I bought the pdf version of dril's book if anybody's interested I just need to scrub my name from it
Uh okay some guy just told me Jesus loves me
>Special Spiral Lmao it's time for DARK MYSTLETAINN
Oh this is a neat little detail I didn't have the context for on previous watch throughs. Especially poetic since this re-watch is entirely to prime me for watching the movie.
>>569109 >idol app cool >sentient getting into morally dubious areas here I reckon
>>569111 If I was a sentient AI being, I would not want to be forced into the aidoru life
it is your sentient aidoru google
Her name is koko she is loco and there is DV going upstairs
this is the first actual shoujo ai moment of the series
popping up to see the anime thread while people are watching overlord is kinda cute
Oh yeah if any overlord watcher is wondering why he look like his demon form because he doesn't want people to think his alter ego demon lord is affiliated with nazarick and this ain't no LN stuff, it is just 1+1=2
Morning Kannyagi
what if kannagi is a dog?
What if you say wrong things! Also why would i insult you Cats are the best.
what if you are going to say next " you are the dog instead"!?
>>569222 oh wait this isn't actual pol this is german tv
Kingfisher is not a bird I expect to see in anime
a beautiful bird does it occur in Japan?
>butter, mustard, ketchup, fish rye paste, chili sauce, chili mayo, normal mayo and then finally cheese how many things can you add on a single bread, before the bread goes NO PLEASE STOP
the taste is... interesting
mildly said
first you get mustard, which then switches into a weirdly layered ketchup and fish rye, of which the fish rye fades away quite quickly, but ketchup remains, then the mayos pop up and start o mix up with the cheese and then the really subtle taste of butter slightly pops up before getting absorbed by the bread and then all that remains ins the chili sauce and the mustard
and a very confused taste bud
>>569274 apparently so and you can even find them in dutchland
>>569280 yeah I used to see them when I was a kid haven't played much at the edge of the city for a long time now, so haven't seem them in years
making it harder by putting beefier units in is stupid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes it's extremely stupid The reason it took me two hours to clear Grima was because I was trying to follow a guide and the AI started acting differently so I had to bash my head against it until I cleared it.
They also have Sacred Seals equipped on that difficulty.
Kirara 🚗月
>>569331 that's sexist just because you're a male doesn't mean you have to be a husband
i seem to attract girls who know what they want and want it bad and nobody else
It's those legs!
Kirara 🚗
haha maybe so
I've never had someone express interest in me like that, I think if it happened I'd be so untrusting and doubtful. It almost feels kind of scary that you are the target of someones intense advances
especially when you are reciprocating to her advances I hope she doesn't go yandere on you
Kirara 🚗
you get used to it
im not reciprocating, though
I missed out not. Sorry! that was the worst word to accidentally misout *miss out. My brain rushes ahead with sentences and I think I've typed a word when I haven't
Kirara 🚗
You do get used to it though
I // If only I was a super aidoru who could get so many advances that I get used to it! haha
Kirara 🚗
You'll get there someday They're just waiting for you to blossom into a butterfly or like a flower, i guess they blossom more often than butterflies
>>569354 I hope so! We'll be living better lives I'm sure! I hope i can go Out and be myself more. I am also starting therapy, talking therapy to help with anxiety
that is great to hear i hope that it helps you
>>569331 Give her a tpur of your synagogue and introduce her to people. Alternatively Send her a link to jdate Actually yeah, ignore the first suggestion. The Jdate one is way funnier.
>>569360 Thanks, I wish i could help you in some way. I hope you can find a cheap comfy bed.
i ordered a nicer air mattress that's the best i can do for now should arrive on friday
>>569415 if you survive, ill come find you and we can hang out and climb mountains and explore the world we've inherited
alright meet me at the pharmacy i'll be stealing a lot of drugs
It be awesome if the world was empty save for the good people, and I could just get what clothes, drugs, everything for fair price. I say good because I can't be assed to type out all the people I think are good, >>569421 The lonely ranger
there's no good people except for me I'd get lonely :(
Kirara 🚗
>>569419 hell yes can't wait for this shit to happen
All Smash would be fine. And I don't figure they wouldn't drop something completely un-hinted at like Animal Crossing. Could just be updates on the slew of other things they've announced and haven't talked much about lately though, like TWEWY or that cool mecha game.
Because TWEWY is coming out like... super soon
Yeah, October release. Not much to say there
Reminds people it exists. At this point I figure only people who were super caught by its Final Remix trailer and people who were fans of it from its DS/smartphone days are still following.
More than anything I feel whoever wrote this article has a bone to pick with Seth Rogan.
>>569452 you big meanie you're nothing like the other jews
I've met some extraordinarily mean Jewish people before. A good friend of mine from high school fits that category.
Kirara 🚗Anno
Ah yeah, I was wondering when the "oh no did I go to far and say something mean to him I better retract it without looking like I'm too worried about it" statement was coming.
>>569455 it's not like i like you or anything b-baka
JK they're out to catch a refrigerator now Apparently it's running. Hopefully the case doesn't go cold
Kirara 🚗
they're gonna shoot it
wow, that'll freeze it in its tracks but now it's dead it would have been an open and shut case but everything hinges on bad evidence
Kirara 🚗
open the door get on the floor FLASHBANG OUT
when one door closes, another one opens. that's opportunity when one door closes, and the same door opens. that's just me looking in the fridge forgetting what I was doing
>>569475 >open fridge >close fridge >open fridge again thinking you saw something you wanted >it's not there
>open fridge >close fridge >what was I doing >oh looking for my phone. >why am I here...
>open fridge >it's there
Don't put your phone in the refridgerator.
>>569479 but he wants to get the cool FEH characters
>>569487 Totally, how is she so bad! This is her dating method? Not that I'm speaking from experience, I admire her lack of worrying about saying what shes saying.
To her credit I've definitely known guys that would go "a girl is showing interest in dating me? Gotta smash!"
It might not be very fun ny but I'm typing after some icecream black irishes and i think its really amusing
It's certainly captivating. Like knowing a tragic climax is just around the corner in something you're watching and reading and you're anticipating the shoe to drop.
Kirara 🚗
I'm glad I have an audience for it Makes it more fun and less annoying
look at this crazy entry its in 2nd
heres mine
You seem to reject the concept of pants/skirts/dresses/etc., huh.
the theme is dream for a millennium and my dream is to end the oppression of pants
A powerful dream.
I feel a theme like "Dream for a Millennium" is kind of vague and too poorly defined. You might as well just say anything goes.
well a styling theme is supposed to be evocative, not restricting they're vague so that you don't get a whole bunch of the same thing and you spur creativity they usually have stuff like "a fateful meeting" or i can't remember some of the others atm but when they do something that's got bride or wedding in the name, it's all exactly the same shit oh yeah, one was just called spring greens i think you get a loose theme and a good bit of creativity
I can understand that but I still feel after a point the concept becomes too vague to really be a theme. Like Spring Greens I feel is an excellent category because it has some keywords you can run with or balk against. But if the theme is too reliant on the participant's interpretation of the theme then I don't really think it's actually thematic anymore.
also i dont think you were here earlier for this
I glanced over it as I was flipping through the thread but yeah, didn't read it because of how long it had been since people were talking about it.
>>569502 yeah i just love the way it pans out like an old proverb
"When we ice up, we fight wild."
Actually also one of the more coherent pieces of translation to come out of the Chinese to English machine translation.
yeah i'm gonna start using that line
What's the ice in question though? Lich? Tusk?
Kirara 🚗
That's kind of mean to insinuate old people carry fleas or ticks or whatever bugs she thinks she's gonna catch.
Kirara 🚗
she is worried about bed bugs
Kirara 🚗
trying to be meaner but it's not working
You're only playing to her favour!
Kirara 🚗
i don't know how to put her off
Kirara 🚗
when she said she wanted a jewish husband, i should have said "well, it ain't gonna be me!"
i woulda just said good luck no caps
I would have said something like No thank you. Or ignore it
oh maybe "yeah me too" woulda been good
I hsvent played too much yet, i need find more outfits.
>>569518 you can roll in the banners daily for free some of them, and the expensive banners for free like every 4 days or something i don't think you can access that until you progress in the storyline a little bit the story is really important for unlocking things there's so much stuff in this game, even a animal crossing style housing system and there's associations made by people that you can join and chat and it's really neat story also unlocks clothes as well as giving you drops from each mission
I should do that! I am so jealous of the clothing. Heck if only life had gacha!
Oh i havent done story much yet!
>if only life had gacha! This feels like a fucking Monkey's Paw wish if i ever saw one.
Kirara 🚗
my based property manager who is fond of me is granting me kindnesses
>>569525 yeah it's the kind of thing that could get someone evicted lol
imagine fish getting back and im like hi honey i lost our apartment yeah i forgot to pay the rent because the autopay expired
I get kind of anxious over autopay stuff like that for reasons kind of similar to that. It's why I still don't have any of my regular or deadline payment stuff set up to be paid automatically.
Kirara 🚗
i don't trust myself to remember to pay for everything
Honestly I can't either. But between the anxiety and the occasional mistakes, I choose the mistakes.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
do i gotta ban a motherfucker
Kirara 🚗
denver airport wtf
>>569531 Might be worth warning and telling them not to be an ass first.
>>569533 for context, denver airport has a legendary statue outside it's a dark horse and at night, its eyes glow red it's been the subject of conspiracy for years and even like, fbi agents are creeped out by it
This is context that only makes things more confusing. Why do they have a dark horse statue. Why is its eyes set up to glow red.
Kirara 🚗
idk it's honestly a really spooky statue nobody really knows the real story behind it you'll see it someday surely
Probably. If I'm ever in Denver's airport I'll certainly seek it out.
This is what it's looking like my semester's going to be. I'm really not anticipating that Tuesday block since each building the classes are in are 500-700 metres apart, never mind the floors I'll have to climb up and down. I don't like being unpunctual so it's all kind of an unncessary stressor. My options are pretty limited on what I can take though.
And I'd rather have a different option than that night school slot but from the look of it the only open class in a day time slot is with a professor that everyone seems to be warning to switch out of her class ASAP. But the alternative is taking it at night with the professor who was running it when I failed it last year so I don't really know which option is worse.
Kirara 🚗
>>569538 i want to take all my friends out west if you visit rook you can see it too
Maybe if you pick up skiiing in the Rockies as more than a one-time experience I could join you at some point in the future. I'd like to be able to see Rook again, yeah.
Kirara 🚗
found out today that i can take vacations from work basically as i please as long as it's not "excessive"
Wow you're on the road to being a real psychiatrist now.
Kirara 🚗
ifkr that will make going on trips easier
>>569543 No he's not. He's on the road to becoming a psychologist.
Kirara 🚗
i'm gonna become a gatchaman
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗
i joined the IWW today
Credit company called and I can get my card's credit limit bumped. That would be nice because at the moment I still some times need to rely on my parent's credit to cover large in the moment purchases, hah hah. I have to get to the branch to authoritize the bump though. Never even been before since everything up to now has just been stuff handled online or on the phone or through stuff they mail me.
Kirara 🚗
that's pretty cool, congratulations
Kirara 🚗ToN
this voting gauntlet is great
I saw a bunch of graffiti that said "RIP God".
Today has been a really good day, I'm super happy with how the doctors went and everything.
Saw a deer fenced into an area with railroad tracks.
who fences in railroad tracks
Kirara 🚗
it'd suck if the railroad escaped
It's to prevent people from trespassing and getting killed.
a lot of railroad tracks are fenced in is that really weird?
Kirara 🚗
that doesn't happen in Florida
trespassing and getting killed or fences around tracks?
Kirara 🚗
fences the former happens a lot
train tracks would be useless if they were truly and completely fenced in as the trains would have nowhere to go i was using hyperbole to draw an absurd situation from a linguistic reference of fenced in used in a more colloquial way
>>569586 that's because you didn't spend time in the Special 10% of the Country where they Have Things
things 2: the reckoning
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗
the cities are gonna collapse eventually #ruralmasterplace
I'm looking forward to the Woodward book.
Fuck My bus's ac is busted Thanks Trump.
he did it again!
Kirara 🚗
i told pee-chan i was going to get a hat that says "bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass" and she stopped replying to me feeling victorious
>CIT physics professor starts talk about spacetime with the "Imagine scheduling a meeting at a location at a certain time" illustration feels like stale recycled air does nobody have any fresh original creativity makes me wanna suffocate
>>569596 that must be a big hat or they have to touch noses when they read it just get a MAGA one dude
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗
i have a maga hat actually i pulled it off a guy's head when he was going after my friend and i kept it
during the heat wave in europerino a friend of mine got stuck in a bus because it broke down due to the heat either had to walk or wait for a replacement bus to arrive
>>569606 it's in like every book and every science communications presentation ive ever seen and in the intro level physics classes i've taken too just describing street, building number, floor number, and time of the meeting as a presentation of four dimensional attributes to an event the same way spacetime events have physicality and a time dimension
but it's such a bland and frustrating illustration and i don't understand the point of it it's as equally misrepresenting as the common illustration of gravity like a bowling ball on a trampoline/sheet whatever too
what really just bothers me so much is that every single person is using the exact same illustration as every other person is, and probably whate everybody used when these people were in college 20 or 30 years ago too why is there no creativity or anything to just be innovative does nobody else feel the suffocation that comes from exhausting a message and then still hearing it over and over again anyway
I've always heard "a phenomenon happening at a certain time and location"
Kirara 🚗
I haven't been in a bus in years. I didn't even see buses until two years ago. And I still only see them like once a week at most because they have so few.
It'd take me like five hours to get to work (a 30-40 minute drive) by bus according to Google.
>>569611 Wow Maybe Rural areas aren't conducive to public transit or something.
Come here and you could take a bus EVERY DAY. Or a streetcar or subway. We have options!
Kirara 🚗
oh wait i just checked it would take me 1 day to get to work via bus according to Google because i would have to take ubers or lyfts to make up the difference between buses or something? it says i could take a bus for 40 minutes, stop, get an Uber, get on another bus for 50 minutes, get an Uber again, get onto a different bus system, walk two miles, and then i'm at work
>>569609 Wow What is it with people always using objects in motion to explain derivatives. Its like everyone is so uncreative.
Maybe some things are just really hard to make good analogies for. And the ones we have aren't used because they're good, but because they're not bad.
Kirara 🚗
but it'd take like 12 hours because buses don't run very long and i'd have to wait until morning at one point
>>569615 objects in motion are a use case for derivatives though it inherently ties in it's an application, not an anecdote
have you ever seen i heart huckabees it's like that story about shania twain and the sandwiches i keep hearing it so much that my brain is developing a very unpleasant aversion to the buildup and anticipation of it every time i'm like, "oh man they aren't gonna do it are they" "oh no i bet it's coming" >For example, let's say you have a meeting "fug"
Kirara 🚗
google actually says i could walk to work faster than a bus could get me there
>>569614 And then this is used as case evidence for why public transit doesn't work and funding it is a waste of money.
Kirara 🚗
>12 minute drive to the store >ORRRRR >1.3 hour bus ride
It's the scenic route!
>>569620 i was driving in san francisco one time i had to stop at a gas station but i missed the turn in so i had to go around the block one block it took me 42 minutes
>>569653 You have to do it at the beginning of the line It's a hard coded exception to the shitty >>569655 You can only do :^) And only at the start of a line No other things work because the caret forces hypertext.
\:) you lied to me
Re Superscript *err
markdown was a mistake live posting was a mistake
Kirara 🚗
you know what else was a mistake
Java PHP Python
don't tell me I want to live life blissfully
Well Python was a little mistake
Kirara 🚗
the answer is ME
ME tan is pretty cute though
Kirara 🚗
jk my mom told me i was an accident but not /// but she never called me a mistake she was on birth control when i was conceived she thinks my real dad is an alien instead of my real dad
>>569669 don't hit on me please I'm just here for a good time
Kirara 🚗
my mom and dad were riding a motorcycle somewhere in the middle of nowhere and everything was really foggy and they lost like three hours or something so my mom sometimes claims that they were abducted by aliens and they impregnated her (with me) idk if she actually believes that or not to be honest
I was born when my mom was over in France with my dad - I was born in a hospital called the rose bush. my grandad used joke I was born under a bush.
I was born two or three weeks early. It just so happens that put me in 92 instead 93 as my birthyear. It's kind of interesting how much that ripples through my life.
what isn't that the plot of that movie?
being born? yeah probably
stupid birth plot
>>569672 Oh, what a coincidence, I was born under a tree.
It's a shame you weren't a boy because then you could be treason.
Oh sorry. Tree's son.
treason senator atoners
Oh, I see. Yeah i never would have picked up on that, left to my own devices.
aeinrst how many bingos can you make from those letters /moe/
don't you do bingo with numbers?
bingo means a lot of things in scrabble it means using seven tiles to make a word for 50 bonus points there is a game called Bingo but it just uses the word for its name. it didn't create the word
Kirara 🚗
the joy of texting fish instead of paying attention in class
Positively giddy, eh.
>>569685 good to know, since I never used bingo with scrabble I have been foole d
do you have a different version of scrabble there obviously the language would be different but i imagine the rules would have to change since the language structure is different too
I think just the amount of letters is difference but I'm not entirely sure
>>569685 restain? >>569692 https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/restain does it not count?
>>569691 not a word, but nice try! you're very close to one
this class rocks i get to sit here and talk shit about Freud
>>569699 typical modern day student... no respect for the greats of the past "haha i don't understand it so it's stupid" that's what you sound like right now maybe if yall spent less time staring at your PHONES you could use your brains to THINK
Kirara 🚗
we were talking about how freud said women wanted to have penises so i asked why they did and professor said probably due to societal reasons, they wanted to be men so i asked if freud thought small infants could grasp societal differences in power between genders when so many adults can't, and he said it was something unconscious so i said "so magic?" and he started laughing and called me cynical
I wonder how freud would have dealt with trans people.
>>569701 due to societal reasons, from freud's perspective or from the professor's opinion? imo societal reasons probably have nothing to do with why someone would want a penis
>>569701 Honestly whenever someone uses "unconscious" as a reason to grasp something complex, that kind of throws red flags up in my head. It just doesn't make sense to me I guess.
>>569704 it's usually just "magic, ain't gotta explain shit"
>>569703 he thought it would be Freud's explanation
in the end, freud had no explanation for penis envy
Yeah but there's no fucking magic in this world !
>>569706 imo freud wasn't obsessed with the penis as much as he made some connections and was obsessed with his own idea so much that he used it as the framework for everything
Didnt he say smoking was like fixation to do with oral sex.
Kirara 🚗
idk freud reached good conclusions on some things but rarely knew how he got those answers but he was high on cocaine like 99% of the time so idk
>>569709 not exactly smoking is an oral fixation stemming from infancy when we receive stimulation from our senses to map out the world around us and understand things, and oral fixation from putting things in our mouths a lot which is an incredibly strong way of developmental mapping in that it uses a lot more of the senses and the brain makes a stronger connection with an object for identification, recall, understanding of it
so things like smoking and oral sex are precipitates of that stimulation, that it's a comfortable spot for the brain to be in when receiving stimulation he said we develop out of it though and also have anal fixations and other things as we experience different forms of stimulation when we age
>>569711 Thank you for the explanation, thats pretty interesting, i am bit off with what I know, freud gets twisted a lot in popular culture
Psychology Is pretty neato, I am always curious to think how behaviour theories apply to myself, I always question the way i think anand act.
>>569712 There's probably limits to what they can do. I feel like his head is a bit of a different shape though.
Brie Larson looks good though.
>>569713 i might be wrong that's my modified version of actually trying to make sense of the ideas freud may have meant something totally different idk
Kirara 🚗
freud thought it was because of the pleasure principle you're not far from wrong but you're basically filling it in to make it work freud's explanation was more barebones he didn't have a good understanding of much
he basically had conclusions and said idk why it's something sexual
I think i remember a quote where someone asked if he smokes cigars for a sexual reason and said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" or something like that
>>569716 yeah i figured i have a habit of doing that i noticed i'll take what someone else is talking about and put it in terms of my worldview and just ignore that it's not what they actually said but it makes more sense to me to describe the phenomenon that he was interested in than what his views were on it i can't say for sure it's a real phenomenon, but mapping procedures definitely are and learning with the mouth really is an important thing i disagree about the developmental stages though
sex is a really stimulating thing though so i think it's pretty natural to want to put it in your mouth when you're exploring , especially for the first time
Ugh I need to make dinner but I don't want to.
Kirara 🚗
>>569718 i think it's good to be able to do that at least
I'll have to wait for my therapist to call over the next few days. the document I have says It'll cover "IAPT, Talking Therapies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapies), I am kinda interested in how it'll go.
>>569723 Yeah, I think it'll be good for me, I have a lot of anxiety I want to learn how better to deal with and I guess a lot of baggage that I need to learn to deal with. Sure, I have never had this sort of thing before - but now that I'm basically on a serious programme for myself I can get access to this stuff.
everything sexual is basically gross when you think about it but whatever
>>569727 Yeah but some things are more gross than others.
I just think the idea of putting your mouth around or near an excretory organ is gross.
Kirara 🚗
just gotta go ass the ass
I think there is a lot of shame and policing of sexual behaviour and stuff - I was brought up really strictly and I had a lot of issues with being comfortable with anything sexual. I try to be more open minded about things now but my own body is pretty gross to me.
Kirara 🚗
im pretty much fine with whatever as long as it's not too far out there
i mean my relationship with teacup was certainly no secret so y'all have an idea
i mean, it depends on if the clown thing is part of it or not not really gonna jive with that as a fetish but if it's just someone who happens to be a clown and that's completely unrelated then yeah sure
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
apparently Freud used to send his friends like a gram of cocaine in the mail just because he loved it and wanted his friends to love it too
What a generous man.
Kirara 🚗
apparently he was a virgin until he was in his 40s or something? according to my professor
it's more likely he was gay and couldn't be open at that time? id assume
>>569735 I know Also the people I sent that to said "why not"
Kirara 🚗
i just don't like clowns very much their features are not arousing
Clowns are pretty unappealing even outside of sexual consideration.
have you ever known any personally
Clowns are a little odd I guess as a costume.
>>569746 No, sorry, I should have said visually unappealing.
>>569748 when you know them in person and then see them perform in outfit it's kind of charming in a way or maybe just the two im thinking of two girls i met at the saint louis zoo who were in clown gear, not performing, just visiting the zoo separately, probably had a thing later it was more the ragdoll kind of clown look than the big gaudy bozo clowns though so i kinda liked it patchwork clothes and blue braided hair like a ragdoll i thought it was pretty neat actually
I feel like its kinda interesting aesthetic image.
>>569749 Okay, that's fair. Clowns for me conjure up nothing more than the gaudy circus clowns with the often white skin paint and exaggerated facial features drawn on. I don't want to get anywhere close to intimate with something like that.
Clowns always make me think of either Juggalos, John Wayne Gacy or Harley Quinn.
Kirara 🚗
Harley Quinn cosplay might work for me I guess
I think talking about clowns in this kind of situation just makes me think of otherness in those situations, its complex feeling. *a
>>569751 yeah too cartoony with the rainbow parachute pants and all the frills it's abrasive to the senses
unfortunately i can't efficiently look at google images for clown outfits to pull up an example because all it shows is halloween costumes and shit
either maybe idk new one is really trashy so maybe not
new 52 harley I don't think is very good.
I can't really dig her pigtails and the outfit's pretty bad. Which is a shame because Margot Robbie does look rather nice I think. She's just wasted on that design.
Kirara 🚗
she's simultaneously highly sexualized and highly childlike which is a bit gross
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara because it's almost 8:30 I'm reminding you
Kirara 🚗
it's not 8:30 I'm still at school!!!!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh noooooo
ToN, what'd you have for dinner?
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>569764 my mom wanted to go to chik fil a and I was like cool
Kirara 🚗
you bring me so much at one time yes i do I may have bigger for you bigger?
Cool, cholesterol!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love me some cholesterol
Kirara 🚗
spiderman soon
Puddle killers never forget
Kirara 🚗
im gonna kill some puddles
No need to, those LAZY DEVS already killed them all for you.
That's not funny, my brother died that way.
Why couldn't it be Spider ma'am?
>>569771 Where does he put the phone when he's not using it?
>>569790 Well it's a somewhat cynical view of it all. But I think the story of successful love in this case is a story in which love is being successful. Rather than the struggle up to that point, which is generally a pretty interesting story.
So far most of this movie has just been a bunch of eccentrics wandering around Kyoto, getting more and more drunk and aggregating into a larger and larger crowd of eccentric drunks. It's pretty fun.
>>569802 I'm concerned that people in a crowd of sick that dense are refusing treatment, but I guess that's just the States for you. The fact that the vast majority were screened and released is good though.
>>569804 People flying back from Dubai can probably afford medical treatment.
feelin an awful lot of things i suppose and maybe none at all at the same time how are you?
My usual I think, I wake nearly every morning feeling crappy and full of self-doubt. I think I really miss working, I didn't have time for myself when I worked, I didn't have to work on myself or dwell on thoughts. Like I do enjoy being able to do things and work towards being myself but at the same time, It'd be so nice and easy just live my life in 3rd person and do long hours at work and on trains
shutting myself away at times is so tempting, I mean my best coping strategy has been running away from things and pretending they don't exist. hopefully therapy will help me.
holler at me if you wanna do anything to take your mind off stuff
I feel like I selfishly dump my feelings on moe and on people - its hard to feel comfortable. >>569921 Yeah, that'd be nice.
Kirara 🚗
It's fine to vent to your friends.
I vent way too much. I need to calm down.
How is moe today anyway, it feels like a slow morning.
im up super late i need to go to bed soon runnin on fumes at the moment
Just another day.
Sleep tight moon, I hope you have a nice rest.
It is weird having an inconsitent mood, being happy one day and down the next. I also want to eat some blueberry flavoured porridge right now, I might get some.
It's very normal for moods to be inconsistent. Blue berries sound. Nice
Well I could do without feeling so anxious in mornings and then feeling better in the afternoon Blueberry porridge is the best.
How are things going for you blue?
A little tired Out from work. Just got on my train. It's my last day in that location and it was pretty rough. Almost thought I lost my toe. Was a good day though.
Kirara 🚗
>>569924 You're allowed to vent as much as you need to. I've had many mental breakdowns on /moe/. It's a safe space!
The shoes that they have us wear are very strong. I'm still unsure exactly where it hit me in my foot but there was no blood in my sock or swelling. Just pain. It went away after a while. I'm fine.
>>569938 Neat. I joined the IWW yesterday. There aren't really unions here. There are like four unions in my entire county.
>your toes are wiggling and your sock ain't red. Put your boot back on. We got it done.
There are unions all over the place in the north here. not so much in the south.
Kirara 🚗
We can get fired for trying to unionize since it's a Right to Work state. Employers will shut down entire stores to stop unionization. They'd rather lose a business location than have unionized workers.
The only powerful union here is the NASA union.
That is so odd. Here you can join a union for pretty much any job anywhere - we have a few strikes in previous year for the post office, the bus drivers. In fact here all the bus drivers quit at once because they were pissed at the bus company, they really should have gone into a union.
No one can get fired for joining a union but the south is far less personal and coporate here. *there Up north they still have a big communities and everyone sort of looks after each other so unions are popular, plus after margaret thatcher fucked the miners everyone hates any attempt to deunionise the north was already united but she really bound them together in common hatred of her, I see pubs all over the place with photographs of them celebrating the day of her death.
>>569947 celebrating maggie's death always makes me laugh what a wretched woman she was
There was gum advert here that was really stretching it by going "Mastication for the nation" and various suggestive shit.
>>569948 People here geniuely have a deep seated hatred of her and tories, this area no matter what will never vote tory. which is fine to me! tories generally are shitty people.
Kirara 🚗
That's awesome yeah tories are all like fascists and shit they all hate the poor so much
I feel like they are so scared and horrified of social welfare and any program that tries to help the poor. Its a game of see-saw with them and labour with funding. Labour would generally fund social priorities and Tories would defund them and put into businesses. I really hate that we are conservatives right now - they really fucking suck. the local libraries are all underfunded. The tories regularly defund labour city councils and labour areas to make people dissatisfied with labour. they are bunch of cunts. *a
Kirara 🚗
I remember reading they enacted some laws that would allow for more Grenfalls. And they've been defending the NHS, right?
I think I would watch a movie made witht his premise
Kirara 🚗
>>569964 that would actually be really interesting
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
>ground chicken meat >best before 5.9 >6.9 time to risk food poisoning
I hate that lots of interesting events are just in London, the rest of the country just does not matter.
>>569963 just like they should have noticed and shut down the fukushima powerplant, am I rite+
Kirara 🚗
tbf fukushima was predictable as any significant flooding would have caused that reactor issue because they built it too low to save money despite being aware of the dangers
Yeah, japanese construction is oft like that corrupt as shit when it comes to obeying standards, not a unique factor for them to be honest
Kirara 🚗
which is really weird considering how Japan is culturally
Maybe a bridge or a building would be rushed like that or a normal powerplant but a NUCLEA POWERPLANT... you'd think the government at the very least would go all "wait a minute..." "this might cost us tax payer money in the future"
But that is the down side of nuclear power it takes like 5-15 years to build one