
Thread #570014

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Bottom Identity
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「Bread Factory」

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Thank you lord for our daily bread
>>570020 →
I'm culturally assimilating
>>570013 →
that would be a lot of puke on my part
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friendo f mine says ALDI has some good plans
I should check it out and see if he's right
I know a guy autistically obsessed with doing things efficiently
and he went off vodaphone and got an Aldi plan
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i got this trying for veros
well it looks good enough sign me the fuck up
but will it be enough to fix the data cap in your heart?
ow oof my chest
Time to get food ciao
nothing good will come of leaving the house.
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You read much of TS Elliot, Marsh?
like lidl
The German supermarket chain
I once wrote an essay on The Wasteland.
That's about it.
I'd like to read more
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like my first thought when I walked into lidl was >oh shit this is finland aldi
the layout of the store is even set up the same.
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I bet all german stores look the same, though
yeah. probably
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they are stores designed by germans
germans have 0 creativity in them
yeah but it's probably been calculated to be the most efficient store layout
if it werks it werks
FMA has really good openings and endings
It's been so long since I watched it that I'll have to take your word for it
do not take my word is a very bad word you'll get it all over you
first op and last ones are the two best
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quess 101 animes by their ANIME BETRAYALS
you could just pick those up and eat them
I don't think I could even name 10 anime betrayals
the one i can remember right now is the Kirei killing Tohsaka one in FZ.
Every anime is a betrayal.
i dun gedit
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really chess
It's a hipster+river pun joke
👀Hey there gamers 👀
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but even that is a STREAM
a pond is only thing not mainstream
yeah i know
it's just a small stream
Well I would assume the main stream is just the big river but and everything else is an offshoot
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no somethings are so niche, that they are swamps
google's got you figured out to a tee
Kirara 🚗
to a tree
To a T シャツ
Kirara 🚗
to a killer t cell
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what if you are just a naive t cell
>recommended steam tags for you:
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steam knows you to an ero t cell
say it ain't so
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just one time
just ONE time
I play an ecchi clicker game for 228 hours
and steam thinks they've got me all figured out
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>just once
Compare that 228 hours to the rest of your in-game time in Steam games though.
How does it match up?
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what you've got to understand

is that that game had a system of passive gold income
so I'd be rewarded if I left it running on my computer while I was going to work.

Hey man I'm not judging you for playing depraved idle games.
I'm just making sure you understand the gravity behind your decision.
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clicking super fast is an important skill in today's modern workplace.
There's nothing depraved about it.
it was just one time.
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you're being quite defensive over something that's not that bad
you want to talk depravity
fucking League of Legends
that thing stole 2 years of my life
and it's not even on steam
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lmao just two years?
I had two years of playtime in WoW
is this now a contest over who's pissed away the most time?
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yeah I hoped you would just go with the flow
don't even know how many hours I've sunked in runescape
played that game for so many years
yeah but runescape and to some extent wow are actually fun
like 70% of the time playing moba games is just getting pissed off and waiting to run out the clock
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yeah those mobers sure get people angry
80% of runescape is just slowly clicking and doing other shit
WoW was actually fun yeah
that said, probably the maddest I ever got at video games was over runescape
did your expensive items get pk'd?
I remember when I was new at the game and looking for ways to make money
I was collecting Chaos runes as they spawned out in the middle of the wilderness
and I spent most of the morning picking them up trying not to get killed by the hill giants who were like twice my level
almost had enough to sell back to the rune shop in varrock to finally get my mithral plate armor
and then some cunt
comes along and decides to two-shot my level 20 character
and I lose everything
man I'm still salty
13 years later
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oh man that sounds horrible
I don't remember getting mad at video games
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I hope that going out to get food was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and you've grown as a person as a result
I disappeared forever.
and then returned.
My little sister did my nails and I accidentally ruined them. All is in the cycle of karma
that was nice of her.
When I ask my younger brother to do my nails he's really shitty about it.
man my two youngest sisters can't paint my nails for shit
I always have to do it myself afterwards to make it look nice
I seriously fucked up these nails, even though they were done so nicely.
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I actually did a lot of wilderness hunting like that when I played it
I just stayed out of the wildy like a pussy :3
only went in without anything to lose
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I had high smithing so I just crafted gear for it that i wouldn't mind losing
if I lost, i just lost few hours of autominereffort and if I didn't, I usually got some neat gear to sell or keep from low levels trying to harvest wilderness spawns
though I don't think I ever got past lvl 50
most of my time was spent increasing all of the crafting skills
and then making money
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for what really, when you have enough money to buy any gear you want and enough smithing level to craft any gear you want...
and you can also make any food/etc items you'd need
I guess for magic runes to max the magic skill
don't remember
What game are you talking about?
the Jagex classic
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I got to level 110 or so when I stopped playing
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that could be a good spoiler image
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yeah I think so too
cba to make it though feel free
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sammy never added my spoiler images
pretty impressive.. I was only 90 something
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But how many lob certs you had?
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he did add one of mine
get fucked nerd

not too shabby either
took a long time to get back in the day

what's a lob certificate?
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racism is everywhere
a certificate for a raw or cooked lobster
certs stacked into one item slot like money, while lobs didn't so
to store insane amounts of stuff, certs were needed
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oh lol
everyone calls that noted
like noted lobbies or something
It's called at Note
you casual
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it was cert back in the day you younguns
maybe in the finnish community
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naw you lot just never played during the original days
I doubt you were there when BLACK armour and shit didn't exist
or when first party hats popped out
I saw party hats go from like 1 mil to like 110 mil
but that was always something the big boys had.
in RS3 party hats are worth more than the cash limit now
shit's insane
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I had a party had and sold it for really low amount of cash compared tot heir price just a year later
oh well when runescape 2 the 3d thing came, everyone stopped playing it here and moved on to other games
there's over double the people playing the old school runescape than people playing the new one
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when 3d thing came out the classic mode was paying members only
and that is when it died out here
well some kept playing, but if someone said "anyone play runescape, everyone would laugh at "wow look at mr ancient, get on with the times""
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to backtrack a little:
the difference between runescape and leeg is when I look back on runescape I have almost entirely pleasant memories of the time I invested into it, and how much I enjoyed being super into that game.
Where is LoL actually is wasted time that I wish I could erase from my memory and get back the hours spent
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runescape was fun during its time
I don't even remember what I did in wow except few schenanigans
didn't play that game more than the initial 3 months or so that came with it
was a 100% waste of money, though not time
yeah but if you run out of money you can just ask the Finnish welfare state for more so it hardly matters
Marsh, you're still at uni right?
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ooh baby
am I ever

we're not graduating any time soon..
I might need to hit you up for journal articles then.
yeah sure whatever you need.
do you know about sci-hub Rei-sama?
Do you know the word about the bird and spider?
Yeah, it rarely has what I need.
no what about it

ah shame fam
you can hit me up for some random shit as well but I won't download like 10 papers for you at once
do you know about cute anime girls doing cute anime things?
yeah I watch anime every day bro
what a coincidence
me too
Strange things happen when you are going around the twist
that takes me back.
real talk: why was Bronson such a little shit
>shitposting about sakura clicker
>start thinking about sakura clicker
>decide to check how much passive gold has genderated generated* in the years since I've played
>start playing
>get absorbed
>forget I have washing in the machine
>not enough time to finish the dry cycle
this is all your fault, moe
Yo marsh hit me up with this.
I'll see what I can do
Kirara 🚗
I can get all the different articles separately but I'm having a hard time getting the whole thing in bulk
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never watched that episode, but when you think about it that is all levels of fucked up
Okay, don't worry about it. I'll just go with some other article once i find a good one. I just read the table of contents and most of it is beyond my understanding.
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i thought you must have been some kind of super genius
Kirara 🚗
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How are y'all moe?
dancing crab meme stuck in head
Found something I was looking for like a week ago but couldn't find.
Marsh, you still here?
Kirara, does your school have ACM access?
whats this
what in , you can't delete stuff?>
everyone on the internet is permanent
except the stuff that disappears
very confused first time on this site
whats the deal here bois
we're a bunch of nerds why talk about mundane shit and gay anime
guess ill lurk a bit until i understand a bit more
i came brom some 4chan thread
wait what thread
did they link it directly
Like from /g/?
Kirara 🚗
idk probably
i think so yeah /g
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Kirara 🚗
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Yo can you hit me up with >>570169
Call me up
I'm your girl
Kirara 🚗
can't figure out how to download it
it's only giving me an option to download one specific article from that newsletter
Kirara 🚗
I don't think I have access to it, but I submitted a request to obtain it, so I might have access to it in a few days
If so, I'll send you it
Kirara 🚗
If I don't update you in like two days, remind me and I'll check the status for you
Kirara 🚗
i just sent this to ToN, but idk if you've seen it before, rei
Not sure if I've seen tat specific one before but I've definitely seen those before. Theres a lot of really interesting tools online for stuff like that.
Check this out
I'm pretty sure they updated the code because "secretly half hitler" used to come up a lot but then one day it stopped appearing.
Kirara 🚗
>She is created to be the next step in mankind's evolution megalomaniac and she will fight her enemies with the power to transform anyone into a cyborg or to mutate plants with a touch.
Hey Kirara remember that footnote about the post-War writer who killed himself to draw attention to his new book, after which his book was considered no good?

You'd never guess what came up in my philosophy class reading on existentialism today.
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, haha.

Oh, nice.
That's probably because it was renowned existentialist Camus who included that footnote, in Myth of Sisyphus.
Yup yup.
We have to read a bit of Myth of Sisyphus for the class.
Had to have his opening bit on suicide done for today, which is where the footnote was.

This existentialism class seems like it'll be a really interesting one for me, I definitely felt it meshed well for me.
myth?? Sisyphus is a FACT
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, that's really exciting.
I love existentialism. All of my therapy is basically based in existential principles.
Let me know if you need any help studying or anything!

What else do you have to read for the class? Are you reading Happy Death after Sisyphus?

it me i'm sisyphus
Not sure, I was short on time and didn't read the syllabus in detail since I prioritized figuring out what I needed to read for today.

I do know we'll be focusing on 20th century existentialists for our reading though.
Kirara 🚗
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well, if existentialism is suiting you well, you should read Sartre's Nausea
if you haven't already
it's one of the best novels i've ever read and it's only like 200 pages
Or was it 19th?
Kirara 🚗
Camus is 20th
the only real 19th century existentialist is heidegger and you would never ever ever read heidegger for an undergraduate class
he was mostly 20th century anyway
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Kirara 🚗
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also you have to learn german to read heidegger
i mean you can read the translations but half of it is like nonsense and even then it can take weeks to get through a single chapter because heidegger was an asshole and purposefully wrote his shit to be as hard to read as possible and like 70% of the terms he uses are things he made up

Hi Rika, how are you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
jan wake up
I don't think the professor is requiring any large readings, I believe all the stuff is excerpts from larger works.
We do have to read some Sartre, but it's an excerpt from his The Humanism of Existentialism.
I'm sure Nausea would be easy to find if I looked for it.
yeah heidegger's verbiage is vested in the german lexicon itself
if you read the translation it just looks like someone repeating the same thing over and over which is kind of what he does anyway
the question concerning technology is understandable in english since it's more popular but it's still a mess
not even a complicated mess just a scrambled mess taking paragraphs to say a sentence worth of content
Kirara 🚗
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luckily most of the existentialists after heidegger rehashed and added to a lot of his ideas and made them much easier to understand and read
his works aren't really essential because of that

which is good because i haven't really read any heidegger from cover to cover because it's such a miserable and difficult slog
you have to go HARD and like dedicate significant amounts of time to get through it

Humanism of Existentialism is good
Sartre is my favorite

Who are you reading for 21st century existentialists? any Yalom?
I also believe all the readings for that course, the professor is providing online for free access, which is dear of her.
But that's also probably why we don't have anything like a full novel like Nausea.

I'm pretty sure it's only 20th century existentialists in this course.
The names are, Camus, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Frantz Fanon, Lewis R. Gordon, Hannah Arendt, and Doris Salcedo.
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hol up, let me make a quick shitpost or two about philosophy.

how's /moe/ doing anyhow?
Kirara 🚗
>no husserl or kierkegaard

what are you reading from de beauvoir? ethics?
Kirara 🚗
plato can suck a dick
i'm ok how are you?
Kirara 🚗
oh one more thing about heidegger he was also a nazi
Kirara 🚗
like literally a nazi
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breddy gud tbqh.
still somewhat relevant though I guess. Man, I really should brush up on my philosophy I reckon. It's been ages since I actually went into everything, though I did read this one really... trying to think of the right way to describe it.

I suppose larconic would work - really larconic summary book of nietzche which I feel miscategorized a lot of his writings in a really inane manner. Then again...
Kierkegaard did get brought up, but he falls outside the chronological scope of who we're reading.
We're reading from de Beauvoir Ambiguity and Freedom and Personal Freedom and Others, and the introduction of The Second Sex.
Kirara 🚗
heidegger is hardly relevant in any context other than history
>the only real 19th century existentialist is heidegger
Kierkegaard, hello?
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hello, I'm doing okay!
Got a lot done today.
Kirara 🚗
i forgot him and then said him later
Kirara 🚗
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That's good.
I got virtually nothing done today that I wanted to.

Oh, cool.
>heidegger is hardly relevant in any context other than history
Being and time is still pretty influential with the existentialists, but given Derrida and the other post-modernists from the 60's and all, I can see why you'd say that. And no, this isn't going to go into an idiotic "muh post-modernist communists conspiracy!!!!" of Peterson or whatever, the post-modernists have some very fucking valid critiques in my view and should be taken in a considerable light.

luckily most of the existentialists after heidegger rehashed and added to a lot of his ideas and made them much easier to understand and read
his works aren't really essential because of that
Okay, yeah, I'll give you that. German philosophers love to go full on pants on head retard with their terms. Shit goes back to fuckin' Kant even
>couldn't think of his name
>and peterson doesn't even know what post-modernism is lmao
he's just bitter he's a nazi and has to downplay him
Kirara 🚗
see >>570194 and >>570198
he is historically important and influential but reading his books is not only impossible for most people but also unnecessary

and peterson doesn't even know what post-modernism is lmao
As it stands, Peterson's own hyper-self is esstentially post-modernist in all regards I reckon. Dude really can't see himself for who he is in a larger context, he has to mythologize everything and make it into a coherent story for himself. Sure, they're nice fictions, but when he refuses to explicitly look at himself and his persona from a larger context outside of a classical sense of the hero's tale and puts himself in a consumerist mindset like we're supposed to in our age, then he's nothing but a fraud and huckster getting a fuckload of money from idiots that hang on to his every word. Dude's a fucking fool that won't take advantage of the crowd of idiots he has and just thinks they should "be individuals n shiet" without ever really considering a larger fiction outside of the individual self (family/nation/race/tribe/ideology/religion/etc) as external markers to belong in a group setting. Humans are social creatures, yo.
I've also got a philosophy course on Plato's philosophies though so that will be fun consider it seems to run opposite in beliefs to existentialism.
I'm sure there's some interesting if not necessarily agreeable things to find in there though.
Kirara 🚗
honestly i worry that peterson is not well psychologically
like he is really bizarre
especially with his whole all-meat diet thing which is dangerous
so you take a class on existentialism and suicide and shit but they won't tell you about Cioran?
>honestly i worry that peterson is not well psychologically
>just now thinking that

He's on an all meat diet? Like the akeins diet or whatever it was called? It ain't fucking 2002 anymore, bucko.
Kirara 🚗
i've been thinking it ever since that time he broke down in his stream
I should go on a meat, vegetables and fruit only diet.
I suppose not.
This class is in particular Existentialism in art and culture so maybe that helps in understanding the selection of philosopher's they're picking.
I'm not really familiar with philosophers beyond the ones absolute laymen could name, so forgive me if I don't understand why they're picking one over others.
Kirara 🚗

he and his daughter are obsessed with the idea that eating anything other than meat is bad for you for some reason?
>According to said regimen, which is an offshoot of the keto and paleo diets, all you have to do is eat beef three times a day — literally just beef, nothing else — and you’ll be cured of whatever ails you. In Mikhalia’s case, that was depression and arthritis.

Good lord, this is sad.

>losing 50 pounds that rapidly
That doesn't sound too uh, healthy...
Kirara 🚗
giving myself kidney failure and cleaning my room
I can see it working, beef is good and good things make you happy
Kirara 🚗
i mean if your kidneys fail and you die you won't suffer from depression or arthritis
I remember reading a thing about a guy who only eats raw meat and it got rid of his crohns or something.
Kirara 🚗
tfw you're not Diogenes
Thank goodness.
Kirara 🚗
diogenes was a fuckin badass
He was also a crabby arse.
Kirara 🚗
if you can talk shit to alexander the great, and alexander is like "fuck i wish i were diogenes"
that's how you know you're awesome
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fuckin' this.
Burt Reynolds is kill.
Kirara 🚗
my favorite diogenes story is the one where alexander asked him why he didn't fear him and diogenes was like "do you do good or evil?" and alex said "good of course" and diogenes gets all smug like the asshole he is and is like "then why do you think people fear you"
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You'll like this one a lot Kirara star.
Personally, I really love his chicken story. Subversive and shitposty as fuck!
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's a really good one
and i'm always happy when plato gets rekt
because they've done bad obviously .-.
you have to be pretty brainlet to think that's smart
The guy who punched the Charlottesville organizer only got fined $1.
Oh it wasn't crohns.
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Kirara 🚗
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I have a tummy ache
Eat raw meat
Kirara 🚗
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time to go eat all the ground sirloin in my fridge
eat liver
i like liver it's pretty good
mine probably isn't very tasty though
Kirara 🚗
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Chicken and pasta dinner.
That Switch game from the director of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games about running a cafe and raising a dragon is out.
While I like the director's farm life games I'm not so sure if I'm good for something like this that breaks from the farming model.
But checking reviews is also probably kind of unhelpful because western reviewers generally give rather insipid reviews for Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games while I get a blast out of playing them, so it's pretty evident my tastes in this particular niche don't match up with theirs.
Really rather than reviews I'd rather have an indepth wiki I could look at for how the mechanics work and what sort of variety of content there is.
Kirara 🚗
it looks interesting but little dragon cafe doesn't look like something i'd play
Kirara 🚗
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jan is 9 feet tall in this tabletop game we're in
and i'm 5 feet tall
so i keep riding around on his shoulders
That's cute.
A DnD stream I watch once had a towering Goliath character who was best buds with the Gnomish characters in their party.
So there was always an adorable height dynamic going on there.
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I want to dissect them
Kirara 🚗
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tryna find my bones
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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>nobody in our party understands money
Money's overrated anyway.
You joined a IWW branch or something? I was stalking your twitter earlier today.
>tfw I remember going to my commie friend's meetings before he pretty much cut out all contact with white folks and stuff
They're a hoot and a half.
Also, you'll love this.
>Chris Heavey and I gave random beepers to a stratified random sample of 30 students from a large urban university and interviewed them about the characteristics of their randomly selected pristine experiences. Five main characteristics emerged, each occurring in about a quarter of all samples (many samples had more than one characteristic). Three of those five characteristics may not surprise you: inner speech occurred in about a quarter of all samples; inner seeing occurred in about a quarter of all samples; and feelings occurred in about a quarter of all samples. The other two phenomena occurred just as frequently but are not so well known.

Consider inner speech. Subject experienced themselves as innerly talking to themselves in 26% of all samples, but there were large individual differences: some subjects never experienced inner speech; other subjects experienced inner speech in as many as 75% of their samples. The median percentage across subjects was 20%.

Apparently /pol/ is focusing on the 26% figure and jumping to the conclusion that 3/4th of humans are legit NPCs that don't even fucking think to themselves.
The sample size is pretty absurd too.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg)
there aren't any branches here
so i may be starting one
i mostly joined because i've been asked to unionize my graduate program by some of my colleagues and i'm looking to network and get tips about doing that
i probably shouldn't start a branch considering i'm also co-chair of the dsa here

lol wtf
>lol wtf
That ain't even the half of it.
Check for yourself if you want to go down that rabbit hole.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg)
haha i think i'll pass

i'm in a trpg session right now anyway

we just found a hotel called el sol cocksheath
Also, even if you're calling them out on being shitheads, it would be nice if you didn't post about /pol/ shit on /moe/, please.
My apologies, mainly wanted kirara to see and have a laugh at it since it's psych stuff.
Kirara 🚗
oh burt reynolds died
Kirara 🚗
Can't Florida do anything right

He was supposed to start filming on Tarantino's new movie too.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 578x1024, IMG_20180906_210326.jpg)
Vegetate best choice
Kirara 🚗
i'm going straight to hell and not coming back
I'm going to get drunk every night
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 636x800, 1426640283435.png)
I think we found a weird lolicon corpse lover that owns a stable
oh, you met ToN?
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 800x800, Sadako Well.jpg)
well it is his game so...
cute sadako
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 800x800, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring_dra(…).jpg)
>first attack ever
>chain happens
>second attack
>chainc ontinues
>third attack
I am loved by the dice
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 848x1200, DcrE2ZtVAAUl7ku[1].jpg)
Hello /moe/
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
pan pan pan
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 707x1000, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring_dra(…).png)
I blew up a skeleton into a cluster bomb while trying to ress it
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg)
best idol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love pan
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
breddy good
we know
pud the bred in the pan
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
don pull dat pud
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
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Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
i want a boyfriend
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
get one
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, Gatchaman Crowds Insight - Epi(…).jpg)
pee-chan didn't say or do anything uncomfortable today
i call that progress
maybe she's busy doing that to guys on jdate
You've just transferred your woes onto other unsuspecting saps!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, Gatchaman Crowds Insight - Epi(…).jpg)
Well, that's probably fine.
I'm sure someone out there can appreciate her quirks.
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 800x798, __mario_and_yamamura_sadako_ma(…).png)
if those can be called quirks
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2018-09-01_09-58-54.png)
Kirara 🚗
gosh "he put he so that means it's a she"
it's he being accidentally transphobic?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
glad to see they've cracked the code
big data is a hoax used to make people unable to use some words.
aaaa my audio was full volume in this library

whoa what a fucking shock

>that one guy wearing the maga hat shaking his head and staring off into the distance
hmm i wonder how message receptivity interferes with profiling an author
they got good demographic data but i dunno if papers do that kind of stuff
market copy does, uses statistics to determine receptivity to x demographic i mean
wonderin if targeting to old white males has a different signature than bein written by old white males i mean
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Is it really htat macabre?
We eat lots of stuff shaped like animals and people.
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yeah sour patch kids are popular
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it's not my tweet, I just found someone talking about chile and felt like posting it.
it's silly because they call communists "comeguaguas" (baby-eaters) because they were said to eat babies idk.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
eats some Nerds

c r u n c h
eat this, nerd
*unzips nerd*
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
thank god whose idea was it to put a nerd in a jumpsuit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
this ramen bar doesnt have a door person it has an ipad where you punch in your name and party size
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 2204x1507, 1518064981621.jpg)
hey jan you down for some anime?
Hey kid want to anime.
my mommy told me not to take anime from strangers in dark alleys
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (458 KB, 960x960, 1514336802161.png)
I'm not a stranger we've known each other for years
and this alley is perfectly well lit if you select a bright theme
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
wanna find the Buried Treasure of Melee Island(TM)?
and yet we're so far apart
okay but i'll need an adult to come with me
samurai help me
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ive taught u all i know
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 800x1130, 1508008617506.jpg)
Tilde is an adult and he's coming too.
You're more of an adult than me y'know.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
now is the moment 2 let ur spirit soAR
it was at that moment all of my energy disappeared
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
no record scratch?
yup that's me
I love this feature
For when normal POWER SAVING MODO isn't enough for you.
it's too late, I'm dissipating
give me some of that Powder that makes you disperse
It's too late I
okay one whole powder comin right up
some guy had BORGER as his number plate
Must really like his hambahgah.
Mornings suck as always.
Yo moe
Meowning kannagi
Nyan to you too
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 749x897, IMG_20180906_082210.jpg)
That would be an interesting cafe
Kirara 🚗
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Spiderman comes out today
i slept like,. 4 hours or less
no spoons left in man
Kirara 🚗
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Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1920x1080, [supai] Princess Principal Pic(…).jpg)
Kirara 🚗
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watashi no stando
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Just as I figured.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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fucking armored bias reeeeeee
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 750x1334, E8C639FE-D684-4146-BCF1-B955276E5A09.png)
If you dont finish all the s level conversations you dont get to see the ending of the event
does this game still have only the english voices?
there's japanese voices, and other languages too i think, but you can't use them while having english text up
ok wakata
shouganai da ne
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 563x587, IMG_20180902_102103.jpg)
i found out my co-organizer at the DSA sent someone a somewhat abusive message on twitter
calling them a "traitor to real trans girls" because they called themselves a capitalist or something

im gonna have to confront them about it
Kirara 🚗
ye can't be doing that
the whole mention of "real trans girls" make me feel sick inside.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180816_154917.jpg)
I've known him for a year now and we're pretty close. It doesn't sound like something he'd say, but I saw the DM and there's no reason to slander him, so it has to be addressed.
Someone I trust a lot sent me it.
I'm kind of upset about it.
i tend to distrust people because i think they dont trust me either. it's a self-esteem issue i think.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1301x1285, IMG_20180905_220136.jpg)
Whether I trust people or not, I usually operate under the assumption people are acting in good faith because doing otherwise is inefficient.
If they're actually evil, I can address that when it comes up.
I'm of course always on the lookout for suspicious stuff, though.
yeah that's nice. but the suspicions seem to be higher for me
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 786x1100, 64668355_p0.jpg)
>Get to bus stop, realize I've forgotten my phone
>Have to decide between having it for the day, or absolutely missing the convenient bus
>It's the only mobile thing I have that has noted down where my classes actually are
It's annoying to be faced with such a frustrating decision.
Kirara 🚗
spiderman difficulties are Friendly, Amazing, and Spectacular

that sucks
i guess you went back for it
what's this spiderman game anyway?
Kirara 🚗
wow, there's an accessibility option that turns off QTEs

just Spider-Man
it's a PS 4 exclusive
just came out
ah, console stuff
It's good to have options.
Buy everyone likes QTEs.
i've been stressed about my student loan. I really want banks dead.
Search [iqdb] (1007 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Planet With - 0(…).png)
spider man
spider man
does whatever a spider man does
Kirara 🚗
web swinging is perfect and the combat is fluid
Kirara 🚗
let's burn down all banks
The must burn.
The banks must burn even .

I know this feeling.
Nagi, read any good manga recently?
A few, I quite like Kimetsu no Yaiba right now.
Detective Xeno and the Seven Locked Murder Rooms

I can't read too many Rihht now but detective xeno is real neato
Oh, I've read a bit of that. Its gud.
Err of Kimetsu no Yaiba I mean.
Once I get my comp back up and running I'll share some of my raw manga with you. I have like 30gb~
Yeah, I understood ya.
Oh thats kind of you.
Have you ever seen American Werewolf in London?
I dont think so.
Or i can't remember
It's a good movie.
Oh yeah, do you like Spitting Image?
The political parody show? Yeah, i haven't seen it ages though.
The whole thing is on youtube iirc. I put it on in the background during my semiweekly boardgame night thing sometimes.
We haven't done it recently so I think I'll put it on tomorrow.
You should check out The Day Today, it's an awesome parody show too, good ol British sarcasm.
There's a rumor going around that HBO is bringing back spitting image, primarily because of the Trump administration.
I wonder if John Oliver has anything to do with that.
An American version spitting image?
Maybe, it would be by the same people though.
I have only few american comedians i like, I'm generally not to found of american entertainment like that, thats super biased of me i guess.

Everyone loves the maggie thatcher bits.
Probably my favorite thing in the show was Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
Does John Oliver's TV show count as American?
I guess, He doesnt often do the delivery in a way i like eh. I dunno, my opinions are particular

Oli like chris Morris, Ian Hislop, paul merton, dylan moran, bill Bailey.

The limmy show is great
Have i got news for you.
Mock the week
Are great too sometimes
He's really popular here. I've been watching him for years.
Also I recently discovered Harry Enfield and I'm liking him a lot. Plus he was on Spitting Image.
I just saw a parakeet.
I'm pretty sure its wings were clipped too.
Sounds odd
Kirara 🚗
i wish i were a spider-man
I'm seeing a load of spiderman tweets about the game

He's got such a confident attitude.
Kirara 🚗
yeah im walking around nyc high fiving people it's awesome
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-09-07-10-26-48.png)
help whats appropriate for a bbq
tank top and shorts
some decent sandals
Kirara 🚗
winter coat with short shorts, or something
you know, something simple but lively
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-09-07-10-33-20.png)
nevermind i figured it out
Kirara 🚗
overalls, perfect
oh shit i forgot to put on a belt with my suspenders
I think dungarees are pretty cute, they don't suit me but i like the outfit mixes you can do with them.
What about anyone who needs medicines.
>main concern
People are weird.
kirara what's your opinion on killing dictators?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 788x1003, IMG_20180815_212158.jpg)
Good dictators are the dead ones and sometimes they need help getting there

lmao what
killing dictators? more like killing dick tasters am i right
lmao fuckin fags
I know right. I dont why people dress up their opinions as concern. *get why
Kirara 🚗
because they don't want to admit they're hateful
Kirara 🚗
oh shit avengers tower is in Spider-Man
when is silk gonna get a video game huh
Kirara 🚗
maybe after the movie
yeah... at least it's in sony's hands
Kirara 🚗
in the same way Spider-Man is possibly
cindy is technically in the MCU as one of peter's classmates so they may go with including her in the MCU instead of sony's world
although sony is doing Venom and possibly plan to incorporate that into MCU eventually
that kind of crossover kinda takes something out of a solo title, in my opinion
if you ahve some big event actually happening, you'll just keep asking "okay where da avengers at?"
Kirara 🚗
that's not how the avengers work though
they go to save the world sure but otherwise they're deployed all over the


all over the world doing their own thing
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 325x570, 1426464055434.png)
Naw I just mean you can't have anything super big, because then you'll start to think okay where the other people at?
so you can make it damn big for spidey, but you can't make it world shattering, but of course that isn't a problem if you can write it
but case in point is iron man 3
I think quite many on avengers roster would get involved if POTUS is kidnapped
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 566x800, 3f5e73e75627d33bf4eea36c5ec4a933.jpg)
Hmm I wonder how they make those soft hamburger buns
is it just lot of yeast or something?
not to mention baking it so that the cover doesn't get that hard
Kirara 🚗
like who
Thor wouldn't care
cap wasn't back in the business
banner is banner
Kirara 🚗
meant to quote >>570630
Kirara 🚗
avengers didn't exist during iron man 3 and only two of them can be counted on anyway (tony and cap)
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 724x1018, 1426435527028.jpg)
Well I guess where was shield during the whole debunkle or were they still crippled from the loki invasion
I guess if you slap iron man 3 as happening after winter soldier it would work 100%
Kirara 🚗
shield doesn't do that kind of stuff
but they get involved in tony's business in im2
Kirara 🚗
because of tony and his insane tech (which is SHIELD's domain of operation)
there are other agencies responsible for dealing with stuff like president getting kidnapped
I think superpowered regenerating global terrorist organisation is their business too
who kidnap world leaders
Kirara 🚗
also shield was infiltrated by hydra even at that point, so
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 600x839, 0d241ac7f7e49f705fddbac2b4b89148.jpg)
Oh well iron man 3 is the weakest marvel movie anyhow, so they prolly didn't think thatm uch about the larger universe when doing it
especially since it aws the only one with no ties to the other events, except ony's pstd
Kirara 🚗
wait, shield was involved with extremis
i remember now
the first season of agents revolved around extremis
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 886x1624, aws.jpg)
songs are coming up on this mix that i used to hear years ago and they'd make me feel so euphoric and exhilirated that i didnt know what to do with myself
and they evoke that sort of anticipation and memory, but i dont feel anything now
it's such a forlorn feeling
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 254x618, mcc.jpg)
i miss feeling like that when i think about it
it was like i was on another level with such creative prowess and acute sensation
i could feel every vibration of a song and it plucked strings on my brain with such fervor
but so the same was for the feel of paper rubbing against my hand when writing or the smell of engine oil being soaked out of the road by the rain or every whirr of an ambulance passing by
i could never function or do anything because everything was overstimulating and i had to hide myself in the things that were pleasantly stimulating, which always caused a huge crash in my mood and outlook

i remember at that time having a long, intimate conversation about how i wished i could leave the world as a participant and re-enter as a passive observer and just lifelessly absorb everything without pause or apprehension, completely separated

i was pretty young and stupid then, but that's more or less where im at now
it's great in so many ways, but theres an immediacy to feeling and exhiliration that my body and system is still primed to and comes to relate to and anticipate in the right circumstances
it makes me want to step back and indulge in that, but i know that whatever it'll be will be unsatisfying or underwhelming to me and i'll be reinforced on the importance of passivity about my environs

it's a hard line to tread
okay blogpost over
only took seven minutes what a doucheback
Maven Mobile
I don't know if this relates very much but I used to love the feeling of overstimulating myself in certain ways like getting high on my fear of heights and purposely looking up at the sky when I know it'll cause me to feel like I'm going to pass out or I found certain music euphoric as hell, it'd trigger insane emotional highs, the sound of rain and the feeling of the cold - the pain associated with being cold.
I have the same with depression and dysphoria - it's triggered intensely and strongly by certain things.
everything else tends to feel bland in the middle.

The smell of engine oil and gas have weird sensory effects on me, I love the calmness I feel lavender

I guess its a lot of different but I used always wish that time would stop for me and I could just wonder around the world being the only person in a time stopped world.
or that the night would last forever until I wanted it to stop.
have you heard this one before
No but thats actually quite nice.
it's about christmas
I wouldn't have thought that if you hadn't said that but now the lyrics kinda match.
lmao Florida
>that fucking citation
I'm crying. Kirara pls come get your state
That is an awesome opening.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 736x385, IMG_20180907_143137.jpg)
hahaha what
Kirara 🚗
lmao a cop let peter borrow his taser so he just took it apart and stole the insides
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
time goes on andi
can’t control my miiiind
keep on breathin

we LA boyz
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
goddamn really want to play spidey
maybe ill get a PS4 when i move to NYC
Kirara 🚗
this is really good
it's got like
all the great famous characters
all wrapped up into a pretty solid story (so far)
yeah, uh, can i get the, uh, the -- do yall still have the two for five deal? yeah, uh, i'll get the, uh, ten piece, uh, nuggets, with like some ketchup and sweet and, uh, sour sauce. yeah, and i'll get, uh, two mcdouble happy meals with, uh, large dr. peppers
uh, sorry, make that, uh, diet dr. peppers
and, uh, a caramel macchiato with extra vanilla, uh, and two packets of Equal. yall got Equal?
uh, yeah, and then a chicken -- mcchicken with extra chicken, but substitute the onions for dehydrated onions
no salt
extra ice on the mcchicken
thanks that'll be it
are you plannin to move back to nyc or are you daydreamin
if you need a roommate i can pay 500 a month to rent out a coat closet in your manhattan apartment
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
back to nyc?
im planning on movin there for the first time in october
i thought you lived there before
im sorry, i get people confused sometimes
Maven Mobile
Maven Mobile
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180907_154110.jpg)
Did you meet a spiderman cosplayer as spiderman?
Kirara 🚗
yeah on the subway
Search [iqdb] (585 KB, 599x596, 1526445094365.png)
That game is awesome. I'm see so many amazing tweets.
I wanna finger gun people as I walk around as spiderman!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ah yea ive only lived in SF and montreal recently
you've got san francisco and san francisco deluxe under your belt
are you ready for such a shift to newark city??
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m super unprepared
i have no idea how to make this happen
just a roommate
i would kind of like it i think
there's everything nearby
whatever you need, you can walk to get it pretty much
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
and a dream
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea that is totally my jam
i hate cars with a passion
i can't stand driving anymore
it gives me anxiety
i have to wait on one friend or another to hitch a ride to a pharmacy to get my meds refilled because pedestrian traffic isn't an accomodation here
i could walk but it's like a mile on highways without sidewalks
a mile is nbd in a place that accomodates pedestrians but it's a journey otherwise
Come to England, we have public transport and most things in walking distance!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
gimme a year to get sick of the bad apple first
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
anyway im walkin around downtown LA
>downtown LA
you can probably count the number of times people use their turn signals on one hand
Kirara 🚗
walkin in LA dun dun duun dun
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
jaywalkin in LA
rip my knees shins foot bones blood supply chikara
Kirara 🚗
when are you movin to NYC
im probably gonna visit in December
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hopefully next month when my lease expires
can you take me
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
neat maybe we can get lunch or somethin
i'm a good replacement mom in case you get homesick
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
will this help or intensify my mom issues
ye ye
and koi
being a mom is in my blood, literally
my mom was a mom
I have no confidence to meet up with people, I'm kinda envious of all my american friends going on roadtrips
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 708x1024, IMG_20180816_153925.jpg)
I'll show you the west soon enough
You'll get to see all kinds of deserts

woo a samukoi deito
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 4032x3024, 63D53A13-6DC9-410B-95B1-3AC11B49B1B9.jpeg)
to bike or not to bike
i would ride a bike if i could but i'd be two-tired
you need to improve your sleep cycle.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
time to deflate some egos
Maven Mobile
Ahg. >>570697
That is the question
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the barista gave me a wink ok sign chick-chick mouth sound
are we married now
im tryna google information about effects of amphetamines in people with muscular/nervous paralysis but google's only showing the top searched results of 'do amphetamines cause sleep paralysis???"
im getting so frustrated with google lately
i dont really understand what this company's mission is anymore
Kirara 🚗
google seems to get less usable every day
yeah me too
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im gellous
im over zeyluss
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
when i’m don i get real don
when i’m why i don’t codone
i get gangrene
baby relieve me
Kirara 🚗
is this your debut single
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i cool review just lykat
and i quota eve you just afflack
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180907_164711.jpg)
Kirara 🚗
mobage are really going all out on AR now
Kirara 🚗
I like toast
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (488 KB, 1542x1771, 6f90a4d95e72eb6d5d0659af3a6efb9d.jpg)
what as toppings?
>I must go my planet needs me
also that is quite impressive AR for just phone
Search [iqdb] (759 KB, 1200x1600, 2e5cd75f956840e564d4252f17b01ee4.jpg)
time to finally watch jojo4
Kirara 🚗
wait how did she enter a wrong appartment in the first place?
Kirara 🚗
yeah the story is really suspicious
and even if she somehow did that
whose first reaction is to shoot to kill
even shoot to incapacitate would get the cop in big trouble here if unjustified, which atleast according to the cops themselves itwould be
what happened to the old posters like Sugoi, Bang, Dutch etc?
Kirara 🚗
mac miller died

sugoi is obsessed with wow, bang works 80 hours a week, dvice is here daily
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i ate them to steal their powers
Old for me is the cirnos, S
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1200x675, 1491727020054.jpg)
rip sugoi
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there are littlw bits of marijuana sitting on the toilet paper holder in this coffee shop bathroom
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 722x1024, IMG_20180815_061238.jpg)
old posters are the ones that were here when i showed up

Hello Rika.

LA sounds magical
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
putting them in my nostrils brb
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It was a long week.
It's nice to be done.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
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This week was alright.
It was kind of stressful, though.
Luckily I had today off and I just relaxed.
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, Disgaea 5 on steam finally has a release date again. It will (allegedly) be out in October.
Kirara 🚗
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That's cool.
Afternoon summer naps are 10/10.
I'll miss them before too long.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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T pose before the emperor
b b b b b ang
Hi moe!

I have a switch!!!!
b b b b b ang
fun fact I also am a switch
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh mai gaaaah
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
bangin bottoming bang’s bottom
this board will suffer in terms of post quality by having a gimmick like this
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switch the switch on
Kirara 🚗
Night moe.
I'm off to sleep til awake up not fucked up!
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It's a fun console, so enjoy!
time to do discourse before bed
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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b b b b b ang
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
b b b b b ang
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
wait oops
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imagine if you were a tpose
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Sure is looking VAPORWAVE out there on the horizon.
time for you to make a vaporwave album
b b b b b ang
i love vaporwave weather
Kirara 🚗
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"you come here often?"
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Also ever wondered what knd of boots spidey wears?
Kirara 🚗
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probably ones he designed himself
The game seems to encapsulate the feeling of riding subways very well.
Kirara 🚗
i don't know much about subway riding but it looks a lot like all the subway photos and vids i see haha
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how did spidey's wallcrawling work anyhow?
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btw here is some subway heresy
Like this woman here sitting in the corner seat.
You can just see her thinking "oh no, there's two of these costumed lunatics here. Oh well, my stop's only two stations away, I'll just burrow deeper into my chair and hope they don't turn towards me before that"
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Do you know why it isn't realistic
she doesn't have a smartphone
Butter. That's all you need
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upperlip, that is all you need
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and I am just going to kek this get
Kirara 🚗
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fish's mom showed up here a few hours ago
and asked to crash on my futon
i think she wants to try to make me less mad about Africa but she hasn't brought it up yet
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coffe and bagel

why not a donut?
specifically "your futon"?
Kirara 🚗
yeah, that's where she slept last time she was here
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if that had been her first time my first thought would honestly be "does she just want to try a futon"
Kirara 🚗
she seems interested in my hammock
she might sleep in that instead idk it doesn't really matter
im a little miffed that she showed up without warning
my place is pretty messy
it's really rude to just show up and say let me sleep on your couch
hammocks are fun to sleep in
This is such an atypical citygoers morning breakfast too.
At least for someone who grew up as a Peter Parker.
if someone pops up to me and says can I crash over without a warning or a reason or anything big
my reaction is a flat "no"
if there say was an event and some ofm y friends were going to attend it too, then i'd presume there is a possibility of one of them crashing at my place
or say I had friends over
or say we'd go raid a local bar
even if it was on the same day
but if it is just "call in the morning, mind if I crash at yours"
the answer is yes I do and no
Kirara 🚗
oh, it was just a snack while he waited for someone to show up
Ah I guess that works too.
I've definitely had a bagel with cream cheese and a coffee for like a super-light lunch when I've only got ten minutes to chow down.
those are shittily placed solar panels
Kirara 🚗
probably set to get the two hours of sun possible in the middle of a city

can't be helped
she's scheming something so i might as well go with it until i know what she's doing
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Still a slight angle would make them quite much more efficient
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Well making amends isn't scheming really, unless it is making amends to reach an objective or something, when it is just sugaring up
Kirara 🚗
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fish's mom is a snake woman
everything she does is a scheme
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well she is married rich so...
Kirara 🚗
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she's the type that tries to play the airhead
It's a good trick.
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it rarely works in rl
Kirara 🚗
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She's pretty good at it.
I'm hard to trick, though.
I'm too guarded.
Kirara 🚗
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my candle did something weird???
b b b b b ang
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Kirara 🚗
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That is kind of weird.
Did the wax fall over or something?
it has gained sentience
and tried to flee
Kirara 🚗
no, it's just a tea candle
it doesn't even go higher than the short cup it's in
titania on the right
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
also no source of moving air was near the candle
no fans or movement near it
Kirara 🚗
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candles don't exactly burn uniformly down 100% of time so slight error in the mixture or whatever
and if it is stearine
how big was the candle?
Kirara 🚗
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this part has basically taken the shape of a hand
Kirara 🚗
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very small
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then I am guesing some sort of impurity or water etc
that can cause stearine to go weird
Kirara 🚗
it's just a soy candle
soy candle?
Kirara 🚗
a candle made of soy wax
I wonder if burning them turns you into a femboy
Kirara 🚗
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Hmm well in that case I dunno, but I'd guess "impurity" still applies
Kirara 🚗
it's haunted
fishmom has brought a curse upon my home
Kirara 🚗
it's probably going to grow into a wax golem
There was probably just an air bubble in the wax that got heated and popped.
Kirara 🚗
or fishmom enchanted it so it would come to life and kill me
that seems like the most feasible answer
remove the e
/moe/ I need to start being a better neighbor.
no you don't
I am obligated to be a better neighbor considering how good my neighbors are to me
in that case
what are you waiting for
an opportunity to be good to my neighbor
what food do white people like
Kirara 🚗
is that an instrument?
Kirara 🚗
yeah something like that
I'll give him some eggrolls and wine
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shares the tempo
from JAM Project
there's a pizza huh two miles from my location but they won't deliver to this address
Why the heck not
Kirara 🚗
i was just thinking that i really want pizza
I had pizza earlier this evening!
Kirara 🚗
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ive been craving it for a few days

but im only going to have pizza once a month from now on, so im saving it for later
i wanted pasta
or something stomach friendly
it's like midnight though so i guess i dont eat
Kirara 🚗
can your flatmate go and get food?
he's workin
i just woke up i didn't realize i hadn't eaten in so long
my new air mattress came in though
this one's actually pretty nice, the one before was just what i could afford as soon as i got here
hopin it helps my back out over the other junk i was usin
Kirara 🚗
that's good at least
Kirara 🚗
this AR is really good
anime >>570847 →
Kirara 🚗
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I'm really tired.
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Me too!
I didn't sleep enough this week.
Kirara 🚗
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Me neither.
I was going to go to bed early, but that didn't work out.
Fish's mom randomly showed up and asked to crash on my futon.
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How that work out?

Also has anyone seen Tilde?
Kirara 🚗
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Well, we're awkwardly watching a movie right now, so I guess it's working out.
I'm waiting for her to try something.
I need a bit of time but I'm around.
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What do you think she's going to try?

How much time is a bit of time? Rough estimate.
Kirara 🚗
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She probably wants to calm my anger towards her husband.
I don't know. She wouldn't come here and ask to sleep here unless she had an ulterior motive.
No less than a few minutes.
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If that's her plan, how do you think it's going to go?

Less than 30? More than 30 ? More than an hour?
Less than zero because I'm ready now.
Just putting together the list.
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Oh, I see.
I was trying to determine if you needed a normal minute, a rika minute, or an ika minute.
Kirara 🚗
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She'll be wasting her time.
Because it won't work

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Let me preface this with a statement that I have no insider knowledge on this one.

You will probably need to make some sort of peace with your father in law.
Kirara 🚗
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Why would I think you have insider info? Are you emailing with her mom now, too?

I don't have to make peace with anyone.
If he wants my forgiveness, he'll have to come beg for it himself.
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Emailing her mom would be weird.
I have been talking to fish but I don't have any insider info on this visit.

It will be on him to compromise to make peace too.
but you will have to make peace with him eventually
My minutes are always normal!
Unlike you two, I try to be as precise as I can be whenever possible.
Kirara 🚗
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There won't be any compromise.
He'll have to get down on the floor and beg if he wants peace.
I'm very merciful, but when someone is actively malicious towards me for no justifiable reason, I'm not so easily sated.

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No, I think you guys are both going to have to find some kind of middle ground where you can be at peace.
one sec
You don't need to like him but you do need to be at peace.
I think you're both very stubborn men but that this needs to happen for Fish's sake.
Kirara 🚗
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He's been trying to destroy our relationship and I'm pretty sure he tried to replace me in Africa.
I won't compromise with him.
He's a malicious bastard and he's lucky I've agreed not to bash his stupid face in.
Hes a cunt.
Getting left out Like you were was unfair and nasty
My bad, i probably shouldn't insult other people's partners dads.

Kirara 🚗
feel free to insult him however you like
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I agree with you, but I think that in this case Fish's needs come before yours.
I think that she needs peace between her father and her boyfriend.
This is just general speaking, I haven't talked to her about this.
Kirara 🚗
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Then I hope he does what's right and apologizes.
Sending his wife to do this makes me even madder.
I'm going to be honest with her if she brings it up.

I already had to give her a stern talking to and she's only been here like five hours.
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I think she's probably doing her best.
As an idol I'm sure you can appreciate people doing their best.
Kirara 🚗
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I can, and I respect her hustle, but I'm not playing her game.
I wouldn't know how to deal with people who betrayed my trust, I can't imagine what it is like to have the person you love be dying and be excluded like you aren't significant.
Thats a lot of pain.
Kirara 🚗
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Fish is so different from her parents.
Especially from her mom.
It's hard to believe they're actually related.

But I guess that happens with rich people often since they have nannies and stuff.
A lot of people can be completely different from their family.
Especially if they don't have a lot of interaction growing up.

I have not much in common with my family they abandoned me when I was a teenager and only returned when their relationships with their partners failed or needed a place to crash.

i think we still end up taking a lot after them on the microscale
little inner workings and things but the way those foundations develop into a bigger picture turns out a lot different
A lot of my self hate is from my family. I have no way of dealing with it all effectively m

Dealing with anything negative in my family makes me feel like I'm crazy and my //
Kirara 🚗
im basically my dad but with slightly different values and stronger knowledge acquisition skills
yeah when i look back i can see some of myself in my dad
i know that sounds backwards but im coming from the source of things about myself im now realizing as an adult and identifying them in the past
he was also very obsessive about learning and notetaking
he's got like 40 notebooks all meticulously detailed about chinese herbs and anatomy and other things
he was an electrician
I see alot of myself in my mom but she is also so foreign to me.
And no one related to me will ever accept me as i am.
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Your family isn't being supportive, huh?
i'm sorry to hear that
you need to be spending time with people who love you and care about you
maybe come back to the US if we ever get a /moe/ house going
I wish i could get fsr away without bein embroiled in family drama.
Part of that is my natural stress response, I really need my therapist appointment.
Being treated like i have mental illness is taxing
Kirara 🚗
That is weird and painful.
Yeah I regret opening that.
Holy shit the commercials on that account
this looks like not a real commercial but one of those parodies
Kirara 🚗
they're cursed
Kirara 🚗
I used to see everywhere that elon was a genius businessman, that everyone could learn from him how to be successful.
He's now a little out there, its kinda amusing
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read this shit lmao
taking after successful people or looking to successful people for advice is a logically unsound thing
you are dealing with confirmation bias of people who have succeeded
you're going to get a lot of advice like "you'll never get anywhere if you dont take risks! you have to think big!"
and if you're looking at all the successful people saying that, it'll look like that trait leads to success
but really there's a ton of risk-takers competing for that success and most dont get it and you're listening to the one person who did say "Oh, take risks! it worked for me"
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Kirara 🚗
this is amazing
ive never felt such envy
it's so perfect
Kirara 🚗
it feels so natural, too
Nice hand
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If only it was mine

The real mahjong meta is spreading occult play theories to other people and feeding them myths
Except magic sands of hell which is definitely real
You gotta grasp the flow
what is that
Kirara 🚗
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fish's mom won't let me sleep
It's when you're in dead last and you dig so low you eventually hit the golden hand that shoots you up some ridiculous amount
Basically the further back you are the more likely you are to be able to build ridiculous hands
It's my favourite superstition
well it worked for me with that all greens game
last tile last round and point leader drops my hell wait
That was a miracle that was
I want to get suukantsu. That's a really cool yakuman
Suukantsu with three kans being formed by deadwall draws would be sick
My brain wont sleep, i woke up at 5am
I hope you manage to get some sleep
Jigoku mach
Fuck you autocorrect *machi
Kirara 🚗
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thanks, i hope i can too
water you doin today
have you watched tetsuya i havent
is it good
maybe i'll marathon it from my new mattress
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I did
It was really good
It's got a few jokes that call forward to events in Kaiji really well
The sort of thing that you might think about if you rewatch Kaiji

Today I played video games and started an assignment
Grinded a lot of those Love Nikki clothes
How's this mattress feel?
I want to sleep forever.
Sleeping forever would be the best possible fate.
I want to
myself into a dream for a long time
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it's an air mattress but like a better one and not a shitty camping one
it has a built-in pump that you can plug in and it keeps it at soft, medium, or firm at all times, though it doesn't really lose much air anyway
it's got like some support beam system with little chambers for the air to provide stronger support rather than just a big blob of air
so it's feeling pretty good so far and providing a lot of the right support without having springs poking me or memory foam settling
memory foam is nice but only if you're in the same position all the time
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It's good that you don't have to use a shitty camping mattress anymore
Those ones suck. There's no roam and you can definitely still feel the ground
It's so hard

Having a big thick one is nicer
obviously a real mattress, even a spring mattress would be better
but this was like 75 dollars so it's affordable
and i can always keep it in its carry case deflated if i get a new one
My emotional state is a mess.
My meds are dumb
would you like to watch legendary gambler tetsuya with me
we can talk about stuff
Never heard of that but that would be neato, I need a distraction.
well the old one i had kind of got these bulges in it
it had just six lengthwise inner air dividers that were weak so the seams broke after a while and it became very uneven with half the mattress being very fat and half very deflated
at that point it kind of worked better as a couch
im lookin for a download
Lemme know when you have one.
Okay, I'll look, i just need to get out bed.
i am having trouble locating one
you are better with that stuff right? could oyu take a quick look
shoubushi densetsu tetsuya
or legendary gambler tetsuya
oh you are in bed
On my phone moping about. Buti can get to my pc
if you were tryin to sleep we dont gotta or anything
No its morning now, i was only in bed because sleeping deals with depressive feelings easy.
All I can find is streaming sites. one torrent is barely alive
yeah same
sorry i guess we can't do that
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It's fine, you don't have to be sorry.
i guess we can stream it from veoh
how shamefuru
There is also kissanime.
I guess they are all as blocky as each other.
Do you want to use synctube?
i think that only works for youtube
let me check
don't use kissanime though that shit's extra cringey
okay, how we doing this?
let's just use this one
or wait let's make // nevermind nobody's up anyway
holler at me when you're ready to start
Do you wanna talk somewhere private?
synchtube is down so steam it is
Kirara 🚗
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mistakes were made
Living is just one long chain of unbroken mistakes from birth to death.
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maybe so maybe so
but there are still optimal paths through life.
some mistakes are better than others.
some mistakes don't leave you waking up with a hangover, bloody knuckles and covered in glitter.
So you had both an aggressive and hyper-sexualized drunken encounter?
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if only.
Did you trip on the pavement and scrape your knuckles after slipping on a phial of glitter?
mate all kinds of stuff happened..
Did you ask some Finnish lass if she was pining for the fjords?
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 21 (1280x7(…).jpg)
yeah. that's it
I just looked for the biggest strongest Finnish girl I could find and told here that they were better off under Swedish rule
>Room light flickers briefly
>A beat later a loung bang off somewhere in the distance
How exciting.
your haunted
it's happening
I wonder if a transformer popped or something.
Are you just embarrassed by what happened or do you not remember?
Search [iqdb] (251 KB, 1920x1080, Flip Flappers - 02 [1080p][F02(…).jpg)
oh it's just not a great story.

the glitter was for some sort of theme party
and then I hit my Spanish friend in *on the chin
the context is less relevant than the bottom line
that Mistakes Were Made.
Are they still your Spanish friend?
good question.
Okay yeah.
As far as mistakes go, that might have been a pretty Mistake one.
we'll see we'll see.
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but I only went out because I was trying to force myself to be social
then I just... act obnoxious
this is why I don't drink
Well there's nothing wrong about that.
that's why i dont drink socially
to even want to be remotely social i need like three coffees and an adderall otherwise it feels like too much energy
Yeah. That's were I'm at.
well. clearly not. because last night I got super shitfaced and was acting obnoxiously.
but that's the plan for the future.
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the problem is that there's no middle ground.
there's no taking it easy. there's no pleasant buzz
I'm either stone cold sober, or else I'm getting in to scraps in back alleys vomiting in taxis.
with nothing in between.
My brain does a good job of working against me getting drunk beyond a certain point.
I either get to the point where I forget to drink or I get too tired to continue being anything but asleep.
Drinking also has not to this day ever gotten me angry or violent-aggressive so I don't really know what that feels like.
your tendencies would have been better for this situation..
the problem for me with drinking is that i get acid reflux issues and severe esophagus pain that i have to lay down long before i ever get drunk

the same goes with tea or citrus juices actually
i'm so jealous of people that can just keep drinking
i can barely take a sip without trouble
>it was a big night guys I got fucked up on orange juice
man acid reflux is no joke
like the burning in the esophagus is bad enough but it causes your spine to hurt too and your ribs
can't even stand up due to the pain it's awful
sounds rough
Orange juice fucks me up.
I get bad stomach pains with anything acidic.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 15 (1280x7(…).jpg)
but on the bright side at least you have an inbuilt reflex against drinking to a point at which you do something foolish
oh it doesn't stop me though
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milk disgusts my tummy
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>don't worry about it m8
guess he's not that salty
you should try to be more tolerant
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lack toast intolerant
my borders are closed to dairy products
Lacking toast is a SIN and you should be ASHAMED
I feel like there was a word that sounded like milktouse
But I don't remember what it meant or how it was spelt
Am I imagining this word?
I didn't have a toaster till yesterday.
I moved into my place without one and the lack of toast making ability was sorely felt.
How horribly un-English of you!
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 636x720, 1308104476543.jpg)
I've been mostly eating sand witches , sushi and lebanese takeaway
There are lactose tablets/pills you can swallow that fix that.
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Fuck yes Rene you are the best
Where is that memory when I need it for scrabble
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the real meta is in finding those juicy two and three letter words that you can squeeze into all the space thats' been taken up already
I ///
chain that shit together
milk toast and tolerant
An indie name If ive ever heard one
*indie band
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oooh, that COULD work.
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I don't think I have much of a choice but to open with the Nier/Gems combo.
I gotta find something nice to move out from this though. This song is just too good to cut off at any point when I listen to it.
I agree fellow cultist
Ry'leh will raise again
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 768x1024, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_(…).jpg)
Kyoumen no Nami's instrumental isn't easy to cancel out.
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It's strange. They're the same length down to the millisecond but the fade in/fade out are in different places and the speed of the instrumental is somehow slightly different
Maven Mobile
Search [iqdb] (4.0 MB, 3024x4032, 20180908_151234.jpg)
We're a culture, not a stereotype
This is not who I am and this is not okay.
you really shouldn't post pictures of yourself on /moe/
Kirara 🚗
is this supposed to be ironic?
It is fucking pouring down here, I'm soaked.
I look like a wet cat.
Kirara 🚗
probably not
Kirara 🚗
oh no don't get a cold
what's the problem with the star wars doll? because it's a woman?
Kirara 🚗
yeah, people were mad about her character and the right wing trash mob harassed her actor off of social media and are still mad about it
man I wish my life was boring enough to care about that shit
I don't even get why they attacked the actor instead of t the script writer
She has nothing to do with whatever bit of writing they're mad about
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more power
Kirara 🚗
because they're racist and sexist and want to make sure she leaves the film
exactly how it went with those trolls and that female ghostbuster movie
I just tell myself the trolls must be retarded enough to care about that shit, so they probably aren't too clever to think about shit like this
People make movies into such a big deal
Like it's the end of the world because they made a movie that you personally dislike

Imagine if your identity revolved around nothing but purely passive consumption

Nerd culture is fucking stupid yeah
Because they crafted their identity out of the gatekeeping of their hobbies so they can't let things like this go.
That's what nerd culture is. Your identity is connected to what you consume
I'm so pissed - my hair is all fucked up with the rain.
Kirara 🚗

too true

take a warm shower!
nani the fuck
this is why I'm waiting for marriage
Kirara 🚗
oh no
is this to even the playing field so they shoot white people too?
or is it just legalising killing black people in the back?
Kirara 🚗
this is an attempt to say anyone killed by police wad justified
especially blacks
They aren't going to shoot white people
Yes, essentially, the latter.
wow that's stupid
I thought changing the meaning of words only happened in fantasy like 1984
oh no
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 1030x974, DmaNXq6U8AEDFat.jpg)
No, it's smart.
They know what they're doing.
Are they pulling a ruse
Okay it's propaganda that's smartly produced and eating it up would be stupid then
Kirara 🚗
it's not a ruse it's genocide
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>Damn, cops keep shooting people in the back.
>We should legalize it
Its vile.
I guess the best immediate response to a policeman looking in your direction should be to immediately curl into a vall and not move
I was referring to the creepy virgin tweet but yeah sure that law's fucked up
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Grand Blue - 01(…).jpg)
Not everyone has an armadillo cloak, ToN
I wish staff users had some sort of access to an offensive special
not even for making them better but they all have voice lines for using attack suoers that are all going unused except when prodding them in the catalog or playing tap battle
cops can't hurt you if you shoot them first
remember this
Kirara 🚗
also the east coast is going to get hit by a cat 4 or 5 hurricane next week
Five cats in the hurricane, very powerful
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also blue when are we getting erk
Time for shower.
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i don't know when will this game give me a fucking green orb
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 992x1491, IMG_20180907_211915.jpg)
im incredibly bored with FEH
play Love Nikki Dressup Queen instead it's the hidden best mobage
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I'll probably quit once I get Ilyana because there's no one else I can think of that I want to get.
Kirara 🚗
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Oh right, it's Moltres Day
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The Tiki Peri Camilla Vero squad is making things fun for me.
Oh I wasn't expecting you to actually say that
Have fun it's good
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (913 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180908-105231_Love Nikki.jpg)
Nice desu ne
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I think it looks good but I'm not sure about the pastel yellow
It works but it also feels off and I can't pinpoint the exact reason.
Kirara 🚗
it's not supposed to look good haha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg)
Oh I see
You posted socks at a man with a heavy socks bias
I got distracted.
Kirara 🚗
those aren't even socks man haha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
then what are they
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
are they not subsets of each other
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Either way, knowing me, you should know I meant stockings even if they are separate things.

I just remember that one doujinshi artist everyone got excited for and called them socks even though they were also a stockings and hosery person.
Kirara 🚗
they absolutely are not
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1000x1625, 14a37dfe9cecc032f88078a0988b68b0.jpg)
I guess I should know better than to trust horny weebs
Kirara 🚗
weebs don't know shit about fashion unless they're really high level
Once you become high level enough you can wear anime fashion.
don't need to know anything about fashion to enjoy naked anime babes
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
clothed anime babes are usually better tbh
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot.1406.jpg)
don't come near me or my hot anime babes ever again
Kirara 🚗
must be an exciting life if you see crazy shit every minute
Kirara 🚗
that's America for you
People are insane, dont touch other people's hair.
Kirara 🚗
it's very inappropriate
someone touched my hair the other day but I liked it :3
we aren't even good friends so didn't expect it
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 762x1059, IMG_20180903_122920.jpg)
I'm not comfortable being touched by people I don't trust.
everyone's different huh
who do you trust to touch you? could I touch your thighs?
Touching a stranger of even a casual friend is just weird, I'd hate to be touched.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180816_154917.jpg)
Fish, Jan, Rook, Tilde, a few people here and there, I don't mind them touching me.
Only Fish could touch my thighs, though.
I'd probably let you hug me.
could I accidentally touch your butt during the hug?
I've done that before one
Please don't secuhara aidorus
if I met an idol I would just stare at her tits
Kirara 🚗
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as enticing as my butt is please don't touch it
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I'll keep my hands to myself then
I don't mind if you touch mine
Kirara 🚗
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Being grabbed without permission is really weird.
Especially if you aren't expecting it.
One time, a professor grabbed my chest without warning, and I felt really violated. It was such a weird feeling.
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wow damn that's a bit far
I'd never touch student's boobies
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, it was inappropriate.
It was in a meeting about sexual assault, too.
I forget why he did it but he was trying to prove a point about something.
Everyone laughed so I laughed too.
That's horrible.
Shoulda kicked him in the shins
Kirara 🚗
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Sometimes you just have play along, for political reasons.
Sometimes it's not worth the trouble to make a fuss.
And it wasn't really an environment where I could show weakness since we were working with the FBI at the time.
one of the episodes in this torrent keeps staying at 99%
guess I have to grow a patience all of a sudden
Kirara 🚗
haha rekt
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I hope you'll never experience this
Kirara 🚗
i do every day
I would hate to be groped, especially now my chest is super sore recently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg)
I'm going to a child's birthday party
Are you invited?
Or just going randomly?
he's party crashing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 502x700, 504c2098548cc1db37b87f6b6493f719.jpg)

>Are you invited
uhhhh yeah it'd be a little weird to just show up at a child's birthday party
It would be! Iam relieved
the child would love it
the more the merrier in their eyes
You are a disturbing person.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 722x1024, IMG_20180815_061238.jpg)
im also going to a party tonight
i probably won't stay long, though

gotta learn to fight them!
defeat the gropers!
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sore body parts should be massaged

consensually, of course
I like what you're thinking
Kirara 🚗
wow, secuhara
Kirara 🚗
>sure hope nobody gropes me
>[blue appears] it might help!
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, but was it a spirit circle reference.jpg)
Or do it yourself.
or put some Vicks on it
Wow blue.
No way, its too painful for myself even.
Blue summoning is easy I see
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 1191x1684, DjR2NwiVAAAqc4f.jpg)
I'll just unsummon myself.
Taking the circle with me.
Kirara 🚗
Spider-Man makes me realize how amazing cities are
they're terrifying
how did we make something like that
ive been to philly and denver but nyc is on a whole different level
I've been to london for therapy sessions last year and it was overwhelming
London is so big and rich, the rest of the country doesnt seen that level of affluent.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180816_154917.jpg)
cities were a mistake
I had so much anxiety visitkng my therapist in London, i got lost and she had make another appointment because i was too nervous.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 472x574, IMG_20180816_152301.jpg)
abolish cities
we must return to the land
blue is the best
I want the rest of the country to see the amount of investment that london sees.
Its obscene.
It is so expensive there too. Travelling and paying for my appointments in order to get my meds is insane, I have to go to appointments up north now but the difference is huge 13 month waiting time
Kirara 🚗
it's all a scam
Everything revolves around money.
It sucks.
So get more money.
Kirara 🚗
hard to get money when most of it is being hoarded away by dragons
Slay the dragons then.
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i don't want to do anything
Guess you'll die.
Kirara 🚗
let's get pizza
new thread for you >>571213 →
