Thread #561643
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Banana Fish Boku no Hero Academia Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-8 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-21 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 6-8 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-7 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-5
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okay persona 5 boku no hero hataraku harukana recieve yeah normally we watch asobi, but I don't see it on tilde's list or on my xdcc list
asobi should be a saturday show...
>>561647 Asobi is consistently subbed for Sunday, not Saturday.
asobi is sunday. i wish it was saturday.. sorry
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oh, I wonder what we normally watch in that last slot. Any sign of jan tonight?
No sign of Jan. Any sign of Ika?
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Ika says he won't make it tonight. I think we should still go ahead though, he'll catch up on these. Well, he may not catch up on harukana but you can really just watch that out of order so it's fine.
Did he fly out to Vancouver or something?
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no idea what he's up to okay persona okay lets start!
Maybe he's meeting up with friends to watch the games. Ready.
>Having time to manage a chain of cafes when you're the president of a grocery chain company
He's a blue robot of himself.
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I didn't make it too far past this in the game. So I may get to see some new stuff too.
Wow Rika you should finish the games you start.
She's a little chuuni. How cute.
Haru gets to pick her own Phantom Thief name.
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I'm quite prone to not finishing games. I beat this palace but not the one after.
Yeah I know how that goes. I have a hard time squeezing out the last ten or fifteen percent of a lot of games I play.
You shouldn't try to parlay with psychic realizations of people's twisted desires.
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This boss was actually reasonably tough. One problem is that Haru was kind of necessary but still rather weak.
Looks like the anime gets to bypass level concerns.
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It was less of a level and more of a social link thing. She didn't have as high a social length as the others (because it wasn't available yet) which made switching her in and out of the party hard. The anime adapted the boss fight well, all those lackeys had different elemental weaknesses so you had to shift people in and out of the party quickly to attack their weaknesses. They can pick up each other's attack chains if you have a certain skill granted by social lengths, but Haru can't have that yet, so switching her in and out is hard.
I see. I guess you've got to really pick up the slack with the other party members then.
I guess he's braindead now huh.
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And that was a really big shock when I palyed.
Futaba's hair just going wild all over the place.
Oh that's gross.
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boku no hero okay let's start!
Sorry had to towel off a sopping wet cat. Ready.
I guess they're pretty honest about this being filler.
Oh I wonder if this episode is promo material for the movie. I think it came out this week.
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What a bad time for filler.
They're always so excited to get a class of stuff that actually feels like hero training.
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I guess this is set before he got hurt.
Oh Bakugou ran out of patience. It was due to happen.
So now it's a murder mystery.
Detective Deku
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Really good acting here.
Mostly just on the part of Midnight. Mic was pretty much himself, and the other hero I think is polite to begin with. Hah hah what.
They all got played at the end of it.
I guess the students that showed up in this episode are the ones that get featured in the movie. I know this girl is a part of it already.
All Might's necessity to wear loose clothes in his weak mode makes him look pretty hobo-y.
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His weak mode is generally downdrodden and hobo looking.
Well I guess this was a good day for everyone to bail on us.
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yeah, okay, I guess hataraku okay lets start!
We aru cells at work Oh right this is going to probably be a Red Blood Cell-focused episode.
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finally the red blood cells get a chance to shine.
She's really good at getting into or stirrup up trouble.
Sounds like KanaHana gets to play around a bit with the voice lines for this show.
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THe immune system really does get a lot of focus.
It's where all the fighting happens!
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Other systems are just as complex and active though!
She's a disaster on two legs.
The heart's probably a pretty i ntense place for a red blood cell to be.
Saved from the shadows!
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White blood cell works hard
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okay harukana did you die? tildeeeeeeeeeeee you don't need to do ika's job since he isn't here