hmm I wonder hard it would be too shoot through a peephole on a door?
>>560558 It would probably be more effective to shoot through the door if you can see someone looking through the peep hole. I can't imagine adding all those extra layers of glass and metal for eh bullet to strike would be a good alternative to just through wood.
But if it's at point blank range, assuming any standard caliber someone shooting through a peep hole you're looking in will probably kill you regardless.
>>560559 Doors over here wouldn't be 100% pierced by normal guns AR might penetrate it
considering from blank point range and the short distance and "easiest path" if someone is watching through it, the bullet will end up atleast in their eye if not all the way in their head
>>560556 Clive Palmer more like Clive Palmoil Clive palm oil more like Clive Snake oil
>>560568 weird time for one if it gets bad see a doc, it is nile-flu season atm
my nose has been real stuffy for a good while now, but today it really opened the floodgates hopefully it passes during the weekend, I don't wanna miss work on Monday, I'm doing the startup and stuff
>3/4 of biggest political party leaders would support ending separated PE between boys and girls in finland I sometimes think people forget what it was like to be a kid or a teen completely
On Sundays, we have a thing called contingency where we stay on call for an extra 3 hours We hang at the station where we did work on over the weekend to make sure nothing bad happens. If something happens, we're first responders. But for the most part, nothing happens and we just hang out around the area for 3 hours doing absolutely nothing. Imagine getting paid overtime to eat breakfast
That's your concern isn't it? The physical contact being unavoidable
one of many
Only one I can even see
Kirara 🚗
>>560611 damn that's amazing i should just drop out and go work for the MTA im going to be providing substance abuse treatment this year for $10/hr with a masters
The moment you realize you can actually follow Forbes and Bloomberg money advice is the moment you realize that you're a different class of person. It bothers me honestlyl
>>560621 word, not that is actually going to help people overall
Kirara 🚗
>>560623 the way i see it is one of two things can happen 1. it actually works and we aren't all poor anymore 2. it doesn't work and literally everyone is poor
and either works for me because the rich will be poor with us if #2 happens
>>560624 the problem with communism is that the the elites skip the country with their riches before it happens
Kirara 🚗
not if we kill them fast enough
also all of their wealth is overseas already in tax havens and what not
well have fun running the largest exporter and importer of goods without foreign trade
Kirara 🚗
oh im counting on it to all tumble down
there isn't a single country right now that cpuld survive without world market
Kirara 🚗
honestly if the world is going to burn id rather it not just be climate change
>>560618 literally less than our min wage pretaxes wtf
>>560634 >>560632 i am split between joining the new aristocracy of eu or starting to prepare/cause its fall
Kirara 🚗
if the world is ending like idk might as well end our existence before we end the world forever im ready for the governments of the world to collapse what do we have to lose
>>560638 it's not selfish to prioritize the overall life on earth over my own life im willing to see myself and my species die if it means life can continue to exist
I mean, somebody's gotta be able to be self sufficient We can't all be relying on other countries for everything
>>560637 i think i heard someone recently come up with "species cuck" smh
Kirara 🚗
i am basically becoming a super villain
>>560639 large collapse of population and losing access to anything invented since about 1980s, then yeah
Kirara 🚗
>>560640 destroying humanity may be the only way humans can survive though
Anarcho discoism babey
>>560643 well world will end with my death, but i plan to live forever
Kirara 🚗
my path to becoming a super villain was pretty fast took like 7 months for me to go from "we can't sacrifice humanity" to "sacrificing humanity is probably the only way to save it" not that i care very much about humanity when the real problem isn't humanity's destruction but the planet's destruction
>>560630 When you think about it, it's exactly the reason why it's imperative to change things. If one of the biggest problems of your economic system converting is that "a few thousand rich people whose actions underpin half of your economy will flee the state", then you have to call into question why you would rely on such a system in the first place. If another country suddenly becomes better at this, what keeps them here? Language and culture barriers are the two things I can think of but if anyone can find a way to adapt, it'd be obscenely rich people. Hell, fuck adapting, they can just import their own culture to wherever they move to in their own rich suburb like the Chinese real-estate developers in Canada do. Instead of Chinatown, they'll have AMERICATOWN
>>560648 none of which we can reach before the planet destroys us
why let universe die to heat death when we can kill it
>>560648 with few means of getting yo ththem /// to them in a practical manner It is far less costly to slowdown and mitigate climate change than it is to migrate to and terraform another planet
Kirara 🚗
>>560650 we're killing ourselves too quickly to have that opportunity the only way would be to revitalize the global economy by transitioning economic focus onto space exploration
the strongest ice in the Arctic which was predicted to start melting in 50 years is melting now we are already in runaway climate change if we don't degrowth soon, we will all be dead in the next 100 years and most of the earth will be lost i in the next 50 to flooding and desertification
Unless the fat guy is pushed right now, we're all going to die We have scarcely began to present the problem in this way
I am opposed to the world being destroyed. The people destroying it don't deserve it.
I don't really care too much if we can save ourselves or not. If we can't anyway, all the more reason to make the remaining time Good
Kirara 🚗
Once the government collapses, things will be a lot better for me personally I can go survive in the desert that covers half the US and probably live a satisfactory life until I'm killed
>>560673 >>560674 Damn I wanted wild corporate infighting and abuse of private propproperty
Just slam the fash button as hard as you can and maybe the most might-makes-right faction wins out
Kirara 🚗
i want to run a Shadowrun game eventually
>>560677 Fascism is not only shit but it's also boring though At least in an ancap land you can theoretically own a private apache a and do all the crazy drugs you want
>>560683 Yeah but I bet he had to do it behind closed doors Can't have any fun crazy drug parties that's too "degenerate" for fascists
i wonder what else jan thought for his charcter because i definitely forot to reply ti him for like a week
>>560679 It's super exciting if you have fashy tendencies tho And such an ideological patchwork, you could probably spend a lot of time just trying to piece together which contradictory parts the higher ups actually hold to be true personally
>>560679 If memory serves it was mostly meth and shit to keep him extremely awake He was waging a war despite having an ideology that's poorly equipped to do so, so he was probably really stressed out
>>560710 here is some trivia Elly is the character associated with Bad Apple, but Bad Apple is actually only her stage theme her boss theme, Perdition Crisis, is way less popular, in part due to the sheer popularity of bad apple once alstroemeria records got ahold of it >>560713 she’s the other scythe girl who you sont see anyone post because she’s a pc-98 character
Which one is Elly
Not the one with the boat, I take it
red haird boat is Lomachi and she is Komachi and i like her a fair bit
Oh right I still need to get the audio rip of the anison matrix from the start of the month. So I can listen to that one guy's set that ended the last ten minutes playing the ENTIRE Nico Nico Kumikyoku.
Aw fuck yessss. KEY music is so 10/10.
needed more KIMI DAKE WO
Should really just run through every KEY OP from that era in the mid 00s' where they were pumping out adaptations and original works.
Oh man is this a transition into LOVE & ROLL Well yeah of course it is.
I have too many emotions concerning this song
I didn't actually care all that much for it when I first heard it years and years ago. Like I guess it wasn't bad, but compared to everything else that was on the studio album supercell did with Yanagi Nagi, it felt pretty weak compared. These days those it's pretty earwormy.
TIME. WAS. THE. WORST. I never understood the "calling other people by your ex's name accidentally" until then. And it lasted nearly a year. I was fucked up and just didn't talk to girls for a while.
We need more Macross Delta music playing here/ They've already hit off both EDs, now we need some IKENAI BORDERLINE
Oh nevermind some DANCING IN SEPTEMBER is good too.
I also love how the argument is essentially that because the Democrats don't like him, he shouldn't be legally responsible for what they accuse him of Wow that's the wrong paste, hold on >>>/@mmfa/1033004879441272832 There we go I should be a lot more aware of my fucking clipboard
>>560796 isn't she supposed to be in hiding for aiding the Russians
What's with all the notalgia bombs MOGRA's been running lately.
Oh man that was a good payoff. They kept false-starting this song behind that last one.
Ika hated this OP so much, hah hah hah.
Of course you transition to this you gotta
kz's Tell Your World is too good.
>>560872 I'm not entirely sure what the accusation was, but the verdict appears to essentially be that sharing food with others publicly is protected by the first amendment
>FLFNB contends that the Ordinance and Park Rule 2.2 violate its rights to >free speech and free association guaranteed by the First Amendment, which is >made applicable to state and local governments through the Due Process Clause of >the Fourteenth Amendment.
>>560892 i wish i owned a restaurant or something i'd set up monthly community events like that for sure like $10 cover charge or something for players or viewers alike and just have nice food available and stuff maybe have ongoing points earned for the teams or something that'd be really fun
A i shi te ruuuu
Yeah, I'm always good for more supercell.
today was good I hope tomorrow is good too
Tomorrow is apparently more the club music night. But at the same time it's got DJ EVANGELION and kei. And CARPAINTER, who I think was the guy that ran the whole Nico Nico Kumikyoku at the anison matrix earlier this month. So yeah, high potential for it to be good.
This overtime has been really good so far.
>>560899 it's okay if it's club music I'm sure it'll be good
Oh no I lost my music
It's always so endearing to see all the DJs up there during overtime being cheerful, drunk, goofs.
Aw MAN. If this ain't a 10/10 song to end on.
I still want someone doing a mix of this song at MOGRA one day to acknowledge the "I Want You Back" undertones in this song.
i could sure go for a metal gear salad right now
High in iron.
I should re-watch Yuru Camp at some point.
Okay. Now to wait twelve and a half hours for day two. @Moon There won't be a third Open AI game at The International, but the team talks a bit about their observations here.
>>560920 "In contrast to our Benchmark 17 days ago, these games:
Were played against significantly better human players Used hero lineups provided by a third party rather than by Five drafting against humans Removed our last major restriction from what most pros consider “Real Dota” gameplay."
christ, that already irritates me that's so off the mark
>>560924 I'm trying to take it easy but I've got too much heartburn it's the worst feeling hungry but you can't eat anything, want to relax but it burns so bad you can't
im on a detail for the next three weeks to sort the entire brigades medical supplies in a warehouse and put them into the deployment sets its such a pain in the butt
maria have you seen the dawn front thing just added to nikki this is insane
this looks like a totally different game lol However the uniforms are cool so I'm really glad they're adding those in What faction did you pick? League and Nameless Order look like they have the cooler uniforms
i dont remember whichever one has the guy on the right in your image
>>560935 yeah that's Nameless Order Wait I'm wrong that's the League
what is wrong with kaci aitchison like is it even a real person
I dunno man she doesn't seem that weird to me.
was the cosplay content just the finalists, on the stream i mean?? i can't find anything except the 10 minutes with the finalists i wanna see all of em
Yeah, the on-stream stuff was only the finalists. Not sure where the rest of the content is. Maybe photos on one of their social feeds?
guys isnt it entirely reasonable to care what others think of you
Anything's reasonable in the right mindset.
guys I've always thought it was sort of just a given that everybody gets married, has kids and I never even cconsidered the concept of being alone in my middle/old age until rrecently and its a little bit scary and it is only becoming more real as the days go by
Do you want to get married and have kids
>>560966 realisticly no i don't think there's any marriage i could be happy in but just being alone also sounds really awful
>>560967 Yeah I think I feel the same way Neither option holds any appeal for me And there's pressure to make the right choice since it's the rest of your life i don't think it should be taken as a given that everybody starts a family though. I think the idea that you need a family to feel fulfilled and happy isn't universally true. It's just one avenue you can take amongst others.
He's a really good lyricist and I like his music videos quite a bit. I think the thing I like about them is that he wears a wide variety of costumes in them.
i got a random box of mac and cheese in the mail it was addressed to me but there was no note and the return address was to the company and my family said they didnt send it i ate it anyways so if i die thats probably what did it
does your insurance cover mac n cheese related death
definitely so I guess I will concede that I can't do my civic duty, but someone who, say next doors neighbour to the appartment in question, will do it instead
>>561115 I do like the DEEP LORE in EO I like the books they scatter around the dungeon with history of the yggdrasil system Improved link and trick samba have such a crazy damage output
I want the shittiest winter possible That's part of the Finland experience.
so.. no snow and only rain
there's gonna be snow...
no if you want shittiest, it means no snow just rain
snow will rain then melt into ice you will slip and break your hips then it will be no snow again and then new snow that turns into ice and you will slip again and then it will all melt again ad infinitum
>>561149 Oh yeah little bit of history that some, not students, but some might find still touchy during the war (ww2), when we sued for peace with the soviets, part of the negotiations were to force the germans out of the country so we sent them a message "okay this is happening, so might pretend we are fighting each other while you flee" and they went "kay thx bye" but then soviets looked at tit and went "hmm this is quite zero dead nazies you are rpoducing, kick up the effort or we re start our tanks" and so we launched few surprise attacks on the retreating germans who then promptly went "okay, two can play this game" and burnt whole of rovaniemi
>>561149 I've never finished a show of Idolmaster and I've never watched Aikatsu, but MOGRA plays so many mixes of songs from them that I feel ridiculously familiar with them anyway, hah hah.
>>561151 the music is the best part of the show anyway so you're not missing anything.
>>561150 There are a few German students around. I'll be sure to tell them to bring that one up
Oh yeah and to make it MORE funny >The Finnish Army was required by the USSR to demobilise while at the same time pursuing German troops out of Finnish soil
and if you find the time, most likely not if you leave in december this is a must visit
if you sit on top of it, you are in finland, sweden and norway all at once
>>561151 what do you think of the korean stuff? >>561155 yeah. was planning to. Not sure when I'll get the chance though.
>>561161 btw this is bit of an off shoot and I dunno about my car access but since I am planning to go on a just tenting trip to a southern thing in late september or october
if you wanna share in some fuel budget, I could drive up there and we'd hit the Kilpisjärvi sites well all but Halti, ain't going up there that would take too long
also I can bring the tent
but that is just a random thought, dunno what my schedule for the coming fall is
I'd say october that way the autumn colour tourists aren't there in masses
and november starts to be dull and cold already I'd say for you'd t would be 1-2 night trip depending on how we wanna do it the immediate sites are Salla-tunturi, two other tunturis on the way to or back from the three border carin route
I'm not sure what my schedule is going to be like either with exams and lectures an' shit.
the cairn route is 11km there and same back so it is basically a day trip I'd say basically do that on the first day and sleep somewhere along the way, in the tent or in some cottage along the way(free to stay and use) and then on the second day go "flag" the salla-fjell or stay a night on the route to just check the areas and flag all the nearby fjells but basically you can do the main sighst in 2 days if you want to push it or leisurely in 3
the camping site most likely is already BOOKED to full on everyday of the autumn and even if it wasn't it is most likely pricy minimum 70€ a night
>>561169 sounds good. we can figure out details closer to the time
TN !PcAPtAiNJo map of the site
Also since we are in that region, it might be fun, provided we can wash up after the hiking, to do a little road trip from the arm, across northern norway and back into finland through the head it would take about a day or so
Hell yeah. It's a bit weird at first, but it's a good character-driven piece with a really unique artstyle. Once you get over the dragon vore it's pretty normal, really.
Ah fuck yes. i recognize that piano lead in ANYWHERE
Always good to hear more SHI NY DAYS
Jackson five we definitely aren't ripping it
i think that actually syncs up with the chorus
Straight into Lost My Music. These are just the two last songs of yesterday's streams but backwards hah hah.
that is one of the weaker haruhi songs
I think it's more flexible in mix sets like the ones that get played at MOGRA. The other songs kind of have to be played properly from point A to B.
>>561198 I had quite little time for anime when I look back into it outside of weekends or marathoning when I wasn't busy with school stuff or other stuff, I was busy with gaming wc3 or other stuff so when I look towards NEW HARUHI episode and it is 8 weeks of FUCKING SAME THING I got quite pissy
he is a sociopath who doesn't want to get better and i only saw him a few times because he didn't consistently attend sessions so im not really surprised i thought he would get arrested much sooner
Was it the personality disorder guy who sent people snacks Snakes
they might call me to testify though >>561220 doubtful police reports aren't public record and the arrest record will only say what he's being charged with
I wonder could you find the police report about it?
heh wrong you can find all 112(911 local) alerts here basically
>>561213 pay for my flight ticket and you gotta deal
>>561244 If you've heard the full version, the DJ slowed down the "bon appetit" part of the OP until it was perfectly in time with the "MA MA MA MA" from Poker Face, then slid it in. it was a really cool transition.
i bet they replace it with fantastic four or something
Yeah, Rene posted a Tweet along those lines earlier. That's, pretty disappointing. I guess they hedged their bets and figured the either fallout of Bautista going AWOL or the crew giving a half-assed performance wasn't worth keeping the project going. Fuckers should just bring Gunn back on.
>>561294 as little sympathy as I have for Trump it would fuckin' suck balls to have people combing through decades of your life looking at everything you've ever said or done looking for dirt.
Maybe, but they don't really need to comb. You literally look at anything he's said and there's a 75% chance it's a scummy line or a blatant lie.
Kirara 🚗
>>561305 yeah idk why they're so stubborn about this
disney owns like 85% of entertainment media what is anyone going to do
Disney could pretty much go full corporate overlords on the entertainment industry and say "we don't give a shit if you don't like our creative talent, suck on it peons". After all they already do that for a bunch of others like Johnny Depp.
>>561306 I think I read about a nascar driver I think it was today, that got a sponsorship removed, because his father had said something bad 30 years ago
>>561308 >>561305 this is what weirds me out why did DISNEY cave out to this again? They have several times caved to social media witch hunts with some people they have been in contract not to mention that Gunn thing was Rightwingers using this tactic
So for a corporate giant that has had leftist bias in the past to applige to right wing bullshittery is just weird
Kirara 🚗
idk it's bizarre this wasn't even a social media thing there wasn't any outrage it was all manufactured by mike cernovich the whole thing is fucking weird and makes no sense
>>561309 yeah exactly maybe they already had something against gunn and used this as an opportunity to get rid of him?
>>561312 I still can't deny the irony of the situation, but still NO ONE no matter they are aligned politically and so on, should be fired just because mobs demand it over a nonissue
I find it bit funny how most free speech commentors/extremists had more of a laugh over Gunn but went out of their way with Alex Jones, of course his case is different
but still On principle, you should always defend people against witch hunts >>561319 and got a short time span ban from every big internet thing, even pay platforms and linked in of all things
Kirara 🚗
alex jones directed death threats towards victims of crimes for 6 years and then threatened to murder the person doing the trump investigation he got so much leeway it's insane
He sure got what was due for him in a way, but how it was executed is just... I mean just on the principle of "mass banning by multiple platforms of a CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" even if his claim that his whole media persona is a character act
Kirara 🚗
alex jones is still on twitter and still directing death threats there are people who have been unable t visit their son's grave in 6 years because of him
is true
>>561321 so wait twitter of all platforms didn't ban him?
Kirara 🚗
yeah twitter didn't (twitter is run by a right-winger)
Twitter doesn't shut down right-leaning accounts except under extremely specific circumstances.
>>561324 really jack whatchamacallit is a right winger now?
jack made it a bannable offense to talk about violence towards nazis but directing violence towards jews doesn't even get you a suspension he also donates to Republican leaders and stuff it's really bad
But honestly speaking I don't think Jack of twitter is even really politically aligned towards anything he just tries to please everyone and that keeps backfiring on him as he keeps pleasing the LOUD voices not everyone so who he pleases are the fringes of right and left
MOGRA please.
>>561332 I am not on twitter nor do I follow this shit so actively I could say this is a good guess but it is my guess
Kirara 🚗
>>561332 he actively supports right-wing politics, suggesting that he is, in fact, a right-winger
Kirara 🚗
that's not making a value statement just a statement of fact
Kirara 🚗
>>561333 and it's now or never im not gonna live forever
also it is not written Nuropian war or Juropian war
suome en puho
>>561356 It's pronounced Yuropean And the a/an thing is decded be phonetics.
you mongols who can't speak as it is written
hmm EXPLOSIONS >>561358 english doesn't even have Y
>>561354 At least we haven't reached the point where it concludes prolongued periods of time with no heartbeat as a medical issue and alerts medical services.
>tapiola had quarterly air raid warnings that freaked me out each time >kirkkonummi has navy doing bombardment every now and then what kind of curse am I under Every place I like to live in gets fucked over by our militarized society
>>561371 Yeah, I saw someone pointing this out a long time ago. The Shrek creators really liked putting in small stuff.
>>561371 this is like fucking 10 year old meme I remember reading this on I dunno cracked 10 years ago
also man your 2016 elections sucked post that cracked hasn't been funny it has just been politics
>>561371 as little sympathy as I have for Farquad It would fuckin' suck balls to have people combing through decades of your life looking at everything you've ever said or done trying to find dirt.
Man the thing about dorohedoro is you have come to like all the characters so when they are killing each other, you end up going "whose side am I supposed to be on"
Reminds me of LotGH all over again
Kirara 🚗
lol alex jones got caught with trans porn despite all his soyboy fears he seems quite fond of them
>>561401 Just using experience based evidence of people whose habits I know, it is like 1/7 on that scale also literally
It's a meaningless statement to begin with "identify as straight" the hell does that even mean You can identify as whatever the hell you want it doesn't make doing gay things less gay.
>>561407 without going into politics or anything , there is still simple biology to consider you can be a woman without being born a woman, but so far only born women can birth babies
There are a lot of people who disagree with a lot of things that are true
>>561410 This is different because it depends on how you define women.
Kirara 🚗
>>561411 simple biology doesn't real like literally trans people are often people who are neurologically the opposite sex
>>561416 but anyhow it is basically fucked over during the womb period >>561414 also just to note we weren't talking about sex and gender before really
Kirara 🚗
>>561417 this it's a western value which was uncommon in most cultures until it was forced on them by the west
Like I'm just not convinced that needs to be a thing you know in order to determine how you interact with other people
Saw this on vice. It's missing a lot of pretty bad fanbases. Like MLP Or Jojo
Should stay here permanently this is the best place on earth to live
Also I just don't understand the woody allen thing. Am I not allowed to like his movies period, or can I like his movies from before he molested his adopted daughter?
I don't care about the creators in the end if their work is good their work is good
>>561431 what if you like low taxes and making smalltalk with strangers?
>>561435 Bang said he was open to getting married for greencard reasons at one point.. I wonder if the offer still stands >>561430 doesn't even come close