Thread #560977
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Banana Fish Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Cooking with Emiya Grand Blue Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-7 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-21 Kyoto Holmes Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 6-8 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-6 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-5
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I let Ika know.,
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oh Ika can't make it today. Any sign of jan?
I think he might've popped in briefly earlier, but I don't think he's around.
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well let's see here let's watch a few ika is sure to go back and watch. grand blue cooking with emiya chio-chan that keeps us from being hopelessly behind so grand blue okay lets start!
All right, ready.
Yeah i was gonna say. Nevermind Chisa, if they find out he's living with his other cousin, that's even worse than a death sentence.
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She's a dangerous person too.
Those guys don't know that. And they probably wouldn't pry deep enough to find out. They'd see her and immediate go Red Queen on Iori.
He's got a lot of landmines with the people from the diving club.
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This will either end with him getting in more trouble with them or them thinking he's a crossdresser okay it's going with the crossdresser direction
Pretty sharp turn that way, hah hah.
Well things went critical fast.
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That's the end of that.
The sempai are pretty cruel.
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I think the otaku has a jersey with the same design as the t shirt he always wears.
Poor Chisa.
>>561012 Yeah, he does. He really likes that character.
Drinking alcohol at percentages that high can't be good for the body.
You can't out play-dirty Iori and Kyouhei.
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Oh it's about to get violent.
Wow he's serving up pretty well.
They're really starting to ad-lib the line after the ED.
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okay lets cook with emiya ep 8 right? okay lets start!
Yeah, eighth month of the year.
Oh is it a Rin-focused episode
There's a bunch of blast from the past stuff in this room. I guess it's to be expected of Tokomine's study.
I guess that room was Tokomine's study. The one in the basement was more his lab, probably.
I wonder if Rin cooking by herself is a good idea.
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Looks like she has a little help.
I figured she might be okay enough at it anyway. She's lived on her own for most of a decade probably. But she does have that aura of someone that wouldn't be great at cooking.
Huh, they scramble the eggs a lot earlier than I do. Eggs are usually the last thing I add to fried rice.
Tsun tsun
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okay chio-chan! okay lets start!
Schooru Load
You probably shouldn't walk around in dense public wearing something like that.
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manana is so evil
It doesn't get mentioned much, but Chio is a soft tennis club member.
>>561035 She really relishes in it too.
He looks a lot better after losing all that weight.
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Mamama has kinda stolen the protagonist spot this episode too.
It's good to give a variety of characters good screen time.
For someone who aspires so much to have an average life, she really is kind of superhuman.
Bluff roll/10
It's funny how you can do things while angry that you look back on after you've cooled off and can't imagine how you did that.
Hah hah hah. This poor guy.
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Chio does a lot of dangerous stuff.
This girl is a problematic one.
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She's the kind of person nobody likes. She'll be great for the disciplinary committee.
Well I'm a little sympathetic, but yeah. It's hard being someone who can't read the mood or tell when they're overstepping their boundaries. Easy to have people dislike you for that.
Oh yeah, I'm definitely not familiar with these upcoming skits. How nice.
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Well thanks for anime! I should be around tomorrow so we should be able to get back on track.
Yeah I was going to ask, so that's good to hear. Hopefully Ika's not getting sloshed two nights in a row.