i keep getting all these political youtube ads about the voting season and candidates for wisconsin i dont live in wisconsin i'm really confused and just mildly annoyed
Then you really should be resting up! Trying to work while sick is usually a good way to not actually improve your situation in the slightest.
i thought i could do it like many times before but not this timei guess i have only ever called in to work once and got sent home once in my life before now
the other time i got sent home was becausei was extremely hung over and also underage though so it was a very awkward situation
One of the growingly more annoying aspects about this research methods class is that, as a part of teaching us Good Research Methods™, we're supposed to use this research assistant for keeping track of and tagging our potential pieces of research. Which is something completely foreign to me since I'm used to having my stuff in ...well, a heap, but a heap I know inside and out. Having to keep things organized is more of a hinderance to my ability to work than an assistance. But not doing so will literally cost me marks so, eugh. All I can really do is bitch about it.
Oh I think I've seen that, or at least something near identical to it, before. Animals that don't want to eat what you're shoving in their face are pretty funny. Frogs and the like are particularly expressive for probably not having the brain power to be expressive.
>>580773 i have some kind of deficiency in this area
Kirara, M.A.
quick tell me not to buy alcohol
Don't buy alcohol Kirara. Don't do it.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
don't buy alcohol, buy cigarettes
Don't do that either.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
you can also scavenge for used heroin needles (money saving life protip!)
do anime
>>580794 it is a very bad decision and how much you like it and how much you can control yourself on it have not changed and probably will not don't let it get you again man
I was listening to an "advice" podcast and the casters got a question about someone who was feeling constantly pressured by their boss and co-workers to pick up smoking when they went off on smoke breaks. One of the casters had been a smoker from their mid-teens to mid-twenties after which they quit, but as he said, more than fifteen years later in his early forties, even just talking about smoking, even in a way meant to bash how terrible it is, it made him feel like he wanted a cigarette again. It's a kind of terrifying existence to consider.
I was talking about my frustrations with my research assignment with my parents and it's really difficult to get them to understand where I'm coming from. I don't know if that's on my end or theirs. My dad in particular is a pretty pragmatic guy, very much a "see a problem, go after the most immediate solution to it", which means if it's already a solution I've dodged around for one reason or another ... he doesn't get it. So it just ends up with him exasperated. And my mother doesn't get that me getting a bit energetic about expression my frustrations isn't necessarily a bad thing, and her response to getting annoyed with anything is "maybe it's time to step away from it for an hour or so". Communication is hard.
I've two weddings coming up next year, one is early next year which means I have to buy something to wear soonish. I just want to get the whole process over abe and done with Not even the redeeming parts entice me about weddings >>580858 Not that I know of
but the sheer amount of cartoon physics and violence you could pull especially with roadrunner deaths
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
say yoy had an MMO style game engine where to connect you must first open a lightning payment channel (bitcoin instant payments) and then your avatar would be carrying that money in the worls you could just hang out and signal your baller status do casino games maybe bury treasure in the world somewhere secret idk what other kinds of games would work with that
>>580892 wow that would be so instant black market and money laundering service
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
FPSes wouldnt work unless you just gave everyone aimhax and wallhax by default
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>580894 sure but not really any more than any other bitcoin transaction unless you had a literal money anonymizing laundry service
True dat Just pointed it out and how it would be bad publicity for the company runnig it
I eman people already use some mmorpgs and shit where you can exchange game currency to real currency through various markets as money laundering services
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yup bitcoin is really pretty shite for laundering koney on its own anyway
But since if you want to have moeny in the game without well risking working for other ppl whatever to earn it and if they even pay it comes the other problem, since MONEY in the game is your real money, how do you protect it and also what draws or interests people to SPEND money on the game in the first place and then continue spending it I mean sure eve is already an infinite money sink and it has loyal players, but it isn't like WoW which is a money sink, but you can never - atleast untill actizzard pulls the plug on it - lose your chars and gear
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
so hanging around and just displaying your wealth is one thing that lots of players do but im wondering what style of game might work also, with Lightning you can have extremely micro transactions like, send one satoshi for free could have a comedy club where you tip the performer
But you say buy a 1 bitcoin and go marching around with about 6000€ on you and then what? like what would make it interesting or would itj ust basically be like that VRchat game, but you can brag about your RL status?
well you'd then have to compete with all the second lifes and whatever out there and none of those is really a that big thing I mean sure if you just want to make a thing, then why not but when you come up with a good novel idea, why not try to be the next big thing?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yo i can devise plenty of criticism myself already i am aware there are issues
I'm tryin to think of something but all I can gather is battel royale
I guess if you tried to make it more engaging for people, instead of just being chatroom with p2p paying methods, you could have a kind of GMOD type thing running in it that allows really wide amount of "mini" games to be made for it
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>580917 earth is one big battle royale the year is 2020
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
spy crab hat gambling for days
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
the initial zone would obviously be safe where no one can take your money but then there could be pvp anarchy areas maybe you set up tombs full of traps and shit with some gold sitting at the end as bait
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>580919 yea stuff like that make the coins physical entities in the physics engine
crowdfunding remains still illegal here, for example, due to it being classified as charity, and thus you can't raise money that way without being a charity and then you have the gambling issue of lootboxes
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
a gun that shoots money this is anime now
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
tn is the worst brainstormer please someone else save us
a quite powerful song since it forces people to dance
it's the theme to the 2018 devilman anime
>>580930 A mass game of tag but your movement speed is hindered relative to the value you carry. Tagging others lets you take some of their crypto. Set it to a timer and make sure everyone realizes they can go broke. Or just zip around at max speeds because you intentionally go in with zip.
>>580935 if you have money on stake there should be atleast a minimal bet and now it becomes gambling
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>580935 everyone bands together to body block the whale and suck out his golds but then he activates his trap card
>teleports behind you >nothing personnel kid
>>580942 Yeah I was just sketching out a barebones. I think adding further balancing mechanics would definitely make it interesting. I'd be firm on insisting the movement speed has to be SANIC when you're at the lowest crypto-count.
>>580945 Yeah no probs. I'm just running a number of things right now so full focus isn't something to spare.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i'm not criticizing i think you could turn that into something cool like agar.io w real money
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
1 satoshi = speed of light but if a speck of dust touches you instadeath
but like how dota 2 has players paying for the big prize at the international ... problem is one would have to make a game as exciting as these big esports eventually. start small
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
what's that community where people watch two AIs play each other in Mugen or something and bet on the outcomes
>>580959 Yeah, DotA started off as mod for Warcraft III after all. Even before Valve plugged its first International with their own money for a one million dollar first place, or maybe overall prize pool, monetary rewards for tournaments were pretty meager.
>>>/watch?v=WN5WCH9u9LI >>580973 I think they're only legal on a technicality inside of japan with gambling laws like that they probably shouldn't exist
Every month that ticks closer to December leaves a worse and worse feeling in the pit of my stomach. And a colder and colder temperature on my shins. It's the worst.
My phone's been acting really janky at low temperature too. Even if the battery's at ~20% according to its meter, it'll shut itself off and reboot at near-zero percent batterly life. This doesn't bode well for the cold temperatures to come.
or not really a filter, but weird contrast rather is not even the choice of colours, but like messing with saturation, gamma or overall contrst settings
seems to be following on footsteps of china, keeping communism on party name, but is just a one party dictatorship that allows big corporations to do as they please
>>581121 wasn't that the point of guardians of the galaxy also? that the planet wanted to destroy all the people? it was an allegory about how the world literally destroys people... (joking)
these might calculations make little sense to me Is it just because one bow has a "Level 2" skill and the one I'm using (which has around 140 points of more stats) only has a "Level 1" skill? Like... this would make sense to me and be completely okay if it weren't for the fact that both the level 2 skill and the level 1 skill are functionally THE SAME.
No, I'm not doing anything too serious. It's just that yesterday I finally finished getting to the end of the 3* Bow Crafts or was it the day before? anyway To enhance a weapon it has to be fully unbound and fully leveled So to get to the final bow, you have to make 25 of the first bow (Composite), which will unbound and combine into 5 of the second bow (Hunter). Then you unbind one of those using the other 4 so that you can get it to max level. Essentially 25 of the first craft makes 1 of the last craft. But of course, that last craft is also bound, and would need four more of itself to be unbound fully like the rest. (So a maxed out Cimmerian Bow requires 125 Composite Bows) THE PROBLEM that I had was that after finishing the Hunter Bow and getting it to Max, I enhanced it to Cimmerian. When you enhance the stats go down but you level it back up and it ends up being better than the first one.
Except it DIDN'T end up being better. The stats on the Cimmerian at level 20 (bound) is worse than the Hunter Bow stats at 40 (fully unbound) ...so I got back to work on making even more Hunter Bows and now I've got a fully unbound one but not fully leveled. At level 26, the Hunter Bow is about 130 points less than the Cimmerian Bow. But SOMEHOW, the Might Calculation says that the Hunter Bow is 5 points stronger.
Thing about the bows is that the Hunter Bow has a skill called Hunter's Strength. It increases your attack by 20% for 5 seconds. When you fully unbind it, that skill becomes Hunter's Strength Level 2: which upgrades it to 25% attack increase. The Cimmerian Bow has Cimmerian Strength which is the exact same thing as Lv2 Hunter's Strength. Except it's just Level 1 Cimmerian Strength. I'm ASSUMING that when fully unbound, it increases to 30% or maybe the duration increases or something and it levels up. But as of right now, the skills are the exactly the same and yet one of these is worth more Might than the other.
The joke here is that when I DO get it to level 40, the stats on it are probably going to be a little higher than the Cimmerian's and I'm going to end up sitting on the Hunter's Bow until I craft THREE MORE so I can FULLY UNBOUND the first one and actually make it considerably stronger.
Long story short: If and when you do get to crafting/enhancing weapons, don't go to the final mode until you have crafted multiples of the second stage. Because you'll gimp yourself for no reason.
>>581155 you have a masters, you're farther than me wwwww
I remember when someone said that one doctor joke >Do you know what they call doctors who graduate with a C-? >Doctor. I lost a lot of respect for doctors across the board.
Kirara, M.A.
yeah exactly as long as you pass, you're good
you can't graduate with a c- at my school though
Like, the statement is supposed to give off the exact opposite feeling but now you just bungled the lot of them with mediocres
Kirara, M.A.
if your gpa falls below 3.2 at my school, you are removed from the program unless you get it back up within a semester
there are enough easy A classes that you can manage though i think the coursework hasn't beem difficult for me i got a master's degree without actually studying for 95% of graduate school ffs
I still need better alarms I guess. At least I don't have any day classes today.
I usually have quite a few alarms and I have my phone somewhere where I physically have to get up and turn it off
which is probably pretty common advice but I dunno werks for me
I've forgone the latter bit for a long time because I've found without a "real purpose" to get out of bed I just endure the alarm until they stop or I fall back asleep. Maybe it would be different now though.
I don't think there's a set fee, for delivery it's all calculated on what time windows you pick, how much you order and where to I guess also delivering from australia might be a bit expensive >>581223 the bigger the window is, the cheaper the fee is
The highest Might req right now is 10000 my rate of increasing my power is slowing down and the level climb is exponentially getting worse. The distance from level 1 to 50 on Nefaria for instance is about 1/3rd of the total exp required to max her out
As someone who's actually left-handed, I can say pretty confidently it's not really something anyone should really willingly want. There's a lot of little things in life that are designed to favour the right-dominant hand that stack up as minor frustrations. It makes sense that they would be that way since, y'know, the vast majority of at least western peoples are right-handed. But it's still a little annoying.
I hope there's studies on autism rates for children with an autistic parent. But not just whether or not they have it but also severity. Cause I'd rather not have a child with low functioning autism.
Kirara, M.A.
yeah there are lots of them
>>581262 Google is just being garbage, I'll check pubmed.
Errrgh I'm not finding any Pinned *Pub med is giving me stuff about children with autism when I search "parents with autism" Stuff about psych issues of parents with autistic kids Which is not what I want.
>older father's are more likely to have children with autism I'm fucked There's no way I'm gonna have my shit together enough to even get married until my mid to late 30's.
Kirara, M.A.
over 35 increases chances of schizophrenia too
Luckily my family has no history of schizophrenia.
>>>/watch?v=_F6LD_czS8s The Persona 5 anime had a really good new animation for the OP for its final? episode.
Kirara, M.A.
i took today off from work but they scheduled me for an appointment anyway
Oh no
Also this law seems like it could violate some federal stuff. https://money.cnn.com/2018/09/30/news/california-requires-women-board-of-directors/index.html
Regardless of whether or not people think women should be on boards of directors this is probably not a very good way of doing it.
Kirara, M.A.
they texted me at 3:10 to say my 3:30 was here and i had to scramble to work it suuuuucks
>>581277 ehh idk it's not like the boards can get any worse
Tadaimasu >>581278 If diversity quotas are unconstitutional then sex quotas should be. As long as a company is not refusing to employ/promote qualified people who are federally protected classes that can't be discriminated against then the government has no say about who they have to appoint or hire or promote.
Kirara, M.A.
i found my childhood dreamcatcher
google no longer has auto-suggestions for when you type "why do white people" etc into the search bar
i was tryna look up "why do white people say" to see what people think white people say
yeah haha that's the only result i got too i guess google opted out of that i think it's a shame really because there's a lot of stuff that's just funny and not racially sensitive like why do white people like bologna so much
Kirara, M.A.
yeah that's such a shame
i think there's a certain level of that kind of stuff that has to happen to diffuse tension by completely dividing it i think it makes it worse in a sense
i had a pretty good idea for some posthuman fiction where, for the introduction of it, the protagonist is greeted to a bunch of messaging like "wow where'd you get that cool blood" and "wow haha that's such a lame way to die" from all the peers while they still struggle to understand they died that'd be kind of fun a super easy self insert too because i've always wanted to be dead
really though how do i appropriately reach out for help without burdening people inappropriately
Kirara 🚗
like, in general?
i don't know what's general
Kirara 🚗
are you trying to reach out for help with something specific or is it a more broad question
Kirara 🚗
what do you consider burdening someone inappropriately
Kirara 🚗
i don't know what that means
i can try to give an example like, when i moved, my sister said she'd take care of my kitty for me i moved with such high anxiety and with literally nothing, two suitcases of my laptop and a couple sets of clothes like within two weeks she told me she couldn't keep my cat i said i'd come and get it if i had to, though i can't take it on a train and it'd take like my whole month's expenses then my cousin said she loved the cat and that i didn't have to, so she'd take it now my cousin says she can't keep it and wants to rehome it or have me come get it i tell her that i don't have the finances or the means to do so soon so if she can find a good home for it that's fine (though it really isn't i still feel terrible, but i dont want to be a burden for her taking care of my cat for a longer time than she's comfortable with even though she said she'd keep it for real permanently then didn't)
and then she's texting me all day today like "why did you say you could come get her if you can't?" i said i could, and still can, but given the fuss she's making and urgency of the situation i'm just telling her she can go ahead sooner if it's a relief to her and she's just like "oh okay i was just wondering why you didn't convey that in the first place" it's all extremely hostile and i dont know why she's asking me why i'm not asking my sister to drive a 10-hour drive to bring my cat to me if i can't do it myself she's making me feel like shit and i don't feel appropriate burdening her or my sister any more than i already have by 'allowing' them to adopt my cat temporarily and change their mind?? i'm so angry and irritated but so self-loathing at the same time because this sort of thing is all i ever get in my life i can't even ask my friends for help because it's burdensome on the surface level to deal with my mopiness and have to deal with it so they ignore me over time and call me obnoxious when i do have a good mood until it settles into a pattern of non-involvement
I got knocked on the head while riding the subway. Some girl was talking with her friends and the momentum of the subway carried her elbow into my head. Way more amusing than anything else.
>>581343 Oh, I know. Both of us are always just going to do whatever we want. But I don't feel right if I feel like I've been mean or rude for no reason.
I don't usually go, but I have to go to my program's parties now. And I was "volunteered" to run a costume contest at another party, so I have to go to that one.
>>581350 It's a good opportunity for her to practice keeping her jealousy in check. She's going to have to learn to control it, and you can be trusted so it's fine.
>>581352 I dunno. I'll have to invite her with me when I go out with my colleagues, but I don't think she'll be happy with that. I don't want to be like, "oh, you have to practice not being jealous!" because I want her to be happy.
>>581353 Well, I'm going to try to help her with her jealousy. I also suffer from terrible terrible jealousy and have tanked stuff because of it. You do have to practice dealing with it, I don't know if I can describe it as practcing not being jealous but you do have to learn to live with it and not let it get to you and realize when you are being irrational because if you listen to it, it will make you irrational and ruin things.
>>581355 I'm surprised! You must have been unimaginably jealous or dated some weak dudes because you're pretty awesome. I guess Fish is //// Well, I guess she was mad that I sent her a picture of me posing with a girl and our shoulders were touching or something. But Fish has met that girl and knows it's nothing. I dunno. Fish wasn't like that before she went to Africa. She didn't get upset when I was hugged by female colleagues and stuff, even in front of her.
the best way to handle jealousy is to tell the jealous partner that what they're doing isn't a normal human response and make them feel humiliated and ashamed for it
>>581357 gotta scorn them years later though for "not having enough heat and passion to fight" otherwise they might go on well-adjusted to have a normal relationship in the future and who wants that
bloom into you the slime reincarnation thing skeleton as shop keeper next door vampire those are that I can name from the top of my head rerided might be good
Kirara, M.A.
sounds like a solid season
>>581357 >>581359 if you don't gaslight everyone around you, what are you even doing
I still remember some listing about "working on master's degree (so do it for us while working for us), with 5 years of experience" in a field you can't get hired into before atleast having a bachelor's but still working on master's that takes 2-3 years on average so HOW the hell do you have that 5 years of in-field experience...
I'll occassionally see "requires masters degree" "pays minimum wage"
that doesn't exist here it is "pays union average" which is actually quite good pay
but the "working on master's" is a bit assholeish condition basically they want you to be a near fulltime employee, while doing a master's thesis for them on some field basically, in exchange for the job, you will do an extensive research job for them FOR FREE
>>581356 I'm a terribly jealous person. I don't consider many things mine but when I do consider something mine I'm terribly jealous over it. This includes objects, spaces, and people.
>>581372 Would you get jealous over shoulders touching? It might be bad manners to ask, but I'm curious, what kind of stuff have you gotten jealous enough over that it tanked relationships?
>>581373 I would feel jealous over the moment shared but not explicitly the shoulders touching. but that's unreasonable jealousy You have to suppress those kinds of jealousy.
>>581374 Oh, the moment shared, huh. That actually makes a lot of sense. I didn't think about that. When I think about it like that, the jealousy sounds less ridiculous.
I actually get jealous pretty easily, too. Not intensely jealous, but I get jealous about unreasonable things sometimes. I'm kind of an unreasonable person about some things, like, I'm pretty sure Fishdad tried to set Fish up with someone in Nigeria. I want to beat that guy down. I get jealous when my friends get close to people I'm not friends with, too. That's really unreasonable so I don't do anything about it, obviously. I guess intense jealous is harder to deal with than jealous over unreasonable things.
>>581375 It's still unreasonable jealousy though. You can't force a person to just not interact with the opposite sex. Well I guess you can if you lock them up but you can't really do that.
>>581377 Fish could probably pay to have some big, burly people lock me up and she could afford to make sure neither of us ever have to leave the house. If I ever disappear, that's probably what happened. Just kidding. This is probably just a phase. It's probably her trying to figure out what to do with whatever feelings my marriage proposal caused. She wasn't like this until recently.
>>581378 well didn't she spend about 2 months bonked unconscious so I bet that leaves you with some mental scars to boot
is actually fun that most left handed I know are more amidextrous than really left handed I guess how society is well due to right handed being the vast majority set up, it ends up with many becoming ambi
like take my brother who was forced to learn to write with his right hand due to ancient minded teacher but is in terms of sports and doing things left handed
I wonder does being left handed make you handicapped in terms of e-sports? in some sports, like tennis, being left handed is actually an advantage to some level
maybe depends on the game but say in fps games where mouse movements are the key, unless you are playing mouse left handed and have reverse keyboard or the layout set to numlock you essentially, if using mouse with your right hand - the slightly weaker hand - you are losing some milliseconds of reaction time and those are what make the difference on the really high level
>>581394 you just use an ambidextrous mouse and numlock I've seen a couple overwatch streamers do so and they seem to be at no real disadvantage
especially, if you can use the macros while it is in normal numpad mode in some games using the mouse hand to do quick macro like that might be good too
and then you have mouses with like 40 buttons why do people want so many buttons on your mosue, that you will ALWAYS accidentally press something without meaning to?
Kind of. I've been in post-secondary before so it's not like it's my first rodeo. Haven't really been making any new friends but I have a friend from my night school classes last year who I share a class with.
too bad spidey is in theaters because im gonna see that shit and i wish i could see it with /moe/ first
I love the aesthetic of what I've been seeing from SpiderVerse. If I find people to go see movies with I'll definitely want to check it out. Or maybe just go by myself, hah.
Kirara, M.A.
if the philly trip is early january or late december maybe we could go together lol i gotta start working on those dates
If you start working on the dates I need to start working on the money, eep.
Kirara, M.A.
ill have to make a thread for it soon where we can all throw our best dates in
Immediately around Christmas might be unideal for me, but other than that, I think after the first week of December. And before the second week of January.
>that feel when no Ohio back
Kirara, M.A.
>>581537 cool ill keep that in mind i think the first week of january is kind of the ideal imo because rook has availability then and i think other times are more difficult for him
Oh Amazon is raising their American minimum wage to fifteen dollars. I guess the bad publicity finally got to them, hah hah. That's a pretty nice rate though.
Kirara, M.A.
it's actually because amazon workers have been striking for three months it's not enough though the strikes will probably not end amazon workers still have to work without bathroom breaks and shit, and amazon is still anti-union jeff bezos won't get away that easily
I just worry the wage adjustment won't come out of Amazon's pocket and instead have workers lose hours or jobs altogether. When the provincial government here bumped the wage up from ~11 CAD to 14 a lot of public-traded employers started cutting hours and placements to adjust.
Kirara, M.A.
amazon can't afford to lower hours if they could, they could have held out against the strikes longer the workers need a union to help coordinate strikes and help them understand their power though
...Are the rates really as low as they say for this game?
Kirara, M.A.
>>581549 that must be nice capitalism in general is shit but it can at least function if workers have power to check their employers here in anti-union land, nothing is even remotely functioning for anyone but the rich
For this semester, about 2.6k CAD in grant and about 1k in loan. The grant alone covers tuition and travel plus change, so the loan is free savings account or investment interest. I'll be able to apply next semester for a little less but still enough to cover tuition again.
Oh, neat. That's a good chunk of change. What's tuition like per semester over there, anyway?
My first year is shaping up to be around 5.5 for the first year, would probably be around 6k if it was a full year of ten courses. But I'd also chance my university to be a bit cheaper compared to some alternatives.
Oh, that's nice. My undergrad tuition was like $40k a year (at a private university) but I managed to get enough scholarships and grants to pay for it except for $1000 for my last semester of undergrad. When I was working on my AA degree at a community college, my tuition was around $5000 per semester, I think? I might be misremembering since that was like 7 or 8 years ago.
Eldwater is like feathers in FEH You use them to rank up your units. There's also another very depressing use for them. At the very top of everyone's Mana Circle are four nodes that require like 6k Eldwater each Those nodes increase the value of your Co-Abilities.
Exactly. Honestly ranking up doesn't do much for your stats anyway, it's like 1 or 2% increase so it's not like sitting on 3 or 4* is that bad. But you DO need to rank up to access the later scales of your mana circle. You can't get past 30 until you're 4*, can't get past 40 until you're 5*
At first I didn't think so but it's looking like it. The stat difference wasnt even the main issue but the co-abilities are. Different units start with similar but different co-abilities. I think it's shared by weapon class? Hawk and Nefaria both have Skill Haste +8% but Malora who is a 3* archer has Skill Haste +2% The coability increases at the end are generally just 1% additions so even if you get Malora to 5*, her skill haste coability won't ever be better than the 5* archers at the start.
THAT SAID It is increasingly more costly to unbind a 5* mana circle than lower class units You don't need Eldwater for them but you'll need an entire list of shit.
you can live without caring about them but some of them are so good that it's really hard to turn them down. Skill Haste +8% is really nice to have on a team because you get to use your abilities faster and more frequently and it stacks with your equips too so you can do some really nice things based on it. Since the super huge raids are going to have like 16 or so people in them, you MIGHT actually not need to care too much. Someone will be bound to have a heavy co-ability and if there's is stronger than yours than yours has no effect. But since there's more people in the raid co-ops than there are co-abilities, you can have your not as good character as long as you're good with them in general.
>>581551 reminder usa region banned finland for a while due to us unionising real hard when we immigrated there
The outclassing is real though. Like, Hildegarde is such a better healer than Estelle and I love Estelle so much. And with Recovery Potency +10%, I think she's going to end up being "that one healer". That + all the skill bar prep she has
>>581577 Wow, I didn't even know there were raids. I haven't even unlocked crafting yet, haha. I'm on 2-6-1. I guess I'm just one or two quests from unlocking crafting, though.
>>581582 They actually just announced it in game.There's a thing on the top left of the home screen called Loyalty Requiem. That's the 16 adventurer event. I don't know if it's 16 people or 8 people and everyone brings a buddy.
But from the way it's looking I should probably start leveling some water characters.
It sucks if you can't make 3* units as viable as 5* units like you can in FEH. I really like some 3*s like Aoi and Cibella. I really like Elly, too. She's so cute. She's a 4*, though. I'll probably get her to 5*. I don't know if her co-ability (hp+) is that useful, though.
I mean... you probably COULD but it's really dependent on what skills they have. It would have to not step on the toes of a unit above them. The problem with healers is that your healing skills are essentially - Single Heal, - Group Heal, -HP Regen, -Shield, Combination of these and it is very easy to see which ones are the most useful Estelle fails because the skill she heals with is a single heal and her group heal takes longer. Meanwhile Cleo and Hildegarde have easy access to group heals and skill prep so that they can queue it up really quickly the first time
Like take Althemia. Her coability on the wand is the lowest, I think. But her abilities have her in a very distinct (and honestly very fucking difficult) way to play. She's a pretty nice glass cannon that I enjoy using whenever someone else is on Nefaria or Hawk.
>>581588 That's why they lock down so much of the game from the start. You gotta get eased into it or else you won't know left from right.
I'm actually really upset about my roll just now because I wanted one more Happier Times. It's one of the bonus 4* rolls. If I get one more it'll be fully unbound and both of those skills improve.
>>581591 It's not so much that I'm absorbing it but rather that as I kept playing I kept wanting a certain thing and it was locked behind a wall until I eventually got to it and learned how to use it. Like weapon crafting and co-op
See Renelle and Ezelith are a good example of two similar units not stepping on toes. They're both fire dagger but Ezelith focuses on applying debuffs and Renelle focuses on enhancing crit. so even though the coability is vastly lower and Renelle is a 3*, she's still got the capacity to be pretty good.
my only 5 stars are ezelith and julietta I've been using julietta most of the time with jeanne and it seems to work out, but I'm not that far into the game so I don't have any idea how viable she'll be later she's really tanky though, she has about 300 more HP than my other units thanks to the boost from jeanne and how many HP upgrades she gets
>>581599 two is quite enough I have three now but I don't even use Ezelith atm Nefaria and Mikoto are my two Though I swapped out Mikoto for Erik because Erik is dark and I wanted to buff my darkness
Erik seems pretty cool, I got him yesterday good take on the noble savage
got this cool old man too Light is easily my strongest element at this point, is it beneficial to make a full team of one element or is it better to spread out a bit? I mean aside from the elemental dungeons
It's good to have an elemental team for a number of reasons. One of which being that when you rank up your Light Altar at your base, it will increase the Might of that entire team at once. And that's good for the sake of reaching might objectives
HOWEVER it will absolutely suck when it comes down to getting your characters stuff unlocked because they'll be competing with each other for the same materials. Well, it's not that bad in that case but try not to use more than one of the same weapon on a team at least.
the dark units have been my favorites Nefaria is amazing. Erik is cool. Cleo and Altemia are cute.
oh yeah friend codes mine is 3048-8426-822 >>581606 ah yeah the resources could be a problem I guess I could stock up on dragon trials and ruins but my stam
>>581610 Honestly, as long as youo don't mind farming the same thing ALL DAY it's okay. It's a REAL problem if you're doing something like multiple staves or multiple lances though Because you'll get to crafting and realize that you can either craft two lances for each unit, or craft five lances and then upgrade it for one unit and the second one will just be sitting on some cheap trash for far too long.
yeah I noticed that when I had to give my dude Ranzal the boot only room for one axe on this team also co-abilities don't stack so you're losing out by not varying your weapons
Kirara, M.A.
the skip tickets look like they can make farming a bit easier if you wait to be stronk and then binge them
you only get one a day if you don't buy them with money so you might as well stack them. Mind you, you can only use skips if you've cleared all three gold marks on a mission.
Kirara, M.A.
i got this one dude who is always like "fuck i gotta map out the exits here" that guy probably seen some bad shit
okay, time to enhance this weird as hell bow. I legit do not understand what the fuck this skill is about but I want it, I guess.
>>581621 wow same >>581622 oh wait, that's something else I've been wondering do you get any benefit from using a weapon of the same element as you like you do with dragons? if not it seems like // well actually nevermind that bit
It's the opposite, you LOSE benefits if you don't share the same element as the weapon. specifically the skill. I don't know if you do more damage by matching up with the weapon itself, it doesn't seem that way. but if the weapon is dark, and you aren't dark aligned, then you can't use the skill on the weapon.
Speaking of friend codes I got to put mine for the Switch here when I get home in a few. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough.
>>581624 well that's a pretty bad thing to lose good thing I didn't make that dark axe
For some reason, THIS is what connects to the Dark Bow in the 4* line and not the other one which is simply "Deal damage in a straight line" Which I should probably take anyway and not upgrade. But I wanna see how this works.
oh shit just got posiedon big dragons all day
Poseidon is good and I have not used him at all. I really haven't touched my Water units much at all.
I've only got 2 water units so I don't think I'll be busting him out any time soon either but one day
I've been wanting to use Thaniel, who is essentially a Water version of Cleo. Instead of Skill Prep, he has Gauge Inhibitor, which I find to be really nice.
Kirara, M.A.
my only 4* dragons are Phoenix, Unicorn, and the water and wind ones you get in the story unicorn seems cool since she gives +30% hp to light phoenix is a healer though i mean she gives the same +hp to fire but i don't really need the healing at least not right now
Phoenix's Healing is really nice. Her regen grant is higher than I expected it would be.
going to try to order fishes again i hope they dont fuck up this time if my order's wrong, i swear, im gonna sulk about it and feel terrible but not do anything else
Now to do a bunch of story reading so I can roll more.
>>581645 what's the hook here that it sounds absurd?
>>581645 This is pretty retarded. Although there is actually like one or two radiation laws that I disagree with. It has to do with materials that are "legally radioactive waste" but not actually radioactive waste. Its because of those rules that the Tevatron at Fermilabs won't be able to be made into a museum.
i just don't like that the article dismisses it as outlier scientists with no sources to the reports and just has a few sound bites this kind of article reeks really bad of bias dismiss data and just pose it in a light that trump's doing something that sounds outrageous if it is outrageous, there's a better argument to be made than this shitty thing it pisses me off
i'm not defending the idea that said radiation could be beneficial i just don't like this use of the communication channel and abusing people's scientific illiteracy and compulsiveness to share things that fits an image they love to hate