Thread #581421
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Beatless --Episode 27-28 Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 23-26 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 7-10 --Fall 2018 Akanesasu Shoujo Double Decker! --Episode 1-2 Tensai Shitara Slime Datta Ken RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 1-4 Honestly didn't expect a new episode of Jashin-chan. Guess they took a week of last week instead of this week.
Also I would really, REALLY appreciate it , if possible, if we could start a bit more timely-y on Monday nights. Tuesdays are pretty early for me and the later we start, the closer I get to miserable sleep.
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Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to be so late. We'll try to make good time tonight.
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beatless 27 happ sugar life kakuriyo dropkick-chan okay s so orange for batless 27 okay lets start!
Snowdrop's theme is pretty iconic. She's gone like full techno-harpy or something.
how many episodes are there for this i hate this show
One more after this one I believe.
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Do you really hate it? I don't mind it. Kind of a twist that snowdrop ended up being the final boss.
She sounds a little less childish. Guess getting a hardware upgrade changed her personality a bit.
I guess the world finally gets to see the extent that androids pervade their societies.
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Rip snowdrop again
Oh no. Man it really shows how mediocre Methode's AI was to see it's potential being used like this.
Things are looking pretty final here though. I wonder if the last episode will have that one Lacia-type that just ended up becoming a meido be relevant.
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I'm sure Lacia will survive.
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okay happy sugar life okay lets start!
Time for this all to come tumbling down.
poor pedo
>Tell a guy you'll help him locate his lost imouto >Get distracted fooling around with older women instead The gall of this guy I tell you.
hows the body sitting up by itself
Rigor mortis?
Well that's a little spooky.
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Auntie is probably best girl just for being amusing.
Boss Fight, start!
Hah hah hah this is all going HORRIBLE for her now.
It really sucks to be this kid though.
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Seems like it's going terribly for everyone who isn't the aunt. Who will just be happy no matter hwat happens.
I guess he did only say his dad died. Never said how.
And here we are at the beginning of episode one. It seems a couple shows this season used this trope. It's one I really like though.
Oh hah hah hah. Auntie just outright admitted to it.
auntie is the best character
She's pretty totally broken too.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
Broken people make more broken people. okay kakuriyo okay lets start! this is ep 23 brw
Cookingu Episode twenty-three
I like this opening its super hot kakkoii
nano is a great vocalist.
Oh no, losing her sense of taste is even worse than losing her voice. How's she supposed to chef things without being able to taste. Oh it's just that jerk.
>This is really bad >Proceeds to eat all of it
Oh it's the accountant.
that guy is so lame
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She needs to hurry up and cook for the festival.
There's a surprising number of charasong EDs for this show.
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dropkick! iokay lets start!
Duroppu kikku
dropped kick
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They really faked us out with the last episode.
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haha she referenced angolmois They must have a similar timeslot.
You've got the HorribleSubs 720p release, right?
Oh there we go. MPC was lying to me and said it had the subtitle track on when it actually didn't,
Yurine parodying Sailor Moon there.
The other devil is surprisingly excitable for how she spent the whole series slumping around Earth.
That's a big squid.
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Yeah, something like this always happens.
This is a cool bit for the finale.
Hah hah what.
I thought it was going to be a Stand but she just stole her armor.
Oh shit she has an actual Evil Eye.
I thought they were gonna cut there in a really evil joke on us.
Well another episode of that was a pleasant surprise.
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Well this was a good series it's sad to see it end again