>>567899 Oh, that's swell. We've probably met somewhere before under another moon in a different life. If you know what I mean. >>567900 You're one of the precious newfags of /moe/ but you're getting a bit too old now we need FRESH BLOOD >>567901 Most of them were probably just scrolling through the list and making a quick shitpost on each one or saving addresses for later for their epic meem raided'em guyz xDDDD trolld hard
Where'd Chen go he was pretty fresh >saving addresses for their epic meem raids It's kinda cute when they show up and don't know how to live post though And then they start freaking out because they realise people can see everything they're typing
Chen seemed nice I think digi still posts occasionally
Why don't they have a mobage about gods but they're cute girls There's so many myths to choose from They could make so much money
I feel like thats basically FGO.
Unless you mean specifically elder gods. that would be pretty cool
>>567909 Well they'd limit it to gods But yeah you're pretty much righ tit'd just be ripping off fgo
>>567910 Yeah that'd be more interesting A retelling of all the lovecraft stories but the monsters and elder gods are all girls and they play it completely straight
Cthulian waifu gatcha mobage. I'd dig that.
Classic horror movie monsters and slashers but they too are now anime girls
I am so tired. I wish I didn't have to wait up.
I think my mom got lost, its taking a while for her to arrive.
Does your mum often get lost?
Not really, but she is taking a taxi to mine and shes never been here before
I feel like shes probably gone out shopping. she always disappears without saying and brings back a lot of shopping.
>>567919 well she can give them the wrong instructions but I think its likely she just went to do a big shop mostly because she probably knows my fridge is empty and I'm living off crumbs
>>567920 So she's helping you out by buying food? Or she's just gonna wave around the bags of shopping
Well she is staying over for a week. so she and partner will probably want to get food. I don't think she even knows how small my fridge is.
i wish i could watch the upcoming ASH conference for free but it's $600 to watch from home online
I wish I knew enough to be excited about watching those sort of conferences. I find it really interesting well people can know their subjects and kind of jealous that I'm so bad at learning things outside a very limited scope.
obviously you're not going to learn stuff well outside of the things you already know nobody is it's like learning the rules to a new game you've never played, like shogi or mahjong it's awkward and clunky for a long time and any new thing you are able to pick up about it helps you learn more about it so it feels good to learn something same for people who do know a lot about it even, they still feel like they dont understand it so there's that eagerness to get an edge up on the puzzle of figuring it out
I guess that is true, I just feel like some people are so amazing at being able to explain their knowledge and subject so well. It is really interesting when someone has it really done and is able to respond so neatly. Mostly because it is the opposite of me, I go off on tangents and will return to a point I made ages ago because I'm all over the place with how I think, the fact that verbal speech is kinda linear sucks for me since I jump about a lot in my thoughts
Well that was interesting A bat swooped me on my bike and when I went to turn and see it it was climbing up into the tree from the ground It's a shame I couldn't get a picture since my battery was too low
Kirara 🚗
what a shame
Bats are super cute but seeing them swoop around is kinda scary
>>568000 I know this feeling! 24/7 body problems, I really keep thinking of doing exercise like squats and crunches and I end up doing a few and dying and not doing exercise again for a whule.
>>568011 yeah but they're good for staying strong the human body thrives in settings where physical labor needs to be done in general, at least doing construction building houses would be good
I have physical hobbies. I don't have any that build upper body strength, though. All my strength is in my fucking legs.
>>568016 So does sitting in chairs all day doing non-manual labor.
>>568012 it also risks you to permanent back injury
>>568014 Yeah pretty much. You don't really have much control over the physical labor you do for jobs and the y can just as easily do as much harm as help.
I explicitly hate how everyone decides to wake up when I get home. As soon as my keys open the door, everyone wants to shift in their beds. Take showers. Run around the living room. Make noise. Watch the downstairs television.
Go back to fucking sleep. Where was all this youthful zeal and drive to 'get everything done' before I got here?
I've got what should be a relatively simple fight this week for you guys , so you can test the waters of punching people again. Most notably TN >>568055 I like a lot of stuff You can argue that armpits aren't my you know, top thing ever But I have an appreciation for many things.
BTW is actually amusing that I stumbled unto the "copyright deadlock" before jim sterling coined the term in the only video I ever uploaded to youtube didn't realise it untill I checked the status on it after watching that episode
Maybe just always ask them "well would you fug her" and ifthey say no welp case closed
Kirara 🚗
being bisexual isn't about wanting to fuck both genders it can be about romantic attraction and not all bisexuals want to fuck every person they think is attractive
and y'all got no right to gatekeep bisexuality anyway
>>568101 thats even worse because these thots all literally only date men
i think a bunch of fitness models and actors are attractive does that make me bisexual? i dont think so
I think if someone wants to claim their attraction to the opposite sex is enough for them to be bisexual that is fair. gatekeeping with rules about how people can indentify is fucked up.
The shirt I put on shortly before going out biking went from being dry to absolutely drenched within the two hours or so I was outside for. The colour tone shifted several shades darker, hah hah. It's pretty humid outside.
I hope Fish is having a good rest Fish has a MC's life as well. She needs be careful of triggering events!
>>568189 it's going well they're doing treatment stuff rn though so im not with her
Was she happy to see you?
Kirara 🚗
yes but she has no energy
When I had to go into hospital for my mum, she was so low energy and tired, it was scary seeing her like that. She's better now but I feel for anyone who has to see someone they love recovering.
I've got a thing for shots down long city streets. Love that vanishing point.
Got my charger but the cable was stuck between two paintings.
Kirara 🚗
>>568198 yeah it's hard she's lost a lot of weight too
Oh, I hope she steady recovers, *steadily When my mom almost died I was really fucked up and upset - I wish I could do more to help you hold up. Life really throws some fucked up shit at people.
Finally found an escape from boredom. I'm rereading ranma 1/2.
>>568202 my mom's in the hospital right now for like a month i wish i could go see her but it's states away
>>568204 oh shit. I hope she recovers, a month is a while. I've had to see my little sister in hospital not that long ago, I feel like people being ill around me is so common. I wish i could help you visit your mother.
I might be able to get grants that would entirely cover the cost of this year's tuition for my program. The province seems to really want to encourage people that have been out of high school for extended time to go and get a higher education. Something like that would be a huge relief really.
hopefully she will be able to watch some stuff since she is just lying around all day
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
woop woop i was gonna migrate the server today when to dooooo
It's hard to say for certain, but it's often usually kind of dead around the 23:00-00:00 EST time period. If you want to pick an arbitrary time I'm sure we could get the word out for people. It's only like half an hour, right?
Hey Sam Why'd you get rid of gar?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>>568225 c o n s o l i d a t i o n >>568224 fuck it we'll do it live
Oh my.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
bye forever
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
we are now in the migration queue WE ARE IN THE BEAM
Kirara 🚗
oh that was anticlimactic i thought we'd just immediately go down or something
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>Host initiated restart
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
the machine will reap us at its convenience
Oh shit Brazil's national museum had a really bad fire. >>568236
>>568270 sometimes i think it's the natural stimulation from having an altered perceptual environment for a day that breathes some new life into you and rejuvenates the mood moreso than the pharmaceutical stimulation
Oh my god I got two upgraded loops from transmuting 3 cards
>>568277 establishment of a systems worldview and trying to calibrate the world around you post trauma when you no longer have human attachments i need a way to not sound like a arrogant douchebag but it's all i really know and i figure there's a lot of people struggling with that sort of thing and i'm always struggling to be understood so maybe i find a voice in my most educated place
it wouldn't be advice or anything nearly that arrogant more the kind of aimless immersion that i seek in my own thoughtspace that i think similar people would take immersion in like me the high stamina, long and subtle and boring kind of thing for the people who realize its value and would soak into anything that properly stimulates them while distracting from social reality
Living with your parents? I'm sorry I don't pay enough attention to people's situations
That seems like it can be pretty tough, even though I can't relate too much
i imagine it's normal for places that dont have neolib economy for people to move away from their parents once they get some job but i probably will need to get a lot of money because the only reasonable option is getting a mortgage. renting is too taxing.
I mean I don't really know how common it is here I still live with my dad, I just don't have a lot of issues with him, so I can't relate too mcuh to it being a difficult situation
there's a protest thing in a different city and I wish i could go but i'll be working. my schedule is basically done for me so i cannot be in activism as much as i want
>>568293 it's less about living with parents and more about having to pretend to be a different person so they dont bother you as much etc.
Putting the bed linens back on my bed is such a heated job. In this stuffy weather it's pretty un-fun.
>>568304 isn't this just one of those things kids put on their bags in japan
i think i've probably peed louder than that
Kirara 🚗
sound grenade lol
Kirara 🚗
i left fish a bunch of anime some airing stuff and some older stuff all of satoshi kon's stuff i hope she'll be able to watch some
you know, there are so many legitimate ways to make a useful weapon from that concept and that's not one of them >>568308 oh jeez i could really go for panorama agent tonight
Kirara 🚗
we watched paprika >>568309 is that "sound grenade" some kind of Kickstarter thing
idk just a thing i found college students looking for a cool video but turns out it sucks i guess i don't think you can really call something like that a grenade i can think of some devastating and damaging sounds, and what are you gonna call them if you use grenade for something that's comparable to an early 20000s cell phone ringtone
i mean, the blast radius of a grenade is relatively small yeah but their shrapnel range is huge and that's a lot of their power but even a blast radius of like 15 feet, these two idiots are standing, what, six inches from it they look annoyed at worst, underwhelmed at best
Kirara 🚗
it's pretty lame
how about a smell grenade that, when detonated, causes the surrounding kilometer to reek horribly of ferrous blood and minced bone
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@TheDweck/1036781699500130304?s=19 people are burning their nike shoes and stuff bc they're mad that nike is employing someone who kneels for the national anthem
Bet someone could have used those shoes
>>568317 look at all the time you waste watching anime a starving child in namibia could have eaten those minutes
Isn't burning shoes kind of a hazard too?
>>568318 You're right let's start donating anime to Botswana
tfw when people buy nike shit just to tweet themselves rippin it up or burnin it for social merit on twitter and the whole thing's actually initiated by nike
giving nike my money and destroying their products to prove the national anthem is important
Destroying nike products then unknowingly replacing them with products from a nike subsidiary
imagine being the sweatshop child who slaved forever just to make one part of those shoes in brutal conditions just to see americans buy it so they can burn it and tweet pictures of it
>>568329 wow I'm shocked the sweatshop kid has access to twitter
they're epic #gottems like >did you hear about ligma >what's ligma >ligma balls haha #gottem or >check out tuov >tuov? >tuov these nuts in your face stupid childish stuff liks that
The fuck does Wendy's or Imagine Dragons have to do with that though.
Kirara 🚗
"imagine me dragon my balls on your face" i can't // oh wendys must be "when dese balls hit your face" or something
I regret asking.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
i should get roller skates that might be fun exercise
I'd like to get a nicer bike. My mother's bike isn't bad since we're about the same height, but even it's a bit of a Wal-Mart-y bike. Good bikes are super expensive them, man.
I had a friend in a college program from years back who roller bladed. He once had a story where he was roller blading one icy day and wiped out on the road as he was coming up to an intersection. And then proceeded to skid through the intersection on road ice on his knees, all the way through. Life lesson here, don't fucking roller blade on ice. Ice skates were invented for A REASON.
>>568344 I guess I'll have to find someone else to socomyballs
>>568344 It's a three by something gear bike. I say something because I can't get the second gear change to work so I'm stuck with the three shift without any clue how many gears the other shift can change between. So I guess really just a three gear bike?
i have a 7 speed folding bike it's amazing but i wish it were 10 speed
>>568347 I actually had no idea socom was a real millitary thing I thought it was just a game
Rock em' SOCOM Robots
>>568349 same actually i didn't learn it was real until like 10 years after i played the games
>>568348 Well the good(?) of this situation is that I see gear downshifting as a sign of weakness and I refuse to do it unless I'm literally about to tip over from losing speed going up a hill. Otherwise I'm on the highest gear I can get a bike to go on as often as I can.
Really if for once I could get a fucking bike that doesn't have a broken gear shift on one side I'd probably learn to better optimize my gear choices. But I always end up with a broken one so I just figure what's the point in even trying.
i used to have a 10speed mount and bike but I sold it to one of my coworkers because he's old and walks further to work than I he takes good care of it though, better than I did honestly
i always found one of // one side of the gears to be incredibly hard to turn compared to the other side and I'm not sure why
Kirara 🚗
>>568352 mine was pretty cheap ish what's your bike budget like
Going bed soon. Night
>>568355 At the moment? Non-existent. However I miiiight have a bit of money left over from the grants I might be able to get for school, hah hah. Some of the credits I've taken in night classes might be able to be passed forward and count towards my program. Depending on that I might have a bit of money I can spend. Especially on something like a bike that I could ride to get to class, I could probably excuse that expense. I'll have to see what the situation is like though.
Kirara 🚗
>>568357 folding bikes are great bc they're really light
Yeah, lightness is definitely something I'd value. Though a bike that folds up isn't really a priority for me because bike infrastructure is extremely commonplace in the parts of the city around the school campus. There's a lot of places to lock up bikes. And really I'd rather not haul around more than I need to, even if the bike is super light.
Kirara 🚗
yeah fair i like it bc it's good for traveling i can throw it in my trunk
I also don't know how folding bikes cooperate with e-bike conversion kits and while I'm not really in that market at the moment I wouldn't mind keeping my options open. I wonder if you could throw a folding bike in a travelling case and check it as baggage on a plane.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, you can easily get it on a plane
I got a hair trim today. It was down to my shoulderblades when wet and now it's just under the base of my neck. But I get haircuts so infrequently I never remember how much it shrinks up into curls after it dries. So it's comparatively super-short for me after drying out. Might look less weird if I just keep it down instead of tying it back in a ponytail for a while.
>being a curl
Wouldn't trade it for any other hair archetype.
i'm sure i am just taking out my jealous rage on you you child of god
I need a haircut. I was thinking about just cutting it really short. So I don't have to worry about it anymore.
>>568368 use me as a cue to start anime threads one more fkcing time i dare you
>>568370 Even if you cut it short it always grows back!
I've thought of cutting mine super short before. It's hard for me to resist playing with my hair and running my hands through it when they're idle. So I end up with a lot of split ends and other hair screw-ups. By cutting it short I've wondered if I can reset a lot of that mess. But every time I think about it I just can't bring myself to do it. Even as short as it is now with the trim feels weird to me. Keeping my hair long is just a part of me now I guess.
>>568404 That's good. She was really low energy today. She had trouble sitting up by herself once. It was hard to see.
She used to have higher STR than me by a lot but she's so weak now. It's really scary. And she wouldn't/couldn't talk, either, which sucks. We just kind of were together without really talking or anything, which I guess is fine since we've been texting, but it kind of sucks.
Hopefully she can get to talking again soon. I don't really know how therapy for that works though. But I'd guess having an objective target to talk with again might help with motivation.
This milk chocolate is hella good. It's really creamy, almost a bit like the British-style milk chocolate. Actually it might even be made in that style.
oh well, time to go home I feel like cooking up something nice
Like some Vegemite on toast?
that's something I would make if I had nothing else to eat although I think you can make an alright marinade with vegemite
I imagine it's something that diluted and mixed with other things could be a good flavour addition. My understanding of its flavour is that it's a bit strong by itself.
A New Zealand guy I knew gave Aoki Ume a jar of Vegemite a year and a half back or so. I wonder if she actually tried it or just chucked it.
Oh I remember that guy from your trip
>>568468 i thought you were going to say a jar of Vegemite a year and a half past its expiry i dont know if that shit actually expires though
It probably only gets more flavourful with age.
Like you don't chuck old Vegemite because it goes bad, you chuck it because the sheer intensity of flavour comes too much for any one person to tolerate.
I've done a spoonful of vegemite and then a shot and it was not a fun experience
Guy's kind of a jerk even after she helped him out of the wrong thread whoops.
Nazis? Trending on my twitter? It's more likely than you think.
I've got to wake up comparatively way earlier in the mornign than I have been for a long time now. And well really there's a decent chance of a number of early mornings weekly coming up too. Not looking forward to that struggle.
I think I shall change my location settings so I don't see that.
I wonder if our internet is back on at home It dropped for some reason Which is not unusual
As pedantic as it sounds, did you try powering off and powering on the router? Whenever my Internet goes offline that's pretty much the solution I always turn to.
>>568509 Yeah I've done it a few times to no avail
>>568538 try check out graded readers for Japanese, they are pretty good for learning - I practice a methodology I really like called extensive reading - gradually reading different levels of material to expose yourself to new vocab and sentence structures.
>>568538 Yeah but I don't do nearly enough Just reading and anki Occasionally I'll find Japanese people online to have a broken conversation with, which is a lot of fun. They tend to figure out you're 外国人 pretty quickly and they might simplify their language somewhat but I think it's good to hold real conversations in the language. It forces you to think about it more actively since you're producing it yourself instead of just consuming it, and the person on the other end will often be willing to correct you
>>568539 those look interesting I found a few that are easily pirateable, but not the complete set so far that's what I plan to do as well, just reading more and more
>>568540 very true for surem that's basically how I learned English, so must work for japanese too right? after I am a bit better, I am going to find japanese people like you did
>>568541 Well I certainly wouldn't take **my** word as gospel when it comes to learning languages. But generally speaking if you want to actually communicate with people in their language then practising communication is a must. People also tend to talk and type a little differently in real conversations than they do in a story, I think.
>>568542 it certainly is gospel I see it as one of the major contributors to how we all learned our mother tongue and also how I learned my second language if you speak you actually have to think about making new sentences, which I think is very important
>>568544 >it certainly is gospel Trust me my word on Japanese is not gospel, generally speaking But yes I think that it really forces you to think about how you're structuring your sentences
the sands of the saharan could only protect us for so long two cape verde storms
sure is stormy this time Japan is having a typhoon as well
The bus that runs best for me changed its schedule at some point over the summer, moving it's half-hour cycle forward by twenty minutes. Needless to say I only learned this after leaving the house expecting it to drive by at its normal time.
so safe to say you were late?
I think I'll be on time still. I tend to be serious about appointments and try to leave time for error (like this) open. Just might not have time to grab a coffee before.
Oh the Japanese import shop is still open along this bus route. I should check in there sometime.
good you remind me, I wanted to visit the asian supermarket again to pick up some more noodles and curries
Kirara 🚗
>>568553 can't wait to get smashed by a cat 5 hurricane
>>568587 I am still wondering how no one got the idea of "I like how you KNEEL before the flag and the anthem, it isn't usually part of democratic things and belongs to the realm of monarchies, but whatever. Nice Patriotism mate"
This happened https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/09/02/us/axe-truck-explosion-texas/index.html
Kirara 🚗
american patriotism is literally just a cult of worship no different from north korea lol
>>>/watch?v=F5zg_af9b8c desu due to popular demand the sang part was added to it >if people want to sing, I shall let them sing the composer was quoted to say
finlandia is the musical piece "finlandia hymn" is the song
Rule of law sure doesn't apply there also yeah it kinda only works when you have the "income scaled fines" like we do
Kirara 🚗
cops have discretion in giving tickets there's no official ruleset dictating how they ticket people they can reduce tickets and stuff >>568668 they didn't it's a system that punishes certain people, on purpose
The last two days were terrible. We put in a total of over 500 of the heaviest class of plates we use. The first day, two of us spent it just putting them in close proximity of where they'd be placed. And just THAT is tiring. But today, we only had to do cleanup. And they couldn't get a garbage train to the location in the time frame that they had. The workspace had to be given back to regular service by 1:30 so we were off the tracks by 1 and back at the office by 2:00 So I just got all the sleep that I wasn't allowed to get yesterday afternoon
The process of figuring out what I need to take and what applies to those particular categories is ridiculously obtuse. The woman I met with this morning even explained it all to me but man. I should have taken notes. It doesn't help that I'm potentially going to have a hard time getting into some mandatory stuff that everyone needs to take because classes have already started.
The online academic advisement report could really be segmented better too. Everything from all four years is lumped into one long list with breaks between segments, but the segments between years and other arbitrary classifications are visually identical. They could have at least designed this so each year has its own clear, defined segment of the list.
Because of all the stuff I've taken in night school classes in the past year I should probably be able to take some year two stuff? Or at least reserve to take it in the winter semester. But because I didn't take notes and because this list is so cluttered I can't really remember what it is.
The humanities elective list I can pick from has like twenty-five Spanish or Spain-related courses out of ninety-five. And thirty-nine French or France-related courses, but that's more understandable. Still that means more than half, around two-thirds of the entire humanities elective options are based around those two languages and cultures. Kind of cuts down on my options a fair bit.
Wow That's pretty close minded of the people in charge of what courses get taught.
I was prepared to have an extremely narrow selection of courses still open and not filled up with students, but man. The pickings are beyond slim here.
Philosophy classes and Arts and Contemporary Studies are all filled up. French/Spanish courses aside I'm pretty much stuck flipping through history courses seeing what's not yet full up. And I really didn't want to take history courses, ugh.
My only real hope is that some students bail on stuff I'd be rather taking before this first week is up.
>>568710 Neat. >>568711 I'm too lazy to title my images leave me alone. Also I got confused for floop for ages whenever I didn't have a name on, after all.
Having looked at pretty much every day class I can pick up for these electives, they're all either full-up, not scheduled, not running this semester, or need a language proficiency test or a language course prerequisite. Save for a single history class about popular culture. There are a few philosophy night classes I can pick from to take but man. I kind of wanted to be in school during the day again.
i'm gonna walk around a park near the SA clinic tomorrow before work and start playin with it and maybe for a bit after work too since i've never explored that downtown area
On the other hand this is a year two practicum I could potentially take as earlier -early as next semester because of my night school classes from before. It sounds like an interesting time. There's a couple of practicum options I could pick from that sound pretty interesting really it's a shame I can only get credits for one.
>>568717 That is awesome, i wanna get more lens. I'd slso like to get a tripod.
At least I have enough semester one credits I need to take that I can myself a full-time student and get the full grants from the province. Now I just need to actually get the classes.
>>568727 I've got three lenses and a tripod. I lost one of my lenses somehow. I think on my last trip. I'm still jealous of your macro lens.
>>568729 I just have the kit lens and macro, i kinda want to get a prime len for street photography. I havent taken pictures with the camera in a while.
>>568736 The province doesn't, but my program won't let me take certain classes. Really in a normal situation it wouldn't be a problem, there's a plethora of options. But I got accepted suuuuper late and it's more than all the classes are full-up of students. More that, even. Full-time at my university is taking a minimum of three courses in a semester anyway so I'm pretty safe, considering the "usual" full-time is five courses and that's what they model their offerings around. I've already got three or four classes lined up.
>>568735 post your studies, couldn't you just use him as a spring board to move there?
>>568736 i don't mean to brag but i'm pretty good at getting crisp photos! except this one is overexposed
Kirara 🚗
>>568738 nah, i'll already have to move to a state out west before my studies are technically over because i have to do an internship and i can't live with my dad there unless my stepmom's parents die
>>568748 Canada is the greenest huh. Green is a 10/10 colour. Ergo this graph is obviously factually absolute.
it's also apparently partly because Canada has had so much immigration from east asia which affected the culture.
Yeah I could see that argument making sense. Even here more on the eastern side of the continent there's a considerable SEA immigrant population. We get a fair bit of the continental East Asians but by and large they tend to hit B.C. and stop moving.
Though you can still certainly take good photos with cellphone cameras. You're just usually limited more by your environment and might not have the full range of detail options that come with a proper camera.
Like in good lighting my cellphone camera is pretty fine. But once the light in somewhere gets dim, out goes any capacity of quality I can manage.
you can take a good photo with a mirrorless camera but you're severely limited in the best possibly quality mirrorless cameras are just cursed like that
>by argument to maintain their opinions I don't really like this mindset. While it's good to ensure you remain open-minded by encountering situations that might disagree with your opinions. I don't believe you're obligated to defend your beliefs or opinions if you'd rather not.
it is kind of a cruel tactic to have spear infantry to just DIE for you while your 1860s muskets do volleys this isn't fucking 15th century tercios this is American Civil War muskets
>>568823 That's like saying there's a difference between Australians and New Zealanders. Only in a weird alternate timeline where both countries hate the piss out of each other and have tried to take over the other on occasion.
btw I wonder why in shogun 2 and rise of the samura, obviously, everyone speaks japanese but in fall of the samurai the speak all english fuck the battle narrator has an AMERICAN accent, if imitated by a jap
New supreme court justice. 100,000 pages of documents about hm were withheld unt from the democrats until like two hours before the decision hearing. Which is really shady.
Kirara 🚗
>>568860 lmao fucking knew it democrats are impotent
>please don't be grossed out by my TYPICALLY MALE SEXUAL RESPONSE >please have a vagina and be open to the broad possibility that we may engage in intercourse of the sexual nature
>>568899 there's no way he will be lol my friend is cis though
>>568901 Wow, I feel for her either way, how weird to get // find someone like that. I've had messages from people detailing their weird requests but never seen such a serious looking thing like that.
Wow naps sure are magical. I conk out for a few hours and now a bunch of classes I wanted to take have free spots.
Maybe he has autism.
>>568894 this is fucking solid gld you should send this to sorrow tv
I bet he'd also male *make her Sign a consent form before having sx. *sex
>>568941 I think instead of breaking the curse they just moved it.
oh like that semi-recent movie
it follows
or something
Kirara 🚗
do you know about the curse, SK
I know the cubs apparently haven't been able to pull a win in like, their existence or something
Kirara 🚗
a guy brought a goat to the game in '45 and they kicked him out and as he left, he laid a curse upon the cubs that they would never win another world series
>Sianis’s family claims that he dispatched a telegram to team owner Philip K. Wrigley which read, “You are going to lose this World Series and you are never going to win another World Series again. You are never going to win a World Series again because you insulted my goat.”[6][7]
Holy shit Sianis was the real one
Kirara 🚗
>Prior to his death on October 22, 1970, Billy Sianis himself attempted to lift the curse. Sam Sianis, his nephew, has gone to Wrigley Field with a goat multiple times in attempts to break the curse, including on Opening Day in 1984 and again in 1989, both years in which the Cubs went on to win their division. In 1994, Sam Sianis went again, with a goat, to stop a home losing streak, and in 1998 for the Wild Card tie-breaker game, which the Cubs won.[14] he knew not his power
It was a really big deal when they won.
Kirara 🚗
>n another bizarre twist, it was reported that a butchered goat was hung from the Harry Caray statue on October 3, 2007, to which The Chicago Sun-Times noted: "If the prankster intended to reverse the supposed billy goat curse with the stunt, it doesn't appear to have worked."[16] While the Cubs did win the NL Central division title in 2007 and 2008, they were swept in the first round of the postseason in both years: by the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2007 and the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2008. The elimination by Arizona came on October 6, the same date that the goat appeared at Wrigley Field in 1945.[17] The act was repeated before the home opener in 2009, this time a goat's butchered head being hung from the statue. The act was futile as the Cubs were eliminated from postseason contention on September 26, 2009.[18]
>>568962 yeah for real haha nobody could believe it i can't believe it feels so normal now
Also it was on the 47th anniversary of Sianis's death.
Kirara 🚗
some say that sianis was like 46 or 47 or whatever when he laid down the curse too
Kirara 🚗
i haven't found his actual birth date though so who knows
>>>/watch?v=7xBxZGQ1dJk Also purportedly a decent amount of really old Cubs fans died that night.
Kirara 🚗
imagine if the entire world ended because someone insulted a goat in 1945
You could tell her you'll let her know later, and if she still wants to know now you could tell her I guess I dunno
>>568975 I think that just letting her know with a warning is best. Straight telling herher not to watch it is more likely to make her feel like she's being treated as if she's fragile and makes it seem like you don't trust her to make her own decisions
>>568986 You don't like it because you're fiercly tsundere and stubborn. I think Fish would probably say something about wanting to be treated tenderly by her lover in this situation.
I remember watching Gatchaman and there was that scene where Hajime rebukes Sugane for being judgmental, saying that lots of people might have their own reasons for acting in a way he doesn't approve of, and when I saw that, I really identified with Sugane - well, I identified with him before that - but he started to develop a lot after that and became less judgmental and stuff. I was really envious of his development and I really liked Hajime because she seemed like such a cool, understanding person, that went her own way, and I thought that I could never be like that, but Sugane developed in that direction. That was a long time ago now, but I was thinking about it the other day, and I ended up getting my character development like that, too. I think I'm a lot more like Hajime than Sugane these days, and that makes me happy.
Kirara 🚗
>write the mean destroy baby rat stay up and no fear this OP is so distressing to me
You might feel like you've been going nowhere, but I feel like I've seen you move forward a lot in the past few years. Especially in the last year. Like when you said you didn't want to drive back with me because you wanted to get home to make sure you could try to move forward with your goals, back on our last Philly trip. And then you went to those classes and now you're going to uni. It probably feels like you're moving forward really slowly, but I definitely think you're getting somewhere. That's how it looks to me, at least.
There's a part of me that's distinctly aware of that, but there's also a part that is also aware this is my second time around a first year program at a university, third time in a first year post-secondary program, and seventh year out of high school. In that frame of reference it feels less of moving forward but simply at the high point of an endless loop, and every step forward is another one closer to the low point.
But like I've said before, the misfortunes of the past are of no implicative bearing for the future. It's easier to say things than believe them though.
If there's anything I can do to help you be successful this time, let me know! I think you can do it. Even if you // Even if you've been taking three steps forward and two steps back, that's still one step forward, so even if it looks like an endless loop, you can get there eventually. You've definitely grown.
I have some vague recollection of people referring to Gatchaman Crowds as Gatchaman Crabs. Also wasn't there a character that looked like Saya from Saya no Uta?
My grandma is getting cataracts surgery in two days. Somehow she's not afraid of the surgery, but the idea of using eyedrops for a month.
Well there's a certain distance in surgery. At the least I feel being put under for surgery makes everything easier. Where as you ought to be conscious to put eyedrops in.
It's kind of like how I know I ought to go to the dentist and get my mouth looked at. But unless I can get put under for stuff I don't really want to go in.
>>569023 oh, they don't put you under for eye surgery, man you have to be awake and attentive otherwise the surgery can't be done
What really. Why. That sounds like a nightmare.
Kirara 🚗
i know man the idea terrifies me
Kirara 🚗
they numb the nerves with special eyedrops but you still get to watch it in laser eye surgery, you actually smell the laser burning your eye, from what ive been told yikee
Kirara 🚗
Do they at least give you one of those drugs that makes it so you don't remember?
Kirara 🚗
>>569024 Yeah that's pretty good. What the hell is up with the sloth.
I think I'm decent with email subject lines for formal contact. It feels weird as hell to even have them for casual conversation though.
Clickbait is pretty much just the new form of spam email subject lines.
it's such a ballsy rejection the dude that sent that is fucking powerful
I'm definitely going to keep it in mind for the impossible scenario.
It's not like there's really any good thing you can really say in a scenario like that. Anything you write that's serious is going to come off as creepy or awkward. So you might as well goof off in a positive maner.
because i saw someone skewer their eye with a pencil in first grade
dear god that is traumatic and HOW?
Kirara 🚗
they just put it on the desk pointing up and slammed their head down onto it
Did it all by themselves?
To themselves, by themselves, I mean.
Kirara 🚗
well people were encouraging them but they did it themselves i think they were autistic though
Kirara 🚗
i don't remember the exact circumstances that was more than 15 years ago haha
Kids are terrifying creatures in all sorts of ways.
Kirara 🚗
i remember everyone screaming and he was on the floor with the pencil sticking out and he kept trying to close his eye but he couldn't
it was Not Good i can handle a lot more than i used to now though
Yeah I can definitely understand the aversion in that case. I don't even have a good reason for why I'm bad with stuff like hands being skewered through or similar injuries. It's just always been something that resonates in my own hands.
It's unfortunate too, since a lot of macabre stuff tends to target eyes, huh.
Kirara 🚗
i don't think you need a reason to be averse to mutilation haha
i can handle eye stuff now as long as i don't think too deeply on it