Thread #598338
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Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 4-5 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-9 Sora to Umi no Aida Sword Art Online - Alicization To Aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 4-5 Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
an we watched about 3 shows yestedday
Four shows, to be precise. Though I guess we probably won't be keeping up with Ace Attorney, eh.
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What was watched yesterday?
oh yeah we weatched phoenix wright not sure if we'll do that i think it'll be a filler show at most still very bland
JoJo's, Gridman, and Goblin Slayer.>>598344 Maybe something to do when Rika goes AWOL.
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index release the spyce sora to umi anima yell tonari actually yagate instead of tonari okay and give me a sec, I guess my IRC client was on my hard drive that died
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oaky index okay lets start
No buts
Misaka Misaka Oh no she's going to get herself into trouble fast.
You'd think Uiharu, a close friend of Misaka, woudl make a connecting between a girl that looks kind of like her and her name being used.
Typical Accelerator.
I wonder if this is the kick-off for WWIII.
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Did we watch banana fish 17 and zombieland 5? Kinda trying to figure out where we left off since my anime folder died with my hard drive
Zombieland episode five was the mud athletics episode. I'm fairly certain we're also up to date in Banana Fish.
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Okay then, I thought that might be the case. My poor hard drive is super dead.
This MEMBER team seems to be wrecking havoc throughout all the other teams in the city.
He's got some hard bones.
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Wow that's pretty impressive.
ow did she rip her feet skin off
Something like that yeah, probably. Like degloving her foot. Must hurt pretty bad.
Oh no.
oh no
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Oh yeah this is the beginning of frenda's bad times
Oh we might see Level 6 Accelerator before long though.
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okay release the spyce okay lets start!
Oh they're using that invisibility cream from before. I guess it's actually useful now.
A lot of the villain women in this show don't show much of their face.
fellas we gotta stop living
I'll stop living when I die.
If they're going to tail people around the city they could probably pick more inconspicuous outfits to do so in.
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Wow this hulk lady is scary.
Oh gosh.
She's probably gonna over-exert herself if she does that.
Oh she's learning. It's good to take it easy every now and then.
The blonde one uses a halberd. That's not a very spy-poi weapon.
I guess even without being able to get spicy the older members of their spy group are good in their own right.
Shocking Truth!
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sora to umi okay lets start!
Wow the guys are resorting to drowing the girls now to protect their jobs.
I wonder if this glasses one is a secret trap.
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A fisher that can't swim seems like a problem.
I guess even in the future Japan can't get over it's gender issues.
The MC's learned how to handle the tsundere one.
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I wonder if they're going to do actual space fishing this episode.
They're still stuck in training it seems like. Probably have to have an episode for the other one or two girls on their team before they can do rearu space fishing.
Oh gosh.
This was not the expected turn of events.
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anima yell! okay lets start!
The FIGHT butt shorts return.
Flexibility's always seemed fun. Guys have a rum hand when it comes to that though.
They've kind of become a general help club for the rest of the school.
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It's their job to cheer everyone on!
Yeah I figured she'd make a bad critic.
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yagate! okay lets start!
Nothing like a gaytime to lift the spirits.
Her sempai really wears her heart on her sleeve.
Or maybe she's just a baka.
This guy's going to be really obnoxious before he learns his place.
He's the kind of guy who thinks to himself "I'm such a gentleman, giving them the space they need to let their relationship flourish".
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It's uncommon to see yuri anime not bwe set in an all girls school
She's taking a risk, letting sempai into her room like this.
Oh gosh.
Gosh she's adorable.
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.