Thread #579798
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Chou osoi
Less new stuff aired today than I hoped.
Cooking with Emiya
Grand Blue
Happy Sugar Life
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
--Episode 23-26
Tsukumogami Kashimasu
--Episode 7-10
--Fall 2018
Double Decker!
RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida
--Episode 1-4
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Oh, looks like Ika cancelled on us.
I don't want to do grand blue or happy sugar without him
let's do cooking with emiya for sure
October's almost here so there'll be a new episode of it too soon.
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we're both orange so lets start
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ah yes the episode I have been waiting for.
Casutaa finally gets to be the wife she always dreamed she could be.
An assortment of Servants this episode.
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Caster is best girl by a longshot.
Waifu Caster is pretty great.
Her bits from Carnival Phantasm were good.
Guarded Saber
Well she tried her best.
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He was really cool too.
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Well, no point in not saving for Ika since nothing really aired today.
I think we'll be able to knock all this out in the next few days.
I'm wondering if maybe we should do Double Decker.
Ika said he didn't watch Tiger & Bunny and so isn't interested, but maybe he can be persuaded.
Yeah, it's from the same world as T&B but isn't a direct sequel, or to my knowledge ties much to the original.
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Double Decker is stand alone, right?
I want to try convincing him to watch ep 1 with us.
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Let's try to recruit him for ep 1 and if that doesn't work we can make it a no-ika day show. I'm sure days like this will come again.
Well Jan's been watching it too, so, hah hah.
Or watched it, at least.
But yeah, if it's standalone he might be persuaded unlike Cardcaptor.
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I think there's a 50% chance we can get him.
okay, thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.