this amazon fulfillment center thing on twitter is really fucking creepy
what is it?
Kirara ๐
to combat media reports of the terrible working conditions in amazon wearhouses, amazon hired like 20 people (or they might be bots) to sit on twitter, searching for people talking about working conditions in Amazon wearhouses, and then they reply talking about how much they love their job and how happy they are to work for such an amazing company it's really creepy
i don't have the patience to listen to this fucking panel talk so pointlessly for so long bsj is on the panel for some reason just an instant turn off from watching the stream and i end up missing some games
Refractory period isn't that important, really. As long as you're doing a good job she's not going to be mad. Even if girls don't have a cooldown, you need a moment to catch your breath too, you know.
Ash in Banana Fish is really cool. He's not really my type, though. It'd be nice if he were a little more attractive to me, but I can appreciate him anyway.
Yeah, I figured there'd be a lot about him you'd like.
Soooo tired. I was hoping I might have time to nap in the evening before anime but it's not looking like that'll be feasible, hah hah. MOGRA starts at 02:00 in the morning my time too. I don't think I'll have the juice to keep up with that. Shame, it's a good line-up.
Kirara ๐
sleep is important
It's pretty important yeah.
Kirara ๐
someone gave my number to some annoying progressive political organization called OurRevolution they're like, berniecrats but they're super persistent they keep calling me even though i tell them not to and they're texting me and stuff
some dude named larry keeps texting me to tell me to vote for some dude that bernie lik es for governor or something can't they just leave me along
Kirara ๐
Blocking the number doesn't work?
>>561543 Pretend to be a republican maybe that'll do it
Kirara ๐
>>561545 i haven't blocked it yet (larry's) but they have been calling me from multiple numbers
>>561547 "sorry I'm late to a trump rally talk 2 u later larry"
Kirara ๐
"sorry larry i don't care about hashtag baked bernie and his his gillum guy hashtag maga hashtag lock her up, thanks and have a nice day"
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>561550 are you alright mate Last night I got up to the final boss in IV That holy attack is
>>561551 my cacation is almost over and i got a troubling call that i cant tell is phishing or nit
Kirara ๐
i just saw your text it sounds like phishing to me usually your credit card just gets declined and then you have to call and get it worked out they don't usually call and ask for your credit card number
>>561561 also the person told me when i was wary of that that the customer service line was currently closed or so and my card on the back says it is 24/7
t is this the fifth game of a bo5 right now this is a crazy match
Yeah. It's been SUCH a good best of five man. I was out of my chair for the end of the last game.
i didn't catch the last one
Arguably the best game of the International. Definitely best game of the day.
i'll go back and watch it later thankfully i've missed two of the games so i don't already know who won the last one it'll be a surprise
lgd are probably really feelin awful rn
They started off that game five looking like they recovered their stamina better than OG. OG were playing reaaaally sloppy. But then OG got their shit together and put in an amazing comeback.
where's dendi i haven't seen him on the stream yet this year
oh wait he was there around openai game one
There was a bit early on where he took Kaci around Vancouver for sightseeing. He's somewhere at the International though, yeah. Apparently the whole original famous Na'Vi is here. People were theorycrafting they might've been the final team that Open AI were supposed to go up against.
everyone is having so much fun with mccain's death it's nice to see everyone so happy
/moe/ How come nothing I do feels productive regardless of how much I do
>>561620 i hope people have the same fun when i'm dead
Kirara ๐
haha that's a weird thing to want but i dig it
it's not want is just thinking about being dead i guess...
I hope people are just absolutely devastasted when I'm dead and spend years unable to be happy due to the loss
last night i was out with people from the paralegal practice and like some metalhead guy with long hair was very drunk he reached the table and his hair caught fire from a candle who was on the bar.
it was very stupid lol
sorry i don't know how to tell stories.
How much of his hair got burnt?
>>561627 that's okay you will get better as you tell more stories
>>561628 it was a second, but it was probably scary for him.
the guy was so drunk he and the other guy were daring each other to drink and then they asked the waitress to bring him tequila but there was no tequila, so in the end they went drink somewhere else..
>>561633 it was like, one bought the other a hard drink and the other just gulped it down. kinda like a lot of people do here and on the internet.
"haha dude i dare you to drink another!!" these kinds of people, man...
i dont drink and i guess people found me boring.
american people are weird that a lot of center right criticise trump for being racist but they're warmongers who kill people on other countries for profit. >>561636 social thing is something completely alien to me honestly. i stopped contact with people from school, university, and most of my family.
>>561634 if i drink it's completely alone drinking as a social thing is very weird to me
profit's important you gotta protect the investments and secure diplomatic allegiance with strategic allies it's just how the system is built up
i mean like yeah dont be rude to muslims but just pay sauds to kill people in yemen.
i mean, it's not just america britain, france, belgium in colonizing africa were literally, directly killing people for profit and many places before that it's not america in particular it's just what white people do
Man I need to reset my brain. I've been so invested in the grand finals for like six hours. It's a deep hole I've stuck my head into.
>>561644 hey i was curious did you ever start on those bees
lol at ocassio cortessss and how the right still hates her the more she acts like them.
So I'm doing that bimonthly thing where I visit a friend who lives far away, but I forgot to give the stipulation "I can't stay out past two so if I go we need to leave by one" so now I'm probably gping to have to stay out til like three.
i wish i would consistently appear in this place i never ever come back i visit like. once every 4 months :c last time i was here i cant remember if i went under the liliana trip or peegirl
>>561716 leยทgitยทiยทmateยทly i have not bought any since what i posted LOL i currently need to save money for awhile too so like. AAAAAAAAA i want more ;w;
oh there was another smaller charge I didn't notice that I'll need to have them remove oh what a world
Did they fix up the big charges at least?
Kirara ๐
the guy who did the kekkai sensen OST has an album called Music of the Mystical Far East: Japan and it's really cool it would make a really good ost for a japan themed tabletop game
I called and got them to mark the other strange charge Plus they confirmed that things like returned deposits should go through just fine as well as the things that already placed holds on my stuff (i.e. the car and hotel, which I was concerned about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Interestingly enough that charge is from the 24th unlike the others. Makes me wonder who got ahold of it.
Kirara ๐
might have gotten it from a gas station or something
>>561764 I do It's pretty difficult though. I'm going to grind for the cash to buy up a stockpile of amritas because my TP just isn't carrying me far enough That holy spell is a bitch but if you use geoimpact you get a guaranteed stun on it
>>561777 It is You've seen '54 right? The original theme is so classic wait disregard this the original theme is in Shin anyway
>>>/watch?v=aSCSf3RFVdw I don't know if you noticed Maria since it's been ages since you played the earlier bits, but the final boss theme takes all the leimotifs from all the previous areas and uses them
that's the show jan, tilde, notso and i watched in that hotel room in roanoke the one where micky, donald, and goofy seemed like personifications of different drugs
on an unrelated note. I finally have a pretty good grasp of higarana. I can draw all the characters and read all of them as well. I found some nice kid stories online that use mostly higarana, so that'll be nice to learn further I think
Kirara ๐
that's awesome let me hire you to do translation work you get 10% of the profit (i get 90% bc of logistics or something)
ask me again in a few years one of my goals is to translate a manga I want to read. But again that's a long time in the future
when I watch anime without subs I am at the same time surprised how much I understand and also surprised how much I do not understand is this what life is like?
Kirara ๐
i can understand a lot without subs like the yuki yuna mobage, i can follow the story bc it's all voiced
>As you might guess, this is part of a marketing campaign by Miracle Whip maker Kaft Heinz, which is reportedly paying the town somewhere between $15,000 and $25,000 for the name change.
You can literally, as a corporation now, use an entire town as a billboard
An d the best part of this shit is this: They supposedly fooled some of the people who lived there into thinking it was for real Which means this wasn't even brought to the attention of the public at all, despite them effectively BEING the town
It's just political heads selling the name of the town to a corporation, it's so profoundly sick, if inconsequential
you were able to buy love and friend with money, why not a town name change for a little while?
>But there's one big difference. None of these other towns claimed to be trying to play a trick on 1,232 unsuspecting residents. Mayo--or, rather, Miracle Whip--town officials seem to think they can fool everybody who lives in their community into thinking the name change is permanent.
Look I just think it's messed up for this to even be an option, that's all
Kirara ๐
wtf haha this is stupid
you're stupid
Kirara ๐
wow. how could you say that.
Like this You're stupid
Kirara ๐
for me a truth and a lie take equal effort to produce
>>561846 woah is this what japanese people do? this looks dank as fuck
Not all of them I figure. This is MOGRA, a night club located in Akihabara that got its start playing anison and other otaku-y music with a club feel. They stream an anison night every first Saturday of the month, and this past weekend in August is their birthday weekend, where they stream for three days straight. They put up like a dozen DJs each night and they all do a set. IOSYS showed up to the first night on Friday.
>>561848 I dunno what particles are so probably not I just read a bit of grammar, but that's all
>>561850 do they have all those DJs every night or just for their birthday?
There's a set of regulars that show up to each monthly anison night, but most of the ones from the birthday stream are guests. A lot of the guests occasionally return, but it's a pretty infrequent thing. They also do a super long stream over New Years where they bring in a lot of guests too.
Yun*chi, the girl that sings the ED for Log Horizon, used to be a pretty common appearance at MOGRA or something, I think, but she doesn't anymore. They still play that ED a lot though.
Porter Robinson has also done two sets as a guest two months in the past, and the DJs that play regularly at it generally really like his stuff too, so it gets played pretty regularly.
>>561851 do you know your ใฏ particle yet because particles are a big thing in nip grammar
>>561854 is it difficult to get into? it looks small as fuck
>>561856 I'll look those up when I go learn next time then I really only know how to read and write hiragana now I tried to read some kid's book but already don't understand most shit even with translattion like why certain things are said that way I mean
As far as particle weirdness goes in Japanese, ใฏ is honestly one of the more straightforward ones, hah hah.
>>561857 Dunno how hard it is! I've watched the streams a lot but I've never had a chance to go in. I was near Akihabara for New Years a couple years back but the friend I was talking about going with bailed on me, so I kind of got cold feet. The odd towering gaijin isn't an uncommon sight in the stream camera of the crowd in the club, so I figure they're pretty fine with gaijin showing up, at least. Having a knack for the language would probably help too though.
>>561857 it's like a puzzle, except right now you don't have all the pieces When yiu get em it'll make sense
>>561858 I'm always afraid I'd look like a freaking giant in japan so I know what you mean
>>561860 yeah that's what I'm hoping for I used to not understand anything in english and look at me now
how's your japanese?
>So that would appear to be that, except for one thing. That closed meeting town officials held with Kraft Heinz to plan their prank? It may have been illegal under Florida's Sunshine Law, which guarantees open access to most government meetings. Oh my god it got better
>>561861 A haphazard patchwork I can read somethings with heavy dictionary usage I don't like listening though. With text it's easier to just go back and re read things if you don't get them
Leveraging my power as an official to violate the law, have a backdoor meeting with a private entity, change the town name and confiscate all mayonaise in the tow n
Oh that's neat. I wonder if she'll be able to show for New Years or next year's birthday. I can't wait for her set to come on so they can SHUT THE STREAM DOWN FOR FORTY MINUTES.
>when your days off align with MOGRA >when your night shift schedule lets you listen to MOGRA anyway >when the work ends two hours early so you get to listen to even more of it
>>561867 yeah I'm dutch I notice my own mistakes sadly :(
>>561876 I was going pretty well until today. Woke up nice and early on Saturday to catch the start of day two and listened the whole way through. But then I couldn't nap before I had to watch anime with Rika because I had DIGITAL SPORTS to watch. Ended up passing out in the middle of watching anime, hah hah. And sleeping through the night meant missing out on pretty much all of day three.
>>561899 before media -> communication of information purely social during media -> communication of information mostly centered around specific outlets now -> communication once again decentralized due to social media
>>561901 I guess to some degree, but it's still kinda similar to the way it is when fully centralized Things rarely penetrate the bubble of people who already are part of the same sphere
Like that goofy guy with the american flag at a black bloc, still hasn't reached my reactionary friend And he'd be mentioning it if it had
Cause it's just not really that interesting to people outside the left, I think
I let my superior know I'm staying home so that's what I'm doing
Can't go around coughing up a storm when working with food anything tbh
Kirara ๐
>>561904 but that goofy guy wouldn't have reached them before the media either the point is that communication is becoming less centralized like it used to be before news aggregates
BlackY's solo albums sounding like a hard as fuck beatmania track >>561919 we should Can you believe there were tracks on that Akatsuki album that were better than Shout it Out Loud?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>desperately want to take the car back so I can just sleep >they don't open until 12 JUST
>COLORS: AD:HOUSE VOCAL REMIXES I need to check if this is up
Kirara ๐
laz really loves chewing on my phone
bleh But at least ayame is up
He's trying to kill it so that the only thing that can be pre-occupied with your hands is HIM.
that would be kind of cool if it was scrabble i could be like, "yeah, the NSA was interviewing people to find info out about me" (national scrabble association)
Also Kirara since you didn't arrive for me to ask you in person, I had a thought about the egg-laying habits of a queen skoul in so far as when they're in a host in the daytime, they'll force the host to bury themselves alive and then hatch, then follow the queen to a home. underground
Kirara ๐
neil simon fucking died
Kirara ๐
not sure i follow the queen makes the host bury themselves and then the eggs hatch and follow the queen home?
You've got a little under two weeks to make up that sheet mister TN, so feel free to ask questions when I'm available. However I might be laying back down
>30% of articles memorising MacCain is just jabs and disses at trump I guess you can't even write a memorial without bringing in the drumbf
>>561980 I wish if they make a sequel, the "study enemies" would be more than "press button to weakspot"
like actually trial and error learning about enemies or having an option to turn a "hard mode" on that removes on screen clues and you have to jot them down or something
Kirara ๐
>>561982 well they didn't do that in horizon zero dawn you had to find weakspots through combat before they would show up otherwise the log would only show obvious ones like containers full of flammable fuel
Kirara ๐
kind of disappointed danny devito didn't say anything about mccain's death
why would have he said anything about it?
wow 25 minute delivery for food must be new record
I wonder how their sales do on those for the Wii. It's kind of weird to figure it must be enough to continue releasing new years on that ancient console.
Magical girls, but different setting than usual They're students trying to make it big in some sort of stage performance But then magical girl happens also?
I saw someone on twitter talking about it, and it seemed real good so now I'm watching it supposedly rife with SYMBOLISM, too
Kirara ๐
ill probably check it out soon i caught up on banana fish yesterday
Fuck, I forgot about banana fish Is it turning out actually fun?
I wonder what a banana fish would taste like
Revue is a lot of fun. It's a bunch of theatre girls all trying to kill each other for the lead role in a big play. We're a bit behind because it's a show Jan likes and he's been elsewhere recently though.
It is pretty fun I don't expect a whole lot from it, but what little I've heard of it is good This one twitter person I follow is gushing about it all the time
hataraku saibou taught me that laughter, in fact, does serve a healing function in the body makes some of your cells that deal with infections stronker Apparently
One time with Tilde and Jan, I hurt my knee and couldn't stand even with them supporting me because it was so painful to even put a tiny bit of weight on it. And I just couldn't stop laughing. Ended up sitting there in the mud on the floor in the rain, laughing like a maniac.
>>562076 god I remember when our tire busted in the middle of crossing voer mountain range from sweden to norway and the truck driver who came to pick us and the car up drove basically like that the whole winding snaky path down to Narvik
>>562094 Hi, sorry I passed out on you last night. I'd been up like twenty hours on three hours of sleep by that point. Meant to warn you I might go radio silent at some point, but I put it off, and, well.
I think some albums with songs from Revue are coming out soonish or already too. I might see if I can track down the ones with songs from the battle duets.
When I saw a character named Junna, I thought she might actually be voiced by JUNNA for a second, but I was mistaken, unfortunately. JUNNA has a new album coming out soon. Her first one was really good.
>>562137 >>562138 This makes a lot of sense really. Revue has a bit of Ikuhara vibe to it. Maybe working with him rubbed off on the director.
I've found it hilarious. It handles body education in a really good way too. And there's lots of neat little in-jokes or details that make sense if you know stuff about the body's natural systems.
>>562144 Naisu. I'll probably enjoy it a lot, then. I'll go with that one next!
Someone sent me a link to a Hataraku Saibou doujin that was really weird. It was about someone injecting young Jeanne Alter from F/GO with heroin, and then heroin beat up those kids, the platelets or whatever they are.
I forgot to start the rice to go with my curry when I started cooking. Now I have to wait like twenty minutes or so for that to finish before I can enjoy.
>danish trade route: from some port city to their port city >my trade route with danes: from danish port city to FUCKING VENICE I guess they only want venetian goods
Kirara ๐
jesus christ this show starts fast
Isn't it wonderfully vicious and bloody.
Kirara ๐
tfw you die bc your blood gets lost
Lost blood is a pretty common cause of death!
Kirara ๐
i like how the girls are like out of a moe anime but the guys are drawn in a more shoneny style
And then there's the platelets
This is what david production is working on this season too.
Hmm not sure if "okay I stuffed the swedes, poles, russians in one turn, might as well stuff the french too" was a good strategic decision to base a campaign on
I will win though, they have 0 artillery but had AI been smarter, they'd have like 6000 vs against me
One of my friends challenged another to play HOI IV with artillery as their only military stuff.
fuck the french infantry is good
their 0 experience dudes outrank mine in quality and quantity and their elites make my elites look bad
>>562192 I wonder do they even know what this emme *meme is based on
In HoI, *HoI2, you could basically just win by just mass producing inf+art divisions ad infinitum because how the game calculated damage, you could just use pure mass stats that it granted you to win easy air power? fuck that, I have 300000 million divisions
most players I see doing that aren't aware of the history behind it unfortunately it isn't a "challenge" really but just a nod to the history of the series
Arsenal of Democracy, standalone expansion by a modder community later patched that out and made the combat system work a lot better
I own hoi4, but havn't really played it the UI just offends me
Place yoru bets my men are lined up on a hill in clear ranks Can they shoot at the french dogs charging at them, without hitting their brave prussian brethren or will they be idiots and shoot them in the back
>hey louis shouldn't we go fight the war >no pierre I like hanging around this door >but louis we should fight the enemy >no no pierre, we were told to man the gate, we man the gate >but louis you are inside me >just where I have always wanted to be, pierre
it is bit annoying why the "ranked fire drill" only ever does 3 ranks it isn't like that was HOW it was drilled that was just the optimal rotation especially when combined with "fire and advance" but it isn't that complicated a drill in the end, do it in 3 or 6 ranks just that 3 was found to be most effective and easiest to pull, so infantry columns were usually lined up in 3 rank depths but is not like they COULD NOT do a 6 rank deep fire volley
>>562205 yup theyd efinitely shot their friends in the back maybe they owed them money
also fuck this game I understand how the autoresolve works, it deals in % but maybe that could work in some other context but when 100 men somehow deal 800 casualties to an army of 3,5k who are better trained, equiped and battle-hardened... yeah But the game treats it like "you deal 100% damage, they deal 15% damage, okay seems fair" but that fucking 15% is way MORE than they could ever deal
My stomach is giving me a bit of grief tonight. Eugh.
>>562242 Its not something I really ready to talk about but don't worry about asking. *I'm
>>562241 I'm super suprised of myself! and doing someone you been scared of for ages once seems make the anxiety mostly disappear. I feel actually positive about achieving a lot things I want to achieve now.
>>562241 I'm not there yet but yesterday was a lot of sexual harassment and I am waking up to bad news and dont think the day will get any better
That's awesome. It makes me really happy to see you feeling so confident and ready to take on the world. You're gonna go far! You'll be my aidoru partner in no time.
>>562244 Oh, gross. Your coworkers really sound like a bunch of losers.
>>562262 It'll be great! I'm going to bed soon, too.
>>562260 Maybe you should just avoid Chinese food.
I've been kind of feeling like getting into digital music composition lately. But the kinds of software for that sort of thing are always so intimidating to start up. Not to mention expensive.
Whenever I get a fortune that I don't like, I rip it up and throw it away Fortunes that I do like, I like to hold on to for a whil My all time favorite literally just said "Don't stop now!"
It'll happen once again. You'll turn into a friend. Someone who understands. Sees through the master plan. But everybody's gone - I've been here for too long to face it on my own; well I guess this is growing up.