okay what anime do you want to watch OP texhnolyze or shigofumi?
Boku no Hero Academia Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-11 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 9-10 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 5-8
We'll probably do
Persona 5 Starlight episode nine Boku no Hero Academia Hataraku Saibou
isn't this 26 episodes? they have a whole palace and a half left. I guess they're going to rush the best part of the game, sasuga.
Oh maybe it'll be bad end kek
>>574441 The episode counter in the ED seems to at least go up to 28, so I don't know any more. I haven't seen a third cour for this show on charts for the next season.
If there was any justice in this world, they would have bad end as episode 26 and pretend that's the end with it picking up onto the golden end route with an episode the next week. The way the game's story works would allow it.
>>574450 So they can hold the best ending of any persona game hostage unless you shell out? A good strategy, if you're a SINNER. Someone like that shouldn't even be working on a P5 anime!
There was almost a kind of Arabic feel to the outfits from the last Starlight. It's a good kind of fashion.
I guess the glasses girl is going to have to save Banana and help her find her way again.
>Karen plays the sin of Arrogance This won't be relevant at all.
What a depressing story. How nice.
>The fruit that has become ripened on the stage This level of metaphor is too much for me.
Four stage girls remain. Karen and Hikari still have to take on Claudine and This Is Tendou Maya before they reach the top.
All right, next up is Boku no Hero Academia!
Okay@ ! Let's start!
I'm excited fr this
boku no inbetween arcs
Yeah but this inbetween arcs segment is in tents.
the source of many amazing fan art pictures of bakugou and midoriya
It's a little interesting to consider that the entirety we've seen of that one kind-of-lewd girl from the other big hero school during the last exam was entirely just that crazy yandere villain girl.
Hah hah. This robot is kind of a jerk about alerting Eraser Head.
;_; It really is a guilt Bakugou's probably gonna carry for a long time.
this is so hype and it's not even halfway done
These fucking dance move kicks Deku's doing are so good.
Huhhhh. I thought the anime's current run was gonna end at the end of this season. But if they're setting up the academy's Big Three and teasing -that- villain in the PV for next week, are they kicking off the next arc?
well I would prefer if they keep going so hopefully. I don't want to read the manga and watch the anime too.
plus the anime is way more hype.
I'm not seeing any news on more stuff next season but Black Clover got confirmed for more stuff next season like last week and that's not showing up either. So who knows, maybe.
I should win the lottery so I can just give the studio 300 million dollars to adapt the rest of the series as fast as possible. While still maintaining good quality, of course.
Oh right this is the heatstroke episode.
Jan do you want the time?
>>574506 I'm good, I was just typing a reply in the other thread.
Yeah, I saw. Didn't know if you'd started and it started building up so I was worried you'd be way out of sync, hah hah.
It's weirdly meta for your cells to be suffering from heatstroke as your body suffers from heatstroke.
Heat stroke feels really awful. I probably wouldn't have realized what was happening unless matt was there, I coiuld have gotten badly injured.
I don't think I've ever suffered it. At the least I've got no recollection of the symptoms they've brought up happening to me when I've been extremely heated. It sounds pretty dangerous to deal with though.
Extended periods of time with your body in extreme temperatures in either direction is dangerous.
>diarrhea or vomiting with heat stroke oh no this guy is fucked
>you should have kept yourself properly hydrated! YEAH JAN.
White Blood Cell so determined. I guess determination can only take you so far though.
Hah hah hah. That's certainly an image. Giant syringe head poking through the clouds.
Well that was a sudden appearance from White Blood Cell.
I guess it's good to have a chapter like this every now and then. Show that the body can't always recover from a drastic threat by itself. And that someone needs to find assistance and means of recovery themselves, and not rely on their cells to save the body.
Oh no Red Blood Cell's getting a kouhai.
And another two-parter for the final two episodes, eh. That'll be fun.
haha that was fun
It might seem fun but heatstroke is dangerous business! Make sure to keep yourself properly hydrated when doing a lot of activity in high temperatures!