Banana Fish Cooking With Emiya Happy Sugar Life Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-9 Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-23 Kyoto Holmes --Episode 8-9 Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 8-9 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 7-8 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-7
Also if you would kindly not ignore this question from last night a second time. There's a Tiger & Bunny spin-off series that is airing in the upcoming fall season starting this October, Double Decker. CrunchyRoll sneak-peaked the episode during their convention this weekend and as such the first episode is available through HorribleSubs. Would there be interest in watching that now or should it just wait for the show's proper airing in October.
Oh it's picking up still in the loop of Jashin not learning her lesson.
She's seemed pretty immortal so far. This doesn't really seem like the kind of scenario she should be worried about.
Well Medusa does just need to look them in the eyes
Yeah there we go, problem solved.
Wow that was a fast childbirth.
It's always fun whenever Medusa gets to have one over Jashin.
Honestly those kinds of brown paper bags are way superior in all ways to any other paper bag option.
Being Pecola is suffering.
Boys will be boys.
Jashin is pretty thick. I guess the bitchy angel's come up with a full backstory instead of just being an angel like Pecola.
Oh I guess not that thick. The angel's a little dumb herself
asdas Why this.
A pudding addiction, huh. I've never found it to be particularly drug-like.
Yeah Yurine didn't even really seem all that mad about it. Some times it's best to just be honest. Or at least come up with a much less ridiculous lie.
Early ED, huh. There's easily several minutes of after-credits stuff.