling FeMorgan with someone I also like
>>597457 As opposed to tonight's party, or just as another event?
Kirara, the Cat
>>597460 nah she wants me to go to some rich people restaurant i was talking about it a few days ago she'll only go to the party tonight if i go to her damn bourgeois restaurant
Yeah I thought that was what it was gonna be. Feels like less of a blackmail and more of a bargain though.
>>597462 i don't want to eat at some fancy suit and tie restaurant with all their extra spoons and their fancy little soups and tuxedo waiters that say bonjour and the expensive food where ordering a side of fries is unsophisticated
Blackmail is when you have dirt on someone and use it to make them do something. Fish just asked for compromise! You both get something you want, how wonderful!
So. Remember how I really loved Piano and I told her I loved Piano and that I'd talk to Piano about my feelings about her and it was one of the reasons I had to not go forward with FCF?
>>597472 we hashed it out it was touch and go there for a little while but in the end all that remained was Truth. That's how you know we had a good exchange of ideas
>>597465 do you presume they say bonjour or do they actually say bonjour?
>>597480 Yeah, and how pretty much everyone knows that Piano is dating that one other guy from our circle and they're kinda a big thing now because they're both really talented musicians.
Anyway, she gave away the game as soon as I found her name. She thought that Piano told me that it was her. But I haven't spoken to Piano in months.
Which means
that they have definitely been talking and I have definitely come up
>>597472 you know what, mate. Sometimes you just type things out without a whole lot of pre-thought and then next thing you know you're shitposting your entire life story on a real-time anime message board.
Her texting style had a lot of ellipses. Not only that but she would text exactly how she would talk including the parts that you would usually erase or omit like >uh... you know... I mean... it's kinda sorta like... How ELSE do you think a person as dense as me could figure out she was interested in romance?
Yeah that would be pretty memorable.
>>597494 To be fair man you've had plenty of time to settle better into picking that shit up.
Good relationships, in my experience, happen when a cute girl forces her way into your heart with a crowbar. Just rips open your rib cage, grabs your heart, and squeezes.
>>597505 I mean, she tried last time. She could have done a better job if she wasn't so prudish... which is weird to even call her considering our "common link". But I don't think I'll allow it to get too far.
Besides, I probably couldn't fit a bitch in with all this XP grinding only a few more levels until 50 crafting then we can start the quest for the Legends cape.
...The more I think about it, the more embarrassing it is to put into words.
Okay, I think I've found a non-embarrassing way to put this. I don't think I can get romantic with someone, especially long term, if you're going to tell me that fellatio and cunnilingus is an abominable thing. NOT LIKE EITHER OF US HAVE TRIED IT But this was a closed case since day one
>>597517 Well there's always an opportunity for persuasion later on. But that can be a dangerous emotional and time sink and be an all around Bad Idea if it falls through.
Well maybe persuasion is a bit loaded in a way I want it. What I mean is, peoples opinions on stuff like this aren't necessarily set in stone. Just because they refuse something in one point doesn't they'll remained convinced forever.
>>597522 She was definitely the kind of girl who you could impress things upon if she was allowed the freedom. She seems different now. Or rather, she says she's different now. I don't think she'd lie to me but at the same time, her texting me is her step back into unknown waters.
>>597524 Remember how panicked I was? >Who is this girl that knows my family AND Piano but I can't remember at all? >Why is she telling me all these dark secrets? >How did we get this far? *one week passes* >Isn't this a confession of love? >Does she not notice how obvious she is? *second week* >She's really confessing her love to me right now. Please help.
alright well blue's been pretty candid i can be candid too
I don't know if I actually like this girl or just after almost two decades of living like a fucking degenerate, I just like the fact that a pretty girl seems to actually like me
does it really matter though you're pretty personable, maybe you're just able to see the good in everybody
>>597553 Were you being dishonest when you said she's a friend? That's a separate aspect from whether or not you're into her or she's into you.
>>597535 I don't think politics should matter too much in a relationship. I don't really think men and women should discuss politics that much either, especially early. After awhile of being together I think your political opionions kinda grow together so there's less pressure later on to be careful about it.
I think this is less about the politics and more about the other details involved there.
>>597558 Do you think you consider her a friend because of similar reasons as above or do you think your consideration is built on other things, like her qualities as a person.
>>597557 Given the state of the world today, I can't completely rule out the idea that the democrats aren't literally mages that perform blood rituals with aborted actual redactions
Good for your lack of realistic scope. I would consider otherwise.
There's not ruling it out And then there's believing it to the point where you feel the need to tell it to me. And having your brother talk to me about it. I'm good, y'all. You can have that slice of pie if you want. I'll be over here fasting with my buddy Sonic
The world today is like super duper evil. If you take off your normalcy goggles for a few seconds you'll be like holy crap the world is super duper evil and I'm going to stop thinking about this and just go to work tomorrow and not worry about it.
That doesn't have anything to do with the previous point. The evil in the world isn't a product of blood sacrifices, on account of magic isn't real and has no bearing on the world.
Kirara, the Cat
reminder that the south korean president wanted to sacrifice a boat full of people at the behest of a supposed psychic and a secret society
>>597567 My normalcy goggles tells me that the world is super duper evil. And tonight I'm going to go to work in the office and when everyone's gone the news will be playing on loop as a recap episode of all the "normal" things I've already seen on the hellapp.
I think it's okay to go outside your comfort zone. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but that's a part of life, and I think it's good to experience a little of that!
We talked about incredibly lewd things for weeks In my head we were complete strangers. In hers, I was some weirdo whose house she went to once. And she didn't even like me then! My comfort zone was nowhere to be found. The only thing I could rely on was my knowledge of manga tropes And they somehow worked
I just don't want to deal with the things that come with her love. She's too woven into a community that I'm trying to snip myself from. ...Then again, I guess she's on the better end of it but I'd have to face the worse ends if I oblige. It's all a big hassle.
I would be fine. But I just don't like being too much of an influence on people. And I don't want to wade through the garbage that I've been walking away from. Nor do I want to introduce her to it because I'm certain she's not in on it.
>>597607 Her grandmother is an elder at my church. The one I haven't been to in a long time and don't really want to go back to because of a lot of drama that has been brewing. There's no "pulling her away" from family. Not like I'd really want to, her grandma is cool. It's the other 70% of that place that I really don't want to get involved with.
>>597617 Friday Night Huge Party for all the International Students for Halloween didn't ate peanut butter out of the jar and leveled up my max Slayer lvl.
no regrets.
It's 31 for the record
my slayer level.
witch might seem a bit low, considering that according to my own anecdote I had a full Friday night to train it. .
But here's the thing: when your combat level is below 70 you can only get bullshit tasks from the low-level masters. I've since moved past that.
>>597640 joke's on you. she's in a different continent. >>597641 this is all your fault, Samurai. If you weren't a code genius, I wouldn't have a platform to embarrass myself.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>597642 it’s a good thing i made everyone sign that longass EULA before they post saving my ass one click at a time
oh you know just another law student the kind who really cares about how international privacy laws are applied and breaches of GDPR can result in loss of 20 million Euros or 4% of global profit
also just got out of the theater. that was quite moving
did you watch goosebumps 2
there's a movie out right now called Crazy Rich Asians wtf
It was originally a novel. Girl from a low-income family is dating a guy and he wants to take her to ... Singapore? to meet his family. And turns out he's the heir to a massive company back there and his family are like economic royalty. After which the usual predictable romance movie tropes are followed.
Oh yeah Jan we won't have Rika tonight but we'll probably do a full set of four or five shows.
what do you plan to do? i might be watching something else tonight
Gridman and maybe Goblin Slayer, like usual. There's also JoJo's, Irozuku, episodes of Juliet, a new episode of Yagate Kimi ni Naru. If you're not around, I dunno. Guess I'll just sleep.
>>597690 well, i should be watching MD geist in a few minutes it's like 50 minutes long so if you start, just try to save goblin slayer and jojo i'm gonna be watching those at least tonight anyways
My nose always gets kind of cold once the winter rolls around. It's one of the more annoying things to get cold. I can put my hands under my thighs, I can put on thick socks and more layers. But my nose is kind of out of reach of any means of warming it.
God, I wish i xould sleep properly. I feel so ill.
>>597810 we should trade lives.. I just fell asleep without meaning to and lost six hours of grinding
I wouldn't like to give you this brain splitting pain. I must have a flu i think.
well that's very kind of you.
>>597807 nope it just won't output above 44.1k for some reason
my roommate wanted to borrow my air mattress for a weekend excursion and he comes back and of course it's punctured and unusable man now i dont have a bed
What a dick
Can you fix it with a bicycle tire repair kit?
just fix it with flexseal
That's a really good idea.
Ah, but make your roommate pay for it. Either that or have them buy you a new one.
my roommate borrowed my air mattress and now it's damaged and won't retain air fuck my stupid life it's like an 80 dollar air mattress which i guess isn't a whole lot to some people but i'm stretched thin as is and it's like one of the only things i own that's actually mine my laptop and my bed i dont have anything else
he's saying he can pick up a mattress for me from someone who has one extra but like i picked this out, i bought it, and it's something that's mine i am really tired of taking hand-me-downs and settling for things i dont actually want but just have to make do with
I wouldn't demand them to pay back immediately but when they can and enver forget I once buggered a guy I borrowed money in middle school about it few years after I came back from the army when I ran into them
i think that i can get it replaced for a new one for free from the place i got it but im still without a bed once again that's the reason i bought it and now im back in that situation it just sucks it'll take time before i get the new one
>>597909 fish got tricked into drinking something really alcoholic at the party last night and she hasn't had a drink in like two years because she stopped to help me stop so she got smashed on it
>>597912 two years? i thought i remember you talkin about when her parents came over and they were all drinking
Kirara, the Cat
yeah at her parents' place but that was a little bit after i went sober i think i haven't had anything since new year's 2016 so i was exaggerating the time a little bit probably like 1.5 years
i remember that being like five months ago not saying that it was but just where my memory positioned it timewise my memory's good for some things but not time scale
i haven't had anything to drink since the 22nd 13 days ago
Kirara, the Cat
yeah, fish was still in nigeria 5 months ago
>>597916 that's awesome! the first few weeks are really hard
idk i really haven't had any trouble for some reason i haven't been taking my benzos very often either i dont think ive had any in like three days probably, or four and lorazepam is really short-acting and short half life so withdrawal kicks in really fast but i havent been noticing anything symptomatic of withdrawal for alcohol or for benzos some mild muscular irritation and tension but that's not really withdrawal so much as just not having the muscle relaxing properties of benzos
Koi, the Dragon
I guess I hit the nail on the head. >Let me be absolutely clear: Do Not Play This Game. It is a series of linear events brought through a taffy puller with bizarre controls and an even stranger story. It’s like all the worst parts of a David Cage game combined with the year 2000 PS2 launch title, The Bouncer.
>>597918 that's awesome sounds like you're doing pretty good
Koi, the Dragon
>But this game needs to be seen to be believed. It needs to be shown at midnight screenings like The Room or Rocky Horror Picture Show. People need to throw bags of fake hot dogs at the screen. This needs to be studied and then shot into space for aliens to continue studying after the human race is dust. Do not play The Quiet Man, but please find a way to experience it.
>>597921 yeah for now im actually pretty scared of my sober self though idk how long i can do this before getting manic or having some other bad behaviors recur
I was in the kitchen and suddenly panicked at how the clocks were saying it was nearly 11:30. And then I remembered the clocks in the kitchen don't automatically adjust to DST like my PC or phone does.
This anecdote has been brought to you by the "DST is a piece of trash why do we even have this fucking thing anymore" party.
>>597922 yeah watching tie play it was great fun i look forward to him playing it AGAIN to see what the heck kind of plot it was supposed to have
>>597927 no idea i'm not sure what kind of state memories will come about as i get more into my old self like i remember events fine, but if i think about something while in a similar state as when it plagued me before i'll start remembering feelings i forgot i had and they can be pretty overpowering and i could lose control there are social and emotional triggers i probably need to avoid but im not sure what they are
when i tried to quit drinking a few times before i'd get to like 10 days and i'd feel proud of myself so i'd want to tell someone that i'm doing good with it and it was always like "you mean you couldn't go 10 days without drinking? jesus..." or other such things so that just made me give up not even allowed to feel good about myself there
i gotta see some family again around thanksgiving that very likely is gonna throw my whole balance off emotionally again
>>597930 if you heat it for a little longer it should make it a little more consistent
These instant oatmeal packets call for 2/3 cup of water or milk for one packet, but even with two packets a cup feels way too liquidy for me.
what do you eat your oatmeal with, if anything is it a side or a main dish do you add stuff in it or plain
>>597929 I can kind of sympathize. There's a lot of things that are a struggle for me to do that my folks see as no big deal. So trying to express that difficulty can feel impossible at times. It's rough. Hope you can power through Thanksgiving.
>>597931 The instant packets are flavoured with maple syrup and brown sugar, but I tend to add in a bit more of both to give a bit more flavour. It's kind of a lazy breakfast kind of meal for me. Good once it starts to get really cold here.
i should get a big barrel of oatmeal and some breakfast yogurt i always just buy the plain oatmeal in the big container but i never know what to do with it, since it's a bit bland alone had it with eggs often, the creamy/thick oatmeal kind of texture and i'd break the yolks into it little different than the sweet additives but it was ok given eggs and oatmeal were all i had
There's a variety of oatmeal flavorings I like. Apple and cinnamon is another one I'm super fond of. as well as peaches and cream. I could probably learn to make these from plain oatmeal from scratch but the instant packets are just incredibly straightforward.
oh yeah the peaches and cream that one was my favorite when i was a young lass
yeah that'll be a good pickup i need to stretch my budget a lot and i kind of forgot oatmeal existed gotten very tired of fried eggs i cant bring myself to eat another i should pick up some radishes too
I very regularly forget oatmeal is a thing too. Rarely have it when it's warm, so it's kind of a "it's cold and I don't want to make a real meal and I'm tired of bagels day in and day out" situation. It's nice for breakfast though.
im thinking a breakfast salad might be a good thing to start doing i wish i had been pickling more stuff pull out some pickled beets and some crisp greens and maybe some walnuts some stuff like that
Pickled stuff might be a bit much for me. Unless it was a mild pickling. I tend to have pretty spartan breakfasts so something with that kind of flavour might be a little overwhelming.
Oh that's a little different from what I pictured. I imagined something a bit more like a greens segment from a traditional Japanese breakfast. A bit of an acidic crunch to go alongside some nice fish.
as i near the end, it feels more and more like 60 hours of watching an anarcho-communist slowly unravel and make horrible decisions for half-baked ideas and getting everyone killed but refusing to acknowledge its his fault and raging at the capitalists who are stealing the world he loved from him
there hasn't been a single real victory in the game everything i do, i lose that's just how the game is written everything is just always tumbling down it's almost exhausting to lose so constantly and just desperately try to hold on to what little we have left
There's been a show we've been watching recently that's like that too. Even when there's something that could be considered a victory it comes at such a price that it's really a loss.
Life sure is a miserable experience for some people.
>>597960 would suit the time since the turn of the century in USA was when gigantic corporations fucked the whole country over and everyone in it
>>597961 If I wanted to be miserable without victory, I'd just live my life.
>>597962 Yeah, but you can at least make an appealing story in that timeframe where you at least get some wins.
Nothing but loss might be fine to watch a few hours of, but playing it for 40-60 hours? It's discouraging. It's not fun. Even when the gameplay is cool or interesting, it's not fun because it's still a loss.
I met this cool dude and he was helping me shoot people from a hot air balloon! So cool! But of course he dies halfway through. So much for making a new friend or enjoying his fun character. gotta remember, no fun allowed because we're all losers doing dumn shit
also every chapter, you leave an area, wanted dead or alive which effectively cuts off that area from play because if a lawman sees you anywhere, you suddenly have 50 thousands cops on your tail and you have to leave the whole god damn state to get them to leave you alone
Kirara, the Cat
im like 90% sure the MC's death is going to be stupid too
Kirara, the Cat
also if you hold x to keep speed with friends on horses, your horse will often plow you into a tree and kill you instead of going around the tree which is what a horse would do?
>>597968 I am only finding these fucking hidden necromancers annoying nothing else really
>>597970 theres a biss down there somewhere but you kight hit a wall either before or after it since you havent hit a certain plot point
I foundsome hidden room but OH there is giant skeleton and 3 archers shooting at you and they are immortal skeletons since there is necro in that region somewhere
if you mabage to get past the boss though i would recommend heading back if you can the area after will eventually have a wall you legitimately cant pass right now
I've been kind of longing for the end of Odyssey myself, hah hah. If only because there's so much in this game and I need it to end so I can stop sinking so much time into it.
>>597989 i want to get back to it fish wasn't interested in it because she wasn't there when i started it
>>597991 no, pinwheel is the boss wvery souls player makes fun of
Someone from a different questline in the game that I didn't kill and hired onto my crew (and also seduced) showed up in a completely different questline as a member of my crew. And it makes me wonder what would have happened if I 1) killed her in her questline, or 2) hadn't brought her on to my crew at that time. I wonder how different this scene would have turned out in thoes other situations. I wouldn't have had a second chance to sleep with them though.
The bird knew what it was doing when it volunteered for duty
>>598000 there is but you need to slide down a few tombs and its easy to kiss basically there should be a left or right on the way down, with patches on the right in front of a cliff carefully going to the left shpuld pead to a ladder to a bonfire
that was easy once I buffed my sword to onhit the dogs
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is on Golden Wind, part five, this season. Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sempai Yume wo Minai is a really good LN adaptation. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken is a Pretty Good isekai adaptation. Yagate Kimi ni Naru is hella gay and that's pretty nice. And Zombieland Saga is about zombie aidorus and their Necroducer.
>>598017 I'll give goblin slayer a check out. I think the new To Aru is out too.
>>598025 Because of the content in the first episode? I think you could skip over it and watch from the second.
Well, no, there's a second instance in episode three or four that's not nearly as bad as the one in episode one. But it might still be a bit graphic. Nevermind.
Koi, the DragonSearch [iqdb](325 KB, 878x358, lmao3.PNG)Kirara, the Cat
>>598042 uyrd actually if youre nesr the giant rat, defeat it, then look for the small slides near the waterfall. you can go to the right after, up the stairs and ladder, more to the right after that, left of the toch hollow, and BAM as long as you geab the key nesr the rat
>>598082 I say game design wehre enemies can clip through obstacles with their attacks, but you get stuck on 3 metre high roof is indeed challenging challenging to pass through quality checks
Enemies merging into one 20 armed monster your hitbox being way larger than it should how the weapon just hts EVERY wall and rock how sometimes you have huge input lag how commands buffer
And then there are the skeletons goofy and easy to kill as they are, when not being immortal, their special attacks are just... especially the roll attack since it acn literally go for infinity long towards the player, once they begin it
>>598072 >accidentally hit the lady in the sewers who sells the uncurse item >this happens >have to fight the Gargoyles while cursed before I can get the priest to absolve me thanks Fromsoft
the bosses so far have been quite easy only ones that gave me trouble was the moth, because my rolls were lagging behind on the first two or three attempts and cuntdemon, cause doges
>>598097 Also I recently learned something interesting. About the origin of British spelling Previously hundreds of years ago there were multiple acceptable spellings of words. But whenever an American newspaper woukd start using one spelling consistently. The British would use the other one out of spite. Which means that American English existed first.
>>598099 seems like an onion article you sure bout that
>>598102 Yeah but This is the same country that started pronouncing french words wrong out of spite.
If you know anything about linquistics and shit, then you know that already is false >>598103 yeah and once again give an actual source on that and not just "hehe can you believe this happened" cause those are the kind of "apple fell on head gravity" stories
Hrrrm I just realized I heard both of those fom the same guy I'm gonna ask him for source right now He's normally very reliable on history so I guess I just accepted it without thinking
Those seem fun stories and might have an inkling of truth to them, but in terms of how languages are formed, and when dictionaries and shit became things just are pretty muc hthat stories
Newspapers in America would charge for ads and other third-party entrys by the letter. So in order to cut down on costs, people started omitting some of the letters they could that didn't detract from the word's understandability.
>>598107 Sounds plausible but I need a source on that. >>598106 Thanks for fact checking me on this.
Language, unless you have "official bureau of language" office like us, and your language is very limited in scope rarely has one set story or background, for why a word is how it is
I wish we had one if those. *of
Although maybe not I know that France's seriously holds back the language. Well holds it back, maybe not to tge extent of which would be referred to as "seriously".
>>598093 im used to that but later games let you change the jump off of that at least
>>598134 Well, it's the old one. The new one is at the Bank of America Tower (aptly known as BoAT) which is right by Bryant Park. That's where the real magic happens.
>>598183 Fish got shit faced, made a fool out of herself and me, and I had to leave early to take her home. I don't feel that's really in the spirit of our deal.
>>598209 no I named it after something army cause it was the first thing i thought of >>598210 nice i just took a class like that last semester
I'm lucky it is 11am start but I still need to walk up a shitton of hills to get there.
Yeah, as long as you can stay up for it, you can head straight home and take an afternoon nap. I've had classes like that before, that I just take the hit of staying up all night rather than miss the class.
i gotta get up at 0430 all next week cause i run something called sick call :(
I am contemplating smoking some weed to try to fall asleep.
whoah is weed even legal in your country im gonna have to report you to your embassy
Kirara, the Cat
>>598215 you probably shouldn't since you're having problems with your drug habits
just eat a thanksgiving meal and get the 'itis
when people come with sleeping issues its such a hassle lol they gotta fill out like a packet then i ask like 50 questions and then we refer them to an actual sleep doctor anyways
All my recent sleep issues are down to ingesting something. I probably should have avoided caffiene but I felt so groggy. My stomach is perpetually upset
got an upset tummy?
take some milk thistle thats what people on steroids take when they got an upset tummy
but its gonna be a week or two
just get a gastric bypass boom easy stomach solution
I miss taking the train to work. I miss going to work and my whole routine.
Schedules are really comfortable. It //Or can be, I guess. They can also feel kind of stifling. But having something external to register a routine is really useful some times.
Kirara, the Cat
schedules are the worst they are chains meant to hold us back we gotta break free
I should go out an explore. I used to go out to new places and take photos but I stopped when I moved up. I guess I've been so fucking unsettled, I stopped doing a lot of things I enjoyed, >>598241 I got forced out of my flat since I was living with my mom who dropped the flat to move to america. went to america for 3 months, came back. had to move up to where my sisters are with family pressure joined uni. in a foundation programme for people with low grades or no qualifications to get on to a degree programme.
I now live in tiny place in tiny village. I just haven't really settled I think. I'll find a way to enjoy myself, I'm sure I'll be able to go exploring again and shit. It was easy down south because of the nice train networks and I didn't need to worry too much about money I had a job, Not having a job sucks. >>598246 I'm a hour/ 2 hours from the scottish border I guess? pretty north. technically the North East of England.
Mostly because I can easily see it'll ruin my conviction to stop. and I won't have the willpower to improve my life in meaninful ways and just give up. I feel pretty close to giving up a lot. my mood drops dramatically low a lot for no reason. I should be excited and happy to be studying and have suddenly all this independance.
People like us are predisposed to self-destruction. But that doesn't mean we're doomed to it. We just have to keep fighting for a better, happier life.
death to anime
Anime will never die.
Kirara, the Cat
anime will die in like 30 years when japan is underwater lol
i wish i could order this again fug i want some real food ive been eatin meager basic stuff for weeks
stuff with no-calorie sweeteners always tastes really awful to me like to the point i can't really stand them
Some people genetically find artificial sweeteners to be horrid. I had a friend in high school who couldn't take them either.
I've made fun for // I made so proper food yesterday and today. instead of shitty takeout or not eating. I have to wear a belt now because nothing fits. baggy clothes.
Kirara, the Cat
>having genes
genetically modified waater
Kirara, the Cat
>>598275 i heard they were trying to breed some new water that tastes like lemon???
wtf kirara im watching the first episode of the new house of cards and this scene with a psych they're like, "Well, maybe it's time to put him on antipsychotics" and he goes, "possibly, but we'd have to consider his history of addiction" ??? why would that matter for antipsychotics
Kirara, the Cat
>>598286 lmaooooo oh man im addicted to being a fuckin zombie that can't even think
people actually abuse antipsychotics but usually only in prison settings
in an earlier season they had a girl who was put on lithium and they just show her staring out of a window, disheveled and catatonic like, that's a bit of a dramatization
probably never heard of it before and suddenly it seems a lot more prevelant
I'unno, I don't think I've seen it popping up more than I have in the past. To be fair I only learned of it a couple months or so back. But in that case I might only be noticing it now that I know what it is. There's a term for that which is slipping my mind at the moment.
my dad keeps buying kombucha You know what, it's alright
ive been enjoying kombucha for over 15 years since i was a young teenager it's always been a thing
>>598318 like a cognitive bias of some sort I feel like I should know this
Me neither, but I will say it looks ridiculously unappealing.
It s sort of like wax But also sweet
I don't think it looks bad but I can never be bothered enough to go into an import store and waste money on stuff like that >>598332 thanks it's officially bad now just needed that third vote